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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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as a set out is there is no glass available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the once busy residential areas in gaza reduced to rubble. new video shows the scale of the destruction caused by months of is really bombing the headquarters and i'm getting you navigate are also coming up. we expose the huge danger as mother is in gaza and the occupied westbank are facing born into a war zone. we're report from it off off warehouse workers are struggling to safely
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deliver babies in displacements camps. i'm the human the occupied west bank and i'll be telling you about the policy to me and children being born a check points like this one. in other news, ukraine withdrawals troops from the frontline town of of difficult it's the most significant territorial gain for russia in nearly a year. the israel's latest barrage, if attacks on garza has killed at least 83 palestinians in the past 24 hours. the southern city of what i saw has among the hardest hit areas, even as one and a half 1000000 people seek safety there. and central gaza newly released footage shows the scale of the damage caused by months of is really a tax bombing has reduced what were once busy residential areas filled with families to rubble and elsewhere. and the strip homes and public buildings continue
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to be targeted. aid is heavily restricted from entering by israel and the fluid the does get through was difficult to distribute with the ongoing bombardment, leaving every single person at risk of starvation taught us who begins our coverage from left off a camp suit has become stateful from thousands, with little else to each to remove them for months of wool. but it's far from being an addict source of foods. i have not got a while about, that's an outdoor. it consists solely of canned food. my siblings are full and it will do to this. don't have them on, we only need access to purple nutrition and drinking on to, to alleviate the suffering. this is our last night and this is the only food we are eating. if i have no more, i live up and the price of the kansas increasing along with the price of oil thoughts as they become increasingly is cuts. i'm the same as i said it has been
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outside and the prices have become exorbitant across the board. the situation is a dialogue with tomatoes, now the price of $2.00 daughters with a compared to $0.50 previously. these inflated prices, along with the destruction and loss of lives that have made essential goods out of reach for many this fresh meat as i receive. i'm far too expensive for most without adequate nutrition and clean water. there is a high risk of folding set can recover. it's hot. many save that. com food and the lack of access to high do facilities is causing stomach related illnesses. have um a v, a company this them a this is a dangerous situation that could lead to developing serious health conditions among children. if gastro intestinal upsets are not treated properly and in a timely manner, it can lead to severe dehydration which can sometimes lead to del 5 feet by allow yeah. you wanna set estimates that if this tall facing continues up to 10000
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children could suffer from 60 wasting and will need the treatment to recover. according to international fluid security expense, the percentage of people in cars who cannot find the food they need is the highest ever recorded in one area. and that is a result of as well as locate, unbuttons tarika by zoom out just a rough, rough in southern gauze. and we can now speak to todd at he's joining us from, but i fast so thought it we're just hearing that is where the air strike a has a there has been in is really air strike rather in, in did in bella. what are you hearing about that striking and the others man? the will. in fact, as we are right now, where when to the, to the fighting on the ground here webpage, the same police came out with military strikes of different areas. and the car was a strip,
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but the main focus in the past few hours was on the central tops of the guards of strictly central the ranges. i mean that the fluid thing got different, but i had my guys, the, i'm sorry about the bridge refugee camp as we have been cheering cloud explosions from such areas were, at least within the past, our 10 residential buildings had been attacked in the central part of the gaza strip and one of the latest ministry strikes the target to the residential building . and i'm also a rock refugee cab. we're fine. policy is that have been reported a huge it i don't side with another attack on their background as to why the town. and is that why the town there are around 5 people have been killed by these people button and then now we need clearly to mention that these areas within the past few days. how this will evacuation of waves of from roughly district according to the potential military, encourage them to the city where people had been show things. uh, but we have been seeing news twice from that in these areas, especially within the last hour, with new casualty is being transported to the hospital right now to receive medical
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treatment. the parts to these body forces i station to the outskirts of those areas as they are also from now. and then they are targeting the eastern parts of each city with onto the rationing. within the past few hours, i'm thought you were mentioning it up to a hospital a moment ago. let me ask you about and also the hospital. what updates you have on the situation there after the is really read and seeds got took place? a yes, a quote and some of the co, uh, medical services here. but in how much one government administered health, we can clearly see that situation is absolutely catastrophic. the, as the is ready, forces are cut down by all of the and also they have been forcing people to move from one building to another in order to complete the process of an inspection, looking for a muscle protest as they have been cleaning guys, the east bed administrator has been describing this operation has limited for size, but what we've been hearing from the specs best. one of the pilots,
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the new minister pill, he said he's that there was a mass arrest companion had been over, had been carried off by the is where the troops, the in the last were hospital as the are resting, displaced into people, alongside with a number of medical records after being investigated, and also the medical facility had been widely ruins and damaged by these, but ongoing military operation. so as the spokesperson of the minister of health had been abs again, saying that there are 2 troops belong to the world health organization. one has been carrying if you with another one, have been carrying food items where he thinks it's enough for hospital and they are far away from us for us to within about 50 meters. they have been suspended on the be happy and also surrounded by the is very military troops preventing them from accessing the hospital, which will excessive pay. definitely the humanitarian situation, the a lot of the ongoing monitoring cogent for the entire region, the. okay, thank you thought it was own reporting for us from rough and gaza. the children and babies are the most vulnerable in gaza as diapers and formula have become difficult
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or, or to find or just simply on affordable on one factory. and jeff has become a lifeline by producing handmade alternatives. honeywell, with reports from it of the home of the sewing machines, isn't loud enough to drown out the sound of the bombs outside. but the work being done in this a small factory and rough or is a lifeline to 1000 of parents. personal protective gear is being repurposed as diapers we got the idea at the markets. people were looking for diapers and would wait in line to bite them at a very high price. israel is complete, caesar garza has halted the import of old goods since october. items that used to be taken for granted, such as the diapers and formula for babies have become luxuries. the factory keeps its cost down by
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a copying the design of the diapers and it's fitting them by hand. it produces 500 diapers a day and can keep up with the demand. israel is also accused of blocking the entry of the humanitarian 8. the you want us to mates only 20 percent of the roughly 580 trucks that used to enter a gaza daily are getting through the u. n. saves the entire population. is that imminent risk of famine and babies and young children are most at risk? while this factory is a welcome relief, it's only a fraction of what's needed due to the war and see each the price of doing this has become very high. people cannot afford to buy them for their children. it is also a temporary solution. supplies role materials will eventually run out. and the wise, these workers are vulnerable. did they ever present the threats from above?
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anyone would just eat a rough gauze. 05 and a half 1000 expect and some others are going to give birth and gaza in the next month. many of them don't know if they'll be able to give birth safely. the united nations population fund agency estimates, but 52000 women are pregnant. right now, in gauze, on, around a $180.00 babies are being delivered daily. 5 and a half thousands women are due to give birth within the next month. it's estimated more than 800 of them, may suffer complications. and then real fast, these problems are especially acute with one and a half 1000000 people now sheltering their stephanie decker reports on efforts to help causes mothers co imagine suddenly being ordered to leave your home, everything you've built and worked for your safe space. now you live here, one among hundreds of thousands in the tent in open land. during winter,
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you have no job, no income, you've been displaced again and again, you have a family, but you cannot provide any of life's basic needs. and the baby has just arrived. comp, nursery is sprayed on this mean it's a shelter newly set up for new mothers and their babies. and these winter months, concrete rules and improper roof make a huge difference. and then what's the and who was said, buddhist initiative is one in scale. it provides a central help to mothers with babies from infant milk heating and close to both mothers and babies. in addition to the simple cab provided by us midwives a little. but i would use this. let's see. let's have a list. in this one i gave birth to my child 15 days ago has we are living in tents in this fiercely cold weather? my baby has been suffering respiratory infection since birth. i was not able to
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keep him warm. i had to take him to the hospital. the other babies needed more attention. that is why he was discharged. this initiative came just in time. now we have some clothes, diapers, and milk. thank god, to help we'll been the most influx of displaced people instead of fox means the remaining functioning health facilities simply cannot cope in and democrats. i had the fun with the affordable rock. i had $600.00 baby delivery cases every month. now with nearing $2700.00 cases, it's 70 percent normal and 20 percent c section nano. so the hospitals are forced to discharge mothers and babies 2 hours after the delivery to make room for all this. and this will, that is new lives born into a more zone. and even if and when the war comes to an end, there will be very little left standing for people to return to. most of goals is infrastructure that sustains life and the strip has been destroyed. stephanie decker o g 0 since october,
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the 7th day is really military has increased checkpoints across they occupied westbank. they caused long delays and have even forced palestinian mothers to give birth on the road. the type of report from putting in the occupied westbank. instead of these cries, it's could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and hum. s c a. how was in labor after midnight trying to get to a hospital, a close is radiated through checkpoint, stood in the way tract, and have during the car into a delivery room for the bus to have to look, i delivered the baby, but the concord was wrapped around his neck, so i got it and gave him to his mom to hold off and just heads up. i wasn't embarrassed in order for me and waited on me, but my few for the baby was stronger. my oxygen levels were dropping and i didn't want to do with him. this was not in house. first check when delivery,
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such as the door to head. it was during the 2nd posting unity fonda. the woman was in a cor shouting, i delivered the baby, but i can't remember if it was a boy or a girl. both the mother and baby shanice are in good health. but not every story has a positive and let's say it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to a death certificate on the same day in 2003 along with her husband, old lady members. the fear at this is really check point. a few minutes drive from that home and putting in the north of the occupied westbank soldiers asked her to sit quietly. the 8 months pregnant lady was anything bought that she started shouting, i gave birth, i think the baby followed by silence. and then mother shout. i think she died when i adopt her and i held her to my chest. i said,
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she's most likely that she started tending blue, but i wasn't sure. i had hop that she would still be alive. maybe middle lived and died at the check point. unless i had to cut the unfair because quote, with the stones, then they allowed me to take him to the hospital a 3 years later, the couple has another daughter, be named helped me to, to for many palestinian women. the journey to motherhood is not always a joyous occasion. what comes with difficulties and obstacles? just a few hours ago, these really ministry and still this case at the entrance to the village. mother is about to give birth to needing to go to the hospital. like not know which case is open and which one is closed. it was a 22 closure when 20 year old son beckett was born in 2003 is not sure exactly where but thinks its around this area. the wasn't his way to check points
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here. now we moved over to the us and then i had hoped to be the last child to be born at a check point. look at us now, 20 years later, we hear stories we know too well. his wish is not happening with maybe some if being the last baby we know of born at the check point. sharma means standing tall . one day his family hopes he will live up to his name and woke freely in the land with no check points that ever he, and just the to the occupied westbank. still ahead on al jazeera, we'll hear what donald trump thinks about his $3355000000.00. fine for fraud. the the.
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so hello. there is a large we settled story for much of south asia weather wise. at the moment. we got lots of sunshine dominated across the south of india and into sri lanka was just a few showers here and the temperature is sitting quite high. so this time of us are places like a colombo. it's gonna get cooler. however, across the north of the region, thanks to a westerly disturbance, that's what's what and wintery weather to the likes of afghanistan. we'll see that edge in the northern parts of pakistan and india over the next few days. you can see some hail storm as well as heavy snow and heavy rain. the rain will full likely in the hole on monday, sometime coming back in on tuesday, but accrued a feel over the next few days. for new delhi, we have a chance of thunder rashaw as through to the mid week, some heavier rain on tuesday, and also a cooling effect coming in here, i think is a fit to cool down across much of china. thanks the development of a weather system. moving its way across the east coast onwards to the korean peninsula, it joins up with some very wintry weather,
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moving across the north east of china, into rushes of far east. it'll block temperatures down in whoo hat and have a look at that. a drop of 10 degrees celsius through to monday as the west of that weather pushes its way east across, depends on monday and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days the another, the cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 of the
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the here is a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this hour, palestinians facing starvation had been brushing to meet a trucks. entering gauze un says the rate is from the breeze has fallen significantly over the past week is really forces supplies from entering the through the army says that it's made around a 100 arrests, softer, storming gauze, as largest functioning hospital on thursday. 5 patients in the office at hospice, one fine eunice died as oxygen supplies were caught, a protest is being held in london to show support for palestinians in garza. the city has seen huge demonstrations against israel's war and recent weeks. ferry
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faucet is off that protest joining us live. so how biggest turn out this time around terry? the quotes projected to be very big if indeed we are at the destination point. and there are people starting to gather in grades not be here. so branching the arrival of the main body of the march, but organizers tell us that they expect it to be among the top 3 in terms of size since the start of the war in october and already suddenly in a tons of thousands of police times, people march along the eastern and southern fringes of hyde park here in central london. they'd be marching down park lane and that will be marching towards the entrance here to catch him in the high street. uh, what's interesting about this destination it is, is the 2nd time since, uh, just a couple of days off to the must talk. i must have developed, sorry, but to say it was a protest, static protest outside these are the embassy. they're going to be kept about
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a 100 meters also away from the embassy itself, as myspace is the police out in cost. but this is where the main body of the march will arise and protest. this dispute is on the stage you can see behind us here in terms of those numbers. i think it could be an indication of increasing concern about the situation in gaza on the cost of this intended to find. at least a further intensification of his ready material prices. in rough uh, in the south. the holding suggests the holding company you got has issued a, a recent poll suggesting that 2 sides of the person is now support on immediate response. 66 percent of people police say the 1500 offices on the streets of london in terms of public order. uh today that includes this price as to what is,
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as well as supporting fixtures and the like the saying that they all came to ensure that sensitivities on monitor. and this, any i hate speech is also act suit against. there's be one arrest we had told. so far regarding apply caught in support of the prescribed organization, they also times the setting off of this march to make sure that at events of the jewish synagogue, the advice had finished inside. there's been an opposite uh, jewish organizations say all that just submitted abuse, a tax, a recent bonds also not such as the muslim incident as well. so it's the subject. all right, thank you. harry faucet reporting from london. large protests are also expected in tel aviv. later on saturday, demonstrators will be calling for the release of all of the captives being held in gaza and for the host, or if the government and the resignation of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, hunters on hotels joining us from tel aviv. so tell us what we expect tonight with
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these protests on how large they are expected to be of the holding. we're expecting 2 different demonstrations, one in hostage square, which is directly behind me. and the 2nd one will be right across the street at the q. yeah, that's israel's defense ministry. now the 1st one will be the symbolic rally. we see every week family members of those who are held captive in gaza will speak, captives who have been released additionally expected. this has been a weekly type of event for families to express their frustration and essentially come together in solidarity at the same time and place every single week. but what's different this week will be that assignment pena is protest, right across the street against the government will take place as well. they are expecting crowds to be in the thousands, as is really as voice, their frustrations against these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his
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government for their inability to bring back the captives. so i hung up, i mean, there seem to be mounting tensions in israel as well as we see now, these growing calls for protests against the government to get the sense that something's changed. of the there's definitely a change of tone among be is really public, especially since these really prime minister decided not to send back the delegation to cairo to meet with mediators to secure a deal. people are incredibly frustrated and concerned about the wellbeing of the captives who are being held in gaza. the families have been saying for nearly 5 months that these really governments should be willing to offer up what ever concessions the other side wants in exchange for their loved ones, but nothing yahoo himself has said that. there are several red lines that israel will not cross, and in fact, knights demonstration will be held by the capital in force. that is the protest
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movement that was responsible for the large and t judicial overall reform protests . so that protest movement will be back in full force to protest against the government once again. okay, thank you. homes us on host reporting from tel aviv the ukraine has withdrawn it out. number troops of the after months of heavy fighting, russian forces are threatening to encircled the town. strategically located near done, yet. it's the biggest flow to the ukraine in war efforts since may last year. the commander has described the town as the hottest sector on the front lines. brought mcbride has more from the ukrainian city of car keys of this will be seen as a victory for the russians, a strategic blow for the ukrainians. the pulled out was confirmed by
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a legs on the set sky, the head of ukraine, you know, the full season a statement saying that the forces that have done the duty also, he says destroying the very best, the russian units that were sent in that direction. so that also points to the other strategic value of continuing the seemingly endless meet grind to type operations baffles on the front. that if you are defending, then you are killing far more of the attacking russians than you are losing annual re ukrainian defends is then that does make a certain military logic to continue these operations to grand and your opponent. that's what we saw in back to moods last year. uh, but that does come a time when you have to make the decision that you're not willing to see any more people being lost, that you all could have pulled back your defender. so that's what we have seen here . so this is a strategic last for ukraine and it will be see as a symbolic victory for the russians coming very close to the secondary of us or the start to disclose. go real world leaders are meeting in munich for
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a 2nd day of an annual security conference on top of the agenda are israel's were and gaza and rushes. invasion of ukraine. president of all of them are zalinski, has us leaders at the conference for more supports saying ukraine will defeat russia. your brain is have proven that we can force russia towards read and then we are capable of restoring the rules. and with these we live. absolutely, and nothing of the key roger missed the missed that's you bring supposedly cannot win this war. so we can get our land back and forth jim jim loose and these has already happened more than once on the battlefield. our axes are limited only by the sufficiency and glance of the range of the range a fall off sands, but, but what does not depends on us and of deep cause. he da bruce. these
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exec, a thousands impact, his don are protesting against the electorate of rigging of elections earlier this month. jailed former prime minister in mon cons party is leading a march and as long abides, come on either as this report from the demonstration. tens of thousands of people have gone off despite the fact that the government, the government that employed it is pictured on popular guy today. as you can see, the, the people who are moving the on walks of life and another major development . the commissioner overall was written to advertise that there were no, it says rigs i've been going to, that is going to turn, did not the lower in this case. as you can see, that the people are coming from all walks of life, women, and children. john,
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people from all over the summer, but i've done was on the red strawberry and it's not more broad. there's a that they're not there that's been stolen and they're there. there's a government that drive through for the government, the firewall, which of course, the election come on. i was your dear all, it's all my boss on ecuador, the army has been carrying out searches in prisons. it's part of the latest crack down on games. troops found stashes of weapons, drugs and electronics during the raids and several states. violence flared in ecuador last month after a notorious drug lord escaped from prison. former us president donald trump says you appeal a decision against him in a fraud case, he was ordered by a judge to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for inflating, as well as the salumi reports from new york of almost
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$355000000.00 so that's how much a new york court ordered former president donald trump, to pay punishment for inflating the value of his properties. he's also been barred from running any business in the state of new york for 3 years. it's a victory for the state prosecutor who brought the case. today we prove that no one is above the law. no matter how rich powerful or politically connected you are, every one must play by the same rules. we have a responsibility to protect the integrity of the marketplace. for years, donald trump engaged in deceptive business practices and tremendous fraud that donald trump had committed. fraud was established by judge arthur in gore. and back in september before the trial even began. as it progressed, trump made regular appearances ever clicked to defend themselves. he's dismissed
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the ruling as political persecution they using just as weapon is ation a guess, a political opponents who's up a lot in the falls and always.


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