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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2024 4:00am-4:30am AST

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without the best cumberland best produces the best spaces. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the is there any strikes had central and southern guns that getting at least 66 palestinians in the past 24 hours. the hello, i'm down, jordan, this is out. is there a life and the whole set coming up? hungry and desperate palestinians in northern gods, i protest against food shortages as israel blocks 8 supplies the knots. go protested in tennessee, demonstrate as cold for the release of captives and the resignation of his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu on time on. so my problem is that the tax inch in
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a lot is released on parole. 6 months after returning self imposed exile the new wave of his ready bombings as killed 66 palestinians in central and southern gaza. bolden ac people engineering the attacks and many remained trapped under rubble. 9 homes were targeted in central areas of gauze. a. i'll just say it was kind of assume as more from reference city and southern gospel of the is very military forces are pressing on with their military defensive on the ground. he is not, the goal is a strip and to date was very low. d as more than 50 palestinians have to report that killed in a string of minute trees as strikes that targeted the central parts of the territory alongside with the southern areas in russell. and in con unice, in a very ongoing military attacks on the up in areas alongside that the gauze ends in
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display civilians here are completely struggling from acute and acute fluid insecurity. um, its more growing fee is regarding a potential military inclusion for rough, our district that will definitely excessive pates, already aggravating humanitarian crisis. as you international fluids as secure to expense. completely saying that the goal is to strip is one of the largest areas that are, that is long as we affected of famine in youtube, it's a, it's very ongoing through caden compartments. and only spies now record is, is required in order to help people to mitigate their aggravating humanitarian situation. tar cubism. oh, just the euro roof inside the ring console. well, full starvation is a western problem right across the goza. in giovanni a people's took to the streets to protest against the lack of aid that's getting into the strip palestinians in gauze on living and famine like conditions because of israel's blockade. that's all for lead. the shortage of humanitarian aid,
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with many in guns are facing starvation. coming locations are one of the few sources of food for palestinians. but as intel could already found out in data by the kitchens, only provide one meal a day. and even that is a challenge. more than half of the population of because of the truth is risk in some policy news nor many have 3 meals per day. since the beginning of the world, they only have one meal. there is limited quantities of vegetables and there is no cruise in the markets. a that is coming in of the causal strip is not preaching. all of the people and people are starving and z, u. n has been warning that the gardens population is at the risk of farm and we are in as groups harmony in that is by the way, they're hoping to seize people indebted by left this place people and the neighbors
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of their house where they're initiating and they're making their house as a kitchen today, their cookie lentil soup. and let's see how they're cooking the center. so they're using what would fire? because there is no cooking. gus, this lentil soup is cooked without any best of both because there is very limited number of festivals in the markets because a lot of our culture land has been either bond or has been a refuge for people where they are currently displaced in agriculture land. so use of the chef told us that they are using onions, powder, and alternative to the onions. it says they start very early in the morning and before we start this, they start distributing the fluids at
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a 12 at in the afternoon. as you see it's it's, it's a very challenging atmosphere where it's the, the, the woods and the smoke of the fire. it may your eyes cry and your lungs, and it's a bit suffocating. but a search, i'm going to do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians this place and to the policy new tires being in their neighborhoods. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their p plus placement. and charge ation, this listed to ation in the global group is worsening. where at least half of the population of the causes strip. it's already starving. this isn't included as is eda standard, but what efforts are on getting to reach us these 5 d o between the hamas and these rail the head of how much as the political bureau is, melania released
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a statement on saturday saying they will not be satisfied with anything less and the complete end, israel is bull. and the withdrawal of its telling me from gaza and also once safe and appropriate shelter for the space palestinians under return to their homes, especially in northern godsa. i mean, sir, as a prisoner exchange deal is one of the critical goals of negotiations, and it's impossible to execute it. catalyst prime minister says that progress towards a ceasefire and gaza is slowing down. and we made some good progress in the last few weeks. and then english nation is a and we've been trying to reach an agreement between the 2 parties, yet the last few days has not been progress thing guys expected. and i believe that all the differences in a place, if we look at the, basically the agreements that we had earlier in november when we managed to
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get tons of to 9 hostages a to and we had this pause, this humanitarian for us for a week. it's on was, has 2 of them and so many agreement, one is addressing the humanitarian condition and laws and the other one which really reflect the numbers of the faith and who would be released in exchange. all of the hostages, i believe, and disagreements. we are talking go to be good, a scale and the wish to see some difficulties on, on the humanitarian part of this negotiations that we see it to really gone to enable us. and to help us in making sure that we are, we are putting enough pressure to, to do a sent to get the numbers done. now if we, if we are able to reach in the next few days, some good conditions on,
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on that side, i believe that we can see idea of happening very soon. you get to the bottom in the last few days out. i'm not really very promising, but to as i always repeat, you know, we would always remain optimistic. we always remain pushing. we were to buy a lot of us to get to put that closer to this. we believe that the humanitarian self funding in both sides is not a is not something easy is to be handled that this is the humanity of that situation and was a and especially when it comes to offer. and now we see the fall condition of of bad roads. so dieting situation and we are seeing, you know, as a threatening moments if a plans adviser will have demonstrates hasn't been out on the streets and televi coating for is really prime minister to resign. benjamin netanyahu says the move
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would be counter productive and trying to bring back remaining captives held in gaza. he's battling to launch a ground defensive on the roof, and says the 1400000 just based palestinians, the could be moved. know of to hong eunice. i'm gonna send a report from kind of a or the cold for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. this, the largest anti government demonstration to be staged since october 7th. some of the thousands intel would be trying to break through barriers near the defense industry, but quickly by the government inside your site you're really everything that you really know what's inside for the safer to correct or the thing of the things that you have done in the past 20 years,
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almost across the street, families of is really captives held in gallon zone, hold their 19th weekly rally, appealing for their negotiated safe return. i am here to night do called for the release of my bio and the rest of the hostages. and we have no time anymore. i called 4 days valley government to any government in the world to do something because we cannot wait anymore. we have to get them back as soon as possible. but nothing yahoo is refusing to see those calls while demonstrations were taking place . the address, the nation, our policy to liberate and bring back the captives. it is military pressure until now this what we have done and we have brought back $120.00 of them. we shall continue on till we bring back all the captives evans readers are saying that what
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not. and in fact, they had to relocate to right nearly nearly 5 months into the war this. and y'all whose popularity continues to plummet . is really protesters our valley to continue taking to the streets and to show of their disapproval for his government and this policy. and this central jersey to tell us the silence from apartment is that the trucks and should've wand has been freed on parole. after 6 months of detention in a hospital, he was injured into his home, where the medium was waiting for him, should not return to thailand. in august last year, after 15 years of self imposed exam, i'll just say it was tony chang joins us live now from bangkok. tony. so what
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instructions, what tax and beyond that now that he's left detention, as we understand from the corrections department, the restrictions are going to be relatively limited. he needs to report to a parole officer for an undisclosed period of time. and he's a, we understand he's not allowed to leave the country. we don't know whether it's possible it's being taken away. but he's not going to be made to wear an ankle bracelet, and we understand that he's free to move around the country. he is even theoretically free to re enter politics. but i think the question is more, what are the on dispos restrictions? clearly deal with worked out when he retents thailand, 6 months ago, the terms of his imprisonment, which and he ended up not spending a single night in a jail. so as he turned out, he was all 6 months was spent in the hospital he left earlier this morning. i'm one would imagine also that the establishment, namely the monkey and the military have been so opposed to mr. tax and over the
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last 2 decades would have demanded a certain element, assignments from him. and we imagined today now that he is back home, supposedly a free man. he's probably going to keep a very low profile, but know those that know mr. tags to know that keeping a little problem profile is not his style. so it's going to be a question of time as to when he really much is i don't want scale re engages with type of life. yeah, that's an interesting point. tony. i mean, many people are begging the question, is he like you to take an active role in public life now that he's a free man? man. a thing that's going to be the big concern for the establishment. the policy uh, that's very closely associated with him. prototype is now in government, his man is the prime minister at the moment. that was plenty of very imposing equations in his returning to china and feeling comfortable enough to get back. but also mister texas position has changed somewhat in the last 12 months where he used
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to be seen as the main office addition to the ty establishment. now he's a sort of broke of sitting in the middle with a more reform is policy move forward that actually won the election last year. the notes in power at the moment and launch the because mr tax and who was in the line . 2 of them in the coalition splits away from the new coalition, the policy poets. i go back into pat. now, how much of a role mister tax intakes and all that is the big question. the prime minister sent out to us in his said that he is a free man. he is free to enter politics, that he may be off with some advisory role. we think that's probably unlikely in the 1st weeks months that he's now free. but i think again, it'll be very home from with mr. tags as he goes to stay quiet for long or to tony turn life. i stay in bangkok, tony, thank you. this tougher. so i'll break here and i'll just here, right when we come back, the global rallies in support of thomas demands. we report from
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mexico city protest as the according press, the sliding costs and rushed as president congratulates his troops for the capture of the ukraine and town of, of deep on the 11th brought to you by visit castle peddler there. let's have a look at the weather full costs for north america, and it's going to turn pretty wild out west. but across from east scenarios of the us as an improving pictures that storm system polls away, we all going to see more clear skies for places like new york city and washington dc. still from snow expected across the great lakes on sunday. but it does shift its way further east, across eastern parts of canada as we go into monday. look at that lot. so settled
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with a cold for also minus 6 degrees celsius there. but is 36 degrees in new york with sunshine, the sunshine to send further south its out west. we all seen some very wet and wintery weather thanks to another round of atmospheric rivers pouring into california. you can see those conditions intensifying as we go into monday. heavy snow pulling across the mountains with a weather dripping its way for the south into los angeles and its a story of wet weather across the central america and the caribbean. we've got very heavy rain, thanks to a weather system pulling across the you could time peninsula bringing very heavy folds. you can see the yellow peaks across the florida panhandle on was to the bahamas and west and pots of to but it will eventually push its way further east of the next few days. but we'll have lots of sunshine ahead of that. for jamaica. the weather brought to you back visit castles, coveted beyond wells taken without hesitation for them died for
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power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions the use them to be use of our around because on out there the the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just hear a quick reminder about top stories here. this is ready, bombings and central and southern gaza killed at least $66.00 palestinians over the last 24 hours. hold on a to an engineer tax. people run a truck in giovanni,
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i know them guys people to the streets to protest against the lack of aid and food getting into the spring force. starvation caused by israel's blockade is a worsting problem, right across task and is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a short families that he's totally committed to bringing back the remaining captives from task. he says the ministry pressure is their approach to make this protest and some of down to the palestinians and gaza all taking place in several parts of the world in washington dc. ronnie goes, according for an immediate cease, fire demonstrate as gavin in the us capitals, downtown to monument politicians come aid to israel. they also want the release of colors to me in prison. this is my new custody. i'll just say it was. how does your test report from washington, dc, the march and protest and that china town was organized by doctors against and as you can see around me,
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there had been running through the streets of washington to talk to our guest here. this is mohammed kazi urgency behind making this request now. so, right now there are $1400000.00 in the most part of the gaza strip and are back to ation orders by the it's really regime to evacuate, but there's nowhere to evacuate. but each meeting that this is the final stage of israel genocidal campaign involved in gaza. who asked me to estimate 3 times palestine row in size. and now polling shows we finished these fire course. so the momentum is strong, the masses are with the message, we want to see a liberated cost. i. they want to see an end to this page. they want to be part
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where they don't just want to cease fire. we also want to reinstate for the motor, which provides critical services, the palestinians, the us and other western governments, the 8th to the just to may of the palestinian people who are already suffering from a lack of access to basic service. one, arms and bar going israel as well because the us is funding this genocidal campaign . and we've also what our prisoners released from is really jails all posting instead of the prisoners wants to speech to as a want the occupations. and so it's not just to see the military aid to israel, that is another $1000000.00 in congress. and honestly, the present the same to you guys. so what's next? what was the applied the apply the pressure, we're applying the pressure and we're going to keep on applying the pressure
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rosters in the democratic party and we're in, we're seeing fractures in the government right now. um, so there are, there are, uh, we're making an impact and we're seeing uh, we're seeing this uh, we're, you know, we're seeing a heart attack being made. we have to keep pushing. we have to keep fighting. and you know, by probably use pressure by coming go the punch it in to thousands and millions we will achieve our demands. mohammad, thank you so much. and again, there is certainly your sense of urgency here. the name of the house is hands on rafa and that really reflects with people here. no time is taking their more lives the intake is and that is why they are marching here today. and in mexico city, hundreds of people gathered to demand an end to israel. as constant bombing article for freedom upon his time under there was bundled rapidly, it was at that protest. the demonstrators here in mexico city,
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along the city's main thoroughfare of it. either 4 months. i've been marching for a little over half an hour. now what you're seeing behind us is that crowd of several 100 maybe even over a 1000 people at this point that have joined into this crowd. they are calling attention to recent attacks and rough other calling and, and demanding, and a ceasefire. and and to israel's military. campaign in gaza this of course is just one of several events that are taking place in mexico city. over the course of this weekend, there are fundraisers, there are all ad food events, all of which are designed to be seen as a gesture of solidarity from mexican citizens with the palestinians in gaza. but there's also been a change in an attitude here, not only in mexico, but across latin america over the course of the last few months. just last month in um, in january mexico and brazil joined with south africa and their calls for
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a uh, investigation by the international court of justice. also last month in mexico. and she like called on an investigation from the international criminal court to look into alleged alleged crimes. so there is this sense not only here in mexico, but throughout latin america as a whole, that there is growing support for the pallets for power, city, liberation. there's also the sort of growing sense that the, that the region is distancing itself ever more from israel police in the hague, used to a gas to dispatch rival retrans protest is the confrontations between every tray and government, supporters and opponents outside the cities. opera house the protest as tried to break into the building, smashing its windows and also set several cause on file. and set a goal demonstrate as a bank. the decision by the country is constitutional counsel to overturn president
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mack yourselves delay to elections nicholas hawks. but to protest as, as i marched the streets of the capital duck to the demonstrators here chanting, the name of response on cody opposition leader. they're asking for his release much more a demonstration of it's about protecting the team. this is hunter in the election presidential elections that present markets. the idea of what also the instead of god is in, in the field. and we're doing the lives in the rights group say a hundreds of what they describe as political prisoners are currently being released. many of them have been held without charge. now, this is a victory for many of the demonstrators here of the rule of law and the country
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democracies seriously in danger. incentive us 1000 plus people in jail trust because they was the wrong opinion. so we're just because the supporting somebody whom the government is not happy with, we've never had that here. people have been shot by our armed forces with absolutely no investigation, security forces or keep a close watch of this demonstration. it was initially banned by authorities. and then allowed a comes on the heels of these a riots following lucky cells, decisions as a lazy election. well, there is division among the political class and the political candidates over when this election should take place. many senegalese here say that the political crisis has united them in their efforts to protect democracy in their country. nicholas hawk, l g 0, the car, thousands in pakistan and protested against the alleged routing of elections early
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this month. come out of high to reports on his number, and then the thousands of people have gone off. despite the fact that the government, the government that employed it is pictured on popular guy today. as you can see, the, the people who are moving there on walks of life and they've gone. and another major development commissioner and overall, one thing to advertise. and for leverage in that there were no, says rigs, because of that is going to turn, did not the lower end is as you can see, that a horrible people are coming from all walks of life, women and children. john release, people from all over over the summer, but i've done was on the restaurant buried and it's not more broad. there's a that did my dish has been stolen or that there the government just drive through
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for the government in the fall off. which of course, the election come on i that i was your due to off. it's all my boss. russian president vladimir putin has congratulated his troops for the capture of a ukrainian town of, of deep cut cooling it, unimportant victory. it was russia's biggest advantage since it took the city of buck mood last year. run mcbride has moved from hockey. continuing to put up this resistance in the face of continuous assaults. these images reportedly recorded on friday show some of the last ukranian defenders of, of days before the retreat. largely ruined town is strategically important to both sides, located close to the russian controlled city you've done yet. but the cranium defenders have gradually found themselves pressed from 3 sides with an increasing danger of being. so right was course applied to the we have
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a complicated situation with the enemy trying to penetrate our defense. in some other places, the situation is critical. as the enemy is trying to bypass, our troops were forced to fight 360 degrees around is the extent of the destruction can be seen in this video, released by ukrainian youtube. i reportedly failed last week or the week or the fall of the of the districts of, of div go has been completely ravaged by russian bonds. it all happened during the past 2 weeks. you've had recognize of they've gone practically. everything has been flattened by bombs, including the local residents who were in the basement. so the russian army spares nobody, or cisco auto mia. initial, the ukraine has been willing to fight the so called meat grinder bottles, making the grand calculation. but with russia losing fumble soldiers,
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they all with it. but as with the battle foot back loot last year, which key finally gave up? the desire to save ukrainian lives seems to be more important stuff. a symbolic victory for russia and ukraine will hope this defeat could act as a wake up call for its allies. who being well now for weeks that the shortage of admission would lead to such a loss on the to less things. change mode defeats can be expected, so it says a blue loose, he's got a man over many months of fighting. the civilian population of these classes has mostly been evacuated. but remarkably, some people, when they surviving in basements, particularly what does ukrainian soldiers pull back the fate and that to the town. now in russian hands look bright, i'll just say era khaki. if you crate hundreds of people morning, the death of russian opposition lead to election of founding had been arrested in
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cities across the country. the 47 year old died was serving a 19 year prison sentence for extremism is found that he says they haven't been given access to his body. will lead as of blame, president putin face death image and came back with thoughts to those wanting to public key move. next scene of only get this, the response goes into arrested in at least 21 cities across russia. and most gave police phone to human chain to store motors, attempting to rally the circuit looks toward the monument for joseph stones, victims of political persecution. i thought it was my duty to bring salvage before for all of us and now we have to at least on a his memory.


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