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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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plants it off the coast, it's fine for me. i do the only thing they can do to protect their environment in the race to expand the the hello i'm on the inside. this is the news outline from coming off in the next 60 minutes. i'm sending and families torn apart and southern golf. the wall is riley strikes, targets, civilian skins, hun eunice, and breakfast. as well as accidents, as it was a mass, salvation and famine with convoys of a trump sitting idle, waiting to cross into the spanish speaking at the international court of justice, the us defense as wells occupation of protest thing. and territory ross at meanwhile says violence can only bring move on
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and get on the streets of ramada and the old board westbank palestinians that demands an end to israel. so we begin in rafa the city and southern golf. so that is sheltering one and a half 1000000 palestinians, and that's once again become the target is ready. bombardment as strikes have hits residential areas across the region, including the city of hon. eunice, at least 25 people were killed in those attacks. bodies have been piling up at all, not just hospital against the backdrop of israel on relenting war. the international court of justice is now on its day proceedings, examining the impact of israel's decades long occupation of palestinian lines. 52 countries of providing legal testimony. the u. s has presented its case today
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urging the court not to order as well as immediate withdrawal from occupied palestinian territories without any security guarantees. as it would not, as some participants suggest the conducive to achievement of the establish framework to issue no one to issue an opinion that calls for a unilateral immediate and unconditional withdrawal by israel. that does not account for israel's legitimate security needs. international law does not provide for an occupation itself to be rendered unlawful or void based either on its duration or on any violations of occupation law. the court should not find that israel is legally obligated to immediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory. the court can address the questions before it within the establish framework based on the land for peace principle and within the parameters of a stablished principles of occupation. in the last hour or so,
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russia gave its testimony cooling on israel to immediately holds its violations of international and told the un stop cool that negotiations for viable to states solution must be expedited. and you go sherri. it's a 2 state solution with an independent, viable, and continue just palestine punished. united states peacefully accord existing with israel will be the best a site for bringing that to kids that are in this violations. great in get into you . so they have known that i petition and that addressing the damage, right? the wrong picture over the peace process is an idea of direct negotiations between israel and palestine. they're, uh, they have to reach an agreement on the basis of their pretty will. and the nation's opinion that significant miss think sense, the chances that the agreement will actually be
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a chief. we'll indeed satisfy the input a. so both parties and will be implemented in practice. that action for the invite the court to be guided by the need to contribute to crate and conditions for successful final status negotiations. the best contributions contribution would be a conformation by the court that isabelle. and by this time, i found that a lovely addition to review such negotiations while all states and international organizations show corporate in order to make that possible. let's go to a corresponding planet smith, who was outside the international court of justice in the hague and funded. we had from various speakers today, including russia on the us, the us taking of all the different approach approach. they don't believe the quote should be reading on this took us through what they had to say. so
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yeah, the us is one of the outliers really pretty much every other country that is getting at oral testament is to the will cost over these over this week is saying that israel is occupation to be declared illegal by the will cause us to say, well, it's a one sided question, this being put to the course and or the quote shouldn't be ruling on it. i'm the court in putting this question which is being put by the un general assembly. it is failing to consider all taken to account. israel security guarantees the root of us as we've been reminded of israel security needs after october. the 7th of us has ripped, regrettably, many of those people speaking a, a big new old one as well, security concerns. so that is why the us says, really, there's been plenty of un security council resolutions already tables for confirming the commitment to a us a to a 2 state solution between israel and the palestinians. and it should be left to
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the un to continue those. that passes to carry along on that path and by the debris hearing from the palestinian delegation today, did they react to anything that was said in court as well? the policy, i mean, spoke policy and the foreign minister randomly case spoke after the us had given his testimony and that very frustration with the policy means because and said, look, we've been trying for decades to achieve a palestinian states alongside israel. we've been trying to do that through various official bodies, including the u. s. and it's called as no, that is why we are coming here to the will courts because there's a sort of a last chance for us to get some, an organization to recognize that a lot of these occupied and that israel should leave the occupied territories of the west bank and east jerusalem and gaza and the leaky also said that we've confronted us a heads germany and the u. s. v to over uh,
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over policy manifesto for decades. we've had enough. it's why we coming here. thank you for rocking that out for us. then it's smith, outside the international court of justice in the hague. now is there any forces have killed at least a $118.00 people over the past 24 hours as it foam? the goal is to strip ambulance crews that all struggling to reach the dead and the wounded. meanwhile, soldiers on the ground have opened fire on fleeing civilians and is ready. tanks have destroyed the tents of displaced families creating. that'd like has one last embrace. abdul romans daughter, wife and in laws were killed and is ready to strike from the home in rough uh, southern gaza, just a few hours before he'd been playing with his toddler entering some teeth with his family. of the problem here in my, um,
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this is my so i'm gonna set you was a year and 7 months old and the son and the entire building was leveled to the ground by his regular white plains, from their bodies. but torn to pieces are also the united states, yet again, vetoed a un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease by a reeves, palestinian say they've been let down. and the accepted for the images of more than a $140.00 days award. did not push the world to take action differently than what are they waiting for, and what does the world waiting for? are they waiting for all of the power spending people and all the children to die? so they didn't say that being targeted. who's writing falsely struck a crowded street east of rough or repeatedly on tuesday? there was no less talking. the bombing in central garza only is a dozens of people were killed. 6 of them in an asteroid on
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a call. the district is no longer just from the sky. discomfort displays, people in o, my wife, seen the hon. eunice families say is ready soldiers to sound forms into that tense or do them to leave and fight those who run away. sam, i'll let you know. we were terrified, we run for our lives best leaving all of belongings and attend these ready soldiers rounded up the women, the children on the beach. we spent the night in the cold, out in the open on the beach without even a scarf, covering tongues destroyed tens personal belongings and precious supplies of food. at the time when agencies are wanting of thumb in on despite is ready for says designating a y c as a safe soon but as part of student use, well, no, no way. garza is safe anymore. no, nothing back out to 0. let's get more now on the situation on the ground
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in southern gospel that spring entire assume who is life for us and rafa tarik. so it took us through the latest events the day i a yes and 1000000 in fact. so we have been seeing more military and deadly is really attacks. of course, different areas in the gaza strip on rough. i to tell you in particular, had been targeted as another civil call had been hit when it is rarely recycled. the drum that has killed one of the palestinians causing injuries for people who were in indication of photography as to be happy and seeing also that the main focus of coal situation of the is ready. all the attacks were directed towards the as a to neighborhood works confrontations and bottles of raging the costs of kansas city, a neighborhood where the body forces are trying to accomplish the military activities and the costs of the territory. as we have been targeting the number of residential buildings were those of palestinians that have been killed at the
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strings of air strikes that target to residential houses and there are more appeals . i've been arriving to the civil defense cruise for evacuating entries from onto the ruffles. of the target to the houses, but they cannot reach to the patients the due to the unrelenting section of destruction on the bottom, in fact, unfolding the entire area. and we have been also here in glowed explodes in the city of con eunice where the confrontations as well continues on the over s strikes . do they have contributed to kill us? please hold on 100 palestinians within the past 24 hours. thank you for that update . sorry. assume that for us in the rough uh world health organization says stuff and patients still inside the besieged and also hospital con units need to be transferred elsewhere of to being denied entry for days w h o stuff evacuated. 32 critically ill patients earlier this week. so any troop
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stored in the hospital last week, forcing palestinians that to flee some 130 severely injured patients remain the though alongside at least 15 doctors. and this is the secure ways is very bad and the difficult and ox patients the are without electricity, without oxygen, the entire neighborhood around here is damaged and destroyed the hospitalized self has no electricity, has no food has no water. is it very few doctors and nurses, they're living here and the premises working around the clock is you can think of a, there was the vision over you. you want to die right then. and this is that there was to do is, and i house any my life is the database that i, that working in the darkness visions everywhere. okay. let's speak now to dr. tear osmond. he's an emergency room physician who spent 3 weeks volunteering at nasa hospital and han eunice back in january of this year. he joined snell live from
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chicago. thank you for your time now since you've been at the hospital b as rarely on the has rated. i'll now set off a week long siege. the un described it as a place of death. i believe you've been in touch with people colleagues, that would have they've been telling you. i mean, they said the last week has been miserable. it's been a nightmare. the scenes that they're seeing are traumatizing and they're asking for some sort of help. they're asking actually not to be evacuated from the hospital, but for the hospital to function for the lights to be turned back on for them to get the medicines that they need to treat the 150 patients that remain. i spoke to one of these general surgeons bear the last surgeon remaining, and i'm also a hospital doctor and had it. he sent a message to a group of, of physicians here in the states. and he just asked for us to be able to advocate for the patients that are there. he says i'm staring at patients and they need my help, they need my care and there's nothing that i can do and he's in this impossible
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position. and this is something that was predicted by the staff when i was there in january. as the tanks began getting closer to the hospital complex, they told me exactly what would happen. they predicted the inventor, as they unfolded, they said at 1st built demanding evacuation. then you'll see drones and the people to lead, and there will be snipers, and it will culminate and you and the rate of the hospital people being arrested and essentially the hospital rendered dysfunctional or inoperable. tell us a bit about your experience at nasa hospital in january. i mean, what were you, what were the biggest challenges you were facing? then it was, it was incredibly overwhelming. i mean, most of the hospital after ship was rendered inoperable and rated and under seed. nice, it was the last remaining big hospital in the gaza strip. it was one of 2 referral hospitals. so the entire gaza strip was depending on the boss, have to receive the patients, but also to be able to run multiple operating rooms. at the same time, i remember my 1st day there just walking through the emergency department and being
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overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people that were there. keep in mind a patient can use at the time in january, it was the center of all military operations for the israelis. and so we weren't getting every single dates, multiple waves of trauma, patients coming through the emergency department and then going into the for reading worlds. it was also people who were sheltering in and around the hospital. i mean, tens, 10000 people were sheltering in and around the hospital you saw tens everywhere. and we have supplies that we were using. and we were very short and very necessary things, but it was still operating and functioning. it was this beacon of, of health for the entire gaza strip and to watch it over the course of several weeks slowly but surely be, it was, you know, have the same fate as many of the hospitals in the gaza strip. it's, it's heartbreaking but it's also devastating. i mean, the health care system has collapse. but most of the hospital i am shutting down. it's a catastrophe. people will die because they're not going to get the treatment that
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they need. nothing with soap overwhelmed and so packed with people while i was there, we were treating patients on the floor. we were looking for mattresses to use for patients because there were no more hospital beds. and so it's, it was already a tragic scenario, but the hosp to the physicians and the nurses that nonsense were doing an increase . busy role of job trying to manage. now this has become a horror story. it's become a nightmare. i mean, it's just, it's really depressing to think about it. and now i'm concerned about it is to go to the hospitals will be next. is when you with that at this hospital, did you ever worry about your safety? yeah, i mean, i think we started really realizing the seriousness of the situation. once we started hearing that the bombing from the f, 30 fives was a couple of blocks away. when we saw the tank, reached the perimeter of the hospital and desecrate the cemetery that was across from my window in the hospital. every single bomb the hospital would shake, and in fact while i was there, one of the windows in the emergency department was shelled and broken. there were
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bullets that were sprayed on the wall of the hospital. i mean, it was, it did not feel like a safe place. and i remember one of the evenings while i was there that we decided to put the mattresses on window because we were convinced that a bomb would would go off and the shrapnel would fly through a window killing us or injuring us. and many of the positions there had been at previous hospitals, they had fled from shift where they had come from the hospital. and they told us, i mean, they said that this is, this is kind of the script that plays out is the military. we start to get closer and closer to the hospital and then the hospital gets attacked and i remember not easily thinking, no i'm, you know, the hospital, there's no way that the hospital be attacked. i'm nothing ship, it was such a colossal mistake. it was so sad to see what happened to ship, but it's not going to happen to nonsense, but they, but the doctors, they were right and i was wrong. it was, it was definitely concerning the situation while i was there and after i left, it only got worse as well. uh,
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repeatedly making the point that they target hospitals in gauze. but because how much operate from them did you see any evidence of that? i saw quite the opposite. i saw many, many kids in these hospitals. i saw many injured and wounded children pregnant women. i saw people that were sheltering and were really scared of the consequences of war. i didn't see anything like that. and i want to just point out that these hospitals are so important for the livelihood of the people in the gaza strip. it's not just about treating the really injured people or the sick people. it's about having a place where people can shelter people going to have some, some the access to some water and having every now and then some distribution of fluid. so i think that's the, i think that's the way to frame what these hospitals are actually doing. they're, they're providing a refuge for people who are scared, who lost their homes, who have lost family members who are looking for food or water because that's exactly what i saw it and also talk to their, um, it, thank you for sharing your experience and emergency room physician who's been 3
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weeks volunteering at national hospital back in january. thank you for having as a survey conducted by a leading is riley. same time suggests that most this varies. don't believe that a cycled absolute victory is possible in golf or do i need is have said repeatedly that the main goal is to eradicate thomas. but according to the israel democracy institute of 51 percent of jewish respondents do not believe in such a victory that numbers even higher among palestinian is released at 77.5 percent or 55 percent. those who identified as a right wing say they don't believe is real time, completely destroy him. us left. we respondents said that number increases to 85 percent. let's go live to with a mock season occupied east jerusalem, where the old cities of course, the hosp, if is there any occupation,
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the conflict with them? what more can you tell us about the survey? what it seems to indicate is a, a growing chorus of critical voices inside israel amongst the public about is not the way that this war is being pursued. certainly the aims and objectives and the how quickly that being achieved. one of the major sticking points, the many members of is ready public sense is around the hostages remaining inside gaza. and a big concern that's becoming increasingly publicly voiced by people is that the current aggressive military action inside cause that is not helping to bring those hostages bind to that loved ones, hey, in israel. and so one of the concerns they seem to have is that by not pursuing diplomacy by not necessarily trying to soften the times of a deal with some us. there's a great possibility that just using minute truthful inside calls that is not going
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to bring about the objective they want, which is these dozens of people were time to that. families with them in terms of all the developments today. that's been a votes, has a name, the is riley parliament regarding the creation of a palestinian state. what was the outcome of that as well? the outcome in this symbolic by was the members of parliament. the vast majority of them voted against the idea of the external force that should impose the creation of a protestant in state unilaterally. this was something but prime minister benjamin netanyahu had long indicates, it would happen over the last few days. we'd been expecting this folk to come to fruition inside the parliamentary chain, but his cabinet just a few days ago, there also voted on this issue. and as a united front headset, this was something they rejected the idea of, of how soon the state being imposed in them externally. this again was symbolic, but it was seen by many people. here was a way to send a message to other writers around the world and creating about so united states
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that this was something that these ready public well united about. okay, thank you for that. when it mocks that 1st and i'll keep potty through some palestinians in ramallah, i have been protesting to voice that support for people in the besieged gaza strip . it was a cooling for improve conditions for palestinians being held in is riley presents. abraham has moved from ramada that we're not going to get used to the genocide in gaza. this is one of the chance with getting here to end the by process. there's 4 saying that the world is normalizing. these really aggression against palestinians in to be seized gauze and strip. as you can see, these are the name of the palestinians who have been killed by these really forces also proves us. those here are saying that this role is using the dogs out to us today. the situation in the or few, far back we continue this way, the ways intimidation, 2nd point. what we need is more pressure from what on the to handle the support
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that was coming through his ro, this is what would make an effect is and the complicity states, organizations, institutions, complicity, stop arming is well implemented. dicey j decision provision on measures also among those processors in this situation of the city and prisoners and is really jail moving. they are being subject torture. we've just heard the news on another comma, simian prisoner who has been declared dead by these waiting for the service. he's the noise prisoner to die and is really close to the umbrella city and say that they are very skeptical about the conditions under which those prisoners live in. they say that there's medical, that'd be a problem when you didn't think that your son is in the hands of those read throughs, a creature we're we, we see what's happening guys. we see where watson and i witnesses and and for me to
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place in order. so hard telling you stories about what all understanding and presented are facing. many of those whom we've been speaking to say that they feel a head for this. there's not much they can do to support their fellow product simians in the business because it's true. but they say that this has been nice, they could do to show support to show anger, to show that they are with the, the processing is individually established or is that but i mean, i just need a drum along the white glove safe. all of us. yeah. as well as military has destroyed more homes in refugee camps into car them than anywhere else in the occupied westbank. people say that is really troops routinely ton, densely populated civilian areas into was, owns, ministry had a couple, his overhead gun, fine and grenades are used on residential homes, west and conditions, have palestinians living in the west bank worried off to gauze or they could be
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next same is robbie has moved from the to karen refuge account. what are the patterns of israel's decades long occupational core component of psychological warfare being waged against palestinians is the destruction of their houses. a practice so common the collective trauma. so pervasive are some mental health experts here have coined a phrase homicide, shorthand for the suffering that comes from losing the basic sense of safety. a home provides this or has lost family members and is really raids. explosives used to blow up her house. still, she says they cannot stop her from smiling and a bit, mat valley. i missed the house, but what really matter are the memories? and i remember my brother sitting here and taking the pictures their memories, they are all gone, but even the photographs we lost them are used to collect all the old photographs.
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they burned everything before they left for the where residents of this refugee camp in to say, when one suffers, they all do that is real, is doing in the occupied westbank on a smaller scale. what it has done in god's keeping pace with the intensity of as rarely, military rates in refugee camps like this is a real problem. no sooner do repair words begin is really military rates resume and there is yet more property destruction. julio is using what's left of his neighbor's house to repair the damage to his. he says nowhere feel safe, but the low level of mental health is destroyed. you look to your children, they are afraid. the young ones with themselves out of seattle, but what can i do show we have to get used to the set this up. there is nothing we can the whole is really troops off and brutalized parents in front of their families during the daytime rates. children are forced to shelter inside their
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classrooms for hours, listening to explosions, and this really gunfire coming from the neighborhood where they were. medical researchers have even tied stress from the destruction of homes to stunted growth among palestinian children within the situation of the house demolition. you are taking out all kinds of resilience and the patient or adjustment conditions from the people. so it will effect that are and families and the kids. and 1st of all they have to find a place to, to re establish their life. so it's kind of blowing up the family and the psychological life of every individual within that family fear. anxiety trauma, on repeat, for decades. palestinians describe having no control, no ability to plan for their future. always adapting to the only constant in their lives. and list is really oppression the same bus route. the older 0 total korean
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can be occupied. westbank, i saw a head on al jazeera on christmas salumi in new york, where the former president of the honda doris is about to go on trial. i'll tell you why coming on the road to you by visit castle. hello, i'm sorry about the case. the whole change across japan is failing more like when said it will continue to do so. it was a go on through the next couple of days time just really following away. we have to assess basically why the front coming out to the central china coast, southern areas of japan to the north of that. that's where the cold weather is very much in place with some snow. i mean a celsius. the top temperature that for tow kevin will deposit could see
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significant snow for over the next few days. have you shot as long spells to frank? continue cause the falls south of japan. it's the central and southern areas of china and is cool enough as well. so is that well home call? 26 celsius, this unpleasant sunshine. it goes up a little as we go through friday. the rain does continue notice heavy or is wise, but it's there. nevertheless. not quite. so is that where to a winter you that into japan as we go on through friday, but still temperatures down into single figures, but at least we'll be lost. the sunny lots you sonya crossing the china. i'm not sure if the philip piece of the merits of the philippines still saying some showers weston boni, i think some big down polls will cease a big down post to request a good part of a similar truck. let's say some lobby showers. the recently across north america is of india and the composite buckets done with some snow that is paid to ring out. now as it pushes the way through the bug with us, the quote to you by visit cuts on frank assessments. here's essentially delaying
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the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok, some of them are struggling. let's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera worked out of their existence. it's load ship as a principal present, as a correspondence with the brakes and the story we want to hear from those people who would normally not get that voice is heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the, the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible natural disaster. and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area. to be there to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the
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the watching out is there on line to fall off top stories. this is rarely asteroids, have targeted residential areas in rafa and hun, eunice, and stuff. and golfing. these 25 people were killed in those attacks. all these have been calling off, not just hospital. united states has us for you and the top co, not to order israel's immediate restore from of on palestinian territories. legal representatives spoke at the international court of justice hearings looking at the impacts as well as of the patient. and a survey conducted by a leading is riley sing times suggested the majority of this rarely, felipe
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a so called title victory and casa, is not possible to one sense of duration disappointments. i think the chances of israel states have a month to write a case and how much is loan numbers even? hi, i'm on how to sing in his writing out 7 to 7.5. the deliveries of much needed food aid into northern gauze. i have been suspended, raising fee is of potential salvation. the u. n. has one that one in 6 children in the area and now malnourished on ourselves. sharif reports from northern, gaza, and enjoy a should one uh i had is shamella. salvation is closing in on residence here in the moving parts of because of strep. as these rarely occupation forces continue to deny them the delivery of a drop of any really fade families, mostly children line up for hours and dollars to get the hands on some sleep or a handful of rice of the this is not with daily practice in the move in costs of the strictly children not devoured by hunger, no matter how much the quantities of
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a to be delivered. these cabinets meet the residents by a need for food of joy. asher on the left in the we come, he every day hoping to lay our hands on any food for our children. and how do we run out flour on or out of food items? our children are starving to that. i did want to add insult to injury is that we are left without any source of income. i am trying my best to feed my children to just the off one and 60 for the food. my husband is able to go unless the plus somebody will somebody venture out with the early hours of the morning. we spend hours hoping to get a handful of now what a rise to call them out. childrens hung, eldest women and children, all starving to death. folding down out of starvation for months, all those in the north have been starving there on the, on my schedule. i have the shuttle closet with all of us here in the north, the stopping today. needless to say, we have sleeping in the cool, totally exposed to the elements of the homes were destroyed by these radio,
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compassion, foresight, and the settlement shot in waiting. um, but for months now we've been eating bird feet and even animal water, we are starving to death. where are the outcomes may be, where are the most of the people 1000000? is randy occupation forces continue to deny the delivery of humanitarian aid and the children eldest of the sick or to survive. these reigning must has been budman . now due to some death. and it's a chevy, if i just the all the world feed program has told al jazeera, the situation in northern gauze, that means they cannot make food. a deliveries the agency announced on tuesday it's posing deliveries that until safely safe and conditions on created. in the past few days, a convoy have trucks up and met by hundreds of hungry palestinians is really ministry. his fights with them killing wounding several, b,
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w. s p says it's dr. is on navigation, complete chaos and violence due to a collapse of civil he's how matthew, holding with the w. peace country directors of palestine describe the situation. we are extremely concerned about security across the entire to you because for particular, you know, they've got a, in the face, the integrated science classification survey that we completed in december informed us of at least 4000000 people are facing the bottom line conditions of the space bombing bon bay, if we could not bring significant consistent deliveries, offered assistance this going on. thoughts of a giving us incredible challenges to get assistance to people that need according to international humanitarian law. any occupied force must
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enable humanitarian assistance that has been provided to reach the best vulnerable and people in the hall. we saw in 2 instances this week on sunday, and monday is a failure to ensure the safety of the people we saw a providing the assistance. and that is one of the reasons why we didn't temporarily pause so that we can continue those negotiations. so this situation improves, we can get a lot more of assistance offered a into the, into the car, the city area safely consistently. and as soon as possible, how this thing is across goss, i have been repeatedly forced to move by as well as on relenting attacks. there obama is one of the areas where people are seeking refuge um, where conditions are desperate and could already spoke to a family about the hardships that and during from dated bella beautiful and then
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back from dropped off to dated bella, this is how palestinians internally displaced have been moving around different areas across of the gaza strip. after being ready evacuated from the another in area. palestinians have been displaced a couple of times during the past 4 and a half months. today were visiting us and mooney family in that in bella, where this area behind me is complete, was completely transferred as an area for palestinians who settled up their tents and build their own tents and lived here for more than 4 months. now we're going to go in her tongue right now, and the situation is very sad and the, the living conditions are her perfect. this 10 where we are here, it has been a home and the only shelter for us and when
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a family of so many family evacuated from as a, to a neighborhood in the bella where chron currenty as a to, and has been witnessing a lot of, of of, of air strikes and also is really forces are, have been stationed there for the past couple of months. does that happen? is that what it is? imagine i'm call photo. we left the area now as a to and because the who risk situation to be is released took 3 of my children. well being on the say for my children abolla, her moms and for us were arrested 3 months ago. that's still prisoners. and these re details, i know nothing about them. they lost the father when they were young. they also lost that brother during the 2009 though the father and the brother of motus, i suffer too much. my heart is full of sadness. i dream wisdom between my owns, i missed them, i want to hug them all jenny to be here, was catastrophic. i left rasa and i went to darrow paula because of the stress of
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the role of the place. and rossa, want to be honest with you. there was no safety and security anyway and because the strand would benefit this, this is the bella and it's one of the areas where these palestinians have been displaced. and we have been seeing a lot of areas, agriculture areas, empty areas, corps, universities and hospitals that became shelters for hundreds of thousands of palestinians displaced and forced to evacuate their houses. this was in the comedy, i'll just eat a better. but these 2 people have been killed, including a child often is riley asked ry kits. $711.00 on the attack targeted the boy, the village of magellan. soon, 3 others were injured, saying a quarter reports from barracks 5 year old amount due to the latest civilian to be killed in southern lebanon, and is rarely striked target to the home in
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a village near the border. the conflict between israel and the lebanese arms group has the law has been largely confined to military targets. but since october, at least $47.00 civilians have been killed on the side of the border. children were among them. hezbollah has accused israel of deliberately targeting civilians to pressure it to stop fighting. it has promised revenge, but it continues to insist. its position is one of the parents and defense. in a school. i'm to know the conflict on the live on the front. the extent of that typically contain, despite the location of the crossing or the red lines, but the enemy escalates, we would escalate the even further. we will not tall def, i think by 3 f to any situation that we face in isabel has intensified its attacks on hezbollah targets at times. striking deeper and side loving on. it has also
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intensified its attacks on iranian and to you run in the targets in neighboring syria. it's been doing this for years to prevent around some military influence from growing there. but since the war on cause of the strikes have become more frequent, i was at school in her 3 successive sounds. people were terrified and went out. we all gathered and started crying. israel has attacked much of the 120 kilometer border area with lebanon by air and artillery. when hezbollah opened what it's called a supports front for garza in october, it has been attacking military positions in northern israel since then since our high end international efforts to contain the conflict have so far failed the united states which was leading that effort has said it doesn't support an expansion of the cross border fight between as well as hezbollah. it state department has called on both sides to call and the situation how the escalation
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and allow display civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes. is randy officials have been threatening a more comprehensive war for weeks. the defense minister, you all have go on says the so called equations have collapse and nothing is standing in the way of the air force and the army. when it decides to attack baby boot, damascus, or any other city has bullet to, has drawn it's loading. it says there will be no hold to the fighting until the war on garza and santa, for their elders. either they don't to london web partition pays and due to votes on a goal for an immediate cease fire and gaza. the motion was put forward by the scottish national party. it is the 2nd opportunity and peace of had to vote on his face by the fest. one in the vendor fails of the prime minister wishes to not,
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and then they believe it to style my told policy members to pose the move. hi faucets has moved from outside the british parliament. and what this is, is i don't position day, which allows or position causes to, to bring fluid motions and discussion. national party has again brought forward a motion for an immediate cease fire as it did in those under that motion defeated, it's likely that this one will be again because it isn't the view of the ruling conservative policy, but that should be an immediate unilateral cease fire that talking about a humanitarian pause, that could lead to a sustainable ceasefire, as well as the introduction to more humanitarian aid into a goes up. and so there has been an amendment puts by the conservatives. there's also being an amendment put by the legal policy because the way the policy, the main office, or some policy, has been finding itself under increasing pressure of its dogs. it has been gradually shifting its guns towards eventually what was yesterday,
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a coal for an immediate humanitarian. c spy was the language that it used. well, also talking about the need for a israel to be a show that it didn't face any further threat from us. and it is real, could not be expected to abide by a ceasefire in that instance. and so there are these 2 rival amendments. it depends which of them and whether both will be called by the speaker as to what exactly will be voted on what we are pretty sure on those when the vote happens, probably in about 4 or 5 hours from now, the government will prevail, and we will wait to see what the other policies uh end up voting for. the opening arguments are due to begin in the trial, if the full not precedent of home during this one, orlando hernandez. he is accused of corruption and working with drug games in the
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central american country. but the trial is taking place in new york course. the slim explains why it is a dramatic fall from grace for one, orlando hernandez. the former president upon doris, seeing here let in hand cost in 2022. during his extradition to the united states, hernandez is alleged. we have received millions of dollars from multiple drug trafficking organizations, including from the former leader of this in a lower cartel, known as al chapo, and in return drug traffickers in honduras were allowed to operate with virtual impunity. she's being tried here in manhattan, thousands of miles from honduras at a court with a history of prosecuting crimes that happened on foreign soil. if those crimes impact the united states in some way, particularly the national security interest of the united states,
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the safety of united states citizens, then the federal courts in new york can prosecute individuals for crimes related to that conduct. one, orlando hernandez denies any wrong doing. he says the accusations were concocted by his critics revenge for his efforts to crack down on criminal drug gangs during his time in office. but recently his defense has suffered some setbacks. hernandez will be alone on the defense stand after 2 co defendants, one of whom is the former police chief of hon. doris pleaded guilty in the weeks leading up to the trial. both are expected to testify against him. the defense will paint hernandez as a key washington ally in the fight against struggles. but critics say successive us government's turned a blind eye to human rights abuses. under hernandez's presidency, it's really important to bear in mind as we watched his trial, that the us always supported him. in fact, bible was very much into increasing a tundras when he became president increasing military cooperation. even though the
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us has to have known is clear, they must have known that the military are repressive and riddled with drug traffickers at the very top thing was club for years and i'm going to find i got his family launch to go find me campaign to raise money for his defense, but it was later taken down. the trial is expected to last a week. if convicted hernandez could get a life sentence. kristen salumi al jazeera new york. at least $100.00 minus trapped on the ground of to alongside collapse. the entrance to a small scale mine in venezuela. it happened on tuesday at the boot. i looked online in central venice where the official say that with 2 separate collapses and the confirmation of fatalities as of yet, the g 20 foreign ministers gathered and reared diginero to discuss the range of global issues including conflicts in ukraine and gaza. earlier us actually stay on,
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the lincoln held a meeting with brazilian present leader to so they've been strained relations because of as well as full on gaza, present in need to accused, as well as committing genocide against palestinians while talking to reporters at the african union summit in ethiopia, on sunday, we can speak now to teresa. both was in rio de janeiro for us. and so we all now hearing from the us state department, they've been speaking, haven't they about that meeting between blinking and lit the silver? what was discussed. but we're here in this convention center and we are, they were all foreign ministers of 18. 20 are expected date by this wednesday. the secretary of state lincoln met with the present press menu. let us in virginia, that there was a meeting for about an hour and a half for they discussed several issues among them. the situation of the war in
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ukraine, the situation in haiti with the cables entity and security that's been going there because of guns. but of course also they discussed the situation of as well. so war on guys that what, what we've been told us that the main discussion focused on getting the captive with these on the possibility of a humanitarian falls in the blink of the parent being told him that he disagrees with the president's comparison with the whole call stance this meeting goes through this g 20 meeting in a way. so i think the role back for the presidential me to the has of states meeting, but it's going to be happening here in november. brazil have a very ambitious agenda fighting at hunger, sustainable development. but also what they call global governors, which includes for example, reforming the united a united nation reforming the world trade organizations to include so give them more importance to developing nations. but of course, this whole, this,
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this meeting in a ways being overshadowed by this whole time between brazil as well with the comments and comparison of the situation in guys of it as well as world gaza with the cost of what the foreign minister of as well has said that saying that you laugh with comparing as well without going hitler and the 4 in minnesota, brazil saying that those type of comments in a way are um, revolting. so there's been lots of tension around the setting box. you know what we're expecting later long before in minnesota to address those present here today, that's not going to the clinic start to vary so. so would have to say see what else comes out of this? right. so it's been a request on the, the impeachment, on the new, the silver as a result of those tensions. i mean, what are the chances of this moving further? well, the show the pressure that is right now when you let a few law here in brazil, we know that a lawmaker, her name is cadillac fanny. she is from
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a former presidential able to. so now to 40 a she and a 100 and over a $120.00 other lawmakers are finally a request for impeachment. now that seems like he says that they are saying that he's forcing the country at risk, that he's faith, men talk about declaration of war. it is unlikely right now, but this is something that is going to escalate. it is currently with a speaker of the chamber of deputies. it's unlikely that he would proceed with something like this, but it does show, however, the pressure that new lies on the right now because of this page meant on how the opposition is trying to find it. away an excuse or another excuse to get him out of office. thank you for that. theresa. in re edition era, the head on al jazeera, nearly a 1000000 people operated from their homes as fighting intensifies in the eastern democratic for company. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the un security council has sanctioned 6 people from mound groups operating in the eastern democratic republic of congo. need is f m 23. among those handed travel bounds and asset freezes, revel group is widely understood to be backed by one to an accusation. to god a has denied wanda lot as has intensified in recent months as m. 23 fight has
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advanced on a major city in the east and a half. and so a reports from guidelines in the east of the deal. c u. i saw it says that have been for top very recently, most of the people who are here have come from the town of soc, is loc as well. pricing has been going on between government forces and the m 23 rebels. so they are constructing vast structures as they say that they're just trying to survive. they don't have food, they don't have what they don't have basic needs. we've been speaking to um, aid work, as we say that they are overwhelmed by the numbers that are coming here. now in total about a $150000.00 people um from socket and surrounding areas have been displaced from those areas. now inside scare by thing is going on. i'm 23 are on the field and me a soft case. so could government offices, including static,
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the original of forces who are the, are trying to push the rebels back? um, it's very significant to that happens because there is a good way to go mazda provisional copy tool. and the government forces are saying that there is no there. they cannot less that careful because if that happens, then m $23.00 was very easy for them to match on to go ma, which is not going to be allowed by the government. they say catherine. so all the 0 go ma, purchased as in south africa, have rallied against live animal exports outside of port in cape town. a foul stench drifting into the city from the hall that has highlights a di issue. 19000 castle has been waiting on a way to ship to more than 2 weeks. several animals have report, sleep and youth noise, cheese injuries, spanish vomas' demonstrating in madrid,
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have quotes with police, but been in the capital to protest against what they see as a european union. you're a classic and insufficient states. a's on this have been purchasing for weeks across european countries. out is there, a sonia google has moved from madrid. this is the week of protests that have been taking place in rhode island, on wednesday call was from the country region, essentially the paid in the center of the city government stop. the voices are not being hud despite the fact that strange agricultural minister did announce assess of measures which would include opening up an agency to ensure that the laws governing this fact that would be a do too. but also to look at issues. for example,
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such as doing extra checks on fraud, choose coming out from the you to check for any e u band substances spots. the form is the union by pharmacies that have gavin here have said that they are facing in numerous pressures in the sector as well. there is a spike in prices, the fuel prices, as well as there is also the fact that they are worried about issues such as, for example, this european union negotiation with the latin american markers to block which they say it, they fit will actually heading to their ability to be able to see so produce a price which will allow them to continue to hold over the last of course there are other issues as well. such was the fact that climate events such as drops and also flooding have drastically impacted the such are as well as the farmers feel that this is just one pressure too much for them to be able to continue or on the
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a both to make a living all sides. sonya guy. yep. i'll, i'll just sarah madrid's. okay, that's it for me. i'll be back. so in just a moment with most of the day. so these, these things in october 2023. these raise the ministry of intelligence, proposed the forcible and permanent transfer of palestinians from because the street, the people in power, those into the history of the amount of spinning and displacement. and explores whether clearing palestinians from because in the occupied westbank is, is range to transfer on and just what constitutes extent. so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fence rose to what happened. that's independent.
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we won't be i want to we don't have lead them in the policy of it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services the claimant reports. would that i should just trust that unity often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. the ship is home to survivors of losses. earthquakes and took care of floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers over lessons to president, still recovering from the or, or to 4 to 5 year olds. good note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily we have the sea and we are leaving on a ship bill, a small world, hey we our family. and eventually they have something to look forward to. the amusement park reopened every minute here for the life is
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a just returning to normal. they're playing and nothing, but the trauma is never far away. the palestinian families of from casa in southern cause. the wall is rarely strikes, target civilians and con eunice rockland, the main site. this is out 0 line from the also coming up, as well as actions are causing mass salvation and famine with convoys of 8 trucks. fishing idle wasting to cross into the strip. speaking of the international court of justice,


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