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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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say this proof of israel breaking in some national the is really or strikes target central and southern gaza, a residential building and dated by now has had killing at least 25 people, including women and children. the children from headquarters and del 5 getting obligated also coming up. the us says israel's expansion of settlements and the occupied westbank is illegal. reversing a policy set by donald trump for western leaders arriving teeth to show solidarity with ukraine 2 years, inter rushes full scale invasion funds from the lease force to say they're holding back in advance by m. 23 fighters in the east. thousands of floods the fighting
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will have a report from near the front lines. the hello. we begin in central gaza. that's where it is. really euro strike has targeted a residential building and did and by the killing at least 25 palestinians. many of the dead are women and children. alexandra, the buyer is bekins, are coverage for countless pallets, indian families and gaza. another night of desperation and panic. more than 150 displaced civilians were sheltering in this family home. in the densely populated central city of deer, all by law as night fell, they were hit by a massive is really air straight. the you can see for yourself, the bodies, all the dead women and children. there's no peaceful place for us to go. we're all this please us with all lost our homes. where do you want us to go?
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the whole world is watching us, have mercy on us. in dark and dangerous conditions, rescue or tried to save those. they could violence and destruction are difficult to find them. led them to do the job. we rushed downstairs when we heard the plumbing, we sold the whole building coming down. we collected body parts of women and children. sweat to call the old women and children between 7 and 8 and 12 years old . what if they've done to desist, donnelly like this? what did this young go do to israel to be dismembered like face the dozens of wounded people were rushed to nearby. ok, so hospital. but the facility is fairly functioning and struggling to cope with a huge number of victims. either most of the stuff alex, the hospital, which is the only function in the hospital when the central government has received many didn't injured most of phone with children women an hour later we expect to
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receive many more victims as reported by the ambulance service, who was still of the attack sites. this attack comes within the framework of genocide and the continuous the question against how people, as you can see with not equipped to receive such large numbers of victims. the vast majority of the victims of this attack were women and young children. as more bodies are recovered from the rubble, the death toll is only expected to rise. more than 100 palestinians had been killed by is really extracts across the strip since thursday. and the bombardment shows no signs of stopping. alexandra buyers al jazeera, a tiny muscle does, joining us now from what i thought to talk to us a little bit more about this particular strike and didn't found out hunny where we expect them just tool to almost certainly rise with people trapped onto the revel. don't the
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absolutely, and there are more tragedies are emerging it from the city of deer and bella henderson from the area as more people are being removed from under the revels already dead. as the result has been more than 10 hours since they have been under these large pieces of concrete to complete, a suffocating and enduring injuries of which they bleed for hours are being removed from under the rubble. so we're looking at an increase in increasing and the number of casualties as a result of this deadly air strike. an overnight on a residential home where we have a 3 family, the 3 extended family were sheltering inside this residential home. just given the fact that there is more residential blocks and buildings have been destroyed completely of families now are, are in need of a space. and it's not like we'll look at that single family inside this a small space that is available with the an extended family right now. taking care of each other in one residential building at these difficult times. but at 25
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people so far have been reported. and confirmed it killed, according to our luck, saw a hospital in there, but it has to be a more than 75 people arrived with the critical injuries. and this is the 2nd a tragedy that people are all at the floor of the hospital for long dollars. that'd been waiting for the proper medical intervention. there isn't sufficient medical to stop extreme shorted or medical supplies in the hospital at large is not it prepared for this. it's an army of injuries coming up once has been exhausted and have been under heavy pressure since the beginning of the word and more recently since the uh, the renewed massive here's dry seems a central area of the situations elsewhere across the gaza strip are not different in fact, it's getting worse, bite our here, rough i city, there is a complete shatter sense of safety as, as the, the bus down of attack, a drones and their village runs are everywhere. and rough actually people are being
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very cautious in terms of their movements or getting to the market or trying to get supplies for their family. watch out there are steps in the streets of rough. i in the northern part of this trip, people are not only dyna from fall in bonds now, but they're dying of from the famine that has been caused by the ongoing relentless attacks and ongoing invasion of the northern part. and the very difficult conditions are created on the grounds. they're boring and preventing then 3 of relief from void, the human history, and it's brought to the people in the northern part. okay, thank you. hi, neighborhoods reporting from rough us agencies say that humanitarian crisis and gaza is beyond catastrophic. and it's worsening by the day. the u. n. is appealing for uninterrupted access for relief workers and supplies. to save lives and, and the suffering to lead eiger reports via the drinking polluted router and
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eating animal feet. palestinians are fighting against another weapon. israel's will 1st stall vacation. the united nations is issued repeated warnings. the cause is heading towards funding displaced, palestinians trumped with nowhere to go. say they are ready stopping. then i had let me have my son wakes up in the morning and asks for a loaf of bread. i answer him, there is none. we have nothing, nothing gets old, but some of the old roads lead to death. if not killed by the is there a boat in boardman, we will starve to death. northern garza has been almost entirely cutoff from life saving 8. since late october deliveries are dependent on security clearances from the is really ministry agencies, the q soldiers deliberately blocking supplies, and that's been had got a lot more shut off. we have no clean water and they're forced to drink sewage
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water. we pray to all of you watching us have mercy on us. we are dying for the release a to be delivered in the north. children are austin was effected in the stuff is wound did around 3 135001 the fives. are high risk of severe mile nutrition. unpreventable death is roles on the basing. attacks have left causa, unrecognisable streets that were once busy with bakeries and restaurants now a distant memory for its starving population. the data which is 0 is really for us. so as i have carried out, a number of raids in the occupied westbank soldiers entered most off any alpha in southern hebron and assaulted an active as there is really army also rated a town southeast of nablus, sparking confrontations with palestinian youths. the rest sector of state answering,
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blinking says that israel's plan to expand this illegal settlements and occupied westbank is against international law. that's a change in the policy set by the term administration on settlements. we've seen the reports and i have to say we're disappointed in the announcement. it's been a long standing us policy under republican and democratic ministration, so like that new settlements for counterproductive to reaching out to during peace . there are also inconsistent with international law. ard ministration, maintains firm opposition to settlement expansion. and in our government, this only weakens doesn't strengthen. israel security. u. s. military says that it's destroyed 7 and to ship themselves and who is the controlled areas in yemen. the us central command says the marseilles were mobile and be prepared to launch towards targets in the red sea, posing what it called an imminent threat to american warships on commercial vessels
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. meanwhile, the, these claim a british owens cargo ship that it targeted and the red sea is now sinking. the ruby more was struck earlier this week. the us central command size, the attack caused significant damage to the ship under 29 kilometers oil slick difficulties have been targeting american and british vessels in the red sea in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. the, the, the conflict in the eastern democratic republic of congo has driven thousands of people from their homes in recent weeks. government forces say they're holding off in advance by m. 23 fighters. ahead of the withdrawal of un peacekeepers at the end of this year. the worst fighting has been in the town of saca in north keeping province from their catherine soil as best reports. hence line the roads to
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socket. a week ago, this was not here. thousands of people will drop shelters anywhere. they can find these follows the escalating fighting you to call the police government forces and the m 23 on the group. this is the 1st time the military either long john at least into the eastern town. she is renewed 5 to 2 weeks ago. it's largely empty now. the bottle has been intense. both sides are using heavy weapons, which often strike homes a mother and had 2 children were killed by a long range more to their bodies. still in the house. in the kitchen, we went to the idp camp, but there was no food. so we came back with the children. we thought if we stay in the camp, we will start back now if we stay here, we will die. it's a tough decision. the situation here, in fact it is dia,
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many people have left the town and going to comes for the displaced some of them. boy, he has said that they're trying or they want to wait how the situation, but it's becoming too dangerous. cool. and so they also have to go to the come on equal monday. see the fighters are on nearby hills. the government has claimed its neighbor rando for ami m, 53. the rondon government has denied it language to do what you said you went on your cards. you're about to go to the front or a missed the push. the fight is back. i can't tell you well strategy, but just know the robot and forces me go back to where they came from. we will take the women's, the using to kill congolese. i out is a lot of international pressure and the school do previous efforts for mediation have feels. that means 1600000 colonies who have been displaced, continued to suffer. there's no end in sight patching slowly on to sierra back a democratic republic of congo voters in the us state of south carolina. we'll go
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to the polls later on saturday for the latest republican primary. once again, donald trump is predicted to win, but despite remaining favorites clements the parties presidential nomination, his main challenger says she's staying in the ribs. she advertise, he explains another republican primary, donald trump, nikki haley, compete to be the parties normally in the presidential election. this time it's in south carolina where halley was elected governor twice. trump is significantly ahead in the polls. i was expecting the women side of these contests. you have a spike cools, we have to drop out hailey abruptly from the press conference in a home state. this week, vowing to go on until super tuesday on march the 5th, when the primaries removal a dozen states. that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday that but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is
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money for cash is still flowing in despite highly having won none of the nominating content so far. and the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries. the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party. they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign, are pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican. nobody in november give them the 91 felony counts he faces. he's gotten more on stable and on hinged. he spends more time in court rooms, then he does on the campaign trail. by presenting the results of saturday's vote here in south carolina. the can you help me with simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months, even here in her home states. she has little to neutrons of beating donald trump
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personnel. her dentist feel she's with the investments as a backup plan should from drop house, as well as a way just to look for the president's look if she was doing well, i don't understand it. have used refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some problems of who lives in south carolina. there are mixed feelings about what if i would vote for in november. i think nicky entertainment or donors are a little delusional at this point. right. i don't see the trend based getting binder would you rather on the high hailey of if trump has of drove out for some reason the only option? yes. hey, there's also receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party done is according to the latest filings that's despite have these personal opposition to abortion, and the support of tax cuts for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well, which means haley will be able to carry on for now. she, advert. henzy elder 0, south carolina still ahead on al jazeera will tell you why some schools, hospitals, and public parks had been closed out in sydney. the
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highlight of the cloud i'm right is building once again across the western positive here we will say some heavy down polls pushing into for us. i think this part of spain and portugal, a little sparkling a shower cloud just across the partition. i was at present, so we have got some winter weather coming down across the low countries as well. and then we got this big massive cloud. this cold front left him making his wife for it. how's the remnants of what was storm, literally the pool that west windy weather across prompts through the demo canyon to pump so sweet and se still some longer spells it framed his stretching down into the balkans down towards the central parts of the med. it's right in the next area of unsettled weather have stopped to pilot sway and so make the most have sat today . it's not too bad because saying who miles copeland, lots of island as well on into northern ireland central air is not too bad to let
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themselves just the invalid adding more so. but here comes that what the, whether it'll die down across the, by a base guy pushing some really heavy writers and all the positive spite and post cool front seems to be examples that just wanted to call some localized flooding nasty weather to little area, blood pressure developing cal central pot, so if somebody to regular, so just tell them a leasing some big down pools. i went to the spine. the post could also effect in the fall north west of africa, making his way into a fond of libya. a unique perspective that plays students up does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's
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happening because of the death and media attention the stream on out to 0 of the color. again, here's a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 office hours and is early or striking central garza has kills at least $25.00 pounds spinning ends. most of them, women and children. around a 150 display civilians were sheltering in a family home and dead. and by last, when that attack happens, the us 6 years states as israel's plan to expand its settlements on palestinian territories is against international law. that's a change in the policy set by the trump administration. the,
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it's been 2 years since the russian forces invaded ukraine. it's tanks and troops broke through defenses to reach the outskirts of the capital key, but failed to capture its us intelligence estimates 315000 russians have been killed or injured in the war. ukraine has suffered around 200000 casualties, 6 and a half 1000000 ukrainians have flipped the war to europe and beyond. with most, settling and poland, germany and the czech republic, nearly 4000000 ukrainians are internally displaced. the fighting is estimated to have cost a $152000000000.00 and direct damage, and it's affecting all sectors of ukraine's economy. meanwhile, for western leaders have arriving keith on saturday to show solidarity with ukraine . they include the prime ministers of italy, canada, belgium, and the european commission president ursula,
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of underlying italian governments of the 4 leaders travelled overnight by train from neighboring soul. and we have our correspondence across the store. you'll be shut off valve outstanding by for us and moscow. first, let's bring in rob mcbride. he is joining us from chronic tours. that's in the east of ukraine. rob. so how is this being marked where you are? so yeah, this is a significant events, but we're not likely to see many official events across ukraine, especially not in the don yet screeching where we are here, where people will tell you that they have been on the front lines of this bible for 10 years now it's gone lot longer for them. and then the 2 years since the full scale invasion, this is where we saw the stats of the russian back to separatist movement in 2014 a. we're actually, it's a comment to us grow a station that at 2 years ago, just after the start of the war was the scene of one of the atrocities of that war
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. uh, that was a rush. it as striking, more than 60 people, were killed, a 150 other civilians were injured. this was as thousands of people were trying to escape the rush of that bond to move westwood throughout the pots. if you quite. and there is a fear in these ukrainian control cities and towns in the don't yet screech. and that with recent russian successes of these code is not too far from where we are here, that this is going to push russia to try to fulfill its long held. i'm vision of taking the hold of dawn, yet screech. it's on the less ukrainians will be in coverage by these high level visits to kiva, the sea level and the land. the youth commission president issuing on behalf of the you need to ship a messages of support. are we all still seeing a military victories as far as the ukrainians are concerned, though, but nights that was the downing of a 50 surveillance craft? well within russian space, this will be the 2nd,
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the subject cropped uh to have been shut down. that was another 50 that was shut down mid january. so we are seeing these ongoing ukrainian successes, but it does come against a, a background, a very mixed forward, useful ukraine militarily. as the main gateway to the south and east. the disney pro region has been a witness to the changing phases in this rule. after the full scale russian invasion, it was a major transit route for civilians fleeing west. it's been a place for rapidly assembled. divisions of ukrainian troops, including for last summer has failed counter offensive and with rushes renewed push . it's a refuge for some of the last civilians to be moved out from the town of of div come before it felt like 84 year old being rescued from the basement. me out the she lifted me up by my arms because i couldn't walk by myself from there were very close, waiting for us to take us to safety. oh, cool. on the 1st anniversary of this rule, ukraine could celebrate games,
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like driving the russians back from the seats khaki, even the north. no celebrations this yet. but reconstruction efforts to be able to stay in the tax cools, mold damage, march orders, and thoughts about the i have experienced in construction. and i can see the results of my work and how it would benefit to those who have suffered from the war . the cisco claims giving us a similarly halftone region in the south, while back under ukraine's control is still under russian bombardment. so to the major part of a desa, although ukrainian success is against russian warships, i've seen the blacks the fleet forced back, allowing more grain ships to pass on the white scale attacks on ukraine's energy system. as rush it did last year, have yet to happen. this winter you sense though, a growing weariness, especially among families of soldiers fighting that the front for so long against the backdrop of waiting international support in the town of boucher north of keith
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father. and today i live in, says he witnessed, firsthand, suspected will crimes carried out by russian troops. which way did you allow? people are hopeful, but at the same time that is disappointment, the movie aggressive over the international a producer without 8, we would probably, i would, i do have lot's at the nearby bridge of at a pin low not by retreating ukrainian soldiers. thousands of civilians followed the full of keys, seemingly just days away. 2 years on a new bridge has now been opened while the original will be kept as a memorial. and the man who was at the defense of keeping those early days all looks on the surface key has been installed as the new head of ukraine's armed forces in an attempt to change the country's military fortunes. he will soon have new weapons to help like f, 16 fine to jets. have a more sophisticated attack thrones and continuing support from those of your us
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support. the remains far more doubtful and back into the pro. another indicate to points to how grim a prospect or the 3rd year a full scale will the military symmetry of graves. freshly dug. i never expend mcbride else's era. do you meet per week? right. okay, and i will speak to ya. shopping is all about joining us from moscow. so you will. yeah. what's the situation in russia 2 years after that? impatient okay. i do apologize. uh you. yeah. if you can hear me, we're having to move away from you cuz we're having problems with the audio and apologies to our viewers for that's a technical difficulty with moscow. will play out will play out the
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report that julia did send to us from us go on february the 24th 20 to 22 russian presidents floods you may be using, announced the purpose of rush has made a trip ration was to protect people who are subjected to bullying and genocide, where the key of regime 2 years old and people in the russian speaking provinces of ukraine are refusing to speak russian. i'm choosing you praying, and instead, well, russia has captured around 20 percent of ukrainian land and attached for new regions, states territory page and says, russia's winning all fronts. the 1st and full of difficult which russia had been trying to capture since the beginning of the invasion is portrayed as one of the greatest victories, the ukrainian governments that russia initially wanted to topple as part of as the . and that's if occasional strategy is still in place, while entire cities are raised to the ground with millions of people displaced. appointment, there was confidence at the beginning that ukraine was with us only the nazis were
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against us. we felt would defeat the easily then ukraine would meet us with flowers . perhaps the mistake which calls to crane millions of broken lives of the 2 guys of the so called special mid shop ration. the kremlin is not changing or even questioning how effective this strategy resolved in terms of achieving his goals and ukraine. the company is continues to bring more devastation and grief was now and to the blood. shred, apparently, sites, let's say there was several scenarios for rush, show how the situation will develop. the aim is to secure the border regions, at least in order to prevent and you cross border attacks and obviously to control the don't bass. and as a possibility would be also to go for this up in order to control access to the black sea. and of course for made are countries. it is important not to internally move ukraine, so they will have to possibly an expert,
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some pressure on presidents landscape through green, to negotiate with russia to negotiate some sort of ceasefire. so russia's entering, it said, yeah, of the conflict with ukraine. and this comes on the heels of the death of patients of most outspoken increasing. i'll explain the volney and overall crime down on civil rights officials report the economic growth. but it applies to a very limited number of sexes, like the military industrial complex. while the level of consumption is fully for the population, letting the patient is planning to stay on for 5th residential time, which means the country is most likely to choose staying because you lives above all of a ultra 0 most k. a children's hospital is the latest building found to be contaminated with those best, those and sydney in australia. dozens of other public buildings have also been closed because of safety concerns. the toxic cladding has long been banned in many
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countries because it causes chronic lung disease. sara clark has more hospitals, schools, sports grounds and public talks just some of the thoughts. cool golf? well, see the deals with a space dose contamination? events have been cancelled in thousands of students are remote learning after testing identified traces of the toxic fiber. i was going to say quite surprising because i guess this is kind of a hang up for a lot of shoes, sir. it's quite good. we spend a lot of time. yeah. is that terry? i mean, like it is a little bit worrying, but if you're not touching it, maybe it's not, not, not quite bob of a special task force has been set up to investigate. the source will start east believe mulch, which is a material spread around plants as fertilizer is to blame. a landscaping supply distributes to add to locations around sydney and use as well as environmental protection authority has launched
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a criminal investigation. what's being found in the smoke is found is based off, while it should not be there and it is a legal for it to be there unless it is to serve is not a dangerous product. so it was used as soon as we identified to test it. and if we find it to basically remove it, assist us is a major health risk. the installation of tiny fibers can lead to a form of cancer comb is that the lima or chronic lung cancer will 30 side the bone . the despair still found in this mulch is a much lower risk. this sort of fibrous and it doesn't need to be played, not because there's a risk right now from the problem would be if somebody interacted with that, like smashing up of this by channel. that's how you will get a power drill for either time. it just you or you're right, it is actually went through the contaminant mo, she's already being removed from the sites. so far more than $800.00. like haitians have been tested, a started started sizing out of space so stuck in the eighty's and it was.


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