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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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now young north koreans are finding statement for cheers. celebrity influences, but shining a light on the home at kings and bring danger. one on one east meets north korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this has been use our life from they'll have coming up in the next 60 minutes. once busy residential areas in central gals are reduced to rubble. newly released video shows the scale of damage caused by months of israeli bombing, the bone as bombs go off
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the challenge of delivering babies and gaza. busy is no safe place to give us the i'm the, the human the occupied westbank and i'll be telling you about the policy needing children. being warned, i checked points like this was a major blow for ukraine as it withdrawals is true. some of these to in town of, i'll be of co mocking a significant game for russia, where i live from the african union song, as in ethiopia with the meetings of african lead is open to the coal for a revival of the spirit of solidarity as well as latest barrels of a tax on gaza as killed at least $83.00 palestinians in just the past 24 hours. the sultan's it'd be over off his among the holosuite areas, even as one of the hoffman and people seek safety. the in central garza newly
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released voltage shows the scale of damage caused by month lease right. the effects bombing has reduced juan's busy residential areas filled with families to rumble and elsewhere. and the strip homes and public buildings continues to be targeted. a system and the thought a couple i zoom is live for us in the alpha city that's in the south of gaza and that offer a big focus of the world's attention. take us through the strikes that are happening. yes, i mean absolutely. her rustic situation. we're right now on the ground, especially in the central parts of the gaza strip, where we have the where these areas have witnessed a wide variety of air strikes. the found that those of palestinians houses the north side with key central infrastructure that were at least in the latest strikes . 38 palestinians have their reports killed while those as being injured,
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as the casualties have been transported to ok. so hospital i would that medical facility that is still operating the india is central areas and this is absolutely insane because these areas had been receiving more waves. busy evacuations for people who are fleeting from roof to the central areas. and right now the they have been targeted where the vast majority of the engines and also from the victims where a young children on women. and we have been seen also catastrophic and completely distressing image. in the scenes from a locks the hospital where people that are receiving treatment the on the grounds and on the floor of the house of the, of the building stuff simply because the entire hospital is overwhelmed with a patient that was injured. people on the entire situation right now, he's in us page of a lot where the is while the forces are staging the ministry attack so will so not the, the central parts as well, but also in the southern part where they continue to demolish completely residential neighborhoods. in the city or con eunice,
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which had been the last fee itself for these really military operations of the far south of the policy and territory. and basic survival by the pulsing with the policy of every day becoming more more of a challenge. take us through that yes, every day is, is that pete challenge will palestinians. in fact, sammy, as the are surviving to get on to the queue. the own food items, onto a food food assembly. a t drinkable sources of who was so as to style as many as are completely suffering from an acute food insecurity that has been hitting all the causes trip on in particular, in the north where people do not have anything to eat. where parents are striking as far as driving each day in order to afford at least one meal for their children in such a couple of days as they are not receiving much needed few minutes area suppliers along side. that's the situation in the south is also sounds to be critical because
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of the very limited number of the humanitarian trucks. where the united nations has been urging because very many treat to remove fully restrictions being placed on a to deliver it into calls um to allow for move you monitoring and supplies to be delivered into the north of the territory. has people here are completely terrified with all possible and potential military encouraging that might be carried out in roughly districts within the coming days, which will definitely excessive pays the humanitarian situation along side. also with move fees regarding the suspension of horner walk, operations, insight goes on at the end of it for a re due to the lack of fundraising that the night that the under what had been suffering from since the beginning of this month. i believe that i think somebody called a couple i 05 and a half 1000 and expect some others you to give both in golf 0 in the next month.
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many of them don't know if they'll be able to do so safely. the united nations population fund, the agency estimates 52000 women are pregnant right now in gaza, around a 180 babies of being delivered daily. the 5500 women are due to give birth within the next month. it's estimated more than 800 of the may suffer. complications are then rough off. these problems are especially acute with one of the hoffman and people now sheltering that stephanie decker reports on efforts to help garza's mothers to cope imagine suddenly being ordered to leave your home, everything you built and worked for your safe space. now you live here, one among hundreds of thousands in the tent in open land. during winter, you have no job, no income, you've been displaced again and again, you have a family,
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but you cannot provide any of flights basic needs. and the baby has just arrived. comp, nursery is sprayed on this it's a shelter newly set up for new mothers and their babies. and these winter months, concrete rules and a proper roof make a huge difference. and then what's the and who was said, buddhist initiative is one in scale. it provides a central help to mothers with babies from instant milk heating and close to both mothers and babies. in addition to the simple cab provided by us midwives up a little, but i would use of where fee miss hamilton. this initial i gave birth to my child 15 days ago, has we are living in tents in this fiercely cold weather? my baby has been suffering respiratory infection since birth. i was not able to keep him warm. i had to take him to the hospital. the other babies needed more attention. that is why he was discharged. this initiative came just in time. now we
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have some clothes, diapers, and milk. thank god, to help boil been the most influx of displaced people instead of fall means the remaining functioning health facilities simply cannot cope in and democrats. i had the fun with the affordable rock. i had $600.00 baby delivery cases every month. now with nearing $2700.00 cases, it's 70 percent normal and 20 percent c section nano. so the hospitals are forced to discharge mothers and babies 2 hours after the delivery to make room for all this. and this will add a new lives born into a war zone. and even if and when the war comes to an end, there will be very little left standing for people to return to. most of goals is infrastructure that sustains life. and the strip has been destroyed. stephanie decor. i'll g 0 since october. the 7th phased by the ministry has increased check points across they occupied westbank. they caused long delays and that even falls,
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palestinian mothers to give us on the road. made that abraham befalls from bowie and knock. you find westbank. instead of these cries, it's could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and how i feel about how was in labor after midnight trying to get to a hospital. a close is really me. the 3 check point stood in the way tract. i have during the car into a delivery room for the exhibits to have to look. i delivered the baby, but the concord was wrapped around his neck, so i got it and gave him to his mom to hold. and i just called and just had an i was embarrassed in order for me and waited on me, but my few for the baby was stronger. my oxygen levels were dropping and i didn't want to do with him. this was not enhanced 1st checkpoint delivery such as the door to head. it was during the 2nd posting and in default to the woman was in a cor shouting, i delivered the baby. but i can't remember if it was a boy or
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a girl. both the mother and baby shanice are in good health. but not every story has a positive and a let's say it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to a death certificate on the same day in 2003 along with her husband, old lady members. the fear at this is really check point. a few minutes drive from that home and putting in the most of the occupied westbank soldiers asked her to sit quietly. the 8 months pregnant lady was anything bought that she started shouting, i gave birth, i think the baby followed by silence. and then mother shout. i think she died when i adopt her and i held her to my chest. i said, she's most likely that she started tending blue, but i wasn't sure i had hoped that she would still be alive. maybe middle
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lived and died at the check point. unless i had to cut the, i'm very comfortable with those stones. then they allowed me to take him to the hospital 3 years later, the couple had another daughter being named helped me to, to for so many palestinian women. the journey to motherhood is not always a joyous occasion. what comes with difficulties and obstacles? just a few hours ago, these really ministry is to this case at the entrance to the village. mother is about to give birth to needing to go to the hospital like not know which case is open and which one is closed. it was a 22 closure when 20 year old son beckett was born in 2003 is not sure exactly where but thinks its around this area. the wasn't his way to check points here. now we moved over to the us and then i had hoped to be the last child to be born at a check point. look at us now, 20 years later,
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we hear stories we know too well. his wish is not happening with maybe some if being the last baby we know of born at the check point. sharpness means standing tall. one day his family hopes, he will live up to his name and walk freely in the land with no check points. that ever he and just the to the occupied westbank lodge protests are expected in tel aviv lights are on saturday. demonstrations will be cooling for the release of all of the captives being held in garza until the allister of the government and resignation of prime minister. but you mean nothing? yeah. let's go live now to have the some totes in tel aviv stopped with a demonstrations cooling for the prime minister to step down. how much of a challenge that may be coming to nothing. yeah, of the whole is,
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is actually going to be the 1st week that the pro test is expected to be a massive demonstrations, both in size and scale with the amount of people who are expected. we're going to see the kaplan force movement. that's the demonstration movement. that organized israel's and she n t judicial reform demonstrations before the war. you're talking about hundreds of thousands of people who were rallying against these really government. and now they say they're coming back with a vengeance calling on these really prime minister to resign, saying that his policies are not good for the state of israel and nearly 5 months into this war. they say that it is his responsibility that the captives are not back home with their families. these really prime minister remember, had declined to send to these really delegation back to cairo for a 2nd day of mediation and negotiations. and this was something that did not bode well with these really public, especially with the families of the captive. so this demonstration that tonight expected around an hour, an hour and
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a half local time was expected to be massive against these really prime minister. all right, thanks so much from the san jose a a we can process of being held in various cities around the world to show solidarity with the palestinian people. in london, tens of thousands demonstrated demanded an immediate cease. fire is the latest in huge anti roll demonstrations recently in person hiring for us, it is at the protest in london joins us live from that. harry is the turnout matching expectation is as far as the organizes are concerned. we don't have a personal take us from the metropolitan police yet, but the organizers say that there are 250000 people to take it to the street. the central london, the premises are tied to the destination point about
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a 100 ridges. associates of these weight and the 2nd time since the beginning of the war has been established. quotes us like this. uh, this close to the is really nbc and essentially there are 2 seems to be going on here. i mean, along with the obvious who is the beach start to do here and immediate enter the room on the same spot. there's been a lot of told about the expectation to loans is ready ground on the consequences of that and need hundreds of thousands of pieces who will be displaced, going to crammed in $1700000.00 people inside rocca where they might be forced to if it was such a and it's really a tax. and also there's a lot of pressure being exerted or attempted to be exerted on british politicians tool called another votes coming up on wednesday in the british parliament on an
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immediate cease fire boot by the scottish national party. people run the stage behind us saying that if he's done certain favorite and they don't deserve the vote . so people at the next election that this is as i say, a large so now there's also being a large presence of police street. the police say $1500.00 police offices, obviously you probably go to of this event, adults around london. and they also say that have been a number of the rest of these protests have the luxury peaceful. but the police say that there been 11 to rest so far on this occasion to have been so tiring. adi submitted cause one tiring a block on supporting a circle prescribed organization i'm number of the public order offenses, but that is only 11 arrest among the organizers say, a 250000 any sign that the politicians are listening to the process, especially with in relation to the vote,
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tennessee's files that you mentioned so that is something that we'll have to see that has the sun shift in terms of the language both from the british government and also the main opposition labor party, the or the 2nd street, the hard minister for britain this is now calling about the need for a sustainable c 5 that has cut much strip from the speakers and supporters. it keeps telling me that the leader of the opposition even policy has shifted from a project. so you'll see as far as the initial days and weeks of the war 2 again, also saying that a sustainable c saw is what he is also the people here saying is the fact does not account for the level of death and destruction and injury. it is searching by some side, gaza at the moment, and the and immediate and total ceasefire is what? oh politicians should be calling for. i think that is the position that they have
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arrived at. yes or a likely to many of them on wednesday. i think there is this a time to, to pressure them in that direction. all right, thanks so much for that update. how i saw since the oil and gas or is high on the agenda of the munich security conference german these john, so all of charles the spoken is the us, vice president campbell, a harris step voss and joins us now live from unix. so what message are we getting? well, the we're on gas has definitely high on the agenda here in unix, but popular tweet publicly. we haven't heard much. it's a start. we much discuss behind closed doors and one of the people involved in these meetings, close doors. and so with me a right now it's a rubber goal up to 5 minutes to of the video. as lavinia has been one of the few e u countries where it's been very focal against israel. so aggression in gas or
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you have bilateral meeting with the vice president of the united states. pamela harris, i would king abdullah of jordan. is there anything you can share with us uh, what is going on? how are the developments isn't going to be a ceasefire? so the one thing that i want to share is that there is a common consensus saying that we are very worried about the situation on the ground. and that we shall do everything we can to prevent the attack or off. this is wrong, come on understanding. apart from this, yes, there are, there is a call outside forces immediate cease fire. unfortunately, some of my colleagues from the opinion are not back in these goals. we will need to do more in disregard and same goes for from human italian age. we need to do whatever we can to get more age on the grounds as well. so from the vice president of the united states, you didn't get any hopeful signs that do this discussion would lead to a sci fi. well, the problem is that you need to discuss 1st and then of course,
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the measures can follow. but now we're really running out of time. the 2 things that gave me some hope is that there was clear, clear saying from the vice president about the right to self determination for posting and people that doesn't show it to immediate. but it could be a problem is to hold for the future when we discussed the 2 state solution. so that's called this, you know, have really brings to some fruition later on. but again, it is that the situation right now, dropbox and the release of hostages. if we need to deal with immediately and hopefully there is going to be some development in the next days or perhaps weeks, your side already that the us not to night to the right to our colleagues of yours who are not in favor of the, of a ceasefire, you said also the credibility of the international law is actually at stake here, and there is a and we've heard also the, the word people, let's see mentions right. if you look at ukraine and how people in your and the
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leaders have reactive compared to what's happening now in gaza. so how, how important is it to have this quite a bit to restore, then what can you do to achieve that? so the narrative really knew you were being counseling, goes like the strength of the european union lice in its unique unity. so the more united to more strong and with trying to apply the same room to the gaza situation as well. uh, slowly, slowly, getting forward. but again, i mean too many, too many lives for being lost already. so i'm not sure with a just looking for unity real help. so that means the union, that's real or in small groups, we will have to do more. you're off and false to your country in an important case next week in the hey about the uh, the legality of the occupation of the privacy in the territories lavine. eyes also have the forefront of this case. it also has to do, of course,
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with this restoration of this right ability of international law that you've been talking about. you're also involved also in the reforms of the security council, you and security counts where the c so it's been hampering of course any decisions how. how is that look, do you have meetings about this today? yeah, well, when it comes to the reform on the security council, we don't have time for that. we need to act immediately. we need to find solutions within the existing framework and leave the reform for better time. so i don't think we're really right now is the right timing for that. when it comes to the traditional system, we do believe international law. we strongly believe in that. i mean, in that regard, we are, we also decided to join the advisory of opinion on the practices in the occupied territories. and yes, we will try to do our best in depth regardless. thank you so much for your time here. reading that in unit and of course, these discussions will still be ongoing and not only today,
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but also tomorrow we will hear from department as off contact day to today and also from the president of his route. and that's the boss and from munich, we have also been processed and assemble in support of palestinians. and garza demonstrates is appalling for an immediate seas fine on the passage of sufficient amounts. so few monetary, an aide into the street, us secretary of state entity blinking is attending the munich security conference where he was asked of as well as long also will improve its security or worse than the cycle of violence. this is why you have to say, i think there's an extraordinary opportunity for israel in the months ahead to actually once and for all and that cycle. and it's because there's some new facts that didn't exist before. when our efforts to make peace between israelis and palestinians,
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starting with the fact that virtually every our country now generally wants to integrate israel into the region to normalize relations if they haven't already done so to provide security, assurances and commitments. so that is real, can feel more safe and more secure f it's uh, ongoing to reach a seas 5 deal between i'm us and this around the head of how mazda is political bureaus. my and honey, a release, the statement on saturday saying they will not be satisfied with anything less than the complete and to as well as war and the withdrawal of its ami from gaza. it's also one safe and appropriate shelter for displace palestinians and the return to the homes, especially in northern garza. he says the prisoner exchange deal is one of the critical goals of negotiations and it's impossible to exclude it in the spring. and i'll just say we're a senior political analyst model on the shawna joins us here in this to david's
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happy with us model on so and can you bring can statement that about our country's one thing to integrate israel into the region. what does it tell us about the us negotiating position? well, it's certainly, uh, changing practically the idea originally was that once israel defeats him, us difficult for those guys. uh, then we'll have a cx 5 deal. now you see this whole ceasefire, the overwrite that we need to make clear what is it we're talking about? because cameron or breton lincoln of america also the germans and others, are talking about sustain ceasefire. that's not an immediate cease. fire had the heart of countries on how those are talking about an immediate permanent ceasefire . that's not the same as sustain ceasefire that blinking and spoken about right? so for blinking, the idea of
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a part of my ceasefire has in fact been delayed even further. done that off, meaning even ask that is there, i think overall if i, if it does, we still not talking about the ceasefire because apparently the americans reached the conclusion that defeats in crime us as that is just as movement as an entity in guys as an entity in palestine is not possible. so what they've done now is they connected the idea of a part of it at a ceasefire with a more comprehensive regional solution solution in their words. meaning now we're going to talk about is right, taking all of our guys all. and then maybe there will be pauses. humanitarian pauses may be several weeks using both pauses. that goes where they may, they are thinking of questions about a per minute ceasefire. that would include, so di,
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and all that out of normalization of relations with these read and potentially and murder. again, the condition of the idea, the idea of i've had a senior state which can be a service, another, a promise of a state rather than a state. that's another problem is of a state. and we don't know what kind of a states we're talking about because already impressed on by the, in personal de, specifically be so many things. so we're no longer talking about the conventional wisdom overstate that is sovereign independent and continuous states. now, a state could be dependent, so you know, sort of through what it is, meaning over 40 percent. perfect. as to the of the west bank. i think that it typically speaking if you look at the american position is randy position is right . of course, the just idea of a policy is that americans are talking about an idea of past where you stopped by the city of state, if there would be concessions not between the palestinians. and these ranges between the x rays and the americans,
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because that's where the negotiators are taking place. because eventually people who are about half of state, over half of the west bank, with some remnants of gaza, that's definitely not the senior state that the palestinians are talking about, which is that independent contiguous and soften and better studies on a go back to the point you mentioned about how the american evaluation may be changing of the ability to defeat. how much is this all on the same page? no. and this is why only a few days ago, we had this discrepancy between the american evaluation estimates. and these really estimates within the hour saying we've already defeated, we've already took care of we order the and he needed to do a search of how much forces that guys responded by saying, no, no, no, maybe you took care of it. he lated once heard nothing now saying we're very close to thing over because i'm finishing the business of guys that the americans are
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saying this is going to be years from now because the idea of the few things my boss is not something we're going to be doing in the next few weeks. so american evaluation estimates of the water on the ground as we've seen of driving the past 4 months. is that the attorney general's side that gives us a better signal people without defeating him us. that's why they might, does not want to go beyond the idea of defeats and come us to original integration of is read. where do i add up strictly denies is read for the from the senior state . and the idea of how long has been, was take care of. it says, meaning the 1st thing is wouldn't be brought in a single thought of 2 items would be brought in and very well contain and sideline. have us. all right, that's the 2 visions. who's going to prevail or i see the americans of these right least not look. i mean we've been here before, right. and the end of uh, and the end of uh, 2000,
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the americans felt that they could arrive at the did within weeks and uh, in uh, in uh, in 2018, 2019 trump administration filter to our eyes at the deal with the, with the, with a deal with the center there is this uh, to this delusion right on the part of the americans they say is they can just push the out of some stuff out of sinews or whatnot, but to stay there. what are the competitive solutions to my mind? a state without borders without sovereignty, without going to get with you, without a general list of them as it's capital, without a fairly associations of that, a fidget cushion, meaning that we have not thought that the solution, it would be $53.00 on the part of the americas it was not work. all right, thanks so much model on bush auto. oh, set of head on al jazeera and the streets of that golf process to celebrate the coal reading. that means presidential elections will go ahead
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the route to you by visit capital. so hello, there is a large we settled story for much of south asia weather wise. at the moment we got lots of sunshine dominated across the south of india and into sri lanka was just a few showers here and the temperature is sitting quite high. so this time of us are places like a colombo cooler. however, across the north of the region, thanks to a westerly disturbance that support some wet and wintery weather to the likes of i've got to stand, we'll see that edge in the northern parts of pakistan and india over the next few days. you can see some hail storm as well as heavy snow and heavy rain. the rain will full likely in the hole on monday, sometime coming back in on tuesday, but accrued a feel over the next few days. for new delhi, we have
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a chance of thunder rashaw as through to the mid week, some heavy rain on tuesday, and also a cooling effect coming in here. and things are set to cool down across much of china. thanks the development of a weather system. moving its way across the east coast onwards to the korean peninsula, it joins up with some very wintry weather. moving across the north, east of china, into rushes, a far east. it'll block temperatures down in whoo, hot and have a look at that. a drop of 10 degrees celsius through to monday as the west of that weather pushes its way east across depends on monday of the quote to you by visit castle reporting in the field means i often get to witness not just news as breaking, but also history as it's unfolding from serbia and redirect one day, i might be covering politics. i might be covering protests, but what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so
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that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. hodge in interviews as a un, i'm back to the position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything, thought provoking ons. my question to you all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is different on it. access it, you hear the story on talk to how does era the
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the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just remind the valve on top stories as well as like this biology of attacks on gaza is killed at least 83 palestinians. just pause 24 hours. something should be able to ha, has among the ha, the se terry's in central 1000 new video shows the scale of damage caused by month . so this way, the tax, the you an estimate is 5 and a half 1000 and expect some others to do to get 1st and goals are in the next month . many of them don't know if they'll be able to do so safely. a lack of supplies means around 20 percent of pregnant women are likely to suffer complications. the dr. muhammed, the father is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, he's part of the american medical team with bra from a worldwide. it's an independent humanitarian organization, joins us now from the european hospital in gone. so good to have you with us. so
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1st of all, tell us about the o dying because of a lack of, of basics, medicine and equipment. and that's absolutely true. um, just a couple nights ago we heard of the ambulance coming in myself and a few of my colleagues from the team. we ran down to the e r and we had a young guy that we tried to reassess state. but unfortunately, there was nothing that, that we could do to help him out. these know basic medications for substation. there's no equipment, there's no office child, there's no line is, there was a state. so we end up losing a soul because of that. and that shouldn't have happened to be honest with you, not on the 21st century and shouldn't happen anywhere in the world. i'm assuming that we, we apply the same standards everywhere in the world. so the situation is really
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dire. you are right now in a hospital in golf, so when's the last time supplies reach to the last time we have supplies were when we came in, this is when we brought some supplies with us medications and equipments. but of course they, we ran out quickly and right now, um and as i mentioned before yesterday i had to do surgeries without having a gallon on guess just have gloves on. and i can tell you, this is definitely gonna lead to an increase in the infection rate. and probably, you know, mortality. and we're very young patients. uh, so we are in a crisis situation where we've been asking for more and more supplies. and every day i get a whole list from a different department that i trying to provide to uh, the run my organization in chicago. so well they can at least give us more
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medications. more equipment is more supplies, just to keep the basic service go away. or you mentioned that you'll all skin from all supplies and allow me to ask what might appear to be a pretty obvious question. but who are you asking, what aunts, or are you getting as to why? if you aren't getting any who's stopping on preventing or why you're not getting the supplies you're requesting. so the restrictions are out there, however, that the way i look at it is the, the request is way is way more. and then what we can provide on a short term basis. so i have a list of about 56 pages just for one department. and to bring this in, it's gonna take weeks and weeks of logistics and coordination and shipment, etc, etc. why i don't uh, i think just to do explain to people who might not understand. you have a list, you need equipment, you need medicine. how do you request that?
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who do you go to say i need to so. so basically i emailed it, i'm sorry, not email. i text this to the, to the rough, not the organization that uh that we are in here. um, uh through and they buy donations and they start looking into providers for these equipments either from local. busy um, um, uh, agencies like in egypt or in the united states. and then by the time we put the order in and but time will ship things down at the time. we have the next team coming in to bring the stuff with them. we're looking at weeks, so this is not practical. i don't. why can't it come in through the channels where medicine used to come in and explain that to view as it does, we've heard the board. i don't as well i, i don't think these channels are working efficiently. i mean,
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we were able to bring in the medications and, and, and equipment after we had, you know, going through the right track points and the right agencies and approvals. i don't say just bring it in supplies by itself or, or equipment by themselves would be feasible just to ship them through. there's a lot of no, no is the result a lot of restrictions and not everything is feasible to bring in. what about the shelling that's going on? how i mean you've come from the us. i understand how to deal with that possibility that we're hearing medical stuff and some cases are dying that you may be facing yourself a life and death situation. we are trying to separate ourselves emotionally, but i, i, i personally and,
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and i'm sure many of my colleagues get emotional at many points when we felt that we had a patient that we're treating and they should be cured and recover. and when we come to around our next day, all of a sudden we hear that they just died because there was a mistake equipment or a missing medication or missing care. let me give you a very simple example, but none of the patients in the i see you that we operate on. do you have any kind of nutrition? they don't have any kind of nutrition. food is scarce. families are not able to provide any food to the, to the patients, and we're not able to give them any food. so not to put any new true ocean and a patient equals desk. it doesn't matter how good your, your skills are. it doesn't matter what good you surgery is pushing unless the patient is being fed with nutritious as they will die. and that's exactly what's happening with the patient that just died because they're not right that the,
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the you and someone writes office is talking about a packing of israeli attack, striking live saving infrastructure. do you feel that your facilities, you, your patients are being targeted? this is all um, so let me, let me just make it clear. i sent this before. um, regardless and political stands regardless of the ethnic backgrounds, ideological field, watch full, whatever. so i'm here for a medical mission, take care of patients. and it seems that we're not able to provide them with the care. now why this is happening as simply because there's a lot of restriction. if you now, i leave it to the political, you know, um parties and, and, and, and to, to the, to the nice space and other, and you and, and other agencies international and natural,
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to look into the reasons behind that. if you want my, my personal opinion, i think it's very clear and it doesn't need to be even questions or asked. so, and i'm not shell. so there's this, there's significant restriction on things to come in basic supplies. and we're not talking about um, you know, sophisticated equipment or sophisticated supplies. we're talking about basic food water, the basic healthcare needs, the diapers. uh, we're talking about nutrition for hospital patients. um and a siege equipments um um, surgical equipments, supplies, gauze, blogs, dallas, i don't think there's any question about the legitimacy of these for the needs. but i leave it up to the cause of the blood to the politicians, to figure out why this is happening. all right,
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thank you very much for your time. dr. appreciated. the now in senegal demonstrates is back the decision by the country is constitutional counsel to overturn president. matthew solves the lights of elections. douglas hawks spoke to protests as they march through the streets of dot com. the demonstrators here can change the name of we spun. so go the opposition leader. they're asking for his release. much more demonstration. it's about protecting democracy in this hunter, in the alexis presidential elections. that present the
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the thing with the gun and the bill. and we're doing this lives in the rights group, say a hundreds of what they describe as political prisoners are currently being released. many of them have been held without charge. now this is a victory for many of the demonstrators here of the rule of law and the country democracies seriously in danger. incentive a 1000 plus people in jail trust because they voice the wrong opinions or just because that supporting somebody whom the government is not happy with. we've never had that. here. people have been shot by our armed forces with absolutely no investigation security forces or keep a close watch of this demonstration. it was initially banned by authorities and then allowed a comes on the heels of these
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a riots falling like yourselves. decisions of the lazy alexis. well, there is division among the political class and the book legal candidates over when this election should take place. many senegalese here say that the political crisis has united them in their efforts to protect democracy in their country. nicholas hawk, l g 0, the car. the conflict in the democratic republic of congo is expected to be discussed of the african union summit, which is taking place in the c o. p. and capital discussions, incentives around the growing instability in the south region, and the free cruise in west africa, the 10 month conflict. and so that is also on the agenda. a lot of that main thing, somali as president the cues, the see a view of trying to a next part of some of the a through a controversial pool deal with some on the line you to be a is misleading the was by claiming that they
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need access to the see, the question is not an access to the see. the question is, how you to be a want this access to the see what, how much all has well, from either side of it has affected the somebody to here. because the, somebody presidents in his a presser to contend the behavior of each open government saying that they have even tried to block these access to the venue of the somebody today. as he said, this is, uh, i mean, who was, he was one did. how can this happen? a, d, a u, a country that's a whole c, a u, an organization abilities based on equality between african states and the freedom of the leaders coming here to, to, to come and access to somebody on the phone. i'd also have to use somebody else how to use a ciocca of not just looking for an access to the see in the normal ways because utopia has most of the neighbors will have access to this. you will have see,
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show us on 6 this month that can be done in a different way, but that the real purpose, he said, of the ciocca is to a next somebody like a piece of the, a part of the, of the suffering republic of somebody of the army and rolando is being accused of launching across the board, a drug and striking to the democratic republic of congo. kimberly's army says the strong damaged enact crossed of the apples in the east and city of goma. one that has previously denied carrying out attacks of its neighbor. i know your kindly has more from go ma, it's just like you would just additionally remain very well outside in the socket. it will for several days government. the forces with the allies, including the started castille, trying to remove them. 23 labels on serial mountain doctor. they okey fight it onto this started je exceeds that they go to school. if night again, a fighting was reported in the c panel areas in the village of c rounding socket. with every i see that the platform website is interested in which has been going on
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for several days as of on where the close the departure of have with the 1000. no people from 2nd to find the show. does it own to seek your grandma when the government goal is sure he's trying to get the most of the rebels in this part of started says this morning. so give it to sources reported up. the rebels are also fighting. we did the army in the village. of course you'll go in to $32.00 to $14.00, for the limits. we did 3030 of what do you call it this fight? think in this part of the country, it can be very significantly for liberals because they talk in the middle font for the territory, for the color never being affected by disco. 50, which has lasted for serial. he is now, these are also very significant because it is in 5th grade. he told me that it didn't. us on a copeland is our best with the domain name activities in the region for the past week. see the outside in the woods of wilma, have already been targeted by blooms fired by them. 23, according to the authorities. allan wake on,
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it was just due to the democratic republic, of course. so i had a now just era, a dispute between roches government and the family of alexi, nevada, new following his desk, the frank assessments, he's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not be a to win the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions. we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the rushes invasion of you, crime has been high on the agenda for world lead. is that the munich security conference, ukrainian president. but all of them is that landscape is off the, this, the most support saying your crime will defeats russia. ukraine is have proven that we can force russia towards read and then we are capable of restoring the rules. and with these, we live with absolutely nothing of the key. roger missed the missed. that's ukraine, supposedly cannot. we? in this war, we can get our land back and forth, you can lose. and these has already happened more than once on the battlefields.
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our edges are limited only by the sufficiency and glance of the range of the range. a fall off sands, but but what does not depends on us and of deep cause. the issue, bruce, these exact that the crime in forces have withdrawn from the strategic eastern town of, of the, of co. russian troops has been threatening to instill covey area. well, mcbride, your thoughts on the product you've continuing to put up this resistance in the face of continuous assaults. these images reportedly recorded on friday, jo, some of the last ukranian defenders of, of div before the retreat. largely ruined town is strategically important to both sides, located close to the russian controlled city you've done yet. but the cranium
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defenders have gradually found themselves pressed from 3 sides with an increasing danger of being surrendered. my more what square supplies to the pin. we have a complicated situation with the enemy trying to penetrate our defense. in some other places, the situation is critical as the enemy is trying to bypass our troops, we're forced to fight 360 degrees around this. the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube i reportedly failed last week. or the fall of d. e. a. districts above dmv has been completely ravaged by russian bonds. it all happened during the past 2 weeks. you've had recognize of they've gone practically . everything has been flattened by bombs, including the local residents who were in the basement for the russian army. so there's nobody or cisco autumn,
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you should be ukraine has been willing to fight the so called meet grind of battles making the grim calculation. but with russia losing fumble soldiers, they all with it. but as with the battle foot back loops last year, which key finally gave up, the desire to save ukrainian lives seems to be more important. a symbolic victory for russia and ukraine will hope this defeat could act as a wake up call for its allies. who being well now for weeks that the show did you by munition would lead to so to a loss, and that's a less things change, more defeats can be expected. so that's the most, he's got a man over many months of fighting. the civilian population of, of these classes has mostly been evacuated. but remarkably, some people, when they surviving in basements, particularly what it does. ukrainian soldiers pulled back the fate and back to the town. now when russian hands look broad, i'll just say era hockey,
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if you crate lawyers for russian or physician politician, i like seen the wrong. they say government officials all purposely withholding is body of and they died in prison on friday. his legal team is demanding his body be handed over to his family, mediately, accredited, and is being accused of refusing to disclose the results of an autopsy of on those lawyers say they a certain, it was much the memorial setup is just often divided days. death was announced, have been destroyed, and several russian cities. this, a 100 people have been detained in moscow, a group of identified people, removed flowers in single view of police, the monument for victims of oppression. who was just, i mean, i mean hawkins and must go with more on the arrests. well, the process at the, the visual was that was set up the same set. last night, at the memorial was 2 historical victims of political oppression have continued uh, throughout the day here at saw it to gaze
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a scale at the moment of how many people have been detained because there's no official comment. there's no official number yet from authorities. as to what's going on, the russian media is a one ton of them. channels have been published in photos. we've seen a lot of that of people being taken away, detained in multiple cities, most giving st. petersburg being to where you know, a lot of people seemingly have been the titans again. these figures are not confirmed the coming from uh human rights groups in russia that figure over a 100 though, as quoted by the human rights group, is likely to be high. and now we will see on the standing news coming from russia's fall. no, that doesn't mean enough. i le, accent of all these mother has visited the penal colony in a post published by an about these pressed circuitry. they confirmed the violin is death, then said that his mother had received an official notification from the penal colony. she was also reported to tell, this is again,
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according to the valleys press, secretary, not according to official sources. now that his body had been taken to the nearby town full and was hoping to see a boy the investigative committee. that's the latest on what's happening in the penal colony. so protests if you can call him that the visuals are also taken continuous take place here in russia with people being detained by police to thousands in talk is don now protesting against the legit rigging of elections earlier this month, child form a prime minister. my phone's policy is leading a much and it's not a bad. come on. hi, this is this report from the demonstration. then the people have gone off, despite the fact that the government, the government that employed it is pictured on popular guy today. as you can see, the,
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the people who are moving the on walks of life and another major development commissioner and overall, one thing to advertise that there were no, it says, rig i'm big going to die is going turn, did not allow him to remain in this case, as you can see, that horrible people are coming from all walks of life, women and children, john, people from all over the summer. but i've done was on the red strawberry and it's not more broad. there's a that they're not there that's been stolen and they're there. there's a government that drive through for the government, the firewall, which of course the election come on. i was your dear off. it's all my boss japan, the successfully launched
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a new flagship rocket. the 2nd test model of the h 3 bloss hit off in the country southwest a year ago. the 1st model failed to problems with its engine technician, rocket is seen as a possible compact code to space. x is not for the use out of bikes, though with a full just by the latest news. as it breaks, they have actually came to the civilian medical of facilities and what seems to be a target to assess the vase of with detailed coverage. this is not the only school that has been target. this schools in the cause of ship are not only schools, there shelters and graveyards, and phyllis journalism allegations of torture have increased during, as well as will in garza from be things to withholding medication and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is opposed to what is happening
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now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into garza without us of permits, and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 ukraine, a father frontline, a mother and children. 10 this time of the seas future. when the sky is full, the sign is without an ukraine
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escaping the dog with outages expo 2023 the fascination of joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha the no laptop is charles phone bossman. don't gaza at least 40 full power stay as a killed in a strike targeting homes in the central ponds of the strip. the fine sat me say them, this is i'll just say are live from dell halls are coming up. the bone


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