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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 10, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again, they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places. this was no accident. the government appears to agree and bows to find and punish the culprits. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm several venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from doha coming up in the program today is real, is accused of using hunger as a weapon of war. has more palestinians and gaza die from mound nutrition. and dehydration is really strikes target, displace, palestinians, sheltering intense and southern gaza. at least 15 people are killed. you cannot
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have 30000 more cost and you as president joe biden criticizes israel's prime minister saying benjamin netanyahu must do more to prevent civilian deaths in gaza . the plight of haitians facing deportations from neighboring dominican republic after escaping gang violence at home. also, voters go to the polls in portugal, the snap general election could see the disputes of the ruling. socialist and support live for hi samantha society and the biggest game of the premier league seasons. so i saw person looking to replace also who went top of the table for the see one way. the it is 10 gmc that's mid day and gaza, where starvation is worsening by the hour. israel's restrictions on allowing food medicine,
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and essential life saving supplies is increasing the panel as the invest toll use really block 8 across casa, is at its worst. in the north, with warnings, with famine is spreading at an alarming rate. at least 25 palestinians have died as a result of mount nutrition and dehydration. this since israel launched as war and october rights groups or accusing israel if using hunger as a weapon of war. meanwhile neil parcels have been air dropped again as israel continues to block the entry of trucks. agencies say that these deliveries arthur efficient and do not provide enough food to meet the needs of people in gaza. some of the packages have fallen into a sea with no way to retrieve them. the somebody out there, there's no food or water off in northern garza. they dropped some boxes of water, but we need food. we a staffing, i squeeze a gold. we're literally dying of hunger. please help us come to a risk. you. we don't need water. we need food. why? they dropping food in the sea. we need it dropped on the ground. just want
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something to fill in the stomach. we want to breathe. we want flowers, anything in the well i have often, i need to feed them, have mass, you know, have mercy on us. and them all the issue of 8 is rooted annoying, exits that on isolated areas and most of the 8 pools and drones embassy and no one gets anything. there is also no transportation as loads of damage. we want better dimensions is really air strikes. have target to displace palestinians in the southern part of the gaza strip. at least 15 people were killed in hon units when it's really rockets struck a number of 10 cindy milwaukee neighborhood. more than 31000 palestinians have been killed since october. victoria gate begins are coverage of the latest victims of israel's strong song, garza already displaced. they were killed when rockets hit tense. they were sheltering it and called eunice and the southern part of the strip in northern gauze of the fam,
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enclosed by israel's restrictions on the food medicine. and the central lifesaving supplies has led to more palestinians dying of hunger and dehydration. the latest victim and toddler who died at el cheapo hospital in garza city. the regrettably, she's to come to the address in unknown nutrition, more of a she suffered from a chronic disease. and given that we have been in wolf for the 6 consecutive months, we are now running out of the medications here required. we encounters similar cases every day. 8 puzzles continued to be dropped, but not nearly enough and some of phone and into the sea with no way to retrieve them. there's always the, i've been wasting some stone. i have a family of 7. i came back empty handed. i've not been able to get even a handful of rice age must come through the border crossings. old with honora. this is not working. this is 2 milli ac 8 groups say it's
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critical that israel stokes blocking a trucks from entering the strip paperless, starving to death. now. and when people reach this level of hung up, they have hours in which an intervention might help them. they don't have weeks and so i think we're sort of skirting around the real problem, which is land access, which is going to be much more effective until that happens. they won't find me and will continue just spreading garza at an alarming rate. victoria gay to be, i'll just say we're a s as your are shot as the head of communications and creative content that is low make relief u. k. you are joining us from london. thank you for your time today. so i'm going to repeat a point that was just made that i think is vital here. palestinians are starting starving to death now. and yet we're talking about a new, a plan to bring an aid from cypress that is likely weeks away from getting off the ground as an aid expert. what is your take your analysis on that? i mean, of course the ultimate for the right now has to be discussed in
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a as quickly as possible. and the new baby that's being proposed to bring it age is just going to take for us, you know, what we really need, stays and focus on every body, trying to work out how we can bring in age as quickly as possible through the existing non folders and we know that that's going to be the most effective way to get in age as quickly as possible. before outside the 2023. 80 percent of the population in gaza was relying on age. and about 500 trumps of 8 were coming in today. we need to meet the current levels of need. we need about 800 cups of age come in on the current estimates, the husband coming in are between 100 to 200 trucks of age a day. so we just know we have to reach and the current level of need. so we need to most of the up scale that made up scale, the amount of 8 that's coming in in order to reach the population. but of course, we'll say we need the aid to be able to be delivered safely or not. something happened with the sci fi. well, those numbers that you gave us speak volumes,
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that means palestinians need between 4 and 8 times what they're currently getting in terms of 3 minutes here in a book. if there isn't a search in the aid now or so, what will the humanitarian picture look like? in just a few weeks time, a c monitoring picture is already devastating i've accident last week. we've had the vin number of the fluids of children dying as a result of not receiving us, but nutrition. the situation is any guidance, get wise, and that the reports up and coming in the have the mornings of simon already that's been issued by the us. and i think that that situation is only not key to get less . and we know that the situation is, is dia, already in gaza. so in order to stop that situation, getting less, we need more rates coming. if that is, that isn't coming in as quickly. it means people seem to have enough food to eat children or might have enough food to eat people most out to die and not in them is as
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a result of not having i should put nutrition and those with illnesses that you know or no time illnesses they will suffer further consequences and deterioration is that house. but then there's of course, also people who are going to suffer other causes that they will house as a result of not having enough food to eat outside of natural disasters. do you recall seeing something quite like this, where people are starving? 8 is there and it is sitting in trucks just a few kilometers away, but it doesn't get to the people who need just this is a really unique situation of the situation is car inputting and cause arrest. and i think the, the call that we have, they're making that assignment breaks. the other and yours have been making as well . is that this is and i made situations could be stops. i mean, unlike situations where we respond to tons of humanitarians as to when, you know there's a natural, uh, natural disaster. you know,
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that is sometimes outside of control. but this is possible. there is a possible solution here. it is possible to find a way to get the agent as quickly as is needed to get it and safely on the solution as a ceasefire. and we, we just need to see the action being taken quickly. we need to say, you know, the people who are suffering right now, isn't 1000 civilians been given the a that they say desperately need. yeah, there are hundreds of truck sitting just outside garza and israel has been choking off that a since pretty much the beginning of the war despite a un security council resolution. i would reminder of yours. that is already 2 months old saying there needs to be a surgeon 8. look 11 more question. i want to ask you. remedy in the muslim holy month about to begin? how do you factor that in as a law make really few k, i mean, i, i understand it doesn't concretely change the situation, but it is on everyone's mind it. yeah. well the dawn is, uh, you know,
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literally around the corner. um and is normally a time of a, you know, community and coming together to so many people based on the time is going to be extremely hard because not only will we be trying to, um, scale the way that we are doing in gaza to try and get more people, but of course, you know, everybody around the world will be watching the situation on boarding and goes on it. when it cools. you know how the, how the series and pods on people's affinity to month to month. and the reality is that, you know, we need to be able to get more food into gaza. the current situation doesn't determine that. we'll be able to scale age and income in increasing numbers. so it is going to be one of the hottest from the jobs for people in gaza, but actually also across part of starting because we know that the situation is, is going to be a difficult amazon. this is shante are shawn ahead of communications that islamic relief u. k. thank you very much for joining us on the program. thank you. and else was yours,
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honey. mt moody is with us over the phone from rossa. while the humanitarian crisis unfolds, honey is really bombardments. continue. what's the latest? a yes. all these really area bombardment across the gaza strip keep creating more tragedies on the ground. not only within this suffocating restrictions on delivery, but the fact that people are at the same time and during this intent bombing campaign, they are still dying in areas that are supposed to be safe as designated by those really military and do work in order charged. lee and the initial week of the work the back in with these areas because they are said only to end up being killed in or you're looking at as be 16 people have been killed among. busy those who killed in overnight, a packing on the evacuation zone in 5, the 10 and the 4 people with physical disability. and just when we look at the list of names with me we, we realize at least 9 of the people who are for the no over not
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a high are from one family. and that's another indication of the kind of the killing the potter that's going to take an equation across the gas. the entire families are being wiped out right now. the looked at names of elderly as well as women and it shows in them one family visits has happened and lived in a 24 hours of a similar type in the central area. and then the back is you can where we, 17 people were killed in multiple either of injuries or old transferred. you saw hospital, i know really exhausted over loan on the inside this within the past couple hours, a statement by the administration of the hospital appealing for intervention and kind of providing essential medical supplies, calling for doctors to volunteer to the hospital. because at this point, the hospital is being push it to the point of no return because it's already
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working under a below is that above the capacity confines above the capacity, that is how they've been midsize hospitals. definitely a on a bill and, and large they are prepared for a large number of casualties. and then patients do things as of this month and then the hospitals are completely completely overwhelmed on top of everything else. honey. my mood reporting from southern guys are there. thank you very much money and anti government protesters in israel, or demanding an early election in the prime minister's resignation. police tried to disperse crowds gathered until the v on saturday, holding for an end to the war on gaza. they use water cannons to prevent some protesters from blocking the highway. benjamin netanyahu, whose failure to secure the release of the captives is being held in gaza has fueled anger among israelis. the only fixed owing is to stop it will save the lives of 20 or 70000 to you know,
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send dozens and more than 100 posts suggest to think that the, our government has to call to announce a one sided superpower now and stop the war. because the thing is, most important is the say, the hostages will be released and i think this is the only way to really send you as president joe biden has criticized is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for failing to prevent civilian debts in gaza. bite and made those comments during an interview with the american tv network and assembly see where he reaffirmed his support for israel. i'm never going to leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical, so there's no red line. i'm going to cut off all weapons. so they don't have the iron, don't protect, they don't have but there's red lines that if you cross isn't vacancy, cannot have 30000 more palestinians. den a. okay, let's bring a movie channels, a car to talk about this for an associate professor at guitar university's golf study center. so biden, in that clip was answering the question,
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do you have any red lines as far as this really is concerned? and then he gives us the answer that we just heard. there's a red line, but there isn't the red line. what do you make of this? well, i mean, on one hand, these throwing his uh, undeniable support, the continuous report that you will never spot because the net this is kind of stopped supporting. it's right on the other. how he is showing also that he's frustrated by the front button. it's on. yeah. was not listening to him. yeah. that, that i was not listening to anybody. i mean it by then since the very beginning he called him, you will, you have to finish these were him weeks and the month over the past 5 months. it was asking for you as a month to people, you kill now, he's saying all i kind of bucks up there. the saw some more at that. i mean, the roof of this house and all of the died a on me despite the fact that the united nation secret the consequences or was possibly the extension of the, not this type in december, only based on as you money, teddy, and really by the system to the end of the got the street,
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you're not just sending this to do use air drops and promised to send them more to deliver a meeting. that's anything that by then told or said about that is compressed by i say i've, i've been by the, by, by anybody who so he is 5 or one high because he can't do anything else apart from me. i mean, this course sibley's handle. i'm liking it funny, i wouldn't, i knew what was harmful, but the how he kind of do anything or she doesn't want to do it so, so us policy is as we can read it from that statement, seems to be something along the lines of we will continue providing weapons to israel, but israel please don't lout. launch a ground invasion and rasa. that seems to be the, the, the sort of balance here. yeah. us is trying to strike. yeah. seems to be the basic vision. but the on the other how he's not saying that they need to stop. yep. that they were really not the need. they need to solve the hostilities. we see the unit is reacting in a different way and other conflicts was buddy, i'm
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a month in the support, the new resolution against the who, the superintendent about solution to stop the war. and so the on, however, is yes with this. i'm in the, in the subject. so this though with this course only shows up, they kind of do anything, but i typed it against israel because he tried to do some other support internet besides. but on the other hand, he missed a balance with the people. the disputing will vary in the political campaign because he's smoothly enough on the, on the i know, and i'm going to come for him policy if it was, how do you read this plan by western powers? let sled by the us. but the europeans are also in it. the morality is too, as well as it is point out to deliver aid from cyprus. it's uh, so it was an answering the state of the union speech by joe biden. there are many holes in the plan that we've covered that extensively, that the, the amount of aid that can be delivered through the cypress root, the timing of it, how long is it going to take to even start? let's set that aside for just a split 2nd. how do you read this plan as it currently exists?
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is showing the desperation of the western powers because they couldn't do anything because they realized too late that they had to do something more convincing for their own public opinion because they didn't do enough on the extent prevent. so the 1000 people to die and they couldn't force and it's on the hook to allow at 8 to enter that because the 3 books we have seemed that the few days. so this is the best for admissions showing that they are really committed. we're going to spend a lot of money and mobilize a lot of resources to do something that they should, that they could have done much earlier on because the money is in a very simple way, forcing this file and you have to open to keep the ref across open, does this plan set ups possibly some kind of a clash between the us and israel. because we've seen israel shoot the palestinians trying to get a northern gauze in fact, across the gaza strip. now, i'm not sure as real can quite as easily open fire on palestinians if they're trying to get american aid that has been delivered by the united states. could be,
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could be a point in which the united states, fortunately for a place to stop. but they had to put their own sort of yes, a risk, somebody that's could be also these are, was 4 or $44.00 by them to what extent that may become public once that money comes 12 years to be in this situation and, and that's a risk and their own lives. so yeah, it could be an example of pressure. but again, why not do we have a different kind of pressure, but this just asking them ok, the trucks are, they're open, open the gates and on the other hand stopped posting it this which everybody's asking for. and also i know you want to raise the points that we need to consider. the domestic politics in israel is really domestic politics and what's actually playing out there on, on, on that side of the, of the puzzle. and we saw the process be and seen that no protest. exactly. i mean in financially something that very be wonderful. people say simply barely speaking
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. we are here. we keep hearing that people ask for elia lectures. we keep hearing that the people that of course a close here the who puts the, the lives of the hostages in base 2nd or 3rd priority. and that he's basically trying to save himself is probably the future. we saw many guns going through the us to talk to people or the okay, i see the software right? seen us some of the departments and we see that there are places within there and we're coming in the, within the government. so this is predicting something that, of course you can use to do everything he's doing without risking his own political career on one hand. and we see that the of the points are not very beneficial to him in the last one that was conducted back last month. so of course, the internal politics is our pain of regarding this. all right, let's you out as a car associate professor at guitar university's golf study center. thank you very much for joining us for songs. and israel's unrelenting attacks have destroyed
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nearly all of guys's archaeological side. this here is park group castle that's in one unit. it was destroyed by is really showing is considered one of the most important monuments in gaza. is really a strikes of also destroyed hundreds of mosques, and as palestinian muslims prepare for the holy month of ramadan. as we were discussing earlier, they said there's no place left for them to worship. now there's a race against time to rebuild and salvage what they can as access i'm of which reports i was turning verbal into revivals, people in a profit coming together to restore this destroyed mosque as a sacred space for worship is rarely err rates last month to let those who the most influence, but the community spirit couldn't be crushed with them. not because he, if he does most was built in 1952. it is one of the few grand central mosques in rough thought, and it is also one of the largest most in the area throughout its long history,
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prays have never ceased in this, most of it was targeted by these rays at night. and without a warning, the officials say more than $1000.00 marks in gaza had been demolished since october 7th, which 60 percent of causes heritage sites suffering extensive damage to. despite the destruction palestinian muslims decided to continue to congregate as usual, and practice their fate. the ministry of residents volunteer to create the small space for worshippers to pray. it's meant to maintain our rituals. we hope this war will come to an end and at this most will be restored for it is the central mosque where worshippers for many surrounding areas flocked to offer their prayers. and the mosque was featured the library and bank area, big enough to accommodate more than 1500 the worshippers. now prayers are in or reduced space. friday. prayers have been drawing crowds of worshippers will say the
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most them for the month of ramadan will be no exception. this fall on you mean i that it will. hobby you don't get were adamant to keep the costs of praise out loud . we clean doesn't aerospace out of the most of the entire area, i think by the grace of god to continue to offer out prison. i think the wiki friday praise was offered to you and worship is and we're lining on and around the surrounding rubble. we will continue to also appraise even on the roads and on the ruins. so audio, despite the impact of or his less than the causes historic sites. people say these really bombings have not been their hope to rebuild a stronger and united community excellence. i moved out to 0, the police in haiti say several gunmen have been killed as armed gangs baffled to completely take over the capitals portal prints. the games are demanding the resignation of prime minister ariel on re and have blocked him from getting back
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into the country. are being leaders, have called an emergency meeting on monday with the us, canada and friends. fighting has forced at least 15000 haitians from their homes. despite this violence, many haitians stuck a neighboring dominican republic or being deported back home. theresa bo reports from the hub on along the border between 80 in the dominican republic. buses filled with haitians being deported from the dominican republic every day, hundreds of men, women, and children are taken to the border to be sent back to a country struggling with a political and security crisis. among the me see hey, i've been living here for 5 years. he says, i am not sure what i'll do. if i go back a domain, it can also already say they won't allow refugees in the country. human rights folks are asking countries like the dominican republic on the united states to hold the patience of haitians because they're facing
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a life threatening situation. back home. those who have been reported are running the risk of being killed or kidnapped. in many cases. there's been children who have been disappointed on their own without their parents to a country gail on the street to for the prince. civilians continue to be affected by the ongoing fighting between games and the police. people are being forced to flee their homes to see for areas, but they're struggling to access basic needs, like food and water. next to the gangs came with big guns. we have no guns, we cannot defend ourselves. all of us are suffering, including children. as the crises unravels and the un says it's getting ready to send them more time, national security mission to us is the police countries in the caribbean are getting together to try to help find a solution to the political crisis. from all reports, the situation underground remains dire as of serious concern to us. at the same
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time, we have taken the decision as a community the right, the heads of state and has of government of the key countries with whom hetty is engaged as partners, inviting them to meet with our heads and carry tom in kingston, jamaica. on monday, the 11th of march of the origin, to the address this state of affairs on autumn mathis, could you go to the stabilize ation of security and the provision of origin to monitoring it to the people of those countries include friends and the united states. but for many times of the essence, there is no function in government in haiti right now. and the police seemed unable to fight against the control large parts of the country. and that's why there was real fear. i'm a people for forced to return to a country that many say he's on the verge of civil war. very simple. i just see to
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have one. the 2 warring sides in sedan have welcome to the us call for a ceasefire before the muslim holy month of ramadan. the un security council passed the resolution on friday for an immediate cessation of hostilities. the apparent military rapid support forces and the army had been fighting since last april. there baffled for control of the country, has killed at least 13000 sydney's, and pushed millions to the brink of famine. but morgan reports from the sudden these capital har to them to the parent, but it's very rapid support for us as announced on saturday afternoon that it's welcomes the united nations security council resolution calling for a ceasefire incident during the holy month of ramadan, saying that it's that does well come the resolution to allow for him any tarion assistance for those caught up in the conflicts in the capital cartoon and elsewhere around the country. but it also says that it wants to make kind of them to properly monitor, such as these fire accusing b r a be. so the news army of violating previous these fires since the conflict began last april. notice to the new government,
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which also represents the to the news army on thursday. when the united nations secretary general made a similar call announced that it does welcome the call for cease fire, but put down for conditions for the recess uh to withdraw from civilian homes and by some facilities such as water plants and power plants. but also from cities and states capital, but it took over since may last year when both the army and the recess signed what's known as the declaration of principles and decided safety of jet. though the government said that if the rest of does not withdraw from the city, it took over and congregate a specific point, agreed upon by both sides. there will be no cease fire. meanwhile, fighting continued in the capital called to him and elsewhere around the country. with this, with the new army regaining territories from the rest, half in parts of the month, the theme, the capital of her 2, as well as parts of buffy in the northern parts of the capital. so while both sides continued to back to each other out, no one still has a decisive upper hand over the other to claim that they're winning the back. so full control of sudan,
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but civilians remained caught up in the conflict by the suicide spots of each other out. 5000000 people on the brink of simon, according to the united nations of world food program. 9000000 people intended to displace as a result of the fighting. and 1500000 people displaced in neighboring countries. many people say that they are quite exhausted after months of fighting between the 2 sides. 18000000 in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. but so far flights and continues between the 2 sides with no end insights, people, morgan oranges 0 called to still ahead on the house 0 set of goals. presidential campaign takes off with only 2 weeks for candidates to make their case to go. and in sports, see how england rugby team denied ireland the 6 nations grand slam. that's coming up with joe gunther off
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the it's sunday, march the 10th, here's how it's working across europe in africa. and right off the bat, i've got to tell you these intense rounds of rain or prompting flight advisories for se france, monica in impact. all of italy is under weather alerts for both rain and wind. and this is going to dump some serious snow on the alps upwards of 50 centimeters, the higher up you go, let me show you what happens on monday. this hops over the age at x c runs into these are ensures of the a dramatic see here. so thing places like splits in croatia, most start in bosnia and pod can re so we could see up to a month's worth of rain in the span of 24 hours back to the here and now the rain peters out across spain and portugal. the winds still blasting though, so as a result ways off the coast of portugal up to 14 meters. so highest level alerts issued here for just how high those weights will be. other side of the mediterranean, it's con,
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temperatures on their way up and assemble over the next little bit. and this wind off the north sea is enhancing rainfall across the island of britain. not so bad though, for ireland, let's go to africa still disturbed in the northwest, and as we did toward the south. so we've got this disturbance in the moves. and b channel is gonna throw a lot of rain into central and southern notes in big tomorrow as the african narrative from african perspectives. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key, is you to do short documentary by african filmmakers from ivory coast and the sea turtle god. and adam may in zambia, new series of africa,
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direct on the latest news as it breaks. several philistines were killed, as they were trying to get much needed food to survive with detailed coverage, families of captives for joined by thousands of israeli as they marched from the gauze of border to west jerusalem. from the heart of the story on my left, mazda has been completely lost in the news. really, they have no place just where everywhere is top. nowhere is safe as the the you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this, our starvation and gaza is getting worse. by the hour, at least $25.00 palestinians have died as
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a result of now nutrition and dehydration. since israel warrants this war in october, is really blockade across casa, is that it's forced in the north with warnings that spam and is spreading at an alarming rate. is really or strikes and guys that have killed at least 15 people sheltering intense for the homeless in san eunice is really a tax. i've also been reported in vate laska, in northern cost. $85.00 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. voting is underway in portugal snap general election, nearly 11000000 voters will elect the 230 members of the national assembly to moderate parties have alternated in power for decades. the central less socialist and the central right social democrats split the far right shake out party is looking to capitalize on corruption allegations that have done the 2 main parties. well sure 0 is. natasha butler is in lisbon. natasha. you've been on the campaign trail looking at the appeal of shape and it's populous leader. what are you?
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fine. yeah, that's right. and i should just say, i tell you that we're not opposing station here in central is been, which is certainly getting a little busy as the morning goes on. the searches in the selection of things by concerned by a number of issues including fiscal corruption, affordable housing, low pay, salaries, and that sort of thing. fortunately is one of the poorest countries in western europe and a lot of people are looking for things to change. and a lot of people, as you, as you go around in portugal, very much feel that they are increasingly fed up with traditional politics. with these 2 main policies, the point out of being in power ultimately of the policies. there are people who simply want something different. they feel they want. an alternative, in fact, is really fueled the lives of the populace policy shake. and we really feel about when we're out of balance with its leader andre ventura on the campaign tro
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on draven tura on the last day of campaigning in portugal general election. the commentator turned politician mentor's career has sold since he found that the populace jacob policy 5 years ago. he's on t corruption, anti immigration message appeals to lucas fed up with mainstream politics as a shaker event in lisbon. we also me about his patient that use ations, that is multi is extreme, missed, extreme east against corruption. the political will change everything, all the, these corrupt political system. we are fighting against that. we will change it. corruption allegations of adults bolcko's routing, socialist policy and the opposition center, right social democratic alliance. nevertheless, the opinion polls suggest to 2 sides of leading in its height selection, race. sheka is no fault behind the cost of living jobs and a housing a big baby to concerns,
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particularly for young people like this teacher. he says he'll fade sugar because they hoop i'm young. i'm 57 and the i'm frank to start my life year i'm. i'm working and i study at the same time and it's really difficult to start the lifetime if it go to to, to buy house is difficult to buy. a car is difficult to live up front of me, ventura is all around of the city. and despite the very heavy rain, many of it's supposed to come out because they say he's was full to me. say that he's a thing to democracy. such a charity in the city, migrants can get help with paperwork, run by immigrants. the association was set up by too much, you are right side to face to worry about the future on the pretty good game. but all, there's a great danger here and vote you go the right wing and extreme and write policies are writing human rights in immigration policy, but they no longer want immigrants to come to portugal. so when to shake his arrival on the political scene or to go was relatively untouched by the populace, serge,
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seen elsewhere in europe. if the policy succeeds in making big games in the election, it will be prove that that has changed. what's more if the center point when they may be forced into into a coalition with the shaker to ensure a complementary majority, transforming ventura from a musical outside to, to an established player. it's actually about the ultra 0. there's been an, as you point out and your report shake is looking to upset portuguese politics, but it is still trailing the mainstream parties going into the selection potentially that's right. no, because a lot of stake in the selection of poor for the socialist, they've been in power for 8 years and they will remain that they are led by pedro newness centers, who is a full not administered but resigned on to a corruption design during a corruption scandal, now,
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she says those that you can see that the surface has made mistakes and the pos, the plots associates the receive power of hands, the safe haul. but those are the words she use. and then on the other hand, you have a strong opposition for the sense of whites and lines led by louis montenegro, a long time politician and lawyer. he is on doings out of food for the central vice means the move will be done to the economy. some of these problems refer to concerns will be addressed and the also says pricing for the vice will help cheap the hall device. check a policy out of power potential butler reporting from lisbon from a pulling station. thank you very much and have as the special campaigning is beginning and set a goal for the rescheduled presidential election, that is due to take place later this month. 19 candidates have only 2 weeks to rally supporters before the vote. outgoing president mackey sell provoked weeks of protests when he suddenly cancel last month's election. opposition candidates. but
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sir, would you mind if i is expect it to be on the ballots? once he is released from prison and siobhan come are i see is president of damascus in a go. a civil society group focused on the senegalese people, especially on good governance. you're joining us from the car. thank you for that elections only 2 weeks away and the campaign is just beginning. so a very short campaign. that's not how it was supposed to be. do you feel the conditions are right for a free, fair, functional election given this timeline is good morning and thank you for having me. well, the conditions and not the great one, they're not optimal because candidates should have had at least 21 days for the campaign and, and that has been reduced because of you know, all the events that have um preceded the decision by the constitutional counsel to hold the elections on march 24th. so there are lots of
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d. choose the beginning with the electoral map for which several irregularities have been um, identified. so no, the conditions are not ideal, but the civil society working together will address the issues of these issues that you raise. you mentioned the electoral map, i assume they're not going to get fixed in the next 2 weeks, not in time for the election as well. what we're trying, we're recruiting volunteers and, and training them. and we do have organizations who are seasoned at is this kind of this kind of exercise. um the, um is a, um, there's a professor who's raised the alarm. he's um, a researcher from uh,
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from the phone who has put forward significant evidence about uh, the cherry mentoring of the, of the electoral map. and yes, the time is very short, but we're working on solutions to mitigate the risk. so the electoral campaign, by definition is, is when candidates have their best shot at selling their platform to voters and getting known by voters, right? because there are some known figures known quantities among the 19 candidates. we're running that in this selection, including the former prime minister who has been endorsed by the outgoing president . so some people have a lot of name recognition, send a goal, some i assume a lot less. so it wouldn't be fair to say that those less are known candidates will be more impacted by the reduced timeline here. of course they will be and it's really, it's really a shame. and so the g,
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because this is an appointment that the setting of these people have with um, you know, there would be presidents every 5 years and it's an occasion you know, for exchanging about social issues and about the program. so if the of the candidates and, and exchanging about our collect to then come and view for the future as the country. so yes it's, it's regrettable that, uh, at the time so the campaign has been reduced. so, but then again, well the synagogue these people, i think at this time have a pretty good idea about who they want to vote for and who they will not connect. oh, okay. well that's interesting. i, i would, since i mentioned the, the prime minister now x prime minister because he step down to run in this campaign. is he,
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he's been endorsed by the president. we know how much disquiet there has been incentive goal over the way the president handled the election, postponing it, and people thought he was rubbing the country of, of, of, of democracy and his democratic credentials. do you think that's going to work against the candidate that he's endorsed his former prime minister? well, what i can say is i the whole this was caused by in house issues. and when i say in house, i mean uh the president's um, uh, coalition. so it's, it's hard for me to tell me, oh we, we do not have the nitty gritty or there a internal issue is, but it's, it's just regrettable that something that shouldn't be, that should have remained private, could, has such a huge impact on the future of this country. okay. java come our see of
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demoss synagogues. thank you so much for joining us from the car this hour. thank you. and it's time for all your sports news now. withdrawal got drunk because it's joined us in the studio as promised the job. so thank you very much. let's start with a huge game coming up in the premier league on sunday. as a title, rice really helped stop living pull host. the defending champions mentions the city with both sides, knowing that a when will send them top of the table of, of car latest us. no. david stokes reports to god again, click save. this was the goal that sent us. and so that's a premier league. but now at least it will pull them in just the city. both have a game in hand and go head to head and field later on sunday, a when for our the side would send them back above us. no, with 10 games to go tie the race decided to go so full brought that up and graduated earlier. if you went go through all the different possible scenarios and
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then i don't think after whatever result anybody should open the bottles of champagne. this really, really important part important game for the title challenge to try to fight for the for plan any control then no team i've done never ever. does that child that you would have to face overcome? absolutely. everything. defending champion sits. yeah. and beat, and then the last 12 lead games and after 2 months out injured, ending holidays now back to someone that he's best with 7 goals and his last 3 games. but he's not the only probably a little pool need to be wary of. if both of them, dyke would be able to nilly fi holland. yeah. then folding files the ball from 30 odds and it's all content and i'll, i'll give you the brand new so we can check the same or for roadways arriving for whatever. yes, of course, if the scoring then that's good, but they have enough all the options. let me pull it on the last one,
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the last 20 home games against city, but whatever happens and failed, this is definitely a 3 horse writes with us know why she has run this up. and now 18, primarily games in a row. you want to be on that you have to win this type of games on the team show that it has in their tools on an especially as i mentioned on the believe and to this a hospital the top of the league for the 1st time since december and they could still be there and go different spell the end of sunday if livable and sitting drawer. david stokes, don't you 0? well, let's find out some other football stories now, including an impressive performance from how retain and gemini thing and strike as equal to 60 a record with another have trick for buying unix k now has the 2 goals and his 1st season with the wonders they get don't much in the box, that's my job. and legend de la for hamburg, and then 1960 fine ended up something mines 81 on site today with this your 7 points for me, i later by labor cruising play later in spain,
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german and kept up the pressure on league lead as well on the trade with it, so you know, when i've also seen a vineyard who's joining mentioned city at the end of the season school best 2nd. go a move to points. i had a ball sign on, sit full points behind, right? i'll do place delta v go on sunday. and for me to one christy and horner has denied it as a power struggle at the top of his red bull team that's off to reports next, the stipends for him to quits. if the team's advise at helmet, marco was suspended, marco was opposed to the under investigation in relation to the allegations of inappropriate behavior, against toner. oh, hold on was cleared of wrong doing the complications continue behind the scenes on the track 3 time well, champions. this stuff and kept things simple as a saudi arabian problem free. he won his 9th racing arrive at a teammate such as perez for always tells the class but the stuff and i have to show the law. i'm like be 18 year old for all re drive up all of them and she came in as
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a late replacement for cala science who had appendicitis unfinished 7 on his f one day b. i just especially my lower back and my magic guy passing. you know the seats take a bit of fine tuning and besides the race we didn't really have time to, to focus on not, not the most comfortable, but i'm happy that would be uh it was a good division to finish the race. i hope he's very happy with himself, but i think yes, i think you'll see well tonight as well. and i think you've definitely uh, yeah, showed himself here in the fedex. everyone. he did an absolutely fantastic job. i'm one of the talking strikes on the counter. spanish, idaho, hey, my team will start from full position for the 1st 19 g p. race of the new season. here in capsule. martine, one subsidized sprint, rice packing. the 1st 12 points under the sunlight set for the sale circuit. he's the 1st right of twin 10 sprint price. it must be kept in. jamie, george said, when you have special players,
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special things will happen. that's also they pulled off one of the biggest shocks and recent history to deny islands the 6 nations for on swan island had one old games up to this point and that by 2 until marcus smith, one is england. but the last kick of the game is dropped, close, securing the when 23 points to 22 under main top. but the defeat keeps the championship life heading into the final round of games. next, stop island se scotland to so for the show, because their own in room is a beat them 3129 to assist you with the 1st. when in the 6 nation since 2013 scotland can technically still win the championship is very unlikely that needs a huge point, swing, and other results to go away and are still in a very strong position. they'll take the trophy if they window or even lose with the bonus points. the jug of it's just the winning return to the california and does it in his 1st match at indian wells in 5 years. the 20 full time grand slam
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champion beat alexander of lucas 2 says to one to reach the ground with the wind joke of which becomes just a sub mind to the quote more than 50 victories at indian. well well, just cetera. and roughly on the down, which is a 5 time shemkin building, i mean 5 years, it's is quite a long time for a professional tennis player at the same time you're playing here last 2019 felt like it was yesterday. so, you know, i connected with the crowd with everyone that i haven't seen 5 years. amazing to see that much passion and really respect and appreciation for tennis, tennis players. so it's uh awesome to being uh, in the tennis part as and the women's competition 2018 champion, naomi as soccer had her biggest win so far since coming back from maternity. she beat to 14 seed live miller, samsung over in straight set to reach the 3rd rounds. and a song remains on close for possible meeting with us. open champion, took
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a golf and round full. a golf had to rally from 5 to down in the 1st set against c, did clara burrell the 19 year old, eventually closing out the much 266376. nick advantage has become the 1st play it and, and be a history to quote 6 consecutive 30 point. triple doubles is lights is coming as the dallas mavericks, the, the detroit pistons, the civilian surface, all right, top, 39 point tennessee. and henry bounce don't, don't touch also. so this is our next to the 5 straight. so she 5 points for please w goes well, number one is because he shifts law has a share of the late and you're heading into the final round of the honors palmer invitational. the american had been 6 shots back, but one potted his final 7 greens on saturday to get himself to 9 on the pop up level with alice shane mallory, where we mcroy is full shots back the when it will take home for $1000000.00. and how about this for a photo finish?
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and the latest round of the snowboard cross wilcox count is elliot runs and just edged over the line of americans. jacob better include tina and it's lee. that's his face victory of the season. and that's all useful for now. it is back to serial . all right, thank you very much, joe. you will be back later today. we look forward to that. still ahead on else 0, a community shattered in nigeria, images demand answers, and after the kidnapping of nearly 300 schoolchildren, the instead of these cries, it's good, it's been debt simons. if it wasn't for grandmother to see a couple of houses in neighbor after midnight, trying to get to a hospital includes is really me the 3 check points to the when i was embarrassed, a lot of men waited around, but my few for the baby was stronger but not every story has
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a positive and through last day, it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to it. it's death certificate. on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit quiet. you. she started shouting. i gave birth, followed by silence. and another shot, i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry installed this gate at the entrance to the village. mother is about to give birth, the music to go to the hospital. like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? the . the
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police and the pakistani city of peshawar are investigating a suspected suicide bomb attack which killed at least 2 people. and other person was injured by the explosion on a motorbike like a spanish new prime minister should boast, reef offered prayers for the victims and says he is fully determined to root out terrorism. the river has burst its banks in the capital of bolivia. la pause, at least one person has died in the most recent incidents doesn't have died across bolivia in recent weeks. mid flooding caused by heavy rain in nigeria, parents whose children were abducted last week say the government has abandoned nearly 300 students with kidnapped when gunmen rated schools. this happened in 2 separate incidents over the span of 3 years and addressed reports from cory grove, village and central nigeria were some of the children were taken captive, dazed and confused. most if i look at our returns to the school,
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why he and many others web docked it more than 200. i'm missing now, how do we know who i am? accommodations, know who they shot indiscriminately hurting us like cows and beating us twice. he says military jets flew over them before he managed to escape, calling within to do had it. that was a long bust of gun fire at one point. but i'm not sure if it was from the aircraft or from the bandits. as we meet the villages, of course, there was a commotion of wild reactions as news filled it out, that the students went back. it turned out to be a false alarm. religious a 100 to a taken from the school shortly after the morning assembly on thursday. $108.00, the southern student went up to the front. uh, just as could you go and 100 percent up to date for an uh, jesus, uh, from other school is you from other school. could you go in? this compound has both
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a primary on the secondary school. it was moved here because it was vulnerable to attacks and my sub directions, which is caused the closure of many schools in the north. that has caused the region to like behind the rest of the country. and school enrollment that's good. the government and agencies worried about the future. millions of children in that area. the rest of the sure they've been printed in is a part of the test. it maybe can sense of a sense of government is to think rather than that except for practice. but we think that that was the let's just say the coding objection was carried out by more than 100. so called bend. it's or keep a vast forested areas. of north west nigeria, that my subjection came, they use of to more than 100 displays versus why kidnapped by a non groove affiliated to ice or in ne nigeria. and i did as president is for the
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military to rescue them immediately. but the on forces are struggling to deal with various emergencies, all across the country. retailers have this cannot have a system most of those people's back, including the family who had 5 children in the school. she could not skew honey. this will do, there is no peace or peace of mind in this family. none in the village. we hardly eat or sleep. we only come home and day time and find a safer place to stay the night. that's our lives since the abduction, which you do. it's clear why gunmen are powerful in these spots. there is little to no government process along no one's busy highway, entire villages have been ransacked by groups. this child us the way about with his brother taken from the greek school. his father tries unsuccessfully to come forward to reflect in the general mode in this chapter, the community. how many degrees i gives it
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a quick northwest and i get it. all right, that's it for me for this hour fully about people will be here with you in a month. it's a top destination for travelers seeking an island. paradise experience. but the i did a archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global rising water levels and unforgiving stalls have triggered some of the world's 1st government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people empower us was fiji. the last resort on a jersey to generation for premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts in appear and it is the
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representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add syria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaking the country from its struggles to liberation to the 2019, to test the political reform generation civil episode to phone which is 0. this is essentially curious on just lost jobs to find expeditions under british jurisdiction, appears to us of endangering national security, security of civilians and soldiers by accident to reveal vast amounts of classified information. among that classified information was the videos of the us helicopter, attacking the rock that killed 11 people, including civilians and 2 voices. janice remains inside belmont prison here in london awaiting a final decision. whether he kinda feel his legal team says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech, has never been to prosecution via the knowledge up before. so use a lot of free speech documents,
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federal documents that they weren't gonna set you all back in the us. his wife died and city is set to united states political prisoners. that's what happens is legal team says if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights. the, the is really strikes target, displace, palestinians sheltering in tents in southern guys. at least 15 people have killed the play. you're watching all g 0 live from don't have a nice for you back to know. also coming up. israel is accused of using hunger as a weapon of war as more policy means in guys, a di from mom, nutrition and dehydration. voters go to the polls in portugal. the snap generally


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