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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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this business uptake the restaurant, no bundle dash football to use the the you're watching the news, our live from headquarters and downtime data. you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes running for cover and hate steve armed gangs. battle it out with security forces for control of the country's main airports. know, let out the israel's bombardments of the gaza strip as talks were possible. ceasefire continues in age. it's super tuesday in the us. the single most important
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voting day in the presidential primaries. we report from north carolina. china is leaders outline plans for economic revival at an annual meeting of the national people's congress. in sports, one of the biggest players in women's football, sam could have been charged with racial harassment of a police officer. australia is captain and reco goal score has he does not scale say, and is expected to face trial next year. the we begin this news hour and hate see where heavily armed gangs are trying to seize control of the main international airports. it's the latest in a string of attacks and recent weeks at the weekends armed gangs over around the 2 biggest prisons, unfreeze thousands of inmates. stephanie decker reports to the international
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airport has stopped operating. no flights in or out, paralyzed by gang biden's. like much of the country, a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's, a nick named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks. seeing the aims to force the prime minister of yellow only to stand down. in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history. the government gave us the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters, now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. the gains of over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders, gun partials are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from several jails. it's miserable. the crisis is guessing, louis everywhere is unsafe. a con,
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find clients to my taxi to make money, to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get clean water. some tell all g 0. they haven't been able to find drinking water since sunday. we feel discouraged, we flew in a children can't go to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such a situation with 5 to not for the haitians while with the same haitian people? do us administrative sion has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible. canada has closed, its embassy, and some aid organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. thank you very much. the prime minister flew to can you last week to finalize the deal to setup un task force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. but there is still no un troops on the ground to
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help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return stephanie decker, which is 0, well hate. he has suffered decades of turmoil, lawlessness, poverty, natural disasters. the former french colony built on the sugar and coffee slave trade, gained independence in the early 19th century, but didn't hold its 1st free election until 1990 president john virtual artist was hosted in a tu. just 8 months later, us troops intervened and 1994 while un peacekeepers were deployed later to help stabilize the country and our states return to power in 1999, but then sled into exile in 2004 as political unrest and violent protests increased in 2010 and magnitude 7 earthquake killed around a quarter of a 1000000 people and devastated the economy. 10 years later, code 19 locked downs compounded income loss, food shortages,
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and the constitutional crisis. president german, i'm always was assassinated in 2021. after refusing to resign, an organized crime, gang strengthened very control. william o'neill is a united nations expert on human rights in hate seats. he says, intervention by a un force is the best hope to stabilize the situation. stare has been bothered serious pilots for many, many months now. i think the intensity increased over the last several weeks as it became clear that there may be was now some momentum to finally getting the international force authorized by the security council of sensitivities. and also the announcements that there would be uh, elections, perhaps held in august 2025, which is a long time from now. so i think that was one of the excuses in a way that the games took some game of all, some took up to increase the level of violence. and these attacks,
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huge chunk of the capital has been in the control of the gangs and long before just last week. 80 percent is the number used. it's probably sometimes it's a 100 percent. it depends on the gangs mode. and then of course, the most of the rest of the country is not over the control of games. there are pockets here in there. but it really is a problem around for the prince and the suburbs around it, which is again the heartbeat of the country. everything so centralized and 80 that portal prints really counts for just about everything that matters. most patients, if you ask patients who are under this, some of the games whose life is being terrorized and women getting raped and, and, and people be kidnapped and becoming so expensive because the games caught put a tax on everything. every haitian i talked to on my visit in the slum areas, can't wait for the force to arrive. it's some of the gang leaders that don't want it because they understand one thing and that's force the haitian american musician why club zone has been speaking to alger 0. the grammy award winner has repeatedly
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urged hastings prime minister, oriental, and re to resign to prevent further bloodshed. and it's my 1st we went out on february 7th. where within the space of the prime minister, he is mandated. he had to set up elections right. um to 3 years in, in that process 300000 people are displayed and 4700 people are dead just in 2023. so i wanted to start off by saying that someone's saying that he was supposed to leave february 7th. my 1st tweet, i said, if he did not leave, there would be in same bloodshed. so what you're seeing right now is a result of manifestations of people constantly wanting him to leave, not just meet all all sectors. we can't just talk about one sector at this point. multiple sectors, want the prime minister to leave what they're not showing you and what they're not
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telling you. and the reason why jumped on how to 0 is when this process was happened. the prime minister was gasping using gas and tear gas taking innocent people from the st. tear gas them because they would manifest thing with their rights. what also, what they're not telling you was in this process, there was by based off officers environmental guards that were killed by the police, 3 instructions of the government. so at the end of the day, i believe in the institution, i believe in our police is i believe that there are great police. but right now what the prime minister has to do, what he has done, what his leadership, if he has cause a clash, you know, which has led to him going to kenya. in this process. i've heard we spoke about barbecue chevy, chilly view in different people. way before this barbecue shared these get and that whole entire situation. let's put that all on
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a 2nd and look at what is the cause of this. what you have seen in the past couple of days. this is all a result of what the prime minister or has promised, and he has not delivered. the talks are continuing in cairo and reaching a ceasefire in gauze on the framework proposal with see female sick and elderly captives released an exchange for a 6 week troops. the us vice president has voice, which she calls vip concern about does up on earth, israel, to do more, to increase the flow a few monetary, an aide. cala harris has how talks and washington, which is really work cabinet member benny gans prime minister benjamin netanyahu reportedly told is really embassy stuff in washington, not to help guns with his visits. she, every time she has more from the us capital. despite the reported objections of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, many guns is being receivable,
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most of the highest levels of divided administration. not the president biden himself. but the vice president's a selection of the key decision makers for foreign policy and the administration national security advisor, jake sullivan, and national security council, at least coordinator breton. i'm a good on monday secretary of state as the blinking of the state department on tuesday. the white house says that guns requested the meeting and it made sense to to meet him given. he is a cool part of the premium. more cabinets in the readouts of the meeting vice president come with. the harris says she expressed her deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in garza. i'm the recent terrific tragedy around an aide convoy in northern cause that she cooled on her mouth to accept the terms on the table for the 6 week feast bar and able to search amount of charity systems. throughout garza, they discussed the situation and rough, or,
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and the need for credible and implementable humanitarian plans prior to any military operation. the empty, urge israel, according to the read of stake, additional measures and cooperation with united states and international partners to increase increase the flu. a few minutes here in assistance in 2000 shepherd, fancy elders or washington. well last week they're getting on the vehicle is a political and a listing contributor for the is really newspaper harris turning us from tel aviv thanks for your time with us when i was a 0. so how do you read kansas trips to washington dc and then he goes on to the u . k. tools meetings there to expose the for like username is that it's all about domestic politics is not so important as people tend to to things because fundamentally is the god sees that it's very, really runs on the government in aggression. so continuing the war. busy or or not comparing the. busy the video is that wasn't the only one who besides right now,
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the americans are playing at the beach an american game, and we'd share the games a call and show the dual band that the long time ago and guns is there wide toll guns. he's doing federal waiting, the board said he is the best judge has to be next 5 minutes, but he's been gwen, but we'd be an extra incentives. right. but meanwhile, nothing else. use the 5 minutes, the light key to it. we don't. i think that the guns gains out the feed oldest lead domestically, because the as i c z, my zip code, the thieves, but not seeing we'd be the size of the those meetings so. so what you're saying is that to you don't see how this is going to impact any potential cease fire talks that are taking place in egypt right now, as well as the trajectory of the war because guns just doesn't have the leverage in israel. absolutely, that's exactly the, the, the big picture ends who has the version doesn't use the name of the united states
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because they are holding the strongest leverage over is when the since, but yeah, for a fine the ending of the war. but then too low the united states refuse to yours and these leverage we know according to report and coming out of israel. that of course there are divisions amongst the work cabinet members as well as the government on the war we know as well, but nothing yahoo instructed the washington staff, his washington staff and in the us not to sort of facilitate guns this trip. how are these differences and divisions that are taking place, impacting the continuation of the work? first of all, or those differences that you named really, but there is a while seeing which doesn't exist. nobody in the cabinet was the books defined and things will be some more. now, none of them, even ne, the gods. they are those who would like to be more flexibility and any kind of
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deals for assist by a point bows. obviously releasing the hostages that danielle, we don't know because he's playing was or the cops right now, but i guess he's more focused, but by the end of the day don't be wrong. nobody is where the government wants to put an end to the whole now, which is the only thing which is need is right though. so, so talk to us about where those differences them from. and how unprecedented is this amongst the is really government's specifies the verses as we head. you need to maintain the boss i can record on you. one of them and schumacher various was administered for the 1st and the inspect show me a was prime minister and various tried to get to an agreement with king jose and behind they, they bake off the prime minister and the prime it is to just put an entry to
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immediately add those things happening. they coordination, government, and they, why the government and by the end of the day and it's in the house, the most part force, the good news where the party takes. we cannot, the, the 9th and the americans know we, the fact that they are trying to make this, the vision is, is very nice, but it's not very effective. they will not reach much through gods. they can only really increase these domestic power, which is also something to look for. but that's not enough to change the war. right now, the cabinet is, is, is divided over how flexible is what it should be. but they gain only about it was only about the they was the just the not about ending the war. okay, thank you so much. getting on love you for speaking to us from tele, vince now those talks continue. there is no end to israel's bombardment on the
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ground. the people in japan, the refugee hamper, searching the rubble for survivors and bodies. after a series of loss, at least 8 palestinians had been killed in those attacks. more than 30600 people had been killed since october. the unpublished indians waiting for food have again come under is really fire. as aid convoys arrived is really tanks forced 17 trucks, heading to northern gaza, filled mainly with flour and water to stop and unload. so as people approach the trucks they rachada and the similar convoy was attacked on monday. the several palestinians were injured. i felt round about the community round about and does a city only a few people were able to get some boxes that included water flower as well as other items on the trucks,
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less carrying some of those injured by the is really gone. fire officer was correspondent as mine and who was at to wait round about before is really forces open fire on people waiting for age. no, no, not a shot as well. i had been been open. i do i go. it takes a look here now. and so loud dean road, near creek und about would many tearing, 8 from south cousin arrived in this area is really forces have committed the so called flower massacred and open fire and police teen civilians who are trying to get flour from 8 trucks at all. no books around about the rest of kansas city to go . i pick it up. i'm not a big ship and we'll brush and you're on the other side that was today. we got some a and then we found water and cans. water is fine, but we need food for the children, and the elderly people in the holy month of ramadan is coming soon and we need flour to big bread. that's the 3 trucks of 84700000 people
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into some of the boxes that i, that if you of your they speak about the 8 every day that deceiving us 3 or 4 trucks of a, to thousands of people. my son told me that he's hungry and he couldn't wait anymore. my children catch up hungry every morning and i have nothing to offer them . this isn't like me. the citizen's hopes are very high that more and more trucks will end to gather strength a month. but still, the number of trucks carrying aids is very limited. it's mainly the whole deal. okay, well last week to hunt him what he's joining us on the phone in front of us. so, honey, yet another incidents of israel firing on hungry people who were just trying to get food, bring us up to speed with what you know has been happening. and on other developments across the grocery store. yes, very. and we're looking at a very difficult situation. the spanish 24 hours to tragic, get it and but i'm taking a place and there is a game people who are largely hungry trying to try. that's why their children are
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dying of the hydration char vacation. they are being, their parents are the trying to get them to just to keep them alive and to help in surviving the spread of banner. so the we're talking about right now is 1782 when on their way to be delivered to god in the northern part of right, i didn't get that or not had missed 3 intersection. that's an area, but separate the northern part of the city and the central area major intersection . and in the, all the streams they were, the trucks were forced to load of all of their, uh, he's on the ground and there are people to approach these a, on the ground. he was shot at by, by, he'd be machine guns there. and they, they really times the, our station in the area just cause any great d n a k, a big guy situations do what we're running for the life of that the big
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a moment. there are reports of civil injury. and every time there is that the, there is that calm void of the human at cherry and trucks, going to the people gather in large numbers. because just given that the difficult living conditions and their bread or d a trucks to be deliver and to arrive to the northern part as now, there is a spread of famine everywhere. so the initial reports of the injuries right now, we don't have any confirmation of how many people have been killed yet. we just did get a the confirmation of people who were injured and rushed to a ship thought hospital in the city. but again, we don't shut off that is not the kind of both facility right now. an injured person would like to be because there no medical supplies, no stuff is just medical stuff available right now. this is the only lives that it's 24 hour from an earlier one. right. i'd like to wait round about on some i had
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been go where i met in a convoy was a nice way to go. we're also targeted and people who were approaching the truck were also targeted and, and shot at by these ready monitoring. all right, honey, my reporting firm or the honeys. thank you. a donald trump is describing a supreme court ruling which allows him to run for re election in the state of colorado as a big win for america. the ruling is set to allow the former president to stay on balance nationwide. the highest court in colorado had disqualified him from that ballast for being an insurrection, as a trump denies orchestrating the attack on the capital of 3 years ago, after claiming joe biden store the election from him to danger. and that ruling came hours before super tuesday. this day can decide which candidates are selected
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for the republican and democratic parties. but this year joe biden and donald trump faced little challenge and their contests. drawn 100 reports from raleigh, and one of the super tuesday states north carolina. in pulling places across the us super tuesday is the great designer. the biggest aid on the presidential primary calendar with 15 states awarding a 3rd of all the delegates often clears a path to the white house in the super tuesday. his seal. the party's nomination for democrats. bill clinton, al gore. i will fight for you and john kerry and it's made standard bearers of republicans, george w bush, and his son george w bush. i've had a proud record of working both republicans and democrats, which is what our nation knees. this time the results are expected to help president joe biden emerges, the democrats, presumptive nominee and former president, donald trump, to serge,
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ahead with an unsurmountable lead for the republicans. for the losers, the pulling boobs of super tuesday states are off and we're hope goes to die. like a water level for losing candidates. i think don't do well on super tuesday and both parties processes you have a really steep hill to climb, despite what you said. i'm not giving up this fight for republican nikki haley. analysts say a big loss on super tuesday could mark the end of the trail. some voters say they're focusing on personalities. i'm voting for anyone whose name is and donald trump. why? cuz i believe in humanism, fairness, compassion, none of those traits, i believe he possesses. others on issues. i think there's a lot of our infrastructure that needs to be dealt with. we need to spend money at home as well. but i think if you praying falls, then russia isn't a very good position to come against us. failing a historic surprise,
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the odds favor a familiar face off despite the all but inevitable prospect of a do over with the same candidates room. 4 years ago. co show voters have a big problem with that. large percentage of americans who say that they do not want a trump bite and re match. i mean it's 6065 percent, which is you know, these days you can't get 65 percent of the american public to agree that the sky is blue. this year the race comes with the wild card, with trump facing $91.00 charges, and for trials you just possible just possible the trump could finish his campaign is a convicted criminal. after the biggest day of primary voting his cemented his place is the republican party's presumptive nominee. john henry and l. g 0. raleigh, north carolina, a surgeon migration at the us. mexico border has become a focal point and not votes. and republicans accused the bite and administration of
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neglecting border security. and democrats said it was publicans or sabotaging their efforts to deal with the issue. how does the customer reports from texas or candidates visit at the border this week? a allen, city, english cross cultural and a has most people living here have the it's still morning at the mercury. don't flea market in the gallon, but the sol sedan has already been playing for hours. the music drifts over the knick knacks and the produce to wear 18 year old ana is working at her mother's vegetable stall. she does so much to provide for our little family because it's just me and her so on. i was born in the united states shortly after her pregnant
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mother across the border from mexico. she's asked us not to use her last name. she says the candidates and this election have all turned demonizing immigrants to get boats, and that hurts me. grants are here to work hard and try their best to get into this when they help to basically our economy. we. she's looking forward to voting for the 1st time, but she says she wishes she had better options for president than donald trump and joe biden. but it's like in new to meet him like that. i guess i would just go provide a few stalls down our tools. santian almonza is selling tools to make his rent. he's 68 and works 2 jobs. get the pin number and i have my papers now, but migraines going through a hard time. they also need help off the role they've gone through to make it here . use a record number of migraines have crossed into the us during biden's presidency. despite his administration's efforts to block them, trumps as he did
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a better job to secure the border. they like trump impulse showed the majority of americans agree, and they'll bind and one the majority of the hispanic vote in 2020 trump now has a 6 point lead among that group. let me try to cover one. michael brown. yes. says spending a day at the flea market with his family helps distract from his worries about his trucking business. this current administration has the, has crippled to me. they have crippled me. i have to cut my trucking company in half. i've already sold half my leak. he says he'd like republican nikki haley to become president, but he'd be happy to support trump to texas has voted for a republican to become president for more than 4 decades. analysts say this year the states may turn in even deeper shade of red, and that whoever wins over voters on immigration and the economy will win the
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presidency. heidi jo, castro, elders era, macallan, texas? well, you can watch out, is there a special coverage of super tuesday? i'm the issues that matters, starting at 18 gmc phillip head on out to 0. your crane says it's destroyed another russian worship, and a maritime drone attack in the block seats will have the latest from key. and the crickets are we smashed a 6, a car window all in one go. just coming up with some of the . so this seemed to be a good bit of winter for the water table in front of it too late. so spain and portugal is more right on its way. it is coming up against what still fairly cold
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air a p. i said there's an enhancement in what full value, this guy, particularly when it is snow, briefly that we look at what's been happening in the central and then the eastern met. it's still windy weather through the islands, particularly sicily. but the major was gone through the g and as a for the rest of the tuesday, it will be turkey this to, to get rain. oh, some snow behind it brought to weather. but you know, it just says all kid that is old alpine studies pulling at some rate so that will lead to an avalanche danger. often having dropped to know if a lot of us know that this is where the code is encouraging, the attempt is made dropping, it will be in vienna and choosing out even book arrest eventually. but the on the edge again, a bit just knows fully. otherwise it's fairly mild bit of writing, but that's laundry going by wednesday. so enjoy your sunshine. an example of the cold down to 3 degrees even to with are much breezing key for the next 3 days. next, 3 fatty bright days to the window. still bass lounge area and to dizzy for a day or so. but most of north africa and huntington,
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the breeze means more dusty weather, but with showers. staff is here in the air. and gunner, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the top stories on the out. is there an is our soldiers and police and hate to have been fighting gang members trying to seize control of the main airport. and the state of emergency has been imposed after a jail break by nearly 4000 prisoners. so as far as hawks are under wayne cairo, between officials from the us vis real egypt. and as far as the framework proposal with the female sick and elderly chapters release in exchange for a 6 week truce for a series of blocks of kill the piece,
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8 call us the ends and the giovanni a refugee camp and gossip is really forces have now killed more than $30600.00 cala city and since october china has warned that there will be no quick fix to the struggles of the world's 2nd largest economy at the opening of the national people's congress and beijing. premier lead yang announced the same g. g p, a target of 5 percent as last year, and that's still far below the double digit grow that powered the economy for decades. lease that the growth target will be much harder to achieve as the economy grapples with lower exports, reduced consumer spending on for investment, as well as a property debt crisis. he also announced a 7.2 percent increase in defense spending is taiwan fears. a chinese invasion, katrina, you has more from basic chinese premier lee tongue addressed about 3000 new ton is
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low house full officials in beijing to set the policy directions to the next year by opening his work report financing. this gdp target for 2024, which is $0.05. now this is the exact same thing that was named in 2023 this year that think it is more and vision is going to be more difficult to attain by lead tons own admission to the fact that last year when it was cutting off a very low base, post pandemic, those expectations for big re down this year that we then did not materialize. and china may have to work hard in the form of supportive economic policies. in order to achieve that, the analyst downplaying expectations were any may just stimulus. now, all this being said, lee chunk was acknowledging the long list of economic wars that china has been experiencing in the last year. he mentioned institutions, demands low consumer confidence problems in the real estate sector, a sector that is a traditional driver of growth. and that is now in crisis. he also mentioned
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increase pressure on trade in foreign investment due to global fictions. but it is very clear at this end piece, the leaders of the next few days are going to have to balance 2. prior to one is reviving economic growth, and 2 is really staying on the cost of continuing to try to transform china's economy. it's one that relies less on the debt or the capacity into one focus more high quality development, high tech manufacturing and innovation. patrice elgin's 0 stage will not speak to you. g o is a senior research fellow on china, a chatham house, joining us in london, thanks for your time with us on all to 0. so if you just look at the language that we used was using the work report, it said that the internal drivers of developments are being built, but added the country should be well prepared for all risk and challenges. what do you make of that cautious language? that's been used as well. thank you for having me. i think the 2 words really come
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and strikes me from the work report this morning. first the the term ambitious. so 5 percent of gd growth as your report listed. i mean is a big, strongly ambitious target considering current state of the time is economy because last year that kind of started from the such a low base was this the given the last is economic fiasco. and the 5 percent is a very hard to achieve its target. now secondly, i think the term we can also use this as a do the sense of subdued and set us up. many global investors expect to have a strong so to me of those. however, the chinese government has constantly refused to offer that, since i'm fairly strong to all of those, i think in the way it's really intended to make to the economy adding more resilience, but not producing too much money wasn't enough in, in the economic system. so these are the 2 words and read the cash headline, but i think the 1st thing in here which what we're report i didn't mention is the number,
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the 12000000 of employment job creation the government intended to do and is actually exactly the same number back to 2019, when the chinese economy grow around 8 percent. so by creating 12000000 drops for now given the current economic situation, i think again that is something quite ambitious for badging as well. and did you get the sense from the reports that they explained enough as to how they wanted to reduce the risk factor is going forward? which is, well, i think the signal is very clear that of course, in the past, obviously the economy has to do over. they rely on infrastructure investment property. not really for the 1st time. the vision has listed property sector into the section of security. and that means the property sector is not managing very well, and that would potentially become a source of social destruction for the tiny society. so i think that really clearly
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signalling vision is concerned of the property set to note the 2nd thing which we have not noticed, but we haven't spoke about it is on this. i'm going to bring support to the high end of manufacturing and the science and innovation technology that building intend to achieve that sense of a scientific software lyons. so i think there's a 2 things are quite contradictory compared with what we have in the previous years . and what about uh, sort of international factors that play here because we know that countries like the us and some countries in europe are working to sort of contain chinese trade practices as they describe them. but they consider it to be unfair or national security threats. i mean, how is with china going to deal with best going forward again, i mean, this is really in the go from the report. and as we mentioned that china is very keen to crafting high and high quality type of a free trade agreement with x number of, of countries. that obviously means that despite the difficulties that china was to
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collect the west on china property with increases trade was the rest of the world to make up the got for that. so that's one think not. secondly, in here as a come back to say earlier about this sense of self reliance, again, wasn't a government report. building is very keen to signaling that building is very much intended to creating the so called domestic the amount of supply. in order to achieve, to make up the gap that is unable to trade was to collect the west in here. all right, thank you so much for joining us from london. of the philippines has summoned china as deputy chief of mission to manila over what it describes as aggressive actions by beijing in the south china sea. and the latest incident, the philippine coast guards, as one of its vessels, was damaged in a collision with the chinese coast guard ship. the philippines is accusing the chinese crew of dangerous maneuvers. both countries claim sovereignty over the dispute at scarborough show that's recognized as the philippine territory under
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international maritime law. ukraine says it's destroyed another russian worship, and the black sea ukrainian military spokesman said the patrol boat had been previously targeted, but was blown up over nights by maritime drones and occurred straits near crimea. the attack follows the launching overnight of $22.00 russian drones targeting the ukrainian port off of this. um, we have rob mcbride, he is joining us from keith to talk to us about the, the blacks, the fleet patrol ship that was damaged by the sea drones, rob. so that's why this does seem to be another significant claim success by ukraine, against russia's navy on the black sea fleet. in particular, this patrol ship the set of gay quotesoft was and attacked apparently during the hours of dock this in the early hours. while it was in the coach straight, which is just to the east of the crime being put into a footage on russian social media seemed to show machine gun fire coming,
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seemingly from the vessel itself, as it was trying to fend off an attack by drone or drones as then we see a large explosion footage then released from the cranes intelligence also seem to show the same attack, but from the view points of the camera on board. one of the drugs, again seeing a large explosion, ukraine has been making very, very steady and big advances in its c drone technology becoming more powerful, more destructive power of becoming fast. so it goes along the range, traveling hundreds of kilometers, which is meant that russians, black sea fleets, is hacked and limited to areas of operation staying more over to the east of the black sea way. it feels more protected, but as we say, it's still within range of these long range seed runs by the premiums. what's is also what we're getting for the russians is that this was a payment though it was a small vessel, cool that with around to $80.00 crew, it's one of its newest vessels that me coming into service in 2022. unlike other ships in the black sea,
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new world seemingly not having any onset to these ukrainian seafront and what's been the aftermath of the russia and attacks on uh, the city of a desktop to florida for desktop to these. that tit for tat says ad drone attacks have continued the re craig noodle thought what to say 22 drones with 5 over nights of these with the rain you and made shy head drones, the ukraine saying that it shut down 18 of them, but it is the latest consecutive nights going on for several days now. of the russians and occupied crimea and ukrainians, especially from the southern areas around the desa, sending waves of drones, a back and forth. all right, thank you. rob mcbride reporting from keys time for the sports news. here's jemma. thank you. 31 of the biggest names in women's football. some co has plated not scale seats are racially aggravated harassments, of a police officer. yesterday, a captain denies the charge which relates to an incident in the u. k. last year
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involving an officer responding to a complaint about the taxi fed call, he placed the chelsea is set to appear in court. next february of correspondence, sarah clark has moved out from brisbin. well this is the time of the shop to astride ends up its dillman. i should be a strong the media all day on tuesday. i'm anything blindsided by these charges including football, the strive of course. matilda is coach a ton of good stuff and i'm to his touch. he says he's on the loose about this on tuesday morning when he was not not to put a bit of context as to santa sushi. she's one of the biggest schools in nines in australia. you can easily cool, cool. her a household name sheets, a pool school that winning goal, the goal, stunning goal i should say, and strong you. this is in the last year in the world top and that's close. actually, i have a kind of a cough injury to playing that dime. now center has my women's football and simple . one of the most watch sports in australia i believe is and in particular i
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philosophies will come. so this is a huge flight to the strong you. after a successful run in last year's will come out in a center position as a national captain. it could also come with a scrutiny now she's caught a sideline to due to injury. and what come back to feel for this a life at the see. but on the football strategy was preparing to consume as tries to olympic fair will. friend leads against shot on tuesday with these press conferences scheduled for us to be an ad light. in both of these press conferences, we arrived shadowed by this breaking news, his football, a strong se yard. james johnson. i woke up this morning like everyone else did to to the news and, and that's when football started here found out about this unsettling events. of course it's a, it's very serious allegations. it's good for god's racism and there's no place for racism in our sports. at the same time, sam has rights, natural justice rights. we've got to stablish the facts. we're going to get some answers before we have a view one on one on what should be done as
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a next step. i haven't spoken the same other than a text message just to check in on her, on her well being at the moment cuz she is an employee of a 1000. and there's also the player. we should not that sam to has play, did not guilty. and of course, to pull the stratus it is, it's still trying to establish the facts that lit up. so these uh the, the charges back in, not last year in january and a ton of good stuff and says he will support center and he was also support at the water team being the matilda is. but it, besides the focus that he says is now when the in and picks off and on minus the cut off that says challenging his team to win all of that remaining primary games. if they want to list the title that was off to watching his 5 s thrash, sheffield united, 6 mail away from hi, also compton. not familiar to god for that. first off the 5 minutes. and then go. and then example moss, and that he started put a 3 and a love within 15 minutes. and how about list just 16 minutes in sheffield, united head coach, so made a tactical substitution. these sheffield,
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united funds had already seen enough to lots for the also supports us that was plentiful to tear about as high habits made it for now. it was still time for one more before the break that some license for an office 5th. before defend that ben whites go sit on the act to the 2nd 6 that finish. i've also made it 7 primarily twins in a row. they move back to the 3 points of leaders, middle school. 6th decided that there were a screen that many goals and i know consume isn't great sign, but he's of a winning henry game and does the demise of those to close upwards over there. the last 6 or 7 years and the task ahead of us 5 minutes whole season is on the line, right? so with the jam inside needing to win the champions league, la 16 tie with lots here to stay in with a realistic tons of some silver. so by and have what to do, they trail one note from the fast like an it today is already being announced that head coach thomas typically will leave at the end of the season with his team. 10 points of the pace independence because the table has placed down suggestions,
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but she stays much without sale, could be his final game and charge if and knocks out of the competition was difficult to look at the bright side of this, of, of this child. but still it's important to accept the challenge. it's important to stay positive. i'm totally in most of it would be a 100 percent and more be involved until until the last match for by munich for, for the best possible outcome cycles will massage power, sasha, mount or wet. ralph will see that he has to have a to, to lead from the fast getting them back baseball to one of those goals. the french welcome when i was in the headlines again last week for refusing to sit with his teammates after being substituted in a need much. christy on it renada is al nice at last. the 1st leg of the asian champions, a cool to final, the 9 times saudi champions has never won the confidence in the title. and they went one know down a way to ally as amaris for sandra,
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he wished to go without it was twice annoyed by the island goalkeeper kindly visa produced a stunning reaction. safe with around 10 minutes left. and the guy i left that also kind of my sense of the 2nd leg is coming up next week in south the winter of the ties guarantee to send me final against saudi of position full time with us. i'll head i will try out is he has later on tuesday and what's known as the saudi l plus. ok. hello 131. when they mentioned that domestic late last week is the 2nd course of funding in the western side. the champions a tournament is divided into 2, it's geographic cops until the final the milwaukee bucks. why without that may not be honest answer to compo, but still came out on top against the alex with is damien and then it's score $41.00 points in the absence of 2 time nbc at us who is out for them is injury box . taking this one at 115 points. so one i 6 will that 6 straight victor? a really good bass for 25 points out of 16 rebounds for the minnesota symbol is i
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think the portland trailblazer is 1. 19. it's a $114.00 escape. as 40 said itself is double of the season and the when we submit a surface top of the western conference and keeps an eye on the full health straight in any hurry. so i need to fix the real child and design the terminal. it's not moving. she smashed the went straight through the window of one of the stones has caused some thoughts on the foundry. subject also is that she was worried because she didn't have any insurance. so i think she said when the costs are so that, so that is what you will find out more later. ok, so thank you so much. we'll still ahead on the, i'll just it renews hour. more than $8000000.00 people are risk of going hungry in charge. we looked at what's left to this crisis. the business latest is sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business like just to be sponsored by intellect, tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the $72.00 children are reported missing and northern mozambique after a tax by armed groups. unicef says rebels have been targeting schools and cobbled delgado province, forcing a $125.00 event to close since january, tens of thousands of women and children have also been displaced. most of web is joining us from nairobi to tell us what more we're learning about the missing children. welcome. to services in the southern boston, colorado got a proven to be posted at a 72 children, the missing following efforts to be united children a missing from separated from their families,
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assuming that number was successfully v united. now these for those space of reasons attacks, as you mentioned in the last couple of months in the southern part, to cover delgado programs. when slices from the groups come to villages that are widespread reports of them assessing far to people's homes. the heading people, typically that results in communities scattering as they run children can be separated from the parents. now in recent years of this conflict, some of those children have ended up being abducted by the groups and forced to become child soldiers. so any more information on what's behind this recent flare up and violence and the region, it would be, it's actually amazing week for several months of the relatives, no amount of fee and capital got a proven had to come take the gotten more than 6 years ago. i went on groups started attacking police stations and the other government facilities,
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they suddenly grew stronger. at the same time as international oil companies are comparing to extract tens of millions of dollars worth of, of fuel, natural gas. now it was nearly 3 years ago that rolanda and several southern african countries sent troops to help them as on beacon government. they successfully took control of the key boylen installations along the coast. and it's been relatively tom. since the arrival at phil stays far in full season, that they're taking control of those areas of some things that are expected to happen in the coming months, especially the troops from southern africa say they want to leave. that poses a challenge for the most i'm beacon forces have been depending on their support and also totes out, is expected. french, royal jain. so child, the main stakeholder is expected to receiving separations later this year, which have been sold because of the complex there's in that context. now we're seeing a spike, united cvt from the on groups. once again, somebody who's
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a tax. these like states has claimed responsibility for all right. thank you. i'm also more reporting from nairobi. food shortages are worsening in charge. the united nation size, 8000000 people will go hungry this year. that's almost half the population. as much as race reports in the capital, the crisis follows a poor harvest. soaring fuel prices and an influx of refugees from neighboring through done markets across charge of lots of that possible trade is try go to sell their products as fuel buy has come to make a purchase. and when they do, it's a fraction of what they used by mouth behind the bread, milk, meat, vegetables, everything is expensive. prices have doubled. in most cases, we are barely surviving. great, se they not typically mean, i mean the, the couple of just when we transport goods,
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we pay almost double of what we used to use. the transports has tell us it's because of the increase in cost of fuel effective. that is clearly felt by the people of tried. 2 weeks ago, the government of china now was to hike in the price of fuel, was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the world foot program size, the food in these warehouses on it has 4017 percent of child support, the nation. that's 2900000 people who depend on the toner supplies. the u. an agency says it needs $414000000.00 to provide food for the next 6 months. and right now, it's out of money. it ages is one. the coverage show to just an inflation asset to get worse. it's going to get tough. so now during the lead season,
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so you have this new season. well basically people have all their syria that they have in the house. now they have exhausted everything and they need to wait for the next all invest in september. climate change and need security, a force many promise of the line. and for the inflation neighborhood, countries isn't helpful to try. some countries also all now have him post them on, on export. so some countries where we will use to buy, you know, buy chat and we can not. so we already counting on the cereals that we can fill, chase locally in child. and this has made competition for nuclear valuable for items more intense. it's the for, for of lost out, especially now the 8 agents is popular to or no money to help. how many degrees i'll give you that. given zombie a has declared a national emergency after
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a severe drought. lack of rain is devastating the agricultural sector affecting more than a 1000000 families the region is experiencing. it's dry as february and 40 years her which also reports cups of struggling to survive in zambia. every day to show my partner goes to check on his maze. and every time he comes out, yes, he worries. well, good, good. good. so the do, we met all crops have been destroyed. there's nothing good to locate in the field of my hunger. we glasses that we will do that we do that i will president how guy and a to lima says the drought brought on by el nino and also blame the climate change will affect more than a 1000000 households. zambia has gone without rain in the past months, 4 weeks at a time. it wasn't planned that we didn't get a warning if that would be a menu. so we still went ahead and took it down in front of the $35.00 acres
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of make up. that definitely has a good potential in terms of income is ambience. have experienced droughts before farming is, is in the blood so that we have, we understand the cycles. so there's some, some use where we make it less some years. so the only alternative source of income unfortunate is through life and it looks like according to the world food program, zimbabwe botswana, southern malawi, eastern angola, and parts of mozambique are also in trouble of them is government saves you many. terry an age will be made available, so people don't go hungry until then. many can only wait. hardwood tasha out of there. but at least one person has died in floods and the bolivian city of the pause. our entire river burst its banks. after weeks of heavy rain, local authorities say the high altitude region and,
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and these most turns will be on red alerts for the next week. at least 40 bolivians of die during the wet weather. and judges and columbia have decided to free the b paramilitary leader salvatore mancuso from prison. mancuso was returned to the capital with offers serving a 5th senior ascent, and it's in the us. and drug trafficking is admitted involvements and numerous massacres up front. so it's become the 1st country to explicitly protect abortion rights and its constitution. parliament met and a historic joint session and both sides to hold that final vote. presidents, many of them across governments has been pushing for the move since 2022 comes up. we eval murray that to all of these women women who have suffered in the flesh and in the mines sometimes to the point of losing their lives. yes, we are haunted by the men who died for one thing to be free. yes, we are haunted by the needles of back street abortionist. yes, we also wanted by those who escaped. clandestine the for abortions abroad fearing
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for their lives? yes, we also wanted by the suffering on memories of so many women murno's coming in for an officer. what the hell? roman in just a moment by the african narrative, from african perspective, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as kids youtube to short documentary, find african filmmakers from ivory coast and the sea turtle god. and i may, in zambia, new series of africa, direct on algae sierra. what we do it all just sarah is tried to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. president biden says $1.00 to $2.00 states solution for
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palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line instead of these cries, it's good, it's been debt simons or if it wasn't for grandmother and have a seal of a house as a neighbor after midnight, trying to get to a hospital includes is really me the 3 check points to the way i was embarrassed. a lot of men waited on what's my fear for the baby was stronger, but not every story has a positive and through last day it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to it. it's death certificate. on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit quiet. you. she started shouting. i gave birth,
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followed by silence. and another shot. i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry installed this gate at the entrance to the village mother is about to give for the music to go to the hospital. like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? the running to cut the in haiti of guiding specialists out with security forces to control of the country's main apples. the whole robin you're watching or just every life headquarters here in the also coming up paul's, i put in virginia kick. you'll super tuesday in the us, the single most important voting day in the presidential primaries. so lots of it


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