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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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that was the history of the hottest thing in displacement and explorers, whether tearing palestinians from because the occupied west bank is ready to transfer on and just the we know it means that the situation they will deteriorate further and more people risk of dying of hunger generation and northern gauze, off the food a delivers. a pause because it's too dangerous the hello, i'm darn jordan, this is out. is there a life? and so how was that coming on? we'll tell you how one the hospital in the rough ice, caring for the smallest and most vulnerable others to be honest during the outs pointed by. will we meet to street office to 10 minutes?
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i keep making her mocking central costs and the un security council takes action, sanctioning the leaders of on groups in democratic republic. the beginning of new fee is a funding in gaza where millions are struggling to get enough food. during israel, as bombardment, shortages are worse than the isolated no, and the world food program says it's posing killer, bridge the onto it safer. just aerostar. assume reports on the roof in southern gaza. buildings would use to ruffle in messiah rock. often another date is where the funding palestinians fixed through the rooms, searching for safe voices. but often all the phones of the remains of their loved ones has to be buried. that many wound, if the funding will answer and the love of the and we want them to look at us with
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massey, this is just wrong today. no one can stop is right with even our countries constant go, that'll be it hasn't. and so this is what kind of situation i'd like to now look at the semi trees are everywhere and they're all full. no west sites even for this was trying to help. the world with program had only just resumed 8 deliveries, to know the ring cause of to us feet weak suspension. now they are stopping again for you and you don't see say that it's simply too dangerous as strikes up constant consent. but with goes on the brink of famine, many trucks have full so diluted by desperate people with no what else to tell the world for the program saves? it didn't take its decision lightly. they say a system needs to be set top to into deliveries can be made safely on. the big thoughts of this is opening more crushing points to live in more essential supplies until things change. the future for people in cost that look,
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split is ready for funding poses any immediate danger. along with this fresh, almost tough ation on a topic advisor. oh, just a rough, rough suffering causal. meanwhile, is there any strikes across guys that have continued at least 5 palestinians have been killed on his radio show in russell another 12 i've been wounded. is randy military talking to the house in the city? and i'm is randy as try come the crowd in the state of refugee camp in central gauze. it has killed at least 12 palestinians. many children are among the dead. dozens of wounded and rushed to hospital alone. doctors of the buddha says, and his ready attack has killed at least 2 people in a statement. they said tonight is where the forces conducted an operation in milwaukee, han, eunice, what a shelter hosting doctors with that sort of stuff. and their families will show evidence cruising outreach the sides where at least 2 family members of our colleagues have been killed. i'm 6 wounded, were horrified by what has taken place at the sound of the 13 media world because
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in general, as have been killed since the war began. on tuesday, i palestinian journalist, recruited a video at the moment, is riley. so just open file on him and his colleagues and goals are sitting a film, the incident showing that they were all wearing. katy mocked press junkets a lot. i didn't know the towards the i'm stuck a she's are you pluck nonrestrictive directive earlier for you? the limit of the dozens of palestinian babies have been born prematurely at the hospital in a rough up in southern goza. some of them now opened and many a force to shed incubators. i mean ashen ripple
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inside the gaza hospital for the bodies of several infants rest and note on the door. cushions don't put food. yeah. the reason for which is paying for the key out the life and death into twine. yeah. at the end, but it's crescent hospitality. and rough lot, i think this hospital is very small. it is now the only place with gynecology obstetrics and nursery facilities. in the gaza strip. we have just 18 incubators for $45.00 babies for should be only one baby in each incubator. that means there is a lot of pressure on doctors and nursing staff. doctors say the story of one pretty much you baby, they've named my lack is bought to clear the project and have them smoke. i don't know how much, what there's an unknown baby and we don't know what's happened to our family. some
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people found her on a tree as a result of the showing and brought her to the hospital. we gave for the name of malik because she really looks like an angel. black whose name means angel and that i make is one of the 213 metro babies brought to this hospital from i, she thought medical complex. she was well enough to stay engaged along with 2 other babies, while the remaining 28, whose parents, fates are on known, were sent to egypt for treatment or the sleep. we need to save the posting in children, the children and babies have done nothing to be the victims of these really aggression. the occupation forces are criminals, who can't do anything. they are threatening for storm, rasa. and if this happens, we will lose all post to me and babies here in the hospital. they are also many healthy children in the nursery woods. and the hospital is trying to reach their families so they can be over your life to be just show the crowd conditions
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inside the nursery. doctors are concerned that the she and number of children needing treatment into what causes a threat to the lives the cache. and just the doctor states has once again vetoed a security council resolution coating for an immediate cease fire and gaza. it was supported by all the council members except for the u. k, which obtained china has sharply criticized the move, saying it sent the wrong message. and it gives, as well quote, a green light to continue the slow. so, diplomatic editor james bangs reports, or those against again her hand was res. to veto up sentence u k abstained. but again, it was the vote of the us ambassador, linda thomas greenfield. the blocked resolution would have demanded an immediate cease fire in caution. the out, jerry and boss of that had been working on the draft for 3 weeks. while in the talk
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of, we will not stop until this council shoulders of the responsibilities in full. apart from the u. s. and the u. k. all of the, of the 13 delegations on the security council strongly supported to meet you at c spa, the suffering. the palistine, you know, southern during is beyond anything a human being should be subjected to god. i showed you for a big the continued passive avoidance of an immediate cease. fire is nothing different from giving a green light to continue to slope. so it goes all, so it'd be, don't know, the human costs and the humanitarian situation goes as intolerable. and israel operation and must stop and glove cc, the us, and bassett, a told reporters this resolution would have sabotaged ongoing negotiations in the region on the sea spa and the prism to release, even though at 2 mediating countries, egypt and cut to both support the draw a boss of the thomas green field is now putting forward a road, draw up the resolution negotiation. we're eager to continue working with the
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council on this proposal. one that would see a temporary cease fire as soon as practicable, based on the formula all hostages being released, and one that would get a into the hands of those palestinians who so desperately need it. i owe them baset as say they'll now consider action in the un general assembly, but at the same time, but we pursue efforts in the security council to get to see spa. this is the 4th time the us says, block security council action on a c spa. the new drum resolution appears to show that washington's position is perhaps changing. but what's happened here means a safe spot isn't gonna happen any time soon. and that means the desk told in garza is going to continue to rise. james bay's out to 0 at the united nations. well, the war on guns is overshadowing
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a g. 20 foreign ministers meeting in brazil us secretary of state anthony blinking has arrived in the capital of a city a full the gathering early this week. but still, as president accused israel, of committing genocide against protest demands that compared it's one garza to the holocaust, remarkable condemned by both israel and the us been quite clear that we do not believe that genocide has occurred in gaza. we want to see the conflict ended as soon as pa, as practical. we want to see who military assistance increased in a sustain manner to the innocence of civilians and gaza. but we do not agree with those coming. at least one palestinian has been killed during his ready ride in the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank troops that a car on fire as they withdrew from the camp in the area. as of wednesday, the reports of 2 extracts and fighting between his ready forces and palestinian groups. as many forces also still in the scholar refugee camp in the city of
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numberless and rated towns that to buy some calculator as well to increase the frequency and intensity of raids since october 7th. it rings into the galaxy of israel, decades long occupation of palestine. all taking place that the united nation's highest court lawyers have spoken of a pop type of ethnic cleansing. and they argue that israel's occupation of the westbank should be ruled illegal. obviously it was bonus, makes reports from the hey in south africa's on buses. that of another one's like old south africans of his generation grew up under a prostate. he knows how it works. we still have that sense. see here and filter cool in a humane discriminates the policies and practices of the as well to jim as an even more extreme form of the updates that was institutionalized, i couldn't make people in my country. let me see to the south africa is one a 49 states arguing at the world called the israel occupation of the palestinian
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territories is illegal. only the united states in fiji will later argue that it isn't saudi arabia, which before october, the 7th look set to establish diplomatic relations with israel highlighted the what it says is these rails intensifying colonization of the west bank. the city of levels of the government's quotes are albany made. so for soberly, funds fav or ethnically cleanse font. a city is out of that homeland expense settlements, even photos of onyx for the areas if it was banked, and at all costs sorta just the notion of his publishing of the city in the states along the lines of the 2 states solutions. these have things been planned for more than a year. they've attracted new focus because of the blood shedding garza, i'm the separate genocide case against israel, that this court is considering a thread running through the submission is
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a focus on his rails encouragement and expansion of settlements. the toleration of subtler violence. and the pos i blanked restrictions on the palestinians in the west bank and east jerusalem. not full illegal on the international law. and it's why it's being on here to the israel occupation should be declared illegal. burnett smith, alger 0, the take as well. the war on concert has uprooted all aspects of life in the strip while people are struggling to survive. they're also trying to cling to some sense of the lives they once had. we met them in a move to an artist of the time and to carry on have croft just by using access to studio and materials. this is how story and how around was on the how do you, what was the, was the see did and velocity of what it off and the how much do i get you the i need to push them. and then let's see, i'm a part of the and the late
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fee, and then up the west and that's in the ninety's. and yet it was eleanor benefit of the same house in the she a is i've been on the part. huh. but i feel like that is the serial. i'm headed to montana. yes. these items in the sure. yeah. i'm not going to probably look, i wouldn't forget to tell you in the video one we sell it or find part of it. even i kind of have a different lassie and then you say in the put an item you describe it out in morris. i have an issue. yeah. or something because that's the end of the bullshit shit. and there's not, there's not had the husband was that i was, has the, how you how to be sitting on off with the ignition of him and the nation with
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the nation of the level not look, but it was and then he a and now the 5th and once in a month or so, to tell you what the defense in the field for me, i had a lot of this time pressure will break here. and i'll just here i, when we come back to the kremlin, has poisoned devonie, imprisoned him, and justly kept him in harsh conditions and denies and medical care for us. blames the russian government opposition lead election of valleys, death and says most sanctions are coming on purchasing columbia. it's moving to hundreds, killed by on groups and guns in the us since the 50 a month. the
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hello place the cypress. just say the winds easing off around the gulf over the next couple of days. been a little on the cool side. the have type of just into the the mit like to may 20, some really complaining at bad the wins so they will ease also one feel quite as cool as it has done in those recent days. i'm assuming a picture should go on through the state temperature statement though, to get up to around 25 degrees celsius being well. so the only thing to say, we've got a mix of rain, sleet and snow just around tech. yeah, we've seen a few showers around the use the side of the mediterranean, still one or 2 of those shows up into the house of syria, east, over towards the cool. cuz if the south is that generally dry gauze around 18 degrees celsius, it should be somewhat quads of it has been recently as we go on through the next couple of days. but the quiet weather across the good parts of the north africa. we have got to the system here, swelling away around, central, possible submitted to arrange such an easy se, some showers themselves the into the northwest of libya using
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a little further east with. it'll stay dry. they have a car right at 22 degrees. quite a brisk wind coming in across the desert that we will see some shala's just east. and the way down to was the gulf of guinea will be down. pause here, shouts to across central parts of africa, but drive to the south in the ukraine. a false front line, a mother and 210, this time of the seas future. when the sky is clear, the site is without and the ukraine escaping the dock. with out just the
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welcome back you watching. i'll just pick your mind about top stories here. this our, the well food program says it's posing deliveries of aids and open concept because of violence. the agency says it's trucks with shots that i'm looted, that there's compete kyle. so civil war for united states has to be to, to drive the resolution of the un security council calling for an immediate cease fire dogs. the search feature of the us stock of un security council has sanctioned 6 people from 5 groups in the eastern democratic republic of congo leaders of m 23 year among those targeted with trouble bonds and asset freezes. i'm groups widely understood to be brought to by rolanda, something to gully denies that decision was made during an emergency meeting of
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a security council. obviously it was malcolm web has more and the conflict and the recent escalations of around the 1000000 people have been forced from that homes since the m 23 and group, backed by rolanda, resumed its uprising just over 2 years ago. the 5 things escalated in recent weeks as in 23 flights as of closed in on the provincial capital of government. thousands of people have been injured and killed. you can go up on your go to the m 23 rebels, dropped bombs on the civilian population. many of us were wounded one. we don't have problems with them and they should rather take it up with the military. i'm 23 . the government forces. i'm the groups they support of all being accused of atrocities is the latest round of a conflict that began in the 1990s. and were wondering, uganda invaded congo. that prompted 2 boys that drew in around a 1000 african countries and killed and estimated 6000000 people. eastern come guys
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being unstable, ever since. and the sense of always, a condos, minerals such as coal town, which is used in almost all the electronics, whoever controls the mines and the trade routes can on lost prophets. foreign forces continue to play, that part. 25 year un peacekeeping mission has been criticized for failing to protect civilians. peacekeeping colleagues tell us that in the d. r. c. they remain deeply concerned by the renewed escalation of hostilities in the eastern part of the country. they reiterate their call for the m 23 group to cease its offensive. and to respect the lawanda roadmap, the un peacekeepers of started with the drawing on the request of congress government, whose own forces have also failed to protect civilians and to stop and 20 three's advances to the latest foreign troops to arrive from south africa, lowly in terms of the he's been fighting and 23 alongside the government. on
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saturday the us said when that should with drawers troops and surface to air missiles from combat. lawanda has said it's national security is threatened. hundreds of thousands of people in the displacement comes and means more than the safety of government waiting to find out if the decades long conflict is it bound to get was once again malcolm web. how does era didn't use ministry june test as, as all the government to breathe new life into it. the dentist put fighting corruption and at the top of its agenda, i'll just say it was nicholas hawk, or thoughts us on national television guineas, military doing diagnosing the dissolution of the government at the appointed digitize, freezing. the counts of all ministers seizing on their travel documents and stripping them of their vehicles, body guards and assistants for an outside or it's worried. but for it again, it was expected guineas, businessman alpha jello and neighboring san
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a goal. welcome to the decision. you do have some ministers who i'm sorry to say, but, you know, a year ago, 2 years ago, they were living in the rented house, you know, in the rented one bedroom. and then now would be a good leaving, you know, in a $1000000.00 house. so how, so how do you justify that? you know, in a, in a country where 60 percent of the population, you know, doesn't make 2 or $3.00 a day last week. and he's just this minister called for an audit of government expenses, suspecting ministers of mishandling public funds. allegations of corruption were published online shortly after mobile internet was either limited in some places or cut off in others with no apparent reason, given the government spokesperson says, access to the internet is not a right. this is a badly affecting people says who we use is referred to, so fashionable bags and talk to her family. they know that side much where i'm at
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my internet, there's no trace. there is no connection with it. and then normally bustling markets of the capital vendors struggle to find customers. prices of basic necessities have increased. so has the cost of fuel edgar is brewing against the dentist management of the country? no work, no money, no one is buying and we can get to retail foster. some of it goes to ways we are suffering from power coats and can stuck any seen. but the growth is that we are not sending out goods. the decision to sac, the government comes after guineas. genta raised $7000000000.00 from donors at a conference and to buy. i am hoping this is an opportunity for yellow people in this mineral rich country with enormous and top resources should not be living in poverty or profit going into the hands of politicians. like most skinny is he hopes for a new government that can fulfill the west african nations potential. nicholas hawk algae 0 set a goal is constitutional counsel has published
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a laundry on change list of candidates and the delayed presidential elections. that's offered over time and a decision by president microsoft to postpone the votes until december and cool supposed to be held as soon as possible. hundreds of people were arrested during protests against the president's move, a late seventy's. that's the good, you send it to this out that because that was some who said that this was a political situation, but these paper had been invested for political reasons, but they were political detainees. now again, for political reasons, as being decided to release them. this is both, this is completely false. i take issue with these assertions of in reality, all these people who are being aaliyah's had been detained and connected with public or the disturbances of it's not things to 100 minus a trapped on the ground off of the collapse of tunnels inside of mine in venezuela . happened, they put a little combined and august dura, in
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a sense of the country. local officials say they were 2 separate incidents. there's no word yet. on anything tennessee. protests are taking place in columbia as capital bogota to move on. hundreds of people killed by. i'm groups and drug gangs, despite of 2016 piece deal between the government and the left wing revolutionary armed forces of columbia, also known as fox violence, has continued. an error is previously controlled by the rebel group. to 0 is that a sound run catchy has more now from a protest in the capitol. a piece or at least a stable piece in the country, remains in many ways aspirational. and while the over all levels of violence have improved in the country. overall, the situation remains the desire in many regions in particular and regions wherever remaining armed the group drug trafficking mass. you guys are fighting for control of a number of a lease it economies. and the result of that, you can see it here,
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behind me, it has been the killing of more than 4 hundreds for them or 5 grab those that have signed these set of laid down their weapons them and also over a 1000 as social the, there's human rights defend that are still what's happening here today is what the organizers are calling. i collect the day of morning and let me show you here with the help of one our camera i'm and what they've done was to fill a central plaza. believer with these boxes that represents each of the that's the sort of a symbolic versions of the confidence of those who have been killed in this case. and why the real cause is that i'm a, who was and indigenous to be there. and that took all region on the pacific coast of columbia. one of the regions said, i've suffered the most saints and what the people here and also in other cities in columbia and across the world are asking today as for the government to do more for
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international organizations to do more, to put in place or to implement the policies and mechanisms that exist to try and defend the life of these people in these communities. now the lighthouse is preparing additional major functions on russia in response to the death of opposition leader alex in a valley. he died last week and the optic penal colony, us state department has blamed the russian government for the values this of the kremlin has poisoned divani, imprisoned him, and justly kept him in harsh conditions and denies and medical care. it is the russian government that is responsible for and of all these death while in detention. the witness and rod at the heart of the system that put in his bill was confirmed. not only by lexi nev on these death last week, but also by the fact that the russian, that russia detain close to 400 people over the weekend. just for morning, his passing bill bravo was blacklisted by the russian government back in 2005 on
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his fort for decades for international sanctions against president vladimir putin was also a good friend of alexi and a valid me earlier my colleague money inside austin. while he thinks the validate was killed, it was faxed, it put in kills so many different people. he killed board a stem saw if he killed a and a public called sky. he killed alexander, live in yankee. oh, he killed sword de magnet ski my lawyer and he tried to kill him of all the once before. and so it was uh that is it put in is, is not a guy who does a lot of killing. and um, in this particular case, uh the, its obvious what scene of only it was in his custody. and he was suffering and his custody. and, and of course, the cover up afterwards also confirms the, the fact that he was involved in his killing. as you say, he was in a russian custody. he was in this out to prison. why can't him now? i mean, he had pigeon had the opportunity before. well, i mean,
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we can't get inside pollutants had to know exactly why, but there is a lot of stuff going on right now, which are as a significant one is of course the anniversary, 2nd anniversary of the war. and perhaps more importantly, there's a quote, presidential election. i put it in quotes because it's not a real election put in. it doesn't have real elections in his country. he's the only candidate and everyone else is either killed in prison drawer and exile by putting into such a thin skins. little dictate or not a real politician. there's a love for food, and there's like, there's a popular support for food and, and you have a guy who's extremely popular, who's sitting in jail and, and issuing statements from jail. and poking has gotten such a thin skin at this point, finally decided that he couldn't take it anymore. he decided to kill him. ross has defense ministry. it has released for to it and showing up deep cut the ukrainian town recently captured by its forces in ruins. just a few 100 civilians remain there, which ones had a population of 32000, a town as in george nearly a decade of conflict. brushing back to separate just brief,
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a cabinet. back in 2014. the cutoff has helped secure the return of 11 ukrainian children from russia. the group crossed over the rushing boat into a crane on foot. on tuesday, 2 sick children rushed to hospital by ambulance. ukraine estimates 20000 children have been taken by russia since its invasion. 2 years ago, meanwhile, cheap grain and put some of ukraine on green farmers in poland and they've been blockading the ukrainian board. and what they say is an attempt to save their livelihoods. can you have those as the protests will damage it's worth it. is charlie 100 blocking the border with ukraine polish farm is frustration? evergreen prizes has reached new heights using the tractors and trucks to protest in a 180 locations and disrupt traffic throughout the country. in an attempt to grab the leaders attention to the cma, the process, the, the situation and asking mr. test to come and talk to us pharmacy for mrs. bruce
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level of the line to understand a difficult situation here in boat and farmers all over europe. and the stand is difficult situation because this is coming to them to brought in great.


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