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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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simultaneously and exactly the same hour and 6 different places, this was no accident. the government appears to agree and bows to find and punish the culprits. the of the un says most of the palestinians injured by his really forces while waiting for food days on the aspect softens, gunshot for a 115 people account and the hello i'm associated, hey, this is out of their life from don't also coming up and is really as try gets a home at the most and daryl violence. at least 15 people are killed, thousands moving to the us. it says it will add dropped food and supplies into gaza
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. and agencies that say it can not be enough for millions of palestinians facing salvation. and mexico's race for president sufficiently get from the way. we'll explain why the selection could be the . well, we begin in the gaza strip, where the united nation says most of the palestinians who injured and in his really attack on gauze the city on thursday. suffolk gunshot twins, at least a $115.00 palestinians were killed. one is ready for the shots at crowds who gathered to collect food aid, all the un send a team to achieve a hospital and goes away. most of the injured are being treated. it's also quote for an independent investigation. as i speak to you, this hospital is treating more than 200 people that were injured yesterday you have seen people with gunshot wounds. you've seen up to these and we'd have seen the children as young as 12 that weren't injured yes. street. these events should not
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be about what we need to have safe, secure passage throughout the house and to reach the people that need somebody to tell you. in the meanwhile, israel has continued it's bombardment of central garza where it's we spend all the 15 people have been killed off to is really strikes. targeted homes in gerald by a mosque was also his not on boardman. and the minute tree wing of how most customer days says it is really strikes have killed 7 captives being held in gaza. it's not immediately clear when they dies. the group says is really attacks of so far kills more than 70 captains. honeywell, what has the license for us? from rafa and southern casa, a very young car in central drop off was targeted by a drone. so the reports about at least 5, the critical injuries within the city, including the driver of the carpet. people who were walking by on the sidewalk were injured by this missile attack on the cargo recorded. you know, john,
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since all right, but now i must say that these pack confident attacks on, on dropbox, that the particularly bright now with looks like the the a deliberate attacks on cause. just leave board pressure on health care facilities across. and also if you, we have to wait hospital or both sides both facility and the job hospital, a lot of those little bit larger than the good hospital, but large data prepared for these emergency. and the large number of injuries and trouble that the hospital has turned into a refugee campbell. literally people are inside the hospital on it's a 3 floors inside the crow door that makes the court yard like leaving most space for paramedics, for, for doctors, for ambulance to move it freely to fully increasing the pressure on the health facilities it overnight. a talk to seems to be more concentrated in the central area and that has been consistent within the past few weeks. we've talked about to
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residential homes in there, and by the vicinity of the square, a tens counts was set up by thomas danielle's, including the mocked itself. oklahoma, lost blood targeted and destroyed. we'll look it up to you. people so far has been killed. the other injury is over reported to a lot well talk because in the northern part and god, the city, the situation remain terrible and only getting worse. our way more people, more children right now died of starvation and the high version. i feel like the living, the apps are not of the flower atrocity as it is quite a bit. so the us says it now punched and drops humanitarian aid into gaza, with president revive and pushing israel to will. so allow more a trucks into the area like kind of has more from the white house that is meeting with the a tele and prime minister. president biden announced that the us was going to begin a drops into gaza. this in conjunction with the jordanian air force,
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these are likely to be m. r, e's meals ready to eat up the whole all variety. he also said as well that he is insisting that israel facilitate more roots and facilitate more trucks. this is what he had to say. in addition, expanding deliveries by land. as i said, we're gonna, we're going to consist of israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flowing augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now, solar nearly enough and it's in large are on the line. it shows lives are on the line and we won't stand by unless we get more aid in there. we should be getting hundreds of trucks to several for the 1st time. president biden also raised the possibility of opening up a marine car at all to get a into gaza on the question of the ceasefire. well, he's continued to, well,
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that's what becky said. a few days ago that he expects a ceasefire to be in place on monday, next week. this would allow the release of captives in gaza and the release of kind of sitting in prison is. however, he said in the past 24 hours, that might have been a bit too optimistic. that timeframe now appearing to expand, but he says us is continuing to work towards such a cease fire. also working towards one that is more longstanding a matter of weeks rather than days. and then another element introduced, creating a dynamic which would allow for more last thing negotiations about a long term agreement by canada, which is the era washington open ground is the goals and mission need with the us and your global empowerment mission. he says, guaranteeing easier access for a trucks will be far more beneficial than air dropping isn't in any i dropped spain delivered. so just to be safe and even the ice from the going to be good. i know
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the payment is dollars and need as much as possible right now, but ideally, actually having a small, you're going to click a price for trucks to come for the boat. i would be much more beneficial when nobody eye drops. it's no waste guarantee. the way they will line, you know, like everything to times based on the weight and, and everything else. so i know that has been a number that has landed in the say here, and some of the top of the building. so yes, speeding things up for the border would definitely be more beneficial. oh, as you can imagine wave. so the 10 cities that have been put off and messes up this place, people the life of the roads. it's been a logistical nightmare. so any trucks, so any vehicles that we have to try and get from point a to point b, but more importantly, it's very slow to get our trucks through you and i can take a very, very long time. sometimes a weight might be 2 weeks ads. the screening process is very long, so is that is why just pain up to speed up is probably safe and have a nice, smooth flowing of the trucks. an item you have will be able to allow us to start
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the warehouse is full and get them out of that distribution to the people on politicians from 12 countries are now signed to alaska. cooling on their governments to ban on sales to israel. the $200.00 members of parliament judging lead is not to be complicit and israel's grave violations of humanitarian international. they argue that an arms and blogger is a legal requirement. talk to the international court of justice, ordered israel to ensure that its forces do not commit acts of genocide and garza. and 9 of those who signed electra current or formerly does a political parties, including the former u. k labeled either jeremy corbin palestinian american congress on it or she did 5 is the only us officials assigned that latha will assignment which account is a member of the belgian paula lender who did sign that data. he says the push to stop on the shipments to is read as gaining support across your for sure. i'm totally agree. was the latest and when the end of the band would have been uh,
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just stuff sent within 2 east right. according to the international core of justice, this is indeed a risk of genocide and us and that the re country of the condition against genocide, we have the legal end tomorrow and it will be gauged into us and to prevent the risk of genocide slicing displayed service this go off so many and p from europe is a good 1st step which we need to move to go further or in the store that the drum, the site, not only just up to said within 2 is way. and that also to accept the transience of weapons to his why. so he's quite so good news, but he's true that if not all of the country of europe decided to ship the same action, i mean, they can bring with funds by other countries. so this is the question that i have since months since this all for a tech on guys a. and it's true that i don't know why they are so many country loans want to see to read to you. what is going in in guys i've seen one of the most difficult countries, germany, you know, that 7 percent of guns while the send to is why
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a from germany. but i, i've seen that know, there are some kind of change in the mind to be better for the leaders is try to shake a beat. so if you can see the democrats and usa is uh, $1010.00 is going to be disputed, but no, it's true. that's weird, some country in europe is too complicated and you can see like, where is the connection between the 10, you know, and country. this is from the extreme rights beings body. and you bring this thrust id of donation in europe since many years. and you can see that there was some connection between we can both, but we keep fighting, we can fighting for international law or we can fighting for a more either also position to 3 or 4. but assume people are, this is randy dry and strike and southern another non has kills at least 3 people. the top target has a vehicle in the boat, a ton of no cora. the restaurant comes 24 hours off to hezbollah fighters and that
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they've carried out 6 attacks against israeli forces near the lebanese border. the captive being held inside gauze, i have become a central focus of faith, find negotiations. israel has insisted it wants to know which captains all still alive when it speak to the monks who joins us from occupied is true. some of them, as we were saying on this, has been a points of contention for some time. what do we actually know about this? we know that this is something that prime minister benjamin netanyahu was said he is assisting a phone from us as possible as negotiations. don't forget that was it. instead of going from israel and cut off of the course of the past week as a possibility, they will be traveling to cairo for further tools, but nothing else who says they missed all these things. he was insisting on knowing which the caps as be part of any agreement was not clear. the master said, is exactly how many concepts off that alive as
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a disagreement over the number of people that are left to live, suspected as captives inside garza. and just this morning of the last hour. so i've been asking a mazda officials about this issue. and i've had a statement from one of them telling me, i don't think that the movement is ready to provide any names before reaching a final deal. this could be a very, very serious sticking point in those conversations with these randy saying, we want to know who is alive in gaza and i'm not saying we're not going to tell you . oh, just how great now is the pressure on us. now, here's government from the families of the remaining captives. so they're very politically influential movement as i understand now. and they've been growing in both popularity and their ability to influence all the members of be as really electorate essentially later today in the next hour or 2. some of the families of those believe held captive in gauze that will be gathering around the 2012 inches from here in jerusalem as part of a mod, from the gaza. puerto. this'll be the last stage of that modest i'll be heading
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into the cap. so holding a raleigh here around 7 30 pm local time, that's 530 gmc, and a clear indication that they're not gonna go away. the voices on this issue will not be silence and saw that. and before i let you go, and we're hearing anything from these really is about that striking in the core on level. so he's really telling me that they're looking into it. we've just had a statement from loving security, so it has to out to 0 saying that essentially these what has bullet members has built of the group itself is not confirmed that officially some context it overnight has been confirmed that some of that fights has died elsewhere without being specific about why that was this morning, the group claims an attack on his right. he forces very close to this town, the car where the strike took place on the vehicle. we've seen an increase in these kinds of strikes on vehicles, including members of
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a mazda and has the in southern lebanon. an important to note that rode down to look further along because 4 or 5 kilometers away from these ready bold is. do you need to be safe enough for the us and to use it with this vehicle? so this is a very surprising location for this individual strikes. very interesting. and those costs border attacks still kind of continuing, but amongst that with the latest from occupied east through some thanks, then let's go ahead here on al jazeera, the votes of being counted and around, but it looks like versa, turned out was at an old time learn the photon counting the called a rule rebels farm is around the world for testing a see to the lake and climate policies. we speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico. of coping plus inflation is slowing down. will central buttons put interest rates soon? counting the cost on al jazeera called church solutions that
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gives us no vote for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want. we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks. we become about to, on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be truth. and equally we are working in the full sense. our officers claim that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key is you to
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the the welcome back. you're watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories here of silence. and you and team says that many of the palestinians were injured and cause associate on thursday of gunshot friends. is there any soldiers opened fire and a large crowd of people as they gather to collect food 8, at least a 115 people were killed? the u. n. is demanding full access to bring a surprise into is there any strikes on phones and mosque and central gaza have killed at least 15 people? many of those also needed hospital treatment following that urbanized attack. and darrell bothering us says it will begin at dropping humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. presidential revive and said he'll also insist that is right, allow me
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a trucks and took off a hundreds of protesters in malaysia and have the amount of an end to the war. on garza malaysia has no different magic relations with israel and has consistently called for say fine phone. so it reports not from the capital column pull. this riley is organized by local civil society group called the palestinian solidarity secretary. and now it's also been endorsed by a 100 local non governmental organizations and various political parties. the starting point of this riley was spot here, 100 meters from the us invitation because of post a lot of the anger is directed after us. but. ringback can you support of israel now the opening speech of this riley, the speaker like can us actions as people and of course the yankees, us with the right to the israel foot continue from boston, gaza organize this happens kind of this rally for me at the timing of this really, really coincides with some of the more for risk events involved with the death toll has no cost. $30000.00 palestinians,
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many of the women and children. and also when we say today's x rays opened fire analysis as a waste of healing 100. now it clearly 6 months since israel's war and god's that began and since then malaysians have held that doesn't have such protests and right . of course malaysia. now some of the riley is always with spoken to said, i'm not sure what the presence at this riley will accomplish. the not sure it will and is ready is killing of palestinians or its occupation and oppression or palestinians. but they say they are, or if they want to express solidarity the lowest, we will just 0 the the moving on to some other world news on the security of energy surprised that's being discussed in algeria at the gas explosion. countries for the 12 men, those are the end control and 70 percent of the while it's not for gas for the us.
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russia around on costs have the 3 largest reserves. i'm not sure gas has seen is a key in the source of housing of the fossil fuels, but attacks on russian underwriting and pipelines, the war and ukraine and israel's war on garza demonstrate the market's falling ability. well, that's me to assembly been debated. correspondent, who's about summit for us and al j as he joins us now. live is on. how is russia coping with weston sanctions? i believe it is actually so profiting from wetland gas. but we did have a frank interaction with the russian energy, minnesota on the sidelines of this summit, who told us that russia is able to cope with these, the non delivery see europe as he called it and says that pressure has found new markets in the global south, whether it's a far east asia or africa, where russia is continuing to explore its hydrocarbons and it continues to not just not be affected by these functions. and it is also growing its domestic market as
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been frustrated means an important part of the gas exporting countries for them. the g e. c. a who can be in here, who as you said, the now household about 70 percent of the was a gas reserves. and 40 about half of the world gas outputs is about a gas is very important because it is being seen as an alternative fuel to pretty using coal on oil. as the world moves towards the transition towards the newburn energy and according to the russian energy, minnesota, there's a lot of emphasis on the gas produces, but not enough. on the people who are the biggest images, all 5 of of, of coughing and coming footprint into what are some i believe it's the final day of the summit. the right today. what should we be looking for? what is the there's been a lot of activity in the last few days in this summit where hundreds of delegates and media from all of the world has been heavier. people have been discussing about the future of gas. people have been discussing about types of secure supplies of
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gas, as there are a number of crises which the worth of space as it was rebounding from the corona virus crisis. there's, there's been a conflict in ukraine. there is the red sea tensions. so that needs to be a mechanism to make sure that the rest of your supply that has also been attack since the you pay more on the pipeline such as the north stream. so all of these then it gets that coming together to try and find out a mechanism, not just on delivery, but also on prices. it's been because gas, unlike oil, has longer be good to him contract, so it cannot exert the same pressure as other groups like opec to try and regulate the prices on delivery off of a gas output as well. so it is in the, in the next few hours we're going to hear from head of states, at least 10 heads of states of the 19 member block are here. they are going to be discussing what has been happening by the delegates, by the energy ministers in the last couple of days. and they're going to come up with a find they've given the k to control that, not just gas. and it means as a,
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as an important sector of energy for the rest of the box, but the as exporters and produces continue to make profits by ensuring that there is a reliable supply of gas to be available, needs a, some of the engine phase bang, keep an eye on that summit for us and l. j is thanks us on a residential building has been damaged and a suspected drone attack and the russian city of saint petersburg. the man says there were no casualties and residents when they affected apartments have been safely about choices. now, st. petersburg and surrounding areas have reason being faced several would write in a tax, even though it is hundreds of comes from the front line. on to around now, where the ballot counting his country under way of to friday's parliamentary elections, the conservative candidates are expected to do well. it is the 1st time that the verge has been held since nationwide. protest in 2022, russell set our reports from the capital. tyrone iranians looked at for
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a new parliament on friday in an election seen as a test for the political establishment in the country. to this election is the 1st for my measure of popular opinion, cease nationwide. protests in 2022 spots by the death of 22 year old mess and many employees. the cost of running officials have enjoyed high water turned out cease establishment of the stomach. the populace iran in 1979. but that changed in 2020 parliamentary elections were turned out to remain at 42.5 percent a significant throughout compared to previous elections. but as you move from now, the government and institutions are seeking a high turn out to restore the less than the seats, which was damaged by the economy, cautious social unrest. andrews chasing with the eyes of the world or on iran, on the people of iran. they want to see what you will do, that you both are friends and foes from all sides. their eyes are on us so. so pay attention to the ministry of interior fields is in charge of conducting the
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elections extended within time by 6 hours hoping to secure high turn out. well, you know yet because others show you that considering reports received from cities and requests from know who governors, the interior ministry based on the election long with the approval of guardian council announces that the voting hours across the country are extended until midnight. i use many reformist, including for more than a sample is running, present past several honey, we're bare for on the race. randy and supposed to vote, as for members of the company's h. h c s complete of ex, verse an 80 or turn on a panel that will potentially a point. the company's next supreme leader of the company. that's why does election, may have a significant impact on the future of the islamic republic. give me around what the turn off is a primary source of measurements the for the particular establishment of the was our students. we being counted, turn off, may indicate a decline in public support,
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but the high turnout will give you good as a significant victory. by the point, the committees, this is to have that which is 0 to wrong. on presidential candidates and mexico have forgotten, the campaigns pulling will take place on june. the 2nd, the nation is facing several economic and security challenges. so in home, the reports from the capital mexico city it was a statement in time cavities showing down to mexico city central plaza, the hall of the country. to launch a presidential campaign, about 200000 people showed up to the front of the presidency in large poll because she's chosen to the current populate incumbent and today's manual lopez over the door. and she's not afraid to play on that. you get outside, you gotta be in shouts so that the president can hear. 2 it's an honor to follow over a door to no. c to the full name of mexico city environmental engineer,
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place to continue have predisposes. look by me of a bit, i'll be going to let the privilege didn't corrupt return. that's why we're going to keep fighting for the trucks. the nation of mexico for opponent the opposition candidates, so to, to go was up to, to start her own campaign with midnight. rephrase me. you the town and mexico with most residents, fee for the safety and no insight size box. 96 percent of the people in the city feel insecure and no one to the mess because some of sides missing people, models of civilians and police offices. here in front of me, i, as in all of mexico, people are afraid she's trying to a type be achilles heel of showing bowman lopez over those ruling policy morrenda that it hasn't been able to stop mexico's in demick violence. so now the 1st guy is plain spoken with indigenous rates and miss g. b a side, the ones who will have parade through the country. you send it in
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a t rex cost you to protest outdated policies. gov is how's the popular touch somewhere, but she's facing an up hill back to the post showing them would move in double her projected bugs. whatever happens with mix categories to do this, selection is going to be historically, and that's the that's where it's going to have. it's the president and for a country bookstore, these were the savings for women. we bought cheese, that's huge. now come 3 months of grueling campaigning for so to to go was to try and break what looks like an on site lead showing about doing home. and how does it mean it's closer to the origin? tina's president has delivered a major policy address to congress. how do you emulate said his nation has no future unless its economic model has changed? they were a public, purchased the head of a speech with people angry about his economic reforms. emulate has rolled back in
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many subsidies since he came to power back in december. well, that's it for me as always, out of there dot com has overlays just do, stay tuned here on out to 0. they're counting, the cost is the the hey, they were keeping tabs on severe thunderstorms for the eastern side of australia. so if somebody show you, these are moving away from new south wales state pushing into byron bay, the gold coast, and brisbin mean threats here will be large hail, torrential downpours, and some pretty damaging wins for the rest of australia. whether it has moved through the interior, so that's freshened up the atmosphere. and alice are now down to 35 degrees on sunday. a plume of moisture coming for new ceilings, north island,
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stretching from the northland to the escape. we've got some what weather in the mix there. then this storm system is getting close to the south island to a head of it. weather alerts had been issued. it's been more flooding central. you have a province on india easy as main island of java. now for some odd sure island dang could see half a month's worth of rain over the next 48 hours or so. so that could trigger some flooding and temperatures down just to touch 4 pets. 37 degrees you've had a stretch of about a week of temperatures, 38 and above it is a bit cool in hong kong. cloudy as well, but give it a bit. your temperatures are on the way out over the next few days, and still a bit of snow to come for japan's honshu island. about 10 centimeters here, but those snow storm warnings have been dropped across. so kind of island on sunday . that's a snapshot of your weather. the examining, the impact of today's headline is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not
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the only question the most is what we are moving out. is there a set the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improved, it's possible to protect and safe different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world. today. on alex's yes, as the color and civil robin, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you know, we can look at the world of business on the can nomics this week. a rule revolt farm is around the world amount to in protests today's economic and climate policies.


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