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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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smith, obviously the, the and is really are striking. it's one of the few remaining u. n. a centers in southern gaza at least 5 people are killed, including one winner. what member of stuff the, you're watching, all the 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also ahead . a warning of famine and hate to the united nation says 4000000 people face acute food and security. nigerian gunman holding more than 280 students on staff
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report as we make our ransom to demand their release. wise social media giant, tick tock, finds itself caught between the us and chinese governments and facing a possible balance. the hello, the time is now 20 gmc 10 pm in gaza. where is really shows have had a united nations humanitarian distribution center in the south. at least 5 people were killed. nearly a $155.00 un installations have been gone since israel started it's war in october . on more than a 100 employees of the u. n. agency for palestine. refugees have also been killed, including doctors and engineers. oh, but i don't know if this is only a a yeah, that are going love i was, this is for a bit and we are international institution. all of this is for the people we
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stopped returning to our homes and that we work your day and night to serve refugees. we take all of this to the elderly and the children. what is this? well, the headphone or was released the statements on the attack saying today's attack on one of the very few remaining owner wide distribution centers and the gaza strip comes as food supplies are running out. hunger is wide spread and in some areas turning into famine, he goes on to say every day in our wash chairs, the coordinates of its facilities across the gaza strip, with parties to the conflict is really army receive the coordinates of this facility yesterday. while the un secretary general spokesman stefan to jericho, the also condemned is really a talk on an owner or a facility and drop off. he says this is just another example of the danger faced by humanitarian workers. in the besieged gauze, a stress it has a negative impact on our ability of staff to, to, to work. it has
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a negative impact on the ability of those who need aid to get aid. it's, it's another, it's another tragic symbol of the conditions under which or humanitarian colleagues work every day in um, in gaza. officer a thought about zillow is joining us now on the phone from southern gaza to target . as we're saying this attack is on one of the very few remaining owner, i distribution centers and gaza. what impact is this having on people who are already starving? it is there and in fact to the attract today has been carried out and in the warehouse belonged to the united nation or a country leafy. don't see that provides a human to target services for more than 1900000 palestinians right now here before . now as everyone knows that the attack has result of the kindle fires palestinians including one of the on the west huffman does. but if a to ration is really getting die, as people are completely depends,
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are going to united nations in order to receive pates and they have been facilitating the process of a distribution. since day one of the fighting on the d as in united nation, have been multiple, moving from one place to another in terms of services because it's basically funding. but right now the bombardment happens in an area that has been designated as a safe zone for old palestinians who have been fleeing from such areas of heights and right now in doing a roof. or it means that any further attacks and maybe a distribution centers, it means that there's going to be much more aggravating humanitarian crisis, which are really the situation right now on the ground is down as people are not really, you think a sufficient amount of the military supplies, but they are getting the minimum race with humanitarian assistance that can help them to keep with the situation. and now it seems that is when it's been apparently target things you're interested at the is. and at the same time, they are trying to target to use costs,
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which are securing the humanitarian supplies troops that are heating to the united nation distribution centers. as an ongoing efforts by the has been admitted to, to create assets in case of the case on the ground to reflect just to force people to completely feel unsafe. and this is the real, not many of the palestinians are afraid of. the humanitarian 8 was won't be face finding more to operate on the ground. it means that there's going to be much more dwindling of a human to charge and a deliveries to the most desperate people specifically that now we are in the month of ramadan and people are in a very desperate for humanitarian line theory. okay, thank you. todd at toyota of mazda and reporting for us from the, from the guys lester as well. the us that through state on sunday, blinking is holding talks with a uniform policy chief, joseph burrell, and washington burrell reiterated that error drops. and c roots are not a sufficient substitute for land, a deliveries. appreciate how you look. we need to clear the u. many tadja
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nexus to see by and that's good. that's not enough to cannot replace hundreds of trucks bite, sending body huge. the most important thing is to open the by line and continue working or started working on the 2 state solution to both of us us and you endorse it is the only way for a lasting peace. a funeral has been held for 2 people killed by is really forces during your rage and the occupied westbank. 2 hundreds of palestinians gathered in the janine refugee camp for the service. b is really incursion into the area lasted for nearly 6 hours. is really forces have killed $432.00 palestinians and the occupied westbank since israel began its war on garza last year. outsides it on my law is really forces shot dead at least
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2 palestinians during your raids near a military check point and a gene. another 3 were injured under being treated in hospital. the army says they were throwing stones at is really the palestinians have named the street in jericho. after aaron bush. no, he's the us aramon who died after setting himself on fire to protest. israel's war on does of the same bus. what are the reports from jericho in the occupied westbank? and we're here on the newly named aaron personnel street in jericho, the town council meeting unanimous decision to name the street after this man, but before his actions on february 25th. nobody living here. no palestinians, probably living across the occupied territories, even knew his name and active duty. us air for service spent just 25. he set himself on fire in front of us, really embassy in washington dc. it was a protest of israel's war on garza and his own government's role in it posted me
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and said was a powerful expression of solidarity. and he connected with people here, shot them have not a metal yet, but i felt that he will assembly someone who's so close to us who shares or the paint. i cried when i saw it, and i caught every time i do, this is the ultimate sacrifice at a time where no one seems to see us. we feed solely on one street sign may not change anything, but here in one of the longest, continuously inhabited cities in the world, the gateway, the palestine. aaron bush, nels name lives on how the engine, the palestinians in jericho this service month. jericho was a tourist destination and we wanted his street to link to the main one in our city . so people would know that palestinians are strongly connected to those who share their love for freedom, independence, and rights. we have friends across the world who are ready to sacrifice in order to end domestic as the mayor of jericho says he hopes to invite aaron's family as
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official guests to see the town. to see that despite the fact that his death was so tragic, what he did is earned him a special place in the hearts and minds of the people posted in you and say that what aaron did. hearing his final words free power made them feel c. and for that, he will soon be forgot the same bus robbie, olga 0 jericho and the outside westbank to hate, you know, were plans to deploy you on back for us to restore order on hold of the prime minister. are yo on reset, but he will step down. this comes as the world food program warns of looming fun and agency says 4000000 people in haiti are facing acute food and security. it's been distributing humanitarian aid from existing reserves and made a renewed wave of gang violence, but the w. f. p says that it will run out of stock within weeks. it's on home and
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as more from santo domingo and the neighboring dominican republic. i hate see, is really in a moment of white thing right now, and that's because in a few rates between power being countries, the united states and also have permanent access within pay see itself that was agreed for a transitional council to be announced. this is going to be 7 people with a vote to observe us from public society and to safe grades. they're going to decide what the next interim prime minister of the country is, how to kick start the elect tool prices. remember that the country hasn't had the elections, but i use, i know, so how to get going the deployment of a police keeping fools from that kenya that's meant to try to come in and restore order in the country. the problem is the, at the moment, they're all the names of who's actually going to be on that transitional count. so patient, political groups seem to still be deciding that within themselves. meanwhile,
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that seems to be a sense of law at the moment in the country, off to the recent extreme, violence out on the streets, the storming of police stations, the mass breakouts from prisons as perhaps even the country's own powerful gangs. wait to see what's going to happen. the wall that's going on. there's also a dire situation with food security. moving 4000000 people at the moment, don't have food security in the country says the world food program. they will so say that more than a 1000000 people are in danger. assignments in hate. see. so the situation remains a cute in the country. don't home. and i would just say the incentive domingo, the dominican republic gunmen and nigeria are demanding a ransom for the release of $286.00 students and staff work if not from the ton of kareka in kaduna state last week. because not 1st of demand that's $620000.00 and
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threatened to kill the hostages if that's not received within 20 days. for those abductions and could do not. are the latest in a series of group kidnappings by gunmen, in the last 48 hours another 61 people were taken from the village of buddha. in that same states. this latest wave comes almost 10 years after 276 school girls from to bulk in the northeast were kidnapped. some of those girls are still on, accounted for. nigeria has attempted to clamp down on the abductions in 2022. we passed the law imposing the death penalty in some cases, although no one has ever been charged controversially. people who pay ransoms are also at risk of a 15 year jail sentence. awesome identities. how's the latest on the tanica drew near the village of buddha. as this problem is, must say we're talking about 600 rad victims, keep not within
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a period of one week in northern nigeria alone, we're not talking about those that we haven't heard before. then military. then i did a military which is taking the lead in legal process, i guess, branded, i guess all season that the delta i guess picking up as it gets called just i guess people who want to separate a separate homeland the be off or in the south east of the country are the big, these are the people the military is confronted right now. and in every state you do get to hear about kid. nothing's newton austin, not always the military. it's almost great. in addition to dealing with other critical issues, they are restrict you have 350000 policemen in this country. in the words of one governor, i spoke to recently that i know enough boots on the ground, we met some locals. we also met people who really estate on the night of the invasion by the standards. for example, one woman, as for me, that when the band is broken throughout whom the one looking for a husband and when she couldn't produce it, after you did under the bed,
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they took it away and then they full start to carry lots of luggage and which she said that she couldn't handle then shortly after as they start moving out of town. there was a military portfolio that arrived and that was when the attention of the bandits was divided. she to better for 20, to drop the bags and run as fast as she could, while still ahead on alta 0, dealer since we're just a 150 meters down the track, we can hear them. still seeing darkness will be on patrol and rural thailand, where wild elephants are rammed, pitching at night. the unsettled tuck upfront takes on the biggest series of as to what is happening now. it is a cool thanks. 3 question,
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question 5 upfront without 0. what do you consider amazing alexis, we believe in the luxury of choice. introduce our export, the y each. the power of session with you energy reveals itself analysis of a plugin hybrid electric. now let me tell you, i'm outside. it covers the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like common here, sits on with a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer
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somebody probably equal resorted in gun the the, [000:00:00;00] the here is a reminder of the top stories on how to 0. this. our plans to deploy un back for us to restore order on fools after 5 minister arial on reset, that he will step down. and this comes, the world food program warns from blooming simon agency says $4000000.00 people in haiti are facing acute food and security gunman and nigeria yard, demanding a ransom of $620000.00 for the release of 200 and 86th students. and stuff they were kidnapped from
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a ton of kareka and kids from the state is really shelves have had a un humanitarian distribution center in southern gaza, killing at least 5 people. nearly a 155 un installations have been gone since israel started its war in october. in northern garza palestinians are finding it hard to give loved ones, a dignified burial. but one man is making it his duty to give his deceased brother are respected. send off with the help of kindness from strangers rental, a con reports just a warning to our viewers, so may find the images disturbing us on a desolate coastal road in northern casa, i need crunches next to the lifeless body of his brother hospital. he's in shock despite his mental state sites clear on his duty to get hudson's body to the mor
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good, i'll ship a hospital with the feeling of several men come to help on foot and surrounded by devastation in silence. they start out then more people join them, providing an abandon shopping cart. the sight recounts what happens when the machine and the little thing in the way up and then walking and holding a white flag heading south with several other fine died and then a tank shell fell from above to, along with my brother was holding my 2 year old nephew, when the attack happens, i don't know where he is though. i tried to retrieve my brother's support and he's
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ready to continue cheating at us. the x in the holding onto his dead brother's ankle. so you've never leaves his side. on reaching l ship a hospital site is consoled by people he meets and asking questions about his link brother, the members of a community shattered by war coming together to help a stranger the sides obligation to his brother has been filled. how soon his journey is now complete, the rental of han out is here. the us house of representatives has overwhelmingly
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approved of bill that would force it's chinese owners to sell tick tock. it calls for its parent company by dance to sell its shares within 6 months. supporters say chinese ownership poses a national security risk, a tick tock denies any ties with the chinese government. our fisher, how's the story? the bill is passed without the objection and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the moving us house of representatives took a step towards binding picked up the chinese owners of the social media use by around a $170000000.00 americans would have 6 months to sell it to us opperation or piece of nationwide. but critics argue the company works too closely with the chinese communist party and could seize us user data and even push a political agenda. you wouldn't allow a radio tower owned by the chinese to be put up right in the middle of washington dc and then allow it to just put out chinese propaganda. you're probably
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complaining about that. that's exactly what tick tock can be used for. tell congress to not be in tech talk, so i think talk so the possible band coming and us content creators mobilize to object some lawmakers think the bill doesn't address key issues. who are going to tell americans? a client can't put a piece of software on their computer. they can't go to certain websites that the president designates. president joe biden says it could be a national security risk. bypass all fine. the chinese government before the motion passed, criticize the idea of a sale or for the bad thing that i think was may voucher to me which all although the us has not found any evidence of tick tock threatening national security to it has never called going to take talk, step step on any social media platform could face court challenges over the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate and there are no plans even to give it a heating. never mind,
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devote one 1st amendment expert says the idea of government going after social media should kill everyone. i think it's a terrible bill. i think that runs rough shod over the 1st amendment, and that it is a kind of gift to authoritarians all over the world. who will use this as a pretext to, to, to crack down on their own citizens, access to information and ideas and media from abroad. when president donald trump issued an executive order binding take talk, but rescinded it when the court ruled, it had not been established. it was a clear and present national security threat, which makes it talk to see the disappearing from american phones any time soon. allan fisher, i'll just see that capitol hill. the high court in vermont has ruled the opposition and evict to r n a. and as the buyer can not stand in presidential elections in july, he was pardoned in 2018 after serving 8 years of a 15 year prison sentence for terrorism and genocide. an under rwandan law,
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anyone jailed for 6 months or more cannot stand for office. he's a critic or president called it paul t, tom a who's been in power for 24 years after. and so it has more from the county and capital nairobi. this is a big blow to victoria in gab it is. she's a problem in that opposition. a politician in wanda, she's one of the few who are still in the country. several others are in exile and she wanted to run for an elective position during as this is the general election. so she went to court to have us criminal records funds in gabby that attempted to vice president in 2010 the challenge of president of pull gunman. she
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was but after that she was a convicted for among other things, denying genocide which is a fry in wanda. and she was in prison for 8. yes. and she was handling the 2018 the she's been very quiet since then until now on the still picking i just picked up. wanda is a country that does not respect the new what i'm fighting for is to establish lose that respect democracy in human rights. the judge based his rulings on emotions. this encourages me to continue the fight home by the election about 3 months. and it's expected that the president, the government, is going to win. he does not have a nice strong competitors and we have been hearing over the years that
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the government has stifled democracy and has been shot things out of critical voices. so lots of rondon say that say they don't expect any surprises in that election cast. we saw this here on our own efforts to protect endangered elephants in thailand have led to another problem. as populations of wild elephants have grown, some have strayed into areas inhabited by people to find food with tragic results. as tony chang reports from eastern thailand, 7 people had been killed by elephants. in the past 2 months alone, the group would fall into search for clues, as dusk pools in eastern time and the targets a. how does a sports then? you might think. these are the lesson hunters wild elephants here have adapted, hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites up
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to 400 kilograms of 2 today. withdrawal in the mass of the forest, and on to phones. while they trying to avoid contact with humans, when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. i have to dump miss polls. volunteers come to join the hunt a few around. but that's just for protection comedy. maybe it's not really a job to have to any friends. we're more like spots is. we're trying to make sure that the elephants don't go to the community. but these elephant education center, they try to track the other funds that kate everyone and how to react when they encounter the time to the elephant population has been increasing. and people have to come across safe to protect themselves and their property. some at the same time, the funds have become all aggressive. so it is small friction between humans and animals, went to the left and hunters raced through the countryside, search lights pointing into the thick forest. many people in this area right now
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too scared to go out at nights. these are not the plunges packee dams many imagined them to be silent and stealthy. they can creep up in the dock. that's what happened to ties maybe last month. rubber tap is have to work in the cool of the night, but it's a huge risk. okay, non gaap could, oh, my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time when the elephant ended up stumbling him to death. then a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community system or imaging during takes off. and this time there in lock 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we could have them still thing in the darkness, but they're heading off into the forest and the elephant onto the theme. there's no threat unless they decide to turn back. as the volunteer is showing lights that it to them, they move away,
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but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food and an elephant never forgets tony cheng l to 0. touch on south eastern thailand as well. we'll have more news at the top of the hour, but upsets us inside story, which will be looking at how the us intelligence community is view of from us the gaza award. and the is really prime minister and his government the, brought to you by visit castle had a lot of that was on down on the in australia, on the monsoon 12 as we developed across the north of the country where he was the risk of rain, some fund the storms and as well as the risk of some tropical flight clothes in the days. and we got a couple of swelling systems here. one of those is expected to put into the north of w a. it's going to bring a very heavy rain. we've already seen flooding down in the south of western
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australia and you can see that boomerang shape that's set to pull more rain to most southern areas of the next few days. but past managers to stay dry, the temperature setting in the early thirty's, we'll see some where to where they're starting to creep in along the east coast with new south wales without rain folding and sidney trophies attempt to down $25.00 degrees celsius the on friday. now, temperatures will be coming down across new zealand. something of a cool change coming in the days ahead. with the weather pouring into the very south, it'll eventually ripple its way north with some heavy falls to come from the north on an open at 22 degrees. celsius the on friday. and rain is still the story across much of southeast asia, especially down in the south. we go that ribbon of rain pouring into pots of indonesia, bringing a flock of risk to java as well as silhouette. see how to show us to come to northern parts of the philippines. on friday, the weather brought to you by visit castle
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a week to look at the world's top business stores. how much is the rebuilding going to cost? who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects our daily lives? how big a problem is going on? food insecurity. counting the cost on down to 0, the us intelligence agencies have concluded, a mass cannot be destroyed a quarter a movie. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has most of this on the slogan garza? so why does the u. s. continuing to from israel to fight to war, it doesn't believe can be one. this is inside story. the
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color that are on james base is, or i will face armed resistance for my mass for years, and the groups vast tunnel network and gall so won't be destroyed. in addition is


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