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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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or the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use. how in life from coming up in the next 60 minutes under attack? israel's military funds that tell us the names collecting food at a distribution center in northern cancer us presidential finances as well as prepared to stop its foaming campaign. in the coming days, we speak to a sufficient catholicism. it holds tools with french presents menu, a my phone in paris with progress on a possible c spine, causes
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a high on the agenda. and the us bell ground side of michigan holds as presidential primaries with chemist on supporting the democrats. being foods not to vote for job, but i just pulled my chest to 60 or continuing their efforts or it's high in a treble of trustees. the writing, english and european champions finance. that's icon. harmony brothers looted in round 5 and we'd be getting this dues out and gone. so with the search for skids, quantities of food is becoming increasingly dangerous. is ready for us as have again opened fire on palestinians trying to get food to the families. the, the crowd will show to it by tanks and snipers as they gather to obtain flour. west of kansas city is ready forces have fight on crowns, trying to get a many times previously. the us food agency says it was forced to suspend
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deliveries in northern cancer because of the violence. and in the south, some is riley's had blocked humanitarian aid from getting into the kansas trip. the group lay in front of a border crossing with egypt for vincent trunks, from moving his i q to get into a guns. that's not a trunks. i mean to be checked in egypt before they crossover, because well, to you in just a few minutes here and also say is a medical evacuation come, boy was recently blocked by his ready forces for several hours. despite prior coordination for all staff members and be killed with the east right side that you see, the forces blocked the w h only the convoy for many hours. the moment it left the hospital, the east already the military forces that the certainly military forced patients and stuff out of ambulances and stripped all kind of medics of that close 3 published in a read christmas society. paramedics was subsequently detained. although that
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personal details had been shipped with the east really forces in advance, while the rest of the convoy stayed in place for over 7 hours, one paramedic has been released and we appeal for the immediate release of the 2 others and all other detained. so personnel, it's like i to erica bozer and his life for us and rougher and south and guys are and erik is russell. any blocking, getting into guys at the will. so clearly, time getting people trying to access the little food that has actually managed to get through. can you just give us an idea of exactly how difficult it is to get anything to eat right now? well, people, you know, bring dogs are really hungry guests are used to be me. it's from the military supplies, people struggling with all the pages to the out the waking up every single morning . just preaching a very low the number of. ready that cheaper it comes to respond back to the outlet,
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be talking to an old presence that their guest parking situation to be on president is i'm not saying that we are or in some certain things the probably gonna be just to lead the amounts of to just guarantee that children won't have what we can be doing. this is absolutely terrifying and human because people, they're gone, but they're not receiving the most me apply it comparison the money for the police on this other cost. you know, that right now, receiving the kind of the or something could be barely enough for them to survive. not much in time needs for the for people who did not receive anything and who to expect the things that israel has been using consultation of the people for right now, i think seeing that there are also, i'm going to repeat for the tax even for crowds of people were waiting for humanitarian applies to get to the north. so the, if you're not getting
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a dial because any football, then they would like 4 or 5 and unblocked. okay, thank you so much. terry. terica bowes in for us this in reference, southern gaza to us present enjoy biden, says an agreement for a temporary cease fire in gaza could be reached by monday. now this pod, all that he says is wireless ready to hold military activities during the muslim holy month. of ramadan, which will begin in the coming days, l $20.00 sources say the initial framework for the deal includes the exchange of $400.00 pill us to indian prisoners. for 40 is where the captive held in gaza. israel has also reportedly agreed to the gradual return of displaced palestinians to northern gaza. and sol, so say under the deal is around would re position its forces away from crowded areas and hold aerial surveillance for 8 hours a day. will bite and made his remarks during an appearance on a light night us torture. we've got a recent principle agreement. there be
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a cease fire. while that takes place, ramadan is coming up and there's been an agreement by these realize that they would not engage in activities during ramadan as well. in order to give us time to get all the hostages out. that gives us time to begin to move in direction is that a lot of our countries are prepared to move in. and in the meantime, there are too many of us and people that are being killed and is real or slow down the tax and rough or they have to and they've made a commitment to me. they're going to say to it that there's a village, evacuate significant portions of rafa before they go and take out the remainder of a mouse. but it, but it's a process. israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations . if it keeps us up without this incredibly conservative government, they have and then give here and others most. i've known every major foreign policy leader and israel since going to may or they're going to lose support from around
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the world. and that is not an israel's interest. okay, well my kind of joins us from washington dc for more on this and mike button coming out so clearly and so strongly the as he essentially forced as well as hand by declaring the ceasefire imminent. and this was a forum that he used as well a late night talk show the fact that he covered so many subjects in that brief interview, very indicative. becky is attempting to put pressure on israel in terms of reaching an agreement to close association in the ongoing hostilities president biden, the in the song by that you just, hood is actually doing a number of things. it's 3 points to what he was ranking number one, a cx 5 that could be in place as soon as monday. any ads as well, that israel has agreed not to carry out operations inside garza to run the done. that is around the 10th of march,
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and then he adds as well. this would create the dynamic for space for discussion about a longer to agreement, which would involve perhaps the implies why the arab recognition of israel. so by doing outline what is essentially a us strategy in terms of dealing with the situation, get the c spot in place and then extend the seatbar and then use the pose that you've got not going to need to good kept us out of gaza, palestinian prisoners out of prison, but also to get discussion and negotiation about a long standing, long term agreement to and hospitality. so there's a lot of what he did in those that brief statement on our late night talk show. most importantly though, as well, he also added a warning to israel essentially the 1st time that he has being really strongly critical of the government impala at the moment, describing it as so conservative, saying that it is losing support around the world. and that's not in its interest what he didn't say,
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but what is the subject store of this is it's not in us interest either. so why ranging this guy come and say from president biden on the state to play regarding israel and gaza? okay, thanks so much mike. mike, in for us there in washington dc. the best route the joins us live from from all the in the occupied westbank for the view from there. and have you had any official reaction or confirmation from israel? yes. no, not as yet. the way in which fighting laid out very specific details. it really is difficult to imagine that these really leadership of the government was not in the loop, but so far. prime minister benjamin, nothing. yeah. whose office? no confirmation. the war cabinet. no confirmation in fact is rarely officials name is really official speaking locally to israel is really media outlets have been down playing the significance of jo biden's comment saying that there isn't necessarily that much significance to what he is pointing to as
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a potential ceasefire deal of and that being echoed by reports that suggested pro prime minister netanyahu was actually surprised to hear the details that a president biden was talking about as far as the view from here in ramallah, in the occupied west banquet posting in protest. as we've been speaking to active as have been saying that even though the united states may be saying all the right things of all be far too little and too late. whenever they say anything positive towards the pursuit of, of a cease fire and gauze stoppage on the dehumanization of housing and people who like by west bank, they say all the right things, but it's never followed up with practical steps. and what active as here had been telling us is that more than likely this is less about the realities on the ground . in this conflict and more about president biden's following poll numbers, especially with the air of american voters and muslim americans. ready as a head of the us presidential election. okay,
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thanks so much the enzyme best probably for us there in the occupied with bank the see may of cut the shakes to me and been smiled. el sony is on his fist, a visit to friends. he's been welcome to paris by president a menu i'm a crone that are expected to discuss as well as ongoing war on guys another tool expelled at the truth and prisoner exchange proposal put forward by his royalty us kata in egypt several days ago in the french capital, but then it's smith has more on this making from paris. this is the 1st state visit by capitalism, and since it came to pass in 2013 to me in how about i'll finding hasn't goals been to friends many times since then. but the french, i've never before quoted at the state visit level, the highest level of visit that can be between sites and indications. hops have been potency manual macro on attaches to cats as role. and then it goes to ations between israel on homeless on a potential new cease 5. at least i probably says
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a toolbox over the next few days will focus on ongoing efforts to obtain a cx, 5 and enable months of a to be provided to the people of golf course in priority for the palestinians that i'm homeless as well as getting is what is relative withdrawal from the gaza strip? we know that on monday, cause it may have met with a smile and they had a leader of how much is political your he's faced in doha. so he will be bringing the power as the latest information he has on how much they think punishment. i'll just say era. paris causes ministry of health says that 2 children have died from dehydration and then a number of incidents suffering from serious meal nutrition had been admitted. to combine allows one hospital in northern garza, you and agencies are reporting that half a 1000000 people are facing stylization and o 2300000 short of food houses there is on our cell. sherry has more from the north
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of the strip that she has a lady. how did you have one such a dark night to the people of guys that are here in the street waiting for humanitarian a to arrive? there are some unconfirmed reports saying the aid will come to the northern areas of the strip of water despite the dangerous situation except for men, women, and children of waiting to get a judge. but major, i love you. and then i have to be here and wait because my children, i'm very hungry, i'm very hungry as well. and there might be flower and we needed to do baked bread, but they don't know. we don't care anymore about the dangerous situation. we don't have hope. when your child cries of hunger and you can't afford anything for them, what do you think your reaction would be? there is no food. you want to know who i've met and it's not that natasha is. our children are hungry and we are hungry. we grass and we eat animal feed. we haven't had bread for 4 weeks. my son sleeps hungry all the time. we are exhausted. we
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can't tolerate this any more. we love life, but in this situation, death will be better for me. my children can't go on like this anymore. we need a humanitarian aid by any means. the price comes up as if it did. we are in the job of the other food you trump in northern because we have, we've been, isn't showing bombardment, destruction, and massacre for nearly 5 months. these are what use different types of weapons against us. now we suffer from starvation. i kinda know, and i'm sure man was it was a bad. yeah, i mean these right, it's showing in the bottom and hasn't killed us yet, but the hunger will in northern does that hunger will kill us. we heard that i will come vice a lot of the road. the we heard it would come is a round about, then we heard the i would be drops by planes. so we headed towards the crossing is
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that we ate the feet of animals. we ate the fate of sparrows and pigeons. we're about to slosik cats and eat the. we need help. we need to see how does a whole lot of rush, i don't have to show medical part of them. this is the situation in northern gods. salvation is everywhere. well, in these railings, prevent an fee of humanitarian aid to thousands and thousands of palestinians, i think desperately needed unless the study of deal. so i'm, i was hoping to more hit here on the news out including send a treat conditions with and guns with garbage piling up amongst the cramped and make shift tongues despised palestinians are forced to live in and insult. the men's cuts out of contempt continues his winning form and divide. and he's here with that story. later on in schools, the
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ukrainian president, the modem is a lensky, has arrived in saudi arabia, said, talks with crown prince mohammed and solomon saudi arabia has played a key role in helping broke a prison exchanges between the war and countries. and also landscape trip comes as ukrainian troops have been forced to withdrawal from certain areas in the east of the country. to russia has warned, against the national ground to intervention in you crime. it comes as the french president said, wisdom allies should exclude no options and seeking to prevent a russian victory manual mccomb added that there is no consensus on deploying nato troops to crime, but that the idea should not be ruled out. german chancello le schultz rejected sending troops and official capacity and see the urging the delivery of more weapons and munition and in defenses to cave and italian prime minister george maloney also came out against deployment, with the spokesperson warning against giving the impression of being boiled with russia, meanwhile, nicer chieftain, stilton taxes, and military alliance has nor plans to put boots on the grounds in ukraine,
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while the white house is also confirmed that the us will not send combat troops to you crime either. i shall bell is a military and listen to retire. in advice marshall, who joins us from london for much more on this. thank you very much. so for the being here on al jazeera, if we can begin with nicole comments about sending nights or your pain troops, the ukraine, obviously, a severe backlash against that idea for many leaders in europe. what do you think nicole was actually trying to do by floating this idea in the 1st place? a yeah, good evening. so um, i think you put a set into context, but some, you know, rushes invasion of the brain. if you want to talk like a year ago, there was a sort of voice of how the president zalinski the bestbuy and the best securing the support of the west, the spring offense. it would sweep brochure around some that he'd be looking at a much better position by this stage of this year. that pos reality is that despite
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a lot of western support, phone lines didn't move very much. and frankly, the west is now strongly look at how best to support you, frame b e u as agreed, i find a substantial slug of money to simple, but very little weapons in that package. whereas the us is waiting for $60000000000.00, all of a support beam, right. and, and there's a huge chunk of that this around minute tree capability. and it's what weapons that you probably needs a moment, not places of money. and it does look unlikely, but that the money is going to fly from america any time soon. so what's my crime with mountain problem was doing was just showing how this is a french on european soil. what else can be done? and a, you talked about the spring offensive, but what's really going wrong here with your crime, why they've been stalled. i mean, recently they've just been forced out of, of difficult. i mean, how worried is you are for sure you are they about the lack of progress right now? i think it should be very worried. i mean,
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monthly. and the one thing that you can call it be drawing to is a war of attrition that normally favors the biggest sign in russia is the biggest sign, the one and the phone siege to the west as given ukraine is the precision strike. whether it's hindsight, weapons that be no match. so you think they've provided the ukraine with an estimate for your volunteers. the trouble is there are limits and supplies of both the west as long as the end. so the base couplets of those weapons you company down to the local supermarket and buy more so less but west spends off it's defense, industrial base and actually creates a new slug, old hindsight weapons, things to keep pretty blake, i think we've seen that's on the buffalo bills, even though it's winter, even though russia suffering massive casualties is moving forward on the battlefield. and that's a really real worry for the west. and you touch on this a little lily. but we've seen that the united states republicans have really such a push back against biden's, continuing to try and st. billions and military i to you crime. what happens if the flow of weapons is cut off?
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what will it do for your crimes offensive, especially in the east? well, blindly, it will struggle. i mean them, the work russia is being besides, that'd be great. both sides. russia and ukraine, instruct me for weapons, but russia is going to north korea. it's got a 1000000 rounds of ammunition from that is going to be around. got lots of weapons and also russia spun of this defense, industrial base funded by sold revenue. you to generate lots of weapons. the trump is ukraine hasn't got that defense industrial base restaurant site. so whenever it tries to generate to search outside of the reliance on the flow and west of weapons, now look something like play the america is going to continue to fund this. and then for the next, the west spins off base defense inductor by 12 o 2, we have batteries producing, split 5 trees, producing almonds. they haven't, le escalate to the industry in the west to that level. unless we do have to say the future looks pretty bleak. and i think that's being felt more by those nations that
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situated near to ukraine because they have worried that depression. thanks ukraine, who will be next to it so well in good i guess for countries like finland and sweden to, to join nice high. but i guess, unless that capacity, the for producing weapons actually does ramp up. nothing is really going to happen here. uh that is good for you crime. why do you think that that production hasn't stepped up sofa? well, the trouble is you, i think mine to the south is conflicts. the west, including the us, was worried, the russians invasion month for pull 10. the much deeper. worry from your space it to will. it was laminates. it from the countries are expanding its borders, but what's actually happening now is that russia has lost and bolts that threatens 1000. i mean soldiers to 1000 main battle times is how to severely bloody nose from its pushing to ukraine and walked. it still presents a threat to ukraine. it probably doesn't. it presents us, right?
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so the rest of europe. as a result, america is going america best europe, who has been using, named so as this protective umbrella, but only 11 of the nations in made. so actually pay that way, the rest of the thoughts you want to know it's, i'm, this is a real wake up call. i think, but europe, this is a conflict on the europe sport as a banjo. what is your doing to step up? and i think that's another reason why america, particularly led by presidential candidate from is looking and saying, come on your step ups the flight. if you're serious about this, you need to start finding ways to address. and i think that's why full circle why my phone wasn't wanting to put them western trips on the ground. but he's saying we've got to do something and it might be things like a no fly zone. it might be other ways that the west can help a blatantly ukraine, these weapons and it needs them now and date. thank you so much for your time and your insight. we really do appreciate it. we'll have to leave it showing bel military analyst and over time, if i smash for thank you so much. well,
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the military and democratic republic of congo says it's now working with local groups to tackle in between the 3. 5 is the north kiva region. until recently, local fighters were battling government forces. but catherine stuart has spoken to members of one group called was orlando. she's sent this exclusive report. not too long ago, these kimberly spices were actually the ami, how they call themselves was a lender. so he was 4 p, just the role on groups have put aside the differences to how the government forces the goals to defeat what they see as a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the phone lines. yeah, the seeing phones critical run this president on cuz i mean they accuse upon the
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entity 3 levels. karen says she's not afraid to die. you to go so then you were number changes in i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced my home is can move, but we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here. but some come on this have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions or the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda, in 1994, the deal was island f to lower our knowledge was a lender. they are based in new york, but they are a london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be rolanda is problem, not ours. it was a lenders based on fuel that overlook. goma and dwanda not run across
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the border. aquanda is here. say their wall is to make sure that go, ma, is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and very new to think. i asked them, what will happen when the conflict ends? treasure obama said go, you have one more friend. this is over, we hope that the government would create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can to point anywhere within the country. but for now the see the focus is pushing back empty. 3 young callings, both as or die trying, catching, sorry, you know, google democratic republic of congo. neighboring for indeed, 9 people had been killed and, and attacked, climbed by revel crippled, rid tomorrow it will for its from faces in the the see near the border. now the killings took place while a family was mourning. the soldier is among the days and 5 others injured for the
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bar as it had attached to present the military positions or what 2 people have been shot dead during confrontations with police on the 1st day of a nationwide general strike and guinea configuration of unions age people working in public and private sectors to strike for the release of an activist, low a food process, and an inch to media censorship. school was showing some markets with mt. one hospitals only offered at emergency services. there has been no official response from the government, which was sent out by military joints that sees pallet in the 2021 could. in, in nigeria, hundreds have really against the rising cost of living. inflation has a 3 decade hi. jumping to above 20 percent and defend the president, solar tentative is decisions in fuel subsidies and currency controls. last june lead to a tripling of pitfall. process living costs also spiked because of a week of local currency. in the us state of michigan presidential primaries are
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being held for both the democratic and republican nomination. the ballot is seen as a test of support the donald trump and joe biden and a key battleground states. the bottom one michigan into 2020 election, but now face a strong opposition, or if it has continued support, as well as more on gaza. well, a joan, so here is a republican, political and list, and upon the e. if the advocacy lobbying and strategic advocacy fairly joins us from washington, d. c. thank you very much to for joining us here and they'll just there. first of all, the main points here, the main point a seems to be how many democrats vote i'm committed as, as of a protest against button, how big a problem do you think that this is actually going to base a as well. i think it should be a significant problem. there's some people that say, you know, not 10 to 15000 a democrat, to not vote for job title the committee. and that explains the election in november
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. they decided not to come out when the, the races, i guess donald trump versus july or um, so this would be a really key task for job. i think that's why you see, i'm trying to put additional pressure on that. yeah. with these really is to kind of, you know, get, get these deals and kind of pointless where our students weren't aware. so that he never talked about this coming november. yeah. was, as you mentioned, was st button come out and so i say it's fine. it could be done by monday, how big of a domestic issue is the star and how is it actually influencing both button and trump as well? well, i think it's a significant domestic issue. therefore, especially for democrats, republicans tend to be all united on this. uh, these are strongly pro is real. but democrats have a divided party on this. and if it really goes, um, you know, go to the corner what the democrats stand for. and um, you know, it is
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a very far less than the democratic party is very much uh, uh, the city here. they want this a ceasefire. now i see the size. oh, or washington ceasefire. no, but that's on the west side of jackson with the binary restriction just right now. so it's, it's a significant domestic issue that could swim. you're watching. yeah. it just the swinging to the republican primary. that's also thing. how could couldn't nikki, highly actually give trump a run for his money here? i mean, she seems particularly determined to, to hang in the rice. you know, not realize she's not. i think she'll probably get between 20 and 25 percent of the . she gets over 30 though i think it does show that donald trump has some significant issues with non stop voters in the primary who may not come out to vote in the general election. and he's got some, some issues and some of the worse. uh, this is similar county strong in detroit where the higher income folks are not like
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top and then do like me daily. they also have some problems and adults, 1st of all, stay on the west side and he's not short at all because he needs a united party to be able to be jo general watching. yeah. and do well when it comes to the general election. i mean, how much can we actually read into these primaries when it does come to the election in november? do you think? well, i think this will be a significant day today, just to see how side of both parties are to come out. and you can, you know, the exact science, but you can make it yes, that of thomas very well here in this to turn off the loss that could show supplements for him. if the democrats come for buying a new one, need to really have a race that show that, that when there are, yeah. so i think it's a, it's a test of turn on right now and the sticks are low. just to see you don't want to
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sticks are hard if either party is strong going to coming in to the election of november. okay, we'll have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your time. thanks so much. i to the cable. so the hit hit on al jazeera, we are on the front lines and the democratic republic of congo, where the military has found an unlikely ally as it battles in $23.00 sizes. and 5 years out this for link and nearly want down measles, the country is once again facing an outbreak of the disease. and later in support, we'll show you the ice doctor who reclaims, who will record in sicily fits, coming up later with ending the the hello, we got some, some faces of proud of right across the middle east. at the moment, i think here in the past, i always just a lousy drive, but that's a possibility of some west to where the just to the north of us around the golf all
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the way up towards q 8 snow the river, the high ground of iran, some live the showers into around west and past them. i didn't catch a shower to city. so now and of a minus a system continues the trundle its way to was focused on but some heavy down pools and some smoother for afghanistan. bright, this guys come back in behind and it will stay dry and practical season. the side of the mediterranean temperatures gradually picking up here as well goes, it goes from 20 celsius on wednesday to about 23 degrees on that 1st day. unless you can see the sunshine is standing right the way up into the black sea. so some sunshine to across the northeast of africa. some showers though, for the north west of africa, northern positive algeria that could cause some localized flooding, northern areas of tennessee, or to sing some of that. what was a club press quin just driving his way out. whole lydia scirocco when this one shows they're starting to push into the fall south of west africa and penny
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a shout was, wants to get rod across central africa, some big down post, just about mozambique instead, dig into southern times in there. the president biden says, once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the salvation is being used as a what the only way to stop. so i'm going to cost ation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks go with the flow are just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blanket, no food, and no room to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet.
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it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements, the the you watching l g 0. a reminder about top stories. the cell is ready, full, says have again opened fire on palestinians and gallons of trying to get food for the families. the crowd was shot at by tanks and snipers, as they gather to obtain flowers. miguel is assisting mazda is down the line. comments by us presidential biden, who see the ceasefire and gaza could start with an dies cut. uh,
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which is maybe i think towards between them. awesome as well. so that roommate optimistic video could be reached before ramadan, which stops next month. the amount of cut a check to me, the model. sonya is meeting with french prison, some annual max on his 1st state visits of the country. they are expected to discuss the spot if it's the end, as well as for on gaza. the major fi has broken out in one of the biggest palestinian own factories in the occupied west bank firefighters, in hebron, bethlehem and jericho battles of 2 hours to put out the flames at the royal plastics. factory. the may of hyper on said it has been difficult to contain the fires that don't have the capabilities to do so it will be human agency for palestinian refugees is wanting. the crisis and profit goes beyond this. ready of tax, municipal services has come to a halt because of the war and piles of rubble and garbage are increasing the spirit of disease. felix and your wife has this report on treated sewage flows and the
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open on the streets of rough or nearly 5 months of use really bumming as left the sunday patient system in ruin. clean water has become extremely hard to get the 9 executive via the there is no interest structure, public roads, a dose e and flooded with sewage and garbage diseases if spread. and if it continues like this, the situation will be reversible, especially that there are now many children and elders were already sick. piles of garbage grew larger between the 10th erected overall. outbreaks of disease are increasing with the goals of children, especially vulnerable. this isn't the rule that you give her, the women, my son has contracted hepatitis virus because of the unhealthy and unclean conditions we are living and we are living in attend, that cannot protect us from cold or rain in addition to the entire surroundings of dirty,
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the whole area is 30 and polluted in hunger. cold and disease are devouring our children. nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who have been forced from their homes are suffering. the united nation says the sewage in infectious diseases, coupled with the collapse healthcare system, has led to a public health disaster. and the 3rd may type of toilet. it's just really hard to describe. hospitals cannot accommodate the injured and we cannot find treatments for the sick. well, how to insult to injury is this lauren prizes of all commodities. even if we can find the many palestinians seeking refuge and drop off, there are those who have escaped these really offensive. that's both indiscriminate and extensively destructive. some of the survivors say, as well as the print from is really a tax, but any time they also fear
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a slow debt from preventable disease. felix new laura ologist era. thousands of farmers in poland demonstrating against you are p and junior and regulations and cheap ukranian food imports. scuffles broke out on the streets of the polish capital. also one of the licensed in a series of demonstrations by thumb is right across europe. from is it demanding a streamlining of environmental regulations contained in the use common agricultural policy? the goal, jones, i know we want the concrete solutions to 10 years ahead. so we know what to do cuz i want to produce how to change all the forms in which direction i need. we know nothing important. we don't see them there how much we're going to get for grade in 5 months with the equal. we process to you not only for us promise the nation and the whole european union needs to be aware that we have flooded with uncontrolled flows of different products from outside of the that do not me tell you are being known that we farm is forbidden from violating,
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and that's why we cannot compete with such products from is also protesting in spain. we're a convoy of tract, a ziploc t, a p 7 most away in catalonia, disrupting traffic, near the french border. if i'm is through american countries from trucks protesting what they say is unfair competition from outside, the european union, activists and hong kong have staged the public protest against government plans for a new national security of little demonstrations gathered outside the government. headquarters. authorities say the new legislation is needed because the 2 or 3 sites institution creates purchase society proposal next democratic oversight and human rights. so it's got of the driving is to, you know, so bring in the as well. so let's go. that's what a security and from the other countries, expensively the u. k. i also radio or something, but we want to point out that those countries, they have
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a system and they have a minute powerful. it was assigned to you. and i noticed with the past as good so the thank you so quite a lot. what's happened filings, but toggle left such as so, so system, foreign diplomats to russia have bought the 910 of the 3 of the death of all positions date of birth, snips off the light flowers on the bridge near the kremlin, where he was chosen, killed in 2015 and once the deputy prime minister under burrows yeltsin and itself was a harsh critic of president vladimir person, if i've made, were found guilty of killing him. that the motive for his murder remains on the quote and pakistan has charged a child, former prime minister and run count and his wife, the allegations they receive bribes during his time. and office prosecute has accused a couple of using the families charity to set up the university on land given to them as a gift in the money laundering scheme. the former prime minister has been in jail
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since last august in connection with other cases. the con denies any wrong doing, and since the charges against them politically most advises, the u. s. slid, multinational military exercise has kicked off in east and thailand. well, the 9000 soldiers from 50 countries of participating the regions largest military drills, china citizens delegation to participate in humanitarian assistance training exercises the lowest in 1992, the cobra gold war games served as an important platform for the us to strengthen alliances in asia. this is, the announcer said, the 33rd iteration of cobra gold. and what that means to all of us is that there are decades of friendship in partnerships and shared values, all committed to seeing a free and open endo pacific. but also seeing us learn from one another. a mudslide and central bolivia hasn't gulf the village destroying homes, crops,
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and funds. it covers the entire village of lucky in the bookstore at the site. at least 40 families have lost their homes and the land slide happened up to a nearby tempest, sending mugs everywhere. meanwhile, the neighbouring through risky work is of trying to clear roads to the engine sides of much of feature and surrounding areas up to several months. lots of the past few days. well why service was suspended on monday as several days we needed to clear the tracks. the 2 people i'm missing and 17 others have been injured for staying in peru and public health emergency has been declared. it's a thing i say that suzy, 2 people have died, and 31000 have been diagnosed with the virus. the all new with a pedal with unusually high temperatures is being blamed for the surgeon and fictions of the world health organization has raised the alarm with a rapid spread of measles world wide. more than $306000.00 cases were reported last
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year. that number represents an almost 80 percent increase from 2020 to the w h. i was wanting it more than half of all countries globally are at high risk of measles outbreaks. by the end of this year, and ensure lank of the government is rushing to control the spread of measles, a boost the vaccine roll out is given priorities to babies. nelson and his reports from columbus attempting to keep children and that community see this government clinic in a densely populated area. colombo has started administering additional measles vaccines. 5 years ago sherlock has succeeded in eliminating measles, but an outbreak last me mainly effecting babies prompted health authorities to introduce in addition to those, for instance, 6 to 9 months old. but highly contagious abalone disease spreads easily, especially when an infected person costs or sneezes. the increase in infections to more than $700.00 in 10 months,
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has many parents worried. my mouse is to is to for the vaccine because he's 2 years old. and there's also a search. and this printer for me is that's why i brought to long tried to use the measles vaccine for 2 years ago and claimed 99 percent coverage depend demik resulted in a decrease in vaccinations. a recent estimate said 10000 so you're locked into the heads. not being vaccinated. doctors, a warning of consequences if that doesn't change up, if i do to them limit, they didn't. i mean people don't understand the dangers. now. parents may stink. once the child's got meals, everything will be okay. the complications like those in the brain can occur after 5 years. the children's agency unit, which is supporting health authorities with additional immunizations says for local, have almost eliminated measles, which unvaccinated people are at risk. it's a global voice now. so any family who, travelers doing
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a job or to see the bed transmission, nothing is this is happening. so the likely that they make has the best thing fiction. and again that this infection and if there is a valuable group of people interested into what, not for the moon yet, then the always remain in the upper denture, the source for the for the spreading thing fiction, these 5 years of under investment, a crippling economic crisis and the rest of the form of health minister for fraud, the government says public health care remains. the priority. having you've advocated means is one's authorities here determines to do so. again, counting on a strong community health care system, but a previous drop in cases and fee is about vaccines. i'm making that difficult. fernandez. i'll just be your colombo will talk to him a minute. is a professor of urology at lancaster university in person. he says, vaccination is key to stopping outbreaks, and this is really important to understand that the vaccine against music is
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probably one of the best vaccine that are being developed. providing 97 percent protection in children when they are given to those is and i think one of the issue with the means of a virus is that it is very contagious. it's a practice or you know, very lavishly. so one infected by some kinds of proud of to 18 different people. so now you will have to find this right to balance between applying a vaccine and a larger population we had at least 95 percent of the population is vaccinated and has the amenities and on to to reduce the subject of this infection, which is very contagious. this can be done very quickly and rapidly because the vaccine availability is not really a problem. accessibility is there? what is just the good will an application that needed to be enforced by the local authority. so the good thing is that a vaccine is very, very effective. hello, so here is here on al jazeera, we need to make is of a film. the 3 mentioned this tell us science history,
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removing the trauma of the false displacement of people from midland plus in sports just 3 days out to look in the english lead comp. little case manager says his team need a miracle to keep holding winning matches the business latest is brought to you by the pegasus. i live slowly on. one of your lives makes modern plagues.
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the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the to one of the world's largest take conferences, has begun and casa. now this is the fist on the web. some it has been held in the middle east. it aims to connect on tripping to has been visitors from around the world. alexandra buys is there in front of
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a sold out crowd. web stomach guitar opened with a bang. i'm pleased to announce a $1000000.00 u i investment in international and the regional venture capital funds for de summit is the 1st of its kind in the middle east bringing together $1000.00 technology startups for more than 80 countries. this is an amazing opportunity for them to meet with investors. we have over $500.00 investors joining us at this event, which is obviously great. they'll have a lot of exposure. they have a boost day for one of the 3 days of the conference. so an amazing exposure as well, for the $12000.00 attendees that will be joining us. they will have also opportunity to pitch on stage on the pitch competition and start of showcased at the end of the day. also an amazing opportunity to learn and to develop and to network, not only with the attendees in general, but also to learn from the amazing speakers that we have going on stage. the diverse group includes impact start ups focused on improving lives through innovations and health care, sustainable farming and recycling. a 3rd of the companies have been founded by
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women, while around half are coming from the middle east. say 15 years ago we didn't have really right now is the hub to all of the other countries, suddenly decided they want to jump in the middle east. i think that's a be progressive, a major steps where the started steps each country has its own care services and special talents in special ed. and it's really diverse. i'm so excited to see where we're going to head over the next 3 days. this center and jo, how will be a high innovation and networking? thousands of people with big ideas here to connect with investors and partners, hoping to create profound change not only in the middle east, but the rest of the world. alexandra buyers, alda 0 so. so this time at this point now his anti thank you so much so much just the city about to continue their efforts to retain a trouble of trophies to writing english european champions that i'd be taking on primary drivers lutes and in round 5 of the
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a 5 cap city manager called l st jack rate is still an important part of his plans despite the international losing his place in the side greenish. it's only pipe 16 minutes of cities, less 7 league matches to be sorry, my decision to be mistakes, but so if you play a lot, a lot of meanness last season, indices only realizing the beginning is just simply say minus same. we want to play the same, nothing change in just how you perform as a difference. and we need to say for the one we need to use of in special quality for all the to we need you on wednesday. yeah, let me pull it back in action just 3 days on the winning delete the final against chelsea, pool management, guys, and cops thing his team need miracles and the support of that funds. if that's a, keeps on securing victories and spikes about throwing injury list the team,
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taking on the 2nd 2 side stuff coming soon as i'm feel for them, it must be a can do. we realized now quite a few times, but it would be really helpful if you could create something special on wednesday night, is what i know i have as good quite a lot, but it's a, it's a tricky time. but somehow anyway, pretty positive. and we would like to keep doing that, but we need all people for that as to what the other change. so it is only one advantage we can have tomorrow night. it's empty of a marriage airport. you say no, says he is confident of sending things around at chelsea by the head coach admitting his feature, the club is out. so his hands decided lost an extra time to live up pulling that lake up. final struggling and 11th place in the premier league despite having a score costs, hopefully well over a $1000000000.00 is nothing. my hon. he's been hunting. my guns was a very good relationship with the oldest we used for the,
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the data from manage the given that all so initial with much of the city liberal for which the rest of the div that's which this world okay, don't live. it is through to the die the by i can run of 16 up the he was on the ship chang co in straight sets. it was my, that's 1st much this losing any australian open final when a 5 set thriller against the antics center comfortable progression, half of the top seat and defending champion winning 6375. on the turn. catching up as banks of his counselor i. p. success go straight, says picture of the week of and i say upfront so, so i was going see by catching up winning the 6. so i think the incense, today's when beat check has been 6, is a straight since when are they 19 year old? then a 2nd site is another on sci fi, excuse me, let you get a new one. and it's even possible a new work in
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a paid and emotional tribute to the countries cricket funds, as he announced his retirement from the international game. the 37 year old is new savings. 5th cost test. what gets a triple time with 260 dismissals. the south african bull in play made the decision to quits after he was left out of the 1st test against australia, which starts on thursday to june, the public and the fans. a kind of thank you enough for the support for making me feel welcome to make me feel like a q a n. yes. all the jobs for other use left to me help when your body and soul to be able to still do return. you put a huge role in francis shel, cordelia has become the 1st winner of a round the world setting rice with a difference. they all came on some challenges. multi whole vessels on any 6 side of settle from from century january quarterly to crossing the finish line as the when a 50 days. okay, that is useful. so i'm thinking thanks so much energy. but what's being billed as
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a sy fi documentary about the palestinian experience of a knocked by or catastrophe of 1948 has premium in london. it also said look as an alternative. the alternative history with the displacement of palestinians near the happens of the title live is a reference to the city of log and present day is ro, it imagines a parallel on modern day existence of a multi site. palestinian stays very full submit. the co directors of the film contact him. so this is a film in which the city of lead the rates its own story sub also some come from that's kind of a stand to them at the bottom of a session between me and it's the story is a knock, but what time has to be in school, the catastrophe of force displacement in 1948, the israel was created. but it also offers an alternative and imagined history in which the knock that never happened. and as i say,
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it is co directors aimed at engaging audiences with the familiar subject in a new way to have a lie or huge syfy in there. and we figured ok, let's see what happens if you know, stranger things or making more they made connect behind on the pleasure of talking patient can take many things. but one thing they can take is your ability to imagine so they can take imagination. this alternative universe mechanism that you chose, it's the reality in which israel doesn't exist. how do you expect this conceit to land and the current circumstances? of course i'm extremely concerned about the rise and anti semitism, which i do believe is real for me. it, there's so much jewish presence in our film. and so, you know, we have this independent state of, we call it the greater lavonne to which is syria, palestine in lebanon, and into this independent of palestine. jewish refugees fleeing anti semitism in
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europe are welcomed. man, my big gift, the real world has changed drastically since the film was finished the how much the tax of october the 7th. and there were that this is really assault on gaza for rama eunice upon a city and citizen of israel. it's a 2nd back, but they call it willingly just during the people from gaza, but that's just another fancy name for ethnic cleansing in the genocide that's happening in, in, in the us and goes all right. now, the unit says october, the 7th set of a tech tonic shift to the right within israel impinging on free speech for the palestinian, his radius of the month. so relative quiet he and his co director on. now speaking out about this to him once more, i'm here. it is london premier, a fundraiser for a policy in educational charity. and later this year and more planned events in the united states were hurtful as it sounds usually around london. well, let's have somebody tell mccrae for this new job, but my colleagues fully patsy, but i will be back in just
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a moment with much more of today's news to stay with us. the african narrative from african perspectives, the competitive vehicle 15 percent of the same do show documentaries by african filmmakers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew cl easy on the drive on and reinventing a new series of africa, direct on how to sierra this cause of the war. and you pray, run deep, but the devastation of the country's precious ecosystems may take the longest to hear people and power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows the premium for private
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investigators as they collect evidence of what they described as eco side. ukraine ground 0 on that jersey to this medical facility in the man incidents capital have to them is a single room that provides health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers for dance. health sector is nearly destroyed after 9 months of conflict with in the army and the power minutes for your rapid support forces. b u. n says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i took care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound, or shrapnel from an artillery strikes, serving as
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a lifeline to many investigating volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. the scenes of panic and chaos in northern gaza after these really military, 5, simians collecting food at a distribution center. the play you're watching l g 0 live from to how would mean to invite you to also coming up hope of a cease fire in guys or us present. joe biden says israel is prepared to stop


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