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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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or how does a ais change the laws of the war? we're talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. i series on a just the, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i know about this, and this is the news, our life from joe coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel bombard central guns and for another night and strikes of killed almost $50000.00 pounds of stay in since october the 7th through the 8th dropped 10 parts of southern gas of the palestinians in the north se is really blocking
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a delivers. criticism of jo biden's guys a policy even if he wins his pod. his primary in the state of michigan. you don't have to go very far to find such stories of children. abducted, we report from the front lines in democratic republic of congo about the plight of children and forcibly recruited by on groups. the good of starting garza, with these really ministries unrelenting, and as bombing campaign, the was killed in at least 30000 palestinians. most of them women and children. now these are pictures from the city of danno. butler in central garza overnight is where the air strikes targeted our residential building, killing at least 2 children. volunteers have been racing against the clock to rescue any survivors trumped under the rubble. in southern garza, plains of drugs,
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humanitarian aid, into a rough hallway. 1.5000000 palestinians are sheltering, is ready bombs and evacuation campaigns of forced them to move from the northern and central parts of the strip. agent was sent by cato, egypt, jordan, the united auto band that it's on funds. you run agencies and a groups say is really a tax on the collapse of law and order, making it more difficult to get aide in. in northern gauze or palestinians are camping along the main road, waiting for aid. they said the supplies reaching them are nowhere near enough. i guess the 2nd time we're sitting here in the middle of the will out in the cold. i'm a waiting for a to land on the beach along the outer sheet street. we've never had to do this, but our situations become a lot more difficult. as a result of the war and the weakness of some our bridge. unless we had to wait to aid and collect whatever we come to feed children and fill our empty stomachs on the food,
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the prices have been rising exponentially. and people find themselves in dire straits as a result of the men and guns standing here out in the cold, waiting to see that the biggest us of i man and with all the you, i just you monitoring affairs officers. israel's blocking a deliveries on preventing thought emetics from doing their work. despite agreements with the is really mandatory, a convoys have come on defiant and systematically denied access to people in need to many terry and workers have been harassed, intimidated, or detained by east really forces. how do you monitor and infrastructure has been hit kind of mocking with joining the not on the phone from of alpha in the southern gaza. so a still struggling to get into guys a plus of course the ongoing is really attack spring is up to date with what's been happening in hunting the. 2 yes, so, so far the,
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the only problem that is stopping data from being delivered to designated a distribution point to reply to people in the northern part or even here and getting whoever city is the same bombing pam p environment really military as well as the a the conditions are created on the found the middle on the, the lack of safety for a cool and aid workers on the ground to deliver 8 to 2 people who are much too much needed right now for, for them to serve by the in can bombing, can can across the god, the trip within the past 24 hours in more intense and overnight to task, send yearly hours of this morning and looting video, there's about where hundreds of 1000 of display families displayed the horror of the wars in the northern part in gauze city to the central, they found themselves the victims of unpredictable following
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a bond there. but this is not the 1st time the city of the particularly targeted. it has been largely designated as a safe area for people in other parts of the central area. and in the northern part and got that to be evacuated as void is getting psalms. this defines themselves in the under tv area. larger than a residential home was targeted and destroyed. and it turned into a part of troubles and creating much more difficult for a little defensive, cooling paramedics, and those who volunteer to from the, with the local residents to help in move the, the rabo mess so far to children, told of, from the rubble the mediately reported to a laptop hospital really did, and then 10 more i still under the we were told by and i wouldn't know if it was full house at least to displace families where inside this house and the roof i has of a lake hours of last night. then attack and come to find that the work come parts of
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the city very close to the evacuation zone of the milwaukee evacuation. going wouldn't literally just a brief walk in the area 0 to account the 1000 tents set up by display a family. there are some more going with points, it's from a learning group points from his day to neighborhood where there's an intent artist hillary showing going on right now, including a massive drive on a residential home that was completely leveled to the ground with you back. we were still inside the house, the were not given a warning to leave the house and that's where it is. the civil defense to go find it right now. very difficult to get to the area because of the intent showing going on, told removing from the rebels, those who might have to ride the attacks. there's ongoing artillery selling a basin part of the city and constantly hitting, fired by machine guns going on for the past. couple offers, tiny, thank you very much. indeed. that's the latest from guys and was hanging off mode
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in a rough on at least the 576000 people engaged. so that's a quarter of the population. a said to be just a step away from farm and that's according to a senior 8 official from the united nations. members of the un security council meeting to discuss the severe food shortage in gaza. gab, alexander has more on the discussions from the united nations palestinians and guys that continue to suffer with not enough to eat. in many cases, nothing at all. 2 months ago, the united nations warned that by february, the people of guys a could face imminent risk of famine. on tuesday, the security council was told that is exactly what is happening. and here we are at the end of february, or with at least 576000 people in the us out. one quarter of the population,
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one step away from farming was one of the 6 children under 2 years of age. and now they've draws us suffering from acute knowledge, isn't the un said they're working to restart food delivery to northern gas a, a. this is an absolute humanitarian imperative. the staff on our home was witness catastrophic conditions in the north. for the clean water scars malnutrition restoring and the seas is right. probably u. n is hesitant to explicitly say, palestinians are dying of hunger. it's becoming increasingly clear that it can not be denied. for witnessing and gaza right now, is that mass killing of children in slow motion? there is almost no food left and nothing is getting to them. and children are being starved while trucks of food are literally sitting just a few miles away,
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waiting to get in. and we know that this is happening largely because of is really bombardment and restrictions that are preventing the safe delivery of humanitarian aid, including food, a parent security council, even the united states, encouraged israel to do more. we urge israel to keep border crossings open for you, man, to turn a to enter gaza, to facilitate the opening of additional crossings to meet you monitor your needs at scale and to support the rapid safe delivery of relief items, developmental people, and all the cause of the un continues to say to avoid a famine, there needs to be an immediate cease fire, but the u. s. continues to block any draft resolutions that call for that the meeting. it's a joint gabriel's on do. how do you see it? at united nations in new york, how much has done played optimizon by the us president that a cx 5 deal with israel is imminent? i'm a senior member of the groups political wing bought some name,
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told out to 0 homeless is still waiting for an official proposal. the state department, however, remains optimistic that an agreement can be reached. our goal is to achieve a deal to reach a humanitarian pause and the release of hostages as soon as possible. certainly we'd welcome getting one by this weekend. um, what i can say about the overall progress is that we made significant progress towards an agreement last week. when we had officials from united states government in gauging in the region, we continue to pursue further progress this week. american officials across the government continue to be engaged on this question. we are trying to push this deal over the finish line. we do think it's possible, but amongst a, joining us from all the bodies, jerusalem, just focus through the how much responds to the cx 5 deal that joe biden has been talking about. the present, abiding has been very optimistic and talking about a deal that can happen as soon as next monday for all talking to
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a senior official from within the last last night. she told me that they had not yet received a formal proposal, but the details that are being floated by is randy officials in particular and being a positive one by his reading media. all still quite nebulous out there in the cloud . he needs to see a written form of offers, essentially, in order for us to consider it and give a considered response. they did have a series of red lines that he said were very important. they needed to be met. those involved freedom of prisoners held by is riley's in prison here in israel, the movement of people back to pots a district where they've been full south of protecting the north and around gauze, the city the rebuilding the delivery of more aides, obviously a ceasefire. solicitation of hostilities and ultimately the withdrawal of israeli forces to outside gaus. he stressed the sequencing the chronology, the order of those requirements being met with something that i'm asked would be
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flexible and they would need guarantors for the ins and ask for me today to make sure that those sense that sequencing was verifiably are held by. he is writing side and he said that in the coming days it was going to be difficult for that to be a deal, certainly along the timeline that president biden suggested. but they were very, very clear that president biden's intervention in particular, according to this official i spoke to from how, how may i ask, who was direct to the d. a u. s. domestic audience was not necessarily designed to place pressure on israel. he told me that essentially if the us was serious about placing pressure on his riley would no longer be using a visa in the un security council and they would no longer be furnishing israel with minute 38, rob. but i'm thank you very much kind of marx talking to us from occupied east jerusalem offers pond prime minister benjamin netanyahu suggested israel has the backing of the us public to continue it's offensive. and garza, i could have somebody come on and move your model. how many they need since the
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beginning of the. ready or i have been leading a political campaign with a therapist, a could the precious contingent in the world before its time. and on the other hand, to gain support for israel triangle we have had significant success in this area. because today, the habit harris poll is published in the united states, which shows that issue to be seen to the american public supports as riley best mains for out of 5 citizens in the us support as riled. this gives us another year of strength to continue the campaign until complete victory. okay, we're going to bring in hudson bodies. a professor of international affairs at colorado university is joining us here in doha. good to have you with us again. um, it seems the only draw biden's confident that anything is likely to happen uh before. next monday everybody else seems to be playing this done once you've taken this one. this is a very obvious these days that the by didn't. once i did for his own domestic needs, because you know, many out of voters in, for as far as since michigan 4 to and committed. and, and this is very embarrassing for biden's because he's like going to addictions and
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in november. so he wants to create this kind of a accept environment political environments to help at all to part is to come to an agreement. but the, you know, when you look at what is taking place in the ground here in this part of the words, i think it's really somehow fits nothing you know is unwilling to. but she thinks that the continuation of the war services on political agenda, and how much is it is and willing to agree on anything short of the meeting, the minimum demand from us and, and here i think the age of 10 and cuts out as different and in order to, to me the, to probably, i don't know the difference is the maybe last that is the, is the mean. what, what it was saying, the control of the deals are what you know now, but it problem is how to get an attorney a whole. i agree on to that. to me, i want to ask you briefly just to, by the way that the whole bite in thing looked effectively. this was something that he said when he was holding. it's a very large ice cream. cool. and having filmed the segment for late night comedy
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show for want of a better phrase. and, and he stipulated it was quite clear that the, that there is going to be an agreement of some sort that is going to be on the table probably by monday of next week. the very fact that he actually put that flag in the sand. how much of a risk is that to him? because if nothing happens on that day on a run that day, one would imagine this is going to put him in a very difficult situation. i think this what i said to him that he would be embarrassed if so, if, if you know, if things continue, the way they have, you know, continued these days, i think nothing else is really is a how have shuttle to track. and he's positioned when it comes to what he wants. so you know that the, by the end is probably what is the place when it comes to pressure. and this is what, because as you said, you know, he was competing give in terms of the saying that more than 80 percent of the public still supporting is right that in america. so wasn't as bad as it seems like he's not really taking the vitamin seriously and all of his
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a and simulation back to be it should come. and he understand that this probably helped by didn't turn to be and he's not interested in his environment for the future under control. he wants him to do is in november. i mean, he wants to drag everything into november, hoping, hoping that a trump would come back and then things would be that would take a different twist. so no, by didn't and, and, and nothing else seems to be and aligns these days. and since the beginning of the war and the on different chapters that mm hm. i want to ask you about the details that are, are being leaked out effectively about this deal that may or may not be going to happen. there. there was seemed to be some suggestion that homeless had relented or at least slacked off or eased some of the demands that it has made. but going by the red lines, but by some name from, from homeless that said, people must be allowed to return to their homes. that would be a total withdrawal of these rarely metrics of guys and tablets i have. there will
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be support for rebuilding efforts, aid for population. and so now i've got point. there are a couple of others like the guaranteed ceasefire, of course, which is absolutely crucial and present as being freed. not out of all of that. how much all throughout the whole process, a side note needs that are read lines, we will not budge unless each one of these is mad is the wrong i scenario. do you think in which homeless is prepared to relent or ease some of these requests? and if so, which ones do you think they would be more willing to negotiate on what else have? so what do we have to think about the bottom line of how much time us wants to 1st of all, to come to a permanency if that. and i think this is the, the in latest to i would be a minus 2. and if this rate is a due to that. and because this a will where this will a, have a promise to stay in power. and secondly, it will put that into the policy and suffering because now, you know, the, the total is almost 303-0000 people and that's kaleb as $70000.00 people get injured. and now they are cornered in a small piece of landfill defined,
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maybe even my force migration isn't disabled. so i could come as needs to take this into account on and, but they put the maximum demand. now, in order to negotiate, you know, this is the abc of negotiation that will not say, okay, we're going to start from the minimum. there was something with the maxima, and then they want to see where the is really going to can see it. and where am i going to can see then the compromise should be somewhere. i think these demands or conditionals. place by how much on the final say i would say if, if, if it shows any kind of flexibility and how something out we appreciate it as always. thank you very much. needs to be with us is made of call to us as the international community is failing to both and the suffering of palestinians and protect civilians in gaza. she'd come and been home with the autonomy was speaking junior, state visit to friends, presidency manual, my comp, welcome time to powers on tuesday. that was it follows the cx 5 proposal discussed last week in the french capital and then in the hospital,
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highly alarming. you often mobile with the counter and risks off. i didn't either before, as the world continues to witness the genocide being waged against the brotherly palestinian people using starvation force displacement an indiscriminate showings out. and meanwhile, the international community is still unable to adopt the unified stance that puts an end to the war and the gaza strip and provides a minimum level of protection of children, women, and civilians, and run in smith as more from pass. this is the 1st state visit by cats as americans. it came to pass in 23rd team to midland. how a lot of, i'll finally hasn't goals been to friends many times since then. but the french, i've never before quoted at the state visit level, the highest level of visit that can be between sites and indications. hops of importance. the manual macro on attaches to kept as role in the negotiations between israel on homeless on a potential new cease 5. at least i probably says
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a toolbox over the next few days will focus on ongoing efforts to obtain a safe spot and enable months of a to be provided to the people of guns. that's not a cause and priority for the palestinians that i'm homeless as well as getting is what is relative withdrawal from the gaza strip. we know that on monday cause it may have met with a smile. any of the leader of how much is political viewer of he's faced in doha. so he will be bringing the power is the latest information he has on how much this think punishment. i'll just say era powers. is there any forces, again carrying out all right, and the city of janine and the occupied westbank armed confrontations are broken out between palestinian fighters and is really forces. military bulldozers have destroyed infrastructure and dug up roads. local journalists are reporting a drone strike with at least one person. when did the
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really good some other world news? now i'm in democratic republic of congo. the largest un peacekeeping base and south cable is being handed over to the government forces. un mission has been order to withdraw by the end of the year. it's been helping the military fight under groups for more than 2 decades spot. the companies government says it's failed golfing, so he's joining us now live from gomez in eastern d r. c custom. just talk us through the impact of this un mission pulling out, i guess, so that the un peacekeeping mission caused one new score has been in country for 25 . yes. and right now they are preparing to leave a d r c. in, at the end of the year, and today the peacekeepers are handing over about the largest phase in south k will providence. it's a neighboring providence and the hunting over the uh, this uh,
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base to come with these um on me now over the years. uh, companies have been very frustrated by them as soon as they say that it hasn't done much to help alleviate the security situation in the country. we have more than a 100, a rebel groups in eastern d r. see, most of them are in south q, a tory and north key will. providence is so a lot of people are saying that to him, to, of the peacekeeping mission has not done much because they said people are still being killed. the homes are being destroyed, of 5000000 people have been displaced internally in this area alone. and some of these attacks we say, happened very close to un bases. so people are asking, then why is this mission here? but also we have other, you know, on
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a list who are quite concerned about these pull out, how does, what does this mean? uh, what's going to happen next because we all have also seen that says security forces of the army has been unable to deal with variables. catherine, this is also happening is the un is estimating that more than $1000.00 children in democratic republic of congo have been abducted into being forced to become child soldiers last year. and i understand you've been talking to some of them. yes, we have spoken to the children and the people who are taking care of them. now the situation the comes is very dire. indeed. we've been going there every day for the last a week when the since we've been here. and you know, people are just trying to set up a struct, chose wherever they can, because that comes all over crowded. we have to look into. we've talked to those boys,
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we've spoken to women who are trying to defend for themselves and take care of their families. so they go to the forest to compet kabbage and look for food. but then they say that some of them have been rate. so the situation is that dire and, you know, take a look at the story that we just did use are all under 18 years old. they said they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of entity 35 to is very used as neighbors for the escapes with heat in the identity for security reasons. we'll call these boys on. he says on the man, i've talked his village in january, was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this comp mystical dilemma. you know, like, i mean, you know, that was not fine. my family is still back there. i keep thinking it back then i tried to call them on the telephone,
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but the numbers don't go through. sometimes i want to go back home to see if they're ok. as long as here is 11 years old, do are known to each other and cannot separately. are they found called forth in the shed experience. you don't have to go very far to find such stories of children who are abducted, some of them are very traumatized. they say they cannot find help to lawrence before you 2 is trying to support them. one of her sides was killed. the other is in the hands of the fighters. she does what she can, but she's also taking care of 17 other family members. of my house is not com. i think about my boys all the time. so the you an estimate that around 125 you said on support with i'm actually number.
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we also supporting children 3 of our release from here. very terrible stories on the day. me. his boys a still not say, not easy pray for on groups locking and surrounding areas. catherine, sorry. level. com, democratic republicans. in west africa, these 31 people have been killed in 10 have been injured, and a bus crash in solving money. it happened the size of the capital bama code. the boss was heading to begin and fast. so the transport ministry says the driver lost control and the vehicle overturn as the leader of a far right columbia and part of military group as arrived back home ought to be extradited from the united states. solve authority, my chosen served a 15 year sentence for drug trafficking, you know, faces. several trials for kennings and other crimes is already testified before the peace tribunal and hope of a lighter sentence. auto sounds a little empty that he has more from the capital book of time. 16 years after being
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extradited to the united states of cocaine trafficking charges, columbia, former right wing power military leader, set about today. mancuso returned to his home country. the former so called war lord was greeted by a massive security operation to ensure his safety victims, organizations, and government officials, hope them inclusive will provide information about housings of crimes when paramilitary groups spot left wing rebels in the 1990s in early 2000 mean out the thing so often with the complexity of governments forces and the political and business elite for now, i'm inclusive, will remain in prison and is due to face several trials. but he's hoping to get a reduced sentence and an early release by collaborating with columbia as transition will justice system and working as a so called special piece emissary for the government and talks with the remaining
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groups. what's clear that mancuso kept meticulous records about what happened back then. he has detailed information including naming names, locations, and information about specific operations that took place that could be very valuable in reconstructing some of the crimes that took place during the prior military era. for years, victims of paramilitary groups have seen the extradition of commanders such as inclusive as a way to slow down investigations involving state forces and the political establishment. many, many hearings with columbia and judges. mancuso has already spoken of the involvement of high ranking police stations in war crimes. in previous testimony, before transitional justice authorities here, he provided information about a mass graves that subsequently led to the discovery of many corpses and for any families, that means the difference between knowing what happened to their family member and not the victims say the former, commend their needs to prove is word for them. it's hard for us to believe that a power military,
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someone who has done so much damage to society is truly regretful. and now you, since they have to piece many people here in columbia, i believe them on causes uniquely positioned to set the record straight on a number of past crimes. we're also helping the governments moving forward on new piece process is that the government, the institutions will have to be careful to strike a delicate balance between offering him a life sentence. and also ensuring that the victims will receive a thoughtful testimony list and that i'm 50 as just the book that so i hadn't noticed it why cases of measles are on the rise and parts of the u. k. we're going to report from funding just become a hotspot or the upright. so i'm sending go use politicians, discuss a new dates for the presidential election, but others, boy, adults,
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the hello. the weather is looking quiet now across that eastern side of here. but we had, the parents are proud of right, are rolling in from the west mall cloud right when, when the weather coming in across all and pushing into pull them out of his girlfriend wells and english. we go on to the next couple of days, little bit of weight weather to continuing around that western side of them. it is friday, quite a nasty area of low pressure here. unless welding away bringing some picked down pools, we could see the, the localized flooding as a pos of italy sort of stuff a little further south with. so it's going to be southern natalie down towards southern the costs kind of seeing some pretty wet weather as we go on to through wednesday. is that what the weather over to was the northwest from so i can go to 2 quads of it has been recently. i am pleased to say we could do with the break from the right. i'm logic. why the into us buying this. we go on into west state,
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we will see west weather, extending down across the west and pots of frogs pushing across northern areas of the space. it's nobody with the high ground quads where the coming back into what was the north west left east. mayflower is that into western pos, wisconsin, but whether it's actual scandinavia i'm more unsettled whether just around the mediterranean format system swelling away here. it a little. so i bring some heavy writing to know the past about the area with the risk of flooding. the frank assessments, here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not be a to win the index sense, say they want to find time using fix political debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award. and you live in
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a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera hod hitting into blues. as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is the problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the the nu what you know, just need a reminder of our top story is this, um,
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is there any uh strong central residential building and dental bhalla, southern gaza of killed at least 2 children volunteers are trying to rescue survivors from under the rubble of israel's war is killed nearly 50000 palestinians since october. the 2nd you entered security council members have been discussing the food crisis and got some. a senior aid official says more than half a 1000000 people are only a step away from funding. and it's accused israel of systematically blocking a deliveries. we spoke to augment abo hudson media advisor for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees explains just how desperate the situation in gaza is, you know, talking about hundreds of thousands of but it goes on that actually starving in the north and bottom because this type on the gods of cities. so what we are seeing there are that, you know, pushing people to do things that to, you know, they never have done it before. like the, you know,
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gathering with getting thousands of people waiting for the trucks to get in to. it doesn't say there's unders in all there is no police. there is no actually no system in there that they kinda protect, you know, the become boys on the other hand and many times it is already far says the, not the open file. you know, many, many of the people and many of them die down into, or, you know, and some occasions, you know, and then often part of goal is to really start, but they've been, you know, i mean, most food they're not there anymore. they have tried to use it for a why not now everything a gun actually, there is not even a, you know, a foot for animals that they've been posting as in many places they, you know, trying to maneuver around that. and to me, you know, some bread from it, but now there's no more something like that. and then we are communicating with people,
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contacting people there. and they are telling us that they are starving. and you know, somebody or family bread, windows x or this top, you know, eat, think i know. i know that it gets to eat, you know, one maybe in 24 hours or 48 hours. and we are afraid that people there will die. you, as the warrant garza is overshadowing the us presidential primaries, both democrats and republicans, a voted in the boss run state of michigan. joe biden comfortably won his parties primary, but he's faced backlash from some voters for the war in gaza. former president donald trump, when the republican primary between his own revival nikki haley, john hendern, spoke to voters in michigan who voted uncommitted in protest against barton's policy. and israel's war on gosh. or if it keeps up, it does raise throughout election night. that would be more than a $100000.00 people voting and committed. it's about 16 to 17 percent of the total vote. so what does that tell you?
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wrote donald trump, 151-0000 votes for 2016 joe biden, one by a 154000 votes. type in 2020. so we're talking about margin. they could really make the difference ultimately in november. and there's electric. uh and let me, let me introduce somebody who knows a lot more about this and i do this is a boss l a we're, he's one of one of our sponsors and vis advance here. tonight. you were just talking about your message for president by now. it was a method for dripping visitors by the voters here in michigan for who is handling of gaza is the top issue on our mind. so many of us are survivors before are so important or know someone who has survived before. i'm a survivor for math. i'm speaking to the 15 year old child and survived us. funded is rarely by me. and that child is saying the same thing that survivors afford all
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around this community and all around the states are saying that it's long has time for the presidency. do 2 things. one call for a permanent ceasefire. a lifelong ceasefire into our self funding for genocide was both of those demands are urgent or especially urgent for me as someone who was a congressional step or on january 6th. who knows how dangerous donald trump is. i don't want donald trump or any of his white supremacist bodies to ever get anywhere near the white house. again, it's precisely for the reason that we set our campaign go here to be $10000.00. because in 2016, the last time donald trump 11 by 10000 votes, say it publicly president by the what are you waiting for? 13000 children pc control on using our taxpayer funds and bond. yes, it meets the son and he needs to listen to michigan. i lexis or don is from a group called listen to michigan, which i've helped to drive the uncommitted vote campaign. she says,
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americans are subject to your message to president by to be launched without a target of, of 10000 votes. he compared it to trump selection in 2016, where he won against hillary clinton by a margin of 10000. and that was going to be our baseline victory. what you're seeing now is we're, we're breaking that record now, you know, creeping up on $35000.00 plus votes. and while we don't have all the number is one of the key, um, you know, numbers that stick out is dearborn, particularly where we actually have a historic number of 86 percent of our votes currently coming in uncommitted where you typically were bite in. had 180 percent of the air of american votes and in 2020. and so this number for dearborn coming in at 86 and our 86 percent uncommitted is a huge, huge number. you're talking about the air of american community, particularly in dearborn, that organized heavily for bite and in 2020. and at that time, what i have to say is we sat on the same side of the table is having what you're seeing now is we no longer even want a seat at the table. we're telling him that we're uncommitted to him as he continues to fund the ongoing genocide in his eyes. a we are choosing to value human life and show him that he needs to account michigan out. when it comes to
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genocide, you're constantly taking our american tax dollars and funding the death in killing of our people who can't come back to our community and ask us for our vote. a sign is inactive as being paying tribute to the american amans who set himself on fire and protest against israel's war on gaza. 25 years on errand bushnell died from the bonds he sustained outside. these really embassy in the us capital on sunday christmas. and then he has moved from new york to active is aaron bush, now is a he has shown the ultimate sacrifice and took the ultimate form of protest. they held a vigil for the 25 year old here in new york. as well as in washington, dc. renewing his call for a cease fire and gaza, it was in the us capital outside the is really embassy on sunday, that bush now wearing his air force uniform,
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recorded what he calmly described as an act of protest. and i will no longer be complicit in genocide, setting himself a blaze shouting the air force as is investigating bush now, was a cyber defense operation specialist stationed in ohio since late last year. and due to end his service in may, the white house had this reaction. the president is aware and we can, i can say that it is, obviously, is a, it's a, a horrible tragedy. and our thoughts are with the family lupe, a bar both met bush now doing community service work. when he was stationed in san antonio, texas. she says he grew up on the east coast and a very religious family. i don't think he was mentally ill and she probably thought that as other people have said that the society is if we allow what's going on in god, they have to be funded with their own tax dollars. that's payments and that's,
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that's ill. and he was outraged by it and he could see that it politicians weren't acting. they ignore the protesters that are out there every weekend. see fire demonstrations are now weekly events. in many us cities, though many are small and no longer make the news unless protestors block traffic or engage and other acts of civil disobedience that need to arrest california to texas tech here in new york memorial services have been organized like this one to pay tribute to aaron bush now with more than a half 1000000 people in gaza now at risk of starvation activism, credit him with putting their suffering back in the spotlight for me, i'd 0 the degree of what was evacuated. 73 children from the fund line in the didn't yet screech,
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and there has been under constant russian attack since the war began 2 years ago. and yet, so residents have the situations been getting worse since december authorities of extended mandatory evacuation orders. more than 1305000 people have already been relocated to say for areas about half a 1000000 residents remain there. ukrainian president volume is that ends gigs in albany of for security conference. it's his 1st trip to toronto since russia innovative in february 2020 to albany as far administered as, as this country stands in solidarity with ukraine. this fight against a russian aggression or and the vice prime minister says nothing is off the table in western efforts to prevent the rushes advances in ukraine. gabriel, as always comments, follow president microns refusal to real lives sending soldiers to you. pray. go down, you kinda say no, we are behind ukraine. if we allow russia to take control tomorrow it could be member countries of the european union was perhaps us. i don't want my generation and those that follow to grow up with the idea. there's
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a lot of jungle can once again be applied to to your politics. we fall in russia following diplomats have been paying tribute to bought us and then saw for it was assassinated. 9 years ago, flows have been laid on the bridge in moscow, but the opposition needed shots crushes former deputy prime minister was a strong critic of president vladimir putin. 5 men were found guilty of decisive nation, but his family se, whoever ordered the shooting escapes justice. 2 days of national dialogue in senegal have ended with the proposal to hold a rescheduled presidential election on june. the 2nd president smockey solves indefinite postponement of the vote. earlier this month, spot days of protests as nicholas hawk reports from the capital of many candidates by content. the discussions trying to find his way at the national dialogue is prime minister. i'm a do by the ruling party candidate. he was one of the few presidential hopefuls attending talks organized by president mike, you sell to set
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a new election date where he says he's very confident for an outcome following weeks of political instability. and sometimes the violin protests sparks by solved decision to cancel. last sunday's presidential election, politicians civil society and religious leaders met for 2 days of talk. as the result is, is suggested date for the re schedule, the election, jude, the 2nd law. it's much more than an election date. it's a moment of communion for the nation. and the senegalese people to choose a leader for our country, we need to put our egos aside and put the interest of the nation 1st. 15 of the 18 presidential candidates refused to join the talks. instead, they appealed to the constitutional counsel to set the new election date. for many people in this room, a date to the presidential election will end the crisis, but it will be the beginning of
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a process to rebuild the trust in the democratic institutions of the country during talk. so announced a proposed legislation for a general amnesty for what he describes as acts relating to political demonstration since 2021. thousands of imprisoned people, including opposition. the dirt was made, sancho could be released. but for presidential hopeful, began godaddy. the proposed amnesty is a ploy to protect members of solved security forces. suspected of crime is at least 40 people have died in political protest in the past 3 years on the ship. ah, why the need for reconciliation? there was no war only demonstrations where people died and cause these murders need to be investigated. those involved should be judged and then, and present to the don't time to fat solves final years. it office appear to have brought its ability to a normally stable nation. participants in the national dialogue hope the 2nd of june will bring national units in election date chosen not by the president. but
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through consensus in the country where politicians appeared divided nicholas hawk, elgin's era. the car to mayoral candidates have been killed in the central mexican city. of monterey veto, they've been find that in the cars with gunshot wouldn't do what i expected to run an upcoming june elections exports a warning that the vote couldn't be the most violent in the country's history. about 3 dozen candidates were killed in the previous election and 2021 or a public housing vouchers has been declared in po for den gave fever. so do people have died and so he won the files and have been diagnosed with the virus. the l nino, whether passion waved on usually high temperatures. he's being blamed for the surgeon infections. mine. yeah, and that's why i can. i think i'm and i must announce that health emergency is declared in 20 regions for a period of 90 days due to the issue of thank you. fever lot in the color. the unusual heat wave and the abscess of winter in the last year have created
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a perfect scenario for the spread of this disease. they all knew why the passion is causing widespread flooding. in bolivia, hundreds of families have been evacuated from the northwest and the city of kanisha after the x ray river bust its banks. your ongoing rainy season, which began in december, as when worse and by on the new 14 people have died in the north, june to the flooding. the world health organization has raised an alarm over a rapid sprite of measles world wide. more than $306000.00 cases were reported last year. that number represents the increase of nearly 80 percent from 2020 to the w h o is wanting that more than half of all countries that are at high risk of outbreaks by the end of the year for you guys. second biggest cities suffering a major outbreak of measles, more than 70 percent of cases in the country. i've been recorded in birmingham, many of a code among groups for vaccination levels and low trying to hold reports from by
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me. the measles is on the march again and here in the hot spot city, the medium in england's west midlands, the measles, mumps, and rubella or m. m. our vaccines is being dispensed to children at a pop up clinic. the current outbreak is growing fastest and excluded communities. with post code vaccine hesitancy lingers and there's mistrust of the m. m. a job in particular because of decades old, discredited research linking it to autism. unfortunately, some years ago there was some nasty room is about it, which proved to be false. and we can talk about that later, but there is room is a completely false, and it is a very good vaccine and it is a very safe vaccine. some communities are more skeptical than others. here the u. k . is health security agency appeals to a group of moms incoming rooms? somali community one was among the lowest vaccination rates. okay. this woman says
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her 2 sons most developed autism after receiving the job. and while the connection has been debunked, the injection is a co incidence. unfortunately, stories like hers are often amplified on social media informing the wider community . this woman describes feeling brainwashed and confused. so it's a lot of false information in picked up. how come you still? that's because me, i am the mom. i have 2 children. my 2 children, they'll have like soon because i have had a multiple moms and most of that, a lot of the nurses who say don't use the book, see social media, social media, especially if it picks up this what we're using today. well, this has been fascinating because what we've had in here is a glimpse into the online world of missed this information. and it's very real consequences. and we all see it quite a lot,
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a large number of people being admitted to hospital, which we don't want. what we would like to see is getting up to that 9 to 95 percent general immunization for him. and well, because that's going to protect everybody. that's the goal and the health system is well equipped to deliver it to the vaccine. yeah. changing mines is proving much odd, jo, nicole elders, 0 booming, major fires and golf to market and the city about a bill in north america. the place is believed everything's josh is buying electrical short circuit local media as as hundreds of shops as a longer bizarre. have burned down, still ahead and i'll just say to mocking a moment's time anyways, celebrate an identity. very different from the one they said it was forced upon the mainland china the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the software used to be as population has been declining, that one of the fastest places in the world as a result of a plummeting for tennessee, right? women of childbearing age are having fewer children, and a recent central bankrupt board suggest the pressure on young people to compete is to blame in this kim reports from. so this touchy hay is a mother to quadruplets. she's on extended leave from her career in nuclear power plants to raise her toddlers with the help of her mother. while her husband is
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working overseas. and they, they really need. i'm done one of the, i've used a babysitter before because there's 4 of them. i hired to a $2700.00 each, so we spent $5400.00 per month on baby sitters alone. what family can spend that kind of money to raise children to the child and her husband decided to try for a baby after he moved to a company with generous child care benefit to the good. i'm the biggest plus in my jumps, which was the culture of the company. they consider my participation in family affairs, both as an invitation, but it's something completely natural. such workplace culture is rare in a country infamous for fostering workaholics. in fact, i'm at data shows only 6 percent of fathers employed by large companies and 2.3 percent of fathers in small to medium sized businesses, use their paternity leave. in 2021 men used parents and they much lower compared to woman. but the thing is that we shouldn't blame men for not trying to use this benefit because there's
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a lot of empirical evidence that if menus parents and they've compared to woman, they experience greater penalty. for years, the government has invested hundreds of billions of dollars to try to reverse the de population trend, including $750.00 monthly parent pay for couples with newborns. but with little success, a reset, the central bank report, found that a root cause of south korea's ultra low birth rate was the competitive pressure, young people face, and all aspects of life. including anxieties linked to employment, housing and health care. the bank suggest using competition by encouraging the use of parental leave programs providing more incentives for people to relocate out of the capital region where half the population lives and increasing the number and quality of jobs for young people. all tall challenges in a swiftly green country with a number of koreans and they're a seventy's, exceeds those in their twenty's units skim. alda 0. so in taiwan,
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february, 28. since the anniversary of the 1947 crack done by the chinese nationalist government. 77 years on time. what do you celebrate? an identity, very different from the one table leaf was forced on by mainland china. and one of the ways the doing so is by reviving a language previously banned in public life. it's only checking reports from typing as the timeline. stepping out into the world stage. taiwan spine list in the midst of global pensions is cost you from time when he's mythology. one of the generals who protect the items from evil spirits. highlight when he was attacked online, not looking time when he's he was quick to find back. the good thing is like how, what's the kevin, what's it, i mean think walk it i you see that one down i'm go was kind of down on all kevin's huff tie. when he's an huff,
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paraguayan low. he grew up in brazil. he was raised speaking time when he's not vendor, we have people from a lot of different places coming to taiwan. you know, and especially the aboriginal preparation here. if you were to say the traditional or the classic counties teacher, the aboriginals, they don't really have the counties teachers in downtown type. hey, a new generation with pew at times the mainland china put them china is a thread. nope. none central who and it represents values that keen to disavow it is not only for we are so we are not we are not that we don't share the same kind of lifestyle, political aspiration, the governance, our connection to the world. i think these are different ways to think about this new type one. these identity to that new identity is a sensitive issue in taiwan. last february, protest,
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a storm to commemoration of the 1947 massacre or the nationalist government at the time. the speaker, mayor of taipei into pulled a great grandson of chiang kai shek. the chinese president blamed for the massacre as the to to a memorial serves as a very visible reminds it to a time. not long ago, when the chinese government hunted down in prisons and killed thousands of people who'd be living on taiwan centers. so this time when he is culture event, the preserving their identity through language tied to the dialect unique feeling, the language is the culture as roots root of the culture and the language died, then the culture with dice and the means the whole group identity group of di, previously banished from schools and public life. tied g is undergoing
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a revival. is a new generation of time when these find a voice that suits the distinct type density. 30 chang elgin's here. type paint. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories and robotics and stay with us on the instead of these cries, which could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and had a seal of a house as a neighbor after midnight, trying to get to a hospital includes is really me to 3 check point student. i was embarrassed and noticed man waited on. what's my fear for the baby was stronger, but not every story has a positive and through last day it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to the death certificate. on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit
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quiet. yeah, she started shouting, i gave birth, followed by silence. and then another shot. i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry is still this gate to the entrance to the village. mother is about to give birth, the music to go to the hospital like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. tens of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. we're in america. so what happens once they make kids impart to have a special investigation? $1.00, oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, the american dream is, was there risk and the sacrifice on out to 0?
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we don't typically focus on the public, it's of the conflict. it's the consequence of war, the human suffering definitely the 4th time. it is one of the most serious spouses of violence in recent years. we brave bullets involved because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law and we always include the views from all sides. the israel bombard central garza for another $92.00. strikes have killed almost 13000 palestinians. says that 12 of this up, the don't know about this and this is all just give a life and go home. also coming up. food aids drops in parts of southern gaza. the


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