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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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it's the israel is facing global condemnation of taking more than a 100 palestinians while they were collecting aid and on and off the hello on this cause you to hey, this is out of the red light from don't also coming and is really as strike. here's a school housing displaced out of stands and southern and also killing 3 people. at least 45 people are killed in a fight as a 6th story building involved reduction as counseling dot com. under radians, voters in the fast parliamentary elections since nationwide purchased this web to the country in 2022.
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well that has been good. i will, condemnation of to is rarely soldiers shot and killed palestinian scrambling for desperately needed food in garza city. foreign ministers, age groups, and rights. organizations have denounced the attack, at least a 112 people were killed. let's figure some of the scenes that were found as palestinians got the bodies of dad that, that around $700.00 other people also injured. and many of them are set to be in critical condition. they would take into nearby hospitals that have badly functioning the u. n, which has repeatedly failed to secure a safe spot, is calling for an independent investigation. meanwhile, and is really striking cause a city has targeted a gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of it as a tune. at least 5 palestinians were killed. that attacks have cause widespread damage as you can see and destruction in that area. for the last time i called my
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family was 5 days ago. they told me the situation was dangerous. i asked them to leave. they told me snipers and drones were all around and they couldn't. the i do not know what else killed or buried underneath debris. as i appealed to the red cross, the whole world. to help us remove the trouble to find well families all in southern gaza is there any minute tray has attacked the school, housing displaced, palestinians. these are some of the latest pictures we're getting from, con eunice, where that strength took place. we understand at least 3 people were killed. several others injured. the palestinian death toll from israel as well, has exceeded some 30000 people. how corresponding honeymoon, what is on the ground? forest, and rough with an update on the attacks that i mentioned earlier on those palestine in a sequence. the people are still trying to process what happened. we were talking about a tragedy, a tragic event that took place yesterday as people have been for the past 5 months
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. in the turn of the display, more than one time, largely traumatized and within the past few weeks of famine has been a spreading. is the word causing good? yeah. some more depth to people and more and creating more difficult conditions on the ground where people resorted to eating wherever they are able to get their hands on their with the animal feeds or plan just to survive. but what happened on the road, the rashid go, that the, the southern in western part of guys would be a particular area that are known in, involved as a novelty round about where they were shot at the problem now or the aftermath of what happened is the 5 old injuries reported that she was the hospital, our risk of losing their lives. we're talking about and barely, barely functioning hospitals. i mean, the medical supply availability is equivalent to non home, non and institution medical staff right now of the how the cold there are 3. are we
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talking about these 2 or 3 doctors? no specialization whatsoever. and the general practitioners who are providing right now in terms of medical intervention, nothing more than the 1st aid given just the difficult conditions i created. i d. s . people have to provide after it was formed. and lars, me them to really damage. and then the live by the really monetary we are hearing reports right out of more people. right, right now minutes. so we have from losing their life down. and there isn't any medical intervention whatsoever. the one that's got the view from occupied easterwood center. we can speak to that unlocks who's that for us? the you are showing us some of the front pages this morning took us through the headlines headlines on some of the newspapers massage. it was focused on this incident. some of them were offering the homicide zation
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that israel was responsible. all those was saying that the is ready, minute, 3 was not responsible. this has nothing to do with that. and in terms of the way that is being covered on the television and the local media, they've been talking about the long term invitations of this, this incident showing how difficult it will be for civilian rule. inside garza, if these randy ministry is involved, i will say that's how the media thing was. they are hearing from, from the official government forces. so these really minute treat changed its account slightly over the course of yesterday. they began by saying that that had been significant amount of time thing and pushing that lead to injuries around an a truck and shortly that are off to individuals and threaten the soldiers all appeared in a threatening manner and they'd shots out them subsequently they said that there were 2 separate incidents that was a huge commotion around in a truck that have led to trumping and pushing and injuries. and then further on
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down the road further on in the chronology that had been an incident involving soldiers who felt for us and later on last night in his thoughts yet they ended by saying that they had been providing support to humanitarian con boy of several 1000 trucks as they had done for full previous evenings, they had not lost any strikes on the convoy and they did not address the idea that any of the troops had fired on individual residents of gaza. or given these accounts from the government a, you're hearing anything. optima pointed from rights organizations that is one of the most high purple ones that are in his article. but so them and they issued a statement yesterday talking about the fact that residents in gauze a, a solving and that was due to the humanitarian crisis. they said the israel has quite intentionally created in the gaza strip. they talked about the fact that people that were trying to access foods, but there were thousands of them sold just bought into the crowd and they said this
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is very key. whether they were so also term with the death in tennessee, opening fire as civilians as a severe violation of international and constitutes a war crime. they like many others holding for an immediate cease fire that unlocks the, with the view from occupied a story. so thank you very much for them. well, the united nations secretary general is suddenly condemning the killing of palestinians trying to get aiden garza. he's also quoting for an investigation. his folks pass on has also called for an immediate cease fine care, but it was on there has to do sales force from un headquarters and you the spokesperson for the secretary general is not calling it a massacre. instead, calling it an appalling incident that needs further investigation to get to the bottom of who the perpetrators were and time for accountability. but during his noon briefing journal is pressed him multiple times about who exactly he was condemning and why the spokes person would not specifically point the finger. it is
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real, but i questioned him why not? but they were adamant that the un was not involved in any way in this a delivery. a cool on the ground in northern guys are right now is delivering aid on the ground. not the united nations. is any other country that you know up to date on the ground where we only focus on ourselves, right? so the u. n is not delivering a, i mean we were, we're all, so we, we read the press reports of member states. uh, doing uh, doing a deliveries the, i guess facilitating some deliveries. we were not present at what had the tragedy that happened this morning to you. instead, they had to pause a delivery to the north of guys that because it simply became too dangerous. and the d confliction mechanism that they were working with these rarely military on
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a simply is not working according to the way. and they say they're trying to find any avenues they can to resume food delivery to the north. but they say it is very difficult until there is a ceasefire. and up until now that is simply not happened. gabriel's on to out is either at the united nations in new york, pa, this times investor to the you and says that palestinians are the ones paying the price of paralysis at the un security council. according to the information that we have, dozens of them have bullets in their heads. it's not like you know, fighting in the sky to it is today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing. and the number that we have now is 100 of them. 2 of them have been killed and the number is increasing and 750 injured and possibly the number it would
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be increasing this out today just, you know, a massacre as a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies in vito's cost it then it is costing the palestinian people their lives to you as president turbine. and meanwhile, has now dials back. his optimism about the chances of a cease fire and garza, he had suggested earlier this week, but to see if i couldn't be reached by monday. a white house correspondent can be hosted for on his way to visit the southern border with mexico. us president joe biden surprise reporters by walking back comments made just days earlier, predicting a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. by the end of the week, i was on the phone, the phone was biden's telephone
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calls with the a mirror of come to our and the president of egypt. just prior may have been the reason for the shifting deadline. both called readouts agreed, a sustained cease fire, of at least 6 weeks would allow humanitarian assistance if the garza and the release of captives and could be built into something more enduring. biden's comments come as this really forces on thursday, fired on a crowd of palestinians in gaza, waiting for humanitarian aid trucks. at least 100 people were killed and thousands more wounded. biden's national security council says some white house is looking into the reports. this tragic event also underscores the importance of expanding and sustaining the flow of humanitarian assistance into gaza in response to the dyers, military and situation. including to the, the, a potential temporary cease fire as part of a hostage deal as images of the disaster circulated across the globe on capitol
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hill, the only palestinian member of congress expressed or outrage using and starvation as a weapon of wars on denial of work, crime and as a work i'm that we continue again to be complicit to those decisions. we are demanding and immediate lasting speed fire and that the is riley government commit to ceasing any plans to bombard and evade rafa also. and capitol hill, the defense secretary lloyd austin, was asked just how many palestinian women and children the white house estimates have been killed in israel's warren gaza. austin replied, it gets over 25000. it's a comment. the biden administration found itself on thursday for the 2nd time, also walking back. kimberly helped get l g 0. washington. in the united kingdom, an outspoken left wing politician has won a by election 1st asian problems with a campaign. promising to advocate for garza,
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george galloway has accused both the policy and the routing conservatives of backing israel in the cause of war. he appealed some of them verses in the community, abrupt style and openings, and got away curious, the labor parties, leadership of allowing is really violence. here's dom uh this is for garza and you will pay a high price for the role that you have plate in in a blink. encouraging and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in occupied palestine in the gaza strip. of corresponding the high force that has now from lunch to it was chaos in the labor party ended up having to this own its own candidate. as
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a lady who came in for a distance was in a selection of to heat. a few weeks ago was found to be making a anti israel conspiratorial remarks about the october the 7th of tax labor, the sodium after a brief moment to a decision, as to exactly how to treat what he had said. and that essentially did leave the way much more clear to george galloway to come through. this is the constituency of some 30 percent muslim voters. he got nearly 40 percent of the vote. more than 12000 votes, twice the number, nearly all of the 2nd place candidate to himself was an independent. so it was a bad day around for the major parties in the selection. he called it a referendum on garza, his support. a said he was also addressing local concerns and that mixture seems to have got them across the line. very comfortable. let's go ahead here on out,
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was there a palestinian refugees and 11 on on the loss of their loved ones in garza and worry that say to might become victims of israel. so anxious to cross the wall between the united states and mexico becomes a major focus of the presidential campaign, is both of the top contenders. come to town, i've had to call in in brownsville, texas. the story is coming up. the highlight of the weather remains very unsettled, of course, across the good pots of southeast asia and the biggest show as they remain into indonesia should be starting to see the seasonal arrange easing off for what you call it a, for example. but even here we have in the last couple of days, see more than 200 millimeters of frames. it's coming down to stay. sorry. i'm settled over the next couple of days. here's okay to the guy shows nothing
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a little. so the race was bony. i think some pick down pulls could cause some localized flooding rush i was able to was 7 positive feel of peace, but hopefully little try hear them. it has been recently, maybe catching the chat just pushing up towards loose on warm and try it costs much of indo china. we will see the old sha still creeping in here. is it coming? there's plenty of showers. meanwhile, across the northern parts of australia, we've seen some showers just clearing away from the southeast, and that's been making it feel a little more comfortable. temperature is just not going down as a result of that 20 celsius. the problem of present 20 sales is the full melvin, rather than the liabilities that we saw just a couple of days ago. she was continuing to enter that eastern side of new south wells, visual proof of all the way up to was breast. but over the next day or so, mostly i was to across northern west, impossible, straight here. i'm setting increasingly wet for new zealand. the
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10s of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. we're in america. but what happens once they make kids impart to have a special investigation? $1.00 oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, if the american dream is worth their risk and the sacrifice on out to 0, what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's an international perspective with a human touch zooming way in, and then pulling back out again. the on the, on the back, you're watching all the 0. let's remind you about top stories. the family is rel, is facing global condemnation. after the soldiers of shots until palestinians
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scrambling for desperately need of food because of foreign ministers, age groups rights organizations have denounced. at least a 112 people account. is there any strikes in garza city of targeted a gathering of palestinians in the neighborhood of as a to at least 5 palestinians were killed. and in southern garza, these really minute treat targeted a school housing, the space to palestinians. these are some of the largest pictures for con eunice. when strikes took place, at least 3 people were killed and several others engine around is holding elections for parliament as well as a panel responsible for choosing the next to supreme leader losing stations. the country open across the wrong with supremely the only common a as you see that among the fast to vote. high profile reform is candidates with bod. from running, moving 61000000 people are eligible to vote but versus apathy remains. hi. this is
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the 1st collection since nationwide government protests in 2022. that's now speak to dorothy jabar, and she's keeping an eye on posing for us that entire on those, given the state of the country right now to go through what's in the state today. well, this is being seen as a very important test for the establishment system for you liter. it's a lot of these companies houses valid early this morning and he had a message to the nation saying that the eyes of the world is watching us. they are our friends and are closer looking at everything that will happen in are on today. so we need to be very careful. his message was a resume, resonated with some of the voters here that i spoke to earlier today, saying that they see it as their duty to cast or valid as there is a tremendous amount of pressure currently on the supplements and the officials because of the original state of the country's economy, there's
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a lot of this sometimes by a general population about how bad their financial situation has gotten over the years. these elections are how every 4 years and the assembly of experts every 8 years, and that body 80 members is responsible to select for future supreme leader. so the issue of succession would very well fit with the next assembly of expert as well to you as a polling station right now, we saw such low turn out and the last pause in 2020. what is the indications that you were saying that this time in terms of time as well, and we're just a few hours into voting here, but i can tell you we got here early in the morning before the paulding station opened. uh and uh, there was no lineup outside which was not the case in the past. that was the 1st thing we noticed on the 2nd was that there's been a slow, a stream of people. there hasn't been a huge rush. also, it is
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a friday here. it is the weekend that it's so early in the day. but the last election in 2020 saw $42.00 and a half percent of the eligible voters come out and test are valid. experts and analysts have the same this time around. they expect that number to decrease now where it will end up remains to be seen. and for the officials it's very important because that's always been used as a test for them to see how the general public feels about the establishment and the government. so a voter turnout always critical at this time or on many people have said that they don't, the change will come from the fall of boxes. but the ones that have decided to come still in since that is the only way to move forward and to ensure that some kind of democracy continues to specify that upholding station for us and the uranium capital. so we'll continue watching the watching of everything for us today from out. thank you very much to as
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a fire has killed at least 45 people in the bank. the dashing capital dot com has happened inside a 6 story commercial building. the flames began and a restaurant and then spread through the rest of the building firefighters that struggled for more than 3 hours to contain it. it's very short, so i good. it's maggie, this is more uh, who do you live here? so we can not, the assumptions are the actual fire flows, gang violence has escalated in the haitian capital, puerto prince ball prime minister, ariel, and re is out of the country. there was heavy gunfire in the city. 3 major gangs now seem to have joined forces. they force against police officers coming for them and then trying to raise the national prison. criminal gangs have taken control of much of the capital over the past few months. the prime minister is himself and tenure for talks about the deployments of
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a foreign and forced to haiti. the gangs invade us. we are forced to leave our homes. they put us outside the shelter. people are injured by bullets. we'll if a key thing to move the audio because it's a scale to them is on the monday, the police and the games were not fighting. i would not be a victim today, lying in hospital all the issue of border control and immigration has domination. the early stages of the us presidential campaigns on thursday, birth president or button on the former president donald trump visited the state of texas when just seen a rise in the number of crossings from mexico. patrick, i'll hand report from the different messages that the 2 candidates send. the divisiveness of the presidential campaign on full display on this brownsville texas street. both sides, so need a message with their presence as they wait to greet president joe biden as he heads to the next can border. and the potential front runners, hundreds of kilometers a part. but the backdrops,
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similar political theater briefings displays and speeches, but with very different messages for, for our president, donald trump, or a dark warning without providing evidence. it's uh, allowing thousands and thousands of people to come in from china and ran jam in the congo, syria. and a lot of other nations, many nations are not very friendly. josie's transported the entire columns of fighting age meant he blames president biden. the number of undocumented migrants over the last 3 years have broken records more than 2000000 people apprehended last year alone. president barton blamed republicans for rejecting a bi partisan deal that would have dramatically changed the immigration system and increased funding for more agents and surveillance on the border. after trump urge them to not vote on it. so it would be an issue in the election. i understand my predecessors legal past today, so here's what i would say to mr. trump said,
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applying policy issue, set of tell the members of congress to block this other station. join me or i'll join you in telling the congress to pass this by products and border security bro. we can do it together. and it likely will be a big factor in the election. polls show the majority of americans believe immigration is the top issue facing the country, the number one failure, they cite emigration. the wall separating the us from mexico is become the clear, is visual of the divide on this issue. donald trump famously said he was going to build a wall and mexico was gonna pay for it. that didn't happen, but well, he wasn't also. the majority of americans said they didn't want the wall build. that's changed now 53 percent. say they want it created to this issue is hurting biden. and if he helps doing re election, he has to change the public's perception. but pictures tend to reinforce, voters believes biting. he has pictures of a broken congress for trump. these images of mass migration and cities struggling
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to cope. particle hain, i'll just euro brownsville, texas, carbon emissions from wall 5 and the amazon rain forest at the highest february levels in 21 years, presented in with our as you say, one size up more than 465 percent compared to this time last year scientist say they are concerned by the resulting absolution. a new zealand court has ordered tour operations on white island to pay more than $6000000.00 to victims of a volcanic eruption. $22.00 people died during explosions in december 2019 out of funds which are into the island. the operation towards the were found guilty of not ensuring the safety of visitors. many of the survivors with badly bonds to buy the searing gas and ash moon. on the adults by an american company has sent what might be its final photo from the luminous office. last week,
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a dispute skidded to a stop on a hilda, mocking the return of the us to the main off to successful mission by japan, india and china. this mission, the nearly fail, just hours before touchstone, but engineers back on us managed to quickly upload some new software or just see us broke one of its 6 legs and the tip doors of it continued its mission unlimited and power. a full canadian prime minister brian maroney has died at the age of 84. the conservative leader was in power from 1984 to 1993. he's best amended for negotiation, the pre casa to the north american free trade agreement. and he left office as one of the country's most consequential and controversial politicians on new mcdonald is a former political correspondent with the canadian broadcasting corporation. he says maroni is legacy was significant of shaping kind of his economic and social feature
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really was a conservative and he was what we call in canada. a progressive conservative, socially liberal, escalate conservative. james thinks great deal. the saw the ways to assigning a free trade pipe united states long before it was absolutely necessary that yourself in the community and left the coast at the time. i don't know whether you want to make any left really big things that in retrospect, it was a bad idea. and he also thought ronald reagan and margaret thatcher were too close friends on a part time. they didn't want sanctions imposed on part of south africa. right, more money did and back them delta p, came out on the right side of history. when nelson mandela was released from prison . and one of his 1st trips in gratitude, invoice to canada to check bryan maloney. so there's not much question that he stands over in canadian history, and certainly she was
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a different kind of to ensure that exists today. the, the, the mean spirited us that exist today was not in the math, was able to leave the ology at the office. so as i say, i'm an awful lot of people back in his day disliked them. i don't see any words of anger or, or clothing being expressed today, his task and he's a whole and sadness just returning now to the war on garza and palestinian refugees on becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of the friends and families who are trapped in garza many i haven't been able to speak to their relatives for weeks now. how correspondence and what our reports for us from the account in northern 11 on israel's war on garza has reopened some old ones. this is the story of the palestinian refugee 11 on. it's also the story of the palestinians trapped in garza ali mohammed, no shars,
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waits for news from his brother or sister or anyone in his family. his greatest fear is that there the next victims of as well as hor on the strip. how good of them i have no voice. the last time i spoke to my brother's son, he told me many of the time in the autumn, no interruption. that was 15 days ago. i haven't spoken to my brother in 2 months so that i'm not able to reach them communications out about what's happening to the people in drugs. the is the biggest crime getting the cobra on the at least 200 members of his extended family have been killed in his really strikes in the past 5 months. there originally from ya for and what is now israel 1st displaced the gaza and now displaced by war. for many garza is all that's left of palestine. here's the comment that resistance is our only hope we have been up on.


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