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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 25, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the also receive space, sense of what the dumpster headphones or shrapnel from an artillery strikes, serving as a lifeline to many invest fitting volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict the, [000:00:00;00] the other one. so venue is good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program this hour and incense killed by starvation in gaza. 8 agencies say that they've run out of milk and baby food because of israel's blockade. no let up in is really bombardments and central and southern gaza. at least 8 palestinians are killed in a strength near
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a busy market in rough. the anger in israel, against foreign minister benjamin netanyahu. thousands rally in tel aviv demanding fresh elections and exchange deals of the captives held in god's arm. she everytime see in mount pleasant, south carolina voters are costing the balance and the latest republican presidential primary and the west african regional block echo wasa, greece to list some sanctions on molly and the share in guinea. the beginning garza where israel's forced starvation of palestinians is rapidly worsening, acutely, acutely malnourished infants who haven't eaten in days of being taken to medical facilities. a 2 month old baby was rushed to the hospital and gaza city suffering from severe mal nutrition and medical staff did what they could to save this child
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. but he died of all 2300000 people in gaza are now facing salmon. and the most vulnerable are the roughly 335000 children under the age of 5 being. but all we saw a woman carrying her baby screaming for help. a pound baby seemed to be taking his last breath. we rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering from acute malnutrition, for your medical stuff rushed him into. i see you. the baby has not been inside any milk for days. as baby milk is totally absent in gaza. the united nations is warning of the immediate need for critical aid to reach the gaza strip. it says that without adequate food and water supplies, the risk of famine and of diseases spreading only increases families in jamalia, in northern, gaza, or desperate for food. oh my young man now shall we have no time, no flour and we are very tired because of hunger. i will dock some ice hut because a sigh of smoke a minute. we have become pale due to hunger, and we can't stand on our fee because of the tongue. i love to see the governor joe
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amended it again, whatever you should. oh, there is no, no, walter, no flower cooking or, or anything. this is better than living like this. well, earlier i spoke to our correspondent target with whom and roughly about all of this . and i asked him how people in the gaza strip right now a managing to access any food at all. you are getting get throughout the main humanitarian supplies being allowed to get into the goals this trip. and this amount for the southern areas is specifically where more than 85 percent of goes this population right now. originally it could not be really enough. for example, today, only 17 humanitarian trucks have been allowed to get into goals that it cannot really be, you know, for the residents in the south, as there is no, any supplies being delivered to the north and this is absolutely excessive. pates the humanitarian situation. if there's going to not be any kind of expansion of the capacity of these a humanitarian supplies to those people who are living on the unrelenting
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compartment for more than 12 months right now. all right, tara, tell us also about the latest is really airstrikes. several homes were destroyed in rough. uh where you are. that's right. reflected they had been on the wall in the military bombardment. we've been seeing. that's a residential slot to the being targeted as central rough or at least 8 palestinians have to report killed an oxide that another is track targeted and agriculture land to the eastern side of the district. and within the past, i would been seeing more explosions in the eastern parts where another empty house had been targeted. and we have been seeing a gradual increase of military strikes on the central parts of because a strip that goes to mass destruction for prefer we to them. here's my latest reports about all of the lights of the problem is the crowded area, roughly attacked, is very gets targeted the road leading to a market loan, dingle refutable,
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palestinians into k years. and this past my family and i were in the car, all of a sudden a missile was fired on us and we flew up in the air. some of them were killed and others injured. and is the why the build those as remove the russel helping to search for survivors or his very forces destroyed this 3 story building and central garza kidding many. and so all of them for the is the rubble was on us. we didn't know what was happening on neighbors about 50 people inside most the women and children. we are praying to find survivors by follow the mother and 5 year old daughter or among the victims. what wrong did those innocent children do in the city of their that are another is really as to like, move them $150.00 civilians have so rescued in these homes. witnesses say the casualties?
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i'm mainly women and children. laguna. as soon as we rough spots of the house, often we had the plaza and we saw this building collapse. as you can see it, we kept digging and the majority of the dead bodies and 40 posts for children. and it wouldn't be like god or women and kid some 7 days and 12 year old children, what have they done to those either? one of these kids don't to be punished like this as a good how this all suppressed. and the reason for that is very a text saying residential areas here show no signs of combat factory to just look and see what's a range. you keeps isn't 40 ports, is there any safe place we can go to anywhere safe? where do we go? we're tired, we've run away from the north to the sides, back to the central part of goes of what can we go? the whole world is watching this stuff. a new one cuz mostly on us flux. the hospital is over whelmed, within good minister of health. saves that as well as attacks, have killed more than 37000 palestinians in garza,
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for survivors deliveries of food. it didn't really need it because of the acute level of hunger and medical supplies need to r. rawlings to tarika bassoon, was just a rough, rough off in southern guns. this is really army continues to target residential areas in central garza. also 0 is hen who dari spoke to a family member whose house was attacked in darrow bhalla on thursday night. it was a p. m. on thursday night when yeah, the family were having their last cup of tea before they gathered and they drank their last cup of tea. there's really forces demolish their house with the police to air strikes. this house has at least 4 t palestinians who are displaced in this house. and not only that, the house that was bombed had at least 4 houses surrounding it. under the
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rubble of this house where i am standing right now is at least 15 palestinians still chopped under the rub of their family. these have been looking for them and searching for them for more than 72 hours. right now. they told me they're tired. they have been looking for them and searching for them, but unfortunately they did not find them with us today is just the uh yeah, the one of the family members shes uh, can you tell us what exactly happened last week and they will send these do that on thursday, the famine together we would always fasting. i stepped into that to the house was phone and there was no space i set by the room and placed my theed old machine to the in my left. a 2nd later,
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i heard the loud explosion. we were only flown up in the air, then the clock is it an on one block? i start to touch my way out. i said advised to be closed. the door and wooden cabin filled on me is to so she was a she a little. i came back to see what is left after what happened to that know all my family members were the one that i suffered minor injuries. i, i'm iraqi. leslie said advised by the grace of god. why searching? i came across a child's body parts. his leg seems to be my nephew. then i found $4.00 to $15.00 with them all blown out there. you can see some of his call history. let let me know that white glove back over there. it is full of the body parts and but the old guns we found after the explosion some found on the ground floor and some on the up the one. when the house collapse,
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we were pushing away concrete and pieces of flesh and the same time, you know, with a lot of the on my knees together with has 9 months old b, b would buried under the degrees as she bought the way out. she was pushing pieces of flesh, kept it all over the place. my 3 sisters in law were killing him. how much i mean in the past couple of days in the middle area, we're not easy as the is where the forces targeted houses that had dozens of the space people, people in the causal strip have no idea where to flee as they're telling us that there is no safe area north in the nor nothing the middle area, neither in the south. however, people are witnessing starvation and endless air strikes. this has ended hold of the odyssey to that is but is really forces are using medical stuff arrested during hospital raids in gaza. doctor um,
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it was so but was detained at national medical complex in hon. eunice and alice's, they were accompanied him home after his release on friday, she told family and friends about his hiring or deal. it can while that slough i out the door and these rarely showed you, used a drunk hammer to check the building before entering. as the drawing was flown inside, he called me on camera. he told me to come down, he examined my id and all was fine. he wouldn't make straight that get to somebody and then i found myself surrounded by more than 70 is riley soldiers. they blindfolded me and beaten back, took me from all directions. the mountain x on my head to mean i'm a how much flight to hiding among patients, hospitalized medical stuff on the floor. naked hand cofton blindfolded mocks of torture and with thing with clearly visible on their backs. when he's ready. so just took me to the 2nd floor. i found a chair like an execution chair. they hung was from the ceiling order for the capt assaulting and verbally abusing me that i'm all of that gets got job. i could,
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they spilled food and catch up on me. they hit me with rifle start off. i need to put me in a corner. i was blindfolded and handcuffed. he's riley soldiers, smart glass bottles on my head. my leg was injured in 2 places by the broken glass . the wounds needed 7 state chairs and then i was moved without that goes into timings. like i left him the last to them and the other job was out of the bulldozers and told us you are going to hell. we thought these riley soldiers were going to various, but they wanted to frighten this. they sprayed us with freezing was thrown and they could buildings 3 or 4 as lights. so we move to gain ad i see you on the, on the said diane is right. the office has stopped to me because my blindfold was about to fool longer. then he made me face the will for 4 hours, and he's really sold to direct me on to the floor by my handcuffs and hit me with the bottle. and then i heard my arm snapping did i, us,
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and to govern processors in israel, have taken to the streets once again demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. israeli police used water cannons to disperse the crowds until the v. demonstrators are also demanding release elections. well, elsie's 0 is from the so who's reports from the protest in tennessee here in telling me of our chanting that'd be as early prime minister is directly responsible for not bringing back the captive or saying that these to blame for this and the entire political situation must change these demonstrators calling for new election and the calling for deals to bring back the captive. and they're attempting to walk through
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the us and british forces of carried out air strikes against more than a dozen who feed targets in yemen. they say they're responding to a surgeon who's the attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. patty co hate is in washington dc for us petty, it's good to talk to you. what are you learning about the strikes the cell of what we've just actually gotten this information just in the last few minutes? this is going to be um, now that we've confirmed at the 4th round of strikes by us and u. k, we're playing warships since january 11th. so the statement that just came out, they says 18 who do the targets in 8 locations. one of the more interesting things, as they said, they had an underground weapon, storage facilities that would indicate that they're using perhaps larger bombs than they have in the past. obviously you need to have some sort of bunker,
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buster bunker busting capability to get underground. they also say they've had missile storage facilities attack drones, air defense systems, radars, and a helicopter. this is really all an escalation from the us. and the thing that keeps saying, because these ships keep getting attacked in by the accounts of the coalition, 45 attacks in uh, since mid november. and uh, this keeps happening. and reporters, depending on our repeatedly pressing well, it seems what, what you're doing isn't working to be shipped to keep getting hit. and they keep saying the same thing that we're going to try and change this. who sees calculus, that they don't have an infinite amount of missiles. they don't have an infinite amount of radars and helicopters. and what they're trying to do is take out enough missiles that they say that suits these calculation changes. and they say it is no longer worth it to burn through their supplies in order attack ships in the red sea . now for the who's these perspective, they say that this is going to continue as long as the jet aside and gaza continues . so another message from the us and u. k,
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along with some coalition partners that are helping in the background. but again, 18 targets in 8 locations. we don't, we won't have any sort of battle assessment damage for probably a couple of days. but the kind of guy, there's also been pretty hesitant to actually tell us how much they're heading of what they're trying to hit. and, and patty backing up to that point that you just made about the where the us efforts stands really to secure this waterway. the hope these have said we're going to keep doing what we're doing. and i recall that by no while back knowledge that the us strikes, this is a couple weeks ago. but the, you, it doesn't seem to have changed the us strikes weren't really working in terms of detouring the holidays as well. exactly, because the strikes keep continuing and that's what reporters keep asking about. and so there is pressure in washington to change strategy. and so i think what you see, you're going to see them say about this strike is if they take out, they believe that they take out enough of the who to use webinar either missiles,
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enough of their facilities, that the calculation will be, it'll be too hard to replace these for too long, we need these forces elsewhere. they're trying to basically make them blank and the way they were doing this is by this getting this 4th round of strikes since january 11th. is assuming that they know have fairly good intelligence on where all of these targets are the fact that they're not going under ground. that seems to be that they're sending the message that they're trying to strike even deeper into their who's the supplies, try to get them again to the point where they say it's simply not worth it. and that's really interesting. so the strategy right now is you explain it is for the us trying to deplete the, who's the military assets, and to essentially grind them down. okay, patty, go hand reporting from washington dc. thank you so much. the polls have opened in the us state of south carolina for the latest republican primary election. once again, donald trump is predicted to win,
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but despite remaining the favorite to quench the parties, presidential nomination, his main challenger. nikki haley says that she is staying in the race. whatever happens. she have her tons. the reports now from south carolina to another republican primaries. donald trump and nikki haley, compete to be the parties. nobody in the presidential election this time. it's in south carolina where haley was elected governor twice. trump is significantly ahead in the polls. i was expecting the winning side of this contest. you have a spike pulls, we had a dropout. haley abruptly called a press conference in a home state this week going to go on until super tuesday on march the 5th, when the primaries removal of dozen states, that's why i refused to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. the reason she's able to make that pledge is money, the cash is still flowing in despite highly having won none of the nominating contents
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. so for the remoteness of a beating trump in any of the future primaries, the money seems to be coming when you would have thought it would have dried up. and that means that there are donors out there that still are interested in those goals. they're still fighting for the party, they're still looking for an alternative to trump. should he falter in some way, some big donors as well as the haley campaign, i'm pointing to what they feel is the uncertainty of whether trump will actually be the republican. nobody in november give them a 91 felony counts he faces. he's gotten more on stable and on hand. he spends more time in court rooms than he does on the campaign trail by prohibiting the result of saturday's vote here in south carolina. nicky, henry was simply reflecting what the polls have shown for months even here in her home states. she has little to no chance of beating donald trump puts you now have dentist feel. she's wesley investments as a backup plan should from drop house,
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as well as a way just to look for the president. look if she was doing well, i don't understand it. have you as refusal to drop out is ridiculed by some from supporters in south carolina to the remix feelings about whether they would vote for her in november. i think nicky entertain met her donors for a little delusional at this point. right. i don't see the term bass getting by index. would you rather on the high, highly of if trump had to drop out for some reason the only option? yes. hey, we are. those are receiving huge sums from thousands of democratic party done is according to the latest filings that's despite habies personal opposition to abortion. and the support of tax codes for the rich and flashing benefits for the poor. well the, which means highly will be able to carry on for now. she everett hensley. alger 0, south carolina, should have her time to joins us now from charleston and south carolina. she hop. thank you very much for that reporting there. talk to us about what you're seeing, what you're hearing right now. i know you're keeping an eye on turn out right now.
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is this thing turned out is reported to be pretty high in various parts of south carolina. the question is, what, what does that mean? is that just another reflection of that enthusiasm of the trump base to or is it, and you can tell that you have these kind of painters hoping for this. is it that people are coming out who are necessarily republicans to vote for haley is give trouble a bit of a bloody no. south carolina is a weird primary because democrats converters in this primary as long as they didn't . birds in the democratic primary a few weeks ago. and so there's that sort of passive incursions. the democrats is, as i just, i just mentioned, democratic money is going to go into a nikki haley campaign that there's that sense of maybe democrats will come out to try and give trauma, bloody nose trouble when. but it, this is just to show up to you kind of have it on your own, your own way. you get the sense of a hailey campaign would treat a loss of 10 to 15 points of some kind of victory given to the whole site. if she could lose by 30 points, 10 to 15 points, it allows light loss and then the other election, but apparently potentially not. and this one. so assuming trump does waiting,
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since that seems like the likely scenario here, what's the trunk campaign strategy going forward? is it more of the same or are there any new ingredients that we're likely to see in the trunk formula going forward? the new ingredient as far as the trump campaign is concerned the primaries all now . oh, but he went in south carolina. now it's a full pivot to the general election. i'm fighting joe biden. in november. i know you're about to talk about trump speech a couple of hours ago just outside of washington dc. but it reflected, i hope this isn't a spot and a bit of study reflective, a new policy of not even mentioning nikki haley. that's no more nikki haley. it's now all about all about by doing. and yet, haley will continue because you're, how's the money to do that in american politics is all about money. if you've got the money you can carry on, never does it. kind of, it has done so badly is highly no wins. no future wins to get still getting the money and that this doesn't happen. it is happening this time. so she is going to
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keep continuing. but trump is going to ignore and just carry on focusing on. but yeah, no, don't worry. she had no no spoilers in what you said. in fact, you're totally aligned with what alan was saying, that trump was already looking beyond this primary a and a head to a likely general election battle against against joe biden. thank you very much. see how is the final day of the conservative political action conference in maryland, donald trump, as we were just saying, address the crowd there. this is the most influential annual political event for republican conservatives. and nikki haley was totally absent from the list of speakers at that event. during his speech, trump was already looking beyond the primary 4 years ago. i told you that of crooked joe by and got to the white house. our borders would be abolished, or middle class would be decimated in our communities would be plagued by bloodshed chaos and violent crime. we were right about everything. so believe me,
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when i offer you another warning and we've been right about so much just about everything. if crooked joe biden, and his thugs went in 2024, the worst is yet to come to. and the west african original block echo was, is using sanctions imposed on several member states following military cruise. these air was suspended along with burkina faso and molly, following the overthrow of elected civilian governments. i'm address reports from a butcher. it last, it was a course that linked 1st. it's leaders say the decision to lift the tungsten in post on these you're often lost is cool. wants to save the 49 year old institution from front mentee. it was clear, even before the summit, the regional block was ready to make concessions. and it did with immediate effect closure of love on the borders between the cost countries and these,
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yet to be lifted. no fly zone of all commercial floods to and from media is to be lifted the suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between the airport member states and major is probably list freezing of also this term section including utility services, is the lift. freezing of assets of the republic of new jersey in a cost central bank is still being lifted. freezing of assets of new jersey state understood enterprises and part of the details in commercial bucks is still being lifted. but the decision wasn't, without pre conditions. they also wanted to be threats. it's commitment to maintaining the, with the government, the media, we to be able to secure
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a new release of precedent. buzzwords, i'd read on their transition from time to in general, re, booking, if possible. molly and the chair announced they were leaving the organization. they accused it of hosing focus and pen drink to the wishes of 40 hours. the lifting of sanctions is a welcome relief for the gentlest citizens of echoes, particularly media, which felt it was treated most unfairly. it could also mean trouble for the original book seemed lately as any effective in keeping some of its members in line . desperate to save it from imposing the original book, urged caution. we must produce this ruse. we've a sense of unity, a commitment to do with the or 5 people. the organization also east, some of the restrictions imposed on other member states of, you know, fossil beginning and money. for now, it's not clear whether the concessions are enough to use tension and bring the
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forward you intended countries back. indeed for how many degrees would you see that price is a basic commodities have doubled in the eastern democratic republic of congress. provincial capital, goma traders say it's because of a 2 year conflict between government forces in the m $23.00 armed group. 1.6000000 people have been displaced and crucial trade routes have been cut off by the fighting. catherine solely reports from government. this is the main highway to democratic the congress border issue. brenda is an important trade route into go math the eastern for visual capital of norfolk people, but it's no longer possible to use it. sam, $2.00 to $3.00 on group control module, the farming area, which is a bridge task. it's the thing business is increasingly difficult and dangerous was the real and the siege and going the only route is to lawanda. that's okay. is
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blocked to the farming area is controlled by m $23.00. other roads also not accessible. supplies on not getting to go miles. that's why everything is expensive . alone make up a cottage green has just arrived from the country side. she says farmers not cultivating much of the land because of the security situation. in the time being the got a sense of 23 came 2 years ago. commodity prices have more than doubled. we have 2 minutes longer transport prices have increased. we still have to pay government taxes. this is all passed onto residents who already don't have much. i my worried that business this quote for you the situation assist. it is here, save the overall cost has become too high, therefore, to pay taxes imposed by different boxes. and then they have to deal with the
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security challenges. boma ended out costs posts more than a $1000000.00 kimberly's. been displaced by the fighting between government forces and m. 23. i predict that the many displaced people have come to coleman. the governments north helping the city doesn't have the capacity to deal with such a huge influx of people. now everyone lives here. they've, they're trying to do what they mass to stay afloat. patching, sewing all to 0, boma democratic republic of congo. if there has been more demonstrations in the senegalese capital, the car protesters are unhappy over the postponement of the presidential election. the vote was due to be held on february 25th for the president. mackey south delayed it and there is no uncertainty about when it will go ahead. sell says his mandate as leader will end as planned on april the 2nd. but he hasn't said if voters will go to the polls before the nicholas hack is in the car with there are multiple demonstrations this morning. we saw the candidates going out to
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demonstrate. then there were members of the civil societies here, where we are our people from civil society asking for the release of what they describe as political prisoners. and among those political prisoners are these 2 men who is buying sancho opposition, leader and what's on the zone bundle and his the candidate to the presidential election july. but to fight, they're both in prison. one of them sancho cannot run in the presidential election . the other is a candidate now people here hold on calling for a delay that their issue is not the election for the release of their leaders. what we're seeing is so many people out on the street. so many people discontent over the political crisis that is taking place right now. there's one man that has the key to bring back the piece and unity. it's the president and the president that has called for national dialog tomorrow, where he'll be meeting candidates,
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but also members of civil society. still ahead on alpha 02 years after the war and ukraine began, wives of russian soldiers are arrested outside the kremlin at a ramp protest. to stay with office, the fellows ex tropical sy clone, lincoln continues to make his way towards w way. central positive west australia will say further spells with very heavy right and some rather windy weather as well. at least for a time it will sink his way further southwards. down towards pass this thing to the northeast. the path we are lot is to say some very heavy rain that could cause some flooding damaging wayne's trace down power outages. setting not out of the question here, but it is a weakening feature. i am pleased to say we're looking for you to, to just around the bodies, the side of queensland. so for the weather here,
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which will drift, they'll show heavy showers, the cost the final of australia, but down towards the southeast it's generally fine and try with some warm sunshine . we'll see tempest agent left a little for melvin as a guy free monday, but still hot enough in adelaide this that's what the weather clearing away from the far south of wy, still a few showers the up towards the final australia is own shy was set to continue elsewhere because much of all is, is going to be trying find by the time become to choose the basic pieces to show everybody will make the way across the say they don't for having to badly head truth be told basic places of sherry, right. and some snow making the way across central, posit japan, over the next few days between the white for the east. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences
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for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, a diverse, a nature color and meaning. with these really made it to yoke your patient front and center. nothing about this exemption is traditional or permanent or dis work place next to younger artists. it's a reminder that there is one unders way the bombardment i think that something they refuse to die. and substantive data seems like quite an openings edition only to be closed after the war. and as it drags on menu on these paintings, maybe
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a survivor of causes are the the, you're watching l 0. a reminder of our headlines this, our acutely malnourished infants who have not eaten in days of being taken to medical facilities and gone. so one was a 2 month old baby and medical stuff to try to save this child, but he died of starvation anti government protesters. and israel have taken to the streets once again demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu is really police used water cannons to disperse the crowds and television in the early exit. polls in the republican presidential primary show, the former president donald trump is in the lead. now in south carolina, the votes is being held in nicky, hayley's main in nicky late and nicky hayley's home state. but she says she's staying in the right.
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the it is been 2 years since rush, i launched a full scale invasion of ukraine, but presently, following me as the landscape says, his nation is determined to win the war. rob mcbride reports from cremmit tours in eastern ukraine 2 years ago, keys in darkness, and on the siege seemed on the verge of collapse. russia had invaded incense to buy you crazy, and attempts to forge close the ties with the west. on this 2nd, down to the 3, your opinion and other worldly does well. welcome to the ukrainian capital by president for a lot of them is a lensky with his country on track towards membership of both the european union and nato. together they visited custodial, apple that was about as close as russian forces came to capturing key 3 pulled. lots of naval of news,
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the world witness the most important thing here. so that evil can be defeated and russian evil isn't the exception, never a although your at the in support is showing signs of strain. the e. u has committed to a multi yeah, multi $1000000000.00 a program. we're here to tell you that europe will continue to stand at your side for as long as it takes, with more financial support, more immunization, more training for your troops, more ad defenses. at more investment, did you send you cranes defense industries? ukraine will soon be adding f 16 find to jets to it's also along with ever most sophisticated c drones that have been sinking russian warships also but fighting on the front lines remains at a stalemate. while moscow has been making games in the eastern don't best region
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that it's an russian act separatists have been trying to seize since 2014 the crane in control towns and cities in don't yet square on the front line of fighting well before the full scale invasion 2 years ago, but with recent russian baffled field successes that are off b is russia, could once again renew it's long killed and vision of finally capturing the whole of this region. using wire, which i worry a lot, but i don't have anywhere else to go. this is my home. that's life right now. we don't have any other choice anywhere and ukraine is dangerous. ukraine starts the 3rd year with this full scale will, knowing the will weariness, especially in the us, is likely to grow and increasingly aware of its human cost. rub, mcbride, i'll just say era, cremmit tools, key crane russian police have detained at least 4 people that of protest outside the kremlin and moscow wives of soldiers protested in russia's capital,
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demanding the return of their husbands. you'll hear shop of all of that has more from us despite the official reports of others, people started sole support of legitimate pieces of the ministry of rationing ukraine. we can clearly see the growing discontent here. several journalists, what is haines around today? near red square, where we keep processed by ones and mothers of mobilized resolve is, was taking place. the women gather every saturday to lay flowers at the table. the unknown soldier near the kremlin and demands that that husband's and sons be allowed to return home because they can't be on the front line. and definitely, as on the officials told them to also search to people were detained around the russian at raleigh's, in memory of the late opposition activist and exceeding development, as well as at on table and onto drunk front is there were pulls that most people on its were coming to the cathedral of points to save. you add to own, at the memory of alex, say no villainy. the police told several people at the exit from because central to try the documents. so as rushes gearing out for the presidential elections in march
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. it's crucial impulse and full force. he's to keep things under control. despite brushes, reported advances in the front, many se that'd be facing is guessing folks down in the trenches 2 years ago. and his address to the nation of letting him in prison stated that russia didn't have plans to capture ukrainian lines, but laser and september 20 springs to what receive full ukrainian regions was proclaimed as part of russia and on a cold. here, russia's news, hayward trees, and now the recalls to move further and take care of and of this on the control display plans to replace. letting him is the landscape with the pro russian leadership, as well as defines the anti russian sentiments and ukraine at those goals had not been achieved. the majority of the russian people keep pushing state t v and also show the russian army had to talk you crane. back in 2022 to a protects the civilians that from you played which according to the russian side,
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had been pounding the palm with in font. so the start of the full scale ministry, confrontation they've been way moved. that's millions of refugees and complete destruction of those territories. that for many off now probably is time to question the special mutual ration, whether it's an effective strategy to achieve rushes goals. dealership is all about audra 0 most square. the w ensign is a senior advisor for russia in europe at the us institute of peace and a former us diplomat and most go, sir, you're joining us from washington, dc. it's so it's a 2 year anniversary. so obviously this is always a moment when we want to take stock of where we are in this conflict. simple, maybe unfair question. who's winning the war at the moment as well that that's not an unfair question. no, that's the question everybody here and everybody's, you've perhaps even in moscow asked every day or 2 years ago now is
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a different world, isn't that the world system has changed? the words help change that system and now on the ground itself, uh, the front of stopped both sides. have a relatively equal combat equal combat power. as i say, both sides are vulnerabilities. both sides have clear advantages and that's why the front is not moving very much. so i think this year will be somewhat a year of consolidation and the russians have, as you 7 reports pushed forward a little bit, but not significantly really in any way. but there are unknowns on both sides, and that's what we have to focus on. russia has the, the edge and manpower rush, it has the edge and in the firepower and away crude as it might be, but rushes to her risk beating on the battlefield in terms of rock casualties. as the mothers just haven't made, demonstration you, you portrayed the 300000 more and 300000 russian soldiers been killed,
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that their soldiers are tired or not rotated. their brutality used by russian officers on the average soldiers fighting for russia and ukraine is absolutely appalling. by western standards, and of course, russia has committed war crimes, should not be children, balmy's for going facilities, maternity wards and hospital in a rush or wants to divide the west rush. it wants to undermine zelinski is authority, and restaurant wants to win on the field. there is no stronger application that that's gonna happen. happened this year. so on ukraine, sorry, we also know the strengths and liabilities. ukrainians are fighting for their homeland, their families, to defend their land. and keep with that will be they will they resolve the brain? people which are still very, very hard to resist the rush, the russian aggression. but the west has to maintain, is unity behind the ukraine, wherever. and, and the west. nice to get a high tech weaponry to there where you create
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a non forces to keep that military balance relatively even, or to allow ukraine to push back as they did earlier in the war and your description accurately portrayed it. oh, okay. well that's, that's a very complete picture in it, and i thank you for that. you mentioned that if you crane is going to make any more gains in this war, then the west needs to go ahead and deliver more weaponry. i did want to ask you a question about that because the west since the beginning of this war. so for 2 years now has always appeared to be finally calibrating the, the type of weapon and the amount of weapons it was delivering to ukraine, such that ukraine has not lost the war. but ukraine has also not won this war. do you think that you, that the west at any point is going to regret this strategy? well, it should be, in fact some people here in washington or something like that, that already. however, this situation, it really is more complex number. one of the western support has really been
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calibrated primarily to ukraine military needs. you might recall the, the patriot missile this discussion, but your credit was all that we saw. they offered more weapons to do. but those are the kinds of weapons they need. it depends on the military situation on the battlefield. the primary need right now are simply ammunition and that's what the west needs are supplied. but some of the larger weapons systems which are largely high tech. those need, uh uh, those are provided based on the perceived need on the battlefield. and in the case of the f sixteens, as you know, that requires training or pilots transporting of them the aircraft themselves and also the support equipment and then personnel to keep posting fine. so that's the 1st point. the 2nd point would be that restaurant has, i think, kind of intentionally used a nuclear threat as a deterrent to an over to uh, abundant western support in its own mind. just this way, warmer president means
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a to talked again about nuclear nuclear attack about how they, they might hit the west, how the wars really about nato. and that kind of thing. now, who is in the middle of an election campaign which is control and he will win. but the russian public does pay attention to that kind of thing as the popular opinion in the west. so the threat that russia might go nuclear has from the beginning of this assignment to be as aggressive as some people in the west want that are there to be, haven't been said they will have please. yeah. do you see ukraine ever really picking the don't bass, which is this large region in eastern ukraine? i think about 15 percent of ukrainian land mass. maybe a little bit more. do you ever see, keep regaining control of that region? oh, i much, most certainly do. first of all, as you heard from your, your interview or interviewer from that region in your, your eclipse, people have gone boss or large loyalty chair and they feel they're an occupied f
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destroyed region. and there's the primer. loyalty still is to show, but we're far from deciding the fate of those. those regions might include on boss i include cash on in the south in southeast. and it's too early to, to look to the probable fate of those regions. but certainly ukraine said we gave them and certainly a few crane resumes in front of on the battlefield. that's a strong possibility. the russians in particular, are very involved enrolled with the south turn court shown in the black cmc of us off. and as you know, much of the black sea fleet has been disabled by a very clever ukraine in town or strikes. and ukraine is able to ship. it's green to the world markets in africa and south asia and other places that it depend for their, their, their, their, their food needs on ukrainian range. so that the situation isn't, isn't stable on the front. but it's an influx in other places. and in areas such as the south, where the russians are vulnerable around front of me as well as the black sea itself that ukraine has made considerable progress. even if we don't always read
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about it in the media. okay. though, yes, and thank you very much, but for mapping out this conflict on the 2 year mark and i will take away was not quite a prediction, but an assessment that you don't see the front line moving in significant ways. in the, in the short term, donnelly, yes, and thank you very much. back to the demonstrators are protesting against the war and ukraine outside the russian embassy in warsaw. poland is one of keeps closest european union allies. it welcomed over a 1000000 ukrainian refugees after the russian invasion began, but polish farmers have since protested against cheap ukrainian grain flooding the european markets the earlier political am. mr. caspar keep that told us that polls are still supportive of ukraine's war effort. but that relations have begun to deteriorate. posts are still supportive of poor example ministry age for ukraine, and still a search and the most supportive of ukraine. then,
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then of russia and this conflict. what does the same time? there are several factors that lead to a, a decrease to support for app, i think also decrease the emotion. know engagement on the polar side in this conflict? fast versus the agricultural problem because it's a conflict around the ukrainian agricultural products, getting into poland and the full shifting could prices of publish products of publish farmers who have the same uh, the same products, the same rains, etc. and want to sell them even in poland. or in other european countries, and this is a source of revenue both ukrainians and suppose and to and the spanish promise have been more and more protesting against you. praying and products getting into proteins last year when governments in april band, some of you bring in grains band, which con sunflower rates
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a ton of seed getting into the into opponent. but at the same time, a lot of a lot of products still do get into into proteins and also with some of the products that's all legally bans are actually illegally a transported into, into power, into the salt here. and there's a lot of tension from both sides because of that, as the french president has been confronted by protesting farmers of the annual powers to agriculture show emitter in my court deal for com. after dozens of protesters scuffled with police of the event and even cause damage to stalls, re fawcett reports. it's your, it's the largest agriculture event showcasing the produce of french commas. but even before it opened, it did become another suitcase for that. and the problem is to be protesting for weeks. that's why costs poor pay strict environmental regulations
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and competition from imported new products for us as president to cancel the plan debate with funding representatives here. also, they called it provocative with reports of environmental activists. also being advice on the instead that was this impromptu face of the some of the protest is rolled costly binding products because you pick up sort of, you know, good. i always prefer dialogues, confrontation with a, some consultation does not produce anything good. there can be disagreements in our exchanges, but at least we talk to each other that the dialogue remains confrontational. specific with the bi tom is complaining that they would dying from low incomes and bureaucracy from competition with foreign products using chemicals bands and from the government has tried to cub. nationwide protest with a more than $400000000.00 package announced this month at a pledge not to bond pesticides that are allowed elsewhere in europe. the protesting farm is though, showed on saturday, but they intended to keep up the pressure about paying the way home. this shouldn't
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be right, police in the fair. i don't expect anything from a chronicle. eventually the french president was able officially to open the power of show he's now promising a meeting with farmers representatives next month to consolidate emergency measures and set out a plan for reform. are you close it out to 0? the still ahead on alpha 0. assume that explores the legacy of european colonialism on africa is just one of the top prize of the berlin film festival. the, the latest news palestinians are not only chewing to got bread and water, but they're also doing on the machine to receive their treatments from the hall to the story. i wrote books to the cemetery. there's no tombstones for them, but he's determined that the names will be never forgotten. with details coverage, the said was on the photo intellus,
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but many of them have either the implicit for the actual practical support of these by the all me. the, the, the growing number of migraines from haiti are requesting asylum in mexico faced with changing policies on the us mexico border. many say that the time has come to learn spanish as the 1st step towards a new life in mexico. but a little rough hello reports. these young men are on their way to with spanish language course in mexico city. all of them are migrants from haiti. so they've only been in the country for a short time. they say they want to learn spanish in order to live and work in
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mexico, legally accessory. you only see the, i don't want to go to any other country. i'm looking for a safe place to settle because i have a lot of family in haiti that is depending on me. if i find a job here in mexico, i will stay in work to help my family. richard tells us he doesn't want to risk crossing the border into the united states, out of fear, he could be deported back to haiti. and richard is not alone in his mindset, the number of haitian migrants looking to settle in mexico is growing. and it follows a sharp rise in migration as issues like violence and poverty have worse and in haiti. in 2023 hastens accounted for nearly one out of every 3 applications for humanitarian asylum. this, according to mexico's national refugee 8 commission. mexico who struggled to address the historic number of people seeking international protection in the country. way not. but even those services,
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like the spanish language courses designed for migrants have been stretched, been educators like, i must say, going don't say that mexico continues to be a country that welcomes anyone seeking asylum. good or good? i love it. a. i think the idea of spanish courses comes out of necessity. so if someone is seeking that we teach them spanish and we can't deny them the right to that education play more than a godless. and the nature of the one majority of migrants transiting through mexico continued to view the united states as the final destination. many haitians say that mexico still represents a more stable place to stay than their home country. a mess it up a little al jazeera mexico city down a french senegalese film has won the top price of the berlin film festival. that's the golden beer. this film is about the 2021 return of lifted treasures from friends to the west african states of the needs of 0. so many came has more from the german capital. the thing about stow me from my to job
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a french senegalese direct to is that it confronts an issue which has been at the forefront of many people's minds, not just in the film world, but also across europe. in fact, those countries which will, once colonizing countries that stole the property of civilizations in africa and took them back to the home country. so down make concentrates on the been mean, bronzes and the struggle to return those bronzes, the whole principle of restitution. that is want to match the jobs, the director of the film referred to in accepting the prize, the goals and bear at this price the best at this festival. the best film is this documentary, and this is something of a site which resonates with many people in the united kingdom. that of course, the elgin marbles with the other european countries that have prophecies that which once belonged to other civilizations and thoughts on the points that many people
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here wanted to make social media influence or is an ex football is gathered in cuz hard to raise money for charity as they showed off their skills and this match for hope. tom size, lynn was there in recent years. it's a venue that it seemed the likes of little messy score. us on his way to listing the woke up on friday. they was something slightly different as they could be, but then i'd be stadium as global icons of the costs joined forces with the presence to raise money for education, for all a charity dedicated to providing quality education for motion like children in developing countries, a content crisis tungsten episode of caps, and besides, featuring fell into a win a cock on chelsea in the ivory coast. legend drove the, as well as managers, austin venga, antonia kentucky on the sidelines. almost $9000000.00 would brace for the close. i
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think the most of the great things all the people are there now if you okay, kind of okay. but i, i see that you never know, i don't like to move. it's going to be difficult. i believe the match to move it. it says share event attainment to the 35000 people who pecks in the final school 75 to team as a fellow aerobic 3. however, wasn't the charitable assets of those who played and those who donated this nice to like support stock. so we can have fun on the money goes. yeah, really going for got to have like these big events and everything. so he's like to come and help us. and this also share too much to help us science. so this is a very good opportunity to come help. i think it's a message out to the rest of the world that you know what we cannot do a little bit. we cannot do what's in our capacity. even if it to be all small steps more change, it goes a long way. it was just over 2 weeks ago, the children's gone south career here in the age and comp time. you want to go to
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the top of the events just as to the legacy of a 2020 city walk on size. and that's it for me, june. the whole will be with you in just a moment. the unique perspective desktop plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations. you will find l swear. this takes every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to reveal all about what's happening because of the death and media attention the stream on out just the are asking questions. were you ever warren's about the health effects of power?
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no understanding the reality. reporting from the action of the hospital with fearless journalism just behind me, hundreds of people have been in fact 2 h as an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuels. nope. renewable, i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story. this magical facility in the man incidents capital have to is a single room that provides health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapids support forces. the un says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i took care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes
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performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many in the city. volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to bone level by the conflict. the a 2 month old baby dies, suffering acute malnutrition in kansas city, as israel uses stylization as a weapon of the the other. i'm joe now this is l 0. lie from the also coming up know laptop the news, riley bung buckland, teen central, and southern gaza. at least a to palestinians are killed in the strikes are busy marketing rough,
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the thousands riley in these road demanding fresh elections


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