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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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a terrible mental disaster stuff and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the to panic and chaos in northern jobs as is really soldiers fire on palestinians collecting food from a distribution center. the i'm how much i'm doing this is alba. 0 live from door. also coming up 8 is air dropped into gaza as the u. n. warren is that israel is systematically preventing a trucks from reaching those in. we are trying to push the steel over the finish
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line. we do think it's possible the united states as a ceasefire. deal and gaza could be closed. but israel and how much down play the optimist. plus we support a ceasefire and we'd like to sit in so listen the war on gaza cast a shadow over presidential primaries in the us battle. ground state of michigan the we begin and gaza with a search for food is becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous. israeli forces have again opened fire on palestinians trying to get food for their families. the crowd was shot at by tanks and snipers as a gather to collect flour, west of gauze. the city is not the 1st time is really forces are fired on crowds
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trying to get aid you in scoot agency says it was forced to suspend deliveries in northern gaza because of the vice plains of drops humanitarian aid and drop by for more than 1400000 people are seeking refuge with little or no food. desperate palestinians gathered to collect foxes of a provided by a couple of egypt. jordan, the united arab emirates, and french to and gauze as north palestinians, displaced by the fighting, are camping along the main road. they say the humanitarian aid that is reaching them is not even close to enough. i guess. the 2nd we're sitting here in the middle of the war out in the cold. i'm a waiting for a to land on the beach along the outer sheet street. we've never had to do this, but our situation is become a lot more difficult. as a result of the war and the weakness of got some our business. we had to wait to aid and collect whatever we come to feed us children and fill our empty stomachs with the prices have been rising exponentially and people find themselves in dire
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straits. as a result, all the men in cons, standing here out in the cold, waiting to see that the biggest us of i man, him of all the number of people who are suffering and dying need a staggering. and the aid that into the strip only covers 10 percent of the needs of those who a staffing and suffering. all this is the you in the humanitarian agency says israel is systematically blocking aid and preventing paramedics from doing their work and gaza. a spokesman said this is happening despite prior coordination with these really army. the convoys have come on defiant and systematically denied access to people who need too many cherry and workers have been harassed, intimidated, or detained by east ready forces and humanitarian infrastructure has been hit. at least 576000 people in the gaza strip. that's one quarter of the population are one step away from family. that's according to
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a senior united nations 8 official security council members have been meeting to discuss the fluid scarcity gas. i seeing the worst level of a child my electrician anywhere in the world. one child in every 6 under the age of 2 is acutely malnourished. in the also program is ready to swiftly expand the scale of operations. if there is to cease fire agreement. but in the meantime, the risk of famine is being sued by the inability to bring critical food supplies into gas in sufficient quantities, and almost impossible operating conditions phase by our staff on the ground. gabriel elizondo has more from the united nations on the 8 situation in gosh, it's clear not enough humanitarian aid is getting in the gaza in a little bit. that is, is not reaching the people that need it the most. and it's clear that the united nations is increasingly frustrated with is real because it is real controls,
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the porters and controls the entry points and has the power to hold up aid as the un says that they are doing. and not only that, but even restrict where aid is delivered to once it does get into the gaza strip. even the united states is calling on israel to do more. we urge israel to keep border crossings open for humanitarian aid, to enter gaza. to facilitate the opening of additional crossings to meet you mandatory and needs at scale, and to support the rapid safe delivery of relief items, developmental people and all the cars are and it's not only humanitarian a d u. n is saying that the entire agricultural system of gaza is on the brink of collapse. everything from the fishing industry, food production to everything. areas that are being bombed agricultural areas and
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also of farms or areas where they used to be productive. but the people have been forced to move out of those areas. the un saying that in the most likely scenario, agricultural production will have collapsed in the northern part of the gaza strip . by next month. they say in their words, we are already seeing this collapse today, gabriel's on the out just either at the united nations in new york. earlier my colleague fully bought the boat spoke to i have not, i will, has not, he's a media advisor for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees. he told us that the situation in gaza is dire. you know, talking about hundreds of thousands of but it goes on that actually starving. and then aust, impossible because this type on the gaza city. so what we are seeing, the, you know, pushing people to do things that's to, you know, they never have done before. like, you know,
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gatherings getting thousands of people waiting for the democrats to get them to. it does have to do it on there's, you know, there is no police, there is no x rays, no system in there that they kind of protect, you know, the become boys. and on the other hand, the, in many times these are the far says, the know the open fire, you know, many, many of the can people and many of them die down into, or, you know, and some occasions you know. and then also in part of guster yardly, this car they've been, you know, i mean, most food they're not there anymore. they tried to use it for a why. but now everything a gun, actually there is not even a, you know, a foot for animals that they've been posting as in many places they, you know, trying to maneuver around that. and for me, you know, some bread from it. but now there's no more something like that. deadlock,
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communicating with people contacting people there. and they are telling us that they are starving and you know, somebody or family print windows x with this top, you know, eat thing. i know. i know that gets to eat, you know, when me, you know, and then 24 hours or 48 hours and we are afraid that people there will die. you guys's ministry of health says the 2 children have died from dehydration and that a number of infants suffering from serious mal nutrition have been admitted to come out at one hospital in northern casa, and just see it as an, as the chevy has more on that a she has a, a lady called you a a, have you one such a dark night. so what are the people of guys that are here in the street waiting for humanitarian a to arrive? there are some unconfirmed reports saying the aid will come to the northern areas of the strip of water despite the dangerous situation except for men, women and children. a waiting to get
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a to the bottom is your leg. would you and then i have to be here and wait because my children, i'm very hungry, i'm very hungry as well. and there might be flower and we needed to bake bread up. and then we don't care anymore about the dangerous situation. we don't have hope when your child cries of hunger and you can't afford anything for them. what do you think your reaction would be? there is no food. you want to know who i've met and it's not going. natasha is our children are hungry and we are hungry. we grass and we eat animal feed. we haven't had bread for 4 weeks. my son sleeps hungry all the time. we are exhausted. we can't tolerate this anymore. we love life. but in this situation, death will be better for me. my children can go on like this any more. we need a humanitarian aid by any means. the somebody gets out of the class schedule back there because the we are in the jabante at
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a few jeep trump in northern because we have witnessed showing bombardment, destruction, and massacre for nearly 5 months. these what use different types of weapons against us. now we suffer from starvation. i kinda know, i know somebody was in moscow. the value of these right is showing in the bottom and hasn't killed us yet, but the hunger will in northern does that hunger will kill us. we heard that i who come by us a lot of the road the we heard it would come is a round about then we heard the i would be drops by planes. so he did towards the crossing. this is the, we ate the feet of animals. we ate the fate of sparrows and pigeons. we're about to slosik cats and eat the. we need help, we need to see. how does a whole lot of my shed will not be sure medical part of them? this is the situation in northern gauze. salvation is everywhere. well, in these railings, prevent and fee of humanitarian aid to thousands and thousands of palestinians,
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i think desperately needed another study if i just deal some of those. how mazda downplaying optimism from the us president, that a ceasefire deal with his real is imminent, a senior, how much member of how much political wing bus and that he has told up to 0 that how mass has still not received an official proposal for a deal and mediators are still working on it, he said, for any deal to work, how must his conditions must be met, including return of people to their homes. israel's total withdrawal aid access for palestinians, and a guaranteed ceasefire. i am also added that how mazda sticking guarantors, such as egypt color to keep the you in us and russia to ensure any such deal as verifiably upheld by israel. he says biden's intervention that has been directed at a domestic us audience and cannot conceivably have been intended to place pressure on israel. and that's in the usa department remains optimistic. a deal can be made
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. our goal is to achieve a deal to reach a humanitarian pause. and the release of hostages as soon as possible. certainly we'd welcome getting one by this weekend. um, what i can say about the overall progress is that we made significant progress towards that agreement. last week, when we had officials from united states government in gauging in the region, we continue to pursue further progress this week. american officials across the government continue to be engaged on this question. we are trying to push this deal over the finish line. we do think it's possible it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has suggested israel has the backing of the us public to continue its campaign in gaza. we could have somebody come on and moving the model, coming to me since the beginning of the. ready or i have been leading a political campaign with a therapist, a kid the precious, contingent to in the world before its time. and on the other hand, to gain support for israel triangle we have had significant success in this area.
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because today, the habit harris poll is published in the united states, which shows that i see to be seen to the american public supports as riley best means 4 out of 5 citizens in the us support as ryan. this gives us another year of strength to continue the campaign until complete victory. name is robbie, isn't that i'm a low with more on that's and you know whose comments? nothing. yeah. who clearly signaling that as long as he enjoys american public support, as long as israel enjoys support in the us public sphere, he does not have to do what the white house or what president joe biden says with regards to curbing the conflict. we're trying to bring an end to the war in gaza and just on sunday on the us talk shows and it's, and yeah, who's also quoted as saying that deal or no deal and assault on a rough up on the besieged area of rough, our so many people are sheltering so many displays, palestinians are sheltering. that will carry on regardless of how the deal does or
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does not go forward. to all blackman as director of the university of california as missouri and center for is real studies. he says the us government is getting frustrated with israel's position. i think i'm the administrator is point to view the attendance to influence. listen, yahoo! wildly behind the scenes which has really been going on since the beginning of this war. i have not being entirely successful. i think the administration's down to time and again, it's request to be as ready to government. what's been up to the pond or they beat out to the phone in the very piece, mail, mama and then the bible. the ministration starts publicly to lead its frustration. it's annoying says with mr. young and now in recent weeks present by them during public records frustrations. i think part of this is, is just the balance. infestation that the, the ministration bill. i think we're missing yahoo in particular, but it's also,
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of course we're going to i to the fact that to the presidential election is approaching that i can find where he is right now. and the president has been taking a lot of criticism from the left wing of his party and upsets and groups among the democratic face to distance himself commission. yahoo run from is rosabelle revolver. the mirror of color has warned that the world is witnessing a genocide of the palestinian people on his 1st day to visit the france shift the mean time of the sign. it also said that the international community is failing to end the suffering of palestinians and gaza, or to protect civilians. he's going to walk in paris by president emmanuel macro animal hospital, highly alarming. you often mobil, where the counter and risk a higher than ever before. as the world continues to witness the genocide being waged against the brotherly palestinian people using starvation force displacement indiscriminate showings that and meanwhile,
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the international community is still unable to adopt the unified stance that puts an end to the war and the gaza strip and provides a minimum level of protection of children, women, and civilians, and a still a head on al jazeera, the us extra dies to columbia, a former leader of a far right current military group for crimes including the a frank assessments his essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows about being to win the index and say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big boys informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work. and we live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al
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jazeera. discussing the defining issues of our times, what the military, what government, what multi national doesn't want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful, exploring the very real, dangerous, and checked artificial intelligence. how does a ice change the laws of war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a, just a, you know, we're people true stories close to home for so with social and around the world. groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era. the
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the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stories this hour is really forces of, again opened fire on palestinians fine to get food aid in gaza. snipers and tank shot at crowds, west of gauze and city. these really army has repeatedly attacked people, finding out for humanitarian supplies across the street. humans here to council members have been meeting to discuss sewage shortage in gaza. senior aid official says over half a 1000000 people are just one step away from farm. house is down playing optimism from the us presidents that a ceasefire. deal with israel could be imminent. a member of the groups political bureau told just either the for a deal to be finalized is real, must agree to withdrawn all its forces from guns and the u. s presidential residential primaries are being held for both the democratic and republican nomination in the state of michigan. the ballot is seen as
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a test of support for donald trump and joe biden in a key battleground state. by narrow alley, one michigan in the 2020 election, but now face of some opposition over his continued support for israel's war on costs earlier. john ender and spoke to one voter in dearborn, michigan. cast and uncommitted bout and we feel that we've been betrayed by president biden in 2020. we were his stroll soldiers. we went campaign and we knocked on doors. and we thought that when his team met with us, they said he's going to be just, he's going to be in closest and he's going to be fair. what we have seen in the past 120 days or so, is the opposite. invest in very frustrating, very emotional for our community. and i know that was difficult for you because you were a republican before that after trump came around, you said you'd, you'd switched to the democratic party. so this is a big change for you. what do you say when people say a vote against biden is
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a vote for trump? they use that in 2020 and it was a fear tactic. but at the end of the day, our community don't see a whole lot of difference between the 2. because every day they're still killing, and one person can stop the killing of children. it's president biden. and all the has to do is listen to over 60 percent of the us voters who are saying ceasefire. and he would be a hero. he would go down in history as someone who stop the killing of children. he refused to do that, and that's what it's so frustrating. yes, i'm a form of republicans. i made a lot of enemies by switching and made a lot of sacrifices, and i thought he was the right person for the right time. and unfortunately, that is that the case a former leader of a far right per military group in columbia has been extradited from the united states after serving a 15 year sentence for cocaine trafficking. salvatore mancuso now face of the trial in columbia for killings and crimes linked to his point as commander of the united
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self defense forces. the so called war lord has testified to a peace tribunal in hopes of receiving a lenient sentence. describe close links between far, right, paramilitaries and colombia as a political elite. from what with the alexander on the, at the explains the significance of men close those return after 16 years for them or prior military war lord. so that's what i'm on because a returned at to columbia, there was great expectation for this a return. you will have to face a justice also here in his home country for thousands of privacy committed back in the early 2, thousands at the heights of columbia as the internal civil conflict. the bodies also hoping to be able to get a light sentence or even leaving the prison as shortly because you will work as a piece emissary for cooling the cut them in a government of a gustavo fit,
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throwing a letter to the president's 5th row and the columbia and people, he said he is ready to dedicate the rest of his life to become an instrument of peace in this country. there is great expectation for what he will be able to add in testimony to the peace tribunals here in columbia. the possibility also to discover a what happened to us thousands of the victims that of the paramilitaries. but the government is also hoping that he will be able to operate as a rich width, remaining armed groups, in particular successors of the paramilitaries that trust them. in many ways. and beth could open the possibilities for the beginning of a new piece. negotiations between the government and those groups, he will now be transferred to transferred to a maximum security prison. here in both the and the incoming days that we are
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expected to know when his testimonies will start at the piece tribunal. allison that i'm get as just the you that will go to the you in estimates that more than a 1000 children in the democratic republic of congo were abducted and forced to become child soldiers or porters. last year, aid workers are worried children and cancel the displaced are particularly vulnerable. catherine, so i spoke to some of the boys and bullying go in eastern new york. of this use are all under 18 years old. they say they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of m. 535 to is way used as neighbors for the escape was heat in the identity for security reasons. we'll call these boys on. he says on the man, i've talked his village in january, was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this comp mystical dilemma. you know, like, i mean, you know,
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that was not fine. my family stood back there when i keep thinking about them, i tried to call them on the telephone, but the numbers don't go through. sometimes i want to go back home to see if they're okay. youngest here is 11 years old. the wine known to each other and cannot separately, but they found called forth in the shed experience. you don't have to go very far to find such stories of children who are abducted. some of them are very traumatized. they say they cannot find how to flores before youtube is trying to support them. one of her sons was killed. the other is in the hands of the fighters . she does what she can, but she's also taken care of. 17 other family members. william how you my house is not com. i think about my boys all the time. so the, you're an estimate that around 125 you said on support with i'm actually
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number. we also supporting children who have been waived released from i'm through here. very terrible stories on the day me. his boys still not say, not easy pray for on groups locking and surrounding areas. catherine, sorry, language, comp, democratic republic, all her needs are the war. new crane. the french prime minister says that nothing is off the table in western efforts to prevent russia's advances. gabrielle laptops, comments follow, present, remind you of my call and refusing to rule out sending soldiers to ukraine. don't you kinda say no. we are behind ukraine. if we allow russia to take control tomorrow, it could be member countries of the european union. why perhaps us, i don't want my generation and those that follow to grow up with the idea there's a lot jungle can once again be applied to your politics before that and we're on the front line in eastern don't you ask ukrainian forces evacuated,
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73 children it's an area of, it's been under constant russian attack since the war began 2 years ago. ukrainian say the situation only gets worse, and there seems to be no end in sight to the finding. the ukrainian president has had talks in saudi arabia with the crown prince. my husband said that the kingdom has played a key role in helping broker prisoner exchanges. blood emergencies, trip comes as his forces have retreated from territory and eastern ukraine following intense fighting. and he's appealing for more help to boost stocks of immunization in russia for an diplomats have paid tribute. divorce himself on the 9th anniversary of his assassination flowers were laid on the bridge in moscow, where the opposition leader was shot rushes, former deputy prime minister was a harsh critic of president vladimir putin. 5 men were found guilty of the assassination. ukrainian grand exports are causing continuing protest in neighbouring poland. the scuffles broke out on the streets of a capital warsaw,
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fullest farmer, save the ukrainian produce. is unfair competition. they're all so angry at you environment regulations and higher costs to meet climate change targets. spanish farmers are protesting in catalonia, a convoy of tractors blocked a motorway to disrupt traffic. near the french border. rock and produce was thrown from trucks to protest. what farmer say is unfair competition from countries outside the european union. how much light is covered in the entire village and central valley view? dozens of families in lucky that have their combs and crops destroyed. the land slide happened after a nearby dam burst, causing widespread flooding. emergency crews are helping recovery efforts and restoring power and water supply. a public health emergency has been declared in peru for doing a fever. 32 people have died and 31000 they've been diagnosed with the virus. the nino weather pattern with unusually high temperatures is being blamed for the surge
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in infections. that's it for me. how much is your weather is next to an inside story. well examined, why is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is determined to carry out a ground defensive in the thanks so much for watching the the hello. we've got some pretty nasty weather, making its way to a southern pulse of japan. once again at the moment is quite name down with a merry blood pressure. just off. sure. head totally. frank talks about risk wins. but as we go through the next couple of days is the clean cloud. this low cloud, the dock us out that just spinning out the eastern china elsewhere the way it'll gather, it'll push towards the queue. so in the blanks of pretty wet weather into southern japan as we go into the 2nd half of the week going into with us day,
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there's that child in the rain coming through gradually. nothing is swept across the southern half, 1200 sheer stretching right back into central pos are trying to pick down poles coming in here to the most is that no bad temperature is the only thing to not you up 6 celsius that in phasing until the south with 24 celsius in home comb with some bits and pieces of cloud and right, i possibly say one or 2 bits and pieces about them brain to intervene, not much of and i tried it does look dry. mostly dry, close to philippines, was southern, i received some shops as well. should i stand by way, once again across malaysia, more especially into indonesia cell is all in the process of easing off, across central and eastern parts of india. but we have got more weight, whether that's going to roll its way out of afghanistan into pakistan, and eventually into the phone with west of india. the a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the illegal one's life trade loses
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its survival skills that re discovering them is possible with the little house. a park ranger facing retirements grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life. monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the after attack and gun was up for nearly 5 months. is wally prime minister is focusing on vasa benjamin this. now he says a ground defensive is vital to eliminating how much on any c's. 5 would only delay the inevitable for about $1500000.00 palestinians from the this is inside story the .


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