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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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for the offense that our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine. lydia young man has regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we tear district the is reg snipers open for on starving palestinians trying to reach a truck in kansas city. the the clock this is out 0 line from down. also coming up. the world health organization says at nasa hospital in southern guns that is no longer functional after. as randy raids, at least $200.00 patients stood inside is rarely for us is
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a tax the city of to put them in the occupied westbank. at least 2 palestinians have been killed. and the same kings city in libya where contaminated water is rising from the ground, making many homes uninhabitable. the very beginning dogs are where the humanitarian crisis is. listening. 5, yeah. and gaza city palestinians on the brink of simon risk their lives on to is riley sniper for, to collect food from a small number of a trucks. target losing begins are coverage, desperate and hungry palestinians are running out of options under these various noise before you the risky the noise to each one of the q 8 trucks entering goes to 60 in uh yeah, and the people don't have food. people don't have the minimum necessity ease of
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life, so much as they came in hoping to find something, at least some flower, people put themselves and their lives in danger for just little things. they families, we belong 0 is absolutely nothing. i can assure you that people will die of hunger . israel's restrictions suit you and medicine entering district is making it almost impossible for palestinians to serve on the united nations saves everyone and goals is facing simon like conditions of last year. that will be almost like people now go to the garbage to find something to wait to do that. may god help everyone with a lot is ready. come boots have also fires thomas city and for shipment of guns is coast threatening of folly till source of suits the men were
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using small boats to catch fish of the cause of coast. near rough off and under they is very located. they used to be able to fish up to 37 kilometers out to the sea, but not anymore. in japan, your refuge account, but no wrinkles of the food shortages slowing mills have ground to haute. there is no police. the price of $1.00 bar defeat today has reached more than $3000.00 shekels or more than a $1000.00 in the following months into israel's will garza palestinians who have been displaced many times over on now close to stone station. and israel continues to restrict the amount of entering the territory tarika by zoom out just a rough, rough southern gauze as well. age groups say it's impossible for them to reach people facing. find like conditions in northern gaza. delivery limits to date is
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being slighted by his reigning security checks and 5 pro test by the firm is of is really captive and 0 is myakea has more now for me to come up with some of them. course no one else whom above cut them up beside him in a gen about sort of see any one. we're here on the palestinian side of the cut him . i was saw them crossing, which has seen a clear decline in the entry of humanitarian aid into the gaza strip them of the system since the beginning of the month was the whole not officials here say the decline is due to demonstration doing on the is re the side of the crossing was organized by the families, all of us rated captives in the cause that we send them another decline and we wanted to use of humanitarian aid has reached its lowest level anymore. and that's, of course, has a big negative effect. a lot, one palestinians in dire need of that 8 a month from the 1st of february until the 13th, before the number of a trunks was not more than a 110 compared to 200 trucks. last month can be somewhat israel's complicated
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procedures. pebbles have played a role in the decrease as well as the late delivery of goods that piled up at the friday side of the cross side. that's. and if you, all of these procedures have waste and the suffering of the bearing in mind. the already deteriorated humanitarian situation. as you can see, bob of several days, not many trucks want to tell us the inside of the cross at the home. some have been stuck on these righty side for weeks. a who, when i visited the crossing in the park, i used to see lodge numbers. i've tried what caring humanitarian aid and hitting towards because on the other side of when a patient has died in the hospital in southern goals are off the power supplies with cuts for a week long sage and encouraged and buying these ready ministry in a post on social media platform x at the head of the world health organization says that the team was not allowed to enter the hospital to assess the conditions of
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patients and that critical medical needs. despite reaching its compound, there are still about 200 patients in the hospital, at least 20 of whom needs be urgently referred to other facilities to receive health care. he says that the cost of delays will be paid by patients' lives and the access to the patients and hospitals should be facilitated. but at least by 2 thoughts, i'm at elmwood grabbing. he's the head of plastic surgery and bench department in south boone describe what he's seen in recent weeks. what happened when his ready troops stormed in, visiting those to be the a, as all of you know, it is, i need you to decide these. these are general side invading villas because it is as you side icon 3 lead and there is no or to describe you about the hold or that we all with that we would visiting me on my stuff and my family of old people and my patients that like if there's any in the world, what is what, what was what was happening on shouting,
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we all have screaming seems long time and i'm telling you are the house the leaders of this war. don't mind if you just do, you have to see us dealing, seeing all seeing this 30. so i have anything in front of your eyes on nothing. nothing just started on the silence. that is to the, on me the color stuff i've been also was to be done all the music on the stuff. i'm lucky because i escaped. but there is it the, everybody the did show that my so i'm a visual ins managed actually to is that good? those to be done, but that is the visual and actually it means i see you intubated and they would vis benefits. maybe the parts that we already bought, we managed to get some vision on. so from building the building, we managed to move some vision from building go from one building the other building. as that i needed to invite you to enter the, the, the, that was because the, the, that my, that it is did a very me own or already mean and ridiculous stuff. a michael league story mean
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that those to be done. all of them actually all with listed. so that is that is for the music. and his love of is not simply, i just the $100.00. maybe maybe we have seen what they have done as you, but i think it is. it has to be the one actually that that was a good that large. what is it that is, is the man was to be the owners of those guys on this. they need, i need is 1200. this was to be done. what, what kind of reason? what kind of reasons, why out? oh, what kind of reason? just they want to do this. they just sort everything, everything. that's it. they want to destroy everything without any is on the guns. they allowed us as a desperate situation. well, people are playing a plan does really offensive in rough or, and heading back to what's left of the names and central guns. but it's not safe very the, with this real conduct, the law and scale last drives and could already fall this report,
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not from the butler. earlier on sunday, the hardest breaking scenes we are documenting today as a blue bus because families house targeted a couple of hours ago are currently searching under the rubble of this house house the tubs of these 17. this may be fun in the causes us to have been bonds without any warning, according to the family. they are currently searching under the rebels right now to find the bodies. they say that there are at least 10 bodies under this floor right now. as you see, they're using their lashes of their phone and they're only using their, their hands to dig into the whole of this partially
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damage building to find their beloved ones. and not about seismic leslie. once i left, last not least, we've spent the last 4 hours trying to recover the 40. no civil defense unit to arrive to help us, but we haven't got any help. we've managed to recover 7 days buddies, and we're still covering body parts. we have no tools that only i name is deputy, and by that i can see a foot of someone all of these people's thoughts are praying that these people are still alive. i'm humbled with the height of the english flu. one mother and the 2 young daughters were rescued and the lowest one girl and a brother have done with this type of double dot. these riley bombarded the building without warning in this room. my 5 children and their mother were having getting the thoughts of the people evacuated from rough off because they thought
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that it's going to have a ground vision and they move to the middle area. and since the past 24 hours policy means in the middle area has been bonded, at least 8 houses have been bombed. in the past 24 hours, we're talking about more than 40 policy news kills. and in this house, at least 5 have been killed. so far, the thousands of palestinians evacuated from the flash to daddy bluff and the middle area. after that is where any forces moines it's going to expand its ground invasion. however, the middle area has been have been the intensity bonds. in the past couple of days . this is included the odyssey to that is but what is really ministry is withdrawing and so just don't for 3 hour rate on to cut them and they'll charge westbank. at least 2 palestinians have been killed and for others injured symbols
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for avi reports. now from to cut them when it comes to rage by the israeli military and civilian palestinian areas in refugee camps. there is rarely any place that is worst effected then tucker and refugee camp were here just after the is really military, left the area after tearing out an operation that lasted 3 or 4 hours and you can see the impact of explosions, destroyed roads, and destroyed vehicles. as property damage, and there's also been loss of life were here outside the home of a suspected palestinian fighter is really special. forces came in large numbers does is it took some hours just to get this far into the camp and make their way to this house were told that they entered the home of the fighter had been putting up resistance. there was armed resistance ongoing. here there were clashes he was injured, holds up, and the buildings here is really forces went in. they shot until the 35 year old
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man at the scene and then took his body away. and what we are seeing here now is people gathering from this community outside the home, outside the residents of this suspect decided who was killed to control and to make a show of resilience and defiance. the, even though palestinians continue to say that they will continue to resist the occupation, the number of these rates, the frequency, the intensity. the endlessness certainly is taking a toll on the faces. the people living here in the telecom refugee, you can, you can see that there is a sense of shock whenever these rays are carried out. there is a sense of exhaustion from this on going bullying tactic 5 years. really military carrying out these rates over and over again across communities in the
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occupied westbank. but tucker and specifically i've seen a very, very large number of these rates being carried out. not just since last year, but an uptick has taken place since the beginning of this year. the investor, i'll be able to 0 to correct in the outside west united states as low as 5 new strikes on who's the targets in yemen. it's the latest in a series of strikes that the us has been conducting again. so he sees further attacks on ships in the red sea in the gulf of a officials more now from washington, dc. part of the operation has been conducted against the earth. these over the last several weeks, the ice men coming from say come central command of the us military. they say that the hit 5 sites in total, free mobile on to ship themselves one mind on mind surface vehicle. and interestingly enough, they're also saying that they hit one unmanned underwater vehicle, essentially a submarine drawing. and that is the 1st time they've hit and
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a thing like that since the attacks begun. you remember that the who's these dr targeting is really linked ships in support of the people of guys that they then expanded that 2 ships linked to the united kingdom and also to the united states for their support of the use. really, a government of the united states has said this is a threat to international commerce and international shipping on the hub being the number of attacks. and that is why they launched data sol against 2 positions. what is interesting in the sense comb statement, is that the and says that these are a rainy and, but who's the controlled sites. so they're not letting up on the idea that iran is behind that, who's the support, even though that with these themselves as said, that they are conducting operations on their own merits. so the head here down to there are no way agreeing to transfer frozen tons function is relative kinda single
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throughout the we help prevent financial collapse the afternoons. chapman, one today, diplomatic effort to needed across all of the continents conference the brought to you by visit capital. there was still some winter in the northeast to us and the eastern kind of hung around for a day or 2. but sunshine from the shines able to start but on the pacific coast over at the british columbia. but particularly folks here in california, there's more rain from a pilot to express and some snow writing line up in the mountains and beyond. one small, the picture in the middle is run through it, but 91, but unfortunately recently exports and very cold and the remains of that will produce some heavy right in the bahamas across cuba. and quite a strong winds. i think we'll see some heavy rain in costa rica,
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a time of all their panama city. still look for luckily. well, that's the full new mexico. the sun shines warming things up again in monterey mexico city, up by several degrees. now there's been, as you probably never weeks over the summer heat wave warning, the dodge and teen and should be there fading to some degree either. it's still quite well here, but the presence of huge cheryl is maybe profitable. welcome the costs they will produce flash, that's echo dosing, particularly at risk during monday. south of this option, tina is going back into what is probably going to be discharged and gets it of a heat to a free body blank dropped to $34.00. and coming out of it, that'd be up to $24.00. but sunshine prevails and santiago still pretty helped as low as i go to you by visit castle ukraine, a father frontline, a mother and children at 10 this time of the seas future when the
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sky is full, the sign is without an ukraine escaping the dog with the the other guy you're watching out 0 or amount about top stories is uh and is ready for assistive shots at hundreds of palestinians who were looking to get food from a trunk. some dogs, a city people who fled say that what is really snipers in the area is really military, his withdrawal and soldiers off to a 3 rate on top of them in the occupied the west bank at least 2 palestinians have
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been killed for others in the world health organization since the largest hospital in southern guns that is not completely out of service. w ha says that his team was not allowed to enter the hospital to assess the conditions of patients. despite reaching its compound. now know, wait, says it's agreed to help trends the phrase and tax funds. the amount for the policy, you know, for a to says, november taxes that would ordinarily be sent. garza had been frozen by these rarely government. while the p a was ousted from the gulf, is strictly 2007. my name is public sector employees in the enclave. cap that jobs and continued to be paid with transfer tax revenues. well, in january is rel approved, a plan for tax is meant for goal is that to be held by no way. instead of sending to the palestinian authority weeks off to have masses attack on southern is relevant type of the 7th is really government for his payments. to public sector employees in the strip is real argued that the funds would fall into the hands of
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from us under a deal reach the 19 ninety's. israel collect tax on behalf of the palestinians and makes monthly transfers to the p. a. no way says it's agreement to help is aimed at preventing the product and you know, authority from collab to financially no funds will be transferred without the approval of these really ministry of finance. and rabbani is the co editor of the website that you have lia and the specialist and publishing. and if, as he says, the agreements means the united states and no way are effectively colluding with israel's fault. right? government to what's been agreed. the positives already agreed to receive only 70 percent of the transfers directly from israel. and it was of course in a desperate situation as you know, that needs to pay civil service salaries. it security forces and so on. the remaining 30 percent will be transferred to norway against the will of these rarely finance minister, but very much in line with with nets and yahoo and wanted and norway will only
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release those funds pursuant to approval buying these really finance minister. that means that the united states in norway, well applauding themselves for having saved the p, a from bankruptcy, are now active partners. not only with this real, but with israel's far right finance and industry, and allowing israel to get away with not fulfilling its treaty obligations and to violate the paras protocol. and i think it's particularly unfortunate that norway, rather than mobilizing the international community to compel is we'll to fulfill its treaty obligations and simply transfer the entire amount on a monthly basis to the t. a is, is, is prepared to play this role and withhold money from the p a which will be dispersed only with small troops, his personal approval for the day. and president lewis unnecessarily desilva,
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as accused as rally, committing genocide against palestinians in the gaza strip. he was speaking to reporters of the african union summits in if you, if you look at what is happening because of strep to the palestinian people does not exist in any of the historical periods. in fact, it happened when hitler decided to co produce capital. that's what's happening and because the strip is not a war, it's a genocide. it's multiple between soldiers. it's a will between a highly prepared army against women and children, up the african union. leaders have called for an immediate csr and gaza them and, and to the killing of palestinians. and the final communicating following a 2 day summit that you needed civils to renew that commitment to work for peace and reconciliation in the continent. would file has the story from the if you, if you'd capital ip address adverb. despite the many divisions the mock,
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the to they summit, there was one issue over which african lead us found the absolute consensus about his bottle size. they condemned what they described as the brutal is available and gaza. collective punishment of 2200000 follow seasons by the use of disproportionate power. they called for an immediate end to the war and to the easily the occupation of policy in advance. the one piece that security, the leaders of the new with their commitment to work towards and then conflicts in the horn of africa. so then the saw him and the democratic republic of congo among others will, between the communities army and the m. 23 levels through direct exchanges of threats between the london president and these companies count the part during the closed sessions, democratic republic of congo accuses a wonder of bucking the m 23 militia. bunting must be clear for us. the 1st thing is that prison families will remove is mandatory inside your city. and you
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shouldn't stop supporting. and 23 has been one that from one is asking for that. i think this would be the condition before imagining and imagining that you're sick dental respondents. i found it has similar to the failed to get somebody id to p, lead us to whole diet or discussions over the controversial ethiopian, by the time agreement with separate co, your needs. and if somebody land and i sent us this assembly, it was the most i me to about the community. and it was months gathering to put as of a particular issue between ethiopia and somalia. that certainly is a pending issue. the conflicts in sudan itself. so then, what are they likely to to hire different panels outside the site said, you'll find that was marked by the absence of lead us from 6 of the conditions. was memberships well frozen, following on democratic changes of government? the fragmentations with you and other regional bodies remained on to solve the
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state of disrepair with the the you, itself was the main subject to be tackled during the sun. it's the latest agreed not to prosecute until another form is overdue. you is to step up to the left. one of the challenges it had been created to meet. how much fun, a da 0 or this about is at least 53 people have been shot dead and popular and the guinea, please say the men were killed in an ambush. and the remote provence of anger believes more victims will be found. the shootings are a major escalation and ongoing tribal violence in the region. in ross or a floral tribute to jail deposition data like seen, the valley has been destroyed. your leadership of, of a has more from moscow on the questions being raised following his death. his family, as well as his mother, ludmilla tries to find the body of the position opposite as her died in the village of hop as some 50 kilometers into the arctic circle. his family members having still received his body and a source,
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he say they need to make an autopsy to shed some light on the cause of his desk. and at ease may take up to see days or maybe even more. and where gets a report from some position sources not from the state medium that never on the school day right now is in the clinical hospital in the solid called districts in the aux sick and also their reports about bruises that were found on his body and presumably they are associated with seizures and also the publication wise that some kind of complications connected with the agent. know the child could have played a role in his stuff as well. so back in 22 twins has women, but he and his team as well as a number of international aspects of it basically said that's uh uh, that he was poisoned. he was poisoned by that nose agent. nobody choke and
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hopefully a team of experts, russian experts have flown to uh to the all 6 of the city of sally called to examine he's 40 and hopefully we'll see more about the results of that examination . 2 days of told on the ongoing crisis, enough gun is done or underway and come to the taliban leaders and not attending un member states and special invoice to discuss the engagements with the taliban government and deliveries of humanitarian aid. and so i've been jump aid reports now from couple another you and gathering on. i've gotten this done once again, the people who actually govern the country that unlike the previous meeting, the thought of and wasn't invited to cut the but refused to attend because it was not off to participate. that's what it called, the sort of representative of, of gone to sign in was it is 2 and a half years since the thought of the gain control of abundance done much has changed. but these nomic image of
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a lot of fun is still not recognized as the legitimate government in escaping rebuked to the latest view and report on the rights of women and have this done. the government says such criticism is preventing it's political progress and that international institutions continue to work against it. the 745 of guns i've been told to you and survey that this the rest power spent and for the punishment whenever a new thought about degrees announced the un closet address ticket origin. a feminist rights in it will understand in the band and secondary education and requirement for them. and guardian have had an adverse effect on many women and girls. some of them and have been allowed to go back to work in education and health sectors, but much approval of understand remains and changed. the thought about government says it's focusing on delivering services. these on the cabinet and visions and independent economy, which it does not rely on for an aide, but with close to $9000000000.00 worth of assets frozen and being redirected to aid . economic revival remains elusive. and major changes have gone to stun. is it
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relative? peace and security are for decades before the found one has tracked down hard on corruption and made public offices more comfortable. but none of it seemingly matters to the outside world, which is the origin of rights as a major impediment to progress. although of renaissance neighbors that just focused on in iran and others, including china, investor, i have called for greater engagement. but that's being done at individual state level. farther than a collective platform such as the united nations, one to come out from a neighboring country called the u. n. meeting and exercise in futility. because they've done this sounds, decision makers on one second, not at the table. many of them believe the international community has abandoned them, offered for the funded bond for 20 years. will you do then handed over to these on the cabinet of the sun? and now instead of making things better, it is still talking the same echo chambers which have existed for becky. some of these are without the vera come on to the city and know the libya where
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a rising tide of suited, just forcing many people from the collapsing homes while it trained the reports now from the village and where expert to puzzle by what's causing the flooding disaster and how much is god? his home was flooded last month. he and most of his neighbors were forced to leave . the ground is still what one loves you by the when i came back home, there was a roof, it smells. the entire house dropped about 7 centimeters there, but corrects in the walls and ceilings. the water didn't come from ring fall, but from under his home. ground water has been rising across areas in sleep, in flooding neighborhoods and damaging homes up. the other one says it's shifted the foundations of his home. so let me lay out of the house, but the because of the war to the roof and was, was separated from different issues throughout the entire home, you know, just to my home. but all my neighbors, we pump the water out but it just comes back the house.


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