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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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as always, think fast, the noise radius strikes in guy's eyes, thomas simeon, such as the most holy month of ramadan, with little to no food or water. the what are you watching? l g 0 life from don't. how would need for the back people also coming up and i'll just see or investigation finds that some of these really citizens were almost certainly killed by is really helicopters during that chaotic response to the october 7th. a time for chicago swings rights in general elections as the governing, socialist concede, defeat a defense of rightful the short of the majority. and the united nations describes
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haiti's capital. as the c t under seeds will have more from the dominican republic on why haitian refugees that be the as a ramadan begins muslims around the world are dedicating praise to the 2300000 people, stopping and under attack and gaza is really forces have now killed more than $51000.00 people in a campaign described by the international court of justice as a plausible genocide among the latest to be killed. the 16 people in southern gaza on sunday at the state policy means what killed the child to bring in attention. hon eunice, those that survived the strikes facing extreme hunger. the number of people who have starved to death has risen to 25. the un says the situation is rapidly deteriorating and the number of desco dries quickly in the next few days, palestinians in gast, i will experience a ramadan,
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like no other overshadowed by israel, as was starvation. unless the month of fasting is being observed, where the entire population is already facing severe shortages of food and water. julie baker, reports of ramadan, is normally a time when muslims come together to fost worship and reflect that after 5 months of unimaginable violence. people who will instead have to enjoy the pain caused by israel's relentless will on cause a lot of yeah, but i came here to buy but i can't find anything to buy. there's nothing, no dates or milk or anything. one can't find anything for their children. all these canned goods are full of germs that inspect the stomach. we need vegetables and fruits to feed our children because they've weakened and died from hunger. move in to 1000000 people being forced to live with little to know who to all food. israel is refusing to let them of 8 in the supplies to do exist around affordable housing
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month has out of meaning here. other i think this from a done with to the tragedies of the policy and people knew tragedy in the new torment. the situation is very difficult, of any person who sees the beacon and deal with the pain of this month, financially, originally, mentally look over all of this market in vain, and no one can afford to buy anything. every single person in casa, that's lost, a loved one, know someone who has, and friends and family is a 20 part. unable to celebrate together. all of this is remo. done is different from previous years. first of all, we are far away from our loved ones. so families, relatives, and friends, and i know everything is different is roles, indiscriminate attacks have destroyed or damaged, at least
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a 184 months in gaza. the faith is undiminished across the strip and palestinians say to keep praying for the will to end. julie vega, out of their a, hutton bodies jani, is electra in middle eastern languages and cultures at the university of california berkeley. he says, what's happening and guys as a genocide, that could have been prevented by the international fee. it's not in the club provides uh, the dispensation or what the sort say it looks like that in terms of hardship, you could break your fast. but in here, people don't want to express their spiritual devotion. they want to fast, but simultaneously is really, is having a, literally a genocidal policy by intentionally preventing food supplies and milk medicine uh, basic necessities zeros of lives. a to do to go to gaza. so we're having 2300000
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people. literally starving in front of our eyes, i would not be a person to say to the gaza that you should as an obligation right now to fast. but i know people went fast considering the hardship that they are under, then we called for the united nations for the all i see for all the international community agencies do the man uh, the opening, the borders, the supplies that we see almost 2000 trucks lining up on the gyptian side of the border that have not been able to cross the various quasi from is when we're settlers are blocking the road for the supplies to come in. this is a preventable genocide. if there is such a no ocean of preventable genocide, a hunger that is in front of us and literally the international community is being input them. uh from coming to the aid of the palestinians for no other reason than they are. palestinians a l t by d 's jerusalem, is there any forces as long as the entrance to the ox, a mosque compound?
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some worship as freight outside, others were trying to enter. the compound were beaten by as really, soldiers at the gate entrance. the launch the compound is the 3rd wholly assigned to muslims. since october, the 7th, these are the authorities have limited, the number of people allowed him. let's bring in a villain, mock susie and occupied is chosen for us. uh alex has been of course, a flash point of tensions between the israelis and palestinians. tell us more about what happened last night during the phrase hopefully some videos seem to indicate that essentially people were not being allowed through. so it's an entrances towards the most inside bill city and then some occasions being pushed by a white face using the tongues bills that you know being decorated this year in lights of events in gaza. the please security presence last night across jerusalem extremely, extremely intense. large sums of vehicles on the streets just where we are and like
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fridays reset them and large somebody to please on the streets of the old city itself. yeah, so tight security as ramadan gets under way so much feeling was painted on a ceasefire before the start of the muslim holy month. but that didn't happen. and you wonder what it's going to be like for people who policy needs, especially those in the gaza strip. very, very difficult one has to assume many of them and comments. i've read just this morning talking about the fact they've been fostering for 5 months. it's not something that will begin with rama, done a lot of the optimism. the guy came from the us president biden just a couple of weeks ago talking about the idea that he expected that could be a sci fi before amazon. he's not to worry about back and just speaking to those involved in the negotiations over the last day. also these randy government not commenting on whether they would be traveling to cairo for another round of tubes and a member of hamas whose son by their i'm based in category i spoke to yesterday.
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said that not only with a no plans to travel that not yet being an invitation by the egyptians to continue with those negotiations. thank you very much for that. vin, in last 5 for a say and occupied is joe slim as the united nations secretary general, antonio gutierrez has released a video message for the beginning of ramadan in a t emphasize the significance of the muslim holy month. that express solidarity with gus drama that embodies the volumes of peace resilience in general is it t, it is a period of reflection. pray is an opportunity to come together and love uplift each other. sadly, mandy will mark these months while facing conflict displacement and see if my thoughts in part that with the, from the people of us kind is the sail from the heart of effort to get to see it and beyond. and i wish to express a special message of solidarity and support to all those suffering from the heart orders of officer. give me strength times, the spirits of drama. that is
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a beacon of hope. that reminds that of all are shared with humanity. this has all be inspired to heal the visions to support those the needs and thoughts. because when for the safety and dignity of every member of the human family made these holy mountain spitting peace and guidance towards them all just and compassion to 12 and al jazeera investigation has found that some is rarely citizens who died in the october 7th attacks were almost certainly killed by these really military investigative unit has conducted an exhaustive review of videos, photographs, and witness testimony. it concluded that is really civilians being held captive were fired on by helicopter gunship. so talking cause returning to gosh peter, charlie reports in the k all take early hours of october, 7 is rarely forces scrambled to engage him. a spite, as the apache helicopter gunship spied on 2 cars driving towards gauze,
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aware that some of them were carrying captives. unable to view the subject, you saw me among the most. are you sure what this thing does? most of this is one of what seemed easier to use a closer to the with the setup of the system. ok, of it, hold us with us of the list. maybe me the bill without guidance. sometimes it said they joined the local. what type of groups to help pick targets? the idea that i would have to get information from once i have groups is truly remarkable to sign of the initiative that people are looking for any way that they can get the information. this is an hour's time. it was kind of a way, is that to fight or monitor war, the police 73 equals heat attack, helicopters to me is inexcusable. 5. how do you come to any weapon system to be engaging? any target to be? don't know what that target is. my concern is, with this footage,
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we cannot tell whether the how much government or civilians will possibly hostages provide, i believe the headaches, up to pilot. well, the machine gun operator will be able to tell you these big rounds to have a certain area effect. and obviously come at a certain rate, but if you shoot at a group of people you most like you're going to kill everyone you off knowingly putting your own civilians at risk. the o unit compiled a detailed list of those killed on october 7. good found the 27 captives died somewhere between their homes and the goal is to think about the circumstances of those that have not been explained. because the 12 most to begin debts took place in very comports after an attack by police and the forces on a house they have containing captives about israel. general 12 spoke to us about as them, as you'll see some signs and lots of how the, how does the things that life is up of now, isn't that a lot of the level of thing? and so what's the name, the whiskey was
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a man woman for me to assist you. i'm on the computer for the mag. oh me. me me me . yeah. yeah. i am. yeah. the mythos. i met the last time to get me on the august the as a yeah. it was because i even mentioned caught up in alabama. so that's miami. the investigative unit of the is riley and they come in. tony protections on october. second, they did not reply to charlie. oh, just sierra. and joining us on monday at 12 g, m t, for the 1st screening of our investigation units, one hour documentary, called october 7th. the documentary will air and algebra english at these times throughout the coming week. germany says it's increasing it see monetary and a 2 guys are by another 20000000 zeros, but admits this is nowhere near enough to meet people's needs. meanwhile, 2 women living in berlin, one from israel, and one from guys are taking matters into their own hands. they started of projects
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to raise funds, hoping to alleviate the crisis and reduced despite of disease. and i'm tom, i'm from missouri and i've been living in berlin for 8 and a half years. i am so bond from palestine garza and i live in germany for one year and a half sebo is pretty active since the war began. and then i contacted her after meeting her and dialogue and i said, i want to do something together. organization is called clean shelter. what we do is fundraise to um, finance the construction of toilets and 10 and i d. p accounts in guidelines and never sold that. and at this time of history that we will face this kind of hunger. and like i couldn't imagine that people would be displeased. i couldn't imagine that children would lose all of their families because we really
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started small. and because i'm is riley, most of my networks are from is riley's. so we have a lot of is ready donate donations. but we have donations actually from all over the world. if there would be a rebuilding taking place. and i'm sure they would be any building taking place. we want to take part in this and make sure it's inclusive and make sure that it's reliable and accommodated. because students that we are constructing now is they're not going to last. i have family and friends in is around that i'm still really, really worried about and hope for their safety. i also feel a lot of responsibility and also a lot of shame about the war and, and that respect. i'm really happy for this project with 7 and even for friendship . i feel this is happening in many ways. still ahead on knowledge is 0. synagogue kicks on face election campaign after the outgoing president sales
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efforts to postpone the vote. the the. now the eastern that is current weather wise now joyce solves and took you the son, his art, and the thing to the through the live and the, and down to was each it but coming in from the west is obviously something significant happening that some of the breeze is with the front of the site and it brings rain across the g into west and talk you change the wind direction and this time bonus attempted by 5 degrees. but still things are close to the east. but there has been significant weather recently particular down the way under mine. this is the picture of yesterday morning in mind, in the east. as you can see, once the rain is full and it sits for a couple of days before it goes away. we're not going to see a repeat of what's coming out of the sky, those channels. it comes to the south and would die out. but this development means
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heavy rain to q 8, maybe possibly rock west to the wrong and then of caught a wind picking up the sand over the dust for monday and tuesday in riyadh. not with cost finance, for the rest is out of you already might even bring it so back up to was mecca and down towards you have him under a month. send it off cuz dry. and then it was particularly equitorial guinea and a gap phone. but if you jump, sorry, we've had a slight moving long lasting trump. little circulation is not strong enough to be really vigorous when twice, but for the rain. it will bring significant funding to mozambique a generation who meets premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts in appear, and that is the representation is rides for the rest of the follow and travels to add tyria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaping the country from
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its struggle for liberation to the 20000000 to protest the political reform generation system episode to phone out just the of the the welcome back, a recap of our top stories on how to see uh, dozens of people have been killed. any guy sizing this thing or the month of ramadan begins. i see at least a tweak his wife sheltering and attentive kindness. it brings a total number of tests to more than 31, found the number of people who have starved to death in gosh, or has reason to 25 b u. n says the situation is wrongfully deteriorating and the
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number of tests screwdriver quickly in the next few things. and then i'll just do your investigation and found that some is really citizens who died in the october 7 attacks last year. almost certainly killed spies, really, armies forces investigations unit concluded that he's really civilians being held captive was fired on by highly competent gun ships attacking cars. returning to gas . as soon throughout the world news, 9 portable social democratic alliance has gained victory in general and elections. it follows a raise a fin contest with the outgoing socialist party, but with no outright majority of votes, the center right may now be forced to consider a coalition with sugar particles rising fall right potty. a tasha button every pour some of this but the last 2 might take. no it's good to go send to right. need to do is small to neighbor claim victory saying his social democratic alliance at once . sunday's general election defeating the incumbent socialists montenegro had
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campaigned promising tax cuts to boost economic growth. but as you go to them, either looks undeniable. either the social democratic alliance have won the elections and the socialist party, you have lost so how is that being on the system to you about the outcome of the pallet with both sides, neck and neck, to the socialist leader, unexpectedly conceded defeat before the final results were known, and d a t is a socialist governments that is being blighted by corruption scandals. believe joseph. nobody everything indicates that the result would allow the socialist party to win the most votes. and that's why i want to congratulate the social democratic alliance for their election victory. the mood been subdued, the socialist needs and the sense of royce it was the opposite for populous parties . sheka the hard right, anti regression party, quadruplets and peas and consolidated exposition is poor to post the political
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force and possible king make it and pull elements. it's lead a full the tv football commentate to andre good tour city was an historic result. we know that history has already made its choice. shake has a story, can exceeded 1000000 volts in portugal across the country, turn out was high with long queues in many, posing stations issues including corruption, housing, no wages and immigration has few discontents. among bunches. salaries are super low and yet you see it's a flying away. so our kids that are very educate, it's one of the most educated generations. they have to go into work. so else where is to have a good lives that's up to a disappointed victory. the sent to ride failed to achieve the numbers for a parliamentary majority. montenegro is rooting out
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a coalition which should go. but if he changes his mind, it will be the 1st time a hold right policy would have a role in choosing portugal is government. 50 is off to the country, move to democracy from dictatorship. natasha butler, which is 0. this been ukraine. stop diplomat has slammed comments from po francy, so called on cave to negotiate with russia. okay, what had you, do you have a native young? in an interview, po francis said, ukraine should have the courage of the white flag and talks with moscow for administer demitria calais by says ukraine will never raise any flank but its national one present thought of music. lensky also made the reference, made reference to the pope's comments in his daily address to the nation. yeah, job who pours the mill. greens can look up a lot of, i think every ukrainian chaplain who is with the army in the defense forces on the front lines defending life and humanity, and they support us with pref, with tools, and with the skin. this is what it means to have a church that is with the people,
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the women, not somewhere 2 and a half 1000 kilometers a way of black thing is a virtual mediator between someone who wants to live and someone who wants to destroy you guys with a 2 gang violence shows no signs of a bathing. the us military says it's loan and forces to be 5 security at assembly scene photo print and evacuate non essential personnel. meanwhile, germany and other european nation, so send their investors a way to the dominican republic. thousands of fitful franchise arms against battle to seize complete control. the united nations is describing the capital of haiti as a city under siege corresponding theresa boys in dublin on the border of haiti and the dominican republic square. here at the border between the dominican republic, i'm hate to where haitians are telling us that those who try to cross the border about the extremely difficult situation in the country. you can see why, here is that migration bus that is taking haitians back in fort worth, k t,
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they're being reported. and that's why someone writes, organizations are asking country like the dominican republic to hold applications because people there are facing a life threatening situation. what's going on in haiti right now, let me see if we can show so also the people that are currently inside there. they're going to be taken back all the way towards 18 in the meantime. in hey you too. there's still reports of your thing or are some ongoing in the city with gangs trying to attack the infrastructure. the ministry of interior, the supreme court, probably the presidential palace, the united states air listed non essential personnel from the united states embassy in florida. friends, they say that this is a standard operation to try to secure the people in the capital there. hundreds of people outside that embassy for trying to migrate legally to leave the country because of the ongoing violence that's ongoing in hate. in the meantime,
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there's lots of talk about the move time. national and security supports mission as men to be deployed fast. it's not clear yet. when that is going to happen. a country like tenure has offered to send a 1000 leads, police officers to support the haitian national police in the fight against the guy . this is the united nation mission, but when you talk to many of the people that are in haiti right now, that are struggling with violence, which shortage is a food of medicine offers walter, what they're telling you is that help is not coming fast enough. that is, how will i just see the problem? michael d bird is a john. this who has been following the rise of on the books in haiti for more than 25 years. he says, the apparent coalition among the gangs is unlikely to last of the situation that he is living through is a kind of multi faceted systemic and, and structural collapse both in terms of politically and in terms of security. i mean, these, these games that are running right in the capital, in, around,
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in recent days, you don't have the roots stretching back over 20 years. i mean, they were kind of the, you know, the, the template of them was kind of set by a jump or trying to, i received and the find the level last party in the late 19 nineties in early 2, thousands and then it spread to various different political bodies, so you have a lot of different political parties who have been nurturing these games as they've got more and more powerful. there are to gain coalitions, one of which is the g 9, which is by, you know, lead by this guy is, you mean shares. yeah. it was known as barbecue. ready extensively led, and that is the jeep app. there offensively, you know, at what arrivals and, but even within the, in the coalitions themselves, often times these different games or, or kind of fighting with one another. so at the moment, you know, they, they have this modus vivendi where they're all trying to bring down the pillars of the state. it appears, but that will probably not last very long. in my experience with them, they, nigerian armies searching for at least 15 children, adapted from a religious school in the northwest. and uncle broke into the village in sofa to
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state on saturday morning. it is a 3rd mass kidnapping in nigeria in less than a fortnight. and follows the kidnapping of 287 coupons and a teacher from a school in could do an estate on thursday. i'm a teacher as has moved from kaduna. and what about the progress being bad investigating the 287 missing children from our 40 got primary school in northwest nigeria is being closely guarded by your for just a given little information away. now what they are asking, everyone is to keep calm that they always double the situation. but a lot of people, especially security analysts, are saying that belongs to rest, to these people or rescue this kids be more precarious situation. what do we talking about? a boss porter is this for just across 5 large states in northern nigeria from the it's in the state for areas like so, cortez and what, uh, and typically the state why be spending something overrated. and they have the
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account started all these for us know, a lot of people are wondering when the government will take the initiative or bring them good news. the boosters coming any time soon, the government says it's not currently negotiated with this people, but this is not the cost of it does. this is not the 1st time the government is negotiating with keep numbers. and of course, i'm groups that have general rights communities across this country. now, apart from the southern situation here in the state, when so put the state government was launching a local melisha, which the states have resorted to now, because this account was almost grades and having a hard time dealing with several problems all across nigeria is there established no communities, and these witnesses are not properly up to face please. i'm groups of up, you know, birds in the middle in most websites. and so what we've heard yesterday is sort of state is that just us being, you know, companies just being lost by the government to 15 students from a religious school while dr. bobby,
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i'm groups operating in that area so far in both cases, no demand from russell also has been heard from these people. how many degrees i just need to do the official campaigning has begun. incentive gone for the rescheduled presidential election later this month. 19 candidates have just 2 weeks to ride the supporters before the vote. nicholas, hi, great for some of the capital with the car. a really like the side on a couple of months ago would be impossible. the security forces would have prevented it now the jail, the opposition figure is not a candidate to this presidential election. his deputy is but he too is in the tension. they plan to boast campaign from their prison sale on a campaign to bring justice to this country, to democratic type in center got such
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a guess to kind of mix up. and then underneath, 1st of all, i was supposed to former prime minister and the ruling party candidate. and i do but unveiled his campaign. it's based on continuing of the program that president my to south and it's ability. but there are those in the off position close to the democratic party of sending goals, who are accusing him of corrupting the constitutional judges that laid out the list of candidates. and now they will be appealing to the supreme court to delay the election. they say in election without their candidate to reward is just not possible. so this is a shame election. it's not a real campaign. these people were protest outcome and they may be violence with the threats of the army. we don't need any of this. despite the instability and the political crisis, despite the delayed election and the campaign that's 2 weeks in length. during the
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month of ramadan, it seems that the remaining candidates in the running are determined to go out and convince specifically people that they are best at replacing the president must be solved, and ending the period of uncertain nicholas hawk. elda 0 the card, a landslide in indonesia scanned at least 26 people, heavy, rain and flooding, trigger the disaster. the down for also call us every vertebrae assist, backs. rescue teams are searching for survivors on the island of symmetric. i'm home, it reports. this is the of the month of the days of the racial rain in demetrius west semester, off homes flooded and roads funding to leave us emergency services us crumbling to seats funded funds more than 70000 people have been a buckwheat by didn't the by.


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