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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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a small beauty is that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discovered the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the is rarely it's not life as in times opened fire on crowds of civilians in golf while they were wasting, sustained over a 100 people on the online site. this is out, is there a knife and also coming up medical stuff and causes all shape for hospital say they all overwhelm tracing. those who survives the most okay. is are all seasons hundreds of factors of palestinian land nan illegal?
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is there any settlement in the occupied westbank and reports that too is rarely settlers in one palestinian have been killed in a shooting out of petrol station? no form. on the we begin in garza city where the is riley military has killed at least a $112.00 palestinians. nearly 700 people have also been engine. dozens of them are in critical condition that stays a tank has been described as a masika civilians. hundreds of stopping palestinians had gathered earlier today to collect food aid when they were attacked, as well as on e says it's soldiers were forced to open fire because they felt threatened by the large crowds. michael apple explains how the attack unfolded me. early on was of the morning. thousands of people flocked to l. rashid road,
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south waste of cause, a city desperate for a aerial footage, released by these rainy military shows. crowds gathering around what looks like several a trucks. oh, by the time the sun rose, the extent of what happened, it was clear. the data and the dying. lying side by side or to gun down by is really 5 o'clock in the day is really just opened random fire on us as if it was a truck once we approach to a truck. so this is really tanks and we're playing started firing on us. if this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. every con board come in means and other mess initial instead of aid. they've come away with the dead by don't key cost call and make sure the stretches the wounded are taken to nearby hospitals, all of which are overwhelmed and very function involved via
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the this is exactly what we have been warning about. the hospital being out of service, the mid, this massive influx of patients we are operating on batteries. most of our victims are in critical condition, which requires urgent surgical intervention. but the hospital is without operating rooms by stand helpless. we're simply administering 1st, a treatment only with these rightly military says its forces open fire when troops felt threatened while the spokes person for these ready government says palestinian drive is ploughed into the crowds when the truck's while overwhelmed. but neither has provided evidence. one of the survivors says bodies are still lying on the streets where they were gunned down on a given side the as soon as the 8 trucks entered, these really started shelling and shooting. everyone who was on the road. they opened fire run w, killing innocent men and women, and look, there was gunfire,
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snipers shooting tanks showing. enrolled, the palestinians are left with a few options starved to death, slowly or risk losing their lives, collecting aid like an apple, which is 0. last way of a hearing that many of the injured with taken towels. chief a hospital in garza city, which is only partially functional medical stuff that happened, overwhelms by the number of patients. is my uncle report that on definitely with them as well would be by the i'm now inside a she felt hospital. i'm following the massacre that the created by the is ready, occupation forces against innocent and starving dozens who rush drive a sheep coast of road leading. they couldn't get that hands on some food aid. yeah . and then we'll see random walk down the entrance and caught those of the hospital all over. the fact was victims. the more you filled with thousands of dead bodies, yet many more dead bodies, the main line of the road,
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the medical staff stand helpless. i'm in this influx of victims, as we speak, more victims are still being brought to the already overwhelmed hospital. that's the sent to some eye witnesses. so we headed to al rashid road, hoping to get some flour for our children. but then these really tanks advanced. they opened fire randomly on everyone, on the right. dozens were killed a hundreds injured by simply went the hoping to get some food for my young children . we've been stopping for more than a $140.00 days with very little ages entering the gall, this trip, and nothing is reaching the no of the. it was the 1st time that i went there to wait for aid. i took a bag because we don't have flour at home. as soon as the trucks entered is really tanks advanced and started showing that it was injured. the holland is really tongues open. fire dozens were killed and hundreds injured. we appeal to the whole world. we cannot feed our children, any aid delivered to soaks in our blood,
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make god punish those responsible for some of them. i got them the rest of the family. it is known to the whole world that the note of the gaza strip has been starving for months. it is beyond description of this man as a family of 12. as soon as he grabbed a bag of flour and is ready, soldier shot to him in the chase. seeing him cling to the bag of flour. these ready soldiers shocked him again on the other side of the body. is lying here before you implement a lot of these riley's ledge to be with humanity. they showered us with bombs. missiles and shells opened fire randomly on any moving person. they are killing and stopping us. measure ongoing masika slots was struck by the is read these on innocent guys and the multitude many of the crimes is mine. and i just feel that the on the statement on behalf of the un secretary general has been issued condemning the kennings that the secretary
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general condemns. the incident today, northern gauze, in which more than a 100 people were reportedly killed or injured, was seeking life saving aid. the desperate civilians in gauze i need urgent help, including those in the busy siege, northern part of garza with united nations has not been able to deliver aid for more than a week. the secretary general reiterates his call for an immediate humanitarian cease fire and the unconditional release of all the hostages held in gaza. he once again calls for urgent steps, so that critical humanitarian aid can get into and across garza, for all those who so desperately need it. well, we had jo joined on the phone by topic about zoom. he is in southern gaza in rafa and tar despite the tragedy of the a truck masika area today is ready stripe, some goals. i have still not stalled. they have continued throughout the day. bring
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us up to date a yes 1000000 in fact. so the is really a minute. 3 attacks has been up scaling within the past few hours in different areas in the kansas trip, including the number at pond on the wrong side with a tax on the south is stopping 1st deal with the north, where devalue a refugee camp had been targeted. the residential flap, that being completely reduced to the russell, a number of the palestinians, have been injured to be transported to the intuition hospitable to receive the primitive camp by military and deadly. s twice have been carried down from the city or con. units were pleased for palestinian types they reported killed in an es choice, but targeted a more feat area, which is the stage stone that the majority of people have been ordered to flee and to take shelter in as well as the people that are living in midship 10 support. additionally, we, the district in the lower part of this district had been also a cut body is ready. so the units were to pot opinions,
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have been bolted into it. and then it's ready to attack that has targeted a crowd of residents in the parts of the territory. and generally the over over towards the strikes today, conducted by the just very fond take it from the ground to the troops up to tribute to kill more than 18 palestinians within the past 24 hours. tech, we know the humanitarian situation in the north is particularly bad, which, which is in the straits. and by the sheer desperation of those people that we saw were trying to get a what is the situation in the south where you are as well. there was no, any practical development or touchable change in terms of the improvement of the human attorney and conditions in the south. as people are still receiving the same limited amounts of the humanitarian talks. despite the fact that it are damien, a government type, they are shooting an impulse a to throw out military planes at the same time. that'd be our more,
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a kind of military supplies trying to be flowing into the going to strip. but people are still suffering because we're talking about an aspect ratio right now, be trapped in the south. there's people can not get much needed, a humanitarian supplies that can be sufficient for the entire day where people are trying, as we have been seeing in the past few weeks to new to the human, to terry. it talks when the gate so profitable is that because a complete face, an extreme behind gotten the lack of basic supplies, but they are more caused among the international humanitarian organizations to increase the capacity of humanitarian supplies. but at the same time, i had been seeing different than hundreds of humanitarian trucks being patient and the issue of sion signed without having said that permission to get into college. signed owner was said that the, the to the right part needs to be provided with more humanitarian supplies, at least to help people to keep good, often not so big is ready on government get tax relief. thank you for that. sorry
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about assume their 1st and rasa in southern gaza to move in. so it's a 1000 palestinians have now been killed in gaza since israel began at school in october. that's 1.3 percent. if it's population, let's take a look at how this percentage compassed with all the countries. if a war had killed 1.3 percent of israel is population that would amount to more than $120000.00 is where these killed in well, and ukraine, the same percentage would mean nanny hall a 1000000 dead in the united states. that would translate. so many, 4 and a half 1000000 americans killed in china. that would mean moving 18 and a half 1000000. v as president has commented on today's events in golf advice and said he held phone calls with the mayor of casa, as well as the gyptian president about ongoing efforts to get new aid into the strip. he did say efforts to reach an agreement for
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a temporary spot by monday on now unlikely to turn on. okay, let's go to share raton, see who is in washington for us? she have what else to bite and have to say at a. i don't know if that was a key point that he made, but we should contextualize this time table. this time frame of a 65 by monday, was kind of pumped out of the air by biting. on monday he said that he hoped for us these 5 by monday and took everyone who was actually involved in negotiating. and he sort of temporary these 5 by surprise. so now he's like, no, no, i wouldn't be by monday, but actually, i mean there's a lot of a lot of reporting suggest it was never going to be by monday, more questions. they also have as to why byte and keep saying things like this and you've got really divorced from his domestic political troubles. he said that on
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monday, tuesday was the michigan primary in which 800000 people voted uncommitted instead of 84 bytes and the democratic primary because of biden's green light to israel for the atrocities in gaza. he's facing super tuesday next week as well. so clearly he wants to keep up at optimism alive, but he's now he's going to get a ceasefire. deceased reply soon. meanwhile, that he, we haven't let alone all the segment for the white house w press. secretary biden was on his way to texas to the buddha, and she said that the events and the goals are deeply concerning. this is the deputy press secretary of your adult to the calling for an investigation. she doesn't say this that we've vertically communicated to us. ready to come to pods the need for that to be viable problems to maintain basic security in areas of garza with milledgeville, preparations against the must have concluded. and we have yet to see that implemented. and we are very concerned about that so, so that language is of the us as a bystander, but at least expressing some concern is really what was it? uh she, i'm,
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we also heard from the us defend 6th street today. interesting comments about gaza . what was the headline? so this was meant to be a hearing, and it was a hearing about how how lloyd austin, the defense secretary disappeared effectively for a few days at the beginning of the year when he went to for surgery and hospital in the back to the tell the white house that he had, he was going for surgery, but it will be a house member from california. chose this opportunity to ask him about gulzar and us complicity in the depths that he res, i'm always to austin raised some eyebrows of say, what do you have to say mister secretary about how many palestinian women and children had been killed by his world since october 7th, it gets over 25000 mister secretary. yes, last week the un high commissioner for human rights weren't that any transfer, a weapon or ammunition to israel violates international law. about how many precision guided many nations has the united states given his relatives the
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beginning of the war. uh, i don't have that number at my fingertips, but uh, we have uh, endeavors right. it's about $21000.00 precision, guided munitions to is role since the start of the war. if netanyahu defies the united states and invades rafa, will you commit today that you will hold any future military set a sales pay as well? obviously sir, that's a, that's a presidential decision, but um, you know, we expect that uh, and by the way, i spoke to minister kalat last night and i, i expect that uh we provide munitions to uh, to allies and partners that they'll use them in a responsible way that figure of 20, the $5000.00 women and children over $25000.00 women and children killed in dollars a raise, a lot of questions because the official thinkers are about 20 and a whole 1000 women and children and teens killed in gaza where it was getting these things from the all the, those of us have some, some, some way of collecting this information. it's all being walked back now by the
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pentagon to clarify, quote, and just to bring the things in his own. so it was citing an estimate from the how most controlled health ministry of more than $25000.00 total palestinians have been killed in causally. we cannot independently verified these vegas pod right of the search. as i said, send something very similar sir. so but the d o d and kind of get a walking back. those figures clearly the austin thought it was good enough to use these like a some health ministry even though because randy as always question them. and if i go by them, open questions of him. thanks for that. chaper town say that for us and washington . so it has on the out, is there an opposition politician in charge is killed during and on. the assaults on his policies headquarters in the capsule and jemina fall under such a vari, entire onboard, millions of radians, are eligible to cast ballots in parliamentary elections on friday. the board or apathy is that an all time high? all have the story coming out the
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the, the weather brought to you by visit castle. hey there, walk into your world's weather update. some good news right off the bat. temperatures are lowering in that southeast corner of australia. so that will push down the bush fire threads over the next few days. want to peel out, give you a wider look at the country right now. and in the kimberly region, we're getting dallas with rain just to the east room. and this zone here, we could pick up to a 100 millimeters of rain over the next several days to new zealand. we go not much to report, no weather alerts here, but some showers coming in to the south island and also clipping the east cape in, gets bitten, but the sun will also poke out throughout the day. rounds of rain to go though, for into this is main island of java, particularly bad for central and eastern traffic profit. it's all about the heat
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though, in thailand for book at $3039.00 degrees for the 1st day of march, and that could be good enough to set a record for the month of march. strong northerly wind in eastern china. you're going to feel that in shanghai 7 degrees, but it will feel cooler than that. and this, the vigorous system we had in japan starts to slide a way about 10 to 20 centimeters of snow for japan's mountain area here. but look at the cold air. it's draped in sol at minus 2 and again, remember fridays the 1st day of march, you should be. i'll have him degrees for this out of the year. bye. for now. the weather brought to you by visit castle. unique perspective. the place himself told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i tried to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, even upon proceed. landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's
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happening because of the task of media, attention. the stream on out just the or the you're watching out, is there a mind to thought top stories this hour, at least a $112.00 palestinians have been killed on to is riley. it's not this fight at them while they were collecting few days around $700.00 others on engine. best day is attacked by israeli troops has been described as a mask of civilians with less scrambling to transport the dead and injured to nearby hospitals. many in critical condition, most of the medical facilities in gauze valley functioning out of service. and you
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as president jen button has moved back the prediction of a space find deal in johnson by monday. being off the us section of defense locks that of a 25000 women and children have been killed by israel. sentence will on gauze have gotten lost. october of israel says that 2 is rarely settlers on one, palestinian have been killed in a shooting out of petrol station in the occupied westbank. the incident took place at the entrance of the illegal sacrament. north of ramada, is there any media say the army has blocked off roads in the area is a search for a possible additional shooters. israel has seized nearly 3 square kilometers of palestinian land, near and illegal assessment and the occupied westbank. move will establish a new testament near molly ottoman ne okey potties tourism and estimated 40000. is there any settlers live that satellite expansion is illegal on the international
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law yet. it has round top significantly since a one goes to began in october. and it's smith has moved from oki potty source and of the all settlements and the occupied westbank considered illegal under international law of israel has 2 categories, settlements and the legal outposts. while these 10 of those outposts, the cabinet said, will become full settlements on the final go ahead has been given to the 1st of those. the timing is fascinating because only on monday we wrapped up 6 days of coverage from the hague, where almost 50 countries argued in front of the international court of justice. the occupation by israel and the palestinian territories should be declared illegal because the settlement expansion is preventing palestinians from exercising their right to self examination over us was left with a fine fine plus the task of defending that occupation. but both of us missing along with the british,
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but really these riley should not be aggravating the situation box funding settlements if these rather than the palestinians tool to talk together, which is what the us and the british want. then they should stop that settlement, the expansion these rallies on listening and that going ahead with further expansion of faster rate than ever before. and a space for pushing that from occupied east joyce, them no way says the palestinian authority has received a $114000000.00 in withheld taxes by israel via also with more of the funds on the way as well. connex tax on behalf of palestinians. but really uses it. it's control of the p a's tax revenues as a means to punish the authority is abraham has more and how israel controls nearly $200000000.00 of palestinian money. more than 140000 palestinian authority and please have not been receiving the full salaries
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for the past 2 years. that's because israel regularly cuts the palestinian authority's tax revenues. palestinians do not control the voyagers and cannot collect taxes and customs goes under the occupied territories through check points like this one. in 1994, the fellow and his radio officials agreed that this red co, let's lose taxes on behalf of the palestinians. i'm tries for them every month. is there ok, 3 percent of the money us commission on average is a reflects around $200000000.00 monthly. this money is to show for the policy and you know, for the survival of this mix up within 60 percent of its revenues time. and again, israel has withheld the tax revenue as a way to punish palestinians in 2019, it's possible to deducting what he meant for palestinian prisoners comedies, saying this insights violence. israel also keeps money for any bills old by the p a
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and says laura and gaza begun as well as withheld the taxes altogether. this time it said it will not transfer one of the p, a pays to public sector and fees, and garza for services. and this trip in response, palestinians refused to receive any of the money. if they don't get the full amount . in january, a plan was agreed for as well to send the money meant from garza to norway until a solution can be found. why withholding tax payments? israel has cost at least $11.00 financial crises over the years. palestinian officials say is we'll use as the tax revenues as a threat. another way to exercise control. i'm blackmail, palestinians. me that for him as a to the occupies less thing. the tide in opposition?
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politician. yeah. yeah. zillow has been killed in an army assault on his parties, headquarters in the capital, in jemina. the attack on the office of the socialist party without food as came hours of to several people were killed in insult, on the nation's national security agency. government officials said wednesdays events followed the rest of the p. s. f number accused if an assassination attempt against the supreme court's president's interest explains. so that's the whole position the, the do not followed us. he's doing his house and the houses other top officials of the opposition socialist party without voters in jemina on wednesday. but before then, there was a gun fight on tuesday night. been to uh, wednesday morning. wow. who should say they confronted comp elements belonging to the position of toby tried to assassinate the president of the country. stop court now in that incident, they also, i'm just saying that i know the senior official of the party was fatally shot. and
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of course, there are also debts that were not the numbers were not given by the with torches in german or on the streets of me. and i saw that i have very heavy presence of security forces and also around the headquarters of single positions socialist party without voters in japan on his desk. and of course, the incidents in jemina team just a day after the authorities, the announced an election date for this year, middle of this year. now it's not clear how the incident of the past 48 hours will affect the charges of respondents compared to the source on this party without voters or the transition. just it really, everyone itself charges a very important online place of very critical roads to many countries in the region and outside of the region. it is dependable allies for western powers. be got to have a foothold in west of central africa. it also pre played a critical role in peacekeeping operation and fighting on groups,
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especially in the lectures basing why it just comes to hundreds of troops or even thousands of troops to deal with elements of both bottom. and there's not many states in west africa probates. i'm at the address, i'll just say to apologize. un peacekeeping troops have begun to gradually withdrawal from conflicts, areas in the east and democratic republic of congo. international force has handed over base to companies authorities. the un mission has been unpopular and recently as far as perceived failure in coming be deteriorating, security situation in the east. the edison chief of the independent russian newspaper aetna, via because that's how it has been arrested say so little of has been charged with discrediting the russian ministry on the student. the charges on relation to an article published in the paper iran is holding its bottom entry elections on friday,
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nearly 61000000 people auditable to vote, to elect the 290 member assembly. a serious economic crisis could affect turnouts and the fast food since nationwide and government protests in 2022 doors. the jabari reports from the rainy and capital to run zacko, sorry, and her team are in a hurry. they want to reach out to as many voters as possible before fridays problem entry elections. site is no stranger to the world of politics in or on. she's a former member of parliament from her hometown of temporaries, where she was an m. p from 2016 to 20. 20. now she's running in a group of moderates in the capital where she's one of more than $3500.00 hopefuls trying to land. one of $35.00 seats or a job she believes is critical. essentially calling this i see that sometimes we can see that some of those are interpreted differently and so i'm not executed
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completely. all of these are duties of parliament, members of the institution of parliament is a main product in all countries to secure a national interest. supreme leader i to lot of the company has been urging the public to vote. and to about broken the elections, the main pillar of these lubbock republic. it's the way to reform the country. those who are looking to fix problems should move towards the elections the right way is via an election as the to iran. zillow trolls system can be complicated with candidates having to be pre approved by the authorities of district guidelines. high unemployment rates and the double digits, record inflation rates at around 40 percent, and 30 percent of the population living below the poverty line. many people are not convinced change can come from the ballot boxes 2 and 5. for so did we poverty corruption and inflation all the while people's miseries increasing day by day? no one cares about old problems. out of 290 m. p. 's maybe just 30 of them back the
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people. so vote for who a corrupt government. no one is happy with the system at all. what i said that i'm on the slide is about voting because i feel that the destruction of a country starts at the ballot box. voter apathy remains an issue, not only for the candidates, but also for the larger political establishment. this is the 1st election at a time when parliament, the judiciary, and the governments are all controlled by conservatives. the conservative candidates dominate the ballots and they are expected to continue their control of the parliament. with little challenge from the reforms, count, well, voter turnout will be seen as yet another test for those in power at a critical time in their aunt's history door such as lori l. g 0 terror on australia. and the philippines have been conducting joint seat and patrols in the south china sea. on his foreign ministry, responded saying maritime security corporations should not home of the countries.
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asians warships have been detected invoices of the philippines coast.


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