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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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is pushing back empty. 3 young colonies, bold as or die trying. the millions of motors are going to the polls and the us for super tuesday the most important day in the presidential primaries the i'm how much room this is out is here. a lie from doing also coming up is realize to maximize every possible means every possible method of getting assistance to people who need it. for us, secretary of state's has become mandatory and situation and gaza is unacceptable and unsustainable. no lit up in israel's bombardment of the strip of ceasefire talks in cairo and without any great
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gains in haiti's capital, try to seize the main airport to prevent the return of the prime minister arial, all the has reportedly arrived in 4 to re weighed again in the united states where in about an hour's time, the 1st poles close and super tuesday voting. that's one of the most important days in the election year. 15 states and one territory are conducting nomination contests for the republican and democratic party. candidates. joe biden has just won the democratic contest in iowa, which was a small, which was a mailing vote. vermont in virginia will be the next states to finish voting bite, and then donald trump are facing little challenge this year. ok. all right, let's start at the white house where kimberly hawkins is joining us live, and that's where president biden would be this super tuesday. kimberly, the democratic nomination appears to be a foregone conclusion for presidential biden is on challenged,
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but he's facing trump with really low approval ratings. right? yeah, you're absolutely right. well, however, he is going to be here while he is here as a white house. so that's where he's watching the super tuesday results coming in and you're right, he's not too happy about the approval ratings that he has right now. but he brushes them off saying that he doesn't believe in all the polls. and the pulls are hallways right. but so far they have been consistent and they have been among the lowest of his presidency. let's take a look at some of those numbers. as of last month, 5 is approval rating has dropped to about 37 percent. and that is according to a reuters. if so, suppose that's pretty reliable and it stays below 50 percent says 2021. now that's the typical pressure hold for incumbent candidates who are seeking another term. now it'll poll conducted last month. 67 percent of respondents said that joe bought
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and was simply too old to serve another term and only 34 percent said that joe biden is mentally fit for another 4 years. now. the u. s. media has often focused on 5 and age. well, the same poll also found that 51 percent of respondents said, but donald trump, the former president, is not mentally fit for the presidency, is i can tell you that even as recently as today, we'll have of that. so the white house has been really trying to capture that message, trying to say that what your buttons really focused on is highlighting the achievements of the last 4 years. really try to counter any sort of criticism that he is not fit for another term in the office. and kimberly, just how much of a worry are uncommitted voters for buying, particularly in the state of colorado as well. that is a big war, a for the white house and for the campaign, here's why. already we seen this
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a protest vote if you will live. it's happened in the us state of michigan. that's where uncommitted voters were able to not cast their ballot for joe biden. instead, they were able to go and committed about a 100000 did, and that's where we saw this sizable era, but american population of what they were doing was really protesting the president's israel policy, specifically israel's war on gaza. and that could happen again in a handful of states, but the reason the colorado stands out is for another factor as well. that's because the supreme court on monday added donald trump, back to the ballot. so this is a double problem for the president. not only is it his unpopular support for israel, but also that there's that option of donald trump as well. now, do 0 is kimberly how could live for us at the white house. thanks so much. kimberly
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. from washington let's now head to florida. that's where the republican front runner donald trump is at the moment. and alan fisher is live from west palm beach . our trump is a republican front runner, but he's facing a lot of legal lows and numerous court cases. despite all that. is there anything that can stop him a well, he's expecting an item celebration amount of lago, just over my shoulder, where he's gathering for a super tuesday. they'll be a watch party there. he's going to speak to the people that have gathered. many of them, of course, will be high profile high dollar donors as well. you remember this time last year everyone was saying that the republican candidate was likely to come from florida. it was going to be the governor roland desantis. he launched essentially a donald trump 2 point oh campaign where he was going to keep donald trump policies . but there was going to be a slightly different face to it. but simply didn't work. all of these people that
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decided that they were going to challenge donald trump all but one have eventually fall in by the wayside deal, thought the donald trump's legal troubles. remember he's facing 91 charges across 4 different cases. they thought his legal troubles would inevitably and his effort at becoming the public can know many for the 3rd time in a row. but it didn't. instead, he continues to get stronger and stronger. that's because everyone seems to have misjudged donald trump again. i'm once more a piece bodies to establish the fact that the republican party is the party of donald trump and is my god. but notice, but the order to a years ago, he entered politics as a sales style disruptor. fighting against the democrats and the republican establishment, donald trump is re established for at least for conservatives. effectively seizing control of one of the oldest political parties in america. this was
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a hostile takeover. and so what you are seeing are people who are not necessarily republicans, but you are seeing people who are trapped loyalist and so they have taken over the republican party. despite losing a presidential election in 2020, his control is not even stronger. it punishes this loyalty, the new republican speaker in the house of representatives our street was elected while the one trump support. if one moment summed up drums complete control over this party, it was this. mitch mcconnell and good trump when he criticized them fruitful in the january 6th, the sold on capitol hill. what do you notice? he was stepping down as the senate republican leader renewed his party, changed. i have made a false mister artisan politics is not one of another the who parked the mechanism, the audit and see the republican national committee is expected to pass from someone who was loyal but no more well enough into the controlling hands of
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a huge trump supporter i'm from his daughter in law adults in law, who said she would spend every penny to help donald trump in 2024. that was enough to under one republican. donald trump is now turning the republican party into his own. trump still faces 90. 1 criminal charges across 4 separate court cases to supporters, doesn't matter. they believe he's being politically targeted is pulling numbers go up. he makes frequent stumbles and errors doesn't matter. his numbers go up. and there's a warming to those who think if trump loses, then the republican party goes back to work towards over the next 234, possibly even 5 presidential election cycles. people attempting to try to emulate donald trump and his profit get ways. most republican,
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both to see the light comes policies. i'm well many suggest the wish to talk to you to another stand to be the, the new for the moment. he's the only game in time. tim scott, chris christy. doug back gum. roland de santis. the old came the old challenge, donald trump, in the bowl full and by the wayside, people who were going to might make some sort of impact on the campaign. what has happened has been historic. donald trump has one all but one of the contests so far . and if the polls are to be believed, he's going to an almost every single one on super tuesday as well. there's one candidate still in there, a stopping him from absolutely a clean sweep and that is nikki haley. she won the dc primary on sunday. she said she would stay until super tuesday and then assess. but if she doesn't do well on super tuesday, the money will start to leave, and that makes it much more difficult to continue to campaign,
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even though you may be addicted to the crowds, to the chairs, to the buzz of the campaign trail. nikki haley. many people will say has put up a good fight, but the reality is, donald trump is only certainly going to be the republican party's presumptive republican presidential nominee. and that will almost certainly mean a coordination on super tuesday, all right on. it'll be interesting to see how all this shakes out and how big an item may end up being for donald trump. that's all just there is alan fisher live for us from west palm beach and florida. thanks on the issue of abortion access and united states as motivating voters and candidates this election year since the supreme court overturn nationwide abortion rights. nearly all states in the south and post restrictions only one of them has it. and that's virginia medical hand reports from richmond. i'm proud to be one of the individuals to help help secure that victory. to be more precise, one of 3 delegate michael sekins when last november over an incumbent,
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gave democrats control. virginia is house of delegates and put an end to the governor's plan to ban abortion. after 15 weeks. he credits his victory to the issue of abortion access. after the supreme court overturn the law that allowed for limited abortions nationwide. get out of the weekend. geo tv weekend, the weekend before and a c bus loads of individuals. there was a line of sneaking through the parking lot of people rates and knocked doors that weekend. we had individuals coming from from washington and california that, that came out on their own dime that knew what was on the life when democrats took back control the state house politicians across the country side a portion access was going to be the issue in 2024, but now according to polls, people care mostly about immigration, then the economy and 8 percent. say abortion access will determine their vote. and it's not just the politics. april green works for a non profit that helps women pay for abortions. she says they've been losing
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support after the jobs decision. um, we had a lot of support, a lot of donations, a lot of folks reaching out saying we want to do whatever we need to do to, to make a portion and keep abortion accessible in virginia. and unfortunately, i will say, you know, some of that of fire has, has started to dampen a little bit to check if the polls might be right. we, as people casting their ballot early in virginia, what was driving their vote, stock, immigration, and closing the border. the economy, you know, and have in a safe countries to live in not one mention of reproductive freedom. a potential sign that would happen in virginia might not be replicated nationwide in november. patty, klein, l g 0, richmond, virginia, a surgeon migration of the us mexico border has become a focal point in the vote. republicans accused the binding administration of
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neglecting border security, and democrats say the republicans are sabotaging their efforts to deal with the issue. let's talk about a highly jo, castro, who's live in houston, texas. heidi, why is immigration so important to voters right now to know how to, how many we have been talking to voters all day in texas, and we are outside of a very busy pulling location here. in houston, you can see this line that stretches several 100 outside of this community center. and its been like this all day and talking to people who just voted about half of them set indeed, immigration was their top issue. so that follows the national trend, and of course that's no surprise here given that we are in texas, and the border is just a few hours car right away from this point. and we've also seen both donald trump and joe biden, making appearances at the border, trying to use the last few days before these primary elections to talk about the
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issue. and just to talk about it in very different ways. we've heard trump just calling this migrant search a quote by didn't invasion, using the words a fee are saying that migrants are causing more crime in american cities despite statistics that don't bear that out. and then we hear biden saying that he says he has solutions to fix the issue. however, he's blaming republicans who are led by donald trump in denying him that solution. he said by not giving him the votes to pass a bi partisan package that would further secure the border. so it's a really difficult message for bite into sound. given that trump is at the top of his game on the offensive, again, attacking biden, on this board, it border issue, which is the same issue that helps elevate trump to the white house in 2016. and that bite and of course is out on the defense and selling a very, very much more complicated message to voters. not only as he's saying that yes,
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this message, this problem exists and that he says he has a solution, but also trying to say that it's actually republicans for denying him that solution . so it's been a difficult message for voters and many of them telling me that they intend to vote for it. trump in the general election particular being from texas, which is a very read state because of his immigration issue. yeah, and heidi about that about the fact that you're hearing from latino is and seeing that more are pulling for trump where you are there in houston. i mean what's behind that? yeah, that is a shift mohammed. now more latino voters are favoring trump and that is a new phenomenon in this election cycle. and that's despite some of the language that has been such a be racist against latino and against migrant. and i asked latino voters specifically that why it is that they are supporting trump and time after time.
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they said it was because of the economy. we spoke to one man who lives in the callan who has a trucking business. and he said that because of the economy, he had to sell half of his fleet, and now his family is struggling financially because of it. and so that is yet another struggle that fight and has to confront as we approach the general election, not only on immigration, but also on the economy. both topics that hold show republicans are heavily favor to wind over when it comes to voters. all right, that's out here is heidi joe castro live in houston, texas. thanks so much heidi. as few as has traditionally been locked in a 2 party system, the democrats and the republicans. and according to some pulse this year, there's growing dissatisfaction among voters about a lack of choice. so i'm are drawn to 3rd party candidates and some are unsure about who to vote for if any. there are 3 prominent independent and 3rd party candidates casting a ballot for them during general. elections is often seen as
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a protest vote against the mainstream parties and their stances. this year, during the primaries button is facing a new challenge. what's been called an uncommitted vote. this allows voters to exercise a party vote without selecting a candidate last month in the battleground state of michigan. 13 percent of democrats voted uncommitted because of bite and support for israel and its war on gaza. that's over a $100000.00 votes, and there are real concerns among the democrats of bite and will be able to win the state come november. and the 2020 election by the narrowly defeated trump wireless a at is the ceo of engage a non profit dedicated to turning out and empowering muslim voters. it joins us live from washington, dc. well, more and more air of americans, and most of them americans are saying they feel betrayed by job items policy on casa, when it comes to the general election. this coming november based on your polling. if this voting block is confronted with a choice between binding and trump,
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and knowing that not voting for bite and may mean the re election of trump a man who put in place a muslim band, what are those voters likely to do to me on and, and as you just mentioned, i mean really, this is a very difficult choice for almost all americans for every americans. i think for america, our communities know very well the danger that got a return of truck or was this to all of us even to our democracy. but really, our communities are tardy and they're like, even insulted when presented with these choices. you just cannot be complex in supporting the test over 30000 people and destroying their homeland and then expecting people to come to you just because you're the lesser of 2 evils. this is not how you motivate voters and according to our internal employee that we did a few months ago. well, before the dental reached the levels that we are witnessing, we can only find up to 6 percent of voters, most of the voting provided in 2020,
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willing to vote for him. again, that's a huge draw of the 8075 percent that reported that the voted for him the 1st time around. now i don't know those numbers will, will stand and how they may shift any, what happens in the set up, but it's not looking at all. okay, why do we, we know that the bite administration is involved in outreach to air of american. it must them american communities right now is anything that they're saying in these outreach meetings or sessions, changing any minds. and they find where to alter his policy when it comes to guys. and would that be enough to win back? some of these voters is this part of the question? the answer is no. that nothing they can say will change the voters minds and unless they see a change of policies and quite frankly, a change on the ground. so a permanency fire resumption an increase of the delivery of
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a people storming they and also quite frankly, a more serious effort behind resolving the, the underlying issue which is ending these are the occupation and the uh, you know, the need for free and bouncing yes and so what i just mentioned really answered your 2nd question, which is, what would it take for people to reconsider their choices in november? and i think they need some serious, serious actions along every one of those items. i mention ceasefire a palestinian liberation. i understand you're not going to be able to stand up a palestinian state by november, but do they see enough activities work that that could change. so those perspectives binders some for some folks. it's too late. okay, well i want to talk for a minute about the us state of minnesota last week in michigan, 13 percent of the vote in the democratic primary there went to uncommitted. that was largely a protest photo biden's handling of the war on gaza. minnesota has
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a significant muslim population inactive as their who support a ceasefire and gaza are also encouraging democrats there to vote uncommitted. do you think this effort will garner a significant number of votes? i see we are excited for when the voters at michigan from the slow most were really the right. our communities are going to be doing. the michigan has the few things going for it, which is the large percentage of borders on the communities that feel strongly about. this is wayne state also had an infrastructure that's been built over the years. organization has been there since 2016 really mobilizing borders, elicited michigan organizer as the sawgrass. let's leaders who came together and made this happen. that's what we're gonna sort of also has a lot of these potential on the top for me to assess how it will be. i know they are trying to break them up resolving votes to send their own signal to the
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administration and what really for them. all right, that's why it is a ad. thanks so much. great to get your perspective here on alger 0. thanks so much . as i mentioned earlier, the state of the us economy is another big concern for americans. but here's the interesting fact. the data shows it's not doing badly. it grew a solid, the 3.2 percent in the last quarter. 353000 jobs were added in january and wages have grown. that's kept the unemployment rate at 3.7 percent. the lowest and decades, the international monetary fund expects the u. s. economy to expand by 2 point one percent this year. that's more than it's forecasts for growth and other major economies. and yet there's frustration among many americans because of a high cost of living income inequality and lack of affordable housing. consumer prices are 17 percent higher than they were 3 years ago. and 41 percent of americans think the economic conditions are poor. mark rank is a professor of social welfare at washington university and author a poorly understood what america gets wrong about poverty. he joins us from st.
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louis. louis, missouri. mark studies suggested that the 2020 presidential election saw highest voter turnout ever, among low income voters. what impacted that voting block, making that election and the 2020 to mid term elections. and why doesn't that block get more attention? and i think that that, that group of folks really did have a pretty significant impact in terms of turning the election to uh, to jo, buying rather than donald trump. and i think as you pointed out in the mid terms that also have had a pretty strong effect. um, you know, people are, as you pointed out, people are, are feeling. yeah. i want to have economic conditions are good. on the other hand, a lot of people are feeling down and they're, they're feeling the punch of inflation. they're struggling to try to get a hat. and so, you know, this is a little while ago, but somebody was mentioning and texas that the economy is the big issue. and i think that that's very much the case. and mark in the us is their political
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will to address the issue of poverty in a constructive way. and is there a current candidate talking about these issues on the campaign trip? yeah, you know, but in the united states, poverty is always been seen is kind of an individual failure. and that there's something wrong with the individual and therefore they need to get their house in order. but i will say that president find actually has been pretty uh, in his administration. he's been pretty supportive and aggressive in terms of dealing with folks at the lower end of the income distribution. so we had a lot of help during the pandemic. he expanded the, the child tax credit, which was, which was a big help for folks during that time. you also has been very pro union um during his term. and that really has an effect on people that are lower income or working class. so i think that he's actually done quite a bit in terms of addressing some of these issues, but i don't think he gets the,
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the, the, the deserves that he should for that. all right, that's mark rank, professor of social welfare at washington university. thanks so much for your perspective, we appreciate it. thanks. a lot of the eighty's prime minister has reportedly arrived in puerto rico as he tries to return home. prime minister ariel only hasn't been seen since he left kenya over the weekend. but officials say he arrived in san juan after being denied permission to land in the dominican republic. hey d, as in a state of emergency, after gang leaders announced they were going to over throw the government. stephanie decker reports of the international airport has stopped operating. no flights in or out, paralyzed by gang violence, like much of the country. a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's,
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a nick named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks. seeing the aims to force the prime minister of yellow only to stand down in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history. the government gave us the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters, now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. games of over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders, gun bottles are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from several jails. it's miserable. the crisis is guessing, louis everywhere is unsafe. a con, find clients to my taxi to make money, to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get
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clean water. some tell all g 0. they haven't been able to find drinking water since sunday. we feel discouraged, we flew in a children conquer to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such a situation with 5 to not for the haitians while with the same haitian people? do us administrative sion has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible, kind of dry his clothes. it's embassy and some 8 organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. thank you very much. the prime minister flute to can you last week to finalize a deal to set up you end task force led by can you to help restore order are not triggered this latest crisis. but there is still no un troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return stephanie decker, g 0. how much has presented his proposal for
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a cease fire agreement to mediators in cairo, a senior official says they are now waiting for a response from israel, which did not send a delegation to the tox female. then it'll be the what the enemy has failed to achieve on the battle ground. it will never achieve on the negotiations table. i'm at the shop how people's vision and aspirations will, must be achieved. the results are complete ceasefire. i'm of the withdrawal of israeli forces from all parts of casa. i'm the allow immediate access to aid and released our people in the gaza strip. this is our utmost priority and any present itself would never be possible without the chief in this. we would like to stress the costs of negotiations come, must be opened without limit a busy day at the us state department with visits from the company prime minister and is really wor, cabinet member benny guns, gaza loved the agenda for both meetings with secretary of state and the blinking thoughts were held in an effort to reach a 6 week cease fire and to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid into the strip. if you have her thoughts, he has more from washington dc as the us cause
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a and egypt push for a potential seatbar prism terabyte and on cheese they put the onus on him us. what else? how close they were to a deal bite and have this to say the deal is in the hands of hamas right offer rational offers and mosque us earlier, the state department, secretary of state blinking met with the guitar, you prime minister and foreign minister is realized and maximized every possible means every possible method of getting assistance to people who need to have more happening everywhere suffering from the war. and does that. i'd see see that we've seen that just to go and speak. i'm very, very concerned about me. thing is really will cabinet minister many guns met with thinking over on capitol hill, guns them with the democratic policy,
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congressional leadership of the kansas visit to washington, a said to be on sanctioned by the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu as one of the free members will be as ready will calvin over us officials say they have no obligation to meet them. none the less. but guns is visit, is also being presented as a way for the administration to show its frustration with method yahoo, even as it continues to provide as well, with the diplomatic cover and almost for the destruction of goes up. in the meantime, the us air drops more ready to meals and it goes on tuesday. but n g o z a, each drop contains less than one trucks worth of aid. she ever time c, l g 0. washington is realized, launched a series of attacks on southern lebanon, at least 3 members of a family been killed in their home and who the, including a mother and her child have a showing, has also targeted the town of color, the strikes that buildings in the area on fire causing significant damage. at least 49 civilians have been killed in southern lebanon since israel launched its war on garza and october.


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