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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm AST

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the westbank, an east jerusalem. now the russians were keen to initially reaffirm that support for as well the nature of the friendly relations between russia and israel. but also the russians went on to say that look, it's clear, the israel, the expansion of settlements in the occupied westbank and the movements of his riley settlers into the west bank. making it very difficult for any the creation of any future of palestinian state. but he also went on to say, towards the end of his speech, he didn't think it was the wills colt's place to make a ruling on legality. on notice of the occupation. he said that the will court should in fact, deliver an advisory. this, the best way to negotiate to deal between these rather than palestinians is when it goes to ations between the 2 states. now, that might be because the russians have on any legal precedents, the quote, advisory may, may deliver on russia is occupation of ukrainian territory. so the russians wanting
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the cold, not really to rule on the legality of israel's occupation. bernard, thanks very much indeed, that's abundance most outside of the international court of justice. i want to bring in my one bush on it. i'll just do it as a senior political analyst. he's been with us over the last few wise, been sharing from various countries in delegations, would be making a, presenting their evidence to the i c j. but it was interesting, i raising an interesting point that the russian, a russians taking a particular line, protecting, perhaps slightly carefully given the situation of course, and the criticism that they have faced with the invasion of your crime. absolutely . there's no way to escape that. even though much of the message is not necessarily problematic, the messenger is and politics is perception. and in so many ways, ukraine does way in heavily because it is a recent issue. of course, you can argue the same thing for the united states except to rock of course,
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is 20 years back. until what 2013 with shit. you know, i'm not go to stays or remain that occupying power for a decade. but here it's really refreshing the minds of many and so um there's an issue with the credibility, if you would. but in terms of the, the actual essence of what the russian saying is. basically he is there, i cannot deny the palestinians that i've so if there's minute determination, supplements are legal, they must stop and, and the world must help both sides reach a solution. and i think in some ways, as you stated, he started by, you know, underlining that were not enemies with his red and hands. what we're trying to say, you know, is not thought of animosity or hatred or subject difficulty. we're actually,
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you know, we want the press for both sides or something. i don't think that was sold all to well, but anyway, he did try to make the point in order not to be contested on that level with the united states. meaning the united states is offensive is all, but so is russia. but russia has a different position and i'm just wondering, i think we have a clip all the previous speaker from the us. but us had us and the you and top court not to order. israel's immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories is legal representative made the comments that the i c j on the 3rd day of the hearing written here is not it would not as some participants suggest the conducive to achievement of the establish framework to additional want to issue an opinion that calls for a unilateral immediate and unconditional withdrawal by israel that does not account for israel's legitimate security needs. international law does not provide for an occupation itself to be rendered unlawful or void based either on its duration or
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on any violations of occupation law. the court should not find that israel is legally obligated to mediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory . the court can address the questions before it within the establish framework based on the land for peace principle and within the parameters of a stablished principles of occupational your mom and that kind of illustrates, quite well for you. we're talking about in that, you know, russia is saying that we should go back to the established protocols of the u. n. the americans, the processing, exactly the same thing, but they're both essentially doing it for 2 entirely different reasons. i think i think here or the back of statements, actually i went on the line to them, but the dimension of the area, but we never had the time. i think that's probably the most dishonest and cynical aspect of the american testament today. why do i say that? i mean,
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just look at the phrasing rob he's saying is that i should not be obligated to immediately withdrawal from the occupied. but i see it or this. how about 56 years too late? 56 years, too late. no one is talking about immediately as it is right occupied that yesterday . it's been 56 years. it should have been said. it's about time. that is, i would go after 56 years and then he went on to say, it's not a question of duration. what do you know, what do you think there's a question of vision? i'm not going to enter into a legal argument with the american representative. what i'm saying is, in this particular duration, 56 years, is that it wasn't just hold and get. just defining that on self defense is that it was building a system of all part of paid with $700000.00 in legal settlers.
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moved in from mostly his right into the occupied territories. building a system of bypass roads, industrial zones, and various other networks between the various illegals supplements over 200 of them. all for the, for the reason of permanency. not 10 foot royalty. not that we're just doing this and we're going to withdraw with the next day. so for 56 years or at least for the past 40 years, who's right has use the so called duration, that the american representative said using it. so as if it was not even innocent, then forget find out there's nothing forgetful about it. it's cynical to categorize the american occupation of the palestinian territories as if it's an incidental or just the fact or whether it's by design meant to be permanent when it's by design erecting a system of policy. one for the jewish settlers and one for the indigent us population
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moment, as always. thank you very much. indeed, my one wish all as well washing says relationship with israel as being criticized as unwavering support. and that criticism is on the increase to during the war on gaza. mostly jordan looks at the history of the ties between the 2 countries, including how it hasn't always been this hormone is as popularly fold. thank you for having me. and joe biden is the 14th us president who has tried to resolve the israel palestine conflict on the 1st day of the war and gone into bite and offered complete support for israel. no calls on it to show restraint. we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel bite and support harkens back to that of president harry truman, who in 1948 recognized the state of israel within 11 minutes of its declaration of independence. but some subsequent presidents took a more tough love approach. dwight eisenhower, richard dickson and ronald reagan,
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all condemned is really military action on occasion. but reagan also started the practice of awarding israel $3000000000.00 an aide every year. a strong, secure is real, is a shared interest. the george h w bush administration was the 1st and threatened to cut h as real if it didn't stopped illegally building settlements in the occupied west bank. and thank you for your statements. the obama administration took the unusual step in 2016 by of withholding a veto in the un security council after benjamin netanyahu. now prime minister ignored washington's request to stop supplement expansion. the us is extension cleared. the way for the security council to demand is real stop construction. notably, the question of us age where israel never came up at either of the camp david's summits. and it was never raised by either president george
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w bush or donald trump. trump support gave israel what a crate. the recognition of jerusalem as capital of the jewish state. now with the war and does it, and it's 5th month and the death toll rising. so i'm in congress say age. israel must be made conditional. there should be no blank checks for any country that we cannot continue. the pattern we're prime minister netanyahu says, thank you, mr. president for america's generous military assistance and then thumbs his nose at americas legitimate requests. there might be a subtle change in us policy or foot on the us has circulated a draft security council resolution on dall so that includes words it has refused to use before. now, a temporary cease fire, but still no definitive plan to leverage billions of dollars in us aid to convince
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netanyahu to change the way he's conducting the war. the show of support and yet to be match, like what washington says is it's a warm over the situation and gone. russell and jordan, which is 0, washington products endings across guys that have been repeatedly displaced by israel's unrelenting attacks. the animal bala is one of the areas where people are seeking refuge, where conditions are desperate. and how do i spoke to a family about the hardships that in june, this from the last date of loss and then back from gruff off to date it. but this is how palestinians internally displaced, have been moving around different areas across of the gods. a strip after being are ready evacuated from the another in area. palestinians have been displaced a couple of times during the past 4 and a half months. today we are visiting us and mooney family in a very bella, where this area behind me is complete,
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was completely transferred as an area for palestinians who settled up their tents and build their own tents and lived here for more than 4 months. now we're going to go in her tongue right now, and the situation is very sad and that the living conditions are for reflect this tent where we are here. it has been a home and the only shelter for us. i'm when a family of so many family evacuated from as a, to a neighborhood in a better bella, where chron currenty as a to, and has been witnessing a lot of, of, of, of air strikes. and also is really forces are, have been stationed there for the past couple of months. does that happen? is that what it is? imagine i'm call photo. we left the area now as a to and because of the who risk situation to these very least took 3 of my
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children. well being on the say for my children abolla, her moms and for us were arrested 3 months ago. that's still prisoners. and these re details, i know nothing about them. they lost the father when they were young. they also lost that brother during the 2009 though the father and the brother of motus, i suffer too much. my heart is full of sadness. i dream wisdom between my owns, i missed them, i want to hug them all jenny to be here, was catastrophic. i left rasa and i went to darrow paula because of the stress of the role of the place. and rossa, want to be honest with you. there is no safety and security anyway and because the strand would benefit this is the bella and it's one of the areas where these palestinians have been displaced. and we have been seeing a lot of areas, agriculture areas, empty areas, course universities and hospitals that became shelters for
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hundreds of thousands of palestinians displaced and forced to evacuate their houses . this was in the godaddy odyssey to better but the dose is what i bought as size and is really strike on all my wasi on monday night killed at least 2 people. this is for the military previously ordered palestinians to go off to declaring it a safe soon. and the statement the charge, he says tonight is where the forces conducted and operation and all my wasi con eunice. what a shelter of hosting doctors without borders stuff and their families was shelled. ambulance crews have not reached the side, but at least the 2 family members of our colleagues have been killed and 6 people have been wounded. well, horrified by what is taking place? palestinians have been forced from their homes are not so impoverished that some kind of even a ford shoes that they don't have any one quotes for the winter. the has them, i know we were forced to leave a home. we run for our lives and our possessions were destroyed or left behind,
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were displaced in the south, empty 100. we used to live in the north. you were displaced through you and run school, then force for the south. a homes were destroyed without belongings. we left behind, we have nothing left north even shoes. i can't even find the 2nd time pass. i have no income and i've run out of money. i can't even afford to feed my child to learn by shooting these and my husband sandals. we show them between us, um and whoever needs to go out to put them on the yeah. and you know, with the 42nd, if we could afford to buy new shoes, we would not, we can't. so we have them repaired. we couldn't even afford for the a budget on a slide. my family have been called lives for 3 generation. at the beginning of the war, palestinian still had a bit of money and people used to pay to get their shoes repaired and things got much worse when people were pushed from the north to the south. we now are a pair of shoes so damaged that before we would have said they were unsalvageable
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as we all helpless at 12 shekel. pair slippers costs $20.00 to get to pay. it's not worth it, but people have no, no, it's a measurable plan. i'm not flooded with customers, but i cannot find materials i need winter shoes. are now a rare commodity kind of mind. palestinians are forced to abandon everything that owned and ran for their lives. when israel started with this, the bombing gauze is really right. so continued and the occupied was buying, this was the scene and was your name refuge account where at least one palestinian mountains being killed soldiers that a car on fire as they withdrew in the early hours of wedding stay well so far this year is minute trays are destroyed more homes in refugee camps into crime than anyone else in the occupied. westbank people say is really troops return a routine. the turn densely populates in, civilian enters into war zones, military helicopters, overhead,
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gun fire and grenades used on the residential homes of worsening conditions of palestinians living in the west bank worried after gas that they could be next. the same bus drivers good more, which will come refugee come. what are the patterns of israel's decades long occupational core component of psychological warfare being waged against palestinians is the destruction of their houses. a practice so common the collective trauma. so pervasive some mental health experts here have coined a phrase, homicide, shorthand for the suffering that comes from losing the basic sense of safety. a home provides this or has lost family members and is really raids. explosives used to blow up her house. still, she says they cannot stop her from smiling and a bit of a i miss the house, but what really matter are the memories. and i remember my brother sitting here and taking the pictures their memories, they are all gone,
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but even the photographs we lost them are used to collect all the old photograph. they burned everything before they left for the where residents of this refugee camp in to say, when one suffers, they all do that is real, is doing in the occupied westbank on a smaller scale. what it has done in god's keeping pace with the intensity of as rarely, military rates in refugee camps like this is a real problem. no sooner do repair words begin is really military rates resume and there is yet more property destruction. julio is using what's left of his neighbor's house to repair the damage to his. he says nowhere feel safe, but the low level of mental health is destroyed. you look to your children, they are afraid. the young ones with themselves out of seattle, but what can i do show we have to get used to this that this one,
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there is nothing we can the whole is really troops often brutalize parents in front of their families. during the daytime rates, children are forced to shelter inside their classrooms for hours, listening to explosions, and this really gunfire coming from the neighborhood where they live. medical researchers have even tied stress from the destruction of homes to stunted growth among palestinian children within the situation of house demolition. you are taking out all kinds of resilience and the patient or adjustment conditions from the people. so it will effect that are and families and the kids. and 1st of all they have to find a place to, to re establish their life. so it's kind of blowing up the family and the psychological life of every individual within that family fear. anxiety trauma, on repeat for decades. palestinians describe having no control,
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no ability to plan for their future. always adapting to the only constant in their lives and list is really oppression. the same bus route the oh to 0, total korean can be occupied. westbank, a solid doctors, your protests for palestinians in guys all are happening in the occupied westbank. they're calling for better conditions and is really prisons. at least 9 palestinians have died. and these really jo, since the war began new the able to came the reports from romano. we're not going to get you to the genocide in gaza. this is one of the chance with heating here, the end of all of by processors for saying that the world is normalizing. these really aggression against palestinians in to be seized, gauze and strip. as you can see, these are the name of the kind of city is who have been killed by these really forces also proves us those here are saying that this role is using the dogs out to us today. the situation in the off coupon that we continue this way,
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the ways intimidation, check point. what we need is more pressure from what on to the to and all the support that was coming through is what this is what would make an effect is and the complicity states, organizations, institutions, complicity, stop arming as well. uh, implement the i, c, j, a decision provision and measures also on one of those processors in this situation of kind of sitting in prisoners and is really jail moving. they are being some justice torture. we've just heard the news, another thomas city and prisoner who has been declared dead by these waiting for the service. he's the noise prisoner to die and is really close to the umbrella city and say that they are very skeptical about the conditions under which those prisoners live in the say that there's medical. that'd be a video that your son is in the hands of those through the
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creatures we we, we see what's happening guys. we see where watching eye witnesses and for me to put in those odd telling stories about what all understanding and busy not are facing. many of those whom we've been speaking to say that they feel a head for this. there's not much they can do to support their fellow palestinians and the deceased because it's true. but they say that this has been nice. they could do to show support to show anger, to show that they are with the front of the productivity of individual district. is abilene and just need a drum along the occupied website. it was continued to build a separation, mullen palestinian lines cutting off palestinian communities. and earlier you and court ruling said the wall was illegal. one palestinian active as says the ball is made life almost impossible, but potter screens are determined to survive. it's because it's a presenting the blessing and the world was the the best way to destroy any
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possibility of fussing and speaks. you can talk about the loan as it is in the concrete that we see here 9 because high 800, you know, with those long got on those to bank. it is inside those, but it's with the, with the streets the, the type role is that it was the complicate. the need to worry that somebody's little spinning from the roots of the, the, the is the, the system. because victor points of controlling the posting on the scene like you to create things, calling different duty to the scene is would be able to enable the scene, is to live in the gate. was the name it is. it is to control the scene is for ever he unfolded, somebody was talking about 17 communities that has been isolated from zillow. so who's to be part of this? he and this, this place and he came in and goes to town. maybe they didn't came like any to, to, to, to, to approve the people that throw them out. but they make their life impossible. like they have to live in studying on the other side of the, the one to continue living. you know, they have to go all the way to the left to columbia fix and then almost 3 hours in
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the morning with the rush. i was pleased with that because of this course. now it's like 20 is on the and the icy to early. like from 2004 when the issue that this was in league and this has, must, like any, had been destroyed, then must be given back to the people that completed for compensated departments, etc. and unfortunately this, this decision didn't have any implication. obviously, given that the present situation on what's happening because i think it's became huge cost too much with the whole system. it looks according to the machine and look, it's controlled by this, this colonial poet is that they're not in states. they utilize that. you can adopt it with that on the go and could have some benefits i think was to distinguish. the 1st thing is, is the sort of live on campus. the fact that we are trying to live no matter what the atrocity will hold up with these big so even with the will get try still to, to live in our mind, sending our conscious jenny,
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this is not finished the undefeated. let me take you to london where a british m p. 's a jew to vote, and a call for an immediate cease fire. and guys, the motion has been put forward by the scottish national party. it's the 2nd opportunity, m p. 's. you've had to vote on a c as far as the 1st one failed of to a prime minister, obviously. so like, and labor leader care stomach told policy members to oppose the move. at least 2 people have been killed, including a child officer and as many as try hit southern lebanon. they attacked dogs as the bullies bought a village of marched on soon, 3 elders have been injured in a quarter reports from babylon, 5 year old, a mile deadra, the latest civilian to be killed in southern lebanon, and is rarely striked target to the home in a village near the border, the conflict between israel and the lebanese arms group has the law has been largely confined to military targets. but since october, at least $47.00 civilians have been killed on the side of the border. children were
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among them. hezbollah has accused israel of deliberately targeting civilians to pressure it to stop fighting and has promised revenge. but it continues to insist its position as one of the parents and defense. the s m y. yeah. on to know the conflict on the, on, on the front, the extender that typically contain despite the location of the crossing or the red lines. but the enemy escalates, we would escalate that even further. we will not tall, defy thing, but we have to any situation that we face in israel has intensified its attacks on hezbollah targets at times. striking deeper and side loving on. it has also intensified its attacks on iranian and that you run in the targets in neighboring syria. it's been doing this for years to prevent iran's military influence from growing there. but since the war on cause of the strikes have become more frequent,
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i was at school in her 3 successive sounds. people were terrified and went out. we all gathered and started crying. israel has attacked much of the 120 kilometer border area with lebanon by air and artillery. when has below opened, what it's called a supports front for garza. in october. it has been attacking military positions in northern israel. since tensions are high and international efforts to contain the conflict have so far failed the united states, which was leading that effort has said it doesn't support an expansion of the cross border fight between as well as has the law. it state department has called on both sides to call and the situation how the escalation and allow display civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes. is randy officials have been threatening a more comprehensive war for weeks. the defense minister,
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you all have gone, says the so called equations have collapse and nothing is standing in the way of the air force and the army. when it decides to attack baby boot, damascus, or any other city has bullet to, has drawn it's loading. it says there will be no hold to the fighting until the war on garza and santa, for their elders. either beta of almost being killed and several others have been injured in confrontations with the police during protest. and in this punjab state, police use tear gas and barricades to stop the processes from marching to new delhi farmers have been demonstrating for the week of rejected the proposal from the government and they're demanding a guaranteed price contract for their crops. not even going to be here in a couple of minutes of the story. i know madison stay with us on august the
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the the hello sorry about the case of old change across to pad is feeling more like when said it will continue to do so. it was a go on through the next couple of days type of just really folding away. we have for assess, basically why the front coming out to the central china coast, southern areas of japan to the north of that. that's where the cold weather is pretty much in place with some snow on the a celsius, the top temperature that for tow kevin hold deposit can see significant snow for over the next few days. have you sure. as long as spousal frank continues to fall south of japan, it's the central and southern areas of china and is cool enough as well. south. is that well, hong kong 26 celsius, this unpleasant sunshine, it goes up a little as we go through friday. the rain does continue not as heavy or as wise, but it's the never the less not quite so is that where to
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a winter you that into japan as we go on through friday, but still temperatures down into single vegas, but at least we'll be lost. the sunny, lots you sonya, across the entire china, mount shelf or the philippines southern arizona. phillip he's still saying some showers west and boni, i seeing some big down polls. i will say it's a big down post to request a good part of a similar truck. let's say some lobby shot was recently across north america for years of india and the composite buck is done with some snow that is paid to ring out. now, as it pushes the way through bugs with us, the, the latest news as it breaks, some of those we need a may be able to access that in parcels to them that are safe and where there is no fighting with detailed coverage. the cold scripts are trading here on an island that symbolizes sweden's rustic change in military policy. from around the world, the security forces are not protecting the people, but rather the president and his decision to delay the election.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the light while i'm on the inside, this is a new sound light from coming off in the next 60 minutes as well as actions are causing the masses on vacation and famine. in garza, with convoys of a truck sitting idle and waiting to cross into the street. speaking of the international courts of justice, the us defense, israel's occupation of palestinian territories. russia meanwhile says barton's can


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