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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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i did show a force money here, realize your best, most ready to defend itself without the house of the united states, from around the world. advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply won't work, especially in a city like los angeles. the several nations and drop aid into gaza testing insights, insufficient and inefficient. as long as the israel continues to belong to the entry of age of trucks got out of mass coughing, evans, your body goes, is hungry and what speed it from is nothing else that we want to border crossings to the other one, the se in this is alice is here at lexington. as $23.00 children died,
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starvation in cost. us says it will take up to 2 months to build a temporary pool to bring in a and would involve coordination. is right, the gun violence and political instability and hating, forced tens of thousands of people to neighboring dominican republic and such as the meditative guys use these which include most of the one security council pos as a resolution calling for these funds to don. hadn't been with them from the upside and cynical. that's how it top us next. that has described us plans to build a temporary port for casa on the ongoing ed drops by western nations expense say these efforts will do level to reduce risk of fallon, as long as israel continues to block the entry of humanitarian aid through land crossings. moving to 1000000 palestinians all starving,
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at least 23 children have now died of hunger since this will began. and as i'll do here, as honest i'll sharif reports from jamalia in northern garza. the agent that's been ad dropped is simply not enough to meet the staggering needs of the people. you know that the now i try to on behalf of a how to jump value on a we here on beach street jabante in northern you guys a short while ago planes dropped aid in this area and the locals have gave it in large numbers. but what was drops from these planes is not enough for the citizens that it consists of daily meals and reading to know exactly. oh me. oh you bet j the judge. i don't know this about them for i wish i could. well, i have 7 children with these means i'm up enough. how can i get one of the one of these, the nothing we are hungry about stopping him, just audio job. what's being done. it does not help us, but we want everything back to how it was before the judge. i know what to do about it. i know i cannot do anything else. i've tried my best. we don't even have enough
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. right. my son has moved. my wife is pregnant, my heart is breaking, i can't do anything so my children. 7 got the come in and said that, well i did the, the paul is we can see now a new plane is approaching and dropping a new batch of a to the 8 is most likely not enough to meet the needs of the teen of the citizens . so a charging here, citizens are requesting the delivery of 8th through trucks to northern garza. we are currently no basic necessities. it is very difficult to find food, all set up and people are now rushing and gathering in large numbers to get just some of the well my life probably, and it's a chevy dealer. shut me out of. i mean, want indoors associated and drop has killed at least 5 palestinians power suits carrying a failed to open on the surprised, crushed people, waiting on the ground. several countries are dropping humanitarian,
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8 now into the strip. as israel continues to restrict convoys, currently life savings supplies to solving civilians, as well as an occupying power, has a legal obligation to allows humanitarian aid into gaza. and to provide basic needs such as food and water. so much the freedom, it's a tragedy added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by all palestinian people in the cause of stress. i met this bloody one civilian at cross drop age supplies to sit in the move in areas of strips, but unfortunately that's a piece. power sheets fell directly on the heads of civilian the mobile. dyslexia the, that's a 5 individual. i'm the injury of more than 10 people comes from ruffin alternator . as tara couple is doing reports on how a deliveries have been chaotic and the north, adding to the desperation. within the course of the past few weeks there, there are more restrictions and they deliveries to the talent have gone. so this is why the majority of countries have been contributing to increasing efforts to make
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different corporations of speeds dropping to the territory, which consider it to be from dependence team perspective. not really sufficient. as we have been talking today to a number of residents in the north have been describing the situation being really can you take, i'm catastrophe because not all the majority of people can really help and access to these aides and the out force to chase it in and on areas in locations or it's landing, which means that the sometimes did not really get lucky enough in order to get to these aides. and they have been also singing and expressing that without an unconditional fluid age to the, to the number of positive calling. the situation within the coming days will get much more desperate. specifically that we are just always, far away. 2 days from the month of ramadan. and people that have nothing really enough to feed on and this is complete, you get a stroke, he can be happy in warning from completely serious consequences. good, good resulted if there's new any. so the flow became at a turn supplies for people,
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the as who are waiting for very critical days of the fighting will continue without reaching the ceasefire as old house to new side of just heading to over negotiations and jokes for us. he's quiet that's being healed. in cairo that we uh, between how much on his bill, the whole united states, has released more details of its plans to set up a temporary portion, garza to increase humanitarian aid to the strip dependent on the thing it could take up to 2 months to complete and will need around a 1000 troops to build it. palestinians say the 4th is an attempt to divert attention from. israel's will solve ation and america's inability to end the blockade of casa, my counter reports from washington, dc. the us has had a lot of experience in building floating caused ways. the tried to peer has the bolts of several coasts, including dental south korea, and the u. a. e. the facility of casa will take around 2 months to build as far as
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timeframe, as i mentioned, several weeks likely up to 60 days in order to deploy the forces and construct the the causeway in the end appear. in recent days, the us and some other countries have put in place an air drop operation of supplies into gaza. this resulting in a tragedy on friday, when a parachute did not open properly killing at least 5 people and injuring a number more. highlighting the criticism that it drop operations and maritime is an issue of last resort. are expensive and effective and run the risk of creating chaos on the ground. the measures, in this case, a united nation 6, but that appear to be more for domestic political benefit than real humanitarian relief. this my best educated guess is probably a performance to try and meet a domestic audience with elections around the corner,
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a temporary peer to enable a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance getting you guys every day. the fact that president biden announce the new mission is state of the union speech . one normally scented on domestic issues as fuel to the claim of put ethical cynicism. these us meshes could also serve to prop up the nearly to decade long is really located of gaza. another consequence of the by did administration's apparent reluctance to fully confront the nets and yahoo governments. and it's unbridled will the united states needs to use other tools in our tool box to not just insist, but to say if you continue to ignore us. if you continue to robust these requests, there will be consequences posted us intention to help the people of because
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a could have the opposite effect. in reality, it could bolster and effectively endorse the illegal is really located by kind of i'll just say era. washington. meanwhile, european commission president of underlying says maritime card or from cyprus to gaza, is to open this weekend of shipment. could depart as early as not today, but it's still not clear how the aid would be collected or distributed. a group called wealth central kitchen is said to be providing food and the ship is meant to arrive at an undisclosed location and wrong calling reports from the quotes that you have long ago in cyprus. the cooling it, the maritime car, it'll announce by the you. what is partners it's supposed to be one solution to alleviate what can only be described as a looming firm in. ready we're launching this cypress, mary, tim corey, the to get the cypress, the european union, the united arab emirates and think united states and it is your relentless work to
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get this car up and running despite all the challenges. and this is truly inspiring, but it's not enough. and nowhere near officiant enough to get the massive amounts of a need. you put 2300000 palestinians trapped on the strip. hundreds of trucks carrying crucial aid remain stranded in egypt. but israel is ignoring coles to reopen line crossings into the strip. do you an agency for palestinian refugees? says moving 8 by land is the most effective root is so easy, less of a fussing points. but to make the list that as well with a balance of strict, this is what we use before the worst part is on the 7th of october, when there was a regular flow of about 500 trips every day to the commotion supplies. so it shouldn't be complicated, a totally, well, there is a politically we, there was a way the maritime mccardle is fall from easy is going to need all the boats. now
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there's no functioning ports in goals. and so that's another logistical challenge is thing going to get onto trucks and into distribution sensors that won't happen overnight to something the british foreign minister referenced in a comment is going to take time to build to the crucial thing is today, these really supposed to confirm that they'll open the pool to ash, daughter that is in israel, but that's a working part. it could take a no that would increase the amount of age. and that a can then be driven into goals that would make a real difference. and we need to make a real difference right now. that comment raised eyebrows as a whole point to the marathon, colorado is to get a direct me into the straight. for now, todd, with his hand, put the boat from sailing from monica. there remains impulse very much a symbol of vital age stuck. but even when it sells, it wouldn't be enough. and even if it's successful, scaling up to meet the needs of people who are facing
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a man made from and is highly unlikely. and wrong come out, is there a lot of as well that's bringing sol takahashi, he's a professor of human rights and case studies at our soccer geography. and university is also a former deputy head at the office of the un high commissioner of human rights and occupied palestine. he joins us today from back to prevent these initiatives by western countries. the air drops a new port and our time card will. they essentially bypass the buffle next and the constraints on the land. ford is which all happening because israel says they need to check all of the going into the strip. these new aid rates are presumably it will so require approval, low cooperation of israel. so is israel now essentially saying those checks not necessary? why don't then just let the trucks and i mean, look, this is not predominantly issue monetary and issue a, this is not some kind of, you know, natural disaster. it's, and i mean there was an earthquake or anything like that. this is a like you say, a man made disaster, it is a genocide, is really, is, are inflicting genocide on the palestinians. now if the americans or the
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e. u a gave a hoot about pulse sydney lights. what they should be doing is not pretending like they are hollywood action zeros and you know, air lifting supplies into berlin. what they should be doing is stopping the endless flow of weapons and stopping the political support for is really genocide and they should be, you know, by didn't, could hold. all of this is tomorrow, with one phone call and the fact that they are not doing it. the fact that bite is not doing it really shows me that he must think american voters are really stupid all these new ponds and do think also a tacit acknowledgment of thoughts that the us and its allies. aside from the arms that you're talking about, essentially don't have the influence beyond that, to get israel to live up to basic international legal obligations as well. the notion that they don't have the influence is, is ludicrous. i mean without the weapons, without the political support,
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all of this would stop tomorrow. and if the americans and you really cared about palestinian life, if they really cared about post in human rights and the palestinian right of self determination, they could take much, much more effective steps that would really alleviate the situation tomorrow. the fact that they're not doing it shows that they don't really care. and all of this is for domestic consumption basically. so let me ask you a little bit about what logistics might look like on the ground floor of this does go ahead a, someone who's worked for the you and these are obviously ways to get a into gaza. but how do you then deal with the distribution on the ground once it's inside? well look, all of these are, all of these are logistical details that need it. need to be sorted down to like i, like i've said this is not predominantly issue monitoring issue. if the is rarely it's worth to allow a proper, the proper distribution of humanitarian a, like the international court of justice, ordered them to do that. all of this could be sorted out, you know, with a very,
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in a, within a very short period of time. but the fact that, you know, we're even talking about this just goes to show that these relays have no intention whatsoever of allowing this. and they are being aided and abetted in all of this by the western government. let me ask you about the narrative that this perpetuates hit, the world food program has had to suspend operations in the north because it's comp guarantee security that and there's some absolve isn't now using the phrase, collective humiliation. israel's creating the conditions for the level of desperation and the lowest nest that comes with that as people try to keep their families a life as well. yes, for sure. i mean the look on the entire is really the entire is really occupation of palestine. and i'm including $48.00 within this is based on collective humiliation, a daily humiliation which is geared towards encouraging and pushing palestinians out of their homes and out of their lands. so yes, this is just another extension,
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just another level of humiliation. and another level of genocide which is which what, what we're witness. let me ask you, one thing about the us plan that really struck me, the pentagon saying it could take up to 2 months to build this temporary port. and that truly gives us some insight into how the white house feels that see sign investigations are going. how long the white house thinks this will and the seeds will last well, look, yes, i mean, as, as of my, my personal opinions are probably by didn't just sort of announce this initiative without real knowledge of how long it would take. but look, really, it is for domestic consumption like i just said king, but it's really think that the rest of the world, and frankly, american voters are really stupid to think that, you know, they would be full by this act of, uh, hollywood action hero. you know, air lifting supplies into berlin for this is not what this is about. this is the man the disaster. this is the genocide inflicted by the is released and the
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americans could stop it immediately when one folk professor, you yourself used to work for the un high commissioner for human rights given the political contacts that you've sketched out for us here. what role do you now see for the united nations here? a while the united nations, as has been, has had a very, very difficult time in trying to get the actors here in particular israel to go buy it by its obligations. an entry under international law, and unfortunately that remains and we see as we see with the funding of own work, many of the western governments are just all too happy to, you know, buy into is really narrative. so about the role that the one is playing and should be playing. so it's a, it's a very, it's a very difficult situation. sol takahashi, that professor of human rights and piece studies that are saca juggle queen university. thank you for joining us on us as
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a result and sharing your thoughts. thank you. thank you. and meanwhile, on the ground, and also if he has really ministry continues to attack the strip from or corners clear. east 26th palestinians on friday is rarely strikes. killed several people, including children in the southern city of rasa. and they've been calling us at least 12 people account for the north from ruffin central garza. dozens of palestinian women were injured and an attack on darrow bala. they were taken to the alex hospital from where i was, as they were, as you include are a little were changing the hospitals where the ambulances, dozens of women, as we see, women are laying on the floor because there is a lot of beds and they do not have space. the hospital talks with patients and injuries. this woman beside me is pregnant and she was insured during the last air strikes that happened on as the light that area in the middle area of the gaza
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strip. every women in palestine have been sacrificing a lot sense. the worst started on because it's true. they have been killed. they have been injured. they lost their husbands, they lost their sons. they lost their loved ones. and not only that, they're also being injured in killed, losing their privacy, losing their houses, moving their spaces, kind of sitting women have been witnessing very harsh things since october 7. and even on women international day, they have been killed and also injured. this is in the theater, up to the hospital that he but from the northern garza but as strikes killed 3 members of the same family and the jamalia refuge account. here's the story of an 11 year old kyle, who's suffice a lot of time. so the,
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the the s it's just not a big deal. i'm all done for that unless you want. so the incentive dev shed to services all the stuff i have to live in to the for me, i have the southern firefox and pulled off the number again about the and one of the rooms that's had been was done the a big mean homes homeless and i don't know if it's been a huge and wondering,
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but mean since the over a month from now led to one. but, you know, we loved the normal done. we as a sort of the a half or the mesh of a missile. all style ahead here on our report from thailand where hoops of strict laws against criticism of the royal family would be relaxed appears the blank, white police brutality and indigenous mother inbox. on an incredible jenny for justice time was to be seeking reparation for others. like with no political background. she inspires the people to become chimneys 1st line and send it to within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward.
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a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0, the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the ssl is a top of you and next that has described us plans to build a temporary pool for garza and the ongoing add drops by western nations as inside and center pulled in 2000000 and palestinians all staffing industry. these 23 children have died of hunger and you had ration since a lot of these 5 kind of thing is and been killed in gaza when they were hit by age boxes being dropped by
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faulty power. suits several countries of an agile thing is in the near pen commission. president says a maritime card or to bring aid from cyprus to gauze will open this weekend. congress always expect to the test that we use on friday. you and there. it says it's not a substitute for some land deliveries which are still being built by israel. well, moving on to hazy now where gang violence has intensified on friday, heavy gun fires being reported at near the national palace and the capital. puerto prince used to be the official residence of the president. the palace was heavily damaged and a devastating as quake in 2010. and he hasn't had a president since the assassination of the other non weighs 3 years ago. when united nations is warning that thousands of pregnant women in haiti are at risk, the un office and hazy is said at least 3000 of them don't have access to health care. the country is in a state of emergency,
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as gang speaking to alice department as to are you alone? we have shuts the maintenance national at fulton, schools and businesses also closed. i am a mother of 6 and a half to feed them every day. give them food and water, but since i had to leave my home, i just sit here with nothing to cook. live is very bad. i hold the kids in my on. i have nothing to give them. for me. it was even when a family send us 30 or $50.00, we can't get the money. all bank offices are closed, nothing is functioning so we can't get food or water. all those food shortages causing a thousands of patients to travel for hours to the border with neighboring dominican republic to buy basic supplies, to resume reports. now from the board, a ton of to hold on it happens twice a week. thousands of patients across the border with a domain and can republic to a free trade soon to buy food and other items to take back to haiti. but because of the ongoing crisis,
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those arriving are desperate to take back whatever they can. janet says she buys b to resetting hating, there's no food in haiti, and there too many problems. patients are facing a calamity right now. i take this back instead of 10 other cities. it is the only thing i can do right now. people buy beef sausages in any protein, they can't afford people here, however, there's almost no food in many areas in haiti because of the ongoing situation. and that's why they come here to buy these vegetables and anything else they come find . authorities in the dominican republic refer to places such as this one as that survival market because it's meant to cover people most basic needs. there is another market at the border where people buy ex medicines in other goods. patients are not allowed to stay in the dominican republic, in spite of the violence on the streets in hating where the government has extended
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a state of emergency. 5 minutes to an area, henry is still abroad and gangs on the street say history turn would cost more keels, but it's the civilians who are suffering the most because of the ongoing violence is read. yes, yes would be you could see the situation in the country is critical. people can no longer go about the business. our children can no longer goes to school. merchants can go to the market and no one can move around the country. we have a prime minister, but we don't know whether he's dead or alive because he's lost in the wild. and that's why they're growing calls to 4th prime minister in re, to facilitate that transition. that also calls to deploy a multi national security emission to help restore stability. gave me a had earlier agreed to deeply 400 a lead to police forces to assist the haitian police. could spell whether police says the mission is unique and crucial. maybe if you look into that for you, i use it. now. the biggest challenge right now is getting support from the
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countries enough to send troops with police forces to support the haitian police. this is not a traditional peacekeeping operation. it is a mandate by the un security council to deploy a mission led by kenya. that's a different architecture that needs to be funds that need to be more forces police . but until that happens, patients continue to struggle to survive traveling for hours to find food in another country city. so i will, i just need us to have on the un security council has called for an immediate cease fire and suit on for the muslim holy month of ramadan. the resolution was drafted by the united kingdom and paused with 14 votes in favor russia outstanding. the bottle for control between the sudanese army and rival power military forces since last april has killed at least 14000 people, millions more have been forced from their homes and all facing looming. simon
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kristen. 3 men reports now from united nations. a. c u. k. only announced it was for closing a resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities and sudan on thursday. by friday it was a done deal passed just in time for the ramadan holiday. we urge to see these armed forces and directed support forces to act on this united, international cool for peace, and to silence the guns. it passed with 14 votes in favor, but it was not unanimous russia abstained from the vote. they said the resolution had noval ends de escalation of the conflict and getting more aid to those in need . but they question the need for it. given recent developments, namely the opening of an aide route and they have to choose the united states of acting in their own political interests. well, nothing you have to lose the we have no illusions as to the true intentions of waste and country. it's not great. however, the double standards locally typically clearing, given that those same countries are dragging out the adoption of
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a document on the sci fi in the gaza strip, where genuine mascot is taking place on the organization, human rights watch. welcome to move, however, saying it was a necessary step and long overdue. they called on the parties to the conflict with respect to international law, and they called on the security council to enforce it. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations. well, over the last year, thailand has seen a record number of sentences hunting down for less majesty the crime of offending the monarch, his wife, or his in hopes that the law would be relaxed after a transition from the ministry to a civilian government. now a pet misplaced tony chain reports from the ty, capital bank of waits patiently outside. plum prim prism in bangkok, pip boyfriend kit is inside serving 6. he is the crime of less majesty. how do i go on you get?
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uh huh. i don't think people can be okay when they left. one is in now of prison, but we have just done with him. it was hard at 1st. i cried. every time he went in, i couldn't stop crying when the court tonight just bel request gets crying was the question, how the ruling tennessee came to power over 200 years ago. in most countries historical debate in time, then a criminal offense. he was one of thousands of students who protested against the governments in 20202021 cooled for the moment key to reform. in the years that followed, many of them had been charged under onto 11 to the last met just a little between 2014 to 2020. usually our organization with handle was around $30.00 to $40.00 cases per year. then came the mass for democracy movement in 2020 and suddenly the case number rose to more than 200. by the end of 2020, and by the end of 2021 to mont, an 800 cases. more than


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