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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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facing about the child abuse, as you saw, i am a human being and i think we need to help each other and also showcases the incredible story of the footfall this in fluff. dennis done to escape the telephone generation for the episode one on the on his radio strike on a house in southern guns or kills at least 15 of us demands and run the hello. i'm darn jordan. this is, i'm just here a life and also coming up us says there is a framework agreement on the table for 6 weeks because a ceasefire is well didn't turn it down and is now waiting for how much this response is really can result in more deadly attacks on palestinian is waiting for 2 days in central god and the us at drops food have
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a gaza president biden admits is not nearly enough. and critics say what's needed is a 6 fox news . we begin in southern gaza way as well continues to target to residential areas. at least 15 palestinians have been killed and several others injured in that strike in the past few hours. a full story building and then also i'm neighborhood and a rough i was get rescue as an residence, rush to the scenes, or a couple of buddies and take the engine to hospital as somebody of up to you. as you can see behind me, we saw that a residential building was struck, causing civilians into space people. it's a 4 story building. we managed to remove several bodies and rescue several injured people, but many more civilians, women and children are still under the rubble. we have limited scant resources and this war is entering at 6 months. there is no fuel to operate, search and rescue equipment and we need heavy equipment to help rescue women and
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children from under the rubble. but unfortunately, we do not have the ability to do that. we have to use our hands and some light old equipment to rescue victims from under the rubble of this residence. meanwhile, the white house says there is a framework agreement on the table for 6 weeks, east fire and gaza. israel has not turned it down. now the weights on for how much to agree towards the ongoing in doha, with parties hoping to have a deed in place by rema done. and around a week's time. after 0 has been at smith's in ramallah in the occupied westbank customer of the reaction to the prospect of a deal. this looks like the us is increasing the pressure on how much to agree the broad terms of the 6 week see spot deal. how much says it will deliver its official answer in cairo on sunday of us, when mediators from the us casa, and egypt to expect it to meet again, according to different media on my team sometimes. and israel are expected to turn up by no means clear that how much is going to accept this deal. that bill, though they have previously insisted on
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a full permanency spot on the complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza, demands that is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, ass cold, delusional. and yahoo is his said, he's not going to send anyone to cairo. these are reports for him is really mediate . he's not going to send anyone to cairo until i'm us, gives up a list of old hostages that are still alive. and again, we'd heard earlier from how much they are not prepared to do this. so both sides on the face of it seems still to be far apart. burnett smith, i was just era ramallah in the occupied westbank, rose in jordan's in washington, dc. with more of the details coming from the white house. one of the 3 officials who braved said that in principle, the israeli government has agreed to a 6 week cease fire between the israelis, homos and other fighters. inside garza,
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in order to increase the amount of humanitarian aid going into garza, as well as allowing for the release of more captives currently being held and daughter. those captive would belong to one of 4 categories. women, the elderly, the injured and the sick. now, according to these us officials, it's now up to him off to decide whether it can comply with that term in order to start the ceasefire, which everyone is hoping could start before ramadan, which is either march 10th, or march 11th. the ghost agents have been under way around the clock, according to us officials in jo. huh. and there are reports that the negotiations could move to cairo as early as sunday. separately. the us government, which has been under pressure to do more, to try to help the people of god. so is reportedly going to be meeting with benny, get a member of the is really wor cabinet. and we have several news reports indicate that
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gant who is traveling without the explicit permission of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is supposed to be meeting with the vice president tom le harris, as well as with the national security advisor jake sullivan. perhaps as early as monday, those news reports indicate that both harris and sullivan are going to be pressuring get to deliver the message to the non yahoo government. that much more needs to be done to protect civilians. and much more needs to be done to try to bring the war in gaza to an end, sooner rather than later. well, someone jordan, elders, era, washington for the 2nd time in 3 days, these really ami her shots at the palace, demands, waiting for food, a nearby novelty round about southwest of johnson city. one person was killed at at least 26 wounded on thursday at the same location. at least a 118 palestinians were killed. 5 years. randy ministry while waiting desperately
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needed food. the doctor states as carried out his 1st ad drop of humanitarian aid into gauze that more than 38000 ready meals were dropped onto the strip present 5 and i said the amount of 8 floating into gaza is not nearly enough. 8 organizations have criticized the moods and the us should instead and show is where it allows aid in through crossing certainly cutting dike as president of refugees international and a former disaster relief official in the obama and bite in the administration's. he says ad dropping is one of the least effective ways to get age of people. when i worked on this for the us government and the bottom ministration and i, i coordinated air air drops and their deliveries and a number of disasters including the earthquakes and type fluids and examines mores . you know, you only resort to that when there is something on the ground that is blocking you from using better forms of transportation of air list and the air drops in
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particular, are the worst of the cost of the worst possible way to deliver it. they're very expensive, they are, they're dangerous because there's a lot that can go wrong when those things drop and they deliver very small volume of a. so you know, relative to the level of need that exists in gaza today. this is not enough to really make a meaningful dent in the military and crisis. i think you have to ask, why is this necessary? well, it's necessary because over the last nearly 5 months, these really military offensive has made it virtually impossible for normal humanitarian operations to exist in gaza. they could be opening more border crossings. they have refused to do that. even the 2 crossings in the south that are open have seen their volumes decline in the last few weeks and, and they've been very difficult for humanitarian groups to operate within gaza. there have been air strikes on humanitarian facilities. there was
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a naval strike on a u. n. food convoy heading to the north. it was actually stopped at in his really tech point at the time. so you know that this resort to airstrikes is a reflection of how impossible this really government has made it to conduct normal and frankly more effective humanitarian operations. as a god and unicef chief catherine russell says, children and gods, i need an immediate cease fire to save them from starvation. she describes her risk news out of gaza. at least 10 children have reportedly died of malnutrition, m, d. i ration so far. well, many more are on the brink, $1.00 and $6.00 children under the age of 2 in north gauze, acutely malnourished as an adult, a northern gauze, as, as his team is struggling to provide aid to half the babies that enter his hospital . most of the issues them from a lack of food which is leaving many of the babies and they come out on the hospital, malnourished is a, doesn't come quickly. he says there's nothing more he can do in this window. so it's of, you know, nutrition plays
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a major role in the number of children that come to us and us in the number of deaths. there are different when a child is supposed to eat 3 meals a day and ends up in a one meal. that's not enough for that unless your body becomes deficient and carbohydrates, vitamins proteins and deficient in fans that are necessary for the body. and then the body goes into a severe dehydration state. i can honestly say that we can't, you've been deal property with 50 to 60 percent of the cases we received because we have nothing to give them nothing. the most we can do for them is either give them say lien solution for sugar solution. another one moment suburban enough to pull it. all of this is happening due to the lack of food. when a child supposed to 3 meals a day and only each one of the obviously suffer from malnutrition and, and all of the diseases that come because of the thing. and if the rate of infection goes up, he or she might get along infection or blood infection in front of itself. so it's
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the most effective way to get it now. and then we just kind of, and it was a mazda, how about we received a case from elsa, how to medical complex that needed a device that we barely managed to get to the bottom level. she also needed an incubator, so we can manage to get it as you have. so we have to put her in with another child, but she also needs a device to monitor her heart and log in. this case basically took everything we have. if another case comes in that requires the same device on, is it the we won't be able to do anything for them to devices we have are not working. we are now in the neonatal intensive care unit. as soon as the situation is the same with the intensive care department, as i said, it doesn't necessarily out of me. she doesn't know then probably my message is an appeal to the entire world to intervene and save all the children to bring medical a and fuel to the hospital and to help bring back all the medical staff that have had to lead to the south toward my stock immediately vista,
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i just finished another 9, people were killed. i have an item, gaza off. there's really strikes at the most new way of displace palestinians with sheltering intel core. the reports from the scene of the talk in bit about us a change in didn't bella for last night there was a be bombardment in the middle area. on my left is a mazda that has been completely blocked and to the floor as the is really forces targeted. this was with at least 2 air strikes. and as you see, the destruction is massive. the mosque became literally flattened on the ground. but the story is not here, the story is in this area that is completely up close to them was where the families from bit had noun that were internally displaced 1st to a 2 days. and then to this area to one are displaced in this area. came
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to this area and took it as a refuge for more than 2 months. i saw that side many from bit to noon. were 1st displaced in the days and then came here. the family are telling us that they are dotted with that side. that's hurt. their 26 year old daughter was sleeping here on this great not before she was killed by the is ready air strike the targeted the mask. last night, the minimum, what i was lying under the bed was concrete during my chest. the planes were resuming over the overhead. i called out to my daughter, went out to help me. my son came over and put me out. as to both my daughter, i thought she was helping others somewhere. she was only as courageous and generous . i found her lying dead. she was killed. i keep screaming. she was lying soaked
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in her blood. she was working all night long, hoping palestinian use agency. she was the bread one that for our families. she was working hard till her last. the 50 palestinians were sleeping here yesterday night when the is ready for us is targeted them last year by palestinians. believe they have no place to see where everywhere is packed nowhere estates. this is in the city. i just need a steady. but is there any minute tree has announced the death of 3 soldiers in gauze in on get sack dollars, monica? and i think terry will killed in the fun, eunice. the army says 14 of the troops, the injured brings a total number of his ready soldiers killed the $585.00. the organizers of a protest march. and israel say 15000 people have joined families of captives and gaza to judge for their release. many been marching for 4 days from the southern gauze, a boat towards west jerusalem protest as calling on the government to secure
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a deal with him as to free the captives of to 0. his home, the flute has moved out from tennessee. now a chance by these protesters that has become the rally and call to bring their loved ones home. families of captive as being held in gauze, were joined by thousands of his release as they marched from the gauze of border to west jerusalem. demanding for the remaining captives to be released. we're here in march and support those. now, we see that they will be released soon and be safe. and we're praying for them. and every step done. over the course of 4 days, these demonstrators tried to send a message to israel government, but not enough is being done to secure the captives release.
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meanwhile, behind the scenes, mediators are hoping to solidify a deal that would see a 6 week pause in the fighting. and the release of thousands of captives and didn't tell a v, it's this 3rd week of mt government demonstrations, protest or say they want elections to be held immediately and saying it's in yahoo is to blame for the countries current state of affairs. i'm against the government, which the have like that was last year. that's ever be face value. everybody's think that gemini needs to us. we are doing and now does it fund this payment? and the, the only thing that i can do is demonstrated at least 7 people were arrested after demonstrators broke through police barricades and blocked roads. but as a deal to release the captives and ensure
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a ceasefire remains elusive, it is unlikely that people here will be deterred from speaking up and continuing to take to the streets. is really police say they want to crack down on what they're calling a legal demonstrations that walk roads, which is why they've set up some of these iron dates that you can see behind me. for demonstrators are valving to walk rhodes every single saturday until there is a change within israel's government. time, the central time pressure break here now to 0. when we come back tons of demonstrations, i held around the world and to show solidarity with the policy and people suffering on the israel constant flemings in garza and it's been a week of political violence and shot were leading opposition. figure was killed. now the miniature buddhist, as he run in this, is election on the state of the
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the latest news as a break, or it costs expensive. the philippines was drafted and approved after the 1986 last uprising with exclusive reports. that london across the board of the colanda here say there was is to make sure that go, ma, is protected from around the world. the model has already been banned from running for public office until 2030. but his supporters will show voters that the fear of, of president still have political clout, hard hitting intervals as a un ambassador position given to you by, well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything thought, providing ons. what question to you? all the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities us veto in the security council. this is a major stumbling block, is
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a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era the phone causing the call saves? will revolve. farm is around the world for test again. seasonally and climate policies. we speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico . of coping plus inflation is slowing down, will central buttons put interest rates soon? counting the cost on all just there. the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching out just a quick reminder about top stories here. there's at least 15 palestinians have been killed and several others injured in his randy as strike in southern guns attached
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to the house belonging to one family in the also i'm neighborhood in the us says there is a framework agreement on the table for 6 weeks east fire and gaza. israel has not turned it down and is not waiting for how much response troops on going in throw hot with punches, have you to have a deal in place by running them around a week's time. and it's really ministry has again shelf and the palestinians wages of food a south west of gauze and such as one person was killed and at least 26 wounded on thursday. at the same location of these to 118 palestinians were killed by waiting for desperately needed a a 13 year old boy relates his child to be killed by these really military in the occupied westbank mohammed hall upside was shop near the jealous own refugee camp north of ramallah medic, some of the palestinian red crescent tried to save him, but couldn't was really on the claims. it's remnants of come to a nearby ministry post. it's a sinner what has been held for another promise to me and boy killed during his reign. you're right in the middle of the night,
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hundreds of motors join the procession for mohammed to move that as if somebody says, the 16 year old is out with friends when the rate begun, it became trapped. the leave a short when his reading forces opened. fire. now let's see now, who is the leaders says he holds u k prime minister risk. assume that responsible for the sinking of the ruby ma, that's a british and congo ship the ship sank 2 weeks after being hit by who's the missile? aside from yemen. c, as an environmental disaster had been raised because of the 40000 tons of fertilizer on board. who the sites do not come, recover the ship if a trucks are allowed into a gauze of this is been another day of palestinian some a diety around the world from the middle east to europe and north america. thousands riley took over piece and gaza that demanding an immediate cease fire. we had a baby reports. 6 a global initiative,
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united people from all walks of life and solidarity with the full listing and call from copenhagen to b, u and from london to room in different cities in the u. k. protesters, we've palistine and flags high in response to the escalate, the military and crisis in gaza. it's a global day of action for palestine. the mom being an immediate cease fire. and in denmark, there has been closed and the blood shed has more than 30000 people, including 13000 children in the united states, protest are taking place in washington. several 100 people demonstrated outside the is really embassy, something carrying signs, urging for the killer to and, and the eccles put tests as voices reached as far as how far not in cuba. i sort of don't want to think about the solution to by the scene in question is not displacement or the plan sort of them died people or do i, the legions?
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the only solution is just as for the palestinians by obtaining the legitimate site, just as a donation and to live indignant testers were also seen carrying flags through the streets to the easily embassy in ecuador capital key to welding, lebanon, palistine. the cities have joined the march, invade route. for the all of europe is against us. they are firing at us. they are providing weapons to is very them giving us great. this is unreasonable and cannot be accepted by anyone in the world. the, as israel's military operations intensify, displaced, civilian struck by is really fire faced. imminent danger, excess, repeating the already devastating. that's 2 international. maybe 2 have been working to broker deal to hold, to fighting the for the muslim holy month of ramadan begins or on march the 10th to the realities 50. see to not have less than 5 months into the world. gaza united
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individuals instead saw sort of gary to get the phone calls and you hit the d as a 0. now to chad with a minute tribute, it says he will contest this year's presidential election. the announcement came at the end of a violent week for the country. the main opposition figure out was killed in a raid by security forces of the address report from a capital germaine for most champions. this what's expected, but how much debbie says it was to them is what, what can be done at the beginning of the transition? i didn't see myself as a candidate and this selection my focus was keeping the country safe and secure and united. but his candidacy is almost shadowed by events of the past few days. at the end of february, security forces rated officers of the countries made no position their way accused of attacking the offices of the national intelligence agency and the supreme court
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. now the leading opposition candidate is dead. the party and its headquarters are important. the opposition is demanding an independent investigation into the rates by security forces and describes the beginning of a position due to a dental us. an assassination by the government says the rates are legitimate, was supposed to lie spring fucking as a threat to the future of charge. so more than $220.00 political parties and associations, including those opposed to mohammedan his father got back to endorse the president . for the me elections, there was no mention of the position socialist party without borders in the president speech. what's that reference to the rate or the leader of the opposition? the rates of race to consent. at the funeral, there are social consequences for the coming. but politically and the opposition leaders death will not stop the election. many wisdom poets consider chide, dependable online, especially for my colonial rule of falls. we just moved
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a lot of troops here after they were ordered out of most of the sale. the may 6 election could be an indicator whether chide hit into an equal stability or chaos. how many degrees i would do that. jamaica in tennessee of thousands of members of the largest labor union have been protesting in front of the prime minister's office. demonstration of schools, the greatest social freedoms and denounced, crept down on union rights and rising prices. the valley was organized by the tennessee and general explain to you again. it's been one of the strongest critics of president chi site. since he sees most powers in 2021 and i move on to describe as a coup, a. m p 's impact is don when elect the new prime minister lights on sundays, sebastian race expected to be confirmed and the tough job for a 2nd time. as potty will lead a coalition government, early of thousands of supporters of jail formally to him and con, took the streets to protest against the alleged rigging. and last month's election
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come out of height as more than that for his number of us us. despite the heavy rain, the board, the bucket dante again saw, but all the number did and its lama, but they have caught up protesting against what they say. what match the rigging and the election that took place at and focused on they have of course being a number of addressed by the security for the data on job, proven my paper here. and i did tell me and they're making their protests tag. we've been talking to some of the project to to tell us why they yeah, cuz we do everything that took place in the election on its february. the guy was reading on almost $186.00 on the night of the election. but in the morning that is, that's wonderful. and we have no going to do the only notices in the national assembly on monday, independent august. somebody has been stolen in the states have been stolen and you will know as the incentive for testing the election permission is complete. the
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eyes uh, sits in the next assembly, the idea to get back us golden rule. that stone and mandate, you know, the whole world knows you have bought ample. upon 45, it is there, not nobody wants it. and on the top of introducing the market, they have cited with the tea and the tubs. so it is not acceptable to the common docusign. i can't even imagine. so why did we under the government? i have to come back to the office on the spot the fund wasn't no, i'm really what i did for our guys. i like me to continue as the mounting pressure tactic against the government, which dave dave came into power through rigging. and this, of course is likely to gain momentum because other parties are also like need to join hands invoicing. the protest across the country come out of how you doing. i was just it off. it's not me of od as well. that's it for me. dire in jordan's,
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my colleague, the data will be here at the top of the with much money, use it on go away. you can keep up to date with pull the news on our website, obviously, or dot com. there it is on the screen. well, the news continues here on, i'll just say are opt accounting accounting station. the . no, it's cool in hong calling. nobody went, but temperatures of warming ever so slightly as an increasing casual incidence of in china. but mostly it's a sunny picture minus 4 and hobbin into the still being cold air around and that's come across. yeah, from water. so several centuries of snow seem like you to fully maybe how kind of more, especially in hong shoes. you'll notice that carries on through monday,
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the same time. hong kong is up to 22 degrees and this input volts in the south. china sea has produced no rain bearing bearing card anywhere from the young c cyrus woods nor specialty illnesses over the water. okinawa, that's like having a pretty wet day as well, but it's which is still at least potentially for sumatra. maybe single pole, borneo and java with the flood risk increased the next couple of days at least because these big thunder storms on both sides on more especially snow, are still going to be fairly heavier from the reference image of projection in the poll westman for particular come down to the indian planning and rain seems like you know, as far as how so far enough or even beyond that quality because of this has been improved to some degree from the point of view of packet style. well, maybe the worst is over. we've had right now, se dryer on sunday, but not very warm in karachi, of the
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african narrative from african perspectives. the competitive vehicle this tim do show documentary spot applicants will make it from rwanda and democratic republic of congo. andrew, c r e z on. if i need to go, i'm on the drive and reinventing cassava for a new series of africa, direct on how to sierra the color and civil robin. this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you know, we can look at the world of business on the can nomics this week. a rule revolt, farm is around the world amount to in protests, today's economic and climate policies. so why is it proving so difficult to boot,


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