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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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in this excise the cold considers 1st of all the construction of the war and its legal regime, i'm afraid to complete that then refers to the possibility of the permanency. and it concludes by using the conditional that is the problem and that's what transform the occupation regime into the watch. and i'll just say the only thing on the day 2 of hearing is that the international court of justice on the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian territories. a succession of countries have already been speaking with uh, presenting their evidence in the hearing. we've been trying to be hearing from professor, i'm a lot all but he's a lawyer and a member of the international law commission. he's representing algeria. let's go back to what he's saying about you. patient remain silence. the notion of prominence must be assessed, genuinely,
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as the factual context of the situation. 2004 sat. the code don't sit out and empower girls. 69 of the opinion. the code referred to let's just try choose build to. ready on the construction of specifying further non quote. so the is re named council of ministers on the 23rd of june, 2002 approved the 1st to put construction phase. that should be found in paragraph how you see under d d. let's cool. so the construction of the war was, was going to be accompanied by the establishment of a new administrative regime and of quotes. and so one can better understand the present wording of paragraph one to one and 2004. it was still
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mid hidden lead chit summit to ask about the cost to ship the completion of the construction of the works given the date 2004. and i'm a possible solicitous and outcome of the negotiating price. as such, a prudence can with difficulty still be applied when the construction of the wall is continued and the regime associated with the or this thing is usage and it was a fight for those. you see them all at uncle muse because i've got a low cost crystal, do me see do pre processing fee it go to the cvs
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so kind of thing. we're listening to the professor. i'm at a lot of a who's a lawyer, and he's also a member of the intern lionel commission. he's representing julia on that day to all of the hearings by the international court of justice where they are talking about the legal consequences or evidence is being presented for the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian territories. yesterday we heard representations from the palestinian delegation that lasted for 3 hours where they made the case as to fly. they believe that they, i c j, the international court of justice. i had the jurisdiction to be able to cheer the case, but we're also presenting evidence to suggest that israel's occupation was a legal. i'm the basis of the case that we're bringing not can bring in my one bush out of his. i'll just see it as senior political analyst. one of the things that
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we're going to be hearing over the next few days is the succession of arguments about the, the, the procedural elements of that as the find reaction rating. the fact that the i c j is the court that is entitled to hear this and how strange, how strong the case that they're presenting is given to the front. i believe that are $52.00 countries that are going to be represented over the next 5 days. what does that tell us about the strength of feeling with regard to what is happening with israel at the moment? it's, it's quite an intensive. tentative and popular issue are nowadays in the world, the so called palestinian cause. it's secondly, a symbolizes more than as a question all the 1016000000 people, uh, quote, the palestinians. and it does go even beyond the server and a half 1000000 jews that lives in that part of the world. i mean, the question of front of site in general thoughts is that it has become quite the
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center of international focus because of the jewish question. right? there's a bit of a jewish customer and so i should after the holocaust and that but the other question and the most come questions that there are 3400000000 higher ups and more than a 1000000000 and a half or so mushrooms. so it's the question became michael uh, a geo political right. that touched almost everyone is. but in this case now that we moved into this international court of justice and i think in 2024, we are seeing quadruple the support in the court. then we seen the 2004, i think 2004. we had 17 countries along with the, for the city used to talk about the question of the war. now we have 4 times the number of countries that want to support. now what's interesting, most interesting for me. well, it's like, i don't know if you'll, if you watch, if you like football and you're watching,
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messy and down on buffy. i don't know who you are like but, but these are the 2 countries. south africa. no 0. yeah. that's our most important, most popular, most interesting when they speak of the question of stein was that as a 4th period, because of south africa or the as a set to the colonial, as in the case of all julia. mm. i wonder interrupt you there for a moment, cuz we're going to come back to you and talk more about this. but we can now go back to a professor. i'm a lot of a, from algeria today on the legal consequences. now, for israel, it is on the obligation to put an end to violations of international ends is as intuitive to the repair only on suffered by the palestinian people. and also under obligation to, to deliver on all the obligations that are violated and
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to repair the home and to the other states. not to recognize the situation created by this and not to render assistance to israel. number recent events, such as the question of no rendering assistance to israel, is beginning to take shape falls in un full, the general assembly and the security council. the name is to increase the decisions in general conclusion. mister president, the ladies, the judges of the code alger is profoundly convinced that impunity is the 4th lower than price. but precedence you'll do to tell them that or is the law and this little must be upheld that this roy is not or a vengeance. but of just sits inside the spirit that phone chair area repeats the requests made in its previous emissions. thank you, mr. president, members of the court. they say what sort of a few that it got?
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so on measure equals, i would think the out here and kind of get a bulky, a bad thing, vacation's. so with that idea to this, the quote is going up on his x and c ms. v. as i talk to you so that before you start president, members of the courts, it's a great honor for me to be for you to present mike kansas position on the amount that will allow to as the importance of all the states under united nations. and my remarks today, i will expand on that feel critical points made and i'll put it that a statement, a dentist, i would say it's one module that's posted to the submission, but which is impossible to have, you know, when considering the questions before the court, that's about that is of course, is that a is a military aggression against guys and it's increasing the extra fi was directed,
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i guess the bus to be a, by the relation of the westbank including it shows of them since october of 2023. i believe i speak and confidence with virtually the entire international community and accept, but i think the kingdoms of a file and that involves and condemnation of the husband. this, this destruction and displacements of palestinian civilians are brought about by is that i is a legal under brutal award and gaza and then a sort of us increase. and there's a 80 aggression impunity. and it's a national level at 5 elections in the west bank and critique gestures of them since october of 2023 says that i owe the friends. this is the total of thing as the necessity of rice for the faith in come us. the king of the
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will show that it'd be a familiar objects. this is twisted logic as a is actions and laying waste to the guns us through killing naming tens of thousands of innocent civilians. duper, i sent you the photo water under basic needs of some 5 foot, while this displacing for actually the entire population of the 2230000 people are not justified under any circumstances. is a, is actions have to fairly digital monopolized in the city. and i believe the thing is that as dispensable objects brought up in human beaks, these disagrees products which have brought about photo accusation before the 16th quote. that says that i am as committing genocide against the student population as well as an older than before. but officially,
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not me just look nice. think the possibility of newest accusation and all that. and just wanted to comply with his obligations under the genocide convention. necessarily way, hopefully in the consideration of the questions before the court and just to proceed forward. if nothing goes, they don't want to study it all. totally, if it li, how the illegal a t of there's a 80 i q, ration all far more than 5 decades can degenerate into the layers of consequences. a final point i wish to highlight that i would say is that all of all the statements submitted before this, quote not what a state has to, to defend the legality of civil alias. wallace's and the practices and the cube. i'd want us to the individual. this is it felt like acknowledgment of the
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international community has unanimously critical condition or the legal entity which but fades is that the correlation specified itself does not attempt to defend the substance of some policies on practices. as the coach would have observed, this fine, very submission does not know that what 3 cause it cannot see anything. what so 1st of all, is this of a sudden different location made that goes to instead its focus is almost entirely on why the request of the advisor, the video, and the questions content that and out of somehow some problem the only logical conclusion that can be drawn from all of this is that is the smallest and the practices and extra wise minus $3.30 tory legally indefensible. list of things me to the next part of my statement. the thing that i'll show that
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you submit to the court has jurisdiction to issue the opinion, and there are no complain degree isn't full. that's enough to do so to the counselor, the different that he uses, increasing the budget and destruction by yourself and occupied about us today. and so they told him as well as the, then just the statements made at the highest levels of the government with this book, definitely something with the dakota's, i'm the duty to issue it's of any i wouldn't out discuss the arguments. it's fast waste time states that the culture, the not the issue that i've been in for to but i made it easy for us to because the been a might the page of this and the graduation process aimed at the results. i me that is that i only bought a study in conflict which the assist is concerned has to be ongoing. i'm 2nd because the questions both concerned about lots of dispute between this item by the
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side is not totally out of this. i agree with some misguided but they have the they basically reject it by this is steve quoted on the highly and the logistics circumstances and cool thing. and that will advise anybody in the kingdom regards to further start agreement as being based on a play. centrally, false for them is devoid of any legal foundation. it's an act of legal it because it will, it has to be another story that leak of a lot of assistance in the 6 to about 2023 comments and the interest of time with those books. hopefully, the next that the cost of attention to those comments, which we fully endorse somebody but the cost video practice should be failing. this dentist is the boxes of defense to the general assembly with the question guys, most of the zip codes and issue the assembly because of an issue. the assembly
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comes to those i live in the front to it's for the following. do minutes today is the assumption that the city is negotiation process exists. is a fiction that the funds of the electric, this is the 2004 will receive. the executive officer that avery described is a. it is for this opportunity. and a cube i bought a scene to the daughter since $9.00 to $67.00 as quotes deliberately and it has and gets was ition and the change it goes up to the toyota step to school to its benefits. and of course, the code that i usually recognize this the, i'm gonna tell you this advise that they've been in defending it to the legal to assign a set them to rocks us in the cube. i want us to the answer. they told the court also won't go to the construction of the old and just associated to review. it creates a face of the company and the grounds of could become permanent, in which case it would be tantamount to dfcs to alex ation. end of the
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little coat. this assessment was of the senate, this the best and i'll talk generally, but sort of actively results and no change. and so it is illegal conduct. now here is the scene more clearly than the number of legal folks settlers residing and occupied palestinian territory, which has gone from roughly 402240020042 some 700000 such as of today since 1967 fodder for them in gauging and negotiations, and has made it fit shortly, impossible to establish a co host of posting in the states. it has done so by next thing,
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more than $2000000.00 homes of land building more than $279.00 illegal settlements for several hours at westbank, illegally extinguish childrens selling. i'm to come in and go to do them as it's under 5. it's kind of, it's all come for security taken excellent resources, demolishing the city and homes. i'm much watch. those actions are well documented in the many your end tables discussed in the kingdoms of it and statements. and they will not doing one of them for them except to make the self evident points. the verse i am his actions have it clearly aimed at for us today. i think i negotiated settlement, i sort of in the open to get out the door. so a such that some of these policies and the practices should be enough to dismantle the illusion that is a, it has any intention of engaging and serious air force towards the negotiated piece . but the in has also for the magenta approach. actual negotiations, well,
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nothing to list then and be, and i see contempt. mister president, number of the costs. we see this not as this book data, but as a direct to assist events and efforts to us negotiating the last thing these spending of the case that was the case when more than 20 years ago. the king of the most fear that abl propose a visa initiative, which was adopted by the autumn leak in 2002 and 3 endorsed as 820072017 auto bleak summit. however, this visit initiative was that objects it oh tides. what is it a? well, that's where that's the prime minister. this could i biggest, as i've done this talk to, it's because it's required, as i am, to forego
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a true bye to the tories in exchange for these policies that this has resistance. until today, the city has become more discouraging as the city of live, most of the governments quotes out albany made so 1st hoping that funds failed or ethnically cleanse, bought a city is out of that homeland expense. so to lindsey from photos of onyx for the areas, if it was banked, and at all costs sorted chicks, the notion of a stablish in the city in the states along the lines of the $2.00 states, solutions and wild, brutal engine. this side, the honest, lots of guys that are in the military since october 2023 has this to become the words of the united nations and the secretary general for the hanging with teddy and affairs a place of best buy because it has to be part of it,
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and that is, it is that good ition has been accompanied by not unyielding statements, but it's the just, that's a to and if i get a to a cellphone, but a city and state or seed controlled or from the i q by the city and through tory, such as statements, hardly reflect, is that it was intention to engage in the genuine beast, negotiations and closing. at this point, i would add to that if i city as negotiations and at the chief inc adjust, so there's only portion of the city and dispute in accordance with the international law worth of your company, all of the costs of video and the not in any case, but so what we're able to do this is those discussions, but the process with the license of
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smith's the this presidents done. but as of course, the 2nd argument 3 is by it's half finished. states is that the cult showed the refrain from britain. think that of course, the dominion because it's related to us that it's, it's typically by you're not totally mad. so between this i am from by this time, this argument has been rejected by the courts as you feel video context, including the advisory bending. and should we believe, be disposed of by the court in the same manner. and this case, not only is that a government, legally unfounded, but the fact that the question is post to the quote of a multi lot to nature. as a self evident, as explained in the kingdoms that in the states means that legal questions i've located. the product from text, from full that of the all new applications and just go those notes and to ask about the consequences of his and his boss is under block decision. all the states as well as the united nations. to conclude on the question of the culture of the
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section i have with one so that they can get them also forced in the context of the advisory, by the end of this call, the principal jet, the shuttle all over the united, the nearest history would not consider the kind of typical questions which would be folded, then we cannot but conclude that the system to maintain international abuse and security sits up following the citizen for the 2nd world war has not there stood the test of time. instead of visiting members of the costs, i would now address the 1st to questions before the court, which concerns the legal consequences of rising from desires of roland corporation and the legal policies and the practices and a q by about us, any updates on story suggests questions the quotes has a police or if it is available. this includes the evidence furnished by the united
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nations as organs you and the human rights monday told us. and the specialized agents has the special robust tools at that time, the independence commission, all available introduced to you before this course for the 1st 2 and the kingdoms and the statement. we submit that the catastrophic consequences of his that i and his boss is in boxes and the ground as well as the sheer to legalistic, undeniable, the international community has to start evidence of these consequences or do things that come into it and gaza. the ongoing situation as to a calling that last december, the un general assembly overwhelmingly passed those on the ocean demands. you're going to media, tell me to tell the ceasefire and guzzle. why is the court has recognized that brazil, but let's say that there's a in conduct amounts to a genocide. and although it's to comply with the series of professionals just
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however, as we speak, there's lies continuously defy the international company on the fiscal policies 5 and willfully. if you know that the function of my just or doesn't by the cost more generally, it has all of that. the case of stuff to patient resistance agree, jesus violations of its most fundamental international obligations as explained in our list. and the statement is that i and, and continue with separate each of cesium. joyce kogan stores not for the standing . most of us as a courtesy call some general assembly, or as a new issues condemned against conduct and discourse. finding in the will, the supplies that have been so these violations include this is taking continue with some adjust, still defensive velocity and be able to from exercising the right of set of defense . the throw fairly as policies and practices, including government on those. the legal settlement, the boxes and the acura wide about us $20.30, told him the expulsion of far less than
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a year from their homes and fest with us to enhance. but obviously, the denial of self friendship or for the natural resources and the peach of those 2 full political, economic, social, and cultural advice would offer and cause continue with implementing its infamous settlement to the rock. this and occupied far less than the enter the tory despite the basis condemnation of the simple act as with the security council and this course, determination of the legal action and the ties that have been here yet, is it mixed in those checks? it's of it's intention to maintain and expense at the much as well. i just possession of all the parts of the cube. i bought a city and so they towed it in, violation of the 4th shooting for convention and the head mission and the acquisition of to the tory by the use of force. it is 2018 basic law. also show shows this, that is this,
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the in for the velocity has to be able to survive just of this admission by declaring the holy city of jerusalem companies. and united as is that it is compet stipulating that quote, the size of the items to national civil determination industry. it is, i is unique to the jewish people send over the coals. it's also incompatible with the policy and be able to cite 1st of the nation in the occupied by the city until the 20, including is joseph. a sense of national community has this full con, ends these issues and many locations. it's role that you're active nations, a principal about this demand. think that there's that i have completely seized this all set the elements active, fix the focus on innovation of his chosen and comply with a sense of national obligations and as others brooks. the list of those under the ocean is long. we have for the rest of many of them. and now what are the
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statements that i am continuing to have and all of them? what is, what is a beach just of international don't answer this can be no serious debates that this is paula says unblocked. this is also allowance for the racial discrimination and i've done some loans to both type and to get a formulation. so for us to use people's human vice, there's a in the siege of land and the resources are for us to the it is so to settlers and just cut them in, in 3 application of los regulations for the settlement of the cm be will automatically example of disagree agers conduct is inviolate the human advice of the us to young people and multiple other ways and in a beach of conventional obligations, including the vice of women and the children. mister
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president, members of the quotes, the king don't wish that they'd be a wishes to own presides that the international obligation supposed to cover the there was some budget and the bit of a bit be in bed. so the norms of general international law. i'm not the office deluxe tools. i'm not intended to be. a violation entails a particular legal consequences, but also has a lot and tangible consequences that, that include most prominently the denial to human beings of the right to life and dignity and mod wired lead. the creation of incidence to be sensors, stability with unpredictable consequences. the multiple degree violations by used by him. it's international obligations and occupied by the study
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until the utility is therefore of undeniable concern. not only to the state actually affected, but also to the international community as a whole. i will now move on to 2nd, the questions before the court to god i think the mind of the body, which is why it is conduct a fix that you go to the status of a situation the kingdom spoke to police on which the, the only conclusion which we may be reached from the multiple undergrad for beaches of international law. i'm in a think from it's a cube ation is that is, it is got corporation itself is illegal and must be brought to an unconditional. and any other conclusion would be anomalous and inconsistent with the clearly legal origin and conduct of that corporation, including the populations of just congress homes that it has and continues to engage in this through executive, which typically if it was accurate, patient was from as commitments and 92627, and illegal use of force and to continue was the result. so can you them no to this
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and it's a mission and the will. it's 5. so do you have any legal nature of the 5th? 2? 60 is occupation. has only been a great way to, to buy is a and this notice that international violations, including just coal guns, norms given the illegal to sort of that wondering if the aspects of a site is accurate version that that q patient, assembly indefensible as a method of international law for those to be using this with this book to fully ask the court to accept personally declare that this items accumulation of the palestinian territories is illegal. the code is also asked to address the legal consequences of civilian as a beach. and i will address this and briefly the most so that ab numerous other states have laid out. and the statement, the legal obligations which flow from is that i,
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it was the bleachers person went to out to come to take over the obstacles, understand the responsibility. and as explained to me that by this court in the all the files that are been here is that i must seize the trunk from the one to conduct . the june complies compliance with his obligations and offer a pro, but it's assurances funds guarantees of financial petition to come $51.56. also requires that as a, as the right mix for that particular patient for the damage caused all from another case of its illegal occupation. as for either all other states is in a breach of trust, corbin's nose and tales that the international community has an obligation not total cooking eyes that a legal conduct. all the states much also cooperate. to bring aside this violation of international move to an end, make sure that they've done that in the 8 or assistance. and for the balance of his that i, it is a basis. the consequences for the united nations article you all,
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you know, what it means most within the competence has taken steps to bring as items violations to an end. and the must all sort of thing from recognizing these violations or different aid or assistance to maintain the legal situation. finally, they must also require unconditional immediate end to the corporation itself. mister president, members of the costs, thank you for your attention. this concludes the statement of decades. it will show that there are you watching. i'll just say that it is 10. 32 g m t will bring in your live coverage of day 2 of the international court of justice proceedings at the hague. discussing the legal consequences of israel's occupation of protest. any entire change we've just heard from the representative of society, or maybe a 0 dollar to yeah. who's the boss of, or of the kingdom of saudi arabia to the netherlands. he was outlining the arguments by saudi arabia why the icy j international court of justice has
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jurisdiction over this case. he said, if the court does not hear this case, the system has not stood the test of time. i'm paraphrasing what he was saying. he also presented evidence towards the allegation that israel's occupation is illegally said, the catastrophic consequences of israel's actions are undeniable. and step boston is outside the international court of justice and the hague. that is the 3rd or 4th . in fact speaker that we've had so far this morning just give us a rundown of what we've heard so far. yes it was in fact the sort of the speaker this morning and so far the statements has to be absolutely damaging for israel. here in front of the 15 charges of the highest court. the the u. n. world court. not only have they've been very damaging about the military offensive, a sold in guys, which is actually not on trial here at the moment, but
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a fairly damaging also about the very long as occupation of the palestinian territories to south africa takes off this morning, was very much focusing on the, the a part heights we team that israel has imposed on it's on the find this thing, and people calling it the colonial system of apartheid and all the before you speak of south africa, algeria and saudi arabia, the mon, the core to a stop making me to put an end to this occupation immediately and also have all the illegal settlements removes and all so we fair pay reparations to the palestinian people for the sufferings they were talking about the system that has put the thing and people in the position as 2nd class citizens and also has been talking about how bloody and unprecedented data. so it's an ongoing spill in gaza. so south africa, of course,
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data the roles in an earlier case that was brought to the same court of appeals in this realm of committing genocide and gaza at the moment. as a result of that case, israel was imposed on the provisional measures that they have to do everything and it's in its position to stop these possible genocidal act. so we will hear within this week as well. it's also a response to this case and this separate case, of course, it's still very much damaging for as well as far as we understand the speaker. so we'll be more coming today. but this is, this is the 1st, where you are very much clear on what they are demanding the court to impose on israel. steph, thank you very much. it, each of us i'm talking to is from outside because of the international court of justice and behavioral gonna bring in my one of the shot. i'll just get a senior political analyst. and we heard so far as i step of st. retired from south africa. we've heard from algeria, we've also heard just out from saudi arabia and saudi arabia is particularly
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interesting, isn't it? because there was a process of normalization of relations that inside that society a baby was moving towards with israel before the conflict in gaza began. now we should stress what the i c j is hearing at the moment, is a different thing. it is talking about the occupation that is not talking about the events and gone. so nevertheless, the saudi ambassador did refer to the events in gaza. talk us through what you felt with the important elements of what he was saying. yes, i think the certainly the saudis are indispensable at this point in time to clarify their own understanding of is rose occupation. and what does it take to actually in the occupation and why it's by the amount for it is to move towards that direction . because what we understand from the past several months of american diplomacy, we start with the idea is always your idea would be interested in
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a piece agreement on normalization of relations with a started but in return for a clear fast way towards up at a city and state here we've heard all the or be taught in the legal argument why this means the end of occupations and why the continuation of occupations means more. and accession giving is a great advantage over the palestinians and hence compromising tiny opportunity to for peace. so while this is all legal talk, and in fact there's ready, you know, new wants to go argumentation. that's why is i find it to was prepared this, this is the new you could say this is almost theoretical in relation to what goes on in the real life and practice right from the practice of diplomacy. but it's refreshing. it's refreshing to hear an hour and a half if you are a student of this conflict and you've, you know,
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you've already been banging your head against the wall for decades now. with more and more, i'm to get with the more more and relevant concessions when there's importance just for clarity, tossing the eyes, i'm costing but the is about this issue. what is important? so he uniform. so you already view about how it views that conflict as an occupation that must been i think that's important. but as you also said, what you've heard this morning from o gina and south africa. i mean, we must remain to remind our viewers around the world that these 2 countries are probably the most relevant countries in the world. to understand the nature of a 0 occupation, belligerent occupation annexation in the galaxy apart, paid and so on, so forth. because south africa had to go through almost half a century of apartheid regime. and so to hear that soft isaac, i'm saying what's going on and guys on the west bank is worse than
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a part to. so that is all positive. but worse than i'll probably want to interrupt your very briefly on that point because we, we had, did i hear from the south african representation earlier on that. and it was a made with the points the ration impression that apartheid could not be allowed to continue. that's a little soft office that cannot overstate the significance of this adviser, the pin for the public, jean and people more especially the legal to connect to the as ation of the situation of occupation and the imposition of the system of racial oppression into politics which have questionably been permitted to continue for far too long. the occupation alone has persisted for 56 years as the un special to put to on the occupied, published in intended, please explained. intent attended to the occupation back is,
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has been conducted in profound defiance of international law and hundreds of united nations resolutions with scanned, pushed back from the international community. consequently, as the president that defines by his royal has already elected to the cleaning of tens of thousands of other students, including an estimate to say, 2000 codes in the past 4 months. i low these not to me as the to sticks mr. president the flesh and plots of the policy and people some of on a very similar to model. so that'd be in boxes of south africa to the loved ones. identifying exactly what you were talking about, the different countries that are going to be able to identify the, the tenants and of genocide of apartheid. it starts off. i got is going to be one of those major countries who are yeah, absolutely i'm, you know, such
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a voice of clarity, morality with such high in depth, experience, decades and decades. in fact, you know, centuries of oppression under oppression, but decades of a party. then they know what it means and they know it's nature and they know that racism that's on the line, is that right? and they've seen an experience of the study, the question of palestine. the question of is a part of fade in palestine, which by the way, basically basically started in 1994 when a pop page ended in south africa with the election of nelson mandela. but it's kind of astounding that both both of your genes, the palestinian dispossession by his read and the apartheid to him and south africa both started and 19481 ended in 1994 and one transformed from
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a system of possession on occupation into our system while upon paid in the west bank and goes off that 1994. so to view the south african make the argument, the legal, the model of arguments with such quantity and say we've gone through this. now, the same thing could be side of the l. julian's that's oh, remember again, remind our viewers around the world. but i was really, it was occupied by the french 452 years. just doubled, more of that of the occupational plus sign. but it has and in the end, so despite the fact that old judy like is the friends like, is read referred to julia as, it's been on the, the french as year. yeah. that you have the font size, right? as it where as almost as is around the 1st of the occupied territories is due to the somebody. yeah. but in the end of the day. okay, fishing have to and accept. but then the question about here. yeah. unfortunately,
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as a 1000000 people, so several 100000 people died, were killed for the body shop was this area every one of us is trying to make the argument. so let's avoid any such killings look, that the 2 cases can be compared, but the end result shouldn't be the same. and yet as the l. ginny is what this, what goes on in god's zone. 70000, almost killed tense, 800000 casualties. you're almost as if we are not learning any lessons with history and the ocean is again, he had also brought about. so you have the south africans, they'll, julian's and the so these, right, i'm just one quick comments about solidarity of you aside from its relationship with palestine on why it is indispensable for any piece in the region with his red and the incorporation of his run to the region, so new idea has had a award and you haven't just one of the recently,
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it justified that the number of pretext you can agree, disagree was i disagreed, would be that ties. it may what sputtered in 2015, 10 to an end. so you have to be realize that this was not a winnable war and it ended, you know, it's a very short time for us always to say, we conclude this is not whatever wor, nothing's going to change at this point in time. so we're going to end this thing and we're gonna reach a compromise, a concession of some sort with that with the house. he's an image and others. and a number of countries came in and also helped me the. now we're seeing a movement towards fees, but it's not us that we've been on data for more than 75 years and it continues and we have 56 years. oh, okay, patient, it goes on and we have 17 years of siege and it continues. and now we have $100000.00 casualties in 4 months and it continues as if we don't learn the lessons of history. one of a significant things for viewers who are just joining us on the,
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on day 2 of these hearings. the i, c, j. we have to remind people that this is eventually going to lead to a known binding agreement, known binding ruling by the i c j. which means that israel does not have to buy a buy to buy it. it also may take about 5 or 6 months minimum for that ruling to be reached. and in the meantime, of course, israel is under no obligation to change anything until that ruling comes in, even if it's easier to change anything then. so the time scale alone, and this legal process is going to be working against many palestinians, or already feeling the pressure and the tension, the fear from israel is really actions. i will absolutely rob. i mean, if anyone is looking for a remedy or a solution out of the hague, of course, you know, would be mistaken. this is a, an on um, um, you know, on and reliable expectations, right? but, and we have similar situation with south africa. so it's very important that this courts reaches the conclusion that, of course, the occupation is a legal,
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but that apart aid in palestine is also a legal. it's a crime against humanity. now, why is this important? because it's because of the same reason. it was important for south africa, see if it was left for the 1st time that i see him, we would have had in the ballpark paid to us by international pressure. international pressure is helps by such decisions by the i c, j, a decision like that on the question of why the sun wouldn't help international pressure on his right. and, and his occupation. i'm going to have to interrupt you to just briefly mom. and if you don't mind, because context for the ministry spokesman measured mohammed along, sorry, i said the prime minister was continuing efforts to move comp took negotiations forward. and now these were talking about the captors were currently being held in gaza while condemning the international communities double standards. and that i thought the i thought the past 3 weeks. so some progress between the ongoing negotiations between high mass and is where i live or the last 3 days. so mo,
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dispute ca today, could that the decides if i'm key issue isn't it, namely the bottom i'm an attorney and situation as well as the do you understand us adopted by the international community has been negatively impacting the disputes, namely this and guys, they also do a comparison between the, the war and guys and that of ukraine. russell. so those, uh be not that press conference. he's joining us now live from jo. how, what else was before the minister thing though, so as well mainly the focus off the today's past. so regarding guys, it was about 2 minutes already and said and how to coordinate that. and drug on this had been asking me again again regarding the details of the ongoing negotiations. and he said that he has nothing the position of disclosing the details that disclosing his due to his quote, harmed, ongoing negotiation and mitigation. a 4th. however,
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he said that just in the last week that has been dozens of the country, many 3 airplanes, distributing the age, limitation age for the irish and then trying to make it accessible for the thousands and millions that are in dire need or for meditating an aide however, she said that, but now that particularly they did that, did the statements that are coming from the is read or officials accusing guys that being citing with how much is not helping these ongoing negotiation in addition of force. and this is. busy that these statements from des, randall officials, are for the political consumption and these values needs to be careful when it comes to that. because now the parties are dealing with the di, or from meditech histories and the catastrophe in, in, in gaza. and also she said that 11000000 people now particularly things i thought you are seeing is dire for mandatory restriction. they need immediate help. and he
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has been asked if israel is continued as compared to the campaign as start to attack griffin, how will that impact on the, on go sure, i'm going on going negotiations and also stretching the ground is said that that is definitely going to just wish to do mandatory restriction there. they can give more details about it, but he said he's going to have a significant impact on the negotiations and the mitigation of force, bye bye, but them by. but by cutter, it doesn't say that there's going to be the called last of the negotiations, but definitely of the he has more of these values. that's such a case with a significant impact on the, on the negotiations. then also has been quite critical to where the international uh, it's a national institutions as well. who said that the provisional measures by the national court of justice did a mean to bring it down to the war. being guys that have everything to match the
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community and the international institutions have failed to do so. and he said that this failure is costing the credit ability. so they're losing the credibility when it comes to, to, to, to, to protesting and change when it comes to the ongoing, brutal, more on gas and more and more people are questioning their kind of ability and, and find, find the functionality at rest. so just very briefly, and of course they're having to what's going on in doha, at the moment about am negotiations with the taliban in afghanistan. the do the foreign minister say anything about that? well, just so she said that the for the minister has been talking to antonia recipes. forgive me, i'm going to interrupt you if we're going to take you back to the international court of justice in the hague. we understand that this is her name to say by the legal adviser and head of international law division of the minister of foreign
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affairs, emily of benevolent assistance to it for the proper exercise of its functions and court. therefore, the request should be regarded in a much broader frame of reference than a bilateral dispute. and it is with such brought a frame of reference in mind to the kingdom 6 to assist the court and answering the questions contained in the request through the identification of the applicable international law and the presentation of the legal opinion of the kingdom on the status and interpretation of that law. mister president's distinguished members of the court, the kingdom would now like to turn to the questions post and the president's request for an advisory opinion. this, mr. president, according to the kingdom, the right of self determination of peoples is a permanent continuing universal and in elena l. a nibble right, with
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a parent or a character. the principle of self determination of peoples, as in trying to in articles one and 55 of the united nations charter. it is also contained in several resolutions of the general assembly. this historical importance, such as resolution 1514, which states death and i quote, all peoples have the right to self determination. by for 2 of that right, they freely determined that political status and freely pursued economic, social, and cultural development. and quote, the right of self determination has been reaffirmed by the general assembly in resolution 2625, pursuant to which every state has the duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives people's referred to in the resolution of their right to self determination. in addition, this right is enshrined in article one,
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come on to the international covenant on civil and political rights and the international covenant on economic, social, and cultural rights. the court has acknowledged self determination as a right of peoples in the media advisory opinion, the western sahara advisory opinion, the east timor case, the advisory opinion, on the construction of a will and the advisory opinion, on the separation of the chalk, austin archipelago in the east 2 more case, the court observed that the right of peoples to self determination is a right on the status of the right of self determination. as a right and the customer international law is task beyond reproach. according to the kingdom, the, the right of self determination is applicable in the colonial and in the post colonial context. the right is however, equally applicable to peoples and to foreign or alien occupation. as confirmed by
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the general assembly on several occasions, such as in resolution, 51 slash, 84 and its millennium declaration. it appears that the right of self determination is a truly universal and continuing right. it applies to peoples and nicole and it'll donation peoples residing in occupied territory and peoples living in independent states. as a result, a state that occupies territory is under an obligation to respect and promote the right of self determination of peoples residing in the territory. the obligation to respect and promote the right of self determination means that on the one hand, the occupying state shall refrain from mattress that impeach the exercise of the right of self determination of the people concerned during the occupation. and on
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the other hand, that the occupying state shall take measures aim to as creating the conditions under which the people concerned is able to freely and genuinely express its will. in regard of its future political status. a s, the kingdom has observed earlier under international law, a distinction must be made between situations in which the right of self determination is exercised in a manner that preserves international boundaries. which can be referred to as internal self determination or in a manner in that enforced a change of international boundaries, or referred to as external self determination. in the context of colonial domination or for an occupation, the right of self determination can be realized through independence, association or integration. april long
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occupation obstructs the implementation of the right of external self determination of people residing in the occupied territory. concern in regard all function honors people's under for an or alien occupation. the general assembly reaffirmed and resolution $45.00 slash one on and says 30, and i quote, the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territory, integrity, national unity, and liberation from colonial declination apartheid and for an occupation by all available means including armstrong and if a struggle by a people for the implementation of its right of self determination, in the context of colonial domination or for an occupation, is accompanied by the use of armed force by such people. this use of armed force must be in accordance with international law. this
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is the president. i will now address the law regulating the use of force in particular to un charter. and it's for addition, on the use of force by state which contains an article to paragraph for according to the kingdom, the permission of the use of force is a rule of yes co. hence, that applies air ha on this. indeed, india advise your opinion on the construction of a will. the court confirms that the principles as to the use of force incorporated into un charter reflects the customary international law. in 1966, the international law commission, notice that the law of the un charter concerning the prohibition of the use of force in itself, constitutes a conspicuous example of a rule of international law having the character of use cold hands. consequently,
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the international law commission included to prohibit vision of our session in its list of rules of use girlfriend's one of the established exceptions to the prohibition on the use of farm for us is that of the inherent right of individual or collective self defense. if an armed attack occurs against the state as quite a fighting article, 51 of the un charter the occupation of foreign territory can be legitimate in the exercise of the right of self defense in response to an arm to protect. provided that the use of force is exercised in accordance with the conditions attached to disrupt the substantive customary conditions are necessity and proportionality. in addition to the procedural condition, contains an article,
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51 to notify the security council of the actions taken in self defense, or in the advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons. the court, no, that's inter alia, that proportionality and necessity. are inherent in the very concept of self defense. so if the placement of a territory under the control of an armed force, if the results of military operation in the exercise of the rights of self defense necessity requires an assessment of whether the occupation and the continuation or off is necessary to repel the arm to attack or that alternative courses of action are available. this inherently supposed is also a temporal elements of immediacy. if the right of self defense is not exercised
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relatively promptly, it may imply that the exercise of the right of self defense was for necessary. furthermore, with regard to proportionality, the question is whether the occupation and the continuation there off is proportion of in relation to the arm to the tech both in qualitative and quantitative terms. if that is not the case, the occupation may be considered. so you're watching l just here. i am till mccrae and it is 11 gmc, we are continuing our special coverage on the united nations high school. we're sick and tired of hearing sense of the legality of is rose $5060.00, q patient of palestinian territory is underway. we currently hearing from the representative of the dutch government. let's listen backend respects. international law, in particular, human rights and international humanitarian law is the president. it is the view of the kingdom that the right of self to.


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