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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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many, many years and i thought it was interesting that he used, he relied on to specific experts, scholarly experts on israel, palestine. well, he also really emphasized the tactic of fragmentation. you mentioned that the demographic changes and the social changes, those that israel's been trying to it to effect. he spoke about how that is a is a tactic you right to, to perpetuate the occupational number of countries if he's not in the submissions. right? absolutely. so he spoke specifically about what he called 8 main categories of oppressive policies. and one of those was a fragmentation. and essentially what israel tries to do is to divide the palestinians ops on the one hand you have the palestinians, divided from you guys are, is completely separated from, from the west bank, from east jerusalem. but then also within the west bank, basically you have a bunch of very isolated palestinian communities that are separated by uh military checkpoints. and so palestinians lack freedom of movement. so that's one of the
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strategies that israel has been employing that other, occupying powers of employed in the past. yeah, well if you are just joining us, it is just gone past $1200.00 g n t you'll with us here on on to 0 without special coverage of the hearings. the ongoing public hearings at the international court of justice in hate today is day 5, and we are discussing catch all submission that's just taking place with mohammed mastery professor, media studies of the doha institute of graduate studies, mom in the country. and also that also mentioned the case of south africa has, has brought to refer to the quote on genocide that these are obviously separate cases. but he didn't mention that they all somewhat linked, especially given me the increase since that drug. tiffany: we've seen since october the 7th. yeah, absolutely. i think what we're seeing is maybe for the 1st time a true calling to account for, for israel. right. israel has been above the law. it's been shielded by the united states. the us gives israel diplomatic cover. it's applies israel with weapons,
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but now for really, for the 1st time and it in a very meaningful way the international community is stepping up and trying to hold israel to account. and so you have these 2 separate cases, right? one of the genocide and gaza, but then also this one on, on the occupation. and they're both obviously related because this is one program of oppression. a visa view, the palestinians, mama del mastery, the progressive media studies and the doha institute for graduate studies, great schedule. so thoughts on cost of submission so, so student off the thanks for joining the call to what's happening on the ground right now in goals on palestinians have enjoyed another night. it was really at attacks targeting areas across the strip. 60 people have been killed in central garza and overnight strikes on to crowded refugee camps. the overall 104 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. i
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learned that when he begins of coverage and a warning, some of the images are about to see on his stomach digging in the door using his phones, flashlight touch, the heavy machinery and the fuel needed to run it are not available to search for bodies overnight is rarely air strikes, cost further destruction in neighborhoods and central gods, the with more palestinians killed and the injured taken to hospitals barely operating after months of bombing children who make up nearly half of causes population filled the treatment rooms of alex the hospital the un agency eunice says at least $17000.00 children have been orphaned or separated from their families during the war. so far. the hospitals courtyard has become overwhelmed with funding turning a place,
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healing into one of morning as airstrikes. again, target the cells. it's a similar picture and rough. 6 the city once considered as the last remaining safe, so that i mean to be left there because when we were sleeping peacefully at home, my brother called crying my sister and all her children were killed. they were all innocent civilians. my sister was killed with her children, including her 2 year old daughter, and 3 year old son did already an old special offer. and the good, this is our gift. on the advent of the holy month of ramadan government, new bombs and missiles from the us, instead of enforcing a ceasefire and letting the displaced return home. the americans in israel is continued to kill us. across the strip, rescuers rushed to the latest devastation with no end in sight to be as rarely bombardment bid admission. h e l g 0
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o. the secretary general of doctors without borders has warned the un security council. the children as young as 5 and garza announced saying that they would prefer to die and to witness the horrors of israel's will. christopher located criticized for peace in vitro, as by the united states of resolutions, one for an immediate to sign. he says and move tacitly endorsed as continued silence for a 138 days. we have watched the system not to put to ration of a health system we have supported for decades. we have watched our patients on our colleagues because amazing. 2 the situation is the combination of a war is realized. waging on the entire population of the goal is to strip a war of collective punishments. a war without rules on a will at will cost children to, to support this war will not only pay the visible billions of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to a series of repeats of displacement constant fear. i'm witnessing strongly,
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members of literally dismember before the rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. a patients have catastrophic injuries, amputations crushed limbs on severe ends. they need sophisticated k. they need low and intensive rehabilitation. medics cannot treat these injuries on a battlefield or the ashes of destroyed hospitals. the resulting of hospital beds. there were not enough medications, and nothing of supplies. and surgeons have had no choice but to carry out amputations without anesthesia, on children and presidents. the humanitarian responsive garza today is an illusion, a convenience illusion. the perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. we are approved by the willingness of the united states to use its powers as a permanent council member to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evidence of
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resolutions. one demanding an immediate sum sustain seized by a hold of you and agencies of palestinian refugees under a says it's reached breaking point. as israel puts more pressure to dismantle the agency. 16 countries, including the u. s. u. k and germany have suspended the funding, touching some $450000000.00 on ro chief from the brother. any says, the agency's ability to fulfill its mandate is now on the serious threat. adding to that more than a 150 or more facilities have been targeted by is really strikes since this will began. early i spoke to tomorrow, a reply, a spokeswoman formula. i began by asking, had just how much wrong and right can actually survive without this adequate funding. us. we jumped through us for a few more weeks. thanks to the news to for the new funding. we got from some of our donors who are still supporters of the agency and believe or is in the mission
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of the despite the decision by some of our other largest builders. this has been so for example, ireland just gave us the 20000000 euro. for example, we managed to advance the payments by some of our donors. so payment that was supposed to be scheduled for later in the year and was saved in advance to allow us to hold on for another few weeks. the real question is yes, there is an independent external investigation and to the allegations that 12 staff members to parts in the rest and get that to the 7th of october. but then what when would take for donors who decided to suspend their funding to reimburse their decisions? once the findings are out no matter what the findings are. here we're talking about the existential the rest to an agency that is 75 years old. and that has life saving, but also education, health care, social protection activities in the whole region, with
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a population of those fun refugees today amounting to 5900000 in the ok bye goes to indian territories, but also in jordan, lebanon, syria. so let me ask you, then tomorrow you say there's a few weeks left. what would the end of one run look like on the ground not only and gaza, but around the region? it would look like a real good, faster fee. no other agency in gaza today has the infrastructure, the number of employees then knowledge, the list of beneficiaries and shelters the trucks that no other agency has all those guys that today within the region and the impact is also very wouldn't be very, very severe. we have have familial children attending on russell where all these children go. if our schools were diploma, we have 2000000 patients. bell assign refugees the most vulnerable communities in the countries, but generally host them. where will they get their health services from?
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so an interruption to our basic core services mean that someone else has to think over. cool, that's be an under what's modality. this is why the commission to general address the president of the just of the general assembly, the un general assembly, through what you enjoy the real assembly resolution game on the road that's monday . the mission. it is only the general assembly and the member states of the general assembly the should can discuss the future of the not a single you one member state who is and the way by the work and was told it was symbolizes 75 years of allison in refugees, this is what we symbolized tamara, speaking of, of the future of on, right. let me ask you about what we've heard from nothing y'all here recently. he's told his cabinet of his funds for post will cause a, he's unequivocal. he said that there must be no rush. can i ask you if your response to that it is not a coincidence when the attempts to dismantle,
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those are what are happening at the same time as the gets riley prime minister, showing a map of the future of israel to the general assembly. a map of the future of israel, that includes and compasses. all the palestinian territories were under what works . i do not find this. the vehicle in to this point is really dry and strike has killed that these 2 people in a refugee camp in the occupied westbank children were among 15 of those injured image and even refugee counts as well. so that was targeting and as nomic jihad sites, a he's really ministry has expanded the scale of its raise in the occupied westbank . since it's war and gospel began, a hundreds of children and rafa, and southern gaza have become street vendors in an effort to support their families . but despite having to walk there still hoping to go back to school and for their lives to return to how it was before is riley launched the school. we have some reports. that's good. yeah, good,
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that's good. this busy markets and ruffle has become a custom, thomas voice, opening his biscuits and chocolates for say, that's good. that's before the war was a student living in this jacob, one neighborhood in northern garza. but today is another street vendor hoping to help this comedy. oh, yes, i am 12 years old. i used to be in the 6th grade or house, and garza was bombed and destroyed. i sell here to help my family and siblings. i work here for 5 hours every day. so he's not the only one here. what each child has their own line of business jory? yeah, i'm talking about so accessories such as the press let's on here. ties to have the properties that only hope at the moment this to get back to me or is the yeah, i the this, the i now i want to go back to school. i went to play. i went to draw. i wish i can play back with the kids, just like other children, how they study. they play,
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they do whatever they want. we are in a war. we wake up to bombings and sleep to rock. we sleep with fear and wake up to fear. and let's say a size the low i want to do is like go to the nitty kids. i want to practice my hobby. i want to go to school. i want my life before the lord about the war has a distance done from the trying to the what's the use to express the concern belongs to a different generation? well, i know that i'm a refugee from joseph. from early morning, i come to the market and my daily money. i live in the tent. the situation have been rough, but it's too difficult. it's getting expensive day off today. and actually, i'm afraid to open these really incursion into rough or wherever we to go. we flip gaza because of fear. if we have pushed out sides rough or what are we to do? or units of report has one that children in gaza outpacing multiple threats. as
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a result of is rose, relentless for the number of kids. kids is close 215000 with the lack of any effective effort to reach a ceasefire, the threat to more depths increases as a result of the lack of food surgeon value attrition, and drop it spread. has shown us go ahead here on out of there we had last minute for governance plans. the conscription faced setbacks, potential groups offering the country the the hello, but i still know saw very significant laptop and those live the showers are right across the amazon base. and pushing out to peru, northern bolivia,
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its eastern areas of result of the south. we have this reactive cold front is nothing the heat, the head on the hates of the weather across the central southern positivity. and also into argentine is confront, will move a little further north, which is very active. one is i said, so some live you still could cool some localized flooding temperatures and want to say i was down to around $26.00 celsius to plenty warm enough and plenty of rooms to the north of that as we go on through the next couple of days you can see these heavy showers just developing around northern parts of austin teen as we go through, sustain plenty of showers into west and brazil, up to us, northern parts of the confidence a few showers the in to what columbia added to venezuela shell as long as spell's a framing while i'm moving away from the eastern side of the caravan pods, rico, his spun the outlet, jamaica cuba looking logic dry and settled over the next couple of days to save you $73.00 that you can see precise, but well, that's what, what they're just running into northern parts of cuba as we go on through the weekend. what are the process of moving away from the east disabled of the us,
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bright disguise, coming back in behind, and presently try for the west or the past barge. you can cook in is a radio baseball tea tool which everyone she carries from for us to do, use day tourism and eco anxiety therapy. why do they come here? religion, politics, finance, or apocalypse, maybe discovers how people to campaign in the ends times. what are the point young generation coming soon? i just like i told you, so, dealing with this feeling on alex's era or the
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the how can i can watching out a 0 uninstalled you'd pay here in the home. that's remind you about top stories. these really minute tree is again attacking residential targets across calls that's coming at least a $104.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours. more than 29500 people have nothing killed since it's relevant to you and agencies of how this thing and russian genes is saying that it's reach breaking point and its ability to fulfill its mandate is on the serious threat. 16 countries have suspended the funding, as, as well as a mom, such as sometimes the agency of 1500000 palestinians have been forced to flee and are living and rough on southern garza, its winter. the weather is cold, many like shelter from the elements. so warm clothes have to come, essential. people are flocking to 2nd hand lock in some hope of getting someone to
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essentials. fenton monahan has there aren't many choices in gaza when you're looking for the basics. this 2nd hand, closed marketing rasa is one of the only options in town posted into lost everything or hoping they'll get what they need to ensure the cold weather when. and then there's a him like, is there any efficient forces intensified bombardment of the north. so we would force to leave our homes and head south. we just all our belongings behind. we had jeff has a safe zone, but it's really difficult to get the essential is on the shops were destroyed. so we all turned to the 2nd 10 market where there is still some store that's across the bus. it's a poor selection. the many are making do with what they can get, but prices are high. and a lot of the clothes they find won't do much to keep them warm. and i gets a young and then i came to the 2nd time market to find clothes for my 2 daughters.
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there are very few winter clothes and when i find some they are too expensive. we are suffering in the schools whether we adults can endure the children and elderly cannot have honestly fill out the smell. i came here hoping to find some heavy winter clothes. there was none of the only light summer clothes because you've been thinking have clothes, are starting for christmas price, right? yeah, yeah. around 1500000 displays, people are taking refuge in rough up with so many in need. there simply isn't enough to go around the cousin on the bottom of this, how with the boat is because we only have this whole stock from last year. it is hardly sufficient for just the rough. i'll raise it in less than us now. it's high, dumont and low supply. in a week's time, we will run out of stock, and i don't know what we will do. agencies are paid for border crossings to be open to our aid and supplies into gaza. but until that happens, many we'll have to go without fence and monahan algebra.
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the somebody in the back in the bushes for moment who joined? i saw in syria. how's the last or appeal to have his citizenship restored? she was 15 years old when she left her home in east london to go to syria. that can so is argued that the governments ban on her time failed to consider whether she's been groomed in traffic. us and $23.00 fights as a tough to the town of saki, eastern democratic republic of congo. these 2 people, including a child which held this latest round of violence in north cave, your province has already displaced tens of thousands of civilians. most of those fleeing the conflict of and seeking refuge in going from where all correspondents, catherine, so it has this report. no child should have the experience with the 3 month old baby shandy as relieved to a mother was killed, went up on the house,
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the east and called a lease town of a grandmother is taking carol. huh. and 9 out of children come with the space and that was it. it was built the one that the one that that stumbled over to me. we try to find what we can. we look for be to hubs for food. the babies very weak. i want to take it to the hospital, but i don't have the money a short distance away. we may speak for. she barely survived johnny to the comp to though we caused. her mother gave spots to ha on the road as she fled biting between government forces and the m 53 on group. the stores here, difficult poops into what was the course as i was in my village when the bombing started around to saki. but my labor pain started, my baby came on the way to the come. half of the displaced all is in this area. i children, then courage to come to such senses. why they can get
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a semblance of normalcy. it's all fine in game. yeah. but the children are traumatized. aid was a folding to them. 8 feeling help, 8 was they nearly 5000 children are being displaced every day. this is after a new round of fighting sponsors eventually. every $2.00 to $3.00 days. we get a report of extra wireless. um, at least and we think that's the only friction of what is happening. also, there was a high risk of being recruited by i'm fighting in areas where most of the displaced lead from is guessing was these children would not be able to return home any time soon after i saw you all to 0. so my democratic republic of congo is still uncertainty in senegal as to when the delayed presidential election style will be held. present, knock yourselves as his mandate as lead a will and as planned on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said whether virtues will go
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to the polls before then. the opposition argues to give the reaction and coming out is 3 people in your vehicle were killed in protests of the salt. postpone this sunday's con election. he denies. so trying to claim to power. nicholas hawk has moved from the seneca, these capital dot com, the president monkey solid trying to reassure the senegalese people that an election will take place and the date will be announced after there is dialogue with opposition leaders. candidates to this presidential elections and also really just leaders. he says that an election before april 2nd, which is the end of his mandate is unlikely. but he said and made or assurances to those critics that have a cuban, same of trying to extend his time in power, that he will leave office at the end of his mandate on april 2nd. but the question remains, if he does leave on april 2nd,
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who will be in charge of these elections if they go ahead after he leaves power. so there is a level of uncertainty ahead. she's made some assurances to the opposition, notably that he is willing to free some of the candidates that are in prison. notably the popular opposition to figure was spun sancho. now he is not a candidate to this election, but his deputy bust through jemma fight is a candidate. so these announcement made it search wide to obtain this crisis. he says that he was victim of don't fair, international media coverage, saying that he's a democrat, he's an african and that his motivation is try to create an atmosphere of stability and peacefulness in order for this election to take
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place. nicholas hall, calendar 0 the car. the investigators are saying they're examining with a highly flammable cladding. is responsible for the rough in spite of a fire and an apartment block and the spanish city of valencia, for sure who to play is killed at least 4 people. 7 firefighters and a child or some of the injured officials say the desk told is also likely to rise as between $9.15. people still haven't been accounted for. some wasted on their balconies for rescue a 60 kilometer per hour. wins fans those fans. i'm more of occupation warnings are being issued in australia where a bush 5 is threatening the little towns in the south east. more than 2000 people have now slipped communities in the state of victoria. the fires already destroyed properties and spread across farmland, killing limestone. we asked, sadly, hearing reports of property loss that are starting to come through given the active
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nature of the fall and the difficult terrain in the area. it is going to take some time to assess the full extent of the damage also to it needs to be as i need to be able to go into areas that have been made size, thousands of goals minus flight fit that in a remote region of central venezuela, 16 bodies have been recovered sofa, one of us collapsed in an illegally operation. the gold mine was thousands of people were at work on a regular has the search for missing gold miners, and the vin, as well in state of believer remains underway. as the bodies of those killed during the collapse of the booty, i look at mine return to their families. survivors say dozens of other workers remain buried under as much as 30 meters of mud and dirt all over time. equal pioneered all those who were next to me died, but thanks to the glory of god, i am here. the look of mine is one of several illegal open
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mining enterprises in the state of believe i or many residents say mining is one of the few opportunities available for lucrative work before the deadly incident. on tuesday, the booge, i look on mine employed some 200 people according to authorities. if i meet on these call names here, i convey my condolences to the families and relatives of these people who unfortunately died in this accident. when this is due to mine, i mean collapse southern venezuela is rich and gold and mineral deposits with accidents or comments. at least 12 people were killed last year in a similar accident pick. and then i found the windows were working. there are working under conditions where there is no one looking out for them. as you can see in the images. these are pits that are done with large machines my hand, but then those who enter there have no personal protective equipment. experts more
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and then a lack of government oversight and regulation on illegal mining means accidents like the one at the blue deluka are likely to happen again. my name is that up a little out, a 0 for sales appointment president. diable scenario has refused to testified to police investigation and attempt to to against a successor, monica, your knock has, has worn out from re janera the result, federal police question more than 20 people today across the country. 4 of them here in rio de janeiro, most of them in the capital were still give this is part of an ongoing investigation and then the legit clocked to stop present losing now so little of us to but from taking office after he naturally defeated former presidential april sonata the 2022 presidential elections are just a reminder in january 8th, 2023. a week after lula took office both and i was supporters store and the
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capital and 3 public buildings. what the investigators want to discover is if both sonata was masterminding, the uprising, or trying to plot any way of stopping the elections, or love from taking office. if you were selected as evidence, they have video from a cabinet meeting held by both center while he was present, discussing these issues with his advisors. one of them say that they should turn the tables for for the elections happened. now both so now don't testify was when to the federal police headquarters in brazil yet, but he remained silent. that is part of his legal strategy. that does not mean that he will remain silent for long. he is planning a rally on sunday in the city of stone. follow with all due supporters and he's trying to make a political come back monica,
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you're not of all just era. we addition narrow, the women to be exempted from the recently announced conscription order near law bought the military governments content list. 60000 men here remains unchanged. the rest of conscription has sparked, rushed by young people to flee the country and onto the draft 20 triangle floats. from bangkok and neighboring thailand, thousands of people waiting cues that stretched down the street outside the tie. embassy and yank on those waiting. young people men age between 18 and 35 women age 18 to 27 coaching possible. it's another documents. only lucky few will be accepted, but they're trying because they feel there's no choice, although all the other to no one, especially educated people except the crew. now it's hard to survive, have things on good. that's why i decided to leave this country. you know, the whole lot of them are asking a beautiful as things.


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