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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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to hear the story on told to out his ear the searching through the rubble in the rough uh, family home is one of israel's overnight targets. 3 people have been killed. the hello, i'm darn jordan. this is out. is there a night from dell also coming up still standing out the full months of the doctors announce schiffer hospital in kansas city say conditions get worse every day. i can, we must continue with the education and forced to be able to build our country of future. we meet the students in gaza who are in the classroom despite the ongoing come on and other needs an open pit mine collapse and venezuela and these families
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desperate to would have been missing the we're beginning southern gaza with a series of as ready strikes as targeted residential buildings and rough or at least 3 people were killed in a home in the north of the city, children or among the wounded casualties, a mountain in the area where 1500000 displaced, palestinians sheltering in central guns. are these really minute tre has bombed a residential building in the crowded on the setup refugee camp. at least 14 people were killed and dozens wounded. i'll just bear with patrick. i will assume to pull some rough and southern gaza one last in price of draw man's daughter weiss, i'm to lose what killed and that is really a strike in the home in rough i suffering cause just a few hours before he had been playing with his toddler drinking tea with his
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family had been problem. hey i my arms lies my soul. kenzie, i'm going to settle, so she was a yeah and a half old and the son, and then tod building was level to the ground. why these really wanna hang out? i know one of their buddies went to 2 pieces off to the united states. yet again, vito un security council resolution cooling for an immediate cease fire, be removed, palestinians say they have been let down. the accepted for the images of more than a $140.00 days award. did not push the world to take action differently than what are they waiting for, and what does the world waiting for? are they waiting for all of the power spending people and all the children to die? civilians say they're being targeted is very forces truck, crowded street east to ruffle, repeatedly on tuesday. and there was no really tell them the bombing in central guns that either with thousands of people were killed. 6 of them in that strike
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when a call. but the threat is no longer just from this calling that discount for displaced people in the mos in your hon. eunice families say is very sore just through sound bombs into their tents. what would them to leave? and finally, those who run away from us now, we'd be terrified. we run for our lives best leaving all belongings and attend these ready soldiers rounded up the women and the children on the beach. we spent the night in the cold, ultimately opened on the beach without even a scarf covering tanks destroyed tents, personal belongings, and precious supplies of food. at the time when 80 john sees a warning of famine, a, this is a more see an area of the east bed, only designated as a save. so people are losing coat that they will get any help from the international community. as well as plumbing company is i think targets. of course the goal is a stretch. as promising you will have to read the full and the whole have nowhere
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to terika wazoo. how does the rough, rough or southern goals i'll ship a hospital in kansas city is still functioning despite a long siege by is ready for us is last november. the largest medical facility in the strip has become a displacement comp for thousands of people. escaping is really bums. there are still patients the lack of fuel for generators and makes it almost impossible for doctors to treat them around. the middle of them is how much about them this all about the situation at all. she phase, you retire your subject to data compartments. conditions are getting worse day by day. now we don't have any fuel. now we can't operate the equipment like extra machines. the medical stuff are over exhausted. the work around the clock, not one of the shots, but as the line we the people of cause are suffering on like anywhere else due to a lack of food. i'm 25 years old,
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and this is the 1st time i've ever had to the closest it spreading due to pollution and residences and the lack of water and medicine. what level of the should the audio i'm going to check on a house after these riley is lifting this a to in the area. when i made it to the door steep, osborne bought it. i don't know why they had text me that picking fights against the children as palestine. why? the world health organization says stuff and patients to inside the besieged nasa hospital and han eunice need to be transferred to another facility. after being denied entry for days dominate show teams managed to evacuate 30 to critically ill . patients is ready. troop storm, the hospital last week, forcing thousands of palestinians sheltering the fleet, but a 130 civilians. the patients were unable to move, but the fire i'm on is an emergency room physician who's been 3 weeks volunteering at nasa hospital back in january. he told us, what is former colleagues a going through the last week has been miserable. it's been a nightmare. the seems that they're seeing are traumatizing and they're asking for
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some sort of help. they're asking actually not to be evacuated from the hospital, but for the hospital to function for the lights to be turned back on for them to get the medicines that they need to treat the 150 patients that remain. i spoke to one of these general surgeons bear the last surgeon remaining, and i'm also hospital doctor had it. he sent a message to a group of, of physicians here in the states. and he just asked for us to be able to advocate for the patients that are there. he says i'm staring at patients and they need my help, they need my care and there's nothing that i can do and he's in this impossible position. and this is something that was predicted by the staff when i was there in january. as the tanks began getting closer to the hospital complex, they told me exactly what would happen. they predicted the invent. as they unfolded, they said at 1st, the demand and evacuation. then you'll see drones asking people to leave, then there will be snipers, and it will culminate and you and
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a rate of the hospital people being arrested. and essentially the hospital rendered dysfunctional or inoperable in the health care system has collapse. but most of the hospital am shutting down. it's a catastrophe. people will die because they're not going to get the treatment that they need. loss of what soap overwhelmed and so packed with people while i was there, we were treating patients on the floor. we were looking for mattresses to use for patients because there were no more hospital beds. and so it's, it was already a tragic scenario, but the hosp to the physicians and the nurses that nothing. we're doing an incredibly low job trying to manage. now this has become a horror story, it's become a nightmare. i mean, it's just, it's really depressing to think about. and now i'm concerned about is to go to the hospitals, will be next video as an image of the optim off in his really attack on a shelter housing doctors without borders stuff and the families, 2 people were killed and 6 wounded. the attack happened on tuesday night in our milwaukee in highland units in southern gaza. it's an area of these randy been
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a trip previously old and palace demands to go to often declaring it a safe soon the owner of the house that was targeted explained what happened. the father of them said the lion mohammed dialogue with the prophet too young to him. we were attacked and it is right in the ground operation. this building was targeted in this building. now the families of the personnel of doctors without borders. 2 women were killed. they went on and women the injuries to kids. this is what happened. this is an international headquarters, an international organization that took approvals and had permits with the relevant authorities. the coordinates of this building was shared with the officers. don't have any more detail. they are not a safe place is well suited program has told out to 0, the situation in northern gauze, that means it cannot make food. a deliveries that the agency announced on tuesday it's posing that it is until the sites are conditions are created.
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in the past few days, convoys of trunks have been met by hundreds of hungry context indians. these really minute trees 5 towards the beginning of them being several people. wsp says it's drivers on navigating complete chaos and findings. due to collapse and civil load is ready, forces have carried out overnight, raids across the occupied, westbank troops stormed, i'll be the ramallah and to caught him and his ready, bold as are destroyed around about and the about job a refugee camp in jericho. is there any forces have been conducting grades and destroying infrastructure in the territory most nights since october 7th. the us forces have carried out as strikes on who's the positions and yemen. washington says 7 on to should miss on a loan to and from were targeted. the who these have been attacking ships and the red sea since the wind gusts up again. the groups as if targeting vessels link is right. but you can call them and has to send into chaos because of a boats coating for cease fire and guns that speaker. so lindsey hoyle is being
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accused of breaking precedent by allowing a labor party amendment to the motion which is put forward by the scottish national party. the decision was heavily criticized by s and p and conservative members of parliament for the in blackfoot is on s and p. m p. he explained what happened. we didn't walk the problem. we actually went into the voting lobby. so we could vote for the lieberman, but of course we never wants to be in that situation. you know, today was supposed to be a problem and being given the opportunity to help you vote on whether the should be 65, then guys. and i'll probably see it is across design of this upfront hundreds, thousands of positions that have written to them. asking that we support a ceasefire. 75 percent of the public of these items. what not to take place. and then what happens is that in the positions, you know, we get to a c o position days a year, effectively was hijacked by the liberal party because they came up with this
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proposition that allowed them to have a goals. and the purpose of that particular been the government part to you would participate and it made the are meaningful. i will go on to the crime in front of the ccr to take place. no wasn't take, it says quite shameful. the way that this is play the great the tonight we're happy to discuss this rather than actually discuss the needs of protecting the people with guys of that need that sees 5 to take place. we're all looking on our of the destruction has taken place to summon the loss of life. and of course, the very real facts. if rough eyes attacked over the course of the coming days and weeks now for more than a 130 days of conflict and gauze, that student's education has been disrupted. because schools that become shelters for displace families. but one teacher in rafa has turned a library into a makeshift classroom with dozens of students together for their lessons. i mean how some of that stuff more than half a 1000000 students in guys are out of school. even if the war comes to an end,
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they won't be able to resume the education. thousands of them have lost the lights . but for those who have survived as well as will on jobs out, there are no schools to come back to. most of the 800 schools of either being completely destroyed or have been turned into shelters for the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have lost the whole loss. well, try double time. i decided to back to the time to turn the library of the thought if mail school and drop off into a classroom. but i think at all uh, yeah, distorted during my presence here as a curator of the library. it is known that all schools have since the beginning of the work turned into sheltering centers. children started to flock to the library asking if they could borrow some books or stories english instead of addresses. i recorded 10th numbers and the library borrowers register with time. a student name holmes suggested if they could sit and study you, and that's how the initiative lights come to came about on the team of teachers.
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i'll volunteering to instruct these children on different in now. and this is a mobile that this initiative is one and a half months old. it was a pretty and try to knowledge is the cornerstone of all future. we must continue with the education in order to be able to build a country or future. no, you know, but i do, we come here every other day. we are taught many subjects at a big science and we match in addition to register and poetry. the teachers are also providing the kids with psychological and moral support. philip bold, it can be a fairly, this is a great positive impact on children's emotional healing. were striking a balance between teaching and providing mental and psychological help. children, well, they are hit with tons of miseries of these young palestinian students in gaza, striving to get an education despite all. oh no. hi. yeah, no,
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i my now what if i will call them went up there is not even a pen and paper to write or story to tell except for the story of death and destruction displacement uninstalled ation. despite all this gloomy life, we are adamant to continue with our education to light a candle of hope for our fellow students. while the war and gaza continues unabated, these children are choosing cold, full of despair, resilience over the fields and clinging on to any semblance of normal life, despite to death with them and carnage that surrounds them. how should i just see on the tire shop right here and obviously, right. when we come back in the party, i went to the forest to look for food for my children. a few days ago i met find it . so took my supplies and they reached me. we hear from people that flip the fighting between sold as an on groups in the democratic republic of congo, fuss. there are many villages like this in china, with generations. people have been moving overseas in search for a better life,
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but now many are taking the risk of illegally crossing into the us from the mexican border. and not just for economic benefits the, the hello, you're welcome to look at the international forecast. it's been on the cool side recently across the sea, right? been punch slab. we've had somebody give us a spectrum. i'll wind blowing at least over the next couple of days here though hot temperature is still getting up to starting to get to about 23 celsius on thursday . but come friday when it's pulling somewhat light to 27, we're going to get up into the mid high twenty's as we make our way through the weekend. so not too bad. a lot of dry weather across the arrangement. financial a lot to try whether to just around the east side of the met it's ready to be pushed by the know think becky, i just took of central and eastern part. so when she makes sliding, i've it to was
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a cold because he's brought this guys to come back in behind. by the time we come to friday, right to across the good parts of agent. but the northern part, so oblivious origin is here somewhere out of which and windy weather for a time, no showers becoming less wise. but as we go through friday, but increasing rain coming into northern areas of morocco, northern parts of algeria, and an increasing right to into southern areas of nigeria over the next few days to help with the shabbots that we have across the house of africa. northern parts of mos, i'm fixing live, the shower has still some very heavy right in place to a cause, a good part of madagascar, and we have tropical sites. i don't know clearing away from nutritious. the president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians. and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences
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for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. what we do, and i'll just, sarah, is try to find those 2 stories and keep the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into mind, see a news the welcome back to what you're going to do. a quick reminder about top stories here. this, our series of his writing strikes has targeted residential buildings in the rough and southern guns. are these 3 people were killed in a home in the north of assist with children among the wounds that is rarely a truck on a residential building and the on the set up refugee camp in central gauze as
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skilled at least 14 products demands testing as well. boomed, people are clicking through the rubble with a bad hands to recover photos. and the u. k. parliament has descended into chaos because of the votes quoting for cx, 5 and gaza speaker, and see how it has been cues of breaking precedence by allowing a labor party amendment to the motion which is put forward by the scottish national cost. for the conflict and gauze that has overshadowed a meeting of g 20 foreign ministers in brazil, honey, this week brazil was president accused israel of genocide. anchoring is ramen's allies, the united states, to exhibit reports from the addition error. the flooring ministers of the world's leading economies mentioned we are these unable to discuss a roadmap head of the head of states so many november. what is it, what is the results for administer them out of the a to criticize the paralysis of the un security council. on the wars in gaza and ukraine as it should discharge multilateral institutions and not equipped to deal
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with the current challenges as we have same with the unacceptable paralysis of the un security council with ongoing complex this inaction results in the loss of innocent lives. result does not accept a will that results differences with the use of military force. but during the meeting, the attention was also on the spot between israel and brazil's president will let us see by who compared these rails worn guys with a holocaust. us secretary of state antony blinking, met with dressing in blue light in the capital brazilian where they discussed the war in ukraine, but also gaza. lincoln said he did not agree with lou less comparison to the whole low cost or live here at the g. 20 summit or on the latest scouts between brazil. and this really is not the 1st time the press and the feedback shows it's important for the palestinian people back in 2010. it's a visit to your personal founder of zionism,
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but his criticism of israel has generated tension with the opposition and the jewish community was held over a $120.00 lawmakers. many of them support as a former president, as a boy. so nato are now hoping to impeach president julia saying he's comments, so hostility towards the forwarding nation. we feel ashamed that the president of our nation does not respect another country and is not impartial in this war. or request for impeachment is not for ideological reasons, but because he committed a crime which is the cheapest, most done, at least so we, it is unlikely the proceeding will move forward. the point of view says it's trying to make the world more equal and give the developing world a say in international affairs. and that's why it's hoping that g, 20 meetings and really on nato will be the 1st step towards change. very so as a see, to really jeanetta hundreds of union workers in peru have much to the capital,
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demanding better wages, some roads and lena were blocked off as the workers made their way through the city streets towards congress. they want wage increases to compensate for the rising cost of living and say the president data, but a lot a should resign. an open pit goldmine and venezuela has collapsed getting at least 50 people, 100 minus believe to be buried more than set to meet us on the ground. it happened on tuesday in the state of both of my new arrival that result in central venezuela. dozens of miners has been killed following the collapse of an open pit gold mine known as boucher look at the municipality of uncle student. why 3 more on so serious, almost. there was a serious incident at the boys are local mind, disdain bodies, and for injured have arrived so far. now, 2 more boats are arriving with about 8 more bodies. while the bodies of some of miners have been returned to their families, friends and relatives of workers were still missing or desperately waiting to hear
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a word of their loved ones. i found that while they did all the wounded water and they support says where all the videos circulating on social media appears to show . the 1st attempts to rescue miners some believe to be buried more than 30 meters below ground in 2016 vin. as well as government established mining development zones across the middle of the country, leading to several mining enterprises that operate outside the law. binding for gold and other precious minerals offers a lucrative opportunity for many venezuelans who struggle to make ends meet. a lack of safety regulations combined with harsh working conditions and also make the job extremely risky for would be minors lizard up a little alger 0. the spot of a bridge in china has collapsed, sending a number of vehicles plunging into the river below. collision shop bridge is located in the city of gong show in the southeast. a bond rammed into one of its
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pillars, destroying a section of the structure. at least 2 people are dead and 3 of missing local media are reporting. the captain has been arrested. slow and unprecedented number of chinese nationals had been illegally entering the united states. the process border with mexico. many i've driven to make the trip by china is slowing economy, but other say they're escaping and increasingly repressive environment. i'll just say it was bonded below reports from who they publish large gated homes in rural china. but the streets are almost empty. many residents of this village in hope a province are working overseas and sending home money to help their families. yes, lots of people here to migrate overseas, and it's to make money in the late 19 ninety's as much as 85 percent of workers leaving to provincial capital. i'm sure it's out to him for jobs abroad or from here. there are many villages like this in china, where for generations,
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people have been moving overseas is search for a better life. but now many are taking the risk of illegally crossing into the us from the mexican border and not just for economic benefits. this was issued yet while in january last year, the post says these people are applying for passports with the intention of going to the us. it was right around the time the government dropped it. strict corona virus rules the to cover your policy meant almost the chinese feel, the service or how routes or the system is so one, the 0 call me policy was over a $510.00. these people wanted to go out. wanted to escape with the chinese nationals made up less than 2 percent of the $12500000.00 migrant, documented by us authorities at the southern border in 2023, but the fastest growing group with more than $37000.00 detained last year. that's
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50 times higher than in 2021. many apply for political asylum. the approval it is high. so that phosphor tiny's measurements that really is like a motor, 50 percent, sometimes more than 67 percent. so that means here the 2 are for those uh, migrant can guides. uh that's tied up in a statement sent to l. g 03. the chinese foreign ministry says it isn't aware of the situation but to pauses and punishes any form of illegal migration. but tips on how to make the journey, often long, costly and arduous stop heart, excessive or online in china and king sol, experts say the influx of undocumented chinese migrants is likely to continue for as long as this economic future remains uncertain. and at least until the us
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presidential election in the village, just like this, where people are desperate to earn a living, could multiply barn to below algebra to catch a long of a province, china, the people in the city of government and the democratic republic of congo, a fling as m 23 find his advance violence there was intensifying prompting. the un security council dysfunction some of the groups leaders at an emergency meeting on tuesday. i'll just say it was catherine story report. some come out in the east of the country. this is not the 1st time deborah lola has hard to see from her home. she lived in a village that was taken over by m 235 says in november. then she went to the town of sac, it in the east and comedies providence of north cable, where she thought she was safe. husband was killed a week ago, doing violence between government forces and the flight to in the area. a bomb had to stay at home. so now leave him a rough and then nearby come with
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a displaced. she says there's no one to protect them here. the political party, i went to the forest to look for food for my children a few days ago. i met pundits who took my supplies and they reached me. nearly every one from saki. this solitary are the com. that was already over crowded. 1.5000000. i've been displaced since this latest round of conflicts 2 years ago. a week ago this. com was not one more people are coming from south kit as they are building. this is a state they have nowhere else to go that the is antoinette booking. and she says that she has been slipping out the coals. we are always run and we don't get dressed. i don't know what to do. i'm just praying for peace. the bottle full
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size has been intense equation of government forces wants to push m 53. 5 says father, away from healed me a 2nd. the town is an important fruits into coma, the provincial capital bach. i da com, deborah, and i'm praying that they are doing what they can to so by the, by day catherine, solely all the 0 coma democratic republic of congo. saddam's army has broken a siege by the permanent too rapid support forces on one of his basis made a capital 10 months into the conflict, the army. so they were getting control of areas around the capital city. each had cut off supplies of basics to people living near the base and i'm dormant even more than reports vis base houses, the student needs armies, engineering court in the city of the man. for nearly 7 months, it was under siege by the parent military rapids support forces r r s f. but in recent, these,
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the army was able to break through and deliver supplies to its troops. has as if activity middle button, this is a gift from god under the feats of the rebels of criminals and terrorized and carried out to trust these like never seen before. this is the 1st phase because of the will, will not hand until i'm pretty much and all of the done is cleared of the malicious . the streets near the base are as cards by the battle spots over its buildings destroyed by artillery fire from the recess. when he tried to seize the base barriers built on roads to keep the fighters away, the paramilitary group has been fighting the army for control of sedan. for 10 months, it's fighters were stationed in districts surrounding the bays to prevent the weapons and ammunition from reaching the soldiers inside. what's in the past few weeks, it's been forced to retreat from some areas or the army has made games here and i'm the man. but are selling by the pair of me 3 on the be at the area around
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discontinue. and while the miniature was able to bring in reinforcement, it wasn't the only site that was affected by the our staff. and it's located for the title of mind. mohammed lives near the base after days without eating, he collapsed. that had i said, this was the kind of how you like most of the past 10 months have been indescribable. there was hunger, there was sickness. the shops were burned in the shelling. people weren't allowed to bring us food or medicine yourself, prevented people from going to the market. they either rob you of your money or kill you said the other day. yeah. has opened her home to those in need. she says, the lack of supplies wasn't the worst thing about the seat. the daughter should be to the bus. there was intensive shedding to the point that people couldn't walk around. heavy weapons, they use the weapons use which we didn't know the names of and couldn't identify them. we lived through tough times, people would be cut to pieces for walking on the streets, looking for medicines. kids loved the parents and for the eyes. parents loved.


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