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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] news the humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or guardianship and has annual state of the union address . the us presidents analysis plans for temporary port on the goal is a coast to deliver aid. palestinians say the plan is a destruction the other than this of the attorney, this is which is 0 life from the palestinian health officials to the international
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community to centralize took on the 10s of thousands of people injured in his writing, the escalating violence on the streets of hating as arms, gangs look to see its full control and effect on 10 is often malaysia airlines flight. astonished with 259 people on board here from the families of admission to our refusing to give him the holy begin in the united states. where a president joe biden has delivered a feisty space of the union and speech to congress. he used his annual address to lay off his policies and took up his achievements, accusing his previous s. donald trump of jeopardizing freedom at home and abroad. 5 and also addressed the issue of his age, which has become a major issue from their converters. my kind of report,
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an unparalleled opportunity to lay down a mock up for the november election. lying and hid the men's challenge of what could be a re match against republican donald trump and president fight and pledge to build a future based on what he called the american coal values on his, the decency, dignity and equality. and like you said, his pre, this is a who throughout the speech he never referred to by name. so the people might see it differently. american story of reason, revenge, and retribution as not be, as expected, the president emphasized stuff. his administration's turned around the economy, unemployment and inflation or down salaries are up. it doesn't make no, but the news in a 1000 cities and towns, the american people are writing the greatest come back story. it's never told president, find it and pointed out that you one year old k to clocks and the old you and she
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was the 1st pregnant at all to sue for the right to terminate the pregnancy of to the supreme court over to and roe v wade and remove the woman's right to choose a right the president promised to restore the attorney row. we would have no clue about the power women, but they found out we, reproductive freedom was on the ballad. we want 220222200. and we went again to 2024, also attending us guests in the chain. the relatives of american captives taken by him austin to gaza last year. and president by didn't use the occasion to outline a new plan to open a marine route for him, monetary and supplies, and spoke directly to the survey. the leadership, not mandatory and assistance, cannot be secondary consideration or guardianship. protected and saving into some lives has to be for the president may know of apology for his own going,
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unqualified support of israel, a position that has come under criticism from members of his own party. as a genocide and gossip continues, the issue of fight and sage has also been brought up by some party members as a concern when the president attempted to choke and he brushed away. i know mary, now it looks like it's all been around a while. the applause of to president biden speech indicated a job well done. use hope that you'll be delivering his full state of the union address next year. my kind of, i'll just share a washington, just a hand that speech across from capitol hill. hundreds of protesters had gathered in parts of washington dc they are demanding the president biden cool, an immediate cease fire, and and israel's brocade of gauze on some of the holding fountains saying,
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biden's legacy is genocide. he's been facing protests birds during the primaries from that section of democrats who versus uncommitted in states such as michigan, minnesota. i spoke to us on the home and she's the lead. organize that for vote uncommitted. in minnesota, i asked her what you needed to fight and speech. i think that myself and other organizers were disappointed to hear the president had to say about got them. we heard a lot of flowery language around his empathy, his lack of empathy for palestinians. this might be the 1st time that he was even mentioned, the massacre palestinians, and the star basin of millions and the displacement of millions. but he started with october 7th as if this was where it started. that's not the case. so i think that he further alienated voters who already were feeling like surprised. it hasn't been listening to us, but can i ask you a little bit about your,
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your own personal story? why are you uncommitted? was there a moment or a particular point in time that that pushed you over the edge? i'm committed because i care of a palestinian life. i october 7th, wasn't the start of when i started hearing about palestine. but i have friends in gaza that i will never hear from again. i have a friend and got that who has been displaced or alpha. and now he's heading back to guys because he can no longer afford to live in drama. he has lost dozens of pounds since i last saw him. also, what did you make as of the announcement around this pair and, and this intentions are trying to get more humanitarian and into garza. i think that that can be a start, but there are trucks waiting right now and positive body can make a call to not in yahoo to let those trucks. and i'm wondering why that isn't an
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option wire. those trucks being let and there has been dozens waiting. why not let the agent to rough law, and why are we allowing israel to carry a ground operation out in rough uh, health officials on the ground and garza meanwhile, are desperately appealing for blood to treat tens of thousands of palestinians injured in israel's will. i say they don't have enough basic supplies even such as blood bags. the war has entered it's 6 months, but there's been no progress on face fine negotiations and loss as punch to continue talks while accusing is relative hindering an agreement. and meanwhile, as michael apple reports, palestinians are locked in a cycle of death everyday. at the end of the night is riley strike on an apartment block and dead old paula in central gaza leaving some residents dates. always the days too much debris for
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rescue is to move by hand. so a bulldozer is put to what? scraping open an entrance where the search for survivors can begin the call to some time. they think they found a young boy a line. but it's to the then the young girl image to me, what's your name here? so if you have the, the, the in
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the, and then a 2nd and 100 in the car, just in the last young the for the painstaking work and covers several more bodies among the ruins, entire families killed as they slipped the mike level which is 0 o israel continues to block a life savings humanitarian aid despite widespread, still invasion, and pockets have found that and gaza. now it's outlined the united states is to establish a temporary port on gauze as christ and bringing more. and as we mentioned, the president by the notes that in his date of the union. now since 2007 is around, has shot almost all of causes, border crossings, except arrows for the movement of people and kind of the solemn for the movement of
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goods. since the one began the israel closed arrows and only allowed a to get into gauze that through time of the solemn and the roof of crossing with egypt view and has been urging israel to reopen crossings in the north. since 1967, israel has exercised full control of gauze as coastline and territorial waters, blocking ships from reaching the city. since 2007, the port has been on the israel's naval blockade gone. so seaport is the only mediterranean port close to shipping and stuff, and bunker t is this extra general as the palestinian national initiative. he says this discussion about building a port in gaza is a distraction from israel's war of starvation and america's inability to and as well as brocade. this is nathaniel idea. it seems to be just on another day for today the attention from the, the initial here, which is that the 700000 people now to start to be in those guys are now. and is there any is nothing owing to the money to be on
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a need that to them north of dennis will go to get out of tens of thousands of next week and got the gibson border and we don't understand why the americans cannot special design is to allow these, the next will get them. and all these ideas about drugs about the new board must think about the f one. so that, that tension from the fact that there is a tell they've been looked at. and that is getting people and the united states and the international community are doing nothing. but what i showed is that in some of this, look at this speak about, i put this will take months to people and people continue to buy and does every daily, i'm losing tens of people because of starvation. well, this is not the solution besides other kids about this is this idea of a new port. and one of them is that the people that i paid that might be used to help people in some guys,
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which is exactly what the who wants another. it's mckenzie. angle, understand people as well. it's international women's day and day and celebrating the social economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. but in gaza, the will has taken a toll on palestinian women. at least 8800 had been killed by is randy forces under the health system that's barely functioning. there is preparing to give bus also would risk from the living goal is that this is 11 story and then some of the yeah . how much is the uh, most of the advisors with us finishing the reassign lamar customers. i just had it done and how it didn't excuse can help me with the 60s turned on to me. say until the 10 years ago, the hope the young man did talk to them and got a how it is regardless of what happened with the council budget, didn't it?
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didn't an awesome becky, the not what then? pissed off slowing down the cancer i've been valley. good guys and regular sir got loans that i that i was going to the next 10 minutes cancelling my job and then there's going to be a lot in it is how was it again, rosalie? i didn't know where to modify the dresser, the dresser can be there for you now. and this will be my name is and then you can that's the only thing is i just done, man again, awesome. and again, i had the one real good for them. again, my name is sarah snyder, last gun laska like in the, the a mechanic. and i can listen that it was for them enough to come across. i don't want to say it was just because of the like in the we can switch to the guy who's gonna provide you with the lab. never been on the line and i'm getting the station a lot in. so this is another bundle and men back in what sort of has them that
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a sending was wondering where the dresser has to be without us. and let us look into for you. hold on savannah, who was a when i like to do this without on a lot of times the adult douglas was out on the 2nd model of the money the the, the yeah, the language, i think i'm a sub and the electric and the kind of kind of an oil which i think i'm having the luxury bullshit in the hot oh, by the door kind of for you would have to call us more efficient. what actually submitted us how much i like and we might a lot of us. yeah. let me just tell them as a professional golfer in the home, let's do all this stuff i spaniel home, seen as the see. they use an editing look. i haven't had the lot and these are the tools. well, i like to show it to them and most of them, but i know if i want it 700 rose image article that you highly. oh, i looked at the 9 the
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a lot in mandy. i remembered as you and even the doctor having monroe in the moving the other one the other side of domestic to and oh, that's the test. and so all of us get them and i left him just wanted to. um, but when i did, yeah, i got a, i don't know, you go to the domain, had this of how to i went to the level of how to how to go up with the badges because your issue doesn't come as well as soon as you have well i, you know, the multi left neck a still a head here on the 0, such here in with our teeth. a gunman have abducted more than 280 school children. the how i we got somebody nice the weather in the full cost of possible me least over the next couple of days. think sleep in some places are kind of cool. southern
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parts of the arabian peninsula will be picking up the coast and live the showers as we go through into the we can fraud. i say some big a showers. just developing rep, eastern parts of a mom pushing across into the you. are you able to assess today we go to worry about that is what is the cause? why spread flooding is that system just pushes this way back across the strength of the moods. we'll see some showers that just pushing into that eastern side of it around just running up to was i've kind of done a police just a couple of warming up the last on celsius here. meanwhile, we got some winter weather up to what was that eastern side of ducky a running to was a cool cuz he's could see a shower or 2 just a rolling across the itchy and some heavy rain into that. the eastern side of the magistrate is cypress, could see some lobby shells. sat was pushing into the western side of syria, down towards lebanon. maybe just easing down towards the occupied comes to new territories as we go $13.00 fast, i say, sadly some on several web. a possibility? well, as you try that will cross that notation corner of africa. what's the weather i would to was the north west of africa,
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and then we got the usual showers just around the golf and getting the seasonal raise now stretching quite nicely across central positive africa and america on the blank bike police brutality and indigenous mother and box on an incredible jenny, for justice time must be seeking reparation all dislike. with no political background, she inspires the people to become chimneys 1st line sen. within the realm of politics, the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0,
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the the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories, the phone. you as president obama has delivered his annual stage of the union address. using his speech to took off his achievements, they also took swipes and his breed assessor donald trump, accusing him of jeopardize and freedom present by them. this also announced a plan to set up the temporary force on the crest of casa to bring in humanitarian aid. he said that israel cannot use as a bargaining chip, and that's fine to against them. he reiterated a call for an immediate chase 56. meanwhile, health officials and goals are desperately appealing some century tens of thousands of palestinians injured and israel. so they say they don't have enough basic equipment including plumb in a state of emergency and hazy, has been extended by
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a month as armed groups continue their attacks and group setting fire to a police station losing food, lock it, gun meat is on demanding the resignation of prime minister ariano only who remains stranded abroad to resume reports, not from dodge upon in neighboring dominican republic of the they say the are in charge against controlling the street. so for the prince, on thursday 5 fights between the armed groups and the police were ongoing and haiti's capital prime minister at union re we mains in the us territory portability equal. unable to return to his country. gang say he's return with trigger a civil war. and are demanding his resignation, will not allow real and re to return. he's not good for haiti. the state department says it's pushing id and, and we who was not elected to collaborate with that transition into
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a more inclusive government that will lead to free elections. as of islands continues in the capital port authorities were forced to hold operations. after thousands of people looted the containers for distribution has become a problem as low as mass looms across the country. the world food program says they have to suspend their see operations to distribute food because of the severity of the situation. ariel henri did not rule the country well, he's travelling and we are starving. the keels in the country has force the dominican republic to increase security at the border between both countries. patients, i know they're allowed to cross into the dominican republic. the only permitted to reach the market to find crushing food and medical supplies to sell or take back. security forces are on high alert in the dominican republic after gang through these thousands of prisoners from jail. and that's why man, we're trying to come to
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a market that is not far away from here. are being asked to line up for security checks. the government says the prime minister has to resign and they will need to send international assistance. no, i'll say nothing has done nothing for the people, nothing the haitian national police need more support to fight the violence. hate and needs help. the un has set up a multi national security emission that would deliver personnel and equipment to assist the police. but nobody really knows when it will happen or if it will help deliver the stability people here desperately need. that is i will, i just see that the have one gone in. nigeria has attacked a primary school and cannot hundreds of children. the schools had teacher in the town of korea gun in kaduna state says that these 280 students were taken. this is a 2nd mass induction within
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a week and nigeria where the script frequency and amount run sense for that of some ball reports from the capitol region. this is such a risk. the team has been deployed by the military to try to rescue these children who have ducted thursday morning, shortly after they've left the school assembly to the class. the gunman had invaded the school and what 2 bikes and kind of did about 300 of the students. if school authorities at to the state governor who he said the uh, the tech school was after that to about $25.00 of the students had returned to the parents. and that's $275.00. was to a missing of these 275 children of us to missing about so 175 of them were between the age of 8 to 15. this is one of the major school abductions and recent to yes, because this abuse was in 2014. when about 276 school goals,
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we have ducted from chico in ne nigeria. you mean to authority said they would do everything possible to try to rescue the children. i don't have any recent weeks. we've had a tax and all the areas and also have directions. but said, immediately saying that they don't do like work ones to be able to confront and also have a power i'd be, i'm groups and be chief would be for us. that'd be tough. generally snap food. yeah, and we simply, that's if you has one percent of the items that he's given to you create that may do at will be peaceful. he's saying that people with money and they're not able to protest weapons from countries to dennis. and i'll just be right about you in eastern democratic republic of congo and beyond group and 23 has opened a new front line in the town of charo and north k for its full size of also kept in the town of gonzalez in north kia to the united nations that says 2 days of fighting have forced more than
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a 100000 people to flee the huns congested. it has the jews neighboring rolanda backing in $23.00, but kick on it denies involvement. the only one separately general is quoting for a pause and fighting. and through dawn, during the most of the month of ramadan, the battle for control of the country since last april has killed the police to $14000.00 sudanese forced millions from their homes and caused a food shortage crisis. for instance, i mean the reports from un headquarters and, you know, doing the ongoing violence, food and security and massive displacement ins threw down the you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, war and the security council that the conflict there could be 2 regional instability of dramatic proportions and he called on the student, these armed forces and rapids support forces to lay down their arms. it is time to silence the guns and to raise the volume for peace. in just days,
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the holy months of what i'm of them will commence. so from this chamber today, i'm making it to you, as i call or no policies, even so then to honor this elusive what i'm of them by on duty and good ramadan cessation of hostilities. many members of the security council clearly shared the secretary general's concerns, the united kingdom, put forth a draft cease fire resolution. let's you have to be clear, the seed in these armed forces and the record support forces are responsible for the surrender situation. we're still seeing shelling and a text and both sides in heavily populated urban areas. so that's why we vote for the resolution security council resolution quoting for an immediate cease fire before the month of ramadan and urging old parties to announce a hindrance from florida and cross by and humanitarian access. the cities and basset are questioned how such a mechanism would be implemented, and the one says because of the violence,
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18000000 student needs are acutely food and secure, and they're already reports of children dying from malnutrition. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations will sweden has joined nature almost 2 years after launching a bench become member membership documents were handed over as a ceremony and the us capital washington d. c. for sweden ended decades of political neutrality by applying to be a part of the military alliance of russia, invaded ukraine prime minister between passengers and germany, all the wonderful mass of disruption because of elisa strikes, the drive is under the tunnels. the airline passengers worldwide are being disrupted by a 2 day we'll count by ground stuff to mccain report from berlin. this is bill in central station. normally dozens of trainers would come through here every hour. but this thursday, very few are due to industrial action by the train drivers union. and while some
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passengers sympathize with the strikers, others all less understanding is on spring. it's really stressful and you have to constantly try to walk out whether you're going to be able to travel or not. i see on the board a lot of trained on to even running the whole project slides, drugs, the good thing final comment. let me see my content this time when they come sit down to find a table, they'll find a solution that lives in con, cancellations, and travel disruption have hit the main apples to see and funk for to a grand stall off of the ally, live tons are on strike, affecting hundreds of thousands of passengers, but the transport sector is not the only one affected by striking action in recent months. many of the industry so see similar process is hard. now i'm going to mention at the time that we are not striking for no reason and the demands are old, was very important things, shortening of 4 hours and also more be to make up for inflation and puts you into our side instead of us. in many cases,
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the companies off on sympathetic to these demands decisions which are added to the sense of a winter of discontent. in germany, we are seeing most strikes of the relatively small boxes, technically important unions like the trained drivers o apple testing them and they have a lot of negotiating. paul companies are reluctant to given to that about to because they have so much power. i'm afraid they will use it, so we don't see most by all of which means that people using germany's ap thoughts and it's railway station is like this one. i'll go to have to get used to sites like this, with fuel trains and fuel plains, on those days of strike action. so i'm going to, came out, was there a bullet to us police officers have been cleared of misconduct to the body shop school shooting and texas. 2 years ago now, a gunman killed 21 people in the attack. a city council investigation acknowledged many failures,
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but named families who rushed to the school for compromising the police response. as far as the department of justice course of sizing, the lack of urgency by the hundreds of officers who took more than an hour to kill, to come to hong kong government has published the draft of a new national security or which increased life sentences for treason insurrection, the safeguarding national security bill complements the national security it'll imposed by beijing 4 years ago. that followed nice protests by pro democracy activists. and the rest of the movements lead is human rights groups that say the new legislation will or need further, erode hong kong or telling me while that's now the 10th anniversary of one of aviation biggest unsolved mysteries, malaysia airlines flyers with 259 people on board vanished well flying from calling on port to beijing. as far as the 3 reports grieving, relatives continue to mount on says, as for the last 10 years general,
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whose life has been consumed by one purpose, finding out what happened to flight mh 370. it disappeared with the $239.00 people on board, including his mother. he stopped to walk to focus on lobbying for the search for the missing plane to continue for him to be on my pleasure. nice, nice. what hotel? my life there is. activity has changed dramatically. this change is not something you can choose. you meet this event you have to face it. and even with hindsight, i would still make the same choice to the voice my life to the where the, the plane deviated from its flight path. and ended in the southern indian ocean and international such as it sound nothing or us marine robotics company has proposed a new set. its last attempt in 2018 came up empty. it hasn't mentioned any specific technological breakthrough, but says it continues to analyze previous data in the hope of narrowing the search areas. the malaysian government says it's reviewing the proposal. the parts of the


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