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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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where you are, you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the know is a lie and it's my job to shed light on how and why the the hello, i'm about this and this is the use on life until coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel pounds neighborhoods in northern gauze that already destroyed, leaving, displaced and hungry, palestinian scrambling for 60 united states. us the un security council. to vote on a temporary cease fire in garza and says, a major is really offensive and dropbox should not go ahead. these not to me,
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asked the district to mr. president, the flesh and blogs of the policy and people south africa tells the world court is there is ration. depression to palestinians has been allowed to last for far too long. and we looked at how israel prophets from illegals, such a small leaving palestinians impulse and sport 2 times had over. there is a young book, motors or into the quarter finals of the asian champion fluid and eat as follows. so cream team, how hang steelers 3. want to progress the what are the starting jobs up with? these are the amenities targeting heavily populated areas of the strip air strikes a fucking pots of a should j a and i was i 2 neighborhoods in gaza. city that all reports of bodies scots are to industries, at least 29195 palestinians of been killed since israel lost its war on
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guys are going to talk to honey law who live in the raw fi in the southern guys have tell us about the air strikes in northern guys are 1st of all honey the the, this well, the intensity on the largest scale of the intense bombing campaign going on in the northern part of gauze, a particular they eastern neighborhoods of gauze, a city densely populated neighborhoods and despite their repeated attacks, people are still inside. these neighbors neighborhoods were targeted at midnights that stretching all the way to early hours of this morning. and at this particular moment, as we speak, continue with intense bombing campaign and targeting more residential homes and more of the public facilities. they stream part of the city as they to neighborhood, as well as shoes. yeah, yeah, yeah we're, we're looking at more than 70 percent of the public facility,
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the infrastructure of residential homes. i've been destroyed or severely damaged since the beginning of the war. residential are still inside. these neighborhoods are ordered sharply by. it is really military to take. the law had been road all the way to all of my life. evacuations going in and by western part of hon. you and is. but knowing that this area is not save, it has been repeatedly targeted as it, as it by it is really military improvement that is not a saved on the boss measure. the people did not respond to these orders and evacuated those work within a garza city and the northern part in most are you right refugee. com just within the past couple hours. massive, relentlessly or stripe targeting an entire residential block. and again, this is not the 1st time we're seeing this mazda of attack on a refugee cabin. fox has been targeted repeatedly, and also just the shot or any sense of safety for people who live around as the,
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as the threat. so the grow into threats of, of, of, of ground encourage of dropbox are increasingly visible. nowadays, some people talked up their stuff and went to the central area only to find themselves right now under these usually relentless error strikes the situation in tanya and is remain the same more catastrophic conditions of mazda or hospital, or some patients that were managed to be evacuated from the hospital, but those with a critical injuries, some medical, this stuff inside it are still inside the health facility. there's really monetary continues. it's not the blockade of the entry of the gym. the relief and void blocking the in 3 of a few. a medical necessities and supplies desperately needed for those inside the hospital. the honey, we're understanding that the world food program saying it's going to suspend a deliveries to the north. what's the impact? is that going to have on the people that as you've been telling us, is still sheltering their a very
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catastrophic and distressing news board. the vast majority of the people, particularly in overcrowded rough i here work, there is a daily struggle for people looking for a drinking water and food supplies. here is good. we, we, it's normal now. it is become the new norm, or full, the display of families and people inside dropbox to see a children roaming. if the rubble full drugs looking for its proper food and it's, it's a really terrible situations for the display population here and not with the news about suspending at food aid for them. it was only freeze the difficulties aggravated that the living conditions, very challenging living condition already people are going hungry here because of the shortage of humanitarian a little on the the, i'm going to block it on the entry of it trucks into the gas, or if we're seeing a truck a one day opens, it needs 5 days of ongoing to block it and the number of a trucks going in so far does not exceed the level does not,
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is not sufficient enough to respond to the greater need and a great on demand of people in northern part of god that we're, we've seen on actual famine and data footage. we've looked at a video where people are surrounding the trucks, spelled with the flower just hard to break it and shows the level of difficulties. and i'm fine. and that's going on to another part was such news coming out. it will increase the difficult to increase the state of panic and concern over the livelihood of people who are waiting for these aids to get in honey, thank you very much. indeed, just as you've been talking to us, honey, we've been looking at pictures that were pretty recent on fat children. and northern guys would be demonstrating against the lack of food, a mid state, the, the inability of some agencies to be able to get food into the areas in northern garza. and as you say, as describing 1st, the attacks which has been continuing and from bothering the ears of northern guys, i am cutting off the roots of those 8 supplies and get into as i say,
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these are just pictures of some of the children in northern gaza actually holding a prototype saying that they didn't mind the rights to be fed honey. my fluids in the dropbox on southern got so thank you very much. and do the palestinians in the north of the strip of become almost entirely reliant on a crowds waiting to receive food supplies of once again come under fire from these very forces, at least one person was killed and several of been injured as topic a boy, assuming reports from the offer, thousands scanned them to ruined the streets of northern gauze there waiting. the goal is a city for a lifelong 8 supplies to keep the some of these, the mice, at least for one more days. the troops spring suit. but it's not really, you know, one back breaks open on children, rushed to to the it's not even a speck of slow. it can be allowed to go to waste. the
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hang goes far from being the only danger is where the forces opened fully and launch the smoke grenades and a bit to break the crowns. i did, i rushed to the hospital to get treatment for the pull. that one's they say they were only waiting for food, and the each very attack was unprovoked. i went down, i heard gunshots, you know, don't know what happened. we want to feed out children just like everyone else. so we went to get some flowers, but then we were shocked out shelves with fide tanks advanced. that's. that's the united nations this morning. that gauze is that the risk of funding there has been close to increase a shipment. but what is getting in? is it still far from enough? back on the streets, the crowds dispersed, many had to return home empty,
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hemmed some with fortune enough to get something, at least. but he could not be sure when the next a talk beloved wants. so what difficult will have to last, as long as it takes to recover zoom out. just a rough, rough off. somebody goes off the beginning of $29000.00 palestinians in gaza. israel's allies, the united states, has called for a temporary cease fire quote. as soon as it is practical, washington has drafted a un security council resolution supporting a temporary truce. its already a non stop times to veto the text boxed by out of nations on the council votes later on tuesday, that dropped calls for an immediate humanitarian, cx. 5 and rejects the force displacement palestinians. americans resolution ones against israel's planned ground, defensive and rougher saying able further displays, palestinians potentially inter neighboring countries such as egypt from the un
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headquarters in new york. here's, i'll just say the diplomatic efforts of james bangs important developments here at the united nations. we show that perhaps us policy towards gauze is beginning to change from weeks. the u. s. has been opposed to a draft resolution for the security council proposed by algeria, which was due to be put to the vote on choose day cooling for an immediate see spa . but now at the last minute, the us has proposed its own draft resolution and it mentions the words the spa, nothing to meet you, one, but what it says is a temporary spot and garza as soon as practicable. and this u. s. resolution also condemns the idea of a ground incursion by israel into rafa. it says that under the current circumstances such an incursion should not proceed the us deputy and best the robot would. so they decided to put forward the own proposal because they believed the out. jerry and one was not going to make things better on the ground. look,
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we're very concerned about the overall situation there. i mean, you know, it's getting worse every day and we're very concerned about it. and we want to do something. ready can impact what's going on on the ground. we just think the algerian resolution isn't going to have that impact that we think is important. and that's why we're looking at other options to see what we can do from a practical standpoint to really make a difference on the ground. so there are now 2 competing dropped resolutions. what's the view of the un secretary general? the secretary john would like to see 1st of all on the ground is the humanitarian ceasefire. the immediate release of all uh, hostages, increasing humanitarian access. he would like to see the security council of speak with one voice on this issue which has been challenging the new us draft resolution also rejects the idea of reducing the size of gaza with the setting up of a buffer zone and condemns is right. the government ministers,
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who called for the resettlement of gauze, what's not clear, is how the rest of the security council are going to respond. more negotiation seemed likely. james pays out a 0. at the united nations. the world has organize ization has reduced footage, showing the dire conditions inside and also hospitalized con units in southern gaza . doctors from the u. n. body have to wait 2 days for permission to evacuate to patients to some in a critical condition of to is really forces stone to facilitate the hospital is no longer functioning. as of the nicest waves interfered with a hospitalization operation. doctor vick people con is the world health organizations representative for garza and he was part of that mission into naso, the spoke charges here about the difficulties they faced over the last 3 days, 3 days ago. uh, adobe a show in both china and rob mission were trying to bring and fuel into and also in that complex, i was part of the team together with another adobe at show,
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a colleague legal stuck actually it was a, has a dangerous actually role. normally it's only 10 minutes actually from rough up to nothing. another complex, it took us hours, triple step 50 meters before announcing another complex. we in the team, went through the compounds, when it was a little idea of customs. and we request us to get in entry into the hospital to talk to, to stop, to make a quick assessment and to plan for education. because to fall the concerning reports, we were not allowed in the next a we came back the match to get the truck into the hospital and we get fuel again. we requested for access to the same quick assessments planned for f actuation. and again, we were in most we didn't get the permission to get it yesterday. so that was 2 times when i was the yesterday in the my team got permission to get in and together of it's a the scene rep pressing that all shot reached at the hospital and managed to reach
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a transfer for key critical patients age normal. think 6, woking and to patient companions of the company is the head of plastic and reconstructive surgery at nasa hospital in con eunice. and he was forced to flee israel seizing the facility and describes what he was forced of. and you all around the bodies of this, the super this means the but this mean to these, the buddies. it's like horror movies, you know, mobility. you can see buildings that consist of the show of this view during this each although that was because there was, but that was by c 3 weeks. i couldn't offer anything too much and we mostly know most you've been doing some student, some sweets i couldn't provide some suites for washington. bye bye. which is 2
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years old. seems to us me means both. i a weird story to the most of the was hoping it was due to you for holding this we continue holding. oh, by the just the mean of most of us we don't have so much and was most of us depends because most of us can like, i mean we don't know the visuals use office also. so
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we need we need to like the continuous care. i just know the physical, these specialists above actually last away or maybe of the boss though we yeah. the 2nd day of hearings into the legality of israel's 56 year occupational palestinian territory is under way of the united nations highest court. author pa this time put forward its case on monday. 51 countries are presenting their arguments over the rest of the week. the representative of side of topic compared the is really occupation to a pop type. you said the i. c j's hearings could help bring an end to a system of racial oppression that have no place in the modern world. a soft office that cannot overstate the significance of this adviser, legal pin for the public,
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jean and people more especially the legal to connect to the as ation of the situation of occupation and the imposition of the system of racial oppression and apologies. which have questionably been permitted to continue for far too long. the occupation alone has persisted for 56 years as the un special to put to on the occupied, published in intended, please explained. intent attended to the occupation back is as been conducted in profound defiance of international law and hundreds of united nations resolutions with scanned, pushed back from the international community. consequently, as the president that defines back is why it has already elected to the ceiling of tens of thousands of college students, including an estimated say,
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2000 codes in the past. 4 months alone. these not to me as participants, mister president, the flesh and plots of the public student people. sorry, and maybe as i'm positive to the netherlands and says israel's behavior towards the palestinians has no justification. he said they're being treated like objects that can be thrown away. is it a defense? this of saying able to tell a take a sinister sort of price for the faith and come us the king. then we'll show that abs familiar objects. this is twisted, logic is actions and laying waste to the guns us through skilling, naming tens of thousands of innocent civilians. the pricing of the fort worth, the basic means of suffice for while this displacing for actually the entire
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population of the 2230000 people are not justified under any circumstances. as it is actions have to fairly determine the iced, the city. and i believe 3, think of them as dispensable objects brought up in human beaks. these disagreeable acts which have brought about formal accusation before the 16th court. that is, that i am, is committing genocide against the student population. and us a host of live analogy bodies, jerusalem. first we're going to head to the hague and speak to step voss and outside the international court of justice and stuff. what was the main arguments that we had this morning? the well, some very strong statements, as you heard, and we have heard from the 6 countries so far and there was some very clear agreements among them that the occupation of the processing and
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a tire choice is on law for the south africa. cool that the colonial system of apartheid and ordered a israel to immediately withdraw from the territories, but also to dismantle the is the settlement and also pay for reparations. although this case is not focusing on guys in the military action there, you can really feel that it's, it's hanging over this case on the occupation of the palestinian territories, which is as we know, a non binding advisory case, but still did the statements and the language coming from this court is very strong and even the country it's like good, like belgium and also they're not going to have been very strong allies of israel has very also have been condemning israel and it's x and also calling for the self determination of the palestinian people that start looking at they, they what we heard this morning as a whole. what's to dar looking at the legal aspects of this as
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well. i think one of the main focuses of this whole case and all the hearings that we're hearing and the next a week is, is the fact if this occupation is permanent or temporary. israel has always argued it's, it's temporary, it's necessary. it's for self defense, but we heard also of course, from the palestinians on monday. that's all the effects on the grounds. but also the statements coming from is for any officials show that this occupation is permanent and it's been happening already for 57 years. so i think the main arguments here, and it's also with south africa and saudi arabia. sap is from all the facts that we see. the evidence is very clear. this is a permanent occupation, and that simply violates all international last step. thank you very much and east of us and outside the international court of justice and the have. but while those i c j proceedings were on the way, is really saffo said father holmes and cars and the occupied westbank. other homes
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were vandalized in the time of booking novelist and his reading and military rate follows is really sets of attacks. and veins by soldiers have intensified since the watering gauze have begun in october of i'm going to go to honda so who didn't occupied east jerusalem. but the old city is the hoss of these really occupation and the conflict. how does the occupation affect the communities where you are, the, the, israel's occupation effects palestinians on a daily basis throughout every aspect of their lives where they are allowed to go? what areas they're allowed to see when and how they can go to the locks, a mosque for friday, prayers, their freedoms in every which way are restricted because of his rules, occupation, and i have with me here. dr. munoz and the save of a human rights lawyer and an academic from occupied east jerusalem. but thank you so much for being with us. we've been covering this extensively,
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but talk to us about life under occupation and serve its consequences on the pulsing and people buy from that location. and by this time more generally and also specifically in jerusalem is very difficult. that is, that any occupation has been continuously since 1967 on to today, displacing the sinews from their homes and building supplements, and agile was only caught on these and occupied palestinian territories, controlling their movements uh, controlling where they can go, what they can do, and and at the same time, uh, continuously controlling the population through a lot of measures, including it present mentor to a and many other measures these these policies a month to apartheid. this is what a number of human rights organizations. and i found a city in international as well as is i, the organizations have a phones after they examined the way that is an indian system works. we can see,
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for example, heat intrusive them how often of an extension of the students and them and building the world around the students and in which the international court of justice, back in 2004 declared as a league and a producing him is isolated from that stuff, but his time is up and ascending and population is unable to really move into those and him to work into those to them, to at, at the move freely. but also we can see how the displacement continues on a continuous. busy basis, also home demolition is a policy that is ongoing and has never actually stopped since 1967. as it does declare that the goal of its policies is to do the eyes 0 center. this is, unfortunately, not only a policy that is exercised, but it is proud to declare by the is it a state institutions. and we can see that this is actually what is going on. this happens against human rights, i guess the most basic rights of the city and population in jerusalem and that on
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the occupied for the city instead of 3 and the rest of the west bank and gaza. well, let me ask you in, in response to all of this, israel has said that the palestinians should go back to what they're calling the existing legal frameworks to try and solve this conflict. what's your response to that, given that these really government is just this week? taking measures to unilaterally prevent forming a pulsing and state oh, of course the existing framework isn't good enough to know what is it and wants to do is to invite us to indians to only one of the dodge echo negotiations. this has been already experimented over the past 3 decades, but it's to me as has been negotiating with, is it a, is it a does not want to get anywhere with this negotiation? but at the same time, while uh, negotiation is supposedly the way things should happen and, and is it a, it has been taking more land expending waterfront, a stimulus from better homes and controlling their lives more about what type of
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disease is only getting from back to us, as we can see today, what we can see today and guides us today, is that, is it a, it has not even thought that apartheid is enough. now they are committing genocide, which is the worst crime it within the whole international system. so what, what should we wait for? should we wait until there is no more, but it's telling us to talk to stuff terminated aside? what thank you so much for your time with us here on us either. so just to give you an idea of the daily struggles for palestinians across the occupied territories of what they have to deal with under israel's military occupation, a situation that palestinians say is only getting worse. and i thank you very much indeed. honda. so who's an occupied east jerusalem or not? so it sounds like a has long been an advocate of palestinian rights and we've been mentioning as representative was be speaking in front of the young court advocating for
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palestinian rights. last month. it took israel to the international court of justice, accusing it of genocide and gaza founded another looks back of the history of its support for palestinians in 1948. so the africans, government, of all, whites politicians, legalized racism and segregation of non whites. a states policy, the africans word for the separation is a part date. in the same year, the state of israel was declared triggering the 1st arab is ready will. zine has some of the 2 forces expelled at least $750000.00 palestinians from their homes and land gradually capturing more than 70 percent of historic palestine over several decades. in 1994 of the use of state violence, oppression, and resistance. so that africa held its 1st negotiated democratic vote saw how can i go with empty, a potted icon. nelson mandela elected president, what he called his loan with to freedom had arrived. the palestinian land remained occupied. i promised you as i promise, uh,
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that is the thing that i will do my best was. busy this thing and uh to achieve that he had to use, give aquatics of i forget how it would take you to pull to the pool for the 2 state solution. along with the freedom of palestinians from is really occupation. you have what research company similarity in south africa. i'm. paula stands both simply colonialism for james. so that i think that you found that the international we're off to somebody. this is came and so i'm glad to sell it at a funeral and ending about it. we don't see the same with bellas time, and i think part of that is in fact, that really made showing the way in which the philistines state was well sort of built into the disenfranchised on garza since the how most attacking is running october 7 and the resulting in boardman, detaining close to $50000.00 palestinians, mid south africa to the international court of justice. accusing his rep genocide
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again last months. the quote in the hague issued provisional measures against israel, including the order to prevent acts of genocide. at least that is really military operations extended into southern gaza. so that's at the request of the court issue . additional measures. while judges know to that a potential new assault and the 1400000 people in rafa would worse than the humanity or in knights may, quote, the trying to issue additional measures in israel should comply with it exist. it cannot be, business is resolved after the highest court in the land is made the pronunciation, this data is that i just with the legs of mind itself and the implement and comply with the court order. so that's because this is really is in breach of the court orders and the international conventional genocide. for me to minute i'll just have a janice, but what is bringing jo, blue and she's a member of the organization satisfy for can jews for a free pa this time on adult troll research or the london school of economics?
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he's joining a star from cape town. thank you very much indeed for being with us. then as a jewish organization, given what we have heard so far in front of the international court of justice, what do you think that the outcome is likely to be? i think think he's festival great things to you to you and to your view as at home and thanks for having us on the show in terms of the outcomes. i think if we look at the history of the i, c, j, you know, the whole case that was mentioned the south west africa case. and it may be a case that was brought up today that take off simon's case management, which would report up in somebody could submission up the quote this morning. um, we do see a history of the court. and indeed the genocide case for, i mean not to leave that out. the recent genocide as of africa, this isn't
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a standing in favor of self determination setting against the colonization. and so i think the question of outcome really needs to be understood on 2 levels. one is the legal level where we may well see the court ruling in favor against the united favor of the, in the galaxy all the occupation. but the question then becomes at the political level, what kind of ramifications will we see coming from that? as we know, israel has been in flagrant violation of its obligations under international so, so that remains to be seen and i were there part of your line. unfortunately broke up just a little bit earlier, so hope i'm not asking you something that you've already addressed, but what we're hearing and finding a miller's report before the historical links between publish time and to satisfy freaked out. what is interesting is also the fact that it clearly resonates so much know, given the amount of time that has happened since they,
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they are the age of apartheid in south africa. why do you think that it is such a? it is something that is at the forefront of so many people's minds, which i think that's such a great question and i think, you know, one of the things we look at as a sub for continues for free palestine because here many of us have kind of come and become sub africans through a process of, of settlement and escape the programs and the nazi holocaust in, in, in, in eastern europe. and i think this moment of 1948 that was just brought up by one of your your previous speak. cuz it's really important where both the genocide convention is accepted by the united nations general assembly. and we have these 2 par, taped states established in, in south africa and in palestine on the back of the not. so i think as a, as an estimate of sellers said today in, in the hearings that is a deep connection between the pi taped state and the struggle
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against the parted. i believe he's the to the moon for memories of the struggle, again, stuff, heartache, and in south africa and in palestine. and so that has been this ongoing solidarity . i also think about the same time and to have high tate active funds of africa and abroad have been instrumental in strengthening the low on a party whether it is be a project convention or. busy kind of draft principles throughout history that has been a strong surge of anticipate anti colonial lawyer and. and if you look on the streets in south africa, you know, the purchased action, the, the boy cut the investment and sanctions, the absolute support for the palestinian cause is overwhelming. and there is a deep sense of solidarity between many south africans, most of africans. and the people of the case has been brought against the dentist.
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israel at the international court of justice is being brought is being referred to as being brought against israel. but of course, occupation is a policy of successive, is rarely governments do you think your or what is your interpretation of how the jews around the world feel represented by the israeli government signed by israel as a state. so i think it's a really important question and, and one of the things that, that we are very very care on is that zionism is not due to them. in fact, it is in many ways a corruption of due to them. and consequently, anti semitism is not an to sign is and this is key so, so i think one must stand against all forms of racism and oppression. and this includes anti palestinian race. so as long a phobia, anti blackness, various tended forms of oppression and anti semitism. and i think if you look at
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the kinds of actions that are happening globally, whether it's 2 as voices for peace in the states to the games white supremacy globally. if not now, etc, and all work. yeah. so you know, that is a movement to absolutely refuse. what is not earning the colonization of palestine, but the colonization of jewish identity and subject to the t. and, you know, there's a long trajectory of jewish di spreads. the idea of a individual jewish state is a very new phenomenon in, in the, had been in the history of, of do to them. you know, we as a south african dues for free palestine. we often talk about the kite, which is the, an idea that kind of translates to share of this. you know, we are here where we are, the, is not this idea that this should be a national homeland. and in fact, scientism itself is a deeply anti semitic idea,
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you know, very much and lot of it strands originating from a, the need to dispel the expelled europe of its jews and placed them somewhere else. and the failure of, of the not certification in europe has really come to be something that has been taken out in the set the colonization of palestine. so as of african dues for a free palestine. me absolutely each. i refuse this conversation and we see it as a deeply political conflation. that's not only westernized is of grief and suffering in the memories of our ancestors, but does so in, in support. and as a scaffolding full genocide, a genocide and palestine and the ongoing map by that is the rest of precisely the same logic of fascism and exterminate, to finalize that the nazi holocaust,
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watson jo blowing. we appreciate you being with us and i'll just see them on thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. i the still ahead on all just data, a medical emergency inside of the career why thousands of training dumpsters started an indefinite stripe sign in sports the and then fix the heading to tahiti . but not everyone very happy about that story. coming up later this hour, the unique perspective that plays students up does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, proceeding that's local landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on
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out just the are asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action? the hospital with fearless gentleman is just behind me. hundreds of people have been and back to h isn't in depth coverage, thailand states it's future on fossil fuels, know renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching. i'll just need a reminder of our child stories of this uh,
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this really monitor is continuing to target to have any popular data is off the gaza strip airstrikes of fucking pots. so there's a j, a and it all is a 2 neighborhoods in northern causes that are reports of bodies. scott is in the streets. israel's walden guys has killed at least 29195 on a standing for you as high as code is holding its 2nd day of hearings into the legality of israel's 56 year occupation, or protestant in town or officer pont assigned for following its case on monday, 51 south country presenting there august. the rest of the south africa's representative compared israel's occupation. offsets is ready. the satellites have set fire to holdings and causing the multiplied west, find new types in the town of both factory and non and followed by a minute to rate is very sas, low attacks, and rates by the soldiers have intensified since the water and gosh,
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the international focus and there's really settlers and the occupied westbank is increasing the sanctions implemented by the us, the u. k. and several, you states, front, essentially 28 is where the staff as well, spain is considering its own measures of lots top diplomats and shows a but al says 26 of the 27 members are calling for an immediate humanitarian pause in gaza. a month ago, members of parliament in portugal, arts the government to have palestine recognized as an independent state law. the spanish prime minister has promised his government to work to ensure palestinian statehood. the belgian government has pledged $5400000.00 in support of the engine national criminal courts investigation into possible war crimes. in gosh, couple martian law on the shutter is all just as senior political analyst. he's joining us now. we're going to talk, 1st of all about the heating is that we, we heard earlier on of the international court of justice. now we have from saudi arabia to south africa. and all julia, you were talking to us about before about how significant,
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particularly south africa and all julia are in this. but of course saudi arabia has an importance of its own. oh yes, the south africa and i was you're probably the most relevant countries to speak at such a at such a court, a touch on occasion because they are the predecessors, if you will, of the subtler colonial reality that we see and bravo in is around the palestine, you know, the, the african, hey, and see the south african n c d l, jerry and as i land or this chord so big it gives subtler colonial uh, uh, colonialism in past years. they liked them by piece and the, and the message, right? in terms of their high scores of games, but was still haven't run this reality in the developing world. and i think
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they have a lot to teach us and they have rich experience to share with us and their opposite versions of what, what goes on palestine resembles so much what went on on their own home done. so julia suffered a 152 years of french occupation and ended up paying the price of some $1000000.00 . a victim of that occupation is deliberate deadlines. south africa, something solar, 5 decades, almost a policy another crime, i guess. do you mind if so there's support for the, for the city and case on. and then on the lighting the, the in the galler fees of occupation dispossession. and our bosses in palestine is key, right? for, for the, for the courts, for the international court of justice. so you gotta be on the other hand is of course very important because of his original standing. and because of the really just dimension that it brings to the table in as far as jerusalem is consort as the
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future capital as an occupied future capital of the posterior said. as of course, that's everything now posits on the idea of what the, so we're going to be a will we're not normalize relations with these are in terms in return for is our ending it's occupation here. we've heard some of this all with these. what's the radically is their position about what they expect of is, right? if is rad, accept expects normalization or diplomatic editor james, basically telling us other other than the program about the 2 resolutions, the competing resolution. so got to be had of the un security can. so i want to ask you about that, but i just wanna run through for the benefit of you is what the differences are odd . so i'll julia and the us have submitted rival resolutions to the un security council. vale, judy and resolution is calling for an immediate humanitarian series firewall, the us text, or just a temporary cease fire. judy express is concerned about the deteriorating
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humanitarian situation and calls for unhindered humanitarian access. washington's wedding is similar. both resolutions calls for the immediate release of captives held in garza algeria or just the council to remind both israel on homeless comply with international law. while the us focuses on israel's planned ground, defensive and rough warning, it would have implicate since the original piece and security and further displace palestinians. julius text rejects the overall force displacement of palestinians, mom and i want to particularly ask you about the u. s. one. now if i understand it correctly, key thing is it's recommending a c spar, but a temporary cease fire. and it's talking about the concerns that it has over and is really encouraging towards dropbox. but it could have done this at any time. why do you think it is doing it now as well? there's a number of reasons, right? the most immediate is that they are trying to respond or present an alternative to
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the l julian. dress. now g and draft is more in line. it like that and spirit of what transpired from the hague on the question of genocide in gaza. right. and there was a number of provisions provisions, if you remember, which what invoked by the court at the time saying that is right and needs to be in line with international law on the number of questions and ultimately the humanitarian and so on, so forth. so the l julian, uh, that's what the solution comes to. basically, i'm convinced if you went to the, the windows of the international court, the was court, the amount of guns don't agree to put them in an immediate cease fire. and that was that presenting an alternative draft, which as you said, does use that includes something specific about the danger of is red. uh, expanding its uh, war crimes, its aggression against the southern tip of guys. uh that also where about
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a 1000000 and a half people a found refuge if you will, that. so in a sense that there is an immediate reason for that. but there was also the reason of the hague and the general side that i think america wants to present that size as a country that is still in line with international legality when it is not. and then there is a question of the us back is read right. but continues with as genocide in gaza, we have entered, we're almost in the 4th months now into the 4th month of it. we have approached, certainly a 1000 deaths killed by his read almost 100000 casualties the united states in as far as i understand it, and it understands that this what is over write something that i give it understands also that is always not accept permanency. it's fine, so it's presenting an alternative, diag god, america, find that a use the word c slide as if the word ceasefire, you know,
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getting is contagious or can give you, you know, sickness or, or illness or whatever. it's the most important and fundamental thing that america should have called for, from the 1st week of this aggression i guess because it didn't. but now too late for a temporary cease fire. i'm not sure how it's going to be received. hopefully, the algerian drafted was, you know, some process, but the benefit does america with, well, most surely v to do. we have a, we're going to get about 45 seconds left moment. but i just, i mean, the us a said this, this should happen. but it should happen as soon as practicable, that's about as vague as you can possibly get. and in terms of actually putting this into any sort of input and implemented state, it's gonna be difficult, isn't it? as because it appears as the use of suffrage. with this, right? if, if it has any intention to use leverage with his right, if it has any intention to really bring this worked on,
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and if it has any real intention to be responsible back to this question, then it would just say it major. even if right not a temporary cease fire, it's not because i think it's been in conclusion with is read. it is the us back is read war and guys. it continues to be the case. i think despite all the diplomatic acrobatics by the united states, it remains unconditional. the back catalogue as well. and as always, thank you very much indeed. so head on, i'll just say don't flying high the chinese airlines. and so you can just see the chunk of the world market from western giants like bowling and airbus, john and sports, one of the words figures, motorsport advisors, checked all the soonest. drama. we actually were coming up later this out.
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the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the asian spring as biggest as air show. and single pole is to showcasing the 1st made in china a passenger jet. the airline industry experts say it's a new challenger for air bus and boeing. but as patrick folk explains from the show, the airliner has a long way to go before making a big impression with passengers worldwide. a it's typically war plans to generate bonds and excitement at this ash of this year. it's a passenger just terminating all the tools. this is the co,
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maxine 9. $19.00 at line is 1st trip outside chinese territory. i think the interest comes basically from the west and well, from europe, from north america to see how far they come together to put put in that car for sale in the marketplace. china makes no secret of its intention to compete with ad boss and boeing and the global passenger across the market. spending tens of billions of dollars in developing costs to get a share of the action. between jets, international debut comes as air bus and bring all struggling to ramp up production because of the supply chain disruptions and quality control concerns for boeing. us as space joined in the headlines for the wrong reasons. recently, an emergency exit door on one of its 737 maxim, 9 plains blue at mid flight, terrifying passengers last month. i think it's perfect timing for them to get in to fix it. i think it will be developing countries that will attend the money to spend
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begin, and i think they will be the one that the time. for now, there are only 4. see 919 wind for china, eastern airlines. co max assigned a new deal here to deliver 40 just to best outlines, but winning customers outside china will be no fly by the scene on one line is totally on me. so to fly, to fly within mainland, china is yet to receive regulatory approval from the european and the american civil aviation agencies. troops take time to potential passengers here on giving the seal of approval. the most rigorous standards and safety to political tensions and trade sanctions could threaten export orders. a chinese that confir lives heavily on overseas manufacturers for various costs, but so long as potential barriers don't get into the way. it may not be long before
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co max international market emissions take off. patrick phone. how does 0 single the size of this bar here is bar? rob, thank you so much to time that title winners, john book motors are in to the quarter finals of the asian champions league fellow as that green team po has dealers were able to have a 2 deficit from 1st flag thanks to the school, keeping air for the 2nd half hold from is on to work was enough for you on book to progress. 3112 late goals. so i stand on passion. i'm trying to knock out of college se frontal turned on winning and 65 on aggregate against their japanese opponents to move to the last 8 are doing jobs and score the decisive goal . deepen injury time to win for to on the night. and we've got was hockey's 1st defeats in 15. this is one of the even titles cut down a rinaldo is yet to win. a goal from rinaldo means his own nice routine will take
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a one no advantage into the 2nd leg of their tie against. i'll fall ha on wednesday of last or haven't won this trophy for 30 years and twilight, athletic, i'm a drug meet in the last 16 of the european champions league later on tuesday. the 1st leg is after sam 0 in the land were inter, had been an excellent form. their top of the tale in a sorry, out by 9 points after 6th straight wins. and to were beaten in the funnel. the champions league last year by manchester city. while we up against a strong, a political side who were coached by one of their former players, diego cod, he's also played with interest managers to me on it exactly when they were at lots . yeah. i'm good on the compiler, the squad that he was a great c major, just said if it was clear that he would become a great coach, searching is at the same topic. what will be on the impact to give to his teams? it's a pleasure to watch athletic supply to andres bremar,
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the man who won the 1990. well kat for west germany has died at the age of 63. from her score, the only goal via talia 90 final, the sadie olympic co in rome to beat diego. mary, donna's argentina one now that'll be olympics will be held in paris but not to surfing competition, which is going to be in heating. not everyone there is happy about it though, as david stokes reports a tear who po and say he is famous for its perfect waves surface from all over the world, travel to the island in french polynesia. and this yet the world's best will compete here for an end pick gold. but already the games have had a negative impact on this small community every day since almost one year. now, the beginning, the union, the, you know, i don't know why. and we have a good weekend to go fishing anymore because you can see anything that's very good . this is ridiculous in december, a construction budge being used to build
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a judging tower city and then pick damage the co reef. the incident when the bible on social media we saw is that we have some impact on the roof during the biologist test. we where it was awful for us also because as i said, just before, a lot of people walking for fires 2024 in tied to a little cold. so this is special relationship with nature, with valence. and it was like a bump for us after our like co backlash. the original size at the olympics site was scaled back. minimizing the need for new construction and accommodation. but the still concerned the reef will suffer further damage and lose the shape that the islands payments waves rely on to form hotels, sufficient capital. no scientist has been able to reassure us, the wave won't be impacted. so this is the question for paris 2024 to the government. is there a risk to our heritage? no,
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this is the land of god before being the land of the games. despite the environmental concerns many on the island are excited about the olympics, including professional suffolk county, vast who will be competing with home. what's the advantage sales come on to everyone. so i say, i think that's why it's important that the lympics of health and to heat it's something extraordinary for everyone, for pulling the is yes. so the stuff is and the whole world will be able to show that we have perfect waves and one on the olympics. i think competition will last for 9 days in july and august with locals hoping to about showcase that way of life and protect it to babies. folks, how would you 0 the daytona, 500. the 1st race of the nascar cap series had plenty of action with multiple pilots on the international speedway. american world, environmental should say, clear of the cast when the race for hendrick motorsports, snapping the teams 9 seizing losing streak in daytona. that is always fort
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pronounce back to you. follow. thank you very much indeed. and i am going to be back in a couple of minutes with more on all the storage side robots and stay with the this is the 1st one i saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are. they are in raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. ukraine. father in the front line. a mother and children. can this time of the see a future?
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one of the sky is the sign. is without an ukraine escaping the doctor with this medical facility in the man incidents coughing so hard to him is a single room that provides health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers for dance. health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapid support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes
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performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many invest 15 volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to bone level by the conflict the, the israel ponds neighborhoods in northern jobs are 8, has already destroyed just leaving this space and hungry palestinians scrambling for safety. the auto center this is audra 0, live from dough home. also coming up to the un security council is set to vote in the next hour on a resolution submitted by l julia calling for an immediate to monitoring. so as far


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