tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera February 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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its own separate action, realize they some of the principle of equal rights and self determination of peoples. bearing in mind that subjection of peoples to alien subjugation domination and exploitation constitutes a violation of that principle. as well as a denial of fundamental human rights and this country to the charge for the declaration solemnly proclaims that every space has the juicy to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples in the operation of the presence principle of the right to self determination. and freedom and independence in the wall case, the court find that the construction of the whole and its associates just regime severely impedes of the exercise by the palestinian people of the right to self determination. if therefore breached is rails obligation to respect stuff,
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rice in the islands view, the combination of israel's prolonged occupation of the o. p t. and it's escalating settlement activity has done so on a far greater scale. the escalating activity has increasingly frag mentors palestinian presence of palm, unrestricted, palestinian. you solve the land and the natural resources of the palestinian people . it records the viability of a future. palestinian stakes. the nature scale and duration of supplement activity is such that its purpose can only be to permanently obstruct the exercise of the palestinian peoples of rice to self determination to both the prohibition of acquisition of territory white pressed for use of force. i'm the principal of self determination, are fundamental principles of international law,
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as are the basic rules of international humanitarian law. it is widely recognized that these fundamental principles have the characteristics of peremptory norms, of general international law, or use coach ends from which derogation is never premisses. or, as the court described them, in its advisory opinion, on the trash or use of nuclear weapons. in transgressive bull principles of international customary law, in turn, peremptory norms of general international law, the right to obligations owed to the international community as a whole, obligations are got on these in relation to which all states have a legal interest. a conclusion also recently reached by the international law of commission arlin ties with regress concluded that quiet,
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prolonged occupation of palestinian territory. i'm the supplement activities is conducted there for more than half a century. israel has commissioned serious breaches of a number of peremptory norms, of general international law and the corresponding or got on these obligations to which they give rise. namely, the basic rules of international humanitarian law. the right to self determination of the palestinian people and the prohibition of acquisition of territory by force . this one through the costs 3 international law states responsibility where a stays breach us an international obligation. it commits an internationally wrongful act. but unless it's wrongful, and this is otherwise preclude, just does act. it entails the international responsibility of the state concerned
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and does it involves legal consequences for the domains to a serious breach of both a peremptory norm and the corresponding obligation or the on these. this course has concluded that this involves legal consequences for all states, namely, 1st, the obligation not to recognize the legal situation resulting from the serious breach. second, the obligation not to render age or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the serious breach. 3rd, the obligation to cooperate, to bring the serious breach to an end. it was the court closest in the specific circumstances of the whole case to see to us does any impediment resulting from the construction of the will to the exercise by the palestinian people of the right to self determination is brought to an end
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in the case, the court found that israel was a blogs to end the breaches of its legal obligations, including those under international humanitarian law. and it's due see to respect the rights of the palestinian people to self determination and to make reparation for the damage caused by those breaches. in the presence case, the law of state's responsibility. likewise, apply just israel to bring to an end, the serious breach us the event applying to the course, including quite the reversing of its settlement activity and the making of reparation for the damage arising by way of restitution. and compensation as appropriate for all states as members of the international community
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as a whole to which the relevant obligations are on these are owed for legal consequences of the serious breaches are in arden's view. straightforward fall states are obliged to cooperation to bring these breeches to an end. true law for means not to recognize as law for the situation creates it by them not to render age or assistance in maintaining that situation. in particular, states are obliged to cooperate, to bring to an end israel, serious breach of its obligation to respect the rights of the palestinian people. the self determination, or as the court finds in the whole case, to see to us that's any impediment to the exercise of bath rice, is brought to an end. this includes cooperation by states through the united
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nations and does appropriate older international organizations, including the european union. as regards the obligation not to recognize as law full, the situation creates this by the serious breaches. the course has provide just an example of how this may be achieved in its advisory opinion on the legal consequences for states of the continued presence of south africa in the may be there. the court found that the juicy of non recognition, so blind states inter alia to abstain from entering into economic and other forms of relationship or dealings with south africa, which may infringe its a photography over this territory of know, maybe a. and this was also the approach taken by the e. u. in the case of the amex ation by the russian federation of crimea in
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2014. when it's implemented a broad range of diplomatic economic and other measures intended to preclude any employee recognition of the annexation. those measures include as a bond on imports of goods, origination in the next territory, under prohibition against investing in us. in the presence case, we say that states are blind not to render age or assistance in maintaining the situation. creationist by israel is breach of its obligation to respect the rights of the palestinian people to self determination. the general assembly and security can so have been the past cold upon old states, to refrain from rendering any assistance to the maintenance of situations of denial
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of self determination. in ireland, this view, these obligations require old states, as well as international organizations with external trade competence. in the case of arlen to europe and union, to review their trading relationships with the settlements in the o. p t. is requires them to take steps to prevent rage that assists in the maintenance of the situation creation by the supplement activity more that's implicitly recognizes or serves to entrench or legitimize israel settlement, or next ation of that territory. this, mr. president, members of the course are little remains committed to the realization of the 2 state solution endorsed quite the security. cancel a safe and secure israel and an independent democratic contiguous
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viable. i'm sorry britain palestinian stakes, living side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders based on those of 1967 with jerusalem as the capital of both states. this is the established framework within which it was agreed that the solution would be filed, which is 5 weeks in statements by israel's prime minister, in which he openly rejected the 2 state solution of calls such widespread international dismay. the solution must be built on a foundation of respect for international law, but especially respect for the right to self determination. in the circumstances, arlen encourages this course to provide it's a solver sense of coverage. vacation of these essential legal issues to the general assembly. as request may please the course. so i think that it gets
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a filing for this generation. i invite the next part to severe thing that edition ship on. so i, that's the quote and i quote appointment to okay, if you're just joining us, it's just gone 10 past 11, g m t. we've been listening to quite full, full testimony by orleans attorney general rule for funding giving his submission. so the humans top course in the hey again to the legal consequences of israel's occupation of palestinian territories. he had, he reminded the court, as we had bad, that the international loan limits the use of force in self defense to know more than what is necessary and proportionate. and that in orleans view, israel had exceeded those limits and it's made a treat response as go straight to step lawson who is outside the international court of justice in the hague. to step here, we're listening in took us through some of the highlights made and on and
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statements of the whole island 1st, the 4th uh country to speak. uh this morning and all 4 i have agreed on uh the illegality of the occupation of the palestinian territories. and they also have argued that this of the patient is definitely not temporary, but it's turning into a has turned into a permanent occupation, basically calling it an x ation. ireland pointed out that it's clear that the demographics have changed in the west bank. look at all the subtler 750000 sub list . i have moved in there, turning also palestinians into the 2nd class citizens disagreements notorious laws and rules applied on the palestinian people. and what i thought was interesting also to hear this morning is that they didn't only condemn israel, but very much also the position of the united states, of which we heard yesterday,
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us china, was very much countering all the arguments the united states has brought forward the united states was basically saying, this court should not give an opinion because it could interfere with any possible of these negotiations while china, but also ireland side of it is this court. who has to give an opinion because everything else has failed so far as an opinion could give clarification, legal clarification, on any possible negotiations that could take place later. china also pointed out the off the us that it's around the needs these, the occupied territories for self defense, basically threatening the argument around china said, well, is it a palestine is occupied. so the palestinians have basically a right to south see friends. it was interesting also to hear that china said, well, the right to self determination applies. if a foreign nation is occupying your land,
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basically also pointing out that any groups in china who so feel they have a right of self determination, don't fall within that category. so it was a very strong statement, and it's interesting to hear how all 4 nations were very much lashing out against with us with a presenting yesterday. okay, step boss and the for us outside the international court of justice in the hague. thank you for that. let's bring in more one discharge. is there a senior political analyst to discuss more on this more on ireland as an interesting case because they've always put their heads above the power, but at least compared to the rest of the when it comes to the palestinian issue, what did you make of that submission that i thought was, uh i'm trying to use a word that's not too subjective, but the thought that was fantastically clear and it does as step side, the contrast for them and to play with that statement we've heard from the united
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states. and i think as a europe and country, the fact that it, it didn't just describe the situation as a legal and so on, so forth and argumentative why it is a legal. but it's also spoke about the consequences of that. but what's interesting in terms of island, in the context of the last 34 days is that it's 6 for me anyway, when we're, what we've heard from the south african. and they'll, julia, right? so what's in common between and not have gone through like already a lot of majority contract. i'll jr, south african countries and i you to pay and consider like iowa. they were all occupied and they're all passed through the depression, all of a colonial entity. and the old succeeded in liberating themselves and of all used force, the federal rights of resistance on so forth in order to acquire the right of self
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determination. in the south african, it was a party in the case of island, it was occupation. and the case of judith was also occupations that went on 450 years. so the irish arguments stand out in the cloud. i see by saying, for example, that these rise cannot. and hence, the united states cannot justify is, or as occupation gone on for 6 decades on the basis of self defense. on the basis of security as united states try to argue because if it does, it will always remain off your fine. because the occupation, as we've heard, is self perpetuating the longer it's the longer it's in news without the intervention of either the local population for the international community, the longer it will endure in the sense that as we have heard it, there is some time next session and with the presence and the pro, ration of the legal sacraments, jewish such events,
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it makes the right assess the vision with the palestinians. improbable as talking boston and who's and that's why i think here we insert into a very interesting territory as what the irish thing the world community and especially the european union needs to do understanding the india galaxy and the danger that lives in the question of israel is occupational satisfying, he named a number of elements that basically all of them speak to the idea that like indicates of south africa, it's important basically to boycott it was, is really activities at least in the occupied territories. right. so supplements is also true. i think there was but interesting that saying that we all need to come together as well as community in order to waiting on this. and it's a nomic call for she needs to spot. would that come through like is right. that
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continues to occupy another people and then i them. but i'd have self determination . yeah, it's a very interesting point because our island has been trying to make the case, or at least the government has that israel has breached a human rights close within trade agreements with the you had w has made with israel. so that is a concrete way. uh that as the say israel could be punished if you like. uh for what is going on here a to king of china. we also had from china a little earlier, also clearly listening to the us the submission yesterday. and also making a similar point. that's an occupied territory, cannot if, if you all keep calling a territory you call and use the you call and say you, you've got, you're using not logic of self defense. absolutely. now just a quick comment on the irish statements about the he you so the,
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you tried in the past, right? to demand that his red label, all the products that's been viewed appear in union from the occupied territories as supplements products. right? so that the europeans know what they are buying. that's a very timid step on the part of the european union that this is read. i prefer the trade status with a you. it has a free trade agreements where they, you, that's basically basically one side to us. but now was the irish or demand thing, is that that, that in fact the you and has our world of states for number of states need to take serious measures in order to have and the occupation and hands. i think we've heard something that's almost all listed examples, you know, issues of boy cutting everything that has to do with the occupation,
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at least not if not work, i think is right, right. so i think again, china, although it said our work power, right. but it was once upon a time to find the only country that forgot that it was walk. you find that this had to fight for its independence was the united states. but it had to fight for independence from the british once upon a time except it was a long time ago. and clearly the americans have forgotten about their own story. they don't one or 2 of independence, but the chinese clarity like that of the south africa and the all jerry and the irish and a whole host of other countries. tell us once again, just as we witness in the un security council about us for days, hours, as we are, what does this thing at the i c j. international court of justice. america is isolated in the world community, america that tends to speak,
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and the language of human rights of universality of democracy is the only country that is so isolated. what if you're a few g is standing out, been supportive, is a friend, is also your patient pretending that if there's not while demanding that the i c j . formulate is judgements in no way that merely helps prolong his rags occupation or fight us by tomorrow. i'm just going back to the irish submission and wanted to ask you what you make of the fact that the irish government, as we've been saying is, is going further in his condemnation of israel than any other country. but it has not recognized it as a palestinian stage. why do you think that is what it is still within the consensus? are they going to be in union right now? to be clear? i am not of course uh you know,
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an irish expert. but what i know it is that the irish people has been a far more reasonable fashion and supporters of justice in palestine. then the government has been and i think and that, and that goes a long way back. it doesn't, it is. it's not something that's just started since october, the 7th. it's a sort of monitor between 2 of you, 5 people and the irish ones what occupied. and it's been part and parcel of the fabric of the irish mindset and the out of the irish society or the irish norms. and you'll see that by the way, not just of the irish, an island, the irish throughout the world. it says if it's the south virus of justice and freedom kind of lives on, in every irish man and woman, so no matter where they are. and clearly the passion of, of the irish for, for justice, has been pressuring their government, wanted to stay within the consensus of the you to fix steps. and to be more uh,
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more bold and less timid in its position and products fine, but you're seeing cracks. now with the u. 6 example, i looked at the statement by the french, a leading power in europe. that would say, okay, this is directly, it says recognizing i found a signature state is a possibility. it's no longer in problem. i believe the font is considering. even though you're not good states, we've heard from some kind of blinking or is actually different the state department. but if there's school setting now, i'm trying to look into the idea of recognizing capacity and state. i think probably one of our least produced concerns moving forward. the next 5 to 10 years is the condition of the fittest in your state. i think a lot of the countries around the world would it be addressed as an isaac, as you say, the problem is what state. and when it be a state, after the end of the occupation for funder could be, would it be this present instead of seeing or sort of thing that basically who's
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over only 40 percent of the west bank or would it be, as you have heard from the irish, the entire what you're buy, it that it's what he was including history or so. okay, thank you for that. mar one, bashar out. is there a senior political unless speaking the we can go now to atlanta. o molly? she's the associate professor of international history at need and university. she joins us now live from lead. and thank you so much for your time today. i believe you've been listening in to the irish attorney general rosa fighting, who was addressing the international court of justice and the hey, what did you make of what he on to say? so this was a very interesting submission by the irish representations there at the i c j today . and what he was talking about was that this has been an active process of unexplained sion by israel since 1967. and he referred to 57 years of advancing sacraments across the west bank and of israel to neighbors. and once the
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irish government b as the deliberate attempt to establish a permanent assessments in the occupied territories. and so for that reason, 2 sizes, including many of the other submissions that we've heard, the rise of about a senior people to so determination and how it would be is really advancement across the territory is a direct violation of that rice. as we've been reporting, i mean island has been an outline in the west in terms of its criticism of israel with just this strong supports of palestinian right stem from well, in 1989 and became this 1st e u members days to declare that the solution to the israel palestine conflict mode require must involve a recognition of palestinian sovereignty and a 2 state solution. i have to understand that ireland, having been through the process of i've got colonized ation and then the call the main station in 20th century of the large sense of saw the darcy with the oppression of the palestinian people. but also,
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all right and has had more recently the process of constructing a peace process in ed partition which exist on our border and language we have divided communities. so a lot of these issues hit home very close to the history, the darcy and he has been to see that irish people, few with palestine and with the past city and cost. right. and given, given that history and do you think all and should be positioning itself perhaps as a piece negotiate to in this conflict. but i think it may be already moving in that direction. we saw that the irish, the ship, the crime is or less this effort to upload the member states with this spaniards a couple of days ago to trying to come up with stronger statements of condemnation of age realism, as reaction and gaza on a stronger statement of support for the palestinians. so we see that our end is already taken a leading position on this. and you said you saw that they had been one of the kind of most i'd spoken e u member states on this and received their position becoming increasing the hard
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line on the properties. continue a 5 the 3 the military against the people of god that especially so it may be that orland in then a position to be part of a t settlement. but for now, really, i think they're also playing a very important role in continuing public attention towards this question. in that generation political support amongst the you, i live on uh, throughout the finding mentioned it is a speech before the course a couple of minutes ago. this is also advised, no provision of age, israel, no provision of the support and no enabling of their continued occupation and their illegal occupation of the occupied territories. right? so what is all and what are the r r as government during a to allow that to happen? well this is really to do also with trade relationships with not just a new orleans it to israel, i'm to palestine, but also the you blocks tree relationships with those member states or the state.
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and so really what aren't and wants to do is to try to use all the, uh, the tools in, in it out it's facility to try to generate a way to isolate israel move. or i'm in the international stage in advance of trying to make it a little bit more difficult for it to have to continue business, as usual, as it has been in previous months. the trading relationships are hard with us. and one of the things that the irish government hasn't done is recognize a palestinian state. why do you think that is? i think there's always numerous reasons that go towards recognition of self or to you of any space. this is, it continues to base in orleans, only recently, it has been discussed again in the ours condiments. and i think that they were, you know, political reasons why perhaps this wasn't the right moment bargaining to recognize self into your father's time. but that doesn't diminish art, in support in the arts. government supports for the palestinian calling for the
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cause of self determination of the palestinian people. so those are 2 quite separate things. one is more political and one is certainly more principal. but we might see that also becoming debases not just the earning but another e u. member states of this crisis unfold. hello molly, associated professor of international history at layton university. thank you so much for your time today. thank you. i the okay, that's written now to garza, where is there any bombardment continues from the north to the south. kidding. nearly a 100 palestinians in just the last 24 hours ahead of the world. health organization is described garza as a desk. michael lapland, small quizzes. what's left of a 3 story building and basically here leveled by his riley and strikes in northern gauze. much of the north of the strip resembles
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a wasteland with no building and no body and touched by his rose wall with an old sick lady with her daughter in law and grandchildren were sleeping in their home. the house was leveled and they are still buried under the rubble. we managed to recover only bits and pieces of some of their bodies. there were at least 15 people inside. we could not recover a whole body, only bits and pieces. rescue workers and neighbors face of daunting task. tons of debris has to be moved slowly and carefully by hand to retrieve the bodies site them. uh so the reason it is very difficult for us to search without any equipment. we are simply using update hands. apparently women and children were the only ones inside the we haven't found a single survivor.
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