tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 6, 2024 5:00am-6:01am AST
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in dense investigation, the get compelling insights into humanity. holden unto stories from asia or in the pacific. 101 east. on out. just see around the the hello, i'm how much room this is the news. our live from bill. coming up in the next 60 minutes, easy wins for joe biden, and donald trump and the super tuesday presidential primaries, bringing them closer to their party nomination. is realized to maximize every possible means every possible method of getting assistance to people who needed the us. secretary of states as they came out and tearing situation and gaza is
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unacceptable and unsustainable. no let up in the israel's compartment of the strip of ceasefire talks in cairo and without an agreement, the gangs in hades capital try to seize the main airport to prevent the return of the prime minister. real already is now in puerto rico, the we begin in the united states where polls are closing and super tuesday voting. that's one of the most important days in the presidential primary calendar. 15 states and one territory, you're choosing the republican and democratic nominee joe biden, and donald trump are mostly on challenge this year. a trumpet so far slipped 7 states defeating nikki haley. his only challenger, he secured 297 delegates. so far, trump needs 1215 delegates to win the republican nomination. and all the democratic
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side joe biden has secured 9 states. he's got no real challenger. i'm currently the support a $329.00 pledge of delegates and counting for americans in a divided nation. there's much at stake, the economy cost of living, racial and income inequality, and reproductive rights. i'll just here as team of correspondence are live in washington dc, florida, texas, north carolina and virginia to take us through what matters most for americans, and what america's choice means for the rest of the world. alright, let's go now to patty cole. hain. she joins us now from richmond in virginia. so patty, based on the results that have been coming in, what have you heard from folders and what does this all indicate? well, what does indicates is pretty much what we expect is going to happen. donald trump is a projected winner for the republican primary. uh president joe biden is taken or excuse
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me for the democratic primary just to run through the numbers now with 72 percent of the vote counted, trump has 65.2 percent. mickey healey is 32.8 percent, so he's already one half of the $48.00 delegates that will come from the commonwealth of virginia. one of the more interesting things though i think is coming from the exit polls. they asked what would happen if for, for present donald trump was convicted of a crime before the election and let's not forget, he's crazy. 91 felony charges in 4 different cases. very serious criminal cases and well, 53 percent said that he would still be fit to be president. 40 percent of virginia primary voters says that he would not be fit to be president if convicted. now we're not sure of any of those cases are going to make it before the election. some could most likely the one in new york involving the hutch be hush hush money payments to an adult film star. possibly the january 6th and the direction case.
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but that's very significant because this is expected to be a very close election. and if you've got 40 percent of republican voters saying he wouldn't be fit, that could actually be a huge change in the outcome of the selection. probably what are some of the other major issues for voters in virginia this election cycle? you know, it was amazing. i was reading through pull up your call if you're pulling, they all said the economy was the number one issue 27 percent. really. that was quite, quite by a lot the most is what i started wondering why is that? because if you look at job numbers in employment, numbers are pretty good. solvers are pretty good. we've avoided the recession that everyone's pretty good. what happened after the end of the pandemic? then it were walking around and talking to people here in richmond. it's been really shocking there, more streets, the not have just empty storefront after a few restaurant. people are telling me this is because of the pandemic. and so
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what they're seeing when they look around is a city that looks deserted and then they're going the grocery store and paying for $5.00 for a box of cereal. but the reason we came to virginia is because a portion access was a huge issue. we paid the reason why democrats variables the general assembly in 2023. and so people thought of the time that that would be a driving issue in the november election to the president. and so far it doesn't look like it's really going to have that much of an impact from november. i'm proud to be one of the individuals to help help secure that victory. to be more precise, one of 3 delegate, michael sagan's when last november over and incumbent, gave democrats control virginia's house of delegates and put an end to the governor's plan to ban abortion. after 15 weeks, he credits his victory to the issue of abortion access. after the supreme court overturn the law that allowed for limited abortions nationwide get out of the
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weekend, you know, tv weekend weekend before and a c bus loads of individuals. there was a line of sneaking through the parking lot of people rates and knocked doors that weekend. we had individuals coming from from washington in california that that came out on their own dime that knew what was on the life. when democrats took back control the state house politicians across the country side, a portion access was going to be the issue in 2024. but now, according to polls, people care mostly about immigration, then the economy, an 8 percent, say abortion access will determine their vote. but it's not just the politics. april green works for a non profit that helps women pay for abortions. she says they've been losing support after the jobs decision. um, we had a lot of support, a lot of donations, a lot of folks reaching out saying we want to do whatever we need to do to, to make abortion and keep abortion accessible in virginia. and unfortunately, i will say, you know, some of that fire has, has started to dampen
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a little bit to check if the polls might be right. we, as people casting their ballot early in virginia, what was driving their vote, stock, immigration, and closing the border. the economy, you know, and have in a safe countries to live in not one mention of reproductive freedom, a potential sign that what happened in virginia might not be replicated nationwide in november. patty calling l g 0, richmond, virginia. all right, let's talk down a highly jo, castro, who's live in houston, texas high. the polls have now closed throughout texas. is it the landslide for donald trump in many a predicted of the weird in a word mohammed? yes, it has been a landslide victory for donald trump as widely predicted, dissociated press, calling this race for him over nikki haley was a 55 points lead. so indeed,
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that is what all the polls had been indicating and talking to voters on the ground here in texas as well. those are republicans said they were pro trump. they said that they weren't considering nikki haley even despite her last day efforts to campaign up and down the state. and as predicted, donald trump has one, but i want to bring in a guess here, this is cindy single. here the republican chair of the here as a public in a committee. thank you so much. and i know you're also hearing good news in your own race re election. but tell me about your reaction to donald trump now ever closer to what some has said should not be of for a nation, but it's turning out to be that way. 8 i think a lot of people are, you know, we've known for months now that people are falling behind, you know, supporting donald trump and saying, you know, i'm not surprised by the results. the reality is we need to as a party, united behind them and tomorrow start working for, you know,
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looking towards november and get him elected as well as the rest of a republican candidate. what do you attribute to his stain power despite the many hurdles that trump has encountered? and despite the many indictments, it seems that he's only from more popular here in texas and across the country among the public. well, i think the 1st thing is we've seen how poorly biden has done in the white house. the fact is, and 3 and a half years, our lives are knocked out. or we've got one of the worst economies. we've got the issue with the illegal migrants coming across the board. so that obviously you have a comparison between 2 and a former president and the current one. and you see a big difference in your own personal life. you know, we don't and have a better life now. but the other thing is, i think people feel like there's 2 levels of the judicial system. and as the democrat party is attacked him in the courts versus in the voting booth, i think people see that that's,
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that's not fair. that's not what the american life is supposed to be about. can you just brought up the 2 major issues that voters have been saying that really motivated them to go to the polls today and that is immigration. number one, economy number 2, but on an immigration, i mean we're just hours from the border with mexico. migraines have been searching across the border to historic levels in the last 3 years under president biden. how was that playing into a trunk and, and helping him get closer to the white house again? well the reality is under trump, he was able to secure a border to and it just stops. a the legal crossings at a level that we hadn't seen in many decades, perhaps the pandemic helped him to do that. how kind of bring the whole world to a halt. and it happened to coincide, which sounds from the board. i mean, it's hard to tell what the pin deming to because that's something that we hadn't seen in a 100 years in this country or in the world. but i think with trump in the border, i think we, you know, not only our republican republican counties,
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our state of texas, see what the impact of all the people coming across the border. the democrats cities, to the north. we're seeing that. and i know in largely we know under trump, we didn't have that. and governor albert, you know, he made a spark. when he said, if we're going to have this pain, in terms of, you know, having to support people coming across the impact to are small cities on the borders or ranchers on the board. or they just felt like, you know, you ship people north and said you can share our pay. thank you so much, cindy. and you see the she's the chair woman of the republican party of harris county. and indeed the border as you just mention, an integration, well i'm, it has been a major campaign issue. that's why we saw both by them. and from here in texas, in the past week, trying to sell voters on their message. and indeed, it is a message that's plain more into trunks had been divided, seemingly,
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we follow those. how do you, here's how does your castro live for us in houston, texas. thanks so much heidi. now to our white house correspondent, kimberly, how get, kimberly. what do the results so far indicate for present and by well, there haven't really been any big surprises in the democratic nominating contests so far. in fact, the president joe biden has always been the favorite despite there being some candidates with some name recognition. he's always been the favored candidate for the democratic presidential nomination, and we shouldn't tell you that there have been this despite some lo approval ratings already as the results have come in. joe biden, if we can list them, has one in the nominating contest, arkansas, alabama, and massachusetts main, oklahoma, tennessee, north carolina,
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vermont virginia and the iowa caucus. and he's managed to do this, even though the president has gotten a lot of push back for his advanced stage as us president joe biden has always been known in washington. as a man who speaks his mind, don't listen to rumsfeld. he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. but since his election in 2025 and his mind has shown signs of slowing down. as you know, initially present mexico, c. c. did not want to open up the gate to be met, the president of egypt, not mexico, but mixing up world leaders names. occasionally. i'm able to recall basic facts and even his walk all signal that it 815 in is every bit showing his age as the oldest president in us history. in fact, it's
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a concern for many american voters. definitely not something i really like the political powers from the ninety's i've stayed in for too long. finding has plenty of good news to run on the economy's improve steadily under his watch growing 3 percent in just the past year. his popular trillion dollar infrastructure bills creating jobs and revitalizing the nation's roads, airports and bridget's still biden's. declining cognitive ability is overshadowing his accomplishments. the white house's countering this with a social media campaign, including take talk videos to attract younger voters and down play perceptions about his age. you can of all by his team says there is no need to defend the president's mental acuity. the president doesn't need a cognitive test. he passes a cognitive test every day, every day, as he moves from one topic to another topic. it's not like 5 and will likely be
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facing a young opponent come november. wow. all signs indicate another match up with former us president donald trump. but at age 77, trump also struggles publicly at times to remember basic information. so. 2 like previous super tuesdays, this democratic contest is effectively settled, but president joe biden will not have all the delegates he needs at the end of this evening. in fact, he's probably gonna have to wait until march 19th to collect all the delegates. but the warehouse says that the president is still focused on being the president right now. in fact, he's looking ahead to thursday. that's when he's delivering his state of the union address. then he will hit the campaign trail as bad as when he is going to frame this as an issue of a threat to democracy. namely his opponent donald trump, who he says is the major threat. and the question will become then whether or not
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that will be enough to energize voters. mohammed. all right, that sounds easier is kimberly how could live from the white house. thanks so much . kimberly. from washington let's now have to florida. that's where the republican front runner donald trump is at the moment. and alan fisher is live from west palm beach allen. the results that we've seen thus far suggest that donald trump, despite all of his legal, was despite the numerous court cases he's facing. this all suggests he cannot be stopped from clinching the republican nomination. right? he's certainly on a light pass to the nomination. it's been historic there on his side since he won in iowa. and nicky healey is managed to win just one contest. now donald trump had name recognition, he was essentially running as an incumbent. everyone thought he would run for the presidency again after 2020. and lo and behold, he did. now have you had the,
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the likes of the bargain marked him score to exhibit route with sammy know you probably haven't, it's only people who are full of politics like me that know those names. i could put a face to them. but for most ordinary americans, they have no idea who the donald trump benefitted from that name recognition. now, in the polls tonight, it looks as if vicky healey might just squeak out a when in vermont. but in reality, it's the participation tool fee for super tuesday, because donald trump is sweeping all before him. the water for donald trump could be some of the exit polls. people who voted for nikki haley who are republicans say their vote doesn't automatically switch to donald trump, come november. but the reality is, the republican party, the grand a party of american politics, is not very much made in the image of donald trump. 2 years ago, he entered politics as a self style disruptor,
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fighting against the democrats and the republican establishment. donald trump is the establishment, at least for conservatives, effectively seizing control of one of the oldest political parties in america. this was a hostile takeover. and so what you are seeing are people who are not necessarily republicans, but you are seeing people who are trapped loyalists. and so they have taken over the republican parties despite losing a presidential election in 2020, his control is not even stronger. he punishes this loyalty, the new republican speaker in the house of representatives, our street was elected only one comp support. if one moment summed up crumbs complete control over this party, it was this. mitch mcconnell and good trump when he criticized them fruitful in the january 6th, the sold on capitol hill. what do you notice? he was stepping down as the senate republican leader renewed his party, changed many false. just understanding politics is not one of
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another. the who parked the mechanism the on and see the republican national committee is expected to pass from someone who was loyal but no more well enough into the controlling hands of a huge trump supporter. i'm from his daughter in law adults in law, who said she would spend every penny to help donald trump in 2024. that was enough to anger. one republican donald trump is now turning the republican party into his own. trump still faces 90. 1 criminal charges across 4 separate court cases. 2 supporters doesn't matter. they believe he's being politically target. this is pull numbers, go up. he makes frequent stumbles and errors doesn't matter. his numbers go up. and there's a warming to those who think if trump loses, then the republican party goes back to what it was. over the next 234,
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possibly even 5 presidential election cycles. people attempting to try to emulate donald trump and his profit get ways. most republican, both to see the light comes policies and well, many suggest the wish, the park to to another stunted beer to the new for the moment. he's the only game in time. look, the, there's an old american political cliche that democrats fall in love with their presidential candidates, and eventually republicans fall in line with phipps, nikki haley will come under intense pressure given it looks as if donald trump is going to have quite an incredible, quite an historic night i dot to the run he's had since iowa, mickey healey will come under pressure to step aside. so the republican party can start cool lessing around donald trump. they can stop raising money for donald
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trump, and they can start planning for donald trump to be to bite and when it comes to the general election in november. now this is alan fisher live for us from west palm beach, florida. thank you so much, alan. all right, let's now move to north carolina. john hendern is there live for us from raleigh. john, north carolina is a key, swing state and the november presidential election. what do tonight's results indicate of the? well, i, if you're wondering 1st of all, why i'm outside instead of inside where i was talking to you earlier, each because we've been asked not to speak while the speakers are there in this celebration here at this democratic election watch tardy. cuz you've gone on and on and on. there's a lot of enthusiasm here. earlier we heard from the democratic governor roy cooper, who's a to term democrat despite the fact that this is a very large lead republican state, the state that hasn't voted for
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a democrat for presidents and for rock obama back in 2008 and not in 2012 for brock obama. so that tells you a little bit about how split this very, very borderline state is. it tends to lean republican, but it's, it's elected a democratic governor twice. and that's why the, the guy who was nominated tonight for the democrats was josh stein for governor. he spoke here as well. and they're quite excited because they're hoping to do a feat mark robinson, who is a republican candidate who is one of those who was really emulated. donald trump, one of those mag, are republicans very verbal, very conservative on abortion. he has been highly critical of gays, jews, muslims, and they desperately want to defeat him. they also want to try get joe biden in office among their big issues have been immigration. this of these are according to the exit polls. in this case of republicans as a their number one issue is,
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is immigration, not a surprise, they are number 2, issue was the economy. and joe biden has some good news to tell there when it comes to inflation when it comes to unemployment. the numbers now are actually below the long term average for this country. for the voters say they don't feel that the economy is better. they've been given by the low marks in the economy. they've been given trump comparatively high mark. so those, some issues they want to work on here, you know, it varies, swing state where democrats hope they can steal this, going from the, for the president, from the republicans and maintain democratic control of the governor's house. right? that's how it does. here is john henry in life for us from north carolina. thanks so much john. let's bring in our guests for this hour in washington, dc is michael font roy, professor and director of the race politics and policy center in george mason university. and then los angeles, california is dina science dall,
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she's an attorney at the dall, a mirror and leaf law firm. do you not let me start with you? how much support is joe biden losing right now due to his policies when it comes to gaza? how much support of the losing among air of americans among muslim americans also among black americans and other voters and, and how critical is it for binding to continue to get support from those crucial voting blocks in order to win re election? i think a good example is what just happened in michigan, we saw 100000 uncommitted votes in the democratic primary. so obviously we haven't had a chance to really cold, people like that. and that's very difficult to get a 100000 people willing to come vote. and voting committed. most people just don't even coming out and vote, let's say if they're not happy with the candidate. so it shows it this issue is very important. and in michigan it was
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a coalition. it was the arab and muslim community, but it was also young people. it was also black per g members. there's quite a lot of voters to care quite a bit about how this word is going on. the stream humanitarian crisis, the lack of compassion that they're hearing from the president. and so i think michigan was very telling that they were able to motivate a 100000 people to the polls, to make a statement like that, michael, despite trump showing thus far this evening. and in other races, there have been polls that indicate that donald trump does have vulnerabilities that perhaps some of those upcoming trials could turn off some members of his base . do you expect that once we get to this very much expected had the head match up with joe biden? that republicans who may not want trump as a nominee, will flock back to trump, or will those who feel that they cannot vote for trump? just abandon him in the general election. i had
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a question that some of them were blocked back to trump, they making fluid that they just can't bring themselves to a vote for president bond. but if you look at many of the closely contrasted swing states that we've seen so far, including from tonight, they're roughly 20 percent, or maybe even a 3rd. a republican voters in most states voted for nikki haley and a closely conference to stay like michigan or wisconsin. perhaps even north carolina, those voters stay home in november or just can't bring themselves to vote for perhaps at the present truck. the truck cannot windows 10 and if the chat window stated she cannot win the election. and so the bank story going forward often does it just uh, president trump is blowing into victories and all of the states that really, you really do have to look out to the extent to which he is under performing his 2020 numbers or is 2016 numbers,
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and whether or not some of those voters were saying no today will also say no in november. dana, one of the most important contests, of course, on super tuesday is california. the primary there. i want to ask you what you expect to see coming out of california when the results are announced. and also how do you think that's gonna shape the con tours of the general election? one of the big races we are watching here in california is the senate race. we never 3 candidates for the democratic party to replace bind. stein, see, it looks like adam shift is going to move forward with that. we had a senator of the congress, so many barbara lee came out with a cease fire right away. she was also the 1st. she was the only member of the house to vote for against the iraq bore back after 911 and she came out which is the spire right away. but the polling does not look like she will be able to do it. but
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polls have not closed. i know she's doing a big get out the vote effort and her campaign, but that's a close campaign to watch. is that senate race here in california? michael, based on the results that you're seeing thus far, is super tuesday, essentially going to be the end of the line for nikki haley. a lot of people have been surprised that she stayed in the race this long, or is she going to be able to stay in a bit long? i think that it's difficult to justify continuing to run. if she doesn't get at least one victory this evening, it looks like the only real chance of that is in november. but i think she's also riding the present trump support is going to begin to leak. when people get closer to a decision on one of these part trucks and she wants to be there to be the best possible alternative. but you also know the, there's a bit of home symmetry here with nikki haley in 2204. and how the reports and in
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2008, when democratic actors were signing, she needs to get out of the race because it's clear the rock obama is going to be the nominee. and so far as making hailey this is really about helping, you know, jobs talk. but there's some sort of miracle that i can get on to the nation in a truck classes. but it's important, as was pointed out in some of the earlier pieces there for our shows that the people are supporting him no matter what. not withstanding the fact that it was economic work, it is very impressionable. but do you know conversations, of course, about instructor because everybody's focused on the personality and so his, his problems are being washed or washed over an exchange for his parking, the consciousness of people who are angry across the country for whatever reason. then at how much might donald trump's legal was cause problems for him down the
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line? will he lose support as a result of any of these upcoming trials? and you know, there have been a lot of delays to these trials already. which of them might actually come to fruition before the general election? and the one we know for sure is going to happen at least as of now, because as a trial day is the one in new york, it's the hush money payment. and that could be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on what level the prosecution is able to prove that starting at the end of this month, we see polling where there is a difference between him and just being charged and him being convicted. so if he's convicted at any of the trials that a lot of republican voters of sound like they will not support him anymore. and addition to the one in new york, there's 2 other charles that can go for the one and florida having to do with a cost by document case. and then one of the dc having to do with his the
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obstruction of the accounting of the electoral college and the, the, the instruction at the capital both of those are going to be probably late summer. and a lot of the timing will depend on when the supreme court decides whether or not the president has immunity. i think the supreme court will allow a trial to go for, but when that will happen, it could happen very close to the function itself. we will see though an outcome in new york was the one that's going forward and this month. whether or not that it changes the opinion if he is the nominee and he's convicted, you know then about will be up to the republican party. decide what to do about that. all right, genocide, all and michael fond troy. thank so much to both for joining us. here on alger 0, still ahead on our 0. why international age groups say the occupied westbank is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child the
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the weather brought to you by visit a tele that was not in south asia and the west of the weather is moving in from the west and go to west city, disturb and pushing a cost of gotten started moving into western areas of pockets done. and that's going to bring more heavy rain and heavy snow to areas that are being shipped by flooding as well as avalanches. these and see it pushing its way to further east on wednesday moraine to come and buy lots just on for pockets done, but by thursday. much clear skies as well. so that way the stuff to push across more move in areas. so we've got some warnings out for potential thunderstorms across the north, west of india, from lightning expected with those with a weather creeping. it's way for the east. i'm developing across from eastern areas like a diesel on thursday, but it allows these several picture for much else of india. if you show is coming
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into carola and sure lanka, but a 2nd story here and it is a little settled across east asia once the school starts to pull away from japan, it'll still bring some way to web. some very blustery wins as well to eastern areas of hong choose those winds expected in tokyo over the next few days. so i'm just coming down here with that system. jumped as also dropping in the very south of china. thanks to a blustery wind pulling down from the north of amazing and shanghai, it looks largely settled with sunshine on the go to you by visit cuts on on march, the 7th us president joe 5 and we'll deliver his state of the union address with issues like immigration, economic recovery, add america's response to global conflicts on his agenda. environment re up to his leadership credentials in this personal election year. special coverage from washington. real people, true stories,
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place to home for so essential and own around the well, groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash, but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions. we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in a new colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, the,
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you're watching out 0 reminder of our top story is the sound us present it. joe biden has one, oklahoma, tennessee maine as well as massachusetts. he's got no real challenger. and currently the support of $375.00 pledged delegates and counting. trump is also secured. those states the feeding nikki haley, his only challenger, he secured $297.00 delegates so far. they need 1215, delegates to win the republican nomination. the says to 2020 presidential election at least 16000000 people have reached voting, age in the us. but less than half of young americans say they will vote in november and a cook from age a plus spoke to june, the voters to find out why. this november gen z will make up $41000000.00 eligible voters in total. that's around 20 percent of the us electorate. their preference could decide the next president a show of hands who is voting for john. who's undecided?
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right now. these voters are reflective of a generation that's lead, i'm choosing their next president. i'm all in for trump in 24. i remember the last great year this country had it was called 2019. i'm struggling of rent, you know, my grocery bill. i'm spending nearly twice while i used to spend on groceries. mind you, i'm a republican and i don't see him as a president who can really bring both parties together. i know who i'm not voting for, for, for track knowing the system that we live in. i feel a bit cynical about funding for someone who's independent. unfortunately, fighting has lost a lot of trust. i think from, from our generation, with especially what's going on in palestine and how the us is so involved in that . according to polls, less than half of young americans planned to vote in 2024. it's a troubling sign for biden national polls and 2020 show young voters helped him into office by more than 20 points. biden is 81 years old. trumpet, 77. are they too old to be representing you? it can be fine, but just how they've acted at different points in their presidency is really
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drawing their cognitive abilities into question drop or by you can both parties are all in on winning over the youth. vote joe biden, a dum, i can say, i just want sports with social media craters and says candidates have yet to bridge the gap with their audience. i do think that these candidates have to embrace social media. that being said, i don't think social media is the only thing that is going to engage young people. they have to also listen to policy priorities. you are currently actively registered as young advocates like donald be route who are successful in getting 1st time voters to the polls. young people aren't apathetic. in fact, they're like eager and desperate for a way to make a change. they're just not being reached out to and they're not being reached out to in a way that caters to that it would be a new experience to see a candidate that i was excited about. and so it, it has just been, who's the lease that i get off the boat, get out the boat but you know, like, i mean, i know i, i have a candidate i like, you know,
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you all. busy more on the fence, ship up and running, right to get out the canada. young voters are casting down on the countries next leader. but they're at least confident in one thing, the potential of their generation to the internet. that was an a cook, our colleague from age a plus reporting from washington. the how much has presented his proposal for a ceasefire agreement to mediators in cairo, a senior official says they're now waiting for a response from israel, which did not send a delegation to the tox female. then it'll be the what the enemy has failed to achieve on the battle ground. it will never achieve on the negotiations. people how people's vision and aspirations will must be achieved results. a complete ceasefire of the withdrawal of israeli forces from all parts of garza and allow immediate access to aid and released our people in the gaza strip business. our utmost
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priority and any present itself would never be possible without the chief in this. we would like to stress the costs of negotiations come, must be opened without the limit. and it's been a busy day at the us state department with visits from the company prime minister and is really wor, cabinet member, been against god's. i loved the agenda for both meetings with secretary of state anthony blinking thoughts were held in an effort to reach a 6 weeks east fire and to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid and to the strip . she hubbard tonchee has more from washington dc. as the us comes on egypt to push for potential seats were present very by known cheese, they put the onus on home us. what else? how close they were to a deal by didn't have this to say. the bill is in the hands of hamas right offer rational offers. and earlier the state department, secretary of state blink and met with the guitar, a prime minister and foreign minister is realized to maximize every possible means
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every possible method of getting assistance to people who need to have more happening everywhere suffering from the war. and does that, i'd see serious. we've seen that just all and it's becoming very, very concerned about meeting is really will cabinet minister benny guns met with thinking over on capitol hill guns then with the democratic policy, congressional leadership of the guns has visited. washington is said to be on sanctioned by the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu was one of the free members of the as ready war cabinet or us officials say they have no obligation to meet him. none the less, but guns is visit is also being presented as a way for the administration to show its frustration with method, yahoo, even if it continues to provide as well, with the diplomatic cover and all, most for the destruction of goes up. in the meantime, the us air drops more ready meals and to goes on tuesday. but and g o say each drop
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contains less than one trucks worth of aid. she ever time see alger 0 washington of the world food program. it says that a 14 truck aid con, void to northern gaza has been turned away by israeli forces. it was the un agencies 1st attempt to reach the area in nearly 2 weeks. w a fee is deputy chief call scout says that although today is convoy did not make it to the north to provide food to the people who are starving. w. f. p continues to explore every possible means to do so. he adds that air drops or a last resort and will not of, or famine emphasizing the need for entry points to northern gaza. that will allow the delivery of enough food for half a 1000000 people in desperate need. israeli soldiers have shot and killed 5 young men and boys, mostly during raids on the occupied west bank. over the past 4 days. international age groups say the palestinian territory is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. st. buzz rob here reports from the village of wharton and the occupied
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westbank. now dissolved. hello, how are you? they are killing children, he says, clutching the shoes of his 10 year old nephew, a, a blood soaked shroud covers auburn, a jars headboard and a father, unable to look at his son's lifeless body. also unable to pull himself away, his mother says um, or was no threat to his really soldiers who rated bullying on monday, he was just sitting in a car with his father going to the shops when he was shot in the head and fell into his father's lap mohammed, i'm insisted on going out with his father, even though we tried to stop him. when he was leaving, i put the hat on his head. he asked me why i told him i was worried about him getting cold. for other palestinians were killed in the occupied west bank this week. ages 132 were 16. 1 was 18 all from high velocity ammunition fired from
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military rifles. it is typical of life under is really military occupation that has been going on for decades by thought of good things that keep going to affect the future of the scene and be able to. so i just think just didn't denying them their rights killing them. slight, good kidding. the future of does it can for them. but if you think the future of the senior people international group say, israel's military has made palestine the most dangerous place in the world to be a child in the last 5 months, it is far more dangerous, far more deadly to be a child in the occupied territories than it was for an american soldier, enough gone. it's done over a rock, the funerals for palestinian children. little boys, young men, it's so common place, and more and more dying from gunshot wounds to the head and chest child protection group say right now is really tactics are more brutal. they are targeting younger people and shooting to kill as i'm or new jars. family
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leaves him to west. they're asking the same question as so many palestinians families before the why the world is watching children dying. but doing nothing to stop it. same bus raphael to 03 and in the occupied westbank. israel has lost a series of attacks on southern 11 on at least 3 members of a family have been killed in their home and who will including a mother and her child. heavy shelling also targeted the town of cover the strikes at buildings in the area on fire, causing some significant damage. at least 49 civilians have been killed in southern 11 nonsense israel launched its war on gaza in october. and hezbollah says it is lost, retaliatory strikes in response to the killing of those civilians and 11, all these are images from northern israel, within 50 rockets were fired towards the city of curiosity, mona, because bolus as it was targeting the legal settlement of comfortable hey,
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these prime minister has reportedly arrived in puerto rico as he tries to return home. prime minister re alone re hasn't been seen since he left kenya over the weekend. but officials say he arrived in san juan after being denied permission to land in the dominican republic. eighties, in a state of emergency, after gang leaders announced they were going to overthrow the government. stephanie decker, reports of the international airport has stopped operating. no flights in or out, paralyzed by gang violence. like much of the country. a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's antics named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks saying the aims to force the prime minister of yellow only to stand down. in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history. the government gave us
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the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. the gains of over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders, gun partials are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from several jails. it's miserable. the crisis is guessing, louis everywhere is unsafe. a con, find clients to my taxi to make money, to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get clean water. some tell all g 0. they haven't been able to find drinking water since sunday. we feel discouraged, we flew in a children conquered to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such a situation with fights? not for the haitians while with the same haitian people. do us administrative sion
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has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible. canada has closed, its embassy, and some aid organizations have suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. thank you very much. the prime minister flew to can you last week to finalize a deal to setup un task force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. but there is still no un troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return stephanie decker, which is 0 through his prime minister, alberto, a federal law, has resigned. after being accused of trying to influence government contracts to favor a romantic interest. a man alleged to be alter, roll is heard offering a woman to help to get a job and government contracts and linked audio recordings. the woman and the recording has denied any romantic involvement with those or role is exit from
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tens of thousands of women and children have been displaced. a knock in web has more details from the canyon capital nairobi. local authorities in the south of coverage l got a proven subset. the 72 children are missing. following an exercise to be united children have been separated from their families in the space of recent attacks by um, groups against the villages, humanitarian agencies that are close to the nearly 70000 people. looking for us from that home since january surviving. villages say that the attackers would set their homes on fire, the headings were widespread, and typically families can get scan said in these attacks. over the last couple of years of the conflict. some of those children have been separated from their parents have ended up being abducted by the on groups and forced to become child. so just completely gone more than 6 years ago. and the own groups started attacking police posts another government facilities. at the same time,
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the international oil companies stopped. it took a path to extract tens of billions of dollars worth of natural gas from nearby offshore deposits. islamic states has claimed responsibility to some of the groups the tax since then. soldiers from rolanda and from southern african countries have come to help the mozambique and governments french oil. john total having had his operations sold by the conflict is expected to resume its opperation late to this. yeah. meanwhile, the southern african forces have said that they believe in the coming months, malcolm web l. g 0. no way we can. yeah. at least 47 women have been kidnapped in the northeast of nigeria. community leaders in the gallup or no state blame and armed a group link to iso for the attack. the women were from displacement camps and were gathering firewood near the camera room border at the time. as the u ins, peacekeeping chief is wanting,
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the south sedan is not ready for elections later this year. jump here. likewise, a brief to the security council following his visit to the african country last month. an election is scheduled for december as part of south sedans, democratic transition. more than 40 people have been killed and dozens injured. following heavy rains in snow, fall in the mountains of north western focused on more than 500 houses have been partially damaged and nearly a 100 are completely destroyed. obviously, it has come out of height or has this report from the remote village. i've tried to call in the countries swap valley. there's heavy snow covered the landscape as far as i can see. all the earliest spring, it looks more like the middle of winter after georgia being cleared with travelers to bay. how relates by god, joy need to reach or the god religion has to be made on for these people are going to offer the condolences to the families of february, the people that came by
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a sudden lance, like they gather on small patch of flat land to offer pray, i see to god, i had to drive it back from the middle league after he heard of the dead bridge. family members the so that up to me to do next him i was in saudi arabia for work. when i heard that my house had collapsed due to the land slide, i immediately came back and found that my father, mother, wife, and 2 daughters were killed. when the 2 children survived, that they are badly wounded. now there's no one to the golf to them. i've lost everything. the villagers guard kept books and use their bare hands to find bodied. now most people in this village i wondered about their own safety. focused on is one of the more than one of the countries when it comes to climate change. in 2022. it's are devastating floods. and now we are seeing snow in spring. it took more than february,
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large for rescue games do it i headed by the military to find people who were missing. voice. how does it are based on steep slopes without pre covered and why does that or do the elements? it's uh, does that performs on f f. well, the construction is going on, watches its expos. and it's one that i bought in chrome pop up quick as well as sliding learn sliding and also the flux. so the most appropriate wait for it. it's as to do manual planning in on the buttons on angle and zoning, land use planning and zoning guidelines would prevent you boulevard development in his r d as vault with changing weather patterns focused on experiencing more frequent exhausted, and environmental experts say it needs to be better prepared to prevent more tragedy come out of hi the i just did. uh, did god relate in swat heavy flooding as far as the evacuation of thousands of
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people in the brazilian state of accurate roads and properties in the capital of rio bronco were swamped. when a river burst its banks, an emergency has been declared in 19 municipalities that is holding its 10th annual corporate festival to foster the next generation of filmmakers from the region. the event invites some of the biggest names in the industry. the don't have to help us firing filmmakers to fill up their work. and as alex beard reports, it's a lifeline for young palestinians filmmakers, the rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in the industry. young filmmakers from across them, at least get them in touring. they need to get these stories to the wills. i think people appreciate truth more than anything else, right? that's what they cling to. that it may be that know it, but this month i may know when something is real or not. and this year on its 10th anniversary, has taken on
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a deeper meaning. why do we celebrate the progress we have made? we are also confronted with the genocide them as a and the ongoing attempts in silencing the voice is crying out against it. it's extremely frustrating and disappointing to see creative spaces, once considered safe havens for free expression, become oppressive. it's fostering that freedom of expression that draws many young filmmakers to come to the bahamas. oh my god, he is from god. his film, some of the streets follows a young palestinian boy in a refugee camp and leave it alone. but history is to one day, returns a garza and tell the stories. office home 1st 4 months of war. i didn't do any. i didn't answer my e mails, i didn't work at all. i felt helpless,
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not functioning at all. but also the time i realized that if i keep watching the news and feeling frustrated and not able to do anything, what this can lead me to, you know, making industry lead as he is helping him to hurt his work. so he can support his family and friends with trips and what was being abroad. you know, i cannot take them out of gaza. i've tried most like various ways. it's really, really, really hard. and i think is the only thing is for me is to take action. holding for the film. projects have been into this. yeah. come back from at least 20 countries. and it's hope that disadvantage will help amplified voices from across the region that organize and say, needs to be heard. alex, be it, which is era. know huh. all right, that's it for me. a reminder, you can keep up to date with all the news on our website. i'll just do or dot com.
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thanks so much for watching. the more than half of the population of the cause of streaming is risk examined. since the beginning of the world, they only have one meal per day. a that is coming in of because the strip is not reaching all of the people and people are starving. we are in as indicated by that where they're making their house as a kitchen. they start very early in the morning. they're using wood fire because there is no cooking discuss this dentist do is cooked without any specialist. they are using on your house or an alternative to the onions. it's the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and fits suffocating,
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but somebody do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians to displace starving. and they say that this is the least of what they can give to their people competent beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power. it finds out while we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions the use them to be use of our around the globe mounted there. and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is opposed to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another
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thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission . nothing. lead scottsdale with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. the easy ones for joe biden. and donald trump, them to see if the choose a presidential primaries bringing them closer to the policy nominations. the i'm tell mccrae, this is i'll just hear a live from the hop. so coming up is realized to maximize every possible means every possible level of getting assistance for people who need the us secretary of state, soon as the humanitarian situation and gaza is unacceptable. and i'm.
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