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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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is is covered the . ready is ready for says open file on palestinians is a trunks arrive in johnson city. around 1000000 cases of infectious diseases all detected in garza, the medical situation in the strip is described as extremely catastrophic. the connell, this is officer alive from dough. how also coming up joining us, that's a great target of 5 percent ahead of the annual meeting at the national people's congress on collision. i've seen the philippines accused as china of looking at
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specials from accessing features. the beginning garza web hosting is waiting for a have again come on the as really far as supply come. boys arrived several. a lot of students are green ends advise writing for us as well as waiting for supplies at the q 8 round about. and garza city any, a few people were able to get some boxes that included with most of the flowers and other items. the trucks last carrying some of those inches by the is rarely gone fine. where do i spoke to english of care? who is the israel and palestine director of human rights watch? i also have about with the conditions for people seeking aid and the perceived strip of the people are in gaza facing incessant bombardment. they are being stars. they like access to basic resources. they have been displaced multiple times
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over most of their most for most of them, their homes, their hospitals, their community institutions or schools have been damaged or destroyed. and they're left every day just trying to survive. and the idea that people are being killed as they sky image for me, garages of food is just appalling. and as a reminder why there must be international immediate action to prevent further mass atrocities. this is a sign of just how desperate and catastrophic conditions are 6 months into this nightmare which began worse not in the vacuum, but no reality of years of closure of unlawful killings, of abuse, of occupation, of apartheid and persecution, denial of right. or there's a larger context, but we've seen an unprecedented scale of killings and repression. i always thought they were us, vice president come on,
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harris calling for more age into goals are somewhat police. and they also cool in for a sees for us is also have been involved in an aide drop. what sort of message does this sends? and we know that the us is as well as number one, bathroom without the weapons that it provides as well, wouldn't be able to carry on. this will look, i mean, people up in the morning about this very scenario for days, weeks and months in the united states has failed to use its leverage to put action behind its words. and those words have been need words, but any sort of action in order to prevent the sort of situation the united states unquestionably has to leverage. but the united states has simply been unwilling to stop providing arms to these really governments to be much more strong and their condemnation to support action or on the account ability. and then to complicity and to actually put teeth behind and pushing these really, governments. and this embarrassment to you what the us as role in the world that is
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doing this a job look. i mean, for some families this age, you know, could provide critical a, we shouldn't have a situation of starvation look past that. but at the same time, the united states can and should be doing so much more and it's failed to do so, but lives still hanging in the balance and wish and there's still time to act. people are not bargaining chips. humanitarian aid should not be something that can be bordered and bargained to way they should be provided. immediately. justice hosted civilians held hostage should be immediately unconditionally released as well as continual involvement of gauze as health facilities as causing the net collapse of the health system. the goal of the health ministry says it's depicted around 1000000 cases of infectious diseases describing the medical situation in the strip as extremely catastrophic. 350000 chronic patients aren't rest due to a lack of medications. 60000 pregnant women and gonzo endangered due to a lack of access to health care and around 10000 accounts of patients and also at
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risk of dying. when are you and seen that to live in essential medical supplies to hospitals and northern goals are for the 1st time since the will began in october. the situation that is described as grim with severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of salvation, serious shortages of food feel and medical supplies. humans, extra, general spokesman stuff, and a jack gave this update of the team made up of world health organization and the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs. unicef, and you had population fun all visited the out out and come, i'll add one hospitals in northern garza, yesterday. they did that to deliver fuel and essential medical supplies. that the visits were the 1st to those specific hospitals since early october. despite our ongoing efforts to gain more regular access to the north of gauze of the team delivered $9500.00 leaders of fuel to each of those hospitals. but as you can
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imagine, this is just a fraction of what is actually needed of the director general of the world health organization doctor tedra spoke of quote, grim findings. during the teams visits, including several levels of bound nutrition, children dying of starvation, hospital buildings, destroyed. and serious shortages of fuel and food and medical supplies. the come out loud one hospital is the only pediatric hospital in northern garza and it is as you can imagine, being overwhelmed with patients. dr. tedra said the lack of electricity poses a serious threat to patient care and the lack of food lead to the death of 10 children as the w h o t was informed by uh, doctors at the hospital who as far as present kind of harris has expressed deep concern over the situation in gaza and deserves as well to take additional measures to increase aid flows, as has been holding towards in washington dc with any guns,
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a member of his writing will cabinet. is there any problem is that benjamin netanyahu was reported? they told embassy stuff in washington, no, to help facilitate kansas trip. she opportunity has moved from washington dc. and despite the reported objections of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, many guides is being receivable, most of the highest levels of the by the administrator and not president biden himself, but the vice president, a selection of the key decision makers for foreign policy in the administration. national security advisor, jake sullivan, and national security council. i'm at least coordinator breton, a good on monday, secretary of state as the blinking of the state department. on tuesday, the white house says the guns requested the meeting and it made sense to to meet him given. he is a cool part of the free man will cabinets in the readouts of the meeting. vice president come with the harris says she expressed her deep concern about the
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humanitarian conditions in garza. i'm the recent terrific tragedy around an aide convoy enrolled in college that she cooled on how much to accept the terms on the table. for the 6 weeks, the spar unable to search, if you monetary assistance throughout garza, they discussed the situation and rougher and the need for credible and implementable humanitarian plans prior to any military operation. the and she urged israel, according to the read out to take additional measures incorporation with united states and international partners to increase increase the flu. a few hours here in assistance in 2000 shepherd, nancy elder 0, washington you in general, assembly is held back to back meetings on golf as assets that to alleviate the suffering of civilians. folsom and organizations have conditions for palestinians and the strip have reached breaking point for since new me has the latest from new york. a noting the largest aid supplier in gaza, honora has reached the breaking point. it's commissioner general called
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a member states to ramp up support. 16 countries suspended aid to the organization after israel, a 2 staff members are participating in a mazda is october 7th attack. only one is facing the deliberate and concert as compared to undermine its operations. an ultimately and does that operations at the monday that basis assembly parts of this campaign involves you know, dating donors, was mis information designed to foster distrust felipe plaza. rainy's comments came as efforts to negotiate a ceasefire, have made little progress. the security council's most recent attempt to demand one vetoed by the united states. you want officials have long called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. it's a position supported by 3 quarters of member states in the general assembly and 13 out of 15 security council members. the use of the veto triggered
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a meeting and the general assembly where the united states explained its increasingly isolated position. we urged our colleagues not to proceed with a vote and caution. the doing so could disrupt the intensive efforts already under way. and the palestinian ambassador continued his call for an immediate cease. fire is the close to the palestinians. the palestinian people have 3 options. they give us 3 options, displacement, subjugation, or america, ethnic cleansing, a part of tide or genocide. israel's ambassador to the united nations however, told the general assembly that the time has come to dismantle unrra each roll in guys that is finished and it must be replaced. many member states returned to the general assembly in the afternoon to voice their support for on rock and call for
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more funding, shameful than we even having this debate today. whether to discuss, if i know i should be funded or not history of register, what's going on now. without honor, they fear not just for civilians, but also for the prospect of a 2 state solution. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nations well ahead of on what has gone funds. the agency has compiled a report on abuse is committed against palestinians, including unrest, stuff for the advisory. nice as the victims were detained by israel and returned to guns. and last month of the mosque as to james bass has moved from the united nations of speaking to reporters, here in new york, the head of on rough commission to general felipe plaza really has reveals that his organization has compiled an internal report thinks, having abuse carried out by these radio torches against palestinian prison as many of those prisoners were taken into israel for interrogation. and when they returned
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to gaza, they were interviewed by unreal stuff. that was a risk allegations of abuse. we had stories alpha people not on the having been systematically mediated. we had uh, quite to know a lot about the people that been, uh, uh, being uh, you know, of nice to be a naked picture and naked, being a subject of verbal and psychological abuse. and having the effect of the use of that extra cushion we, we know that they have been some, a lot of the state, the probation, all use offer extreme noise to prevent people to steve, we heard about the use of adults to intimidate the people commission like general
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as it really says, he will share his internal report with the us human rights bodies. james bays out to 0 at the united nations. pretty paramedics affiliation with hezbollah, have been killed in his rainy strike on the south south lebanon. this happened hours off from missiles from michael, northern israel, killed in the indian luck. 77 otherwise as from india and thailand were injured. as paula has been exchanging 5 with israel almost daily since october. the 7th is special amboy m, as hutch time, has been visiting bay with the, towards the end of ending the escalation, escalating fighting between israel and has the hutch time says he's pushing for a lost and security arrangement. in a 100 points from barret, hezbollah says it has lost more than 200 men among them, field commanders. since the start of confrontations with isabel, it's been 5 months since the lebanese arms group opened a 2nd front to help relief pressure on its ally. hum us in gauze. international
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efforts are now under way to reach a cease fire in gaza. has blessed says it will stop firing and adhere to any ceasefire that's agreed on condition as well does the same. but that may not happen . it is not necessarily happened that when you have a ceasefire and god, they just automatically extend. that is why we're here today to be able to have a conversation and discussion on what kind of arrangements that could be reached to you unless it is not an automatic us envoy. a must hausten is in be route to continue diplomatic efforts involving arrangements that would allow residents on both sides of the border to return. the us has been trying to prevent the near daily confrontations between israel and hezbollah from expanding, but has about us is western and boys have only one goal, and that is to ensure as well security. it has said it will not discuss security
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arrangements for southern lebanon until there is a permanent ceasefire in garza in level 4 an invoice come to 11 onto discusses riley threats. no one talks about stuffing the aggression on gaza. what they say is the aggression in gaza will continue. we have said this clearly in the past those you want to mediate some of the media and the aggression but as well recently stepped up into our campaign and has linked the suspicion of hostilities to hezbollah as withdrawal from the border area and the re deployment of the lebanese army with increased numbers and effectiveness, us envoy, aimless hausten warrant what he called the limited war between is roland has the loss is not contain of all. he also says a new security paradigm is needed along the border between 11 on and as well. in other words as well, will not agree to return to the situation before october 7th. that means new
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security arrangements and 11 on has now been informed through the united states of what is needed for quiet to return to the border center there elsewhere, zeta balte. and so it has hair. on alex's era, the people running for cover and hate see is security full of his arms, guns, facile the countries major apples the landmark day in the race for the president's watch. they will see millions votes across the 15 states as super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. and donald trump a step closer to a re match. stay with alger 0, so continue to cover it should be us elections 2020 frank assessments. here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate, ok,
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some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera, for rise to use. human appeal has been making the most of your messy, our team successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the muslim world, we are feeding, building, caring, tooling, planting, fuel refined, teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy inaction. this is human appeal. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the beginning of watching algebra has remind you of our top story is this. uh, is there any forces have again opened fire on palestinians waiting for a to arrive. this time the, all to 8 round about and gone. so city, it happened as 3 a trucks arrives and several people in just u. n. team that delivered a central medical supplies to hospitals in news and also for the 1st time since the war began in talking about the situation there, subscribed as grim with severe levels of non nutrition children dying of salvation . serious chose chance of food fuel and medical supplies. i mean, when general assembly has discussed efforts to alleviate the suffering of civilians and garza, has of underwater has appeals to increase support to the agency,
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which is a lifeline for many palestinians. well, the 2nd biggest economy, china has set unnoticed growth targets of around 5 percent. the same as last year. and that's when it comes as thousands of delegates gather engaging to national people's congress. this is a gender is set to be dominated by china, is lagging economy, which is grappling with slow growth, deflation, massive debt, and a decrease in exports from on this as cost. now to katrina you, she's live for us in virginia outside where the m pc is gathers and katrina, this is trying to biggest political gathering, was painting down the sofa. well premier lead time to open the national people's congress to this morning with his extensive work report. he spoke for about 15 minutes and there were 2 main themes. and the 1st was really stay of lising, the economy and reviving fraud. he named
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a target this year for $0.05 g d p. now that the exact same ticket that was named last year, not the difference is this yet, it's going to be much harder to achieve that because last year they were coming from much lower base following post pandemic locked downs. and this is going to have to work much harder to achieve 5 percent. so that does suggest to most policy experts that that will be some sort of supportive stimulus, but it's not going to be anything major or busy for like, as, yeah, those would say. secondly, we know that the government has announced the creation of 12000000 new oven jobs this year. that trying to keep the official unemployment rate at 5.5 percent. and that really speaks to the government's efforts to reassure the public that that concerns about the livelihood in the face of a stagnation economy. all being listened to. and being addressed by the 2nd focus of his page i felt was really about self reliance. not only in boosting,
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china is high quality, innovative industries, and told me that a i read technology, etc. but also when it comes to china is or an energy and agricultural resources and katrina, you say that turns out to work harder to achieve. it's 5 percent growth target because all of this is happening at a time when china is economy is in trouble, isn't it? and that's why the exponential double digit growth of the past few decades seems to be well and truly over. and lee chanc, during his feet, did acknowledge those problems here that he said that there were many difficulties and i quote deep seated problems effecting china's economy you referred to in sufficient demand, low consumer confidence, real estate sector problems. we know that the real estate tech, the traditional driver of growth in china, is currently in crisis. you'll just look that increased pressure on trade and forward investment due to your political concerns. he said that wall china was working to balance its efforts to address these problems to maintain growth. it was
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also really committed to doubling down on transforming the economy on one that was relies less on the receipt debt or the capacity and cheap explodes into one that relies on a new growth development model. so he said that all going to be some pain points, the and really badging is that pain to convince it's 1400000000 people that that transformation and the show 10 suffering involved. that will be with the long term gain. katrina, you live for us that engaging thanks very much. katrina i was gonna be in coast called says one of the ships was damaged and the collision with the chinese coast golf vessel joiner. we supply emission in the south china sea level or accuse us badging, of coming up dangerous maneuvers of countries, claims to frontier over that to speech and compa show on the maritime law is recognized as for the pain tire tre and hey, so you have a um, games of trying to seize control of the main ports and the latest attack on key government sites. the 2 same over to
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a in special at port was closed when the attack occurred, with no claims for creating a new passengers on site. on monday, the government declared a state of emergency and the night time coffee following a search and gang violence and the storming of the countries to biggest prisons. i calling 20 possible spoke to william. i knew it was the united nations ex pats on human rights in haiti. explain what's behind the rise in violence across the country. i think there's several reasons. one is the, the stair has been bothered serious pilots for many, many months now. i think the intensity increased over the last several weeks as it became clear that there may be was now some momentum to finally getting the international force authorized by the security council sent to haiti. and also the announcement that there would be elections perhaps held in august 2025, which is a long time from now. so i think that was one of the excuses in
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a way that the games took some games. not all. some took up to increase the level of violence and these attacks the prime minister is currently out of the country. he was supposed to return, we understand, but there's been no information about his return. who is in control in photo french today? well definitely it's the finance minister who was name to be in charge of when the prime minister was out of the country. he was gone last week at the carry. com conference, 1st in to diana and then the tripped and i wrote it. but in reality, a huge chunk of the capital has been in the control of the gangs and long before just last week. 80 percent is the number used. it's probably sometimes is a 100 percent. it depends on the gains mode. and then of course, the most of the rest of the country is not over the control of games. there are pockets here and there. but it really is a problem around for the prince and the suburbs around it, which is again the heartbeat of the country. everything so centralized and 80 the portal prints really counts for just about everything that matters. why is this such opposition to this international force?
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well actually there is a, i've even the most ations, if you ask patients who are under the some of the gains whose life is being terrorized and women getting raped and, and, and people be kidnapped in fluid becoming so expensive because the games cause put a tax on everything, every haitian, i talked to all my visits in the slum areas, can't wait for the force to arrive. it's some of the gang leaders that don't want it because they understand one thing and that's force. and if someone is more powerful than they are, are, that's the message they get. so it's, it's all the overwhelming percentage of the everyday haitians at just begs to be relieved from this or that they've had to live under for several months now. so the overwhelming majority of the population walk this international force, but mister o'neill are the same time throughout its history. he has not known stability. the previous private venture of anomalies was assassinated, there was violence and instability under going back higher speed as well. why? why is that, what are the factors contributing to,
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to this lawlessness in haiti was you said it's nothing new. it's reached of different level of intensity. the last little fits the assassination in 2021. but even going back to do that yea, and the dictatorship. so then after you left in 1985, um, basically the key issue is a very weak state which is caused by a number of reasons. one is massive corruption and to as intense any quality. there is a stream poverty and heavy and then a very narrow sliver at the top. there is extreme wealth and these of all combined to lead to a society that is so basically sick sick because of these diseases of any quality of rapid corruption and a very weak state and impunity. people literally have gotten away with murder and 80 for many, many years. a just the system is broken. the prisons that were just invaded or it stream way over crowded in you may and i visited them last summer. they were at 400
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percent capacity. i've never seen such as the main conditions. i visited prisons in rwanda like year ago. many other places i've never seen anything like it. and that is a reflection. i think of just a mass of state failure to guaranteed basic human rights to its population. as the columbia, what judges have decided to free the power remote trinity, the salvatore mancuso from prison on tuesday was returned to the capital above the tall office having a 15 year sentence in the united states on drug trafficking is admitted involvement in numerous mass because fronts has become the 1st country in the world to explicitly protect abortion rights and its constitution parliament's match and the historic joint session and best size to hold. the final thing for the manual microbes, government has been pushing for the move since 2022 and that's it. from me laura kyle, you can find much more on a website that's al jazeera dot com. the weather is next,
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then inside story will occur pleasant. the us is miss using is vito power at the united nations security council to stay with us if you count the the hello there. developing storm system is bringing a heavy rain to madagascar. but before we get the, let's have a look at the middle east and live on to has been launching a quiet tube. you can see from the satellite image. we all seeing a storm system pull its way out of the eastern mediterranean, bringing some very heavy rain across to a kid that will eventually push its way further east. ahead of that, some heavy rain pushes away from the u. a as well as a mon, moving into iran, we could see some flooding from that right behind a large nick, a few showers for the south west of saudi arabia. but more in the way of cloud,
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it will drift its way across into katasha as we get into the mid week. so there is that storm system bringing some very unsettled weather conditions as well across the north of africa for coastal areas of libya as well as egypt. so where's the weather coming into algeria as well? but for the south of this law, she's fine. and why picture the he's continuing to build across from the central areas that went to the south, is that of course, that central band of africa. there's a heavy rain across pots of madagascar as that system continues to develop in the mozambique channel. but behind that, for south africa bought swan that lots of hate settled conditions, but a risk of a felt fires across the northern areas on wednesday as to whether update of the, of the biggest global electron yet in history. the world's biggest democracy pull up its own epic showdown. john main screen of off in grandfather viewport
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box city, focusing on india as i traveling across the country, examining the issues of 6 and the 4th of athletics at this critical moment in the country of history. beautiful, coming soon on august, the, the u. s. has vetoed all 3 resolutions of the un security council cooling for us the spot in the concept that since is well launched, its war in october. so is washington miss using its veto power and also the counselors voting system need to change? this is inside story, the hello. welcome to the program. i'm adrian thinking 5 months. so this really strikes on gaza and the united nations has failed to adopt a resolution calling for


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