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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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she is still in the still lensky who was no rocket scientist when it comes through strategic strategic thinking, the absurd illusion that with western support, he could defeat russia on the field of battle, particularly there and gentleman from the wonderful garden. i tried very hard to do for home, anyone who was not part of the, the golden 1000000000 or a trash. yes, the european union also following or well continued to some supply weapons to the care of regime using the money, the money from the piece fund. another year has passed since then to create a new crane has completely failed and it's loudly broadcast, counter counter offensive. and yet the west continues to pump the key origin full of weaponry, encouraging it to throw more and more lives of ukrainians in the flame of conflict . which the united states already setting aside any decorum now cause
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a profitable business venture infected. that's because it's becomes so profitable for the military industrial complex in parallel disturbance attempt to promote some kind of process to discuss some kind of completely dead end pseudo piece formula at different meet ups where either in copenhagen or in davos see using various tricks and countries from the global south and east were dragged into these events. this is in order to then present this as the broad international support the same time. it is clear that to the countries of the global majority clearly see the real background of these intrigues. and i have no wish to play the role of extras and them just as they understand that it's, it's completely pointless to discuss anything without the participation,
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nebraska. so what has this year brought for ukraine? hundreds of thousands, senseless victims, a looming collapse of its economy. the deep crisis of it's a state of governors and because for the people of ukraine it's in, it's increasingly clear the of the how in effective and how, how the and effective its government and how much it lacks and dependence ocean views. and while owing and corruption in corruption, this government cannot even meet its basic social obligations. while its badger is uh, west and donors without success for money to even pay their pensions to a citizen. the younger a younger generation and now already not so young generation as being nab, done the streets like animals and then are thrown into me grinder assaults in order to show to western sponsors that their investments are bringing returns. today we
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heard and we will hear many pompous statements. however, in fact, the west is not interested in all in helping the ukraine the, the essence of western policy towards ukraine that was recently summarized by the editor in chief of the con and mrs. any mentioned bed to us. she claimed in a television interview and here i quoted great giving money to the crane is the cheapest way for the united states to strengthen and security going to be the ukrainians are fighting. they are being killed to show you that the united states and europe are simply you supplying them with weapons. and by doing this, we are pushing back against pollutants. the end of quote as much by, by 3, paying for their interest with the lives of contemporary, aborigines, that is the ukrainians as the west. the headed by the united states in the best new
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colonial traditions is trying to find solutions to his geo political tasks. and to make sure that washington's us doesn't lose itself a pointed role as the global policeman, and not to see other powerful and self sufficient poles emerge in the world. whatever happens, it's become clear that in this proxy war, the united states, you and nato against russia, by using the hands of the cranium, the ukraine is losing just what you mean. and what is no less important, no matter how difficult it will be to accept this conclusion for our european colleagues. ukraine is not the only one who is losing from this conflicts. perhaps the most important loser is a european union itself. taking this opportunity, i'd like to address the representatives of the european union. you for such a long time, you build the european project, you were proud that you managed to,
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to mould common foreign policy and common security policy. we remember the times when the european union nurtured plans for its own independent, 2 political role had its own opinion for a whole range of key international issues. that's why it's incredible how quickly you've given up all these um bishan schools. as, as soon as the order came, you got back into line is a b in satellites of the united states, the conflict, a new crane, which shift you are so diligently stoking by scraping the bottom of the european arsenals for any remaining weapon reach is only worsening migration problems in your country and is undermining your energy sector as we learned this week of the direct losses of all of just germany, which is considered the locomotive of the you do do the anti russian sanctions imposed by the united states is, is uh at,
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at least $200000000000.00 to be so where, where is the you are paying interest? and this is unfortunate that you have forgotten that the us and, and the great britain have always in been the made beneficiaries of any conflict on the territory of continental europe. they intentionally fix the conflicts in this region, so as not to allow for the emergence of another geopolitical competitor. and that is the u unified europe, living in peace and co operation with its neighbour, russia. you've consistently through the, the efforts of new european members who are promoting you interest. you've been introduced to poison a bruce, a phobia computers and have been poisoned into today instead of strategic partnership and mutually beneficial economic projects. you depicting russia as an enemy, and you're shooting yourself in the foot by supposedly freeing yourself from energy dependency on our country while becoming ever even more dependent on even
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falling into harsher dependents on the united states. furthermore, you natalie crane, but all of your risk is becoming a theater of a military confrontation which you're a as being drawn into from across the ocean. usually if this video is due, the people of europe really need this is i'd like to believe that they don't close up to use the media opinion. polls conducted in january and 12 european countries show that only 10 percent of europeans believe that ukraine can defeat russian. european farmers are rebelling why they don't want to lose agricultural markets due to the dumping by europe, by ukrainian exporters show. so that's one of the struggles. there's been widely viewed footage of scandals on the polish ukrainian border where polish border guards refused to allow you. premium trucks with green is clear that there will be no european future for the completely corrupt and criminalized ukraine with its
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dirt force inhabitants. the country that was once the bread basket of the soviet union, but as completely been destroyed by its public government. because ukraine, since it became formerly independent, was to play the role of an anti russian bridge, had in 2004. what occurred was the 1st staged western anti constitutional cool, which it ultimately the people have been printed not supporting. then the west began to plan its crew in such a way that there would be no more misfires in order to destroy one, some for all the patriarch, the oriented opposition. this is precisely what has been going on since the my done crew of the 2014. they put the west just now in the near and then near national as a neo nazis that came to power in 2014 with the support of the west. this represent
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that a water shit and the recent history, new crane, and constitutional qu, did tom louis 10th year anniversary. as we, we're witnessing today became possible as a result of an unconcealed interference into the internal affairs of his country, which is a sort of you that's spelled the beginning of the drawing key event. it is dangerous gamble is meant to inflict a strategic defeat against russia at this, taking the path of ignoring the interest of its people in trampling on the rights of the inhabitants of the south east. these people merely sought to preserve their identity, their historical and cultural roots against them, accrued and inhumane, and died terrorist. the operation was launched during that operation in breach of the constitution of ukraine. the army and national battalions were deployed nationalist battalions were deployed,
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done but they were no terrorist and the don bass, which was confirmed in its recent decision by the international court of justice. all this has led to the deterioration of ukrainian statehood. further radicalization growth and nationalism and multiple victims among the peaceful population exposed to the representative of the representatives of the the british british stated that of starts with the asked the so what we were asked us, excuse me asked us way whether we whether we, we fear or we regret sending our sons to fight in ukraine here. of course, of course we, we've, we've read this very much. so can you show us we also we also pity the poor ukrainians or who are sent to die it to further the interest of the
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west winds. saves you really only what is up with me to simulate what you see when you will show up to only the representative of great britain. critically, hippa critically forgot to mention that we did this. we sent our boys to fight 2 years ago, not to started war, but to, to prevent a war. seems to finish it. right. that's the end of the war, which was conducted by 88 years by a regime that was supported by you would a war against the don boss who's in the pool clement study? where did you choose to peacefully? by that time, already $14000.00 people had become victims of that was that was the main reason for the start of the special military operation level. so as far as the, the issue of who we are fighting in ukraine with 2 or 3 to see whether you can answer that question yourself. if you recall, that's the key of regime who the care of regime extols us heroes varies from,
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for example, the go button there and shot chevy and shift who's in there regiments and units together with the ss. and that's, he's killed, hundreds of thousands of polls and ukrainians are asked mr. sikorsky was take the floor later. and he'll tell us about the role in massacre by the train in army and how it is remembered in poland. we should say because we believe that if the leaders of a country glorify nancy, nazis speak like nazis and allow for the demonstrations using the nazi symbols that they are nazis. you are simply too cowardly and 2 mile big to a acknowledge. all of this, once again, just using the presence of mister says your names to camera onto the who left the room. so you for all this, it just gives uh, unfortunately, neither of them is in the room now,
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but i would like to raise another quite uncomfortable or has been uncomfortable issue for our western colleagues. that is the minister agreements about a year ago. we all heard the admission of catapult a shank of francois long angle america as well as boris johnson. you bet the fact that neither friends nor jeremy, not even great britain, never took these agreements seriously. and they did not intend to encourage the crating on the 3rd is to fulfill them. they simply use them to give time and key of time to prepare for war with russia. this in essence was an admission of guilt by the leaders of the states openly and even proudly acknowledging how they intentionally violated resolution 22 to the security council, which endorsed the men's good williams. that does not prevent the representatives of the states as though none of that happened to speak today with lectures and
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lecture other members about the importance of, of comply with international law and violating the resolutions of the security council for security purposes, which rather they call for the respect of an international rules based order based on the rules which they themselves invented for their own benefit. all these years since the signature of the minister agreement secured regime continued its military preparation, strengthening its military potential, the crate in on force has stepped up, its cooperate military cooperation with foreign states only after all, attempts to convince the ukrainians to as well as it's west and sponsors was to implement in good faith and fully the fundamental document for resolving the creating costs like the package of measures and misc agreements. only once,
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all these attempts to be in vain was the decision made to begin the special military operation to protect the lives of the inhabitants of dun bus. in accordance with this article, 51 of the un charter matter of madame president. today for american colleagues trying to find new ways as to, to criticize or to attack russia, mentioned that dest, you know, what alex and of, on the, who was convicted that based on, on, on the actual accusations that died in prison. can you tell me then, what, for what reason? the ukrainian regime killed guns leroy in prison. you didn't do anything to and to prevent that you didn't mention anything about that or any of the other crimes committed by the key. every distinguished colleagues, any conflict ends, the sooner or later there's no doubt that the,
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the creating conflict will end as well. there's no doubt that the longer last, that's due to the sustained support by the west. the less advantages will be the piece of conditions for ukraine's in the long run. what will be important is what kind of conclusions of the west will draw from this? will it continue with suicide? will start britain this to impose on the rest of this of the world. it's one sided rules based order, but trying to divide the world into satellites and enemies, or would engage in meaningful dialogue to find a way to build a truly just world order where the interest of all states will be guaranteed. for now, we have to note with the regret that europe is in the throes of a strategic blindness. so it's easy architecture of your, your atlantic security through the side of a weapon, fueling its own fears about the russian threats against which it needs to defend itself while denying to russia its own legitimate defense entrance. this is
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a short sighted and flawed approach, which undermines the basic principles of the indivisibility of security. we're, you're stoking laughable fears about the suppose it upcoming aggression of rusher against european countries. perhaps you have forgotten that it was, it was european stage in a different historical periods, colon sweet france, germany and a whole range of its satellites. almost all of europe during world war to attack the russian states with remarkable, single, single mine and is trying to defeated an un always, always unsuccessfully. the united states tried to do the same thing during the cold war. and it's well known, the disreputable roland of great britain. its diplomacy was always sophisticated in impeding countries against each other, repeating nations against each other, and continues to do so. the russian stated was shaped in conditions of cost and external threats are western. our peace loving western colleagues don't like to remember. the fact that it was russia would always,
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always had to be back aggressive. and about our people who remember that very well . we know that this anti russian propaganda against the mythical russian threats is believed less than less by the public in western countries. that is why it is being wrapped up in layers of lives in order to not allow the truth through but it, it, it has gone through any way thanks to the efforts of those understand what the world risks, by a, by continued confrontation when there are such information a breakthrough, such as the one that took place during the interview by the american journalist tucker carlson. news interview with president russell, open the eyes of millions around the world increasing. now this is beyond today's moment is increasingly becomes a necessary to discuss a fair as an in the indivisible system of your magic of security in its current distorted version. it only is in the interest of the united
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states and its allies in nato, which it adopted the right to interfere in international affairs and the 2 international equipments, fears of other states. those are the western leaders of food as during the years of the cold war and want to continue to pull this. now they are, they consider the rights of nato to continue to expand as a, as an absolute right and transforming any, any corner of the world into area of responsibility of the alliance. i want to just recall that russia proposed a subset of dialogue on security guarantees at the end of 2021 and put forward specific proposals to the us and nato. but they were arrogance. they rejected the result was a new hot conflict in europe. the west left us no choice, we were forced to defend our people and our future. at the same time. we never
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refuse negotiations. the key of regime itself but refused itself to engage in negotiations. i want to stress too. it is still possible to maintain ukraine in some kind of form, but it must be a piece for neutral ukraine with was there a note in there, no discrimination against at or was a phobia. and where nazi criminals are not are not glorified and which does not represent a threat to russia. that is the goal of our special military operation. this is why that's the choice by the collective west that we will be necessary or even if they will need to find some common sense in order to save something from ukraine, the russian federation. okay, you've been listening to the russian ambassador speaking at the un security council this spring. it else was here is gabriel elizondo. gabriel. you're at un headquarters in new york. you're following all the proceedings today on this. we heard the secretary general. we heard the us now we just heard the russian and bass
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that are looking deliberate. a characteristically, i think, combative speech. he reference george orwell. he reference tucker carlson. he blasted the west and nato with it all this. what's that stood out to you as well. there was a lot there has we normally get from the russian ambassador. he likes to be combative and he likes to weave in history, or at least russia's version of history. and this conflict into a speech is, i think you got really 2 big themes out of his speech. and they both start with a v, i would say victim hood and victory. what i mean by victim hood is, he was portraying russia as a victim of a proxy war by the united states, the u. k. and the brighter west, the european union, if you will, please saying that there. russia has always been the victim of anti russia
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propaganda for many years as he talked about. and he said, how many parts of the other world are now seeing through this? in his words, so he clearly feels as though russia is being gang upon here at the un today, particularly as many countries that support ukraine are speaking out very loudly. and i also say the other one is victory. he sort of gave a sense that, uh, russia is doing quite well in the battlefield and that russia seems to have an upper hand. this is the sense that i got from his speech. and he even said the longer that this war goes on, the less advantageous the piece, foundations for ukraine will be when it's over. so you got the sense that he was really a sensing that russia has some sort of an advantage. all right now on the battlefield and that you got that sort of coming out and his speech there to the other
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diplomats. gabriel, we're going to carry the speech live of the ukrainian foreign minister. when that happens, i would guestimate based on the list of speakers and that will take place sometime before the end of the hour. before that happens, explain to us what's going on. what's the purpose of all these statements and speech? is that the security council today? yes, what, what it isn't is not is there will not be a vote. you know, often times when we see the security council meeting, we're expecting some vote on a resolution or, or something along those lines. that's not happening. there is no resolution. there is no vote. this is simply a regular meeting of the security council where they were briefed by the secretary general as we carried live here gave an overview of the situation in ukraine from the secretary general's standpoint, from the un standpoint. but other than that, yeah, countries are allowed to speak, the members 50 members of the security council. they choose to speak as well as
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others and ask to speak as well. this is not the 1st time today on friday that we have heard from the russian ambassador that we didn't even heard from ukraine in a foreign minister. they were actually here at the un earlier on friday and spoke in front of the general assembly as well. this was all arranged sort of, to coincide with the 2 year anniversary of rushes, a full scale invasion of ukraine. and in essence, what this is, is a chance for the un and a chance for ukraine and its allies really to push back up to the top of the global diplomatic agenda for the war in ukraine. because as we all know, the focus has been for the last more than 3 months now, and perhaps rightly so on. and these reels were on guys a. so this is a chance picked to the 2 year anniversary of the start of the war and ukraine. for
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diplomats to come together and the ones that support ukraine to show support for ukraine and for russia and its allies. to give a counter argument, if you will, essentially what this is and the security council they are listening to right now is a chance for security council members and some other countries to event and to give their opinions on where things stand in ukraine and is conflict to this very moment . yeah. and among those other countries is ukraine. so we expect that relatively shortly. you will be talking around that and giving us the, the breakdown of that gabriel, as on the reporting from the un headquarters in new york. thank you. 3 years on from russia's invasion of ukraine, president vladimir putin insists most goes goals remain the same. despite the additional fighting of the last 24 months. you're shopping all of that reports from musk. on february, the 24th 20 to 22 russian presidents floods. you made peace and announced the
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purpose of russia's made a trip ration was to protect people who are subjected to bullying and genocide. but the key of regime 2 years old and people in the russian speaking provinces of ukraine, refusing to speak russian and choosing you praying and instead. well, russia has captured around 20 percent of ukrainian land and attached phone you regents to its territory page and says, russia's winning all fronts, the wrist and full of disco, which russia had been trying to capture since the beginning of the invasion is portrayed as one of the greatest victories, the ukrainian government that russia initially wanted to topple as part of as the and that's if occasional strategy is still in place. while the entire city is a race to the ground with millions of people displaced appointment, there was confidence at the beginning that ukraine was with us only the nazis were against us. we felt would defeat the easily. then ukraine would meet us with flowers. perhaps the mistake which calls to crane millions of broken lives of the 2
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guys of the so called special mid shop ration. the kremlin is not changing or even questioning how effect. so this time teachers are in terms of achieving his goals and ukraine. the company is continues to bring move the recitation. grief was no and to the blood, shred apparently, sites. let's say there was several scenarios for rush, show how the situation will develop. the aim is to secure the border regions, at least in order to prevent any cross border attacks and obviously to control the dung bass. and as a possibility would be also to go forward this up in order to control access to the black sea. and of course, will nato countries, it is important not to internally move ukraine, so they will have to possibly an expert, some pressure on the president's landscape to agree to negotiate with russia, to negotiate some sort of ceasefire. so russia's entering, it said, yeah,
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of the conflicts with ukraine, and this comes on the heels of the death of prescience of most outspoken increasing . i'll explain the volney and overall crime down on civil rights officials report the economic growth, but it applies to a very limited number of sexes, like the military industrial complex. while the level of consumption is fully for the population. let's you, me, patient is planning to stay on for 5th residential time, which means the country is most likely to choose stain because you lives above all of a ultra 0 most. okay. up to 2 years of war, fewer ukrainians know, believe in victory. the country is running out of ammunition, the army is withdrawing troops from key cities. and us support is in doubt. from the pro, rob mcbride reports on what the war leaves in its wake. as the main gateway to the south and east, the disney pro region has been a witness to the changing phases. in this rule. after the full scale russian
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invasion, it was a major transit route for civilians fling west. it's been a place for rapidly assembled. divisions of ukrainian troops, including for last summer, has failed counter offensive. and with russia is when you push it's a refuge for some of the last civilians to be moved out from the town of of div come before it felt like 84 year old being rescued from a basement me out. the she lifted me up by my arms because i couldn't walk by myself from there we'll vehicles waiting for us to take us to safety. oh, cool. on the 1st anniversary of this rule, ukraine could celebrate games, like driving the russians back from the seeds khaki. even the north, no celebrations, this yet, but reconstruction efforts to be able to stay in the tax cools, mold damage marchers, and thought. what about the i have experienced and construction and i can see the results of my work and how it benefit to those who have suffered from the war for cisco claims covina is similarly, has its own region in the south. well,
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back on the ukraine's control is still under russian bombardments. so to the major pull to the data, although ukrainian success is against russian warships, i've seen the blacks the fleet forced back, allowing more grain ships to pass on the wide scale attacks on ukraine's energy system. as rush it did last year, have yet to happen. this winter you sense though, a growing weariness, especially among families of soldiers fighting that the front for so long against the backdrop of waiting international support in the town of boucher north of keith father. and today i live in, says he witnessed 1st hand suspected will crimes carried out by russian troops, which why did you allow people to hold for them? but at the same time and that is disappointment to move, we're kind of over the international, a producer without it, we would probably, i would, i do have lots of ladies at the nearby bridge of independent lo not by retreating
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ukrainian soldiers. thousands of civilians followed the full of keys, seemingly just days away. 2 years on a new bridge has now been opened while the original will be kept as a memorial and the man who was at the defense of keeping those early days. so it looks on the search scheme has been installed as the new head of ukraine's armed forces in an attempt to change the country's military fortunes. he will soon have new weapons to help like f 16 find to jets, have a more sophisticated attack drones and continuing support from most of your us support, though remains far more doubtful. and back into the pro, another indicator points to how grandma prospect for the 3rd year, a full scale will the military cemetery of graves, freshly dug, and the ever expanding public right out to 0. do you mean pro you crate the
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is really air strikes? have targeted a house full of people in there on the ballot and the gaza strip, killing at least 24 palestinians. many of the dead for children. some of the wounded have been taken to a nearby of ox, the hospital. those are the pictures you're watching now. but the facility has extremely limited capabilities. high the low sauce alex, the hospital which is the only function in the hospital and the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children women an hour later we expect to receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who is still a, the a tech side, this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous integration against how people, as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. house's dearest or a couple of zoom is in rasa in southern gaza. sorry, gets closing in on midnight where your thanks for being available for us is really
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a tax continue across the strip. tell us what you're finding out. uh well keep track material. there was no any lit up in flight st on the ground as the is when you bought and then continues to clayton's lives of palestinians across different areas in gauze are right now it's been hearing the sound of these really surveillance of drones become much more loud as they are gathering more information about targets on the ground, but these very forces in the past few hours targeted the eastern parts of brussel, where they had been bought it in a great coat. true land um, an ongoing demolish ingle, residential neighborhoods in connie and a city, but one of the past hour just up to that in says the attack that had been carried out endeavoured by law dot town where at least the 22 palestinians have for reports of killed alongside with at least 50 of us being wounded, that being transported to the hospital for medical treatment, we have been seeing completely disrupting and distressing i'm. it is about how the
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vast majority of the victims were to drink and the women alongside that the bombardment also did not stop a also in the, the, the northern parts of goals that were based on what the value of refugee camp had been. why the attack square in these areas had been missing more attacks within the past few hours of the same time, but meant continued as a to neighborhood where the latest confrontations are ranging from this area as we have been seeing more bottles in close contact fighting, but we now must fight, isn't the easy way to sewage isn't with the ongoing is very bombardment today. more than $100.00, a sweet palestinians have to report that killed within the past 24 hours. i got to come with whom reporting from rasa and the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much start. so we've described those strikes and narrow bala they followed is really a tax on too crowded refugee camps in the central parts of the strip. more than $29500.00 palestinians have now been killed since the start of the war on october,
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the 7th. a 3rd of them are children. a warning before the tower x next reports it does contain distressing images. digging in the dock using the flashing lights the, the machinery and if you needed to run it on know at the level to search for the bodies is very strikes close to the destruction and make or who it's in central cause of the with more palestinians killed the injured taken to hospitals, apparently operating off to months of bombing children who make up nearly health with colors as population. so that treatment rooms of a box, a hospital for you and you don't see units that say you least, 17000 children have been instant over, separated from the families during the war. so far, the number of dead on a just continues to increase every day. good,
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the last that i'm in the, the me so i came down and killed 10 of my family members and the whole house got destroyed. my mother was in the intensive care unit, my daughter con to us. this child was born during the war, the 15th day of the hospitals. court yard has become overwhelmed with 40 ton place, appealing into one of morning and as it strikes, again targeting itself, it's assuming that pick to enroll for the city wants to consider as the last remaining sites of let i mean to be up there because when we were sleeping peacefully at home, my brother called crying my sister and all her children were killed. they were all innocent civilian and my sister was killed with her children, including her 2 year old daughter and see it all sounds good, all you know, special offer and the good. this is our gift. on the advent of the holy month of
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ramadan government, new bombs and missiles from the us, instead of enforcing a ceasefire and letting the displaced return home, the americans in israel is continued to kill up them all. families all over gone saw us struggling to pick up the pieces will be shifted lives on our pointing let room to moon with that. 2 with no, and then started school, the end of the is very bombardments to alric. about zoom out. just a rough rough off in south ring garza to the un agencies for palestinian refugees. owner law says it has now reached a breaking point. this is at the same time that israel is stepping up its demands to dismantle the agency. 16 countries, including the us, u. k, and germany suspended funding and watch she philip plaza really says the agency's ability to fulfill its mandates is now under serious threats. truly like a reports drinking polluted router and eating animal feet.
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palestinians are fighting against another weapon. israel's will forced stove ation . the united nations is issued repeated warnings. the cause is heading towards from the displaced palestinians trumped with no. where to go say they are ready solving, then i had them you have my son wakes up in the morning and asks for a loaf of bread. i answer him, there is none. we have nothing, nothing gets old, but some of the old roads lead to death. if not killed by the is there a department? we will starve to death? northern cause a has been almost entirely cutoff from life saving age. since late october deliveries are dependent on security clearances from these really minute treat agencies, the q soldiers deliberately blocking supplies, and that's how get your local. i'm more shut off. we have no clean water and are
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forced to drink sewage water. we pray to all of you watching us have mercy on us. we are dying for the release a to be delivered in the north. children are austin was affected. the stuff is wound did around 335000 on the fives. are a high risk of severe, mal nutrition and preventable death. the impact of israel's lessons. some children have said they'd rather die than suffer the horrors of the will. the children who do support this war will not only bear the visible wounds of traumatic injuries, but the invisible ones to those of repeated displacements, constant fear, i'm witnessing, family members and literally dismember before that rise. the psychological injuries have led children as young as 5 to tell us that they would prefer to die. is rolls on the basing attacks have left causa,
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unrecognizable streets that were once busy with plate grease and restaurants. now a distant memory for it, stopping population. g duyka out there is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is demanding that all must be shut down as part of a postwar plan that he submitted to the security cabinet. and israel, this proposal does not exclude the palestinian authority from governing the strip in the future. that's notable because netanyahu had spoken out against the authorities, but it does say israel will maintain what it calls freedom of action in the entire gaza strip without any time limits. it also says guys, or should be completely demilitarized except for weapons that are necessary to maintain public order. well homed us out, who has more on this from occupied east jerusalem of these really prime minister releasing a framework for the 1st time on what he hopes to see once the war on gaza is over.
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when it comes to governance. he didn't specify who exactly would take over what he said. the local elements with sufficient experience wouldn't be the ones to take over the civil matters. but it didn't actually say that the palestinian authority wouldn't be barred from governance and gaza on the top of reconstruction and rebuilding, he said that the error of states primarily from the gulf would be footing the bill for all of the rebuilding. but the that could only commence once, cause if was the militarized. and additionally, he says that any sort of governance inside we need to be de radicalized, and that we need to stem down to all education, religious institutions, and within the government itself. know all this comes as the prime minister says, the israel is going to have a security and military presence in gaza to act as they see fit. so we're talking about a military occupation in the gaza strip. similar to what we've seen across the occupied west bank, the is really prime minister has stated that one of the warbles is to ensure israel
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no longer fuels of threat coming from gaza. and he says that if there isn't, is really military presence there. that goal will be accomplished and the central as, as ita, occupied east jerusalem palace the in the showing up the friday prayers in the locks and mosque. unoccupied, east jerusalem had been turned away or forcibly removed. palestinians are routinely prevented from reaching alexa, the 3rd holy a site in the world for muslims. these really prime minister's office said earlier this week that israel will also be in posing restrictions on access to the site during the upcoming month of ramadan. senior homeless spokesman a summer home done smoke a short while ago and he says that i'm us dealt positively with mediators to reach a ceasefire. he also says the as really, government is unwilling to compromise, and that benjamin netanyahu installing those talks our fee. that's the government of nets and yahoo thinks that prolonging the war will help them to avoid
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accountability and not accepting the fair propositions and fed demands of from us. and the different palestinian factions, including to stop the aggression and to let old displaced people go back to their homes and to lift the siege in order to reconstruct everything that was destroyed by the occupation forces. the . it's the 5th day of hearings at the international court of justice, which is examining the legal consequences of israel's decades long. the occupation of palestinian lands the un task to the world court with this 2 years ago. now, more than 50 countries are providing legal testimony. most states have called for an end to is really occupation and settlement activities. katara is representative argue that israel's occupation is illegal and a threat to international security. international law must be upheld in all
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circumstances which must be applied equally to all. and there must be accountability for all violations yet more than 75 to use the life of the palestinian people has been treated as an exception to the international law. mister president, members of the court, you have to clear mandate and indeed the responsibility to remedy this unacceptable situation. the credibility of the international legal order depends on your opinion . and the states cannot be higher, as indeed is very ill genocide. the more on the people of plaza has shown that this is the, the situation in palestine is the most depressing threat to international peace and security. the united kingdom is representative, told the court that there should be an immediate suspension of the fighting
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palestinians, not face a desperate humanitarian crisis. in garza, the united kingdom wants to see an immediate suspension of the fighting and garza and then progress towards the sustainable permanency spa. it is essential to ensure irreversible momentum to what the 2 state solution guaranteeing security justice and peace for both the palestinians and israelis. houses there is bernard smith has been following the day's developments at the international court of justice in the hague. on the 1st day of these hearings of the international court of justice, we've again had a long list of countries, arguing that the court should re illegal israel as occupation of the palestinian territories. because in the main is riley's populating. we occupied westbank with his re lease, changing the democratic nature of the west bank and stopping the power steering from exercising their right to self determination. the british outliers similarly
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to the us. i don't believe the court should be making a ruling on this. they say that are all sufficient un security council resolutions, and that should be a negotiated solution between these railings and the palestinians. the british did say that they both policies, the palestinians, and these rarely should be reminded, but they are not to aggravate the dispute by taping taking steps to change the status or integrity of the occupied territories. the problem is, of course, that these rallies on a daily basis are changing the status of the occupied territories by pursuing that population transfer, which is illegal under international law. and the palestinians will say they have tried through the you and another international for to reach a negotiated solution with these riley's but they haven't golf anyway. that is why they have a, the international court of justice. and it's me, i'll just say era, the hate a group of german lawyers is filing a criminal complaints against government officials for aiding and abetting genocide
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against the palestinian people in gaza. they say germany has enabled genocide to be carried out by providing israel with weapons dominant came reports from berlin. in the case being filed by the law firm here in germany is that what is happening in gaza is genocide in the view that they believe that's the law firm that the german government has enabled that genocide by allowing weapons. and that sort of thing to find the way into the hands of the israeli government. and when they made that gave the news conference, they explained why it is they believe that the federal prosecutors should look to prosecute. specifically the chart sort of the foreign minister and of the senior members of the cabinets here. this is about the type of infinity here. we are convinced that if we are speaking about genocide, then immunity cannot stand in the way of criminal investigation. to briefly quote from the genocide convention, which army has also rectified, con,
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according to optical for life. quite parsons, who, clement, genocide, or any of the other acts listed in our school free shall be punished equally. whether they are public or private individuals has been through his pointing at for the moment the government does not have to respond to this. now the boy, as it was in the course of the federal prosecute, the federal prosecutor's office, must examine this complaints and work hard if there is a case to answer. and if there is a case to answer who, or which organizations specifically to bring to quote, for the moment that has not happened and it is not likely that that is going to happen any time particularly soon given the nature of the legal system in this country but it's certainly something that will put in the minds of government ministers here in germany. now, what's exactly it is that they are doing and what helps they are offering to the is there any government dominant cane algebra 0, both in the
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fighting between troops and rentals. from the m 23 armed group has driven thousands of people from their homes in eastern democratic republic of congo. when the forces say they're holding off a rebel advance ahead of the withdrawal of un peacekeepers from the region at the end of the year. the worst fighting has been in the town of soc a north keeping the province of the zeros. catherine soil reports from their parents lined the road to 2nd a week ago. this was not here. thousands of people who dropped shelters anywhere. they can find these follows the escalating fighting between kimberly's government forces and the m 20 suite group is the 1st time the military, either long john, at least into the eastern town, seems renewed 5 to 2 weeks ago. it's largely empty now. the bottle has been intense, both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes
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a mother and had 2 children were killed by a long range more to their bodies feeling the house in the kitchen. so we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children. we thought if we stay in the camp, we would start. but now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision. the situation here, in fact it is dia, many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced some of them for he has said that they're trying or they want to wait how the situation, but it's becoming too dangerous for them. so they also have to go to the come on equal monday. see the fighters are on nearby hills. the government has claimed its neighbor rando for ami m, 53. the rondon government has denied it language to know what you said. you went on your cards, you're about to go through my file. our aim is to push the files back. i can't tell
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you well strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will take the women's, the using to kill congolese. how is a lot of international pressure and the school do previous efforts for mediation have feels that means one point. 6000000 colonies who have been displaced, continued to suffer. there's no end in sight pattering slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic, a phone call. more than a dozen candidates incentive goals, delayed the presidential election or refusing to enter into talks with the current president lucky. so the presidential vote was due to be held on february 25th. however, sel delayed that and there is no uncertainty about when it will go. head south says that his mandate as leader will end as planned on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said voters will be going to the polls before that date. so okay, it's time for your sports news this peter stem it who's with us in the studio.
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beautiful. thank you very much. so by late. okay, so let's move 11 points care of the top of the book to see you also to when we have a minus the night starting perfectly for the gym and lead lead is a took just 2 and a half minutes. will granite sheka to hand label to some of the lead of hindsight with pig back not belong. there often, mice managing to label methods. thanks to dominique clue it took on. so it was $68.00 for the full chevy. alonzo is made to the sold a lead and it came to see of a robot. i'm the dish. they were aiming to win the gym and meat for the 1st time in the history. and in doing so, they would stop thomas tickles by munich from getting a 12th straight title to go see my bad full day. although he says he hopes his decision to leave at the end of the season will help them tune things around. you see the sample for some ellen, sam houston, this is i see it's in a very sober and professional way. it's professional sports is the highest level of i'm in the end. it doesn't matter what's all i want to will. i don't want me to, you have to find a solution together. i don't think i'm the only problem,
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but i am in charge and it's my responsibility is just that i absolutely don't have a problem with that and i take it on myself. you can be very sure that i'm not happy with the way we're playing till for me. the one will champion next for stuff and has cooled on race. so it gets to double check the safety around the track. so for a new strain company interrupted pre season testing for 2nd day and by rain. the cover flew up when for stuff in red boots, he made such a pay raise drove over a curb at full sufficient to be stopped. call of sciences ferrari was badly damaged, doing practice for the las vegas growing pre move in the when a was a valve cover and so came loose to me most all the time was fastest. on the 3rd and last day of testing and bell rang the man for monica was point 06 seconds. acosta. and george russell of miss eighty's. job one. you was food foster as well. we'll champion for stuff in an easy way to build the season. starts next. week with the bar rain growing pretty well. number one,
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a guess for your own sake has been eliminated in the semi finals of the divide championships. the po faced qualify. i'm accounting scar earlier on friday, just why it's taking you know, the full to the cheese to come to to the russian to full back. come in, sky had already defeated grand slam champions, cocoa golf and getting off the pink. earlier in the tournament announced the own sake has been added to her list 6 full 6 full, the final school she will face jasmine appoline, another surprise finalist. besides on the main. so it cuts her up in the 2nd seat, cutting, cutting off, but took care of business in straight sets against alexi popular in the australian actually illuminated for to see that it's under public in the course of finals. but he was no match for hushing of the 176, and 6 to here. he will play your group minute, 6 incest. today's final, that's also the 18 year old. check out the gamble for using 3 sets in the 2nd send . the final men sick took the 1st at 64,
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but the frenchman who won the tide link though in 2018, came back to take the 2nd 661. the teenager then held, he's moved just as he gave them the code of finals to eliminate top seat on very rudely 63 the school in the food as means the kids to boost atp to a final thousands of mona's have attended. the funeral service will, can use marathon will break. what holder kelvin, keep to keep them was killed along side. he's coach when he's called crashed into a tree or the of this month, the head of old atlantic safeco joint can use president william, brutal in paying. he's respects kits him who was $24.00, had only run 3 marathons, but since a will record in chicago in october, for the time of 2 hours and 35 seconds, he was expected to represent kenya at the piracy lympics. 3 time world road cycling champion p to say again, is recovering off the undergoing heart surgery. the 34 year old stuff with an unusually high heart beat during
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a mountain bike racing spain. he was treated in italy, the football can still hopes to qualify for the cross country events at the paris and the big games. a century from jo routes helped england recover from a shaky starts of the false test against india and raunchy. england won the tall centers the bets. india's aka steep was making these tastes a view and it could not have gone much basic, fully in any on as he took 3 wickets inside to eva's him. and we're in trouble losing the cats and been stuck suggests 3 runs as they slumped to 112 for 5. but really the 5 packing school, the 1st 100 of the series and the end of the day, 106. now how's it going? $302.00, for 7 of the types of plans. day one. this is a must win match for the tourists, the trail. india to one into 5 match series. want to get some excitement of the can you open on the d. b will to with 3 main side for the lead of off way mocking nairobi, pull, can i know finland, show the 3 on the pa, 68 at the new tiger golf club on friday. that moved into 7 on the overall
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scotlands kind of fine as well. so its 7 and the 2 of them have 2 info strongly. the daughter is from do the dutchman that caught a 2 and the round of 69 to go with these 5 on the if it on thursday. and we'll finish it in muskets where american golf, the piece of the line had to pay shot from the beach. the agent who is the variance that you know, mom, he did well to say paul on that ho. unfinished 9 and the paul river rule, which leads into shots. so for these cities around 3 and an embarrassing moment for dean boom, missed his caddy failed to catch the ball. thrown at a managed, rolled into the water. i suppose at least he didn't full of tools in itself. so are peter stegman with all your sports news this our thank you so much. we'll see you again soon. thank you. and we're back in the very top of the hour. when more on alpha 0, stay with us the
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for 3 days, the slow lying coastal area in northern lebanon was inundated, when nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rain. those living here are some of the most vulnerable in lebanon, where the economy has all collapsed. the river is water level reached up to here. experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain. after long periods of dry weather. there are several informal stuff and taking you live right now to the ukrainian foreign minister, speaking at the united nations security council for the hospital. and i'm afraid that someone is going to dine ukraine before this meeting is adjourned. because talking about think a sions is one thing, but throwing more drones and me so. so in ukraine is russia does every day is
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completely another thing. but 1st of all allow me to think secretary general for his attendance and his briefing. and also of course, my things go to go and use presidency for convening us today. 2 years since russia started that it's full scale with me, with the invasion, 10 years since it started integration by attempting to uninstall cranium, crimea, and launching war and the donuts and low bounced regions. today, russia's name is synonymous with regression, war crimes, and barbarism. it's ugly faces, the direct result defeats impunity. stomach, 1st and foremost from its presence in this chamber seat. this is the seat of the soviet union in a state that does not exist anymore, and it has never been legally transferred to the russian federation. this is an example of how a small fraud let's to
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a global catastrophic as we continue to insist, the trust that has no legal right to be present at this table and the future for them should correct this historic mistake this, let's do deadly consequences put into the machine which has been in place for around 24 years now has already ruined millions of weiss. during this time, moscow launched or joined at least 3 major wars. 3 major wars in georgia, ukraine, and syria, which is approximately one more every 8 years. it also stands behind the attempted coup in montenegro and just otherwise in guilford send us the hell region. and the scariest thing is that we must now focus not only on the lives already taken by russia, but also in the lies that it is prepared to take in the future. russia acted every time this council failed to act for every ward.


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