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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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the the . ready the balances most desperate fighting for life with more hospitals across this trip, running out of fuel and supplies, the ultimate cry. this is able to 0 line from the hot and so coming up, hundreds of thousands on the brink of stuff. ocean is riley attacks and the withholding of forces, palestinians across the strip to go hungry. also hit on john henry and in dearborn, michigan were voters cast. a surprisingly large vote of no confidence in joe biden . and bonds breaks out and chads capital soldiers on the streets and reports in cities is down right across the country.
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the we begin in gauze are we there is no less often these riley miller trees bowman campaign. the war has now killed nearly 50000 palestinians since october. most of them women and children, at least 76 people were killed in the past 24 hours. a lot of these uh pictures from, from all as long as possible and move in gaza or an infant has died from inhaling toxic gas cause buy is rarely bombardment of the children in the medical facility. a malnourished un agencies have repeatedly wound all of increasing starvation and hunger among causes 2300000 people. now they say $1.00 and $4.00 people is on the brink of famine. the trickle of hide entering this trip is largely to blank. michael apple has more empty bones and the empty stomach
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in northern gaza, about one in 6 children. the younger then to his mail, nourished and the 600000 palestinians all with the world food program says is one step boy thinks the progress that you that we need food. we are sick, we have children, we suffer a lot. we are deprived of everything. even if the palestinians doing a little food to us, we still have to queue to get it. i've been here since 8 o'clock in the morning waiting for this meal. the you an agency for palestinian refugees on ry says the number of humanitarian aid convoys entering gaza has dropped 50 percent compared with january. that's an average 98 trucks a day in february, fall below the 500 that into daily before the war. but that aid isn't reaching the north of the strip in gaza. city attempts to get your hands on. what little
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age you can find can cost to your life. i don't understand. i've been here since the early morning. i need food. i have a 40 year old son and a 40 year old daughter would kind of go out who will take care of them. we don't have rice and we don't have flour. my children are sick. i told the soup will likely be the only thing that many of these families will eat in the day. it's a hot meal, but it isn't enough. it's the i've come to get something to keep myself alive. it's only soup. we need bread with salt and pepper to eat and to give us some energy. for god's sake, we need help. i hate agency say they are ready to ramp up operations. as soon as the cease fire is in place, the cautious optimism of a breakthrough, however, is tempted by months of suffering and disgrace of salmon on the horizon.
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might level of desert, erica bozer in his life for us in the rougher itself and does or in terra council's people coping with a lack of food, especially as is really strikes continue to yes. that's right. so here we have been hearing more loud explosions and more attract some of these really bombardments from land and sea continued targeting residential homes and paying for it such as bill. the latest arrived of attacks and facts destroyed the number of residential buildings. of course the calls, but now the more here also to the re shooting skills going on and the parade refuge account. we're at least at 4 residential homes, right. talk you through the wrong side and understand rot refuge account, please. there a time to sit in type vertical to killed now. yeah, taxes will in the past few hours, we're not to be increasing on you in a city where the amount for hospital had been attacked that were left behind the significant damage. and the 1st on the 2nd floor with the more we have been hearing,
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also load loud explosion to fit your unit to 6 times put in store for now people as with the newest, have been living on the ongoing cost to compartment where people are struggling to find food and lack of the old days. it could just extend food items in the very disparate the pocket. because now i'd be seeing how people were ruffling each day for survival. that within the box few days, a very limited to humanitarian troops. get an access to the north can not really be very the quick work of hundreds of thousands of people who are still struggling to find food. i've been more global cooling for affording an urgent humanitarian comb voice to be delivered to the another at cost on both sides truck. most of the best people can be very able and very strong as you know to keep with the situation down the ground. thanks. so much for that to erica bos in for us in reference to southern gaza. the media is working to try to secure so he's fine
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a deal between him. austin israel. this week the us president suggested in agreement was imminent. but him, us downplayed his optimism, saying it has yet to receive a proposal. the us state department, however, does remain hurtful to our goal is to achieve a deal to reach a humanitarian pause and the release of hostages as soon as possible. certainly we'd welcome getting one by this weekend. um, what i can say about the overall progress is that we made significant progress towards an agreement last week. when we had officials from united states government in gauging in the region. we continue to pursue further progress this week. american officials across the government continue to be engaged on this question. we are trying to push this deal over the finish line. we do think it's possible healey and my colleague rob matheson spoke to best them named the head of political and international relations for hamas. he says washington's woods and actions contradictory. i just, uh,
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want to be really optimistic. they have to end this the some of the games they took a long time or something. uh uh, i'm gonna shut off all of this is what our team and just see try. um, i'm wondering broadening the, the conflict in to the same time. they're using the v time the security crossing for police are these, well, they are approving for team building blocks for so here's the thing executing inside with more i'm your issue. i think the wireless items to the is not related to the, to the get off of it is more of the things. and i, you know, they mentioned um, i know that's how my son said that it has yet to receive any sort of proposal for a cease fire. there have of course being a lot of leak details upon we play about some sort of ceasefire given before you
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know about the possibility of what might be out there. is there anything that harmless route to be prepared to be flexible on? i'm not comfortable from the beginning, good flexibility to achieve the seed films because we know it's really a added into this lot of use 10150 uh new civilians. but i see no good people on in the north about the bank because the vision we know exactly what was being uh, permanent to them in the back to the guys. but at the same time this flexibility or cannot be of the cost of oh man. so what is your goals for them? and we are looking not for a humanitarian bose or human tendencies for we are looking for a final thoughts on comprehensive seats for we are looking for the daughter
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withdrawals. the we are looking for a loan or a theme really to move from the south to the north and vice vista. we kind of extend it keeping on a b 1. 1.5000000 of cedars in the salt about the dentist is under the warranty, or within both of those really intentional wanting to kind of games between the therefore, this is the best line when we come back on the may of cutoffs as the international community is failing to end the suffering of palestinians and protects civilians in gaza. check to main been model. sony was speaking during a site visit to friends, presidents a menu. i'm a chrome. welcome to him to paris on choose day. now the visit follows discussions and the french capital last week on a c spot proposal. and none of the hop on how the i'm in a you worked in mobile with the current risks a higher than ever before. as the world continues to witness the genocide being
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waged against the brotherly palestinian people, using starvation force displacement, indiscriminate selling is that in the meanwhile, the international community is still unable to adopt the unified stance that puts an into the war and the gaza strip. it provides a minimum level of protection of children, women and civilians. and but the wall in gaza has like the shade of the us presidential primaries in the battle. ground side of michigan told trump defeated nikki highly in the republican primary. well, joe biden easily won the democratic one, but more than 100000 people caused to protest vote against binding of his support as well. and that is 13 percent of the total and 10 times the target that was hit by campaign is last spring. and john henry and now who joins us live from detroit in michigan. and john, what's been the reaction from biden and the democrats just how concerned of well, just an interesting president biden put out
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a statement late after the votes were cast. and he didn't mention this campaign, there's massive uncommitted campaign they came up with a surprisingly large response. over 13 percent of the voters and the democratic primary picked uncommitted. and that was well more than expected. so they, the people who need the listen to michigan campaign that launched that protest, folks, they were pretty upset. they just put out a statement saying the president biden has not united the party. they say he needs to move toward the center because the center of the democratic party has moved on the issue of gods and that it is in support of a cease fire. and they want to see results fast. a week from now isn't good enough and they want to go beyond just a call for a cease fire. we were at an election watch party last night, and this is the story we put together. take a look in michigan, the message to president joe biden has been delivered to
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the 10s of thousands of arab and muslim americans voted for uncommitted. and the states democratic presidential primary, a protest vote against president bite and support of the war and gaza from the community. the over whelming leave voted for him last time in the majority air of american city of dearborn voter after voter told us which box they checked. did you vote uncommitted? yeah. and as of right now, as i'm coming to you, why do you want the no president? because of what? because of the way you've been telling me why it was it was to and they want and stuff it was. there was little doubt that donald trump would when the republican primary in michigan for the bible would come in 1st and the democratic campaign. and they had their supporters. i voted for donald j. trump. i know the way the surprise of the night was the 10s of thousands of democrats who cast
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a vote of no confidence in the man most supported 4 years ago. biden is clearly been listening, saying he hopes for a cease fire. by next week, dearborn mayor abdullah, her mood was not impressed. or you simply can't look past the genocide where there's been the killing there's been over 100000 now who have been killed wounded or who are missing. so you can't really literally just right off. committed voters haven't come close to the meeting, joe biden, in the michigan primary, but they don't have to do one by just 850000 votes. here in 2020 and 4 years earlier, donald trump won this date by just 10000 votes, and the uncommitted campaign believes it has the votes, didn't i buy it in a key? so wednesday, did he is holding on to when a november is biden edges ever closer to amassing the delegates to win his parties . nomination, uncommitted vote marks a warnings to the president. many of these voters help put into office
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now you can move the primary earlier, and that's in part because the democratic party wanted to show biden strings in a diverse state like this. so this was not something they were expecting to happen . this 100000 people voting in protest, and that's 13 percent of the voters in the democratic sides in a state where elections are decided by 2 or 3 percentage points. so this is really enough to make the difference. what we're waiting to find out is whether that uncommitted vote will result in any delegates being sent to the democratic national convention in august. but in any case, it's a warning sign for president by and day. thanks so much joan joan, engine day for us in detroit, michigan. the shortage of stuff, fuel and medical supplies and gaza has for another health facility out of service. dr. mohammed. so how is the acting director of al or the hospital nature valley and the north of the strip? he gave us a tour of the complex, almost loud house,
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calling them and we didn't shut out the door. and i would ask you some of the above example beam and had them at the, the said the next i'd had see, i'm says i'm looking for b o a d a. and when was that? the last light, you know, i had them for, for a slot, and now you get a yeah. it this a lot because she gave me because she gave him the best bet. and uh, and what are you calling about? yeah, i saw here and what the office i'm putting in on the other one is that it could be on our web and don't want that's not the one that i don't know what it is. you know what i have done more than that. i saw the i didn't, i didn't, i meant they didn't get a yeah. they put them in their level. would see that can cause the hold someone something like that. so you know how many, approximately, how many yet some of the people who are with cameron, who i bought, i was like a how many yet? look up at the do you have to boost the death and solve it? what it said that inside the map and kidney looks like they are many, yes,
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there's nothing that the anybody in the near us may not be. let me know how to model a stop at the levels comedy. i thought that would be good for them at the met that g. and since the autopay and how many i'm looking at the one that i have to place, what are you going to say you that separate the walk off? what have actually a copy of you then you i did head and i didn't, you know, so you death and let the, the hydrogen on how many at yahoo you have to be the one with that we have the say that you don't have the most to ship a couple me yeah, yeah. and then at the end that i would suspect me at the i'm what i think that would be i'd have them at a 100. my thing is that what would add to the say you that the how many of the pickup you should pick cameron set up knoxville enough to hold the the upside. if i'm somebody on behalf of us, phil. sorry. remember nathaniel, who did you know, how many yet? do you like that or them? what? go ahead. i'm it off and i don't have to buy. sorry. yeah. one more on it. i'm not
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in the large. i'm in the vision you. i left you a heads up that a but by the i'm a do you have to let the pack it to the who that the yeah. find a home visit on how many f as we don't have to let them but the off the job. now you'll get a but you push them up off as the one that does the hyper on the b b, i'm going to use the shape of me at that, but it was, that was a how well i can find a home, especially when you teach them up as i'm with hospice, vigilant. how many have josh, josh? good as i'm well enough, i'll have you get a hot set them the that the pay it. is it the be in money as well? so here's here on the l g 0. 1 missile says on the rise and pots of the u. k. a report from pending and that's become a hotspot of the outbreak. the
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brought to you by visit capital. hello. as we head towards it meets for logical springs in japan, we are looking at some small winfrey weather coming in. would you believe fixing cloud there just spinning out. so central china little area of light pressure just spinning away, throwing some very wet weather into q issue using into something positive whole issue tends to snow over the mountains. 12 celsius, the for tokyo, further north, so we're around 9 celsius fine. and right, why 2? it's a good part of northern northern china because the temperature of so we get to minus one as we go through friday. so quite a k northly wind coming back in the fair. but us know that just making his way and across northern parts of japan's, that because the west, the nearest of can show up to was a car to go back to tokyo. sheltered by the mound to the 15 degrees celsius should be a little dry there across the central areas of china and down towards the south. tried to it too much of the philippines. indo china good scattering. the shouts at the
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southern edge of the philippines, elijah, i'm pushing down into innovation, more big showers, coming through here. and i would like to use and make sure i was making the way into india over the next style. so weston disturb, and spinning out of afghanistan into pakistan to get increasingly what he could call some localized flooding. and we'll see the flooding, rice pushing into the funnel, the west of india. the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the fascination join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news,
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the, the, the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stores the sound as well as war on cause as now killed nearly 50000 palestinians, most of them, women and children. these are pictures from, from all out one hospital in the north. for an infant is dying from inhaling toxic gas caused by is ready phone 5 minutes. hospital is no longer functioning after running out of fuel and gaza city. thousands of people have been scrambling for bags of flour as a hunger crosses on phones, contact his coat on the international community to stand against for the calls, the deliberate stuff, ation, the palestinian people by his room. what sounds of gunfire has been reported in chad's capital in germane, and they come only hours up to several people were killed in an attack on the
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offices of the national security agency. the army has been deployed and all roads leading to the headquarters had been blocked. by the government, since the attack happened up to the risk of an opposition member who was accused of an assess nation attempt on the president and one. this is reported incident disruptions following the attack. allow me to address joins us now from a booster. and i'm, it's, can you just give us an idea on the lights, us with this a rapidly developing situation of the well, the mexico pressures we understand that still continuing and the headquarters of the socialist party without frontiers. they, one of the main or position parties in the country is still and sees their security, the code on the streets of the capital, internet and telephone services. i've been completely disrupted in most parts of the capital. i was able to get in touch with the one the social worker in the east of the country and who told me that in fact, they have
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a disruptive services that but of course they can communicate. oh, i understand that also that some people with alternative means of connectivity, like i suck lightnings. why able to make some calls and also make some co communicate on what's up by the situation still remain fluid. we understand that military personnel and now petroleum districts in the capital, honey, i spoke to some individuals. i am the on afternoon time in jemina, who told us that they what came down because of the heavy count 5 in the center of the city. not far from the presidential palace and of course not far from the headquarters of the position a socialist party without frontiers. so we understand that a lot of people have died, but the government is not saying how many people have died in that incident, which happened overnight and of course would be with more gunfire reported on it today or in the afternoon. and then the number is set to rise. so far the security
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still remains the security situation in german that remain floyd. okay, thanks so much for that update on that address for us there in the boucher of the united nations has handed over one of its basis to government officials and democratic republic of congo. it's part of a withdrawal of its peacekeeping forces, situated in the east, the se demanded the withdrawal of $15000.00 soldiers and police officers despite the concerns of a violence in the area. but you, in peace keeping mission has been order to vacate or 14 bases in the east performed by the un estimates more than a 1000 children in the democratic republic of congo, abducted and forced to become child soldiers last year. now while soldiers of finding the him 23 on group in the east side with his award children living in camps for this place, people particularly vulnerable catherine story spoke to someone who managed to escape and bullying. go east and the see this youth are all under 18 years
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old. they say they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of entity 35 to is very used as neighbors for the escape was heat in the identity for security reasons. we'll call these boys on. he says on man, a talk to his village in january was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this come school. you know, like i'm, you know, my was not fine. my family stood back there. i keep thinking about them. i tried to call them on the telephone, but the numbers don't go through. sometimes i want to go back home to see if they're ok. youngest, here is 11 years old of the wine known to each other and did not separately are these phone calls forth in the shed experience. you don't have to go very far to find such stories of children who was abducted. some of them are very traumatized.
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they say they cannot find how to lawrence before you 2 is trying to support them. one of her sides was count. the other is in the hands of the fighters. she does what she can, but she's also taking care of 17 other family members for my house is not com. i think about my boys all the time. so they do an estimate that around 125 you said on support with i'm actually number we're. 8 supporting children who have been really released from i'm here very terrible stories on the day. me these boys still not say not easy pray for on group locking and surrounding areas. catherine, sorry, level. com, democratic republic. all, most intakes is attacks carried down by our groups in the north have displaced more
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than 67000 people since late december. that the unions migration agency says the actual figure is higher than what the government has reported on risk and gas, which northern mozambique began in 2017 off to funds is affiliated with iso to create a campaign to establish a kill sites. thousands of troops from rwanda and the so d. c regional block has been deployed the fights, the insurgency. the group of men arrived with firearms and machine and boon. the cars were to flight silver sweats. here we had been here for a week and we haven't eaten almost anything. all of us who came here had been suffering, but the sounds of gunshots will cuz they began to chase people. we watched it this, the cutoff, the men's had with machetes, and we run away with the little we had. those terrorists are evo in mexico. 2 candidates hoping to stand familiar with the same town had been shot dead days
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before an official election campaign was judas task. the shootings took place within hours of each other. in the mazda of vakio and the sides of the show, a con, elections held across mexico in june. but exploits fullness of his campaign is likely to be the most violent in the country sophistry. volcanic eruption has forced airlines to cancel some flights in and out of mexico city. the purple cut the pit, the volcano, live 70 kilometers from the mexican capital, and it has been erupt. thing for several weeks, with ortiz at mexico city, airports. a safety checks are being conducted off the pines and counted volcanic ash or flooding and bolivia has killed. at least 40 people plugged both a submerged launch pods of the city of could be hot on the border with priscilla after the aqua river best its banks. the rainy season is expected to continue until next month. the 10s of thousands of us trojans have been told to leave their homes to escape a fast spring while finding the se, what's already sight they want residents to move because of
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a heat wave that could with and the mass of bush find victorious size. since the side of the fi has destroyed 6 homes killed live stock, and then more than 20000 pictures of land to the funeral of russian opposition, the that lexi nevada used to be held in moscow. on friday, the vanity spokeswoman says they move the burial to the capital op to several locations declined to host the service. the kremlin critic died earlier this month and the remote arctic penal colony, the russian with already said no finally died of cycle natural death syndrome. but many have blamed presidents letting me push in for his dis. meanwhile, nevada, these were the widow, julia novel, naya has addressed the european parliament in strasbourg, an emotional speech. she is europe, to confront the russian president's person. you and all the flaws was floods the cream and login, and the political innovation here is to plot the mess. that's all for team organize
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crime, not political competition, no diplomatic notes, but investigations into the financial making nations not space months of concern, but the source of my sales associates in your countries for duke street lawyers in finance, or towards helping fulton and his friends to white's money in these, what you cuz reliable allies, there are bands of millions directions who against war it gives fortune. it gives the e will he brings to the not the not to be much nor there's a few of them on the contrary. and you must have worked with them with us that you guys, 2nd biggest city is suffering. imagine outbreak of measles moving 70 percent of cases in the country have been recorded in pending and many have occurred among groups where vaccination levels along showing how reports from pending. and measles
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is on the march again. and here in the hot spot city building in, in england's west midlands, the measles, mumps, and rubella or m m r vaccines is being dispensed to children at a pop up clinic. the current outbreak is growing fastest in excluded communities with post koby. vaccine hesitancy lingers and there's mistrust of the m. m. a job in particular because of decades old, discredited research linking it to autism. unfortunately, some years ago there was some nasty room is about it, which proved to be false. and we can talk about that later, but there is room, is that completely false and it is a very good vaccine and it is a very safe vaccine. some communities are more.


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