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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 10, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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they say that this is the least of what they can give to their p plus the is there any strikes target, displace, palestinians, sheltering intense and southern gaza at least 15 people are killed the way you want to now to 0, live from bill how it needs for the back to the also coming up the policy me and help committed 3 says for salvation in northern guys or has reached dangerous levels for 25 people dying of hunger and d hydration. the intent of these confrontations between police and protest is calling for ease really prime minister benjamin.
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that's the out of step down and voting begins in portugal, snap generally election, which could see the dc, each of the voting social also, i had just filed a report on the fly destination spaces, deportation after leaving them to the dominican republic to escape down the is there any strikes of targeted displace palestinians in the southern part of the gaza strip. at least 15 people were killed in con eunice when is really rock, had struck a number of tents in the, on the was the neighborhood injured, were taken to access the hospital in there on the life of treatment with strikes on residential buildings. i've also been reported in bait law. yeah, in northern guys. uh, several palestinians we can stand. let's get an update on the situation with honey . my mode who's on the phone from the rafa honey,
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what is it like this morning with the strikes and con units in particular, beings targeted by these various yes, 5 when people are waking up with the shattered fence of the safety after being told you evacuated to as all the evacuations on and sharply ordered by it is very military of the initial week. so the word a vast majority of people are shouldering and, and so no loss. the evacuation is on the western part of the city of tanya and the northern western part of the city. oh, coming in from the northern part of the fed. gov. the city and it's in the central area. i. they are waiting for the of the relentless they are stripes, but what really hard to bring in right now is the 4 of the 15 people reported killed and transferred to all of the hospital. our i typically disabled eh, people i were talking about it. sure. 2 of them were under the age of 60 and that's
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the kind. busy of, of, of casualties an injury as a result of being the length of a attacks. the 15 people there are actually very close to 20 or multiple injuries whole. so trying for too long to have the last is less than 24 hours in this large number of injuries and casualties reported to a mid 5 health facility in the last the hospital and speaking of hospitals, talk to us about the conditions in the hospitals because i understand that in the south of hospitals are simply just so overwhelmed that people who are been injured in these try for now being transported to, to the central area for treatment. right. then also people who are, who are injured in hon. you and have to pick 30, the eastern part of the city are older, transferred to a lot of the hospital units right now. doesn't have any operational hope facility whatsoever. and people who are that who get injured in the center of 500 units or
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the western part of it are likely to die because there are no hospitals in addition to the dangers in it, trying to transfer them to possibly those here in raleigh techniques of what people end up doing those in the eastern part of the city coming all the way to the central area and, and transfer injuries. but right now the hospital i was just saying and lived in a 24 hours a day and think it. so now i mean injuries i've been arriving to unlock the hospital, ready a mid sized hospital, very exhausted over well. and within the past 62 months, there was an international medical team, a role in tiers inside the house, but who had under an unusual circumstance as lack of safety to withdraw from the hawk. with a right now, there's in sufficient medical staff inside the hospital, as well as extreme shorted medical supplies to intervene and save lives. i don't speak. thank you honey, for the updates. as long as there is honey,
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my hold on the line there from a rough, a starvation worse ends by israel is located across guys is worsening by the hour. is ralph's restrictions on allowing food medicine and the central live saving supplies is leading to more and more policy invest across the strip. the situation in northern guys is dia, with warnings that fireman is spreading. don't alarming rate. 20 year old sharing. apple has died out of all she for hospital in gaza city. while a toddler died of malnutrition and dehydration into my add one hospital, which is also in northern gas. because of the shortage of nutrition and water, she felt ill. she had a chronic condition and required fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat. unfortunately, none were available. we liked the finance as a means to provide these necessities for her, which ultimately led to bossing. regrettably, she's to come to the address in unknown nutrition more of actually suffered from a chronic disease. and given that we have been in wolf for the 6 consecutive months,
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we are now running out of the medications here required. we encounters similar cases every day, including both young, an elderly individuals. they are losing their lives due to mel nutrition and a lack of medication. meanwhile, age parcels have been dropped for another day as israel continues to block the entry of trucks. agency say the deliveries are in deficient, they don't provide enough food to meet the needs of people in gaza. some of the packages are falling into the sea with no way to retrieve them. on friday, at least 5 people were killed when at at drops hip and after power source failed to open on the, on the map is accurate. there's no so the water off in northern gaza, they dropped some buffers of water but we need food. we have staffing, i squeeze a gold, we're literally dying of hunger. please help us come to a risk. you. we don't need water. we need food. why? they dropping food in the sea. we need it dropped on the ground. just want
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something to fill in a stomach. we want to breathe. we want flowers. any said well i have often and i need to feed them. have mass, you will not have mercy on us. yes. and them all the issue of 8 is brutal, annoying accepts that isolated areas and most of the 8 falls and drones in the sea . and no one gets any. there is also no transportation as the roads are damaged, we want better methods. let's speak to those channels. a car about this, he's an associate professor, it's katara university's goals studies center good to have you with us again, the shadow. let's talk about this aid efforts that the western countries seem to be putting in now to try and distribute more aid into the gaza strip. what do you make of the way they're going about this? the drops building appear to guys the route through cyprus as well? is this an organized way? do you thing for them to do this? i think they said bestbuy to make sure that they are, they can because they realize that they weren't too late making
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a decision if we goes here. but they only have a solution for the most part in the united nations to go to the concert about this was to deliver a human body and it is what's in december. so far, almost 3 months later they just realized that the 8 that was supposed to be the lead but did not reach the place. so i think this as to date now they're making bestbuy decisions about how to do it with bit expensive and difficult operations that they are very difficult to to, to implement. moreover, because they only need this report of israel on the approval of the thread it we, we saw that there, that the 40 it's already leaving the us on is going to arrive to is probably, but we don't know when the easiest part is to open their eyes across and into why they know putting more pressure on israel to open the groups. this is a, this is a, the big question. so what, why, i mean, the presence of accepting both on the fees, if on eastern, to allow this a big cross will be open, going to in the united nations agency on it. any other agents are as
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a conf family that this thought a basement is there, the kids are dying because of this operation. there's no more time to, to, to, to wait for a new facility. a new board when you 1st started to be built, they need to open the roof across. this is the only solution, right? why your opinion on the price on even more deeply on that's i mean so, so then it is what they're doing. you know, by, by talking about the cypress route 2 guys that by, by trying to set that up as well as the key here is that meant for their domestic audiences. more then, then you know them showing that there they are indeed doing something about what's going on and fast. at some point, i think is every coordination that they made, the mistake, okay, at some point that they need to solve the problem. the problem is, the solution is, you see, have done what they are doing. maybe the kinds of the big airforce that they can do . they have a, they have it be compression of the kind of spend a lot of money in that's only to please the public opinion that they are complaining about the lack of action from the young government or the western
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governments. and then up again, i mean, they only need to press or more is trying to open the big band that off across indeed without spending so much final much money indeed. and that pressure hasn't come yet. news interview with the american media president biden was still holding out hope for some sort of a sci fi before ramadan. when you look at the situation on the ground today. and guys, do you think that's, that's likely to happen? that's feasible. i don't see. i mean, i've list looking at the it's fairly pressed and nobody's talking about the, the fist fight right now. i'm actually, i'm blaming how much time they are the same. that's actually that they did before this how much they didn't want to to make any, any progress in that it was easy was when they strongly delegation, you didn't even go to the good type of thing, right? so i don't think that this is the 1st priority of the agenda, that this was seen the mind of buying that they wanted to reach an agreement before run by them to avoid be of problems to avoid much less from other most in congress
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. i know because it was a genuine interest on the for these higher although it keeps saying that this how much that they want to keep going and they want to push more and doing drumline as well. all right, thank you very much for talking to us about this lashawn is a kind of always good to get your function analysis on the situation in gossip. meanwhile, in these raylon tide, guffman, protesters have been demanding an early election. they're angry about 5 minutes to finish now, who's handling of the war on gaza and want him out. his government is under increasing pressure to secure the release of captives being held in gaza, or a con report. some, one of the protest seemed to have a show of discontent mets with force is ready please teasing was to come in to prevent protesters from blocking a highway in tennessee that would to protest on such sneezing. one of them in caplin square, the heart of israel's government and defense buildings. it was led by the kaplan
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force, a center to the left wing group, the ledge. many protests against the government's judicial as the whole proposal of last year. the only fixed owing is to stop it will save the lives of 20 or 70000 to you know, send dozens and more than 100 posts suggest to think that the, our government has to call to announce a one sided superpower now and stop the war. because the thing is, most important is the say, the hostages will be released. and i think this is the only way to really send to the other protests of what has become known as hostage square above usage riley with family members of kept as housing goes to be protesting for 22 weeks and without joins by thousands. it's sort of guarantee of 2 weeks of shuffle, diplomacy, mediations by the us consulate and the egypt talks in cairo, came to a standstill on friday, with both hamas and israel,
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holding each other responsible for not reaching a deal. both sides are refusing to conceive how mazda is calling for an interval, a withdrawal of israeli soldiers garza, and allowing the return of to space policy ends to the homes in the north. there also seeking with desperately needed aid to be allowed into casa, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he would not spiritual until he's defeated from us. a returned all of the captives, just diplomatic sticking points, but all the time to be safe and nothing else is not listening to the mom right behind me offline. why? the traffic coming through? they blamed this, you know, who told the war on salsa to say, the principal. well, the being help the what's clear is that is produced to say that a month, not being heard. they are becoming increasingly confrontational. laura called out
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to 0, tel aviv the let's take a look at some of the b 7 use now. and polls have opened in portugal, snap general election, nearly 11000000 voters. we will elect the 250 members of the national assembly to moderate parties. of an altar alternated in power for decades, essentially have socialist party and the centre right socialist social democratic party. but the far right checkup party is looking to capitalize on corruption allegations that have dogs the 2 main parties. natasha battle every for some lisben . the laundry ventura on the last day of campaigning for people's general election. the commentator turned politician,
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centuries korea has sold since he found with the pope in his check of policy 5 years ago. he's on t corruption, anti immigration message, appeals to voters fed up with mainstream politics. after shaker events in lisbon, we also him about his patient that use ations to this policy is extreme list is extreme east against corruption. the political will change everything, all the, these corrupt political system. we are fighting against that. we will change it. corruption, navigations of adults bolcko's rooting socialist policy and the opposition center. right? so from democratic the lions method, the less opinion polls suggest the 2 signs of leading in a tight selection race. sheka is no fault behind the cost of living jobs and housing. a big move to concerns, particularly for young people like this teacher. he says he'll fade sugar because they hoop i'm young. i'm 57 and the i'm trying to start my life year i'm, i'm working and i study at the same time. and it's really difficult to start the
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lifetime difficult to, to, to buy house is difficult to buy. a car is difficult to have up front of me. frontier uh is on a walk around of the city. and despite the very heavy rain, many of it's supposed to come out because they say he's was full to me. say that he's a thing to democracy. such a charity in the city mike woods can get help with paperwork, run by immigrants. the association was set up by too much. you have rights activists to worry about the future on the pretty good game. but all, there's a great danger here and vote you go to the right wing and extreme and write policies are writing human rights and immigration policy, but they no longer want immigrants to come to portugal. so to checked his arrival on the political scene or to go was relatively untouched by the populace. serge, seen elsewhere in europe. if the policy succeeds in making big games in the election, it will be proved, but that has changed. what's more if the center point when they may be forced into
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into a coalition with a shaker to ensure a parliamentary majority transforming ventura from a mystical outside to, to an established player. it's actually about to, oh, to 0. there's been officially election campaigning begins in senegal on sunday for the delayed presidential vote. 19 candidates have only 2 weeks to evaluate the foreigners ahead of the match. march 24th. the election, outgoing president, microsoft and good told his when he postpone the original vote, which was scheduled on february 25th. still ahead on. ouch is here. i'm gonna see a new woman in some javelle chilly. it's an oscar time and coming up. i'll explain why saw to spanish language films from latin america ever make finish the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current
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government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial more. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, president biden says, once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line examining the impact of today's headline is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not only pushing the most is what we are moving out. is there a sense the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice?
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i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and safe different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today. on alex's yes or the, [000:00:00;00] the back of recap about top stories on how to use the or at least 15 palestinians have been killed in con, eunice and southern gaza have to is really strikes targeted a number of 10 cindy on the wasi neighborhood injured would take into ox, a hospital in down the life of treatment is really s rights have also been reported in bait law here in northern guys. at least 25 policy means have died as
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a result of non nutrition and dehydration since this route launches war in october . price groups have accusing threaten of using hunger as a weapon of war. and now the news hosting has begun in 40 gold early election that people are picking a new parliament. the election was moved up by 2 years after the prime minister was forced to resign. polls suggest the socialist government could be austin. not to hate the way police say several gunmen were killed in fighting on saturday. the country is in the grape of finding says, armed gangs try to take over the capitol portal print. heavy gunfire has been reported across the city, including near the national palace. the gangs want prime minister i had on 8 to resign and have blocked him from getting back into the country. caribbean leaders, i've called and imagines me emergency meeting on monday with the us, canada, and friends to discuss the crisis, at least 15000 patients. i've had to see their homes in the past few days. despite the violence in haiti,
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many haitians fucking neighboring dominican republic are being deported back home. 3 simple re for some di, born along the border between haiti and the dominican republic. the buses, field with haitians being deported from the dominican republic every day. hundreds of men, women and children are taken to the border to be sent back to a country struggling with a political and security crisis. among the missed ya, hey, i've been living here for 5 years. he says, i am not sure what i'll do if i go back to many kind of 40 say they won't allow refugees in the country. human rights folks are asking countries like the dominican republic on the united states to hold the patience of haitians because they're facing a life threatening situation. back home. those who have been reported are running the risk of being killed or kidnapped. in many cases. there's been children who have been disappointed on their own without their parents to
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a country in k all on the streets of for the prince. civilians continue to be affected by the ongoing fighting between games and the police. people are being forced to flee their homes to see for areas, but they're struggling to access basic needs, like food and water. next to a games came with big guns. we have no guns. we cannot defend ourselves. all of us of suffering, including children, as the crises unravels and the un says it's getting ready to send that multi national security mission to assist the police countries in the caribbean and getting together to try to help find a solution to the political crisis. from all reports, the situation on the ground remains there is a serious concern to us. at the same time, we have taken the decision as a community the right, the heads of state and has of government of the key countries, which form hits us, engaged as partners,
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inviting them to meet with our heads and carry tom in kingston, jamaica. on monday, the 11th of march of the origin, to the address this state of affairs on autumn mathis, could you go to the stabilize ation of security and the provision of origin to monitoring it to the people of those countries include friends and the united states. but for many times of the essence, there is no function in government in haiti right now. and the police seems unable to fight against the control large parts of the country. and that's why there was real fear among people for forced to return to a country that many say he's on the verge of civil war. very simple. i just see to have one warning sides is the don have welcome to you and the call for a ceasefire. ahead of the muslim holy month of ramadan, the un security council passed a resolution for an immediate cessation of hostilities on friday. the power,
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military rapids support forces in the army have been fighting for control of the country since last april. the violins has pushed millions to the brink of fleming. island has overwhelmingly voted against rewarding parts of his constitution on women's duties. and the definition of a family to referendum votes were held on friday. one would have expanded how a family is defined from being strictly based on marriage, the of a measure of proposed replacing language about a mother's duties in the home. well then too far as a virus, voters rejected the changes. the hollywood is gearing up for its biggest night, as filmmakers and stones gather for this, he has oscars. and while many countries are represented, a latin american films have received just a handful of nominations this year. filmmakers from the region say they're struggling to get funding as i, latin america, tennessee, and human re for some santiago, chile, or this year for spanish language films,
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to from chile and to from spain. are nominated for oscar. it's in different categories, including best international film. it shouldn't be surprising in terms of native speakers. spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world after chinese. by 12, so makers from spain receive generous government incentives for their projects in latin america. they are struggling on the infinite memory of touching julian film about all time which disease and love has been nominated for best documentary. yes . obtaining public funding to get that project off the ground was nearly impossible . you know, somebody when he goes to the 11th, we are considered an industry rather inactivity at the moment. because if we will regard it as an industry, we would have initial support from the public sector, which should realize that we provide employment, economic impact,
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and per student for the country. despite it's recognized how is the new economic incentives, the latin america's film industry, with the exception perhaps of columbia and mexico. argentina's right. when government has just slashed of funding for cultural activities, including the countries, procedures, film school, assessing math, visa we're being stigmatized is that we live off public funds and they're taking milk, bread and education away from the miles of poor children. it makes it very hard to receive support from society, which is being deprived of our culture with little public and private support from home. latin america's most talented filmmakers turn to hollywood or american platforms like hbo or netflix, clicking on the patio symphony gladto, the great, impossible, always understood the role of culture. and in that sense, we've been colonized by the foreign entertainment industry. it's great, we enjoy it. but we also need room for other coaches to explore us themselves so that we can recognize all diversity as
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a human race. that is what i think gives relevance to the chilean films in the wall to go about some of them. even when local filmmakers managed to complete the movie, getting them shown is a major challenge. internally. for example, there's only one distributor for locally made films, nearly all the rest of from the united states. and so, not surprisingly, nearly all of the movies that are shown in international movie chains like this one or also from the us, even if you can get your local moving to the door here. with rare exceptions, it's taken off and this thing almost as soon as it gets on that is unless they are nominated for an oscar while the lack of local resources and political will from the public sector persist, the chances of that happening will continue to be few and far between see and human al jazeera santiago. that's the news from out on al jazeera. the weather is next and inside story,
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we'll discuss why nigeria has failed to stop the use of kidnapping attacks on school children. i hope you just stay with us. what i think the the, it's sunday, march, the 10th, here's how it's looking across europe in africa and right off the bat, i've got to tell you these intense rounds of rain or prompting flight advisories for se, france, monica, and in fact, all of italy is under weather alerts for both rain and wind, and this is going to dump some serious snow on the alps upwards of 50 centimeters, the higher up you go. let me show you what happens on monday. this hops over the age at x c runs into the eastern shores of the a dramatic see here. so think places like splits in croatia, most star in bosnia and pod grease so we could see up to
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a month's worth of rain in the span of 24 hours back to the here and now the rain peters out across spain and portugal. the winds still blasting though, so as a result ways off the coast of portugal up to 14 meters. so highest level alerts issued here for just how high those waves will be. either side of the mediterranean, it's con, temperatures on their way up and assemble over the next little bit. and this wind off the north sea is enhancing rainfall across the island of britain. not so bad though, for ireland, let's go to africa still disturbed in the northwest, and as we did toward the south. so we've got this disturbance in the moves. and b channel is going to throw a lot of rain into central and southern most in big tomorrow. as the, the latest news, as it breaks for save only those deliveries a sort of a typically needed. because at that cute, let them of hunger and medical supplies need to
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r. rawlings to with detailed coverage, no sooner do repair words present is rarely, military rates were soon and there is more property destruction from the hearts of the story. this 10 has been a home and the only shelter for as someone who families the living conditions are for graphic the. why cons nigeria stop the keep? nothing goes school children. almost 200 pupils are missing. also the latest in use of the same amount of tax the mass of junctions, plains or bombs, goose unfounded, demanding ransom. so how is the nigerian government failing to deal with a long running problem? this is inside story, the


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