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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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the, the the near miraculous rescue of 2 children in central guys are following is really strikes the, i don't know about this, and this is a 0 life go home, also coming up as a is dropped into gaza present. and joe biden is expected to run on so us will build a term for a report to get more a dams. the district is power lies my file and it says gang leaders and 5 minutes are remaining locked into stand off. i'm pretty simple at the border between hate and the dominican republic of scales was on the street so hazy people here at the board are telling us that they are desperate for any assistance that will stabilize
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their country, plus tensions one high and ending administered trust me or prime minister and that ends at amada is on his 1st visit there. since his government removed it, send me a ton of the states, the it was waldron, gauze was entered, it's 6 months and ceased find negotiations of stalled on us, blames israel for forcing attempts to reach an agreement. however, it says talks will go on on the ground and guides of the bun. baldwin continues, but there is hope for 2 children. after rescue was pulling out a live from under ruins. and del bala michael apple begins our coverage. the end of the ninety's riley strike on an apartment block and dead old paula in central gaza leaving some residents date. always the days too much debris
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for rescue is to move by hand. so a bulldozer is put to what? scraping open, an entrance with the search for survivors can begin the to some time. they think they found a young boy a line, but it's to the then the young girl image in the me, what's your name? the keels. so if you have the, the,
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the in the, and then a 2nd and 100 in the car, just in the last young the, on the for the painstaking work and covers several more bodies among the ruins, entire families killed as they slipped mike level, which is 0 a semester, the more than 7 sizes and palestinians are missing in gaza among them under the $5000.00 women and children. many, i believe to have been chopped beneath destroyed buildings. israel has returned the bodies of 47 palestinians killed during the war. the remains have been taken by is really forces from naso hospital. they were transported to the strips through the
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count them abo sela, crossing for body and a mass grave. some palestinian families gathered at the site. is rafa hoping to find the bodies of their loved ones? the government officials said that he composed remains of not being identified us present, joe biden was expected to announce a plan to establish a tempo report. and guys caused to bring in more aid is suppose to give details during his state of the union address later on friday, the ones welcoming the move and so is as well with the correspondence coming this and both sides of the atlantic. and the moment of we're going to speak to hondas kahoot and occupied east jerusalem. first we'll go down and fisher, who's at the white house. what more can we expect from joe biden island? well certainly they've been talking about some sort of new port and guys of for a number of months and that have been discussions on going and plans have been drawn up. we're now told that to bite and during the state of the union will. and i and so us military plan,
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the one involved troops on the drive but will invite. busy their expertise and the knowledge, probably around the 2000 and personnel will be involved in building what will be a causeway in guys a to a lot of ships to don't. and then aids to be transported. now this is going to take somewhere between a months to 2 months to say top. i know we're ready, we're hearing from several organizations that people of guys are very close to starvation. so this one is the immediate problem, but certainly the united states thinks this is one way of getting extra aid into guys. and they're saying they're not waiting for these really just to give the okay on this. they're pushing ahead with it now the idea would be that the aid would start in long to come in cyprus. and there's been discussions over several weeks between the israelis and the separates about high security checks could be carried out on what is actually being said. it would then move towards gaza and then using this new causeway, it would be all florida. but as i said,
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the plan is still somewhere in the region of at least a month to 2 months to actually coming to fruition. so one is a major issue, but it will certainly ease the pressure on joe biden to be, is really under pressure to do a lot more to ease the situation. and guys are not just on the humanitarian level, but also to put more pressure on these relays to move towards a longer term see spot. now we know that there was a plan that was being discussed that was being pushed by the americans. that seems to have stalled. i know joe biden is under pressure to put pressure on these really to do more. all and thanks very much on refresher of the white house we're going to go to homes is a who, who's joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so i'm, by my, my understanding of israel is saying that it wants to be involved in this. what else we have from is really about this. this is really official speaking anonymously to is really media are welcoming the decision
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by the binding administration to set up this port in the see that will help with the delivery of a this official also said that these really is, will be involved in the planning with the united states now for ports mentioned that there will be screenings of this, and i thought for insight for us where it will then go on to its final destination in gaza. so the is really, is, are going to be involved in this, but their level of involvement is still a no. and once the president of the united states formally makes that announcement, we can expect more information to come out from the is railways. additionally, israel's work cabinet is meeting this evening so it could be something on the agenda for them to discuss as well. the americans have been dissatisfied with the little amount of humanitarian aid that has been going in to gaza. in fact, it was something that was brought up when war cabinet administer benny against met with american officials in washington earlier this week. but again,
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the policy of these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been to supply as minimal amount of 8 as he can in order to he says, preserve israel's image with his allies. and additionally, to prevent a humanitarian disaster that catastrophe, as we know, has been folded over the last 5 months in the war now entering it's 6 months. and we were mentioning earlier that the negotiations towards these 5 seem to have stalled at the moment. um is really maybe a saying, i understand that the, the c i a directors arriving in israel for the some sort of effort to reach to do before ramadan, ramadan seems to be a key dates in this. just talk us through what we know about that. and so forth, within is really media indicating about to c. i a director bill burns will be arriving to his role within the next few days. kind of a last ditch effort to try and secure a deal for the pause in the fighting and an exchange of captives for palestinian
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prisoners before the start of the most num holy month of ramadan. as i mentioned before, israel's work cabinet is convening tonight and is really officials, again speaking anonymously to was really media said that the negotiators perhaps are going to ask for a little bit more of an extended mandate as to what they can negotiate with what sources familiar with the matter, say that that is unlikely to happen. and remember the as rarely did not send a delegation to cairo for this latest round of talks and how mass had confirmed that they had both left cairo and that there wouldn't be negotiations happening next week. now, bill burns is also expected to meet with egyptian and property mediators to see if the united states can do this kind of shuttle diplomacy last minute. if there can be a deal to short before the month on the 1st day of fasting is expected to be on monday . so the us is hoping to see all of this come to fruition before them. however,
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both sides are indicating that there are tough sticking points. they are not willing to budge on a mess as they want to see and enter the war. these really is are saying that it is a non negotiable, the war must continue. so a lot will be on packed in the c i a directors visit, but again, we are still nowhere closer to a deal and is a huge and occupied east jerusalem honda, thank you very much. i so do you asked jordan egypt fonts on the united auto band? let's have jumped more aid into northern gauze. i'm jordanian on forces. so they counted our 9 in jobs for the us delivered more than $48.00 fighters and meals. international pressure is growing and as round to allowing more aid into the strip conditions, main guy in the north be you and says at least 300 air trucks. i needed each day to ease the suffering there. scroll down to send is on was a senior deputy director of operations in gaza, is that the air drops or not effect of an addressing issue monitoring crisis. so
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the only agent got through recently of any, any type of in the air drops and while they're dropped, you're very welcome. it's not gonna allow the scale that's needed on air drop. can do $3.00 to $4.00 metric tons of one truck and bring 18 metric tons. so we'd much prefer to bring a lot of trucks and we do appreciate the air drops. it is getting some good, it's north, but it's not, it's not at all sufficient. thank the challenge we face is that there is an order of desperation of the north and i was just there last sunday. i talked to people, talked to parents should not been able to feed their children children every evening for 2 days. and the challenge that we face is that desperation has led to groups getting closer and closer to one of the to check points and allow us to access the north of wadi, the north of guys went through. why do you guys are in a that does get across the check point? is it being attacked or looted by these people? and it's not getting to the most vulnerable people in the north where the children and the elder was what we desperately need is something to change our entire
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approach. a new crossing permission, brilinta north of guys. so that would allow us to flood the north width food in reverse. one is a very significantly bad situation in the head of united states military central come on says the middle east is facing the most turbulent security situation in half a century. michael carter has been discussing us ministry spending of the region before the senate armed services committee. one of the committees main responsibilities is controlling the military budgets digital. castro reports from washington dc. a major question for the top of us military commander of troops in the middle east was weather of these u. s. efforts to deter further attacks from a run back militias and the region was working. in the answer from general, michael carrillo was that in iraq and in syria that yes, these attacks against us forces had stopped at least for the last 32 days. that is significant when you consider the near daily attacks,
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that forces from the u. s. were facing in that region prior to this pause, but what accounts for it? the general said this was due to the us killing of a top syrian commander of the cut, the hezbollah forces there that occurred in early february. that was in retaliation to an attack that had killed 3 us soldiers. and he said, since then, there had been no further attack detected in that us intelligence supports at the turns in syria and any rock has thus far occurred. but he warned that this would only be temporary, and he was also clear that similar efforts to deter the who's the rebels in yemen have thus far not been successful. as we've seen, the continued a task on international shipping lanes. what the us general said is needed is a way to stop in ron, from re supplying its regional, malicious, or ran exploded. what they saw as a once in a generation opportunity to reshape the middle east to their advantage. or in his
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work for decades, strategically, and circle the region with its proxies. in the past 6 months, we have seen every proxy in the a rainy and threat network operationalized interact syria 11 on gaza. the west bank in yeah, i'm in general corolla so that i would take the international communities joint pressure to stop the flow of weapons from iran. and he said the us cannot do it, do that alone. yes, it is boycotting you as well as our he was allies at china, continues to buy 90 percent of a ronnie and oil exports. and he said, as long as that continues to happen, iran will continue to resupply. it's for us as at least attacks, may likely continue. high digital castro alj a 0 washington. you don't really know how much says is being given rights to media . the use of captives held by humans who the rebels speaking about is it. i'm a senior customer games leaders said the hostings informed them any decision
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regarding a ship and that's cru detained by the rivals, is exclusive to the custom brigades um, but its attacks and the right seat in response to israel, starvation policy in garza, the whole thing is also applies to continue attacks on ships and the red sea, until israel pulls out of casa and seizes attacks. what does the tax by the, who these have been continuing, despite the presence of a multinational naval task force, is one of the world's busy instruments for container ships and keeping it secure as a priority, alex was helping us as more the securing trade routes as dumping up piracy is an age old problem. the management security is now the full of international concern nations, the struggling to prevent the missile attack so much of shipping, passing through the red sea as well as coping of every legal activity. the primary challenges for a lifetime security is mainly based on the money and trafficking, the piracy and the, you know, smuggling. so the countries in their to tell you to see they try to get their teams
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and you know, test courses to prevent the money into 15. anastasia biased for the machine. naples in the prevents the actually, the, the, so the traffic in the cv, any you task force is being reinforced as the, who's the own group attack switching vessels using it phones missile is now growing, need for the toes, supposed to be posted with the latest types of worship, capable of destroying these missiles before they hit merchant ships. this is the bridge, the operation center for the latest italian multiple frigates. it will be sailing to the red sea in the gulf of age, and as part of a maritime task force to ensure security for shipping. passing through the tell you forget for the recall, martin, then go will be a cool part of this. i mentioned you merits i mission of the cost of having a trip with adults radars long range precision because it's capable of intercepting
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most types of foods, whether it's being petroleum from the red sea to the horn of africa, ensuring it to test most potential attacks. we have been deployed the football team that i'd see proof of ogden and this right of by, by monday i'm in support of the talent that i still have there. then we switch, i want to task because we stopped working on the d. u flag as a flagship or vibration of atlanta. the e u naval mission was initially set up in 2006 to stop piracy of the horn of africa . since then, its mission's been extended, like i'm thinking it is real time that we achieve me, needs a lot of effort and the continuous presence india. this presence will be secured by these funds naval vessels, which are able to perform some of the terry, as well as military emissions. that task will be to cub piracy and trafficking and also interest that missile attacks that the who's the group shows no sign of stopping. alex could topless out to 0. so the still ahead and i'll just see the
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standard passengers and empty stations. germany's transport was going to strike demanding metro paint. the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. color temperature dot is ready ramping up across se impossible, straight over the next couple of days. meanwhile, we got a fair but a cloud just around the south australia pushing up towards the interior west and australia. these trucks bringing some really heavy down pools, big sunbury showers, just around the top hand up towards the pill over there. and we'll see the crowd and bright diving his way down towards the southwest corner of i was past 6. i'm with with over the next couple of days, but i had of that last night and 837 celsius there in adelaide is
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a 27 for melvin for the time being, pushing up to 1300 as we go through. so last time we could touch 40 degrees and add a lighter, really looking like a hot one here. had of this cold for which little grassy fresh and things up as we go to the already part of next week. it does try to push a little further research as we go one through sunday's time to get to an area of high pressure, which it keeping it long as he settled across new zealand. old leather will be some showers later on, just coming into the far south of the south olive. shallow. some of them wintery and night just deal affecting japan at present because some more snow into that west. the sides depends somewhat windy weather for a time across at east the side of her own. she thinks tugging a little more wintry. as we go through fast, i mean my wellbeing up for china. the weather brought to you by visit castle. what do you consider amazing lexus and we believed in the luxury of choice. introduce our export
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the wide each power position with you. energy reveals itself, analysis, plug in hybrid electric, the your toyota, 0 reminder of adults stories. this, our 2 children are being pulled a live from under the rubble left fine is very striking. central gas. it goes from bottom to the strip, isn't it? 6 months, the desktop is leaving $1315.00 as us presidential biden's expected to announce
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a plan to establish, attempting to report on causes, coast large ships, counting humanitarian aid to dog. israel says it supports the plan and it also says it will be involved in the development suite and has joined nato. nearly 2 years, i since launched his bids to become a member of the lines. the hand over of documents took place at a set of money in washington dc. sweden applied to be part of the alliance. after rush out launched as ministry invasion of ukraine ending decades of political neutrality. a hazing government has extended its state of emergency as gaines continue to fight security forces for control of the country, foreign minister, or is stuck in process recall, unable to return home violence has searched in the past week since you left the country seeking international support, airports in porter products remains closed, and most businesses i've shut down, neighboring dominican republic says it's reinforcing it's border extra troops being
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deployed. the government says it won't allow haitian refugee camps on it's tyler tre correspondent. teresa bow is intelligible on the border between haiti and dominican republic, i was told that the border is now closed. the security forces here are on high alert, mostly tens of thousands of prisoners square fleet by guns from jails. and that's why a security forces here are separating men. they're being got fence towards an other line that they have set up here for security checks. however, as i said before, they not being allowed into the country, we saw some haitian us national do on nationals wherever allowed to go into the dominican republic, the worst keeping the situation in the country right now. what we do know is happening is that there's a real thing going on. sure thing going on investments are close to schools, universities, and most public services are not working because of the situation on the grounds.
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which gang controlling most of the, most of the areas within the capital with young say that that they are real and we prime minister, i really comes back or goes back to the country. there is going to be a civil war. what we do now, however, is that we go, he has said that he would try to come back to haiti, the united states is trying to negotiate with him to help in a fist. so it's a transition in the country. we're not sure what is going to happen with that, but we do know that right now there's desperate measures to set up a move to a national security force that will help stabilize the country. and when you talk to video of the people that are really here, what they're telling you is that most of them do not support prime minister ariel. and we are saying that he is a legitimate that he was designated by the president of join. and maurice who was assassinated back in 2021. they want free elections in the country. but before that
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happens, there has to be some type of security in the country. a set of goals delayed presidential elections are going to take place on march 24th. a top court has ruled that a proposal to hold the vote after president microsoft mandate expires in april. the 2nd was on the con, constitutional nicholas hoc reports from set of goals, capital dot com. and finally, a date for senate goals. presidential elections. the crisis is over, says this newspaper headlines a month after president. make yourself delayed february's polls citing concerns over corruption over the list of candidates. the senegalese people will go to the polls on march 24th. a date made public and a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting. for the full time is short for a campaign, but it's better than nothing because not holding a vote would have been a catastrophe. all right, this is not again. we can split the minority. okay. but it seems like we're link over and election dates take our people hostage is that won't inc. awesome. we have
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a constitution and everybody, including the president, needs to be respected. the constitutional counsel reject itself suggested election date of june. second, saying he cannot overstaying his time in power to organize the vote. his term ends on april. second, is decision to delay the poll support widespread protest and condemnation, including among his closest allies in an attempt to a piece of the crisis. members of the parliament adopted an amnesty law between 20212023. senegal. witnessed several episodes of violent political interest. thousands of protesters were picked up by security forces. during that time, including opposition leader, we spend sancho, he could be released from the foot rights groups, criticize this m, this, the law. these are the name of the right, the justice truth and transparency. so just the deciding that i missed to know will be voted, incent again after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has
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been going on. such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60 purposes inside it is a detention of around 1000 persons who are participating in for this is just a denial of justice. it's just a cop out of from the government. so has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party, candidate prime minister. i'm a do bought to focus on the upcoming campaign that is now shorter than expected at the end of the day. the main question that remains is, why don't you perform these elections in the 1st place? because he 1st mentioned at talked about institutional crisis. so today we have the to the city, got these in the institutional crisis. and he looked for a great security forces that were on the street corners of the capital have been removed. the tension has now dropped for critics of the government. this is seen as a failed constitutional cruise forwarded by judges who stood up to the head of states to ensure the vote takes place sooner rather than later from any here. this
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is seen as a tribute to the strength of sending goals, democracy. nicholas hall challenges 0. the car german ryland airport workers are walking off the job and a new ride and of strikes that demanding more pay to cope with the rising cost of living. hundreds of thousands of passengers and not facing delays and cancellations . dominic came reports from berlin. this is bowling central station. normally dozens of trainers would come through here every hour. but this thursday, very few are due to industrial action by the train drive as union. and while some passengers sympathize with the strikers, others all less understanding. spring, it's really stressful and you have to constantly try to walk out whether you're going to be able to travel or not. i see on the board a lot of trained on to even running the whole idea of slides, drugs that gets a little common icons on the stand while they come sit down to find a table and go find a solution. and using con, cancellations,
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and travel disruption have hit the main apples to see and funk for to a grand stall. so the ally look times are on strike, affecting hundreds of thousands of passengers. but the transport sector, it's not the only one affected by strike action in recent months, many of the industry so see similar process, pardon me. so i'm going to mention at the time that we are not striking for no reason. the demands are old, was very important things, shortening of 4 hours, and also more be to make up for inflation and cartoons outside instead of us. in many cases, the companies off on sympathetic to these to months, decisions which are added to the sense of a winter of discontent in germany. we are seeing most strikes of the relatively small, but systemically important to unions like the trained drivers. oh, apple passing them and they have a lot of negotiating. paul companies already gotten to given to that about to
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because they have so much power, i'm afraid they will use it. so we don't see most by all of which means that people using germany's f thoughts and it's railway station is like this one. i'll go to have to get used to sites like this with fewer trains and fewer planes on those days of strike action. so i'm going to, came out, was there a bullet, a heavy secured his enticing ended, and most of the cash man is probably most, i'm not into remotely visits for the region. it's his 1st trip since the government to revolt. it's send me a ton of the status in 2019, and it comes just weeks before general elections and much more. he is going to seek a 3rd time and office jessica washington reports in trina. good. the main city in indian, administered coast, mute, thousands of on twenties officers patrol the streets, show of extra vigilance. as prime minister, not in the remote. he makes his 1st visit to the valley in more than 5 years. the
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prime minister told the crowd to the region had been transformed into a success story. the power of development opportunities relates tourism, of the support for farmers and the use of germany. one customer will begin a new era and paved the way for a developed customer. this is a significant visit for the prime minister. it is 1st since the government strips the region of semi autonomy and brought it down to the control of the central government. in august 2019 the moody government revoked article 370 of the constitution creating 2 new federally administered territories. while it was a popular decision with many indian voters, then he, customary politicians and opposition policies, branch of the move unconstitutional media, freedom and a journalist.


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