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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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of the a pine chaos enrolled in johnson as his ready sold as far on palestinians collecting food from the distribution center the on the clock. this is out 0 in life and also coming up 8 is ed dropped into jobs or is the u. n. ones that is relative, systematically preventing a truck from reaching those in need you as president joe biden set to win. his policy is primary and the key state of michigan bonds faces of fact flash from some vices of his gaza policy. plus $1000.00 children in the democratic republic of
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congo, a force to become soldiers. we hear the stories of boys who have escaped the right. first up, the dogs are where the search of food is becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous is ready. forces have gain, open fire on palestinians trying to get food for the families. yes, a crowd was shocked by time, consumed by snipers. as they gathered just to collect flour, west of gauze, the city is not the 1st time it's ready for us as a fight on crowds trying to get aid. you institute agency says it was forced to suspend deliveries in northern gals or because of the violent plains of drugs, humanitarian aid in russia. with more than 1400000 people seeking refuge with little ne, desperate palestinians gathered to collect the boxes all day provided by congress, egypt. jordan, united arab emirates,
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and from y'alls is know of palestinians displaced by the fighting accompanying along the main road. they say the humanitarian aid that is reaching them is not even close to enough. as my supervisor said, i want to see if i got a mistake. i was sitting here in the middle of the will, out in the cold. i'm a waiting for 8 to land on the beach along the outer sheet street. we've never had to do this, but our situations become a lot more difficult. as a result of the war and the weakness of some our bridge, unless we had to wait to aid and collect whatever we come to feed children and fill our empty stomachs on the food. the prices have been rising exponentially and people find themselves in dire straits. as a result of the men and guns standing here out in the cold, waiting to see that the biggest us of i man and with all the number of people who are suffering and dying need a staggering and the aid that into the streets only covers 10 percent of the needs
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of those who a staffing and suffering. what all this is a you and a humanitarian agencies as it is rather systematically blocking aid and preventing permits from doing their work and gaza. a spokesman said, this is happening despite prod, coordination with these really ami. a convoys have come on defiant and systematically denied access to people who need too many cherry and workers have been harassed, intimidated, or detained by east ready forces and humanitarian infrastructure has been hit. at least 576000 people in the gaza strip. that's one culture of the population. just one step away from from and that's according to a scene. the united nations 8 official security council members will be meeting to discuss the food sketch to gabriel. alexander has more on the discussion is from united nations palestinians and guys that continue to suffer with not enough to eat. in many cases,
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nothing at all. 2 months ago, the united nations warrant that by february, the people of guys a could face imminent risk of famine. on tuesday, the security council was told that is exactly what is happening. and here we are at the end of february, or with at least 576000 people in the us out. one quarter of the population. one step away from foreign with one of the 6 children under 2 years of age. and nothing draws a software from a chip. now interested in the un said they're working to restart delivery to northern gas a. this is an absolute humanitarian imperative. the staff on our homeboys witnessed catastrophic conditions in the north. for then keen motor scars malnutrition restoring and the seas is right. probably u. n is hesitant to explicitly say,
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palestinians are dying of hunger. it's becoming increasingly clear that it can not be denied. but we're witnessing and gaza right now. is that mass killing of children in slow motion? there is almost no food left and nothing is getting to them. and children are being starved while trucks of food are literally sitting just a few miles away, waiting to get in. and we know that this is happening largely because of is really bombardment and restrictions that are preventing the safe delivery of humanitarian aid, including food, a parent, the security council, even the united states, encouraged israel to do more. we urge israel to keep border crossings open for you, man, to turn a to enter gaza, to facilitate the opening of additional crossings to meet you monitor your needs and scale to and to support the rapid safe delivery of relief items to vulnerable
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people and all the cause of the un continues to say to avoid a famine, there needs to be an immediate cease fire, but the u. s. continues to block any draft resolutions the call for that, the meeting. it's a joint gabriel's on do. how do you see it at united nations in new york? well, how much is down playing? altima isn't for the you as president the sees pod deal with israel is imminent. i seen a member of her masters political ring by some name as hell down to 0 that have mass is still not received an official proposal for the deal. and the mediators are still working on it. you said for any deal to come by says conditions must be met and that includes the to people to the homes. israel's totaled withdrawal aid access for palestinians and a guaranteed c 5. now you may also added that have masses seeking guarantors such as egypt kata took a un united states and russia to show that any such deal is verifiably upheld by israel. he says by these intervention has been directed to
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a domestic us audience and cannot conceivably have been intended to place pressure on israel and the yahoo. the us state department however, remains of domestic that a deal can be made. so our goal is to achieve a deal to reach a humanitarian pause and the release of hostages as soon as possible. certainly we'd welcome getting one by this weekend. um, what i can say about the overall progress is that we made significant progress towards an agreement last week. when we had officials from united states government and gauging in the region, we continue to pursue further progress this week. american officials across the government continue to be engaged on this question. we are trying to push this deal over the finish line. we do think it's possible. what is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has suggested israel has the backing of us public to continue its campaign. in garza, we've got them to come on and moving the model,
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how many they need since the beginning of the. ready or i have been leading a political campaign with a therapist, a kid the precious, contingent to in the world before its time. and on the other hand, to gain support for israel triangle we have had significant success in this area. because today, the habit harris poll is published in the united states, which shows that you to be seen to the american public supports as while best means for out of 5 citizens in the us support as royal. this gives us another year of strength to continue the campaign until complete victory of the war and gods. where is every shuddering presidential primaries in the united states where both democrats and republicans have voted in the state of michigan? sure. body this set to cause pretty wouldn't his party's primary thought has faced him next will backlash from some vices over the war in guns for the president. donald trump also expected to win the republican primary and base. is there any rival that's nikki haley. let's go to join 100 new joins as live from the city of debt born in michigan. and john said we had this uh,
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this campaign. the people to register was uncommitted to the vitamin efforts. but how is that campaign doing well, surprisingly well, there are 2 other human candidates running against joe biden, but they're not coming in 2nd. what's coming in? the 2nd is the uncommitted both by the voters. here, j. f at this says celebrations, but also all around michigan, not just a hair of american voters, but young voters in people who are opposed. dividing file as the in the guys that normally about 20000 people in a primary election here will vote uncommitted. well, so far we have just a little over 20 percent of the vote in and there has been about 30000 votes for uncommitted coming in at about 15 percent compared to 79 percent for biding. so it's not going to win, but it doesn't have to to make
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a difference. all these michigan voters have to do with november is an i fight in the margin of victory. well, trump won the state by a mere 10000 votes. in 2016 fight and want it by a 154004 years later. and these voters who come from a group of about 300000 air of american muslim americans in the state of michigan. they believe they have the margin to make that difference. and many of them are saying they don't want to vote for donald trump. these are reliably democratic bo orders, but they say, if you can't get gaza right, they're just not going to support present invite. so they're sending a shot across about right now to president biden. and the president has clearly been listening because he said there he was hoping for a cease fire by friday, the voters, we talked to here said that's not a now or i don't live with that. somebody to john 100 the dead born in michigan. let's take it on the with nat b costs, or he was
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a political analyst and associate professor at the university of maryland's school to public policy. joining us now from washington, dc and yeah, be great to have you with us. so the legion of the uncommitted is growing. there is clearly a point being made here. how seriously does job i didn't have to take it? well, look, i think you know, as your, as your other corresponding noted. i mean, the margin of victory in michigan is going to be tight. this is a very, i guess you could say purple state. there are lots of colleges, universities that we can escape state more liberal. also lots of black arrow and latino voters. but they're also a lot of conservative voters that could be of kind of route element to michigan. and so neither of these candidates can be comfortable in the state. and i think for this campaign to have been successful, i don't think that he's in danger. joe biden. is in danger of these voters voting for a donald trump, but if they stay home, then this could be disastrous. right?
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a disaster through a spell that out for us. how disastrous would that be? how important is much going to by. i mean, michigan has a, a sizable number of delegates. it's an important bellwether state in the midwest. i mean, you know, this is that sort of real america that you hear people often wax poetic about. so i think it is michigan voters who are not just era in their awesome joe. right. they're also many more progressive voices are here. they can really put pressure on the bind administration now and up until the camp of the convention, excuse me, to change course with respect to israel. and they didn't say that they are going to protest the go button at the convention. will it keep jo by and for being a nominee? no, but he will say to job i, we will the now you the both you so desperately right. and the state like michigan dispatch up is likely to be very tight. there's
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a time between now and election day was that 8 months or so? does that provide enough time to find the right to ship as far as his goals or policy is concerned? look, i think a joe biden will read the, the whirlwind. that is his job, a policy for, for, for many, many, many years to come. it's going to be a blight on his legacy, quite frankly. but i do think that there is an opportunity here in joe biden, issues, perhaps an unequivocal statement to israel about a ceasefire. to remove themselves from the other and other things. i think that could go a long way to appeasing some of these voices because they know that likely under a trump presidency, what they say. and god will, will be worse just briefly finally, and the i'm be on the republican side. donald trump is expected to beat his early arrival. that's nikki haley of course. so where do you think, nicky hating stands now? is he going to carry on?
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and i think she may, i think the question is, will the republicans get her out of the race in time? because i think there's some concern that her presence represents a fracture in the republican party. that donald trump is sort of coasting to victory. but she's sort of being a gadfly and perhaps denying him the decisive support of the entire party that they need to have a strong showing in the general election. but i think that she has the money and she seems to have enough people saying they want her there, even though she's not getting the boats. she could, you know, be a problem for donald trump. right? yeah, i'm because from the university of maryland school to public policy. thank you. thank you for having me. the still i had heard officer searching for wait for the son of senegal leaders meeting jacket to discuss a presidential election and others articles on
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the hello. we have a massive temperature contrast in the weather across north america. once again, we've got some winfrey weather up towards the northwest board. we've got some very hot weather down across the central most pond. so choose that. we saw the temperature is getting up around 32 celsius the in dallas but to want a 16 in calgary. huge types of contrasts. something like the best part of 4550 degree type of the contrast of parts of the region. let's go from here. so that's where the cooler is behind, unless that winds will go to around 12 celsius in dallas. well, down in kansas city to around 4 degrees celsius here on wednesday. that cool s like a little further south with for
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a time it bounces back as we go through the state. not quite as help place the site, but so very much on the warm side movements coming back in by the end of the week. so some of the sing, a chase the winter, i'm slipping back to spring men, so we get to around full se the in kansas city where the big top to contrast massive storms rumbling away possibility of the alternate. i mixed in this last file that will continue to make its way for the east was brought to us guys to come back in a notice the raw, the wintry up towards the northwest in western canada. of the record numbers of chinese asylum seekers are traveling to the us. that's double many take a dangerous route through loss in america. a gang of people points to the color. and the 1st of a 2 part investigation, one. 0, one east meets the chinese, my friends risk middle to the american dream on out to 0. there is no title that
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covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of game you watching out 0 and $1.00 of our top story is, is and is ready for since of the game. open fire and kind of thing is trying to get food 8 in gallons of snipers and times sort of crowds west of gallons. a city is where the army has repeatedly entice people blind me off for to monitor and supplies across the street. during security council members have been meeting to discuss the food shortage in gaza. see me, a 8 official says i have a half
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a 1000000 people are just one step away from from in mcdonalds of war has overshadowed the presidential primaries in the key. us state of michigan president j 5 projected to win for the space that is will by classroom some voters in this policy, histones, on the conflict of friends and i to the sabine paying tribute to the us, m and who set himself on fire in protest against israel's foreign garza, 25 year old erin bushnell died from the buttons he sustained outside. these randy embassy in the us capital on sunday christmas read me as more from you. of the 2 active is aaron bush, now is a here he has shown the ultimate sacrifice sense of the ultimate form of protest. they held a vigil for the 25 year old here in new york. as well as in washington dc, renewing his call for
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a cease fire and gaza. it was in the us capital outside the is really embassy on sunday, that bush now wearing his air force uniform, recorded what he calmly described as an act of protest. and i will no longer be complicit in genocide. setting himself a blaze shouting the air force as is investigating bush now, was a cyber defense operation specialist stationed in ohio since late last year. and due to end his service in may, the white house had this reaction. the president is aware and we can, i can say that it is obviously is a, it's a, a horrible tragedy. and our thoughts are with the family loop. a barbosa met bush now doing community service work. when he was stationed in san antonio, texas. she says he grew up on the east coast and a very religious family. i don't think he was mentally ill. and she probably
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thought that as other people have said that the society is it would be allow what's going on. and god, they have to be funded with their own tax dollars. that's payments and that's, that's ill. and he was outraged by it and he could see that it politicians weren't acting. they ignore the protesters that are out there every weekend. sees fire demonstrations are now weekly, hans and many us cities. so many are small and no longer make the news unless protesters block traffic or engage and other acts of civil disobedience that need to arrest california to tech, to take here in new york memorial service has been organized like this one to pay tribute to aaron bush now, with more than a half 1000000 people in gaza now at risk of starvation, the act credit him with putting their suffering back in the spotlight. present, telling me i'd 0 the mirror of codes as well. and the,
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the world is witnessing the genocide of the palace to new people on this 1st statement at the front, straight to me. and then how about funding. also said that the international community is failing to end the software. your policy needs and goals at all to protect civilians. and none of the hospital, highly alarming you worked in mobile with the current risks a higher than ever before. as the world continues to witness the genocide being waged against the brotherly palestinian people using starvation force displacement indiscriminate showings that and meanwhile, the international community is still unable to adopt the unified stance that puts an into the war and the gaza strip. it provides a minimum level of protection of children, women, and civilians. in a time to more in ukraine, the french prime minister says that nothing is off the table in western efforts to prevent russia's advances. gabriel, tell us comments follow president's mental macro and refusing to rule out sending soldiers to ukraine. don't you kinda say no,
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we are behind ukraine. if we allow russia to take control tomorrow, it could be member countries of the european union. why perhaps us, we'd be more, i don't want my generation and those that follow to grow up with the idea there's a lot jungle can once again be applied to your politics before what on the front line and a, something that you created forces have evacuated, 73 children, it's a narrative, it's been on the constant russian a time since invasion, 2 years ago. the current inside the situation and it gets worse, and that seems to be no end in sight to the financing to the training president. his head talks in saudi arabia with chrome principal haven't been seldman. the kingdom has played a key role in helping broke up prisoner exchanges for this event because trip comes as this forces have retreated from cherry tree and east from ukraine following intense fighting. now, i need a painting for more help to boost stokes i munition. in russia foreign diplomats of paid tribute to birth nips of on the 9th anniversary of his assassination. flowers were laid on the bridge and moscow,
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where the opposition leader was shot. russia's former deputy prime minister was a pause critic of president vladimir putin. 5 men were found guilty of this half nation. this family say whoever ordered the shooting. escape justice. the crate in great exploits. it goes and continuing protests and they bring potent scuffles broke out on the streets of the capital. also, pony farmers say the crating produces unfair competition. they're also angry at you environment and regulations and high costs to meet climate change. talk your things, the goal, james. i know we want to increase solutions to the 10 years ahead, so we know what to do cuz i want to produce how to change all the forms in which direction they need. we know nothing important. we don't see them there, how much we're going to get for grade in 5 months with the equal. we process to you not only for us, bomb is the nation and the whole european union needs to be aware that we have
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flooded with uncontrolled flows of different products from outside of the that do not meet all your being known that we farm is forbidden from violating, and that's why we cannot compete with such products, whether you an estimate is it more than a 1000 children in the democratic republic of congo were didn't force to become child soldiers will portez for on groups last year with government troops fighting the m 23 group in the 8th date was worried that children living in camps for the displaced all particularly vulnerable catherine support. so a spoke to some of the boys in belinda in eastern d. c. of this use are all under 18 years old. they say they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of m, 535 to is way used as neighbor as for the escape was heat in the identity for security reasons. we'll call this point on. he says on man,
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a talked his village in january was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this come school, be my my, you know, like i'm, you know, i was, i'm not fine. my family is still back there. i keep thinking about them. i tried to call them on the telephone, but the numbers don't go through. sometimes i want to go back home to see if they're ok. youngest here is 11 years old. the wine known to each other and could not separately, but they found called forth in the shed experience. you don't have to go very far to find such stories of children who was abducted, some of them are very traumatized. they say they cannot find help to flores before youtube is trying to support them. one of her sons was killed. the other is in the hands of the fighters. she does what she can, but she's also taking care of 17 other family members. william
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for my house is not com. i think about my boys all the time. and so the u. m. s m. i sat around 12000 sugar and support with i'm actually number. we also support things children who have been with a release from here, very terrible stories on a daily basis. these boys still not say, not easy pray for on groups locking and surrounding areas. catherine, sorry, level. com, democratic republic. to send a goal with 2 days of toes have ended with the proposal to hold the rescheduled presidential election on june. the 2nd president my case, i'll provide violent protests when he canceled law sundays. 8 staples, hank reports from the capital deca, many kinds of his boy, you caught it. the election rescheduling discussions trying to find his way at the national dialogue is probably be this drama due by the ruling party candidate. he
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was one of the few presidential hopefuls attending talks organized by president mike, you sell to set a new election date where he says he's very confident for an outcome, the following weeks of political instability. and sometimes the violin protests sparks by solid decision to cancel. last sunday's presidential election, politicians civil society and really just the just meant for 2 days of talks. the result is, is suggested date for the re schedule election, jude, the 2nd lot. it's much more than an election date. it's a moment of communion for the nation and the senegalese people to choose a leader for our country. well, we need to put our egos aside and put the interest of the nation 1st. 15 of the 18 presidential candidates refused to join the talks. instead, they appealed to the constitutional counsel to set the new election date. for many
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people in this room, the date to the presidential election will end the crisis, but it will be the beginning of a process to rebuild the trust in the democratic institutions of the country during talk. so announced a proposed legislation for a general amnesty for what he describes as acts relating to political demonstration since 2021. thousands of imprisoned people, including opposition, the dirt which men sancho could be released. but for presidential hopeful, began godaddy. the proposed amnesty is a ploy to protect members of solid security forces. suspected of crime is at least 40 people have died in political protest in the past 3 years. out of the ship. ah, why the need for reconciliation? there was no war, only demonstrations where people died and cause these murders need to be investigated. those involved should be judged and then, and present to the don't kind of fat solves final years. it office appear to have brought its ability to and normally stable nation participants in the national
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dialogue. hope the 2nd of june will bring national units in election day chosen not by the president, but through consensus in the country where politicians appeared divided. nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car. as the former leader or far right, parent ministry group in columbia has arrived back home off to be extradited from the united states. salvatore mancuso, who served a 15 year sentence for cocaine trafficking, now facing several charles and columbia for killings and other crimes, is already testified to a peace tribunal in the height of a levy. and sentence describe place links between far right parmelee trees in columbus, political and business elite. as long as around pnc, his mall from the capital book, it's all on the significance of his time coming after 16 years for them, or prior military war lowered. so that's what i'm on because a returned at to columbia, there was great expectation for this a return. you will have to face
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a justice also here in his home country for thousands of privacy committed a back in the early 2, thousands at the heights of columbia as the internal civil conflicts. the bodies also hoping to be able to get a light sentence or even leaving the prison at shortly because you will work as a piece emissary for cooling the cut them in a government of a gustavo fit, throwing a letter to the president's 5th row and the columbia and people, he says he is ready to dedicate the rest of his life to become an instrument of peace in this country. there is great expectation for what he will be able to add in testimony to the peace tribunals here in columbia. the possibility also


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