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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the brain, so i'm gonna get this episode of one of the just the, [000:00:00;00] the trouble i'm several venue is good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the program today. palestinian spend the 1st day of rama down. picking through the rubble as is really a tax across the strip continue the it's really forces beats palestinian worshippers after blocking access to the last and most compelling court between gangs and security forces, hate the spirals into chaos. will be life from the border as caribbean leaders need
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to address the crisis. why? why about? because this is the most important thing that happened in the history of the world . and often hymer wins big at the oscars. the blockbuster about the race to build the 1st tony farm is the big winner on hollywood. biggest. on joining us just go with the sports as a head coach in the top tier of autonomy and football is sacked after appearing to head thoughts and opposition play of the it's 13 gmc that is 3 pm in gaza where palestinians or experiencing of ramadan, like no other muslim month, the 1st thing is being observed in the face of famine. israel is restricting what food medicine and life saving supplies can get into gaza. explosions occurred in the southern city of rossa. shortly after dawn,
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camp shelters and homes were targeted in separate attacks across the entire strip. leaving people to sift through the rubble is really forces have killed more than 31000 a palestinian since october. 2 banker begins our coverage of ramadan is normally a time when muslims come together to fost worship and reflect that after 5 months of unimaginable violence. people who will instead to have to enjoy the pain caused by israel's relentless will on cause a lot of the class i came here to buy, but i can't find anything to buy. there's nothing, no dates or milk or anything. one can't find anything for their children. all these can goods are full of germs that infect the stomach. we need vegetables and fruits to feed our children because they've weakened and died from hunger. move in to 1000000 people being forced to live with little to know who to all food is role is
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refusing to let the most 8 in the supplies that do exist around affordable housing month has out of meaning here of the i think this from a diet and we had to the tragedies of the policy and people knew tragedy in the new torment. the situation is very difficult, and any person who sees the beacon and deal with the pain of this month, financially, originally, mentally look over all of this market in vain, and no one can afford to buy anything. every single person in casa is lost and loved. one knows someone who has and friends and families of 20 part, unable to celebrate together on the list is rama. done is different from previous. he is festival. we are far away from our loved ones, families, relatives, and friends, and i know everything is different. the israel's indiscriminate attacks have destroyed or damaged, at least
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a 184 months in gaza. but face is undiminished across the strip. and palestinians say though, keep praying for the will to end julie vega out of there. oh, sure 0 is honey buttonwood joins us now on the phone from alpha, honey, they've been apartment of the gaza strip continues. what can you tell us of this out? yes, all the way till later the hours of this morning is really advanced. get to get pounding across the guys district in the a residential home in the western part of it. there were 3 people around 20 killed in there. i'm going artillery shilling till in the hours of this morning and it goes out and or along with the i'm aaron strike the target, the residential home and the agent part of the city. and more of the closer the farm land dates and part of the city,
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the central in the area and outage of the to month. and it is transferred warm residential buildings reportedly targeted. and this is true and multiple injuries the corner to a hospital, but probably the worst of what happens. a, as in the hours of this morning, was in as a to neighborhood that been the northern part of the eastern part of the city where it really didn't show the home with at least do this place haven't, according to the murder with pointers from gone to where are good and, and, and destroyed, listed as the lead 16 people were looking at who been killed in the attack. mostly women, and children, and elderly and a large number of injuries. who transferred to us to fall hospital. i already have an operation. a lot of service, but the risk of those injuries and my moving their lives in becoming gallery though, expecting the number to go high. but they're also configure points of more attacks in your body or up the account of the northern area where
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a composed of the area drugs to out the day. we haven't heard any coordination with or in fact have been in drugs in the northern part and got it. and then supposed to be a good thing today, but to do the moroccan aircraft, the postal, aaron drugs, at some point the situation continues to be very difficult for males on and on. and people are caught between the, to somehow hold clothes for an agreement can be reached within the coming the same time during, during this intense bombing campaign that continues to make their life very difficult about honey mahoney. a reporting there from ross. and it's a big part in southern gaza. thank you very much for that, honey. and we can speak now with my mood. okay. sweet. so you're an english teacher in gaza. you are joining us from rossa on this 1st day of ramadan. thank you for your time. today,
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how are you and your family doing so? yes, uh actually as um, uh, this list person. don't mind all these tens of thousands of this, this list. personally, you can see that it's a catastrophe situation. um, yes. so obviously ramadan being a, a li, sorry, so i can say that yes. ok. just to talk about that the life here it's, it's very gloomy and miserable situations how it's within his senses and we find difficult as in house to get food because, you know, even when we get towards the fries are in the side, it's very expensive. it's a double like 10 times then before the war. and actually i'm nowadays where i think as a volunteer for many uh kitchens, the free actually sitting in terms of all kitchens or soup kitchens. and one of
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them is, uh oh, how about that? you know, its schools well, how they know. and in this kitchen, uh, they provide food, puts meals for tens of thousands of this. most families were now suffering in the accounts and the show stars around this area or in the city i was going to ask you, where do you pray? give them that. so many of the most across the gaza strip have been either badly damaged or completely destroyed. actually there are so some laws that we kind of pray out, but when we want to take that decision to go to the last the freight actually a lot of people are afraid to go because the most because you know that a lot of most of our attacks, so it's like a difficult situation to go through freight as you know that they may attack this situation. a lot of rockets may destroy everything around. so it's of, it's
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a little bit difficult on some strainers. we pray at home and even for people who are now, you can imagine that in a small things and it's very crowded, at least 10 or 15 persons in a small thing with no food, no clothes, no money, no job. so they are wondering if, where the house can be get food. so this for more refresher a funds the father who's responsible for service families. actually this happens every day. so we try our best to provide food for these people. and to that with you, the pay and to relieve the pain. but actually all of our attempts, not all of them are, has been bought. it's not going off at all. i'd like to ask you a question about faith and spirituality and a time of war, ramadan is a time for a reflection. so what are you able? how do you exercise your face and, and what are you able to reflect on when,
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as you explained to us, you're looking for enough food to feed you and your relatives. you're at any moment at every moment you are in danger of being bombed and you've been displaced. you're not living in your home. what can you reflect on, under those circumstances? actually, as for me, i'm a father of a little kids. so when there is a new voice phone, so my children, for sure they are crying, i'll, you must talk them at least to leave their fame and through you relieve the suffering. is that not actually it has a lot of effects on them even after this war, a lot of the suffering will remain in this area after this uh, do decide. so for me to give out the form of food actually when
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a one person for one father was a family author evacuating under fire and working for nearly a maybe 30 kilometers. all of this area, author escaping from fire when suddenly found themselves in a small thing. so how can you provide food in this way? he is for us to go to some kitchens and you know, a lot of people are crowded in. this is the free kitchen to get food, and some people are maybe hard. maybe they're digging the piece are hard in this, in this place. so we, we talked about a very complicated situation. we talked about fear, and there is no life as the ends of the family. all the people are now the 1st, the front of them. you know, we have no guests, so hold for thoughts for a star. you don't fuss thing for almost 15 hours in
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a day and then you want to eat author being so hungry so you can find the food. you can find fire, even if you want to frontier some woods to. i'm you 6 of wood to bear the fire. you know, it's hard to because uh, the black river comes inside the nose, the eyes. so this even happens for me many times. so i, it's like the big enough for us, but we have no choice. what you mentioned that you were a father, what do you tell your children at the moment? how do you parents in a situation like this one? actually sometimes maybe i succeed to leave me say to the receiving end. so tell them that all you will lie for you this before. maybe also 2 hours, 3 hours until they can just go to sleep on. sometimes i kind of provide for them.
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it depends on the situation and the current state in the shops of the prices, right? now who cash where you're an english teacher in gaza. thank you very much for joining us this. our thank you for your time and sharing all of that with us. thank you. it's my pleasure. i think no it occupied east jerusalem is really forces have blocked the entrance to the lock. so most compound to some worshippers prayed outside. others were trying to enter. the compound were beaten by as really, soldiers at the gate entrance filling marks is in occupied east jerusalem, feeling whatever is really authority saying about what happened this morning. was wondering if not where you had any response to what we sold last night in terms of the facts and that you've just described this morning. the prize was far more calm, an orderly people said, or as for those in dollars us, and then return back to the day to day activities. it's clearly
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a very fractious situation here in terms of the potential for more of those kinds of crashes. but so far we haven't seen any israel has been heavily risk drinking, restricting access to locks of the muslim since the beginning of the war. right? since early october, but what is their plan for this month? so the month of ramadan will sort of, they've said that they're not going to have any particular restrictions around people. the ability to watch it here, we've seen barriers being placed around entrances, both to the old city and then close it to the most composite itself. we expect thousands of people on a day to day basis off to that. if so, i'm able to go to the most and try to pray envelope some members organizing, you know, his government have to express concerns about the police and the number of fees inside the old cities, the ability to maintain security. the announcement has been 3000 police officers
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will be involved in this operation. and there are many people inside israel hoping very strongly not just thought of sydney and his right as well. but this will not become a flash point. feeling mark, supporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much for that feeling now. jordan's foreign minister has condemned restrictions on a worship of deluxe. a most compound during ramadan emma and society criticized israel for the worsening humanitarian situation in gaza as well. a hi them, somebody didn't suddenly and the most allowing worship is to perform their religious duties and rituals during this holy month and restricting access to alex and most of all of these pushes towards an explosion in the situation. and this is what we are wondering about uh know how to keep the site and test these rail has to open the tools completely and widely for the entrance of humanitarian i. there's a fireman in garza right now. the figures of the united nations took about thousands of people who come find food for living with children dying because of the unavailability of food and milk. therefore,
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this humanitarian cross is content except through the ending of aggression at the entrance of enough i to old thoughts of the gaza straight and the allowance of distributing the site or live. it goes, well, site enters gauze and now is not enough for 4 percent of causes needs incident. that was that was bringing some yellow around. he directs the center for islam in global affairs at stumbles. i am university of thank you for joining us in the studio of this. our book going this is day one of ramadan going into this holy month for muslims. there was a question that now seems naive of whether that might provide some momentum for a ceasefire in guys or for an easing of pensions. maybe even some more humanitarian aid to be brought in. clearly the answer is no. yes, absolutely. i mean, this is not the 1st i'm a bundled in with violate. i mean, in 2021. same thing happened. they were violating the, you know, people's rights all over, including their right to worship and loved some us not in 2021. there was huge what was dealing with them as well. but some of that, of course, is a special month,
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a special occasion, especially the season for many people. and now they are facing particular people in gaza and months where people are supposed to feed for the afflicted for the hungry for the people who are not having shelters. and yet all this happens and because that and we have a month without cease fire, continuous bombardment, continuous getting continuous, starvation, masturbation taking place with more things, taking place. so it's a very sad moment to have and to see what's happening because of today, especially in the midst of them on what's the calculus for israel when they see ramadan approaching on the calendar? how do they factor that in, in their decision making unfortunately, is it does not see the 1st thing is that human beings, they say that they are human and it will just be the might see the human side of for this thing. and they have been violating their rights and have done right. but what they see here is pressure on the resistance so that they can give up, the demands that they have been trying to get from them regarding the easiest 5 or
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not these 5 extra legislation of less than it is because so far they have not accepted the concept seized flat with the resistance with but as soon as they want to continue until they fulfilled their objectives, which is basically to a devastate, to kill, to, to, to, to undermine and to, and i know they like the, the resistance and also to try to force some sort of palestinian surrender, whether by having a, an evacuation that is, is, is that on terry or forced you say i want to make sure i got this right. are you saying that is real cesar, on the done as possibly putting more pressure on her mouth, and therefore, as, as they see, they see it as a time when they can get benefit from this. i don't see any doubt about this. okay . i was even president biden has been, it's fine to tell them please stop something 6 weeks, at least lift them up on be a peaceful a month this time around and they continue to say no, but the, there's a calculus around ok. the most cost specifically isn't there because net yeah. who had a decision to make, he had within his cabinet to the security minister,
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the national security minister. it's more vandevere who wanted to severely restrict access to a box, a mosque and was pleading with that. yeah. how to do that to implement that policy . on the other hand, sion but the domestic security service was telling that you know, this is not in israel's interest to do this and could cause further tensions. netanyahu and in the end cited wishing bed and said there will be no more restrictions on the lock. so this year during this round of and then there were last year. i think there is a misconception also about working 30 hours alone and nothing alone would think of it as trying to do was to not allow any participation and even those what is right as citizens, as long as they are, unless they are of certain age and what not to know, it says no, these people would be able to go there. we're not going to put the restrictions, but they would be security and restrictions on the people to the west back in which the overwhelming majority of men would not be allowed. which is the same thing that's been happening every year, except for certain occasions which would be towards the end less than days of ramadan or whenever there are settlers in the compound. but that is not unfettered
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access to allow some us for the, for the students will live with that westbank. and remember the west bank, it is not a, it was on, it's not thomas, you know, invest its own. and yet all these distinctions are taking place in the, on, by the is right. yeah. and $400.00 palestinians have been killed there since october 7th. gotcha, exactly. all right. i'm at plus $7300.00 people have been arrested and been are absolutely without any charges. um is alexa. alexa has typically been a flash point in the is really policy and conflict. do you expect this to be the case again? this from a down. it was, for instance, back in 2021, right? the previous war between israel and i'm us, it was one of the causes that the trigger that were actually if you see the, the, the 7th operate and it was called the a lot of a lot. so a lot says, always been at the center of this conflict, the organization of the stomach conference, or that now they're going to 0. summit cooperation was created monday of 69 because of a lot. so there was a, somebody will try to burn them up, some us back in 1969,
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and that's how this organization was, was born because of the immense secret this and holiness of this place for most of the world wide. all right, some yellow around. thank you very much in the director of the center for islam in global affairs. it is stumbled design university. thanks for joining us in the studio today. thank you. as the war on does, it has less many hospitals out of service. the few that remain are facing severe shortages of medicine supplies and medical staff. they are struggling to treat the sick and injured. and as access i'm of which reports that includes patients were on kidney. dialysis patients suffering from chronic kidney disease are dependent on light saving dialysis treatment that's under threat because of the israel siege and gaza. the father notes in 3 members of my family must have their blood climbed this year. the journey itself to the hospital is a challenge, a shortage of food and nutrition, and the lack of clean water add to our suffering. we are losing weight and our hit
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was fatigue and exhaustion. many patients are now in a dire need for blood transfusion, which is not available. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease who need 3 treatments a week. i'll she for hospital and nothing causally is one of the few hospitals still operating, but many patients have to travel long distances to get their delays and treatment mean more complications. hi, so i know by, let's see. it is common knowledge that absence of dallas is leads to the build up of talk sense and the patient's bloodstream. this disturbs the bodies assets and fluids. this is caused by many factors, power being cut off, as well as the bolted, the cell, the nation pump coming out of operation. i made the absence of clean fresh water. patients also say they are desperate and in dire need of help. with food and medical supplies running out fast, their survival depends on that health arriving soon. axles i'm reaching out to 0. the,
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the us secretary of state anthony blinking will attend an emergency meeting of caribbean leaders in response to the worsening security situation in haiti. power. com called a meeting in jamaica to discuss a political transition. 80 remains that a state of emergency is gang spite, with security forces for control of the country. the u. n. is describing the capital for the prince as a city under siege. prime minister ariel all re, is still in puerto rico, blocked from returning home. let's go to our correspondence. teresa bow is live in the hub on, on the border of haiti, and the dominican republic. teresa, what's the latest that you've been able to learn about what's going on in puerto prints while that correct way, right here at the border with thousands of haitians crossing towards this area where
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i am right now when the stories of difficulties are facing every day. because of the ongoing violence in the country, what we do know is that the fighting is ongoing between the police and different gangs that have gotten together despite it against the government. they've been carrying attacks against infrastructure police station, the natural part of the latest information we have is that the police with the pilot, the pilot guards have been trying to. we take some streets around that for us to that initial high less with the help of one of the few far more vehicles that they have. and this is one of the key issues of what is going on in haiti right now. what police that does not have the people or the resources to fight against that gang. so it's interesting to know that's what the gangs wanted to set up a government as remember government that that includes a judge, but also a former cool leader known as dc leap. he was imprisoned in the united states and drug trafficking charges recently in terms of hey d. now he wants to be part of this transition. government depend likely that the
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international community will accept something like this, but it shows the states in the country and the situation in the country right now. when was this? chaos is unfolding. we do know that to the po box from the european union, including germany, for example, have been evacuated from haiti right now and over night the united states also aaron lifted on the very late on, on saturday during the evening. the aaron gifted their non essential personnel from the united states embassy and for the prince, they say they also send some extra security steps to secure via bus the however, we do know that the embassy, the u. s. embassy the remains open to reset on the diplomatic level, caribbean leaders as leaders of the carrier. com regional block or meeting today, us secretary of state antony blinking as well will be there. what are the avenues for resolving this conflict and bringing, you know, institutional order back to 80 in
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the well, certainly there's lots of concern. i'm now the members of hiring column. this is a carry, b and community. and about how to try to find a solution out of this current crisis. they have invited the united states and that's why lincoln is struggling to jamaica. they have also invited friends of the united nations, among others, to try to find some type of solution to the ongoing crisis. we do know that they're heavily involved in talks with a members of the opposition. they would like to set up what to incision government with 5 members this time, including members from the party of a former president john bridge on i received the fund me lab. i lost members of civil society among others. but this is in stark contrast with watch the guns wants right now. so there's also going to be discussions about this new time. national security supports support the team that is expected to be deployed at some point. nobody really knows when that force is going to be deployed in haiti right now. it has the mandate of the united nation with a,
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with that the mission of supporting the haitian national police and this fight against the gangs. but it's not clear yet when this is going to happen. and that's why the discussions to dates are important. but what is clear of when you talk to haitians on the ground when you hear what is happening with hundreds of thousands of people being displaced from their homes, struggling to find food struggling to find water and medicines is that they have no time that they're desperate for any type of solution that will help stabilize the country. theresa bo reporting from the high born in the dominican republic on the border with haiti. thank you very much. teresa and a tropical psych loan is hours away from making land full in mozambique our jeff harrington is tracking the storm. ok, so let's go over the timeline with tropical cycle and see what we're looking to make landfall. i'd say during the early hours on tuesday and central moves and b, this will eventually dip down in 2 minutes and peaks capital. my put so so intense rounds of rain,
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sir. so by tuesday evening we're in the sick of it all day on wednesday. so looking to drop about months worth of rain in 24 hours and by the way, there was winds, in some spots, especially along the coast, could were up to 75 kilometers power. now the other thing that this tropical segment is doing its pump in, in a lot of heat and humidity, often moves in the channels. so northern mos in big we've now set a record for the countries hot as march night, dipping down to 28.2 degrees. so let's keep this theme of heat go in. we've got the colors onto the dark in the red, the hard, the temperature, quite a bit of heat blowing through chad. so engine mean at $44.00, right across as hell out through the atlantics a bundle. you're also dealing with some hot days and nights. so we take a look at the extended forecast windy conditions. so k, your temperature a few degrees above average. but we need some this pro long. that is certainly a threads. and if we look ahead to next week in bondsville, the gambia,
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your temperatures are going to go even higher. still a head on elsie or a controversy continues over elections and set a goal will be life from the car as would be presidential candidates take their case to court and, and support a record breaking performance in the n. b, a will have details coming up on that with joe got to ask the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water shifts. moments international law is v b. this model on sort of discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without 0 examining the impact of today's headline is objectivity
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is still possible for you. we're not the only question the most is what we are moving out. is there a sense the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice? i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world. today. on alex's yes of the the you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this our israel's bombardment of does. it continues as the muslim holy month of ramadan begins,
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more than $31000.00 palestinians have been killed since october is really as restricting how much food medicine and humanitarian supplies can get into. the ghost is really forces have blocked the entrance to the lots the most compelling and occupied east jerusalem. some worshippers were beaten by israeli forces as they tried to enter the co. jordan's foreign minister, it has condemned any attempts to restrict the worship it locks and mosque with tension is already high. during ramadan he said, restrictions could push the situation towards an explosion. talk about this with most stuff abo sway. so are you are in his lubbock scholar member of the islamic walks counseling, occupied east jerusalem. the walk is what administers the locks and mosque you are . joining us from the alexa compound right now. i wonder is the walk in touch with israel about rules for access to a locks up by muslims. thank you for having me. first of all,
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i have just left the of them. you know, after my head, the director of the deluxe, the most can the i'm at home right now. okay. and the what does not coordinate with the is 80 police and the walk for administration and jerusalem is passed on fossil video. daniel administrator with stomach fears, and this is why the head jordanian uh 4 minutes the uh good size to the head restrictions. and we're on the head against these restrictions at deluxe, almost the. and these are the sections have been already in place. so it's not the, as we have done, nothing new really about the, the sections and for many, many use as far as i can remember that that heavy instead of sections we had to view the sections immediately after the beginning of the, at the beginning of october, at so much so that saves time. they have witnessed and even easily,
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sometimes not being able to intellectual holes can the one friday morning. i have seen people on we have to have special needs people. we should have a weird prevented also from accessing alex, almost kathy regarding the prime minister and the thing as the statement in which he promised not to restrict the freedom of worship here. i mean, men is really a n g o and analyze this statement. they said that already this statement promises restrictions that other than noted sections because he put the cap. that's what the statement said, that you put the cap of 50000 what she was doing fridays. and this is only a fraction of the, almost quite the medium. most of all she present, we usually have every year during the add on hold on, and in addition, the language is a big it was allowing room for the restrictions because he conditioned the freedom of wash up on the is an ease and am security. distinguish ok, so
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a so i'd like to understand with you've been concrete, me what that means on who has access and who might not have access. if say you are a young, 20 or 30 year old muslim. living in the occupied westbank, palestinian can you then have access to a lock them off to come for ramadan appraisal from the west bank? no, you're going to have access on this. you have a method that they should buy the has a me, you 3 have sometimes the called, the quoted see here, civil administration, but the 3, this is a, i mean it to the end. in previous he does, they have allowed the men who are hold the let's see about 50 or so to enter through chick points that set on jerusalem. but the, the youngster let us know even jerusalem, the jews might to youngsters like last nights if it's night of thought, we special nice prayers that most things before i do any of them. so it won't be able to 1st day of what i'm about and they do perform the task last night,
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did with the 10s of hundreds. in fact, of, of youngsters who were not allowed deluxe, the most can be paid outside. the pictures, in fact, of the young so spring, so they wouldn't bother to the congregational brianna despite the fact that they would gift outside the box halls. because they could hear the amount of through the loud speakers and did what it goes prevent we have prevented from entering given the old city. so the paid outside the landscape in the the use fee of cemetery. just north of of lions gate on the other side. and what about palestinian muslims in israel proper in it they should be they should be fi. usually they should be for you. but the, at the moment give you his so, you know, he, the can't take, not having those classes, the younger of that 70 years of age or something like that. it's a lot of them give you that it simply does not want muslims to be at the loss of
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loss. so it's not about his his uh, justification is even certainly because he spoke about over crowding. but of course it would be overcrowding a few years ago. is the most and one year hills that i have a little more about anyone who wants to almost anyone who wanted to come to pay. and we had hundreds of thousands of people, not even one single incident. so if it's something that the, these are the ones, these are the, what is the cause of the expedition? i'm talking about the thing, give you, this is why we're having all this fuss and i come back to a version of my 1st question. you told me that there is no coordination between the walks and police and i think that point is an important one. the, the walks under the status quote. it um the walk for is, is jordanian. and the walks is house with managing the ok. so most compound, you're telling us that there's,
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there's no input at all. the once has no input. there's no dialogue with israel on what rules, what guidelines to follow from muslim access during the month, the month of ramadan, even though you are the custodian of this compound on the stomach, walks the director of the, of the administration. that's different from the law council. he already the is already good. seeing that the what for the solution flip, it looks almost as usual, meaning that all these, this talk about c restrictions and not withstanding the deal of deal cough is preparing the means for those are going to be crossed. a deluxe, almost. we have a soup kitchen in the old city. that's it. so all the saves the uh, the, the people to the god this of their background. and the me because of the said of it's thousands upon thousands of people. sometimes people have the union, they might have such a problem with the issue of people out there
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a bit to get set up. so we have many come themes. we have the boy scouts who have been out on the the base. so the del cough to pick beds everything as if there is. busy problem del cough is doing its job. okay, i'm, i'm afraid we're just losing the audio and, and the video quite clearly on this list of a boost way. it's nomics scholar, member of the islamic works council and occupied east jerusalem. thank you for so much for joining us. this our every us special envoy to sedan is said to begin his tour of africa in the middle east later on monday. it's part of efforts to try to end the conflict incident where rapid support forces have been baffling. sedans, army, tom parry, hello, will travel to egypt, ethiopia, as well as saudi arabia and the u. a. e. his visit, as part of washington's push, to end hostilities, get more honest with him, and morgan m a capital
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r to him. what do you expect from this new regional tour of the us special envoy to sit in of the well the us special envoy who is the 1st in nearly a decade at to be sent or dispatched to sit down to talk about the political. and now the military crisis will be meeting with regional leaders who have been trying to me. there is a ceasefire and to try to restore students to transition to democracy once again. so who will be meeting with the regional leaders as well as political parties that have been re basing themselves and business themselves in regional country, such as if you appear to put the uh, i'm cairo and, and i wrote became, can you so he is likely to meet with those political parties and officials in those countries, but he will not be visiting sedan at least not for the time being. that's not on the list of countries he's due to visit. so he's not likely to meet with government officials and we've made it through officials here and, and got into a capital for in ford sedan. now the us is called proceeds $58.00 nights admissions
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of call for a cease fire. and as you've just heard, that's an artillery fight. that's me. my promise to denise army military base near us. uh, probably targeting our accept position. so there is no seas far in place. for the holy month of ramadan, civilians remain to be caught up in the conflict with 5000000 people facing simon and 18000000 people in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. so the focus of the us, special envoy is a visit, will be to try to and the conflict to use the suffering of those were caught up in the conflict, not just in the capital cartoon, but elsewhere around the country. yeah, and what we did here in deep pretty pretty loudly that artillery showing behind you . so if there were any questions as to whether this cease fire was being implemented, deceased by this been called for by the un security council. the answer quite clearly is no more than the reporting from cartoon. thank you very much. we're joined now by the color of korean regional director of a see how the strategic initiative for women in the horn of africa. you are joining
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us live from new york. your focus is on sexual violence against women in conflict and you told her team that whether there is or isn't the ceasefire and sedan, the sexual violence against women and sedan will continue either way. as i've said, he would say, yes, i mean this, you know, last week with substantial violence against me when i thought, you know, it did not happen in a vacuum of women and suzanne has struggled with this for over 20 years in the for where we may have been subject to sexual violence and, and you know, that is the case to goodness, the former, the g at the international criminal court and a daughter to felicia, which is at the time, used to be called the gingerly they have been demand perpetrators. however, following big uh, 2, so 2019 relations and the for lots for, for shared,
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redeem. and instead of holding the artist typical and simple and you know, and showing port sequences part of the atrocities that were committed started stephanie, that she has became part of the country of the transition. be that she did, you know, the results in my view of situated while a crisis has exacerbated across the country so that, so this is one of the more, your more striking findings that sexual violence against women actually increases is if there's a ceasefire, or when the war stops, explain that what absolutely ceasefire results for the session of villa stays. it's quite mean it's his fire with a military, with felicia man. um, uh, existing uh, within civilian territory. inside the home sit inside, you know, villages and public experiences. you know,
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that's why women chose links are existing. it doesn't quite mean anything. it means that you know, the use of civilians as well. i can afford the use of women bought the says we're been in florida, it's going to versus a waste continue. but what we are asking for, we're asking for sufficient or for facilities, we're asking for a, for fiction framework, you know, the level of our process is that's been happening and so that it's no less than other actual stuff is. you know, that's the, was tested, come from create this test. it's like what's happening for c a in the 199 to, you know, the atrocities that's been happening in dwanda. again, the civilians in the late 1990. and so this should be, i'm being a war between 2 pallets or that it's a massive concern or for 12 seconds this and then these are me is incapable of undertaken as responsibility in terms of protecting civilians are right now we have
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a massive pretty just like to 0, which is, you know, phones consider one of the most popular st. george and so that they don't want to touch people from, oh no, but the country, it's completely exports. you know, we would not go completely exposed to sexual violence and civilian athletics at exports to see via, via, by the militia o one who is committing the sexual violence as far as head. absolutely, they are before some ground and i am look, say that's about the military are in the say they have, they did come with it's a choice by and as you know, it's separate on ok just but at the moment in or the artist, if is installment of the, your sexual violence before in the, for, for 20 years they have, they have been using such short violence as war to strategy. they are attacking stability and responses really just like dizzy that it's knowing that it's
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a be june that's it has no whatsoever any 5 or any sickness of military engagements in the boss starting the career and to show it was, you know, a for me 30000000 so if you know, but unfortunately right now, you know, civilians are really struggling and we're not only talking about sexual partners, we're talking about yeah. um, you know, times my wife talking about, you know, family sports to give away their little girls because they are starving and countries and manipulated by them by the militia man. and we're talking about recruits minutes of children cuz well, me off of mailchimp things. so. yeah, yeah, the n n d r a. so if have been accused by many people of human rights abuses and violations, they deny that they that they put out those orders or even that they commit those violations. but there are many eye witness accounts or accounts of groups like yours that say otherwise how a career. thank you very much for joining us on the program this out. thank you.
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thank the incentive all candidates who have been excluded from the presidential election in 2 weeks time have launched a supreme court challenge to have the vote postpone for a 2nd time several politicians including the son, a former president of july wad want the election rescheduled for june. they say the candidate selection process is being rigs to keep wide from running the election was originally due to be held last month. obviously it was nicholas hack is in the car. so nick, the election is supposed to be march 24th. but based on what happens in the court behind you that may no longer hold that's right. i mean, we've seen a few members of the democratic senegalese party, one of the largest little party in the country, leading figures entering the supreme court, holding documents saying essentially that this a vote, this selection should be canceled. it's in breach of article 29 of the electoral
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code because to delay the election, it 1st has to be voted in, but by the parliament and that didn't take place. it was just a decreed by prison like you saw last week to change the election dates following the decision of the constitutional counsel to ensure that an election takes place before his mandate. i'll be on this institutional legal talk. what's at stake here is a chance for this ending these people to vote for the next president, but absent in the race are to t. biggers kareem wad who heads the democratic party of center gulf and we spun sold coke. he is in jail. he disqualified to ride buds, his candidate, his deputy, a bus through gym i. 5 is going to campaign from his prison cell. he was arrested a year ago over a facebook post, a dean by
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a story. these as is threatening the states. according to b. m. s. t laws that has been voted in last week. she could be released, but essentially we're saying a candidate from a major political party that's banned by the government, attracting large crowd, but still unable to campaign on this street. so a very unusual campaign. a presidential election like no other 0. yeah, unusual is one word. messy is another i think that applies today. the election currently scheduled for march 24th, but we'll see whether that holds nicholas hack reporting from the car. thank you. okay, it's time for your sports news with joe got jerome skipped within the studio with us. joe ferrell. thank you. when we begin in the top flight of italy in foot. well, let's say you have sucks. a head coach or but the best setup of the he paid the head button, an opposition plan. let's say it would be one know by city relegation rivals. hillsboro,
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not at the end of the match. tabitha approached verona strike had thomas henri. nothing over the frenchman in front of them. much officials the vesta apologize, but tonight he was trying to head back on re saying he was trying to defuse the search situation between him and some of the luxury plans. the policy social essentially was concerned to the club, leaving him of his duties as well talk as teenager abdulla says, it felt incredible to school. his 1st goal for awhile majority helped them to a phone, a when of a cell to v go to regain the 7 point lead at the top of the league with 10.10 games left. well without the suspended top goes towards the volume, but that wasn't a problem and this matched with the lights is gonna assist you. and you gave me straight to the lead in the 1st hall with around 10 minutes left to antonio. read again. so he's headed in rails 2nd, but the ball went in, the celtic keeps his box, so it was given as an own go, well when renal after and i was like go for the had his moments at 19 years and 14
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days it becomes the youngest tucker's place is full in league a much photo is how it finished as well to store their advantage at the 2nd place she right now in english permanently, the types of races shaping out to be the best of, of just one point separates the top 3 off the phone true with much to see john stones put city a heads 23 minutes in the pool, rewarded a penalty in the 2nd hub and your team on those to see people. edison wrote down darwin. yes. alexis and accountants. to put away the school kick, to make it one or result means also the table and goal difference ahead of the full was city a points behind and says in germany by legacies, and continue to tell us tools. that 1st one does the good time to let to know when i will fax source of the alonzo side. maintain that 10 points lead. i provide meaning at table they because they get to be be sent across all competitions. a
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record breaking run, extending to $36.00 games. we will, christiana rinaldo is preparing for big game in the asian champions league that all nasa lights are on monday. the saudi team are at home in riyadh, trying to obtain a wonderful deficit in the court to final 2nd leg. it has outlined the window will faces either it's had or hello in the 70s. it is very, very important game to club the players, the funds. we already have the opportunity here now to say to all the funds in the stadium be positive because we players, we are very positive that we believe that we are going to change this. the 1st game, the intent as far as defending champions made it through the last 16 it's indian wells, but you just don't take have a true was revenge for an australian open exits. the pole was knocked out in melbourne by check for linda. norfolk about who became the 1st team to be a number one ranked women. at that event in 25 years. she found that wasn't going
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to let her do it twice as she rolled to victory. 6 full 6 love in just under 73 minutes. oh is alcaraz kept on close to defend the men's title? is he be counted as felix? those that live seems. 6263. so make it into the last 1612. i said it was a perfect match for him. the cdn extend. it was equally resource to see 527 when as possible, young lena struck the australian open champion 2636 full to make it 17 match victories in succession. the. this is telling me to take in his prescriptions on his record is the last to succeed alexander, the better of the dutchman had to set points in the 1st set, but couldn't convert there if knows how that feels. a couple of years ago, he was thrown out of an event in mexico for smashing his racket against the unbiased chest. this time the german kept his cool to reach the full frowned way, who faced alex simon?
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no. answer reco, breaking performance by anthony davis at the los angeles like his as a beat, the injury hit minnesota temples. he became the 1st player in n b, a history with at least 25.25. rebound 5 of 65 seals and 3 blocks. and again, around james was the games tough for us. with 29 points, the lake is picking up the 12 wind in 17 games. go 12 in the ones cuz he shuffler has ended his yellow windlass drowned east to a 5 shot victory. the arnold palmer invitational is his 7th pga to win april 27 year old. looking in decent form a head of next month, most as adult gusta likely born in 2022. this one at bay hill and full $1000000.00 . they've been, as you know, a lot of chatter about, about my game and the state of where it was at. and so it was nice to kind of come in here, was a good, a good mental attitude and to perform well under pressure. and you know, i think think today's around was,
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was really special for me going forward. i don't really look at the world rankings very often. but with that being said, it's nice to be number one. i'd much rather be number one, the number 2. but it's something that i don't try to focus on. it's not something i place my identity in. you know, for me is a golf or i just try to put the work in. and just because you make it at the top, the mean, the work almost gets more difficult to stay there. you know, it's a challenging thing and everybody, i guess now is kind of looking up at me at the top of the rankings and, you know, trying to, trying to take me down. and so in order to stay up there, you gotta, you gotta put in a lot of work. and we'll finish with pictures from the 2nd largest cross country skiing event in the well moving 11000 people took pos in the 55th edition as the, and get in scheme medicine in switzerland escapes from 67 nations. rice b. 42 kilometers. as you can see, some with quicker than others. all right, that is a useful for now have will be like to 0. all right, joe, got to ask of there with all your sports use. thank you so much,
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joe. and one more thing before we let you go, israel's war on gaza has cast a shadow over the oscar ceremony protest as rallied outside the red carpet event. while inside the big whit, or was the $1000000000.00 box office hit about the nuclear bombs, which ended the 2nd world war. oppenheimer took home 7 awards, including best picture wilson divert reports. as the hollywood came together to honor itself on the night when the world around it is a war, demonstrators gathered near the event, calling for a ceasefire in god's. their presence was felt and not only because the protests delayed los angeles traffic and actors inside were artist for cease fire pins to show they support in israel's are sold, remy yusef, to place a supporting role in the film. poor things told variety what the symbol meant. what
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come for immediate permanent ceasefire in gaza. we're calling for peace and justice . last thing, justice for the people of palestine. and i think it's a universal message of just let stop killing kids. quite a most of the kids. but on the oscar stage, real wars, those on going in those in the past were a constant thing. the zone of interest, a start historical portrait, of the domestic life, of an architect of the holocaust. one for best international feature film, it's director jonathan glazer used his moment to highlight the horrors of the present. right now we started here was man who refused the jewishness. and the whole, of course, being hijacked for an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people. what are the victims of upside of the what are the victims of october, the 7th and israel? well,
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the ongoing attack and gaza all the victims of this tissue and as i should war took home the award for non fixed someone milestone. 20 days in mary o books. a tense film about journalists covering the early days of records more on ukraine, behind the front lines. one best document officials live and it was war. and the question of how to remember its worst extremes that was subject to the film, but gather the most awards and total best picture director, actor and 4 other trophies, went to oppenheimer until we made a film about the demonic, created the atomic bomb. and for better for worse, we're all living in oppenheimer's world. so i would really like to dedicate this to the peace makers everywhere. with so many play conflicts ranging far from hollywood . it's not clear who can play that role in the real world. wilson dies or elders 0 are ok, we're going to take a very short break here on alpha 0 will resets and we'll be back in the very top, the hour with
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a full slate of one stay within the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big boys informed opinions we don't live in a post colonial award. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera, on counting the cost, the u. s. economy is to think that many americans can't afford to buy a whole and because being on the g 20 agenda as a global tax on 1000000000 is coming plus checking. the baggage fees are reco. what highs our airlines hiding the real cost of travel? counting the cost analysis here
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the or
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the palestinian to spend the 1st day of remedy on picking through the rubble as is really attached across the strip continue the so venue it's good to have with us. this is your life and also coming up the is really forces beat palestinian worshippers after blocking access to the lots and most of the compound


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