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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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meals for i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the public entail city northern goals or is, is really sold just far and palestinians collecting food from a distribution center the on the clock. this is out 0 line from the host it coming up. if nothing is done with a white state, family and gaza is almost inevitable. warnings of a growing disaster in dallas or the un to monetary and agency says
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a quarter of the population is just one step away from from you as president joe biden wins. his policy is primary and the key state of michigan. that faces approaches campaign from some votes has over his goals of policy. plus $1000.00 children in the democratic republic of congo, forced to become soldiers last year we hear the stories, boise, of escape. the so we begin and goes where the search of food is becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous. is ready. forces have once again opened far, palestinians trying to get something for their families to eat the yeah. times and snipers shown to the crowd which had gathered to collect just flour. west of going to the city is not the 1st time is ready for us as a targeted people trying to get their hands on aid and on goods. last week the you
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and the food agency suspended deliveries in northern garza saying it was no longer safe for his teams. plains have dropped to run, a terminated rafa where one of the half 1000000 people are seeking refuge with little or no food. desperate palace, the news gathered to collect the boxes of a 10 by cut, the egypt, jordan, united are of them are 2 fronts in northern dogs at palestinians displaced by fighting accompanying along the main road. they say the humanitarian they getting through to them, knowing their enough, i must've looked at, i want to see if i got a sec. i was sitting here in the middle of the will, out in the cold. i'm a waiting for a to land on the beach along the outer sheet street. we've never had to do this, but of situations become a lot more difficult as a result of the war and the weakness of got some our version unless we had to wait to aid and collect whatever we come to feed us children and fill our empty stomachs on the prices have been rising exponentially and people find themselves in dire
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straits. as a result, all remaining costs are standing here out in the cold, waiting to get the feedback at the as of, i mean i'm about to limit the number of people who are suffering and dying need a staggering and the aid that into the district only covers 10 percent of the needs of those who a staffing and suffering. what a list is, the you and humanitarian affairs offices, as well as blocking a deliveries and preventing prime edits from doing their work space. and so this is happening despite pride code nation with these really all me for the convoys have come on defiant, and i systematically denied access to people that need too many cherry and workers have been harassed, intimidated, or detained by east ready forces. and you monetary and infrastructure has been hit at least 576000 people in gaza. that's a culture of the population just one step away from from and that's according to
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a senior united nations 8 official members of the un security council of met to discuss the shortage of food, gave relentless under his mole on the discussions from the un palestinians and guys that continue to suffer with not enough to eat. in many cases, nothing at all. 2 months ago, the united nations warned that by february, the people of guys who could face imminent risk of famine. on tuesday, the security council was told that is exactly what is happening. and here we are at the end of february with at least 576000 people and also one quarter of the population. one step away from freshman with one and 6 children under 2 years of age and older girls are suffering from acute knowledge. and the un said they're working to restart food delivery to northern gas a,
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a. this is an absolute humanitarian imperative. the staff on our home was witness catastrophic conditions in the north. for the clean water scars malnutrition restoring and the seas is right, probably u. n is hesitant to explicitly say, palestinians are dying of hunger. it's becoming increasingly clear that it can not be denied. for witnessing and gaza right now, is that mass killing of children in slow motion? there is almost no food left and nothing is getting to them. and children are being starved while trucks of food are literally sitting just a few miles away, waiting to get in. and we know that this is happening largely because of is really bombardment and restrictions that are preventing the safe delivery of humanitarian aid, including food, a parent, the security council, even the united states,
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encouraged israel to do more. we urge israel to keep border crossings open for humanitarian aid, to enter gaza, to facilitate the opening of additional crossings to meet you mandatory and needs at scale. and to support the rapid safe delivery of relief items, developmental people, and all the cause of the un continues to say to avoid a famine. there needs to be an immediate cease fire, but the u. s. continues to block any draft resolutions the call for that. the meeting it's a joint gabriel's on do out is either at united nations in new york. the mazda is down playing optimism from the us president of the seas. 5 deal with his round his eminence, seen a member of the great political wing that's by some name has told down to 0. it has has still not received an official proposal for deal immediate. it's all still lucky on it. he said, any agreement to look for an agreement with the groups conditions must be met.
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these include the return of people to the home, israel's complete withdrawal aid, access of palestinians, and guaranteed seas 5. now i'm also added the masses seeking guarantors such as egypt, katya tucked the united nations, united states and russia to insure israel upholds any deal. he says, vitamins intervention has been directed as a domestic us audience and cannot have been intended to place pressure on israel. and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the us state department of a well, it remains optimistic that a deal can be reached. our goal is to achieve a deal to uh, reach a humanitarian pause and the release of hostages as soon as possible. certainly we'd welcome getting one by this weekend. um, what i can say about the overall progress is that we made significant progress towards an agreement last week when we had officials from united states government engaging in the region, we continue to pursue further progress this week. american officials across the
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government continue to be engaged on this question. we are trying to push this deal over the finish line. we do think it's possible. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has suggested israel has the backing of the us public to continue its campaign. in gaza got them to come on and moving them out of how many they need since the beginning of the. ready or i have been leading a political campaign with a therapist, a kid the precious contingent in the world before its time. and on the other hand, to gain support for israel to whom we have had significant success in this area. because today, the habit harris poll is published in the united states, which shows that i see to be seen to the american public supports as riley best mains for out of 5 citizens in the us support as riled. this gives us another year of strength to continue the campaign until complete victory. let's enough from the weissman who's a director of california universities, and those are the in the center for his real studies. and he says the us government is getting frustrated with israel's position. i think on the bottom,
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administrator has point to view the attendance to influence. listen, yahoo! wildly behind the scenes which is really been going on since the beginning of this war. i have not being entirely successful. i think the administration standard time and again, it's requests to be as ready to a government. what's been up to the call or maybe not to the point in the very piece mail, not. and then the bible, the ministration starts publicly to sleep. it's frustration. it's annoying says with mr. young and now in recent weeks present by them during public records frustrations. i think part of this is, is just the balance of the frustration that the administrator bill. i think we're missing yahoo in particular, but it's also, of course we're going to i to the fact that to the presidential election is approaching that. i can find ways right now. and the president has been taking a lot of criticism from the left wing of his policy and upsets and groups among the
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democratic base to distance himself permission. yahoo run from is rosabelle regardless a while the america has won that the world is witnessing a genocide of the policy and people on his 1st state visit to france and shaken to mean been made. a funny also said that the international communities, failing to end the suffering of palestinians and goals are all to protect civilians . he's been welcomed him parents by the president and monroe macro and not in the hospital, highly alarming. you often mobile with the counter and risk a higher than ever before. as the world continues to witness the genocide being waged against the brotherly palestinian people using starvation force displacement and indiscriminate showings that and meanwhile, the international community is still unable to adopt the unified stance that puts an end to the war and the gaza strip and provides a minimum level of protection of children, women and civilians. what is ready forces are a game carrying out
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a raid in the city of janine and the occupied westbank. ministry. bulldozers have destroyed infrastructure, local journalists, reporting a drug and striking the eastern neighborhood of the city. but at least one person wounded confrontations have broken out between palestinian finances and is ready forces for the friends and knights of a sabine paying tribute to the american admin who set himself on fire and protest against his rails war. on garza 25 year old erin bush, no died from the buttons he sustained outside these ready embassy in the us capital on sunday. christine silly me as more from new york to active is aaron bush, now is a he has shown the ultimate sacrifice sense of the ultimate form of protest. they held the vigil for the 25 year old here in new york. as well as in washington dc. renewing his call for a cease fire in gaza,
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it was in the us capital outside the is really embassy on sunday, that bush now wearing his air force uniform, recorded what he calmly described as an act of protest. and i will no longer be complicit in genocide, setting himself a blaze shouting the air force as is investigating bush now, was a cyber defense operation specialist stationed in ohio since late last year. and due to end his service in may, the white house had this reaction. the president is aware and we can, i can say that it is obviously, is a, it's a, a horrible tragedy. and our thoughts are with the family loop, a barbosa met bush now doing community service work. when he was stationed in san antonio, texas. she says he grew up on the east coast and a very religious family. i don't think she was mentally ill and she probably
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thought that as other people have said that the society is ill if we allow what's going on in god, they have to be funded with their own tax dollars. that's payments and that's, that's ill. and he was outraged by it and he could see that it politicians weren't acting. they ignore the po testers that are out there every weekend ceasefire. demonstrations are now weekly events in many us cities. so many are small and no longer make the news unless protestors block traffic or engage and other acts of civil disobedience that need to arrest california to texas. take here in new york memorial services have been organized like this one to pay tribute to aaron bush now with more than a half 1000000 people in gaza. now at risk of starvation activism, credit him with putting their suffering back in the spotlight. present telling me i'd 0 or the war in dogs, or is that be shot doing the presidential primaries of both of the democrats and
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republicans in the state of michigan. j bite, and comfortably won the democratic primary, but did face and nose full back, flash from some faces of the ward casa the significant number to punch in uncommitted photo campaign. meanwhile, form a present. donald trump, b one, the republican primary bt can certainly rival nikki haley. likes to sit on is from linkedin and a group that help in less than 2 minutes can a group of health, dr. young commit to the vet campaign. she says the advice is to send a message to present by to be launched without a target of, of 10000 votes. he compared it to trump selection in 2016, where he won against hillary clinton by a margin of 10000. and that was going to be our baseline victory. what you're seeing now is we're, we're breaking that record now. uh, you know, creeping up on $35000.00 plus votes. and while we don't have all the numbers, one of the key, you know, numbers that stick out is dearborn,
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particularly where we actually have a historic number of 86 percent of our votes currently coming in uncommitted where you typically were bite and had 180 percent of the air of american votes in, in 2020 and so this number for gear weren't coming in at 8600 or 86 percent. uncommitted is a huge, huge number. you're talking about the air of american community, particularly in dearborn, that organized heavily provided in 2020. and at that time, what i have to say is we sat on the same side of the table is that what you're seeing now is we no longer even want a seat at the table. we're telling him that we're uncommitted to him as he continues to fund the ongoing genocide in his eyes that we are choosing to value human life and show him that he needs to count michigan out. when it comes to genocide, you're constantly taking our american tax dollars and funding the death in killing of our people. you can't come back to our community and ask us for our vote. as i said, a head here and out, is there a mocking environment says taiwan, celebrates an identity, very different from the one they believe was forced upon the maven showing the
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on counting the costs. nobody wants to make india, it develops nation. how will that affect frustrated fall of japan as slipped into recession? can it we gain is ranking as the world's largest economy foss coco prices, a soaring and chocolate levels of stating the counting, the cost on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity. is still possible for you . we're not only approaching the most is what we are moving out. is there a set the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to the bad things, giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on ouch is here. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water sheds,
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moments international law is vehicle. be this model on sort of discussions that come through the noise. israel operates under climate of absolute impunity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does that affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront, without just here. the, [000:00:00;00] the of the are you watching out 0 room under vault top stories is a and it's ready for specific data from foreign policy is trying to get a suit, age, engulfed, snipers, and time to show that crowds was to go into the system is really all because repeatedly at tech,
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people collect to susan of us doing security council members of the meeting to discuss the food shortage in johnson. c 8 official says more than half a 1000000 people, a one step away from from it. and has accused israel of systematically lucky age and the gallons of was able to show that the presidential primary key us that in which i present turbine is what's way with the winning the democrat race. but he face and that's will back class from somebody, just respond to every histones on the conflict what at least 31 people are being killed in 10 injured in a bus crash. and so the molly, it happened south of the capital, pamlico. the boss was on route to be king of prussia. the transport ministry says driving loss control in the vehicle ever to a view and estimates more than a 1000 children in the democratic republic of congo,
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thought fit in force to become child soldiers last year. all soldiers are fighting the m 23 on group in the east made well because of worried that children living in refugee camps are particularly vulnerable. catherine, so i spoke to some of the boys who managed to escape, and belinda in easton. the disputes are all under 18 years old. they say they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of entity 35 to is way used as neighbors for the escapes with heat in the identity for security reasons. we'll call this point on, he says on man, a talk to his village in january was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this come school. you know, like i'm, you know, my was not fine. my family is still back there. i keep thinking about them. i tried to call them on the telephone, but the numbers don't go through. sometimes i want to go back home to see if
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they're ok. youngest here is 11 years old. the wine known to each other and did not separately or they found called forth in the shed experience. you don't have to go very far to find such stories of children who are abducted. some of them are very traumatized. they say they cannot find how to lawrence before you 2 is trying to support them. one of her sides was killed. the other is in the hands of the fighters. she does what she can, but she's also taking care of 17 other family members for my house is not com. i think about my boys all the time. and so the, you're an estimate that around 125 you said on the board with i'm actually number. we also supporting children who have been waived released from i'm curious
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to hear very terrible stories on a daily basis. these boys still not say, not easy. pray for on groups locking and surrounding areas. catherine, sorry, level. com, democratic republic. the current president, slodum is lensky, is in albania, for security conference. it's his 1st trip to toronto since russia invaded ukraine 2 years ago. alabama is for a minute to assess his country stands in solidarity with ukraine in its fights against russian aggression the former leader of a far right, prime ministry group and columbia has arrived back home of to be extradited from the united states. salvatore, a mancuso who served a 15 year sentence for drug trafficking, now faces several trials for killings and other crimes. and as long as we're rump, yes, it has mo, from boca to 16 years after being extra added to the united states and cocaine trafficking charges, columbia as former right wing power,
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military leader set about today. mancuso returned to his home country. the former so called war lodge was greeted by a massive security operation to ensure safety victims, organizations, and government officials, hope them inclusive will provide information about 10 thousands of crimes when paramilitary groups spot left wing rebels. in the 1990s, in early 2000 mean out of the thing. so it had a super, often with the complexity of government forces and the political and business elite . for now, i'm inclusive will remain in prison and is due to face several trials. but he's hoping to get a reduced sentence and an early release by collaborating with columbia as transition will justice system and working as a so called special piece emissary for the government and talks with the remaining groups. what's clear that mancuso kept meticulous records about what happened back then. he has detailed information including naming names, locations,
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and information about specific operations that took place that could be very valuable in reconstructing some of the crimes that took place during the prior military era. for years, victims of paramilitary groups have seen the extradition of commanders such as mancuso as a way to slow down investigations involving state forces and the political establishment. many, many hearings with columbia and judges. mancuso has already spoken of the involvement of high ranking police stations in war crimes. in previous testimony, before transitional justice authorities here, he provided information about a mass graves that subsequently led to the discovery of many corpses. and for any families, that means the difference between knowing what happened to their family member and not the victims say, the former commander needs to prove his word work and help them. it's hard for us to believe that a power military, someone who has done so much damage to society is truly regretful. and now he,
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since they have to piece many people here in columbia, i believe them on cause is uniquely positioned to set the record straight on a number of past crimes. we're also helping the government moving forward on new piece process is that the government, the institutions will have to be careful to strike a delicate balance between offering him a life sentence and also ensuring that the victims will receive a truthful testimony list and that i'm 50 i just see it, i've looked at a previous a band dialect does make you come back in taiwan young. people in the island which china can see it as a break away. proteins say that they've done it provides them with the unique identity. they need to differentiate themselves from mainland china. to name chang reports now from type a high rise. stepping out into the world stage taiwan spine list in the midst of global pensions is cost you from time when he's
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mythology. one of the generals who protect the items from evil spirits, highlight when he was attacked online, not looking time when he's, he was quick to find back. very good thing is that your health? what's the kevin? what's it, i mean you didn't clock it i you see that one down. i'm go. what's the kind of down on a given tough guy when he's an huff, paraguayan low. he grew up in brazil. he was raised speaking, taiwanese, nope, mentor. we have people from a lot of different places coming to taiwan, you know, and especially the aboriginal preparation here. if you were to say of the traditional or did classic counties teacher, the aboriginals didn't really have the counties teachers in downtown type. hey, a new generation with pew autonomy is the mainland china for them. china is a threat. no, none says to home and it represents values that keen to disavow it is not only for
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we are so we are not. we are not that we don't share the same kind of lifestyle, political aspiration, the governance, our connection to the world. i think these are different ways to think about this new hi one. these identity to that new identity is a sensitive issue in taiwan. last february, protest, a storm to commemorate sion of the 1947 massacre or the nationalist government at the time. the speaker, mayor of type, paying the pull to great grandson of chiang kai shek. the chinese president blamed for the mexico as the to to a memorial serves as a very visible reminds it to a time. not long ago, when the chinese government hunted down in prisons and killed thousands of people who'd be living on taiwan centers. so this time when he is culture event,
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the preserving their identity through language tied to the dialect unique feeling, the language is the culture as roots root of the culture and the language died, then the culture with dice and the means the whole group identity group of di, previously banished from schools and public life. tied g is undergoing a revival. is a new generation of time when these find a voice that suits the distinct type density. 30 chang elgin's here. type paint. hundreds of families in bolivia had been evacuated from the flooded city of columbia, the north west. and since he was sent off to the activate river buses, banks young during rainy season, which began to december has been west. and by the el nino clement from the government says, flooding across the knolls as close, at least for the distance, the start of the rainy season. a major fire has engulfed the market in the city of abilene, northern erac places please have been started by an electrical short circuit like
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me to say that hundreds of shops of the line group is up. and it took hours for firefighters to bring the costs under control. and that's it for me in the clock, penny mall on a website out 0. don't. com. is the address. got one use coming up here. right off the counter. the hell i we got some, some faces of 5 of right across the middle east. at the moment, i think hearing tests always just a lousy drive, but that's a possibility of some what's the weather just to the north of us around the golf all the way up towards q 8, snow the river, the high ground of iran, some live, the showers into around west and pause, you might even catch a shower or 2 studies in the end of a mont, as a system continues to trundle its way towards focused on by some heavy down pools
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and some smoother for afghanistan. brightest guys come back in behind and it will stay dry and practical season side of the mediterranean temperatures. gradually picking up here as well because it goes from point to celsius on wednesday to about 23 degrees on that 1st day. unless you can see the sunshine is standing right the way up into the black sea. so some sunshine to across the northeast of africa, some shallow side for the north west of africa, northern positive algeria that could cause some localized flooding. northern areas of tennessee, a to sing some of that, which was quite impressed. quinn, just driving his way out til lydia scirocco when this one shows they're starting to push into the fall south of west africa. and probably a shout was, wants to get rod across central africa, some big down post, just about mozambie extending into southern times in the, the
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years from i'll just on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we the effect on live. the illness from out is there is mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the hello? i'm stymied. say that this is counting the cost and i'll just say era, we do look at the world of business and economics this week from funds to assign the race. india is 5 minutes. so wants to transform is country's economy. what do


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