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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 26, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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little house, a park ranger facing retirements, ruffles with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life. monkey man. a witness documentary on a jersey to the the so i'm totally back to boy, you're watching out you 0 at night from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes facing starvation. hundreds of thomas, the names are for stiffly northern, gaza, despite the ongoing is really a tax. 7 guys is largest saw hospital left teen boeing's off to israel, partially with johns from the facility and avenues, ukraine's president. stacy's country has lost more than 31000 soldiers in the war
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and called on western nations for more support against russia. but i monica not gifted and were on the pony and stuck in the center of some follow brazil's largest city. thousands of people have come to show their support, the former president. also not the st. israel began it's more on gas, i'm more than a 1000000 people have fired from the north to the south of this trip to escape the bombardment. those remaining in northern areas are now leaving in a desperate search for food. allison is making the move say they no longer ca is really to say, just ts donation, i'll just say or is he and whatever he has been following the crowns. making the journey slick, frankly, in web the says the, the last point that connects the not the written with the southern gaza strip and
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here are hundreds of palestinian refugees, the evacuated from the another and area to the southern area of the gaza strip. we have been asking the families why did you about 2 weeks after 141 days on the some you get me to show you. i decided to leave off the 141 days because of the lack of food was like when you think animal feet and the for sure life is most livable in the most. yeah. we reach moments where we don't sphere as well any more, and we don't sphere this each the we only fist operation is. let's see, i can well, i see i can what i think there was no food. there was nothing over the law on $61.00. and i've never seen such a catastrophe. well, that was eating valley. this is the food for don't keys. but here on the street is hold for a palace to mean families in the southern area have been waiting for the people who evacuated from the other area and they're giving them free food and free
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transportation. so they can read the safe area. we talked to a lot of people who evacuated from the north today. they told us that they had to walk the hallway from because of city to here. they said that they left their houses at 6 am in the morning and they made it here at 11. they said that there's a check point. people are a rested, are integrated, and people were also flores to take their clothes off. why they were integrated by the is there any forces we saw a mother was crying because her son was arrested. she told us they took him and she said that she won't know when the next time she's going to see her son. a desperately needed a trunks are still struggling to get into gaza. the small numbers that do frequently mobbed by thousands of people trying to get any food they can and gaza.
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city crowds wait on rashid street for trunks carrying flour and other aid. the limited supplies that do get in on nowhere near enough to meet people's basic needs . the u. n. is wanting that for starvation cause bias. rusketcade is putting the entire population of 2300000 palestinians at risk of funding. jason lee is a country director for the occupant. palestinian territory would save the children . he says he monetary and agencies are facing enormous challenges when you compel, mel nutrition be out in the open with no shelter. 90 percent of children on the 5 have an infectious disease that is called because the male nurse, there's no medical care the living in new york. but again, at what point does the international community intervene? and it says that they put, implement that definitive as an immediate cease file. what marks this conflict, unlike any other conflict, is the complete disregard international human and sharon low and the normative
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frameworks that we book in su, metatags, this crisis civilians are not able to move wherever they need to define shelter. they have been moved around like pieces on the chessboard to filaments. the objectives to management agencies are not allowed to bring in the quantities and the types of goods that we need to keep people alive. we're not allowed to bring in the people that we need it, because uh, we do not have access to all of casa the conditions on the ground and goals that do not allow for humanitarians to operate. we don't have enough people, we don't have it on goods. we don't have access, it is impossible to actually mount any effective principles management action when the conditions do not allow for it. right now we are doing whatever we can, whatever supplies we can bring through rough crossing. we are, we have trucks. on the other side, we have trucks that stops within bradford. so because of the insecurity this happening and right now, these are desperate civilians. we need to bring in much more goods. again,
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to mention is a lot. we cannot keep the 2300000 people alive and 1500000 the i am process, the civilians on this, but they have flipped the homes. there's no access to food to water, to medical care, and many of them are living in the open because there is no shelter for the. so this means that is not just the number of trucks coming through. we need to have the commercial set to coming back. if multiple, if he points into gaza, we have not able to get confused up to the north because we're not allowed to go to the door. and the still hundreds of 1000 an estimate 222300000 siblings. we'd have trucks, north of blackouts that, that requires assistance. is there any forces have partially withdrawn from nasa hospital in southern guys. but according to entre 0 sources, snipers are still positioned around the medical complex. the hospital and its vicinity have suffered major destruction is really true stone the 10 days ago.
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forcing thousands of how to simeon sheltering back to sleep. early i correspond and target god was zoom, told us about the state of the hospital. and so they have been seeing the critical conditions right now that not for hospital has been going through, often alone. the use of being under is ready for military siege, the a great deal of destruction and ruins being left off to the usability portion. withdrawal from the hospital as the arts become much more destroyed, even the grave. and the symmetry that, that was students had been using to get to agree, the majority of people being killed and they are on april to a group and buried them out to the hospital, but also was destroyed by the is very many attractive at the, from the east by the side as well, the sites that detect carried out to a limited and precise military operation and officer hospital looking for how much the operatives as the claim. and they have to be distressing that they have arrested at least $200.00 power citizens as
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a part of their operation the but we have been seeing that there is a very notable suspension of the operations that uh the uh, the facility had been a giving within the past few months was specifically that the majority of departments had run out of medical supplies and they are also unable to keep the function of specifically after the mess room campaign that had been carried out by the is very forces during the investigation that had been carried out to inside the departments against the medical teams and also if activities were taking shelter inside this medical facility. and there's been more strikes to eric and the last few hours across the gaza strip. tell us about the areas that have been target. we have been seeing an upsetting me acts of movement for the is very surveillance of drones and roof our district and says practically, have been translated on the ground to the last. our weather is very military target to the residential building and then over at paws, overall fi district blooms to higher family. as i'm childrens,
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has had thrust to the location of the targeting, drawing to search for survivors under the rustle of the destroyed house. and ripping. also hearing in the past hour, me a text and let of the explosions of the city of con eunice, which had been the main theatre for the is really military attacks within the past few weeks. is a part of it is really i'm going to cite the military campaign, puts the absolutely important to say that they know that pod have been widely attacked at least 10000 is hyper reported, kills and ended in kansas city as were racing for humanitarian supplies being delivered the but today we have been seeing that the over old strikes had contributed to kill more than 83 palestinians within the past 24 hours. because really will things have destroyed all heavy machinery inmate law here. local say it is part of a larger effort team. the rescue efforts i'll just here is on a south sherry free for some northern gossips smell. and then afterwards at this
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ecology melodies debate, la has a we are now in debate to lock your municipality garage. here was a group of the municipality vehicles and machinery before being completely destroyed and the rate carried out by this really workplace. that when i all the, the, what the little i'll call it this really occupation forces are trying to obstruct the work of old municipalities. yeah. yeah, well similar rates were carried out by these really planes on the vehicles and machinery of job. well, you know, so i mean, a selecting tread itself, but not a lot of this has added more to the misery of the palestinians here in north carolina because of strep. so basically what the elected out of the had a car, there are no vehicles or food. those aren't available at all to help the people who refused to remove debris. i tried to open little roads to facilitate that moment of citizen. the if i to help again, also with these vehicles that machine or we used to work in the field of sanitation with them. yeah. the auto part of these vehicles were burnt and destroyed by these
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really all condition forces. you know, very systematic sage on the stress, and as much as your while yvonne, almost starvation is increasing, the, the suffering isn't worsening yet. the palestinian municipalities can not do anything to help the citizen. they have the positives and it's a chevy. if you just see it all tremendously, israel's foreign minister say as a potential sci fi, it is war on guys. i would only delay a ground invasion on a rasa betting municipalities. and invasion of guys, a southern city currently sheltering more than half of the populations of the strips combination would put a israel within weeks of total victory over her mouse on the sound hotels. more from occupied is to spend. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu continuing his war cabinet on sunday evening to discuss the 2 main agenda items. the 1st is the ground invasion into the alpha. he says that he's going to present
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his staff members administers with a plan for not only the ground defensive, but also evacuating orders for nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge in gauze the southern most city. now the 2nd topic on the agenda for israel's war cabinet is going to be a potential deal to bring back is really captive. and it would also secure a pause in the fighting. now on saturday evening, israel's war cabinet convened via telephone to vote on sending and is really delegation to go have to meet with mediators and discuss what kind of concessions these relays were willing to give up. in order to make a deal. it comes after the head of israel's most side and the head of israel sion that were in paris to meet with mediators and had come back with what they're calling an outline or a framework for a potential deal that would see a 6 week pause in the fighting with around 40 is really captives released as well
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as hundreds of palestinian prisoners in his really jails. but they're still a lot of gaps that need to be filled. still a lot of sticking points and he is really prime minister while speaking to american media on sunday morning, had said that there is no indication that we're actually anywhere near a deal. but that these conversations were ongoing and that these really delegation was going to continuously meet with mediators to see what could be done. but he also stressed that the ground invasion into the flash would be imminent if there was or was not a deal secured. honda central, which as jersey though occupied east jerusalem stephen has condemned the latest strikes that the us and you could have carried doubt in yemen. they hit 18 targets who the targets on saturday to yvonne say this is an attempt to escalate tension in the region. washington and london say it was in response to a wave of who's the attacks on vessels in the red sea since november bronco, but has a detail on shaking and defiant up to weston strikes on the m. c
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z. m. and he's in the capital sauna, said the backend to see a tax on regional shipping as a show of solidarity. tell us to mention golfing items. how would we all use tool we have been well for minute, the strikes will not thomas. it is either we achieve victory for palestine. we will work on foot to palestine to free it from his right and the strikes will not intimidate, will scare us. we will keep on support and gaza with all the power that we have the us and u. k. carried out as strikes, $118.00 targets increase a controlled area. so if you haven't on saturday, the 8th locations were hit, including storage facilities for weapons, ms. south and ad defend systems. the pentagon said in a statement, these strikes are in response to who sees continued attacks against commercial and naval vessels that have not any endangered international c firas,
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but the lives of yeah, many people this uses now more than 45 attacks, some commercial or naval vessels since mid november constitute a threats to the global economy, as well as regional security, instability on demand and international response. who's the red sea attacks have severely disruptive level trade about the ron allied group has vowed to keep up. it strikes on shipping the legs to israel and its allies know for the yeah, the naval forces of the many armed forces with the help of god almighty carried out a qualitative military operation in which they targeted an american oil ship or store in the gulf of a job with a number of appropriate naval missiles, while the air force targeted a number of american warships in the red sea, with a number of drugs. the u. s. u. k. strikes in human could inflame existing regional and israel's foreign casa, and public responses from other
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a run by groups 11 an iraq and syria. barbara and got passed out of the ukraine, surprise that info to me is immense key has repeated his call to western allies to step up support for its war against russia in a speech to mark the 2nd down of a 3 of the russian invasion. he acknowledged that his country had lost 31000 soldiers. his comments. com is the us congress to base a critical military aid package. 6 to the program, whether you clean will lose, whether it's will be very difficult for us and whether there will be a large number of casualties depends on you. the one i will call is on the west and weld if we will be strong with western national, we will not lose. we will win to change your cranes,
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defense ministers is half of promised west and military support fails to arrive on time, complicating the task of military planners and ultimately costing the lives of soldiers . meanwhile, russia is being accused of a missile attack on a railway station in eastern ukraine. the governor of the don't ask region said sundays attack also had a church and other buildings in constantine, if brought mcbride has more from jimmy for an eastern ukraine. the reports from ukraine's eastern front, seeming to indicate that the russians are trying to capitalize on the capture of the town of, of div costs pressing further into ukrainian territory with claims that the troops have now taken 2 more ukrainian villages. now this has been disputed by ukraine who says that soldiers are still fighting in that area, but it does seem as though a roster is making a concerted effort to pushed further into the you crazy and help parts of
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a don't. yes, region has also been and asked strike on the train station in the town of constance in economics is a strategically important crossroads. it's a gateway further into the ukranian held part of done yet. now this is old comes as we are hearing a one small claims. the ukrainian force is all being hampered by a shortage of i'm your district in particular artillery shells. this has been echoed by real simple metal c, ukraine's defense minister. speaking of the form, saying that that have been delays in the delivery of immunization. and this is all the more problematic, given the ramping up by russia, he says, of the war effort and the voting board of the budget to the will sues. the situation is always dynamic at the moment, commitment doesn't constitute delivery. 50 percent of commitments are not deliberate on time. so which means that in the mathematics or,
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or will look to the enemy, their economies almost to tree lane. so they use up to 15 percent or pretty solid, and i'm official budget to the war, which constitutes over a $150000000000.00 us dollars. so annually and so officially. so basically whatever commit that, that doesn't come on time will lose. people will lose territories on a more upbeat no, to matter off, also indicated that ukraine's military has in place. he says, plans for 2024 to do what he calls the possible and the impossible all lamed. i tried to get the all important break through the ukraine and it's west and back as wants to see happen in this war a. but that does seem older, more difficult to try to achieve well, the $60000000000.00 in
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a promised aid from the united states remains held up in congress in washington public broad. i'll just say era, the pro ukraine. well, let's talk about this a being held up in the us congress and speak to rich all out saying who's in washington dc is a geo political consultant and former us state department official, which very good to have you with us on algae 0. so you can use worried clearly about losing us military aid. is this fail made? first of all we're seeing in congress right now, is that temporary, or are we likely to see an end to american military support? all right, well that's good to be with you. i, i think it's a, it's a temporary delay. the fact is that both in the republican party and the democratic party showed by partisan a position here is that ukraine should not fall to russia. the modalities of how to get that help to ukraine, very between the 2 parties. i think the fact that the senate republicans did
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approve this $60000000000.00 is a good sign that they normally lead on foreign policy. the g o p. house members have been a little bit more reticent because it's been tied up with a number of other domestic priorities such as the debate over how to strengthen our own southern border at the same time that were strengthening ukraine's ability to defendants or federal and border. so these are legitimate debates within the us system about how to sequence aid and what the tradeoffs from priorities are. but i think my sense from watching the both parties here in washington is that there's still a commitment to allowing ukraine to defend itself and empowering itself to do so. let me just pick up on, on, on the why here. do you think the opposition, among some of the republicans to this aid package is more about aligning with donald trump, the former president, or is it really a case of strong policy preferences as well? yeah, trump, trump is absolutely the 800 pound gorilla in the room. so,
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so his views are determinative because she has the support based on the republican party that's on rivaled. and i think that's something that we need to poke out a little bit. so to show what is donald trump think about ukraine. there's a lot of loose talk that he wants to just cut losses in ukraine and is not willing to support your grand. that's not what he said last week. last week specifically, he said by me is the one that will allow russia to have ukraine that these re elected. now i, obviously i come from the right side of the spectrum i. i think that there's been some of this information frankly about donald trump's views. and if you're interested, i can lay out the logic. yeah. what are you going to do for you? where to return to the winehouse? what would the strategy on ukraine be? and so the 1st thing is he thinks we're paying too much into your opinions, paying to little i find that hard to argue with that. and he's made that the debate or made that point with regards to nato funding in general. and the fact that for 3 decades, the united states asked very nicely for nato countries to pay their promised 2
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percent of g d. p per for defense funding. and very few of them had outdoor, after trump started pressuring them. actually more of them did. i think it's similar on your brain. it is not what the united states to be, the only country pushing $60000000000.00 worth of defend say to you create. and i think he'll, he'll support that. but here's the other thing is that there's a difference between democrats and republicans when it comes to promised a wish i earlier in the, in the broadcast. we've heard that and what actually gets delivered because we see him again and again with a bite and ministration that they trickle in a, they're afraid to make me and the russians angry because they think they're going to escalate. so f fifteens very slow, a track comes missiles, very slow, it was trump, let's remember in 2017, right. who was the 1st percent anti tank missiles that were legal aid after 4 years of obama administration is like, we're not sure we want to do that. so yes, trump will talk in a way that makes the premiums and the europeans nervous,
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but when he actually will be much more to the point that much more back in what way of looking, what way will he act, who i mean, is there a proactive approach from trump to help ukraine, will there be one to help ukraine repel russia? and here's how i think trump is going to do it. i think trump is, but if he's elected, he will make very clear in between his november election if it happens. and it's assumption of, of the presidency in january to book to me and to keep people say, i want this to stop. i mean, we'll say that the russians, i am going to give you credit every thing that needs to make this painful for you. and i'll do it quickly and your losses will triple and the 1st 3 months, if you do not make peace. now that's what will say to the russians to be training. and she'll say, do you think the russians do things person will listen to this? i do, i think put in fears, trump, i think i think if you're trump in a way that he does not fear by me. interesting. but what about the bike? uh, what about trump? does he, does he not fit well actually trumps
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a businessman and he's used to doing games with brinkman ship. he's done it in politics and in business. and by the way, if you go back to syria. 20172018 american troops threatened russian troops. they were wagner. the mercenaries, they said, do not cross the frailties river or we will destroy you and we did. and this was under trump presidency. trump launched air strikes that killed. i believe the number was about 2000 wagner mercenaries in syria. i think the truck trusts people to be a man of his word and he knows what putting is. he's a political animal, but he also knows to put needs a punch in the face if he's going to believe you, he knows the kind words and sweet talk last way put in. and that's why i think in the end, trouble end up being a better friend to ukraine, then a bite and administration that says all the right things. but it's not willing to inflict pain interesting to your thoughts about this. thank you for joining us, rich outs, and from a washington dc. there on out. yes sir,
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thank you for your time to be with you. a handful of present trump has one of the latest republican primary beating nikki haley in her home state of south carolina. the contest is the 5th, that is one bringing him closer to the presidential nomination, but he says she'll stay in the race she ever times, every for some charleston, south carolina, as it had been widely projected for some time, the former south carolina government, nikki haley, would lose the republican primary home state. but haley is keeping to her pledge to go on until super tuesday when march the 5th when 15 states and one territory. well, like i said earlier this week that no matter what happens in south carolina, i would continue to run for i'm a woman of my work. the reason she can say that is money, even though she has little prospect of winning any of the feature races,
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deep pockets, the donors are still present at the bank, right? let's either because of their on typically the donald trump or to keep the running in case drums. legal troubles means he has to drop out. i'm not giving up despite when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe by they have the right to a real choice. not a soviet style election with only one candidate the but becoming the norman. he remains a long shot and trumps. and they just make sure he has such a little bit on the nation price as, as far as the former president is concerned, we're going to be up here on november 5th, and we're going to look at joe biden. anyway, and i look, i'm writing the, he's just drawing our country and we're going to say, joe, you're fired, get out, get out. joe, you're fired. even bases more affluent. so both of charleston,
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south carolina who expressed a phone display, they told us they were voting for donald trump, and it was time for her to drop out. i like or but i don't think she's to compete with donald. i like taking kelly as well. you know, just thinks it's a tough clock in the kitchen. so i think that donald trump is going to have a better opportunity to take out the current administration. the trump campaign says from now on it's not even going to mention nicky hayley's name instead that will concentrate fully on the presidential election against joe. but she ever time see out, is there a charleston south carolina? well yeah, i spoke to rena shot a political strategist in common teacher, and a former republican advisor and, and asked and asked her why nikki haley was staying in the race despite losing her home state. so many of these truths we heard come from her in this past balls, debate season in which the former president did not take part. she talked a lot about the republican party of yesteryear
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a lot of those values that seem to characterize it and don't sell you to really a lot of them being a really strong military focusing on kitchen table issues such as economy and crime and immigration. the thing to also demonstrate this plenty of time, the crisis of the southern border to china. she did that repeatedly. and so she really in many ways, woke up this evening. we're center right. republican that had felt left out and rather homeless, not only during it from the time in the white house, but in the after math as well. these past 4 years in particular, have felt very lonely for these types of republicans. and these are considered moderate republicans. but they tend to have a real appetite for haley because they see one thing being very true. a pretended to be here is that she poses the best opportunity for republicans to take back the white house from joe biden. right. but we heard trump after his a victory speech, say that he's never seen the republican party as unified as it is right now. but is
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it, i mean, does a g o p belong to trump? today i would actually push back on that notion. we got the empirical evidence during the last mid term election. the trunk back candidates in primary duty succeeded. there could not go onto when their general election people, including a candidate nikki haley or blaming the former president for republicans not having the majority in the senate. and so when you look at sort of how the tea leaves are being read right now, it depends on who you're asking. the republicans who remain within the maga stronghold, understand is that strong hold is not once as powerful as it used to be. though the speaker of the house belongs to what would be considered the mag of faction, they are dwindling and rise again due to the done. how was the how is hailey not able to my waning earl, you know, own home state to investigate? well, that is explained by one phenomenon that is purely american and it's that trump,
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during the past 8 years, has really stepped into the infrastructure of these local parties in nevada. for example, haley didn't even compete there because she put a, she didn't want to participate because there was not only a monetary faction with the fact that the party been divided republican party is completely run by trump, loyalists. and so you got from the lawyer listened every part of the party infrastructure from state to state. and that really explains how these primaries work as well. the turn out tends to be more firm, it parted supporters of the former president. still a head on the news are not in our name, never again from home to young jews around the world that their voices to calls for a ceasefire in garza and protesting in the philippines. 7th street is demand the president fix to determine the,
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the hello way. we'll see. so the spells are framing to western australia. right. but the next style. so as a result of what was pub, who, a site for a link, and then the slides way for the southwards at east with is weakening features. so things were crashing and previously make our way through. i into the 2nd half of the week down towards the southeast corner, but of wet weather, just clipping the fall. se of us, the west of weather will be around the top and just around the fall northwest right around the gulf commentary. a pushing up towards the cape, the openings left some rather wet weather coming through here, then down into the southeast. we still have a bit of a southerly push to our when's but how about and for melvin 41 celsius, the top temperature here. so if you want, and i'd like gives you an idea of what's to come as we go on into tuesday. it warms up here is dry and bright notice, nor the possible strider up to what was the tropical regions do remain
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a very unsettled, a heavy bust of rain coming for a while the same on wednesday, and the fight to fly risks down towards the southeast. as you can see, melvin getting up to 36 cells. this new wallet was going to be one of 2 shafts into a new zealand, but las, he fine and dry. yeah. for the dry coast, a good pop of china as well. so familiar with 6 bits and pieces of cloud of rain, but we do have some think of a winfrey mix across the northern half of japan this week. the the, this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sided, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post
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covers how the news is covered. asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of power? no. understanding the reality. reporting from the action the hospital with fearless german is just behind me. hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states it's future of fossil fuel. nope, renewable. i'll just use teams on the bring you closer to the heart of the story, the the welcome back and recap of our top stories on how to sierra hundreds of promising
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means facing salvation. moving from northern guys are in desperate search for food agency, say is really a tax or keeping them from delivering much needed, hayden, to tie that of the ones agency, the policy and refugees says costs to sundays. i've been denied. he's really forces f, partially withdrawn from nasa hospital in southern di storming 8 and forcing thousands of the space odyssey needs to see last week. avoiding according to options. here sources vipers are still positions around the hospital and israel's foreign minister says the potential sci fi and it's for on guys would only delay a ground invasion of process. and even this now says, an invasion of causes, southern cities would produce ro within what he says is weeks of total victory over how much jews around the world are adding their voices to the calls for a ceasefire in gaza in new york home to the largest population of jews outside of israel, demonstrations demanding peace of intensified in recent months. first,
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instead of miracles, they called their group of jewish boys for peace. the when president joe biden came to new york for a campaign fundraiser, members took to the streets to protest against israel's war on gaza. and the use of us tax dollars to fund it. does this are taken away in handcuffs as a jewish person? i want it perfectly clear to people. it's not home to support the young people there. that's not in our name. never again. 74 year old sam co practice good and parents and much of his extended family were killed in the holocaust. the october 7th, the attack was horrible. but this, this is not the answer that the only solution is a political from citizens in the us capital to demonstrations in toronto and
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london. jewish groups are increasingly leading the cause for peace. we have rabbis and the movement, we also have people from across the entire spectrum. so everyone from kind of absolute so i cannot atheist to like very deeply religious. they've been overshadowed by more established pro israel groups like the ones behind this march attended by many of us politicians in november. we put a new pool by the institute for social policy and understanding found 50 percent of american jews to support a ceasefire. new york is home to the largest population of jews outside of israel, and they belong to political force to be reckoned with, with their unconditional support for israel can be taken for granted by politicians after weekly demonstrations like this right. the group is not now gathered outside
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the new york office of the us senate majority leader, chuck schumer and saying a traditional song for peace. there are more of us than people realize young americans use, but also in more, in our countries, in general, are not buying into this framework. that picks posted news and is rarely use and hosting and, and choose against each other anymore. they hope to shine a light on the long standing oppression of palestinians and the financial support that is allowed to continue. christian salumi out to 0 new york. so the policy knows all the ministry of congress is that every now and policy not is, has died after he's really. authorities prevented him from leaving garza for medical treatment 76 year old fontes of bean was out of ox, the hospital waiting to be evacuated to egypt. according to the ministry, all his paperwork was in order and he waited for 2 weeks, but he never received
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a permit to leave a london based policy in you're not is about to exhibit what she describes as the most important work of her career. my like my tie is from garza and she says her painting called last breath to fix his round score on the street, his her story and her own words. my name is malick lots that are on the policy and an artist and also originally from the gaza. strip. i'm based in london and i'm working on the biggest painting in my career, documenting many elements of vision, a site and the costs are like all of us ever, she se. but because i was and has always been my home because it said the city that i know the most. and it's the most beautiful setting and it's, we're making or makes the most sense. we had a really rich culture of life, but it was absolutely disturbed by the mortality from vitamins and the hard to reality of living in a prison. so for me, i came in with
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a sense of urgency that i want to say something. i grew up with this spirit and i want it to show it to the world that we have and dixon. so resilience of resistance, of loving life and wanting to make something out. nothing. it was my own way of, of recording as a witness, as a, as a teenager, as a young adult, witnessing and recording the brutality of occupational. my boy, you know, started to become about lots of information about kind of seen in culture about olive harvest thing about childhood. yes, they were very colorful, but they were not too happy. but now i, it's not like i woke up and i decided i'm not going to use color and i simply looked at all the colors and they only so black because it's reality. and because of this time is to behind, it's to brutal my immediate family. they are all in casa,
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and it's so hard to be in touch with them for the entire month of october and timeline of november. i couldn't even hold a press or a pencil, that it was a complete state of the wireless. but now i know whether i like it or not, it's my duty and it's my responsibility to do and not only for any audience, it's for us, the palestinian generation, for us to never forget. for me, i'm trying to to, to make a photos on the most important elements of this photos and a site against my own people and against my own history. the . let's take a look at some of the days i've been used now. and in brazil launch crowds of gathering south palo in support are from a private, enjoyable scenario. police are investigating boston our for allegedly plotting
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a code to remove lucy, not to let us silver after the 2022 election us now is banned from running for public office until 2030 and has had his passport confiscated. federal police reveal that he transferred $800000.00 to us bank account near the end of his presidential term event travel to florida. with prosecutors say he was going to wait until after the alleged cool one k and i care has more from south power. so riley has just ended and there's still lots of people on the streets and not like before were you could move well. so now to basically said to his supporters that there was no attempt to cool that he's not responsible for any attempt to cool. and he also asked for the people that did participate in the january 8th, a pricing last year and that are still held in prison. some of them have been condemned. he asked them to be pardons,
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and he said that he wanted to pacify the country and that he's a victim of persecution. and his wife was also starting her own political career freight to the supporters. many of them are and been jellicoe christians. and so she was saying that she was praying for the country and for him yeah, boss. narrow is banned from running for office until 2013. what exactly is he trying to achieve here? well, not only is the band, but he is in serious risk of being in prison. so this was to show his political might and maybe to show that he's not, it's not over for him that he still has political cloud bill will be important, you know, simple elections this year in brazil. and he wants to show that he's able to help elect majors the governor of symbol, which is the richest and largest state of result, along with 3 other governors of important states were here supporting him. so this
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just to show just say that although he lost the election, although they're choosing him of, of attempting a cool or applauding and the legit cool that he's still cuz he is not over for him . his political career in bella roost, president alexandra lucas shanker. has announced he will run for his 7th time as president next year. the cushion cat was ruled the country for over 30 years made the announcement while costing is voting. parliamentary and local elections. sundays polls were the 1st invaluable since the 2020 vote, which gave lucas shanker 6. i mean, office as president and let to mass protests. the elections are going ahead despite calls for a boy called by the opposition. and for the 1st time, i've service from the organization for security and cooperation in europe, we're not invited to monitor the call. earlier, we spoke to valeri carlos k, who's part of the bella roost democratic forces. that's the coordination of parties
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that opposes the presidency of alexander lucas shanker. he says that lucas shanker, under lucas shanker, many the russians have not been able to enjoy basic rights and freedoms. this is actually the 1st electro campaign seems 2020. and for these 3 and coffee is because i'm gonna leave sophia because of his legitimacy because the doors and people refused to accept him because they refused to turn the page as he insisted. and these 3 and a half years notice because leaves us, we must repressions about 6 percent of the population were forced to leave the country because of the persecution because they were unable to, to enjoy any from the mental basics, human rights and freedoms. and even this electro campaign was completely damaged by the absence of basic completion of multiple sites. elections, there was no competition. there were no alternative candidates. nobody's participate in the independent media has completely been wiped out from the country
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. civil society also about 101500 civil society organizations could have been destroyed by the by the resume of lucas. and that's why it was impossible to say that there are even basic conditions on the ground. also given him take into account of that about 1500 political prisoners, including all political leaders who were in doris at the moment. i'm now in prison . forensic experts have been investigating friday's fire at a spanish apartment complex in valencia, where 10 people died. they say the rapid sprite of the flames may have been caused by highly flammable plotting that was used in the buildings, the more desperate we still do not know what material was used there, but it is known that there are some buildings from the same developer of approximately the same age, and they should take a look there to see what materials have been used. are still ahead on algebra.
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oppenheimer, oppenheimer, the historical epic about the race to be able to 1st atomic bomb wins at the top on or at the us screen. actors, the diesel is really military bands, the show legalese really settlements and the old people in the west bank, the red lines walked the borders of the item. you describe just new security. so we're now in the area, i think you're just saw on those laps. they're all illegal is right, exactly as living just a few 100 meters from hey, in caravans, in that direction. and the army says that it's a necessity in order to expand a so called securities around the legal is right. the sentiments suddenly is ready
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. soldiers appear on the opposite bank. they approach forcing us to stop filming. it contained us for more than 2 hours on these confiscation of land around the legalese ready settlements. charlotte stadium say. it's full proof of israel breaking international. hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything thought, providing ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is different on it. access it, you hear the story on talk to how does era or the
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the welcome back to the philippines. now, i protested as of riley during the capital of manila, accusing private infringing on macos julia of trying to extend the limit on his time in office. critics say he intends to make changes to the constitution that couldn't alter the structure of the government. the raleigh's come on the anniversary of the 1986 revolution that toppled democracy his father. barnaby. lo reports from manila a distant memory for many of these protesters. but they say the spirit of the people power revolution in 1986 lives in them 38 years on their fighting and attempt to change the constitution by the son of the president, that earlier generation topple. remember the last ones from history?
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oh, my gosh, the cables once you start to be the new show and another mark on friday, the one off when i fall, when again, by providing. i tried to change something, marcus and his allies in congress is just the change will all the involve economic provisions of the constitution. the protesters don't believe it. the problem is that the limit that the number is not the ones they will bit more of the separately not limited provisions are open, including the presidency at the moment, limited to a single 6 year term. the current, closer to the philippines was drafted and approved after the 1986 mass uprising. the end of the 20th of 40 men bark, a senior father of president, for the most part, the senior partners are sir say,
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efforts to overhaul the constitution are part of historical revisionism that made the markers political. come back possible. marcus junior, isn't the 1st philippine president to attempt to change the constitution every president since 1992 did. so including his predecessor rodrigo to turn to but the turn to now says he's against change, and it's called for the succession of the island of been the now in the southern philippines. a move critics say itself serving. i think it began when mark or junk came from. the goal is, you know, that by itself was a clear signal the things are finished between them. i'm the, it seems to me that the tides have come out soon, including persisted. reports that investigators of the international criminal court have been to the philippines to look into detroit is drug war. despite marcus junior's repeated assertion, that is, government won't help the i. c. c. bond to below al jazeera manila. a junior
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doctor's in south korea have walked off the job to protest against the plan to increase the number of medical school admissions. the government says the changes needed to solve a shortage and doctors, but medic say that will compromise the quality of care units came before some sol. doctors from across the country march to the presidential office. and so they're determined to stop government plans for 2000 additional medical school entrance next year to meet the needs of the aging population. the confrontation has left people urgently searching for doctors. as short staff, large hospitals refused to accept new patients. the government is increasing pressure on the 8000 young doctors who walked out last week. they've been warrant that they could lose their medical licenses if they don't return to work. and unlike the previous 3 doctors protests since 2001, they won concessions. there will be no forgiveness this time we booked them,
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hang boy, and we will thoroughly investigate and correct them most only medical professionals who participate in legal connect device, but also those who manipulate to encourage subtracts from behind the scenes leaders of the medics main lobby group say they've been threatened with arrest. so the law me, we've had all of the gulf we'll put on the distresses me settings may and makes me anxious. but if the south korean medical community is forced to succumb to even greater threats on these than i do not consider us to be medical professionals with a one. while the 2 sides remain far apart on how to to see what they do agree on is the lack of doctors essential medicine. the korean medical association is saying the fastest way to solve the crisis is to tackle the disparity pay and to provide incentives for doctors to move to less desirable areas outside of the capital. the shortage of doctors is especially acute and pediatrics and obstetrics. many have
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left a dis, a plans to work and more lucrative specialties in rural communities, such as case on the lack of access to essential medical care is particularly dire. analyst are skeptical that offering more competitive salaries will entice doctors to move from cities or the people punching at once to a certain level of income as it relates to people. my think. no doubt it was this couple of sanity. i'd rather live in the city to enjoy my comfortable life and support my children's education. the doctor's association plans a larger rally in a week's time, and there is little sign of a return to hospital wards anytime soon. you just skim all to 0, so at least 4 people have died in an explosion that a fine works factory. northern india, the bloss was in college, shall be in the state of ota for dash. seminar explosions recently have been blamed on for safety practices and lacks government inspections. and all
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3 in national health by the tiny binding of gun his son for 9 months has been fried habits. fritz was flown to doha, following successful mediation by the state of kata. the 84 year old visit his i've got his son last may against kaufman, travel advisories, all stream media report. he was co founder of a band phone right party. and when to if got his son to prove it, was safe under the taliban to send refugees back. the days of moments of joy, the return of the rates. and at the same time, we are working very closely with the same contact on obtaining the release of an austin hostage, gaza from gaza, as well as an austere noise. changed the prism in the rock. big, big thank you to the state of casa and the movie oppenheimer has won top prize at the screen actors guild awards in hollywood and 2 other awards. went to the movie
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portrayal of the scientists who helped build the 1st atomic bomb for the 1st time. the ceremony was streamed live on netflix for reynolds for, for some essentially the, the stores came out in full fashion re galia for the awards program. it's rare for actors to win an oscar without 1st being nominated were the screen actors guild award. this huge sac awards were stream live in the united states on netflix with no access to the news media or non subscribers outside the country. that switch to streaming could be a template for other award shows, which you've seen rapidly diminishing audiences on broadcast tv. the award for best performance for a movie cast, winter oppenheimer, one of the biggest hits of 2023 homeland hungry
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lily gladstone, one best female actor for her widely acclaimed role in killers of the flower moon. julian murphy, one best male actor for playing the brilliant but tormented businesses in oppenheimer. i had you got stuck with babysitting duty. she had, had you managed to divine joy randolph one best female actor in a supporting role board. the whole rovers and in another. when for oppenheimer, robert, the junior one best supporting actor for his role in that film. in the television categories, a double wind for the netflix series of beef alley wong, one for best female actor and steven you in one best male actor wires. and we want to ask how long the test of succession on hbo invest ensemble in a drama series. and the cast of ethics is the bear one best ensemble in a comedy series. next up on the hollywood awards campbell k. the oscars. on march
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10th, rob reynolds, l. g 0, los angeles. that's the news our for now on i, which is 0. i'm fully back to both stay with this during the whole will have more of the days, top stories coming up 6, watching on counting the costs. nobody wants to make in the developed nation. how will that affect frustrated fall of your palace slipped into recession? can it re gain is ranking is the world's largest economy. costs cocoa prices a soaring and chocolate levels of paintings of change? counting the cost on that, i'll just say at the latest news, as it breaks, ukraine has made vast improvements to the defenses around its major cities with detailed coverage. the former president is expected to appeal this decision, but it's just one of many legal issues he's facing the run up to the november election from around the well, the rising ground water is contaminated with sewage,
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less than 6 percent of the homes and suite that are connected to the government, so which network hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or die? suppose you've described that is better than is that any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is, it may just something look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as, instead of going on the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. what do you consider amazing lexus? we believe in the luxury of choice. introduce the
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each. the power of session with you energy with bills itself, analysis of a plug in hybrid electric, the facing style vase and hundreds of palestinians fully northern gaza in a desperate search for food despite is really a tax the other on joe to help with his health 0 life from the also coming up some gauze as largest hospital invest in ruins. often these route for is rarely forces withdrawal . partially from the trains. president says he's country has law schools and such.


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