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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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mainstream, it is always an attempt to same as the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that or carl, this is news, our life from joe, coming up in the next 60 minutes. and is where the striking of the q way to hospital in southern dos like hills, at least 8 out of citizens, women and children among the dead. we will not be party to any force displacement of civilians are wandering from the u. n, as,
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as well and roles. plans to evacuate some finance from the head of a plant ground offensive. a desperate scramble to get a hundreds of palestinians rushed to the sea. collect age at drops live, and to do any of the efforts of this world carries out, strikes an eastern levin. and for the 1st time, since the thoughts of, of all on the, your thoughts and stuff and goals are where it is really strike has killed at least 8 palestinians. they attack struck a house near the q way to hospital in vasa and drink. dozens of people strike on dogs as southern no city came as he is waiting on the pass to launch a ground offensive in the city view in chief as well doesn't was offensive. but for the final now in the coffin of 8 programs. well, the $1500000.00 paula city, and the sheltering from is really
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a tax in rafa. most of in the space from other parts of the strip. also being told by is ready forces to go that for their own safety. that rafa has still faced continuous bump bump and a little camera called the moments of that is really as strike the and the correspondence that talk i'm assume has more on the strike to us. absolutely applaud in terrifying day you were at these very forces that stepped up the military attack. so of course, different areas from the north to the southern part of the territories particular within the past i was witness to move back towards a more tax on the city of roof i specifically on the facility of the oak await the hospital. we're at least 8 palestinians have to report at killed including 3 children and the women as a part of that is very ongoing button and for the roof,
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which had been on the unrelenting compartment over the course within the past few days. and this is absolutely terrifying. us today, more than 20 palestinians have their recovered from the city will con eunice being killed previously in previous confrontations, and also bombardment of the city the upon what is also a key dramatic change we have been observing within the past few days as the ongoing shooting of people who are waiting for humanitarian supplies to be delivered to the another at parts of gauze. and this has happened repeatedly happened in the past few days were policy and in the news have nothing to be done as the bombardment, as well as unfolding every corner of the another. and territory is where the apartments have. benjamin netanyahu says a ground invasion and rough. what will happen? he says that a potential cx 5 will any delay that as wells ami present to this operational time to the will cabinet on sunday, i'm just all who has more from occupied these 2 is slim. to these really army has
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presented plans to israel's war cabinet about a duel action mechanism they're hoping to achieve when it comes to israel's ground invasion instead of the 1st according to the is rarely prime minister, are evacuation plans for the nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who are seeking refuge in gaza, southernmost city. now the 2nd course of action according to nothing yahoo has to do with the military operation. that will, he says, destroy the remaining how must battalions in order to achieve a total victory. now all of this comes despite a lot of international criticism and condemnation on how exactly one and a half 1000000 palestinians are supposed to be evacuated from alpha. these really prime minister has said repeatedly that he wants to get civilians out of harm's way . but it's a little bit hard to conceive this when there has been relentless bombardment all over the palestinian territory in nearly 30000 people have been killed. so nothing yahoo is also saying that even if there is a deal to secure
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a pause in the fighting ground, invasion instead of off would be delayed. but if there isn't a deal, the ground invasion would be sooner and none the less. he says, these really army will go into the homes of central jersey to occupied east jerusalem stuff. and to jack is the fight soon for the united nations. actually general antonio good terrace. he told me earlier that and as really invasion of rafa could jeopardize yet more lives or no place right now in the, in gaza is safe. there is even if there is a places where they may not be, come back there. lot of unexploded ordinances. there are destroyed homes, there. no homes do go back to and it is, you know, we do pretty bluntly, we will not be party to any force displacement of civilians. you say that the hoss view in 8 operation is in rafa. a february 8. deliveries would down 50
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percent from january, so was woods and invasion of rafa due to those deliveries. well, i mean, you know, it's, it doesn't take much imagination to see what that would do to the civilians, to our ability to deliver, which is already extremely limited. we're trying to deliver aid in an active combat, so we're trying to deliver aid without any real security for our own stuff. we saw a number of a lot of them were killed in these really bombardments. there is also a breakdown of law and order and parts of gas it, which makes it difficult for 8 operations to go on. so what the, what is the un quoting for, for that age to be wheat, cigna, people who need it most as well. we want a humanitarian so as far as quickly as possible, which would allow us a greater of freedom of movement within garza without having to de conflict. if
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there was a cease a c spar, we need to see a return to some semblance of organization within uh, within garza and most importantly we need more humanitarian a to go through right now. there is only a trickle. we need a lot more to go through to do things that are more predictable. right now we're operating with a, a she monitored reserves of about 3 days or so should things be completely turned off. so you can imagine how difficult it would be if there was a, a, a ground operation to get a humanitarian cease for this stage. a completely reliant on do being struck between israel and how much because all that fits of you and security accounts have been stymied with us continuously vetoing any resolution for an immediate cease fire. how frustrated all you about the situation at the security council? what can be done to change it?
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well, it is. uh, it is frustrating and the secretary general, his remarks this morning is the human rights counselor, i think, was very clear in expressing that frustration. now the counsel has passed a number of resolutions on garza, we saw the appointment of our senior humanitarian reconstruction of core day. so there's been there is the possibility of moving forward. the fact that there is no council resolution doesn't stop the you when in terms of the, the staff of the for who work for the secretary to of work for unable to do whatever they can to deliver. uh that humanitarian aid. but you know what we want us to use, i said as a humanitarian ceasefire on conditional release of the hostages, and more a going in the world. georgiana at full size, carries out an ad drop operation in gauze of delivering much needed humanitarian aid. hundreds of displays people, gaffers, while the aid was dropped, much of it fell along the coast at net boffa house and had to wave down into the
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sea to get to the packages. the what agents agency, if the policy and refugee says a entering garza has been reduced by hoff and february, compared to the previous month old guards. gravity lovelace is an associate professor at the american university school of in special service and whose research books is on the do politics of hunger, and she joins us from washington. d. c. good to have you with us. what's your reaction to these desperate k all take scenes that we're seeing of people trying to grab what little aid is available. thank you for having me. this is such a crucial time. it's frankly unfathomable. the scale of the famine, how rapid is escalated to the fam and level just in a few short months, is frankly unseen in modern times. not just is what we're to, has there been masturbation, and frankly, the deliberate nature of it,
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the fact that there was an intentional starvation is really stunning. how we reached this point, what we've got 5 minutes talking to people of goals or people over the dying of starvation in such a short space of time, which again, thank you for asking. so this did not begin last fall. it got horror ethically worse. but it actually has a decades long history of the palestinians, enduring land, water, and food dispossession for generations from british colonialism to the 1948 not on that as displacement onto subsequent decades of subtler is rarely subtler colonialism. so these really government has been targeting guys and c food along the border of the mediterranean sea, as well as land food and the west bank targeting all of harvest. i'm putting down precious olive trees, which take 40 years to bear fruit and live for hundreds of years. um targeting sewage and major agricultural areas of the west bank. the settlements alone actually dispossess palestinians, farmers and razors from access to their land,
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and the gods and fishers do not have access to their fisheries. just a few nautical miles, but these rarely government allows them so already 50 percent of people and garza were food and secure before this war started 80 percent were dependent on humanitarian aid. so the minute that on october 9th is really government laid out a total siege of no food or water or fuel or madison reaching the gaza strip. the people who are in the 8 sector knew that this would be a death sentence is carried out. so they tried to have alarms, there was the world food program that the world health organization, amnesty, international ox them. many agencies said this cannot be, we must bring food 8 in usually $500.00 a trucks come in a day to the gaza strip. there was just a trickle of 2 days, but the months went by and these warnings were not cheated. and so at this point, you've got people who for months have not had study food or even water. so this is the way i finalize ation of food. that's a will crime as absolutely,
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and in fact, um, you know, in 2018 the un security council unanimously adopted resolution 2417 condemning the starvation of civilians as a method of work there. and the unlawful denial of humanitarian access to the 1000000000 populations. so it seemed as if there was a global consensus countering the weapon is ation of food. and then what's happened, the last 2 months have shown in impunity, frankly by these railey government. and so obviously south africa launch, they are very admirable and thorough allegations of accusing is really the genocide to the international court of justice and even the i c j rule. but it was possibly just as soon as the border is real, this is january 26th to immediately open up avenue is pretty monitoring a for palestine. however, in the last month, actually the number of humanitarian aid trucks has plummeted and the is rarely defense, which is truly targeted convoys. the un relief and works agency for the policy and refugees has been targeted, attacked,
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and even civilians waiting for food had been attacked by the idea. so we know the short term effects of this a devastating. what about the long term effects? so thank you for that. so at this point and again, the numbers are very hard to get actual accurate data because many of the journalists have been killed in the palestine territories. and even the aid workers are themselves fleeting. bombardment. and right now you've had the u. n r w a being massively defended in the u. n. r w way, the major back phone a few minutes. rein 8 for the whole region. employees, 30000 people in the region and serves 3000000 palestinian refugees across the whole area. and that has been essentially be funded in the past few weeks because of allegations which had been unsubstantiated of collusion with some us. so at this point, you've got a situation where there was nutritional screening and north does it a few weeks ago that found that 90 percent of how of people in north guys up or in a few levels of food in security. the integrated,
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the integrated food security based classification cost by that $5.00, which is the worst phase 5 out of 5, which is catastrophic levels of hunger. and at this point, you have over 90 percent of the children of, of the gods are beginning trickling north, gaza, experiencing a confluence of acute hunger, which means stunting. and stunting is where there is irreparable cognitive and physical damage because of acute malnourishment at young age. along with the hydrate, sion water board diseases, so diarrhea is rampant which, which prevents nutrients, absorption and it's kind of a vicious cycle. it's an overwhelmingly beak blink. picture isn't that? got to grab the lovelace. thanks very much for joining us here on out, sarah. thank you and i'll just say that the palestinians are doing amazing work fighting for food sovereignty and land sovereignty enforcer bible. okay, thank you for joining us. thank you. i a positive precedence muffled abbas has accepted the resignation of the prime minister and the government. but how much josh? yes,
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said the escalating violence and the occupied westbank and the will on garza. but to his decision to step down. president the boss had asked him to stay on his kind of take out until a new cabinet is formed. since i have cooled for new political arrangements that take into account with developments and gone. so the day i've done what done over that. and i just said, getting him, i'd like to tell the cabinet and our great people, and that i submitted my resignation to the president last tuesday of to say this decision is made in relation to the economic and security circumstances regarding the oppression of our people in the cause of hopefully and the unprecedented escalation in the west bank and the city of jerusalem. and what is being faced by our people and our cause and the genocide committed against our people on the cover . their goal is to turn the authority into a body without any political content, but we will stay resilient and strong against the occupation. what value was you need to?
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abraham has more on the resignation from ramallah in the occupied west bank. the, the resignation comes in response seemingly through the us and western governments . pressure is on the palestinian authority to conduct reforms. we know that the palestinian authorities, popularity has been in recent polls showing that it's plummeting. it's going down as probably many palestinians say, and claim that the p a is corrupted. they haven't seen any change. and also it's related to the factions, me things, anything that is expected to be held in moscow in the coming days between fat definitely there is an him ask me there's 4 and national unity. indeed this resignation is also related to the post war arrangements in gaza. where by western governments see an important role for the palestinian of, for the after the war they, despite these really resistance to have the p a as part of the administration of the population. there are no only know when we're talking about the situation with
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the palestinian a for the husband, again, losing popularity amongst palestinians, especially when we talk about the popularity of the palestinian president without bass. and it seemed that those western governments want to empower and youth techno, cried new prime minister to kind of diminish the powers offering some with i boss who has been governing here since 2005. whether this change is going to be enough or an early start, it's time will tell how it's going to play out new that but he manages the to the occupied. the west bank of israel has hit, has bullets haul, gets an eastern 11. and for the 1st time since the start of the war ongoing, so at least 2 symbols handy is really strikes heads around the city of ball back is where the army says the strikes were in retaliation that has bull as downing of one of his arms drains in southern lebanon as well, that responded by far, a barrels of rockets targeting is where the minutes you positions close to the
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border. say know how to reports from that these are the deepest strikes inside lebanese territory, since hezbollah and as well went to war in october, while back as some 70 kilometers from the capital bay boot kilometers from the border where there have been near daily exchange of fire since the armed group opened the front to help relief pressure on garza, so by the lebanese security sources, say the targets were a warehouse and a form in a known as well. a strong hold. some of the groups fighters were reportedly killed as well said it hit targets belonging to the armed groups, air defense unit, in retaliation for the downing of one of its drones and southern 11 on the west as well. they didn't just projects. one of these roles most sophisticated on drones, the strong, has been used to carry out the series of assassinations and 11 on so result. consider this
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a message from has the law that states can no longer act freely. and that the arm to group use new technology that places it's ariel weapons at risk. loss of the early on monday video circulating online showed a drone falling from the sky after being hit by what hezbollah said was a surface to air missile as well. media called it a dangerous development. yes, it is sending a message to israel. what i'm worried about is that we are going to see an intensification of these foaming campaigns by israel over the next period. uncertain social to the dean is reached and goes off. armada is not long after the baltic strikes is ready, drones returned to the skies. at least 2 were killed when their car was hit. and so they're living on the latest, targeted kenning. the latest escalation came a day after israel's defense minister, your oscar lawns about to step up a tax on levon on. even if a ceasefire is agreed in gossip. but it wasn't the 1st time he said that and has
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the law has already threatened to escalate the attacks if as well continues to strike 11 on after any agreement is reached with the palestinian movements, how much the situation is, gradually escalating and the arena of confrontation is expanding those close to hezbollah? say this is still a calculated escalation, at least for now. then there, i'll show you the date of the democratic republic of congo at the minute tree says it has joined up with several local groups to 5 m. 23 levels. in the countries eastern north kiva region. until recently they were baffling. government forces catherine. so he spoke devices from one of the groups calling themselves was island and sent this exclusive report of
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the not too long ago. these kimberly spies does work by calling the ami are they call themselves was a lender. so he was 4 p just the role on groups have put aside the differences to how the government forces the goals to defeat. what they see is a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the phone lines. yeah, the seeing phones critical run this president on cuz i mean, they accuse upon the entity 3 levels. 7 karen says, she's not afraid to die. you to go. so then the war number changes, the i'm a soldier, i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is can move, but we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here, but some come on this have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are
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facing functions. the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved the genocide in rwanda in 1994. you got there was island f, the lower our nurse was a lender. they are based in new york, but they are a london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be rolanda is problem, not ours. it was a lenders based on fuel that overlooks goma and dwanda not run across the border. the kalonde is here say there was is to make sure that go, ma, is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and be new to see a austin. what will happen when the conflict ends? treasure obama said god, the friend this is over. we hope that the government would create
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a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can to point anywhere within the country. but for now the see the focus is pushing back empty. 3 young callings, both as or die trying, catching, sorry, you know, google democratic republic of congo. but you defy. so attacks on a most kind of touch are reported to have killed dozens of people. and security officials as several does much the men with killed during sunday morning pres, in the east and the town of nazi avalon, a in the village of s, economy and the north of the country. at least 15 civilians died during sunday mass at roman catholic church. no clue has claimed responsibility. i li, cobra is an independent journalist. he says the a text or an attempt by groups to we a search, the presence and the powers groups are now trying to find a way with hide when you have
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a kind of situation where to protect them. so now they're working on the, on the board, those in all because you'll have the bones that between the book enough as to a new share. and i've been in public right now. and you should see this to a tax building. um, in this, in this um, a listing every as and it is very, it's showing that really the, the groups are trying the best right now to be reliable and to see show that they are still active in the country. so that goal is present about he saw has begun to wilkes us at a new date for presidential elections. saw his face, weeks of political time, all off. he cooled off a vote set for this past sunday. most of the presidential candidates a boy because of the talk saying there would attempt by sol to extend his rule. nicholas hawk reports from the meeting and deck com president mikey sell making quino simmons to appease the crisis at this national dialogue. he says he will
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leave office on april 2nd at the end of his term. but also that there will be a bill of and this he passed to the parliament to free. all those have been detained in political unrest since march 2021. and this could include opposition and figure it was months ago. he says that these presidential elections will take place before the rainy seasons that starts in the month of july, but absence to this national dialog dialog. are the 16 presidential candidates that are boycotting the tox. take a look at this report. the senegalese epidemiologist, doctor bu associates a looming threat to his country more dangerous than a virus. he believes people are losing their voice. president salt council, this month's presidential elections saying the electro process was flawed. boost a suspect. it's a ploy to rob people of their right to vote at this monk pulling station. he's taking part in
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a protest vote calling on solve the set and you election date as soon as possible. this vision is that is very tricky is, is very complex, demonstration young, that's of young people. the economic situation is very difficult now and having this election and choosing a new president kind of bring us a stable confidence. the election was meant to bring a break from the past. after 12 years of monkeys, south san diego has become one of the worlds fastest growing economies, thanks to the discovery of big reserves of orland gas, which has helped to fuel large infrastructure projects. but last year, a record number of young senegalese attempted to illegally migrate to europe, typically not war the poverty issue that urgently needs to be addressed as presidential hopeful, former prime minister, joe, and i can do a demo of 80 percent of our population is young and they don't recognize themselves in our democracy. we have to give them heart and it is possible to be born in the stomach out and want to grow up and stomach out to make a living and stomach i'll,
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i'm to prosper and stomach all. that's the responsibility of the political class. for now, the political class appears divided between those who want elections now and those who wants to restart the electoral process from the beginning. caught in the middle, or the sending of these people the can't. we want to move forward. we are conscious citizens, are a nation set, a goal is worthy of respect. this lx is important to us for the people. for guys the power 5 military after military takeovers and neighboring molly new share and burkina, faso, solemn warrens. if politicians are not capable of getting along other organized forces will do it instead, and then will lose everything in the country to. he says, more than a warning, but
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a threat for boost showing the others. it is a political crisis that can only be resolved by the vote of the people. because hawk elgin's here at the car. so don's army chief has visited neighboring nivia, where an influx of sydney's refugees as box warnings of an impending humanitarian disaster. asthmatic trainer reports from tripoli. many mike, when so worried about the families back home, home with good daughter came to libya from sudan more than 30 years ago. he recently retired from his job as an accountant, and enjoy spending time with his grandchildren. but since finding beginning sedan between the army and paramilitary rapid support for his last year, family time is now spent watching the news checking social media and worrying about relatives back home. the what is happening in sudan is just like what we saw here when you have lived through violence, you understand the struggling misery that comes with it. it's hard to see. it isn't people dying factories,
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hospitals and infrastructure destroyed. that's inexperienced millions of libyans know all too well. their nation has been in conflict for more than a decade, but has been relatively called since a ceasefire was agreed in 2020. also, since the fighting began in sedan, there has been a small, what's steady flow of student needs. refugees coming into libya, but lived in official se thousands of entered through the l cook road crossing in recent weeks. the u. n says there are more than a 130000 and so they needs migrants already in libya, they make up more than 20 percent of the migrant population with the fighting in sudan. many fear for the safety of their families, back home. oh, how much sun but she, it says many have not been able to escape the violence in sudan when they got any idea. it's really sad. oh, good,
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extremely valued about our family. people are dying in the homes from shelling. you know, some people are dying on the streets from that tried to flee to safe areas. how much and others in the sudanese just for a here in libya, hopes of fighting will soon come to an end. and their children may 1 day return to a stable and prosperous through the mouth. trina, which is 0. tripoli, a sort of head hale now. is there a final arguments of the instructional court of justice with calls for judges to rule israel, occupation of tell us of the entire truth as a legal and building barricades in brussels. how farm is drive that protest to the home of the view? just as agricultural menaces,
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let me take the hello. we all got to see lights. uh, just some heat coming into the southeast of australia right with the next day. also have a high pressure in charge when it's coming in from the interior. so that'll lift those temperatures. getting up to around $36.00 celsius the headlight costing up in melbourne at $21.00 southern ols. tanisha was there across the northern positive australia. no change here. as we go on through the coming days, more showers a rolling for headlight, a 32 celsius a, a t 6, the full melvin heat transfer, having its way over towards sydney as well as we go one through wednesday, add on in too fast, i guess. uh, 27, but it'll cool up in the southeast by this stage one or 2 showers the just around has made it clear right now. so the way shot was coming out of the way to the new zealand, so long as the dry sunshine here. not too much in the way of worlds across the china rat present single figures for the most part, one or 2 when she flowers into the pond, north of china, when she flowers through into northern parts of japan,
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the system moving out of the way side also some dry and bright to web as we go through the web and stay could get up to 14 celsius. the air intake has a lot of fine and sunny weather at this stage. but by then, we are like and gets out and ran into central positive china, making its way for the east, the or a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal was life trade, loses its survival skills for 3, discovering them is possible with the little house appall granger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to generation football. folks. old french captain. teresa bra
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mcclintic t j. c. waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an aluminum to open conversation. there and very few foot forward is that facing about child abuse, is you? i am a u n b and i think we need to help each other. and also showcase is the incredible story of the foot folders and fluff dennis done to escape the television generation for the episode one on the other. again, you are watching as is there a has remind you of our top stories at this hour and is where the strike and rough us kills at least the age of sentience. the attack struck
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a house near the q 8 hospital entering thousands of people. the strikes on guns of southern mississippi came the fees ready on the past to launch a ground offensive and assessing through georgia indianapolis as kind of an ad drop of pricing and goss $11.00 much needed to monitor in a hundreds of displays. people's gathers by the aid was props. most of it felt a know because never had a positive in presence back. what advice is accept to the resignation of the prime minister mohammed shot to the government, such as of the escalating violence in the occupied westbank and the war i'm calling to let to his decision to step down? best devices often stay on. this can take us to the new cabinets. as for the there's also closer justice in the hague has held its final day of hearings examining the gravity of israel's decades long occupation, the palestinian lands,
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50 countries and 3 international organizations have addressed the cause. most cold . israel's occupation to be declared and legal, i'm for it to end. but as with reports from the hague, over 6 days, israel is occupation of the palestinian territories misplaced unprecedented scrutiny before the judges of the world's highest court is what it is acting on has been allowed to act in complete disregard of international that cannot continue. it is clear that is what else you need. an occupation is also being administered in breach of the prohibition of the time pop up. logic is royal, has been consistently ups truck thing negotiated to spit solution is well, most renounced its claim to sovereignty over the palestinian territory. all settlers must be removed immediately. lawyers and i'm positive from every corner of the world, argue that israel is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by
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building sacraments. this is really the language of the colonized nation, the language of liberty that we've seen exercise in these reservations since the 1960s. and the other arguments have really been around the is really violation of the international law surrounding used to force surrounding portion odyssey and also surrounding international humanitarian. the view in general assembly asked the will court to consider the legality of these rails occupation fucking 2022 was right or was escaped punishment, but it's been impossible not to stop the horrors of the war and gaza impacting the proceedings here. what would be the firs, 1st 100 cops once a 4 countries sort of we came here to the, to the us justice for justice for the senior people. and i think that the,
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the quote was, uh, what linda, it's opinions that this q patient is leaking and do with the new works upside genocide, colonialism. and that is if your patient is on both, it is for the united states says the court shipment or the israel is unconditional withdrawal from the occupied territories. now, under the establish framework, any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of those security needs on october 7 and they persist. israel isn't taking part in the hearings saying the course involvement could be harmful to achieving a negotiated settlement with the palestinians. these hearings of late the is rails international installation. the now the court may rule, but israel most withdrawal from the occupied palestinian territories. it'll take
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the judges around 6 months to come back with an opinion, and it will be non binding. but his international court of justice says it's a ruling is carried great. legal weight on moral authority. bernard smith, alger 0. the hate. without here i spoke too much it by me at the deputy permanent as of, of the state of palestine to the un. about began by asking his reactions to the events of instructional court of justice over the past week. it's an international organization. people shot this made suburbs by the violations on the crime stuff. i'll commit to bias load, they would already my, but mobilize to end this occupation the longest and more than history to and all these violations against dependence been and people as old and with the generals side under way. and because of the afternoon mobilization became stronger and more meaningful. but this is a big challenge for international load up to now has not protected the single kind of studying and stuff and being off the front of students and government enough,
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shriveling and gaza. and the international law needs to protect all the civilians and put a sense of it and should not be an exception and should hold accountable board potatoes and is ready to put the faith of should not be the exception. but that's the problem. is that the nothing that is done that seems to protect the palestinians, and indeed this advisory, even if it does deem as well as a patient of the past, the entire truth as illegal is non binding. what do you expect will come from us? so is web access and now close state, it's it already set up to 12 months to apply on demand. so they decisions this come from the i c j and we saw it for the provision. those measures on the general side that's entirely to the security council resolutions with us. it's also important that the quote one determine the legal consequences for felt states, if they called them such low a binding states, can they send weapons to his line, can be played with supplements, kindly allow secular silence to look behind the comfortable can they meet with
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ministers who are promoting sacraments and violations of international law. so that's also a very important aspect of the determinations that would be made by the court. what the rest of the one of these to do to make sure that is what i find that he complies with. and solving issues. well that's gotta be in the thing it's gonna have to because if it does theme that those 3rd party states cannot trade well, putting this to as well. how do you think we're going to see the us reacting to that? again, the each state piece for the side of the piping state. so not once we have an opinion that says what each states has to do is supplement either us the weapons issue is some of the companies that will need to adopt it, even though is us as the main provide the weapons. but even you can go to opium markets and buy something, the topics. this is all pages violence up. let's click on the home about the world . when we are, we cannot even go my aunt and i won't come to me was we obviously used when bob and kim did not own. and i won't consider all of this behavior to was like, oh,
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this exception the status is not put into question. because then drove us as far as jim aside. so we hope this is a wake up for, for everyone that this needs to change, and the same people deserve better. the, to have to endure these kinds of mascot things repeatedly. and now culminating with one of the great, the semester goes, a lot of modern times, the media associations world wide mocking the instructional day for palestinian john left. the committee to protect on the says at least a 131 have been killed in israel's will. on gauze that sofa saw him on the head. g is a john is based in gaza. he tells us what it's like to report when you considered a target, an estimate to do so i'll sort of see me. and on some of those top of an ice cream then hung up on the foxes, gonna send me on the people who have been we'll have the month coming to shut off. especially if i'm lucky for you, cottage,
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for as long as the media coming out of the play, it hasn't hasn't. that's why the photo you can find me. if i'm enough with the desk with the lesson, those are the items to come. all i can think of them was still kind of a mechanic has done the and me is just alarming kind of run. so just the alarm and floods and solve occlusal costs will have to come to how bad the on the ceiling. and assuming that on the key in the middle of the call, ask who i'm say the let us know. so they know what's on the crowd. jesus initial and somebody at least for several, comes out, some of them. and then the soul of what i need to show it to me or to the future he deal with a lot of them. so no se, noon i will see now you send this off the well, half of all, i don't know why man, i'm calling in the night of the lee and the who's going to see a lot of them that can do not follow because that was also say the 1st couple of
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fun of the lie left instead of the minute. is it funny pathologist then and soon as you get them to the floor and then the amount that normally on menu will come in a month and run to see i mean coming nonsense alarm and what about mozilla? come on, come up like an assessment was one of the home on. it shows the was almost an hour ago. i had no national balancing feeling the human up from the, from on. so mean the most off of all our shows. you kind of so much one of the, the hands of you the need a lot of the ceiling and then she hands him, you know, the drones, sheer, liquid, know so what we're giving you so much who, who i'm the mom of sob on. okay, now i'm sure that zillow coffee can gather from on those by themselves almost for your uh when, when,
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when comes of the hands of the one that well actually the and that will assist you and have them let me know color funding, i'm a member of the us to add force has died off to assessing himself on far outside the as wally embassy in washington and protests against the war and gone. so he filled the video explaining why he was doing is security agents that responded and helped extinguish the flames. this is erin bush and i have an active duty member of the united states air force and i will no longer be simplicity and genocide about to engage in an extreme active protest compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine said the hands of their colonizers,
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extreme at all this is what our ruling class has decided. the . 0 the
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gary and parliament who wants to fight sweden's bid to join nature. the move clears the way for the doors at country to join the west of defense alliance. hungry was the loss of nature's. that's one members to classify. sweden's accession is nature's extra. generally insulting bags as those waves and membership will make a lot safer and strong treatments application was made any 2 years ago. so have abandoned this quote, to have known alignment off devices, invasion of ukraine, the last, the russian troops of caps or the village of less touch kind, an eastern ukraine. ukraine confirmed that withdrew its troops. only statesmen said as the attempt to reinforce lines of nearby towns and to contain the russian advance. let's pull out, comes a week on to the nearby city of div caught in the don't ask region, fell to russian troops who claims allies a meeting in paris to discuss the how to bump up. i. munitions applies to keith. first, present to buy new macro and invited 20 european leaders and representative. so the
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me thing, my quote says, russian was not when the role that you have needs to ensure its collective security . russia has made key strategic games in recent days as the will and says it's bad . yeah. and russia prosecute us. i've sold a prison sentence for the co chairman of a nobel peace, peace prize winning human rights organization. or, like olaf was charged with discredit, took me on the officer, he denounced russia's war and ukraine, prosecutions that demanding an almost free just sentence as his appearing and a re trial. also, an early assign was voided up the under appeal, especially in human rights campaign. the claims that the charges of from the 16 motivation year is really but almost done with your style silver. i see i don't regret it because i stayed and rusher in order to continue doing my job. my work which i've been doing for many, many years. also i consider what is happening now. this trial is me. to be part of
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my work. i'm doing the job, it's part of my human rights work. human development, by the way, you're on your id and we'll continue doing it so i'm not alone. and even if i end up in prison, my friends and colleagues will continue to work. pharma is in europe and not backing down on that demons for an easing of e. u. trade policies. they face the latest protest as agriculture ministers were meeting in brussels farmers to the tractors to the belgian capital blocking rose and demanding fat prices for that purchase. it wasn't campbell reports in europe and farmers vent that and in brussels around $900.00 tractors, book entrances to the european council, building e agricultural ministers meet in solid weeks. they've been protesting against policies. they say to them for making a decent living performance say they want, minimum price is set for the purchase and the store to trade agreements that allow
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in cheap inputs. so here, such as the size, the american trade blog. no. okay. so with homes on restrained by the regulations they face all of us do what we wanted the definitive ends to the free trade agreement between the european union and mca. and we want prices that cover up production costs. they also claim the agreements, favor logical operations and businesses the create most environmental damage and the use column and agriculture policy we'll see needs to change. so if i could get that in one of these c, a p that we have now has so many bureaucratic steps that we cannot manage to comply . we need an agricultural policy. the truly adapts to the fall of his needs and allows for profitability. and some complaints and environmental policies under what's being called green deal. hampering their ability to what some european ministers agree. sending green data zooms that we need to implement the green deal in such
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a way that it becomes practical and less bureaucratic. that can be done. this commission, unfortunately has not done it well. most you to, we need to reconcile farm is what they policy, the c a p, it's the policy and without the see a pay, they wouldn't be such a powerful agricultural sector in europe. in a concession to farmers, european commission scrapped hello to reduce pesticides. a target to leave land on, foamed improve. biodiversity has also gone many you politicians agree, the more changes have to be made to such as by farmers. but it's not clear what name like the image in canada, which is 0. so i have hannah on alex's era, centuries old buildings with jimmy's to rumble. we look at how as well is destroying how does funds into cultural heritage.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the us go has issued agend appeals also sentries, old palestinian buildings were reduced to rubble, as well as being accused of the instructional court of justice of waging what's being described as a cultural genocide and gaza. up to some good and folded reports. the monuments that stood for centuries wiped off the map within seconds by israel's war and gaza city is rarely bones, have reduced a palestinian heritage buildings to dust with most of the hope of jumping to leave
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the house. how can we rebuild this? no food and we all patient, no voltage and we are patient. but now even the most square reprice, we lost is why? the international council on monuments and sites which advises that you when cultural organization, unesco, has issued an urgent appeal. it's warning that the intentional destruction of cultural heritage is a little crime. oh, the great almighty. most was the oldest thing, garza built on the site of an engine temple. it was turned into byzantine church then into a mosque in the 7th century. now its medieval roof, sheltering gods, his worshippers for hundreds of years is in ruins. the on mission a level. i remember the stones,
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they tell you the story. we feel the walls talk to us with the quote on not the image. the wall of this most doesn't launch themselves. how much has no relation to this mosque? the 700 year old structure was the last remaining active. her mom in the city. the turkish bass survived the various empires. it was destroyed in november, as is really tanks reached as a to neighborhood dining and doors on the way. if someone has a problem with his back or something they would come here, how do they justify destroying the palestinian, say the demolition of their cultural treasures? is not collateral damage. they are being deliberately targeted lawyers before the us top court say this is part of these really occupation handbook schools and universities office and it's still just demolished. cultural heritage is usage which just destroyed the palestinian culture, ministry says is really
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a tax of already destroyed more than $200.00 archaeological and heritage sites in gaza. following the killing of tens of thousands of palestinians. the destruction of their history will be felt for generations to come to some good food, which is 0. and what's being billed as a scifi documentary about the palace city and experience of the deck, but all catastrophe of 1948 as have his london premier live shots, the history of the city. and the also known as load in present day as well. and also imagines apparel wells. what is a city inside a muslim day? multi faith, how the city and state high forces met the contractors of the film? a victim. so this is a film in which the city of lead the rates its own story samples doesn't come from . that's kind of a start the down at the bottom of a session between me and it's the story of the knock. but what time has to be in
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school, the catastrophe is force displacement. in 1948, the israel was created. but it also offers an alternative and imagined history in which the not, but never happened. the device, say it's co directors and, and engaging audiences with, as a media subject in a new way, satellite or huge syfy in there. and we figured ok, let's see what happens if you know, stranger things or making more to meet a deductible item. the pleasure of talking patient can take many things, but one thing they can take is your ability to imagine so they can take their imagination. this alternative universe mechanism that you chose. it's the reality in which israel doesn't exist. how do you expect this can seats to land and the current circumstances? of course i'm extremely concerned about the rise and anti semitism, which i do believe is real for me it. there's so much jewish presence in our film.
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and so, you know, we have this independent state of, we call it the greater 11th, which is syria, palestine in another 9 and into this independent of palestine. jewish refugees fleeing anti semitism in europe are welcome to the real world has changed drastically since the film was finished. the how much the tax of october, the 7th, and the way that this is really a sole tongue, gaza for rama eunice, upon a city and citizen of israel. it's a 2nd back, but they call it willingly transferring the people from gaza. but that's just another fancy name for ethnic cleansing. and the genocide that's happening in, in, in the us and goes all right. now, the unit says october, the 7th set of a tech tonic shift to the right within israel impinging on free speech for the palestinian, his radius of the month. so relative quiet he and his co director on. now speaking out about this to him once more, i'm here. it is london premier, a fundraiser for a policy in educational charity. and later this year and more planned events in the
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united states were hurtful as it sounds, usually around london. and that's it from me know, and how much more on our website officers don't come through. stay with us to know if there was more in the rights organizations, filed a civil suit against. and that states saying supply is around with via parts for f . 355 projects mixed in that lens. complicit, impossible. war crimes and gaza. then that lens has house the repeal distribution center for f. $35.00 spare parts from where it's also supplies is were out in 2022 and exported spear parts worth $2400000.00 to the country with the escalation of the war and gas at this number is now predicted to be much higher for the 1st time the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to israel. the verdict is seen as
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a severe blow to the dutch government to have argued that stopping is gone for the ocean to the ex. 35 programs would jeopardize it's fights with us and it's, well, i was had a civilian economic impact in this product to judge argued that political and economic interests. com be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war because of the war. and you praise, run deep, but the devastation of the country's precious ecosystems may take the longest to hear people and power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows you create is what prizes investigator says. they collect evidence of what they described as eco site ukraine, ground 0 on the jersey to discussing the defining issues of our time is what the military, what government,
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what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. they are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you know, the us president joe biden says he is hopeful of a cx, 5 between israel and thomas and concert by next monday. as new details emerge on how it could work. the other on jo, now this is al dizzy rely from dell ha also coming up and he's writing strikes me


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