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tv   Generation Football Vincent Kompany  Al Jazeera  March 10, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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its results from the last election, it looks as if they might have taken some 40 seats in this 230 seats, call them, and that would be an extremely good result for venture. and this policy has been running on an anti establishment anti corruption campaign, anti immigration as well. this is poking this lead to the 1st populace liza in portugal and a policy that was only 4 or 5 years ago. very interesting stuff. okay, thank you for that. natasha butler, that for us in lisbon. landslide in indonesia has killed at least 21 people heavy right and flooding the trigger. the disaster, the down pool also cause the river to bust its banks. rescue teams is searching for survivors on the island. so not try all the 70000 people have been forced to evacuate the homes. how does that mohammed reports? uh, this is the of the month of days of the racial rain. indonesia is west semester off homes flooded and roads funding to leave us emergency services, us crumbling,
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to seats funded from more than 70000. people had been evacuated by duty and above that because on delta leave, it was plugged in about 5 years. it was extraordinary. and unexpected, often decades in the city. this is the 1st time it has been exception and in an attempt damage to roads and bridges and making rescue difficult. the joint team was expanded in the south coast area to 14 affected areas. there was a search for 7 people and some residents of started to clean their homes. but they are still coming to toms with the costs of the metro. does that start time for the my motorcycle was saved by putting it on an individual piece. as for the address, everything in the room was submerged by the car with mole rings expected in the next few days. people could be forced out of their homes again. having some data on the river has best its banks in the capital of livia. life
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has at least one pass and has died in the most recent incident. thousands of died across bolivia in recent weeks, mid flooding caused by heavy rain. the weather has been made west by the new with it. that's it to me, my, the inside. now lots more information on a website out, is there a dell come through, check it out. the news continues here now to 0 generation. the now let me tell you almost suffice. valley cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look,
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just very close here, like common here, sits on with a large stairs placed with a look in my private. now thanks royal, i can also somebody probably equal, restored to being gone. you're welcome to generation football, coming up with a quote from jerry and i thought this country and wednesday and foot point in history from the countries gibberish and struggling from the recent process to political reform. to understand how local football has been an agent to change, what makes a great e dot on and off the page i sat down, the vincent come across new manager, noticed my toe and now you're just talking a phone or belgium international play. i'm primarily religion. company caps and much just to keep the 18th and during the night successful time clock history,
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we talked about family identity and how to make an impact on society rather than call myself an activity. but we have opinions. we see if we can help where we can and that lives in some of the key. so i was very agreeing to speak to me today. you've been the captain of a very successful club. i'm moving into a management position. i wanted to know when you think about yourself in terms of the lead. uh, what do you think the biggest shift is see as a confident i think the biggest role is to um, now have a look at the team is if they're having a bad day and you know, raising the standards and helping them. and as a manager is seeing the bigger picture, you has to have the option and believing in what you do. and it's like, you know, that the world can be seen in different ways, but for a period of time. oh,
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you see that where you believe in it and you're working with a lot of young players and there's a lot of focus on them. for example, in the u. k, in england we saw in the euro is off to the final. it was very unfair. the way that many of those plans are treated. what do you think is important to instill into the young man that you're working with? you know, that's so much to do with the success money, power influence and the visibility they have. yeah, i mean, i think your evening very different kind of problems. uh, as long as social aspect of you know, racism and abuse and social media and whatever comes with it. and on the other side you've got what players have to do themselves. the responsibility they have and how they have to conduct themselves. i think in the end, you have to almost create this bubble towards your work where you know, you're going to have all these external forces that are going to put pressure on everything you do with your life. but you still need to protect your football and you still need to be yourself and to find
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a balance. and we have spoken specifically about football, but i'm interested to hear a bit more about the work that you do of the pitch as well. what is it that you've been engaged in that you feel like very passionately about and that you care about? i don't, i think most of what i've done off the piece i saw when i was a player. so i feel passionate about, you know, be express those which is a charitable organization around sports football and brussels. 1200 kids and prod about that, that we influenced every week every day. you know, there's a homeless issue in, in greater manchester and, you know, in england and probably in so many other countries. and, you know, i tried to come to contribute that. and i searched children's villages, which is an organization based on, you know, kids who, those both barons and, you know, have done projects. there's, i mean, come going africa. i don't deserve any honors around the meadows for it. but it is something that can keep me awake at night. it's about using the platform as well. and that's why i ask you, you know,
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so that there's an opportunity to put the light on the issue of them. if i, if i can answer this, i think the most important thing is, you know, given access to opportunities, education, you know, i really strongly believe in the and a come from process. so one day it's mentioned for terrorism on the other day, as mentioned for being a drug capsule of europe and, and actually had some so much more it's, it's one of the biggest talent tools of europe, but you need opportunities and opportunities on combat just because you say hey, by the way, we're going to open up, you know, football clubs. so we're going to open up schools. it structural, it's how you affect leadership, how you affect them, anything to do with no decision making in society. and to be at these tables interviews or your engagement or something that i can go much further, but that's for me uh, crucial accounts. talk about anybody else without having those people at the table who wants to help you solve the same problems as they need to solve, you know, so and by marrying either education opportunities as well. yeah. you feel that it's
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opening the door was up and sheds. you know, power in terms of you can see me and you with the face of these interview for watson, for, and for where an organization where society is going is, who's making decision in the board rooms. and most of it starts in a pyramid. whether it's a, a pyramids within governments, with incorporations within industry is representation, is the rights that so the rest will follow. mean, if i know that there's a guy that when there's a discussion about racism or sometimes, you know, a simple thing that could be, you know, someone will shout something really stupid. why the color of the skin, you know, i think when this representation of the very top it takes it a few notches down. you're like, okay, it's going to get dallas with people not going to get away with it. if they're trying just show it under the carpet. i feel like dogs don't about this stuff. it
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doesn't bring me to the next question, which is about your parents. do you feel like they help in still those things that you're talking about, that kind of caring about equal opportunities in opening that door or did it come from somewhere else? my mother, she forced as you pass away. why a long time ago. but my mother was a type of person that would get angry at me for ending a lot of money to expand or you know, so what is it comes to me? it's by then other people's hands. but i, my dad is just been someone that has a fight his way all the way from congo is a political refugee that became the 1st block made in belgium. so we do have a little bit of an activist family, but you know, it's a different generation, different time with them. cool myself and not curious, but we have opinions, we, we, we, we try and see if we can help where we can and that lives in the family. yeah. and when you think about football, a lot of it links back to community and identity and that could be around the club
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. it could be around a region, it can be around a nationality. and i wanted to know for you how much do you think you a different identities of different sets. the one heavily influenced the priorities that you've kind of express. mm hm. it is a good thing for this to say you're a product of your environments. and it really is. i mean, um, but you gotta understand process as you grow up and you get one side of the street . someone speaking dodson on the other side of the street, someone speaking friends, us and then you've got. so robbie link uh, whatever language you on spanish italian is so diverse. so when you, when you grow up in brussels, you feel like you're a part of the world much sooner than anywhere else. and so then when you start traveling, like i went to germany, i went to, to england and it feels very natural. but also how much of that do you think comes from also being from the background that you're from, you know, having parents to have come from another country, the guess that content or ation impacts. if, if,
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if you really look at it for, for its potential, you know, just having that diverse background, it's, um, it's a wealth that you possess because it do start with a lot of disadvantages. and that was my story. when i grew up, you know, from an area where we did start with a lot of disadvantages, but i never looked at my background as one. it was for me, it was a, well, if it was something that i possessed that i saw the one day over, people be jealous from me. you know, i'm from congo and i'm proud of it. and i'm from brussels, and i speak dutch and speak french and, you know, i, i own it, 100 percent, all of it. you also have manifesto, great cement, just the or the north of england. this is different to the south by how do you think that's impacted you and shaped? you know, what, look what i like over here is um, in the know, if people say say it as it is of the people own up to the mistakes you
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know, and you can have an argument with someone in the next day. you know, you're still part of the same team and you know, you move on and you work together to was the next go. and i tried to do it as well when my relationship replaces look, you know, um i think is better than you at the moment and this is what we need to do to get you to compete in the beginning it's, it's hard to take. but eventually this sir, do you know, at least you told me, at least you told me, and i just, uh, i wanted to know if there's anything you can think of in terms of influence for you . anything that mocked you when you were growing up for even maybe later in terms of potentially books or stories about people or anecdotes. yeah, i think i grew up with almost like the grades of my father, you know, and being black and it's, you know, it's, it's weird to say cuz my background is white and black. but you know, the color of my skin is dogs. so i was, i was black and then you know you're,
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you're looking for success stories. so you look at mom and on the lookout pele on that before my generation. but you look at, um, nelson mandela. and you know, just people have an impact who can do it and, and that's kind of your fuel. i don't think there was that many more than that. you know, it's just like the same 5 or 6 people for everyone that was black going up. and i was your inspiration, i'm no one year. you know, any of the guys that i will ever mention, but i'm just an endless. and i just keep coming back. when you think about legacy and, and your relentlessness, what are you relating to see pushing for what do you wanna leave behind? as i've seen such a difficult question to answer um, well when i wake up every day, i can't say that i know there's
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a bigger picture through the back concert. i wake up every day because you know, my legacy needs to be so know i wake up every day because i'm passionate about what i do. and i think legacy is created by you eventually being good at what you do and uninspiring office and you know, doing it in a way that in the powers of as well. and i don't know how, what the end goal is. uh, but i know i'm not going to do it on my own and i know that because of my success, if i can be successful. um, i'm gonna make sure that all this can grow as well. i know this can be bad. you might have a tv believing in a thing like do you feel that particular religious sort of thing just the way you describe that it doesn't either. it made me just one that this remember, this can be straightforward and everything. the simple but, but no, i look it's, it's a no nonsense question for me. so, um, but again is this thing we're in
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a world where you've got to be black or white, you've got to be mostly into is a christian, you've got to be, you've got to be so many things. and then, if you know, black lives miles on your white mazda mazda, and if you not visa, i, you know, sometimes you don't know, and you try and figure things out. and that's fine. say i cannot stay connected. okay. i mean, like, you just feel like it's yeah, it just feels interesting because it does. if i die, do i want to go to have an advisor go yeah, yeah. okay. but if i die, do i want my children to believe in having definitely make it easier for them to make it better for them? do i have the answers? no, i think, you know, i see of, of, i know a lot of very religious people and it's a conviction and it's, it's really spiritual. it's really something that that is a driving my life and you know, i'm, i'm probably not on that level but i respected 100 percent. thank you very much for
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speaking with me today. i appreciate that. i'm so glad we could have you on generation football. so thanks. welcome. thanks for having that. you know, jerry of football has always been more than a game the future. i didn't know if you didn't see the budget deal or do i sound good enough? that's the one on the phone in the, in the still show wishful in the, the, the
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president unless i'd cover the look the story on foot full in europe. but i comes out syria, my father's country, to find out how football he states society and what the game means at the local level. my 3rd still is in the neighborhood of that was that time of the seal, the football club found it just stays us out. here is independence in 1962, c o. b is one of the areas most popular and successful clubs. smaller it's playing and advocates version of the champions league and finds on the ticket. the cool awesome. can you explain why you were c o be, find why i say it'd be fun because my 1st step in my life, and i love it. i love it so much. but, you know, but the bottom line i a comes, you see, gotta be miners. i know that and then i'll do that instead of going about the idea or what do i said, would you say that when up the door on the toilet, just the area that we know y'all had football is moving into
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the social and historic cypress of algeria white faxed early 19 fifties when the wolf, the independence from fonts began i met with one of our curious most renowned football gentleness. yes, he'd, well, he was always thought to be out here in national team was pulling out of the s o n team. and the movement for independence from front. and that was back in the 1950s, which i succeeded in, in 1962. what does that time to, to shape this relationship, algeria has with football. now, you're supposed to say that it, you know, between a city or you to pay to make money. we saw the crew will show a single such luxury of the decent. was it football that don't go cells? you will not see these confusion because they're not connected from the group policy though, of course, let me get that on it before they cook the table, correct?
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because if it was on the 8th, hold on, don't to easy. of course the tier to keep do it for me, so i'm there to keep you to set it for 5th part here. 34. confidence new reveal. so sort of visual pieces on. oh gosh, you don't already we saw product is all about it confusing. you know, to perform these all these little say no, i put 5 on or not cause i was yeah. and guess i'll just tunnel on the special i'm 40 to continue. i'll be deal nipple. so to keep do it for that. i'll say, i will say a lot of people who still want you to do these on the low income getting independence from the friends interest and with the national team. you know, to the football club movie, i was created with
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a very specific political agenda. i didn't cut the 3, was one of the early direct to the movie. he's an i clinics the guy, you know, jerry and football. can you tell me a little bit about the history of lulu the as a club in algeria could either do or? yeah, you could just, you know, yeah, frustrating me don't like to go. i mean there saw that there. can you post on the, on the preview you should e d, you should have a c, d, c. they may have difficult. yeah. because the stock. yeah. the what else goes on, is that okay, you know, successful, know the cost, they're supposed to be about $20.00 the long. she was using that same board. you said you're moving the initials you perfect. beautiful. say these are our proceed. bbc pollutions,
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etc. yeah. this is talk to hey, do you mind me if that does that correct? he thought he reasonable. bob, i roll fer pressure, the police going residual quarter, easy full impact as a full specifically change didn't wayne in the decade falls down serious independence stadiums became spaces west on to bend the dissolution with the political cloth thinking about fund employment, corruption, and fooling. livingston did the 182019 these tons became the absence of the nationwide protest movement. the heat up the
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lid to the resignation of president boutique, i often almost 20 years in power. the of the 3 is a positive hit us and i want you to understand what it means to find today comes what to max between out serious the b and c o and the ranges to the cast champions me so many funds. football is, becomes the main tool national prize. you're going to win today. she can be on the, on the
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team or the be all be fine across the way, which is impressive because we're not with the deep enough 3. i would say they made the
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the i put some inside information from allows me to send this to the dentist is on appropriate to everyone at some point in the well, you know, jerry and what's the relationship with global life group on to the please.
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the 3 c o b i wanted to speak to one of the of the spoke to staff that said he had that are we? the only pays for the out here, a national team, which one the 2021 visa arab con, thoroughly is one of the top college, you know, here in football today. so many phones, games like 3 hours from as a just to come and support you. how does it feel the relationship with the fans? that's the v as a who's the opposite . do on the most of us on the bottom of so long did the most of the volunteers into the house by the be all be wednesday. who's the, if i'm curious, invest, and it's like what's happened? it could hold on which say, as one of the best team in african football history, the of the
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in my last few days here, i wanted to understand what the future holds for the next generation of young players. i met lou, the assigned to be loud at his son's football practice. this is one of the only spaces in the neighborhood like kid gets trade. people like what is the who mean in ontario? just a heads up. let us know how to do some of the news. okay. yeah. so now we have to think about it was you look into the smaller company with this dumber than to man. she goes. but this is up to, you know, very time as you may leave the country to find a routine and see what do they need to be done to kind of know to that kind of in the area will do follow. and i think you said there's on the bottom, the royal understood well, we have to meet those,
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you know. okay, so no, no, no, you can do a sort of see i'm in the system. what do you call it? the middle push button on the spot middle pressure. what do you mean up? no pressure to do is you may have questionable just don't let them know and i have never even done. okay. there's okay and can do something, has nothing to do. finally got moved to who is passed, then life flies south series who's missing the nation. dream. i'm frustrated. right, that the struggle for independence is nice. it's a town in just to say on the timeframe of players expiring and for those who continue to play the game, they loved whenever and wherever they kept the
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a booth cold occupation resulting in a hurry. take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails, the soap on garza, dozens of children bounds him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person to the 7 on tuesday or unique perspective desktop. placing something does, they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i tried to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed. landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations
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12:00 am
w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the on the hello on money inside. this is the news. our life from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. these really all me says it's looking into the kenning of an elderly, disabled and on the palestinian in gauze that off to sold. his body count video shows him ragging about the shooting. and i'll just there investigation finds that some is ready. citizens will, my specially kills biased rarely, soldiers during the kale take response to the october the 7th attacks it's the eve of ramadan is rarely forces blocked the entrance to the alex and most.


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