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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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governments and ask for the legal on groups have expanded their control over columbia territory in 2023 back in shelter to get these to sharing a medium meal with their families. not knowing when and if they will be able to return home. the children and dogs are rushed to hospital often is really striking. minnesota can kills at least the other on the clock. this is out 0 life from the ha also coming from industry nets and yahoo has lost his way. yes, the us senate, top of the democrats says israel's need is an obstacle to peace and calls for new elections,
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leaderless and lawless. pay to spirals and decay on the side of the prime minister ariel already pledged to resign. and now as far as broken out of the national prison plus the space, 6 mega rocket blast off the world's largest rock. it ever built reach of space but fails on re entering the . so we'd be getting dogs away. is there any forces have continued their limits bombardment to the strip? any 69 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. they include 9 members of the same family at the el bridge refuge account in central gaza, is ready for it is also targeted food and a distribution warehouse. in the midst of rep come, 8 people being killed. garza sits, the 6 palestinians were killed while waiting to collect food parcels is ready for
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us as a repeatedly open fire on civilians trying to find a humanitarian. a meanwhile, more supplies to be. ne dropped into northern garza. people that rushed to the dropped zones invited a 2nd ship bound for gauze was being loaded with aid. is it for pest to depart from cypress at the wells? central kitchen chairs, he says, $300.00 tons of food packed on board. the 1st ship carrying $200.00 tons of supplies is due to reach garza that's on friday. charges of criticize the car. don't think anybody moorland crossings with trucks would be more effective out 0 target versus him is in rough or with will a trailer in the past few hours, in fact has been up scaling its military attacks across different areas. the only in the middle areas of the territory, but one of the most inc, it was one of the most latest attacks had been carried out, was known as a rod truck through g cam,
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after residential house being completely flat 10 to the ground or at least a far as palestinians have reported killed, we've also dozens of injuries that are still under the russell as more rescued as it topping maids in order to recover them. but also we have been hearing in the acts of movement for the use of a minute treat. so they lives in trends and fight tickets, and in fact he roof off as we were approaching over a fast, we heard the loud explosion in the middle areas of breath, the wherever the been show house has been targeted with new casualties. report says that that these really helps also explain which is in clos, continue to be clearly of a hedge and decided at pos at the city of han, eunice, we're back to the are still ranging between almost points, isn't it? usually the sewage is the situation and the conditions and gods are completely shocking on sustainable and really desperate some. and a recent piece becomes so also on site for 8 c, cuz to use as a distribution centers have been targeted by the has been admitted to we've been
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seeing got p up skating and attacks against these areas. yes. today are you on our own facility that is responsible for just a few things. it has been bonded on today. another one in the middle areas specifically and, and mr. rod, a refugee camp has been picked where it palestinians that have been killed. all right, let's get a picture of the medical situation on the ground. we can speak no to mohammed ali, my student who is an emergency medicine physician who just came back from working at the does a european hospital join just not from did born in the state of michigan a my haven't briefly festival. just tell us why you decided to go into gaza on the page. so the, because i found it as of duty for myself, i was a physician to help as much as i. okay. when i found out that. ready position that was able to go, i found it incumbent upon themselves to go so. all right, so you must have had expectations of course,
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because there's been so much coverage about what's going on. but how does that measure up to what you actually experience? tell us about that. so of course i'm, you know, i know, so i'm going to but obviously when they get the see what's really going on and they situation very dire. heard about things are that of course, i mean um, if something bad 1000 people were in the hospital and so people living in the hallways, some people have 1070 perhaps she's on bonds the whole night and reset the bonds every night in the privacy by my night for psychological mystery when the people in institutions are there any, do you see a lot of pediatric patients are coming and a lot of the children that were affected by shot those. the gunners how many days? i don't want me to come in a lot of actually one of the 0 reports can be to and i honestly, i was the one that you can the are you guys actually footage on that as well,
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but in a position to being targeted uh, most of the hospitals and um yeah, it was very sad situation for the tasks that needs it may need struck no, uh, injuries that you were saying is that the bulk of the wounds that were coming in. yeah. the both of them is mostly the bonds. uh, you know like concrete, um the probably give you some kind of shot. what was the one that makes it due to the managers? the bombings was the reason why i'm also increasing there. what about medical treatment? certain amounts of aid have been getting in. do you think nice is the ability in any way to treat the victims a toll. it is really difficult to see how much stuff is actually getting in because the house and the crossing agents in palestine. um, even the issue not only is, were not allowing stuff to go and they were like a 1000 miles and miles of uh,
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trucks and the nature of static trying to get in with it with their police. because that is really wouldn't allow them to get in and even when they get in, they want to make people in the house. i've told me that they would do such a situation where a 80 percent of the one that was going was water. so people courtesy wouldn't have slowly and in the national medical equipment, even when i was in, it was short a medical equipment. and so they had to find innovative ways to do surgeries and anesthesia for patients, so they will still paint. so tell us about what, what kind of things where they innovating, how they make you do so. so, um, well my role was the physician, right? so i would say the lives of patients must of cut into yard and i'll put it in a chest because as long as they need glass and so on and so forth. and then we would have to send them to the award for operations. so it's anesthesia, obviously we'll try to do at least as they can, they don't said if they don't have an occasion to put the patient explained on her job extension. there was something called
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a nerve block and then will they block nerve that goes down the legs? so the patient to eat paint when they do have probation on the lake. but i mean, things were very limited given, but even after training is gonna ended as possible. all right, we could talk that for much, much more time, but we are out of time if we do appreciate you painted a picture of just how the situation is in the same room. thank you. the united states, the senate majority leader, chuck schumer has coal for elections in israel describing department as have been made, you know, who has a major obstacle to pace. it is the strongest criticism. yes, by senior american official netanyahu's kindly of the conflict in garza. but the state department says the comments are stream is not the byte and ministrations. i also believe prime minister netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the best interest of these 3.
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he has put himself in coalition with far eyes fixed far right extreme is like ministers, smoke tricking vandevere and as a result, he has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in gaza, which is pushing support for his real worldwide to his star. it loads is real, cannot survive if it becomes a pariah or we don't correspond as covering this on both sides. it lands because it might, we can speak to him to salute who's an occupied history. some refreshments get more from washington, dc from the white house in fact, uh, white house correspondent company, how could i, kimberly john, surprisingly this is really stuff things up. it's unprecedented. isn't it? it is what so shocking about this is not only is this coming from a high ranking us official in the us congress, but chuck schumer also identifies with the jewish faith. so this is remarkable in
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that he is jewish, and he is a us senator and anyone who has followed us politics will know. 2 that in there really is iron clad support for decades in the us congress for israel. and so to see a departure like this, that is so point is so critical of israel is not really shocking. but as you mentioned, unprecedented, he made very strong comment saying that benjamin netanyahu is an obstacle the piece he's lost his way. and he essentially is using is really politics for political survival and allowing that and those interest to supercede the interest that is real. and i think the other thing that is really notable in all of this isn't reflects something that is more domestic in nature here in the united states. and that is the frustration with the binding administrations support of israel as war
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and gaza, particularly within the democratic party. and given that this is an election year, he is local icing, that frustration and the fact that there are concerns about the ongoing support for israel, particularly the military support in tune of billions of dollars annually. right? and the u. s. has imposed new sanctions on on central is tell us more about that can be yeah, well the state department has done this for the 2nd time and as many months as a result. 6 of what it sees is in action by is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government and they warned, and warned, and cautioned and cautions. without any action they said they would take action if in the face of in action. and now they have done it yet again. they have section 3 settlers, a 2 illegal outposts in the westbank for violence against palestinians in the west
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bank. and they say they will continue to do so as long as this violence continues. because they say that these really, governments simply has not been doing enough to protect palestinians, can be thanks. so that's, that can be how get that in washington dc. well, let's say we're probably 2 occupied east jerusalem having to salute this dining by for us there. and what do we mean hearing from, from these, right, so i from netanyahu's and policy about on surprisingly, nathaniel who's ruling look good party releasing of statements slamming the remarks from the us. senate majority leader are saying that israel is an independent and democratic country that elects their own leaders and not quote, a banana republic and further went on to say that these really prime minister is in fact emanating these policies that are supported by a vast majority of these really public now this is just a continuation of the risk we're seeing between both american and his early
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officials on how to send young one. his party had been prosecuting this war. also you'd been hearing from his rails opposition. tell us about the of what we've been hearing from several is really officials within the opposition. let's begin with the opposition leader. you're the piece who said that nothing yahoos policies are further pushing away israel's allies around the world. specifically, the united states saying, but nothing yahoo is quote, doing this on purpose. now we're also hearing from benny gans, one of netanyahu's, other political rivals, but a member of the country is wor, cabinet, who actually said that chuck schumer made a mistake in those remarks and that any sort of external interference with in israel and it's elections or who with leader is, is both quote incorrect and shouldn't be done. all right, thanks for that. the honda civic in our bodies truth and thankful. now israel says
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it will impose new restrictions on access to the likes and mosque on fridays during the muslim holy month of ramadan. any worshippers with southern permits will be able to enter the grounds, access to the site will end by 5 pm local time. a restricting worship is from performing press off to the brakes that 5 pallets name president is not going to box his name. having the stuff as a new prime minister of the policy and also his appointment follows mounting pressure to, to reform the governing body of the occupied west by stuff. it will have 3 weeks to form. a new cabinet is replacing the former prime minister, but how much should you be resigned in february? the to the news i'd hate the spiraling out of control in the absence of lead and under the pressure of on gangs fight is broken down to the national prison in the capital for the prince. tends to form a transitional council to shape the country's political future. sold fragments to
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our long re, you stuck in puerto rico, has promised to resign, but only once a council is for them to select an interim government. united nations has begun with drawing. it's non essential us and it is similar to reduction of the footprint, but more importantly, it's a rejected ring of the configuration of people. so some people who don't need to be physically in haiti are being moved to the dominican republic to work remotely. others who have specialized ations that are more needed, notably on uh, on the to medicare and crisis. and, and coordination are coming in, let's say now from john holden and who has more from center domingo in neighboring dominican republic. it was meant to be a raised eva yesterday, wednesday i was to say at the state and local time discount. so actually my colleague, rosalie and jordan in the state department briefing,
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who just put that question to the state department spokesman, matthew miller. all the us worried at the moment that then that this still hasn't been full discounts and that there seems to be in spite and downright rejection of it will not be miller said to her is that it's his understanding the in the last few hours, the names have been put forward by different political blocks, full this count so. so he is saying, well, the state department is saying that they seems to be in motion that there is some movement on it, which is no, we've been hearing so far. so it seems to be hard from the point of view on this transitional counts and my colleagues, rosalie, do so asked him if there's a plan b, if this doesn't work and he said he doesn't on so high protect, it goes and so on the one side you have a lead is like d for late saying that an outright rejection. russo got the power from gang lead to jimmy. today's here. remember the gainesville can probably move in 80 percent of
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both the prince, the capital, by some estimates. also saying that he, that he rejects this count. so, but on the other side of political factions, if the us state department is to really believe a now at least going forward and moving on, this is still a head here and down to 0 is implicitly distress that we already know. wait, continue, was fixing that expression, religion or belief? yes, the u. k. government snaring his definition of extremism, prompting pushed back from groups the science and the limits in protest on free speech plus rob reynolds, us mexico border in california, where migrants from countries all over the world are gathered on this barren hilltop. camping out in the elements and hoping they will get a chance to claim a sign with the united states, the
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color of the weather starting increasingly spring like now across so much of northwest jarrett, platinum brains must be showers streaming in from the atlantic, the sun, sunshine in between and it's a good deal, mild, and it has, but not too bad. it's a central pos for now with the high pressure in charge in this area of light pressure, right? but by the black sea that's in the process of fixing. it has as easy as a little further a specifics. think what a rush the shower has some of the wintry and nice of that across the duck. yeah. okay. are you seeing if you arrange showers as is the case to into remain? yeah, a little ridge of high pressure keeping it somewhat dry to the west of that. but what, so what are those showers they will continue to stream in across the north west go from thinking well we went back don't particularly stuff. east deposits got to know if these things live, few showers that will the way down towards the south and into the good parts of front. so low countries and germany old pushing further east was still dusting his
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knife for time a with the ops and it just baltimore the west. know that pushing across the sky to maybe at least by the race was they will try stuff and then it comes more, right. and it will push its way into the north west for saturday, then bothers stays fronts. i might just buy the posts. go allows you to drive as long as you try to, of course, a good part of north africa. plenty of wind just around this hall, right. and there is a few showers for the final feast of libya. the from dawn to dusk. be nice to miss. he has relentless on a mother's toils, knows no risk. her determination fused by love alone. she labours for skunked reward, enduring every hardship in the hope of securing life, changing, searching for daughter to an easiest fields of recipients. a portray of the of ocean with this on
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a just the the, [000:00:00;00] the other day you watching out. is there a reminder about top stores? and is there any forces to continue the ribbon sponge? bob mintz with the gaza strip can at least $69.00 pulse. the news in the past 20 for us is really for us is also from the food and a distribution warehouse. in the midst of it cost us senate majority leader, chuck schumer has cooled for you. elections in israel, cooling 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. a major obstacle to peace, strong. this criticism yet see the american official of the younger
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and how you see a fire spread. now to the national president, the capital attempts to form a transitional council to shake the country's political future stoled apartments. the re is promised to resign. but any one for counsellors forms to select an interim government as well. the british government says unveiled a new definition even of extremism in response to an increase in hate. crimes against jews and muslims. groups are falling under the new definition will be unable to receive government funding will have dealings with ministers or civil 7th public demonstrations or gatherings will not be bad. thoughts. critics say that change does pose a threat to free speech or challenges more now from westminster as well. the actual text definition of extremism that the government is now using. there's no actually that different from the text that the definition that they were using
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from 2011. but that's not particularly important. what is important is the legal i'm the pending, what this definition does and also what is going to follow what the government is going to be doing next. now the government says that it is changing this definition so that it can back to allow itself to distance itself. the government from groups that may don't cross the threshold into criminality, but which the government doesn't side which of what for one, for which he wants to withhold. a government funding, government face time, legitimacy. the trigger for all of this is of course the all type of 70 tax for the israel and these rails was on cause and response. and the tide of islamic probably be an anti semitism that has these weddings in the u. k. since then, but there are many critics of this new move from the government. they point to some of them, the hypocrisy of the government,
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which has been much in scandals. all that is, i'm afraid of you and racism and sexism at the last few weeks. proposing to come up with all 3 minutes. and as i said, it's gonna be type seeing that controls times organizations performance of homeless . i can find it difficult to get all that so it will take them lots of time and money to appeal of that decision. and there are lots of people who say that this is going to disproportionately target islamic organizations within, within the u. k. i didn't dates the early list that has to be even announced by much guys in the house of commons, or groups that all guides be scrutinized states organization. so foss, 2 of them a fall right near, not see organizations. and 6 of them is i'm a groups where we challenge, how does era westminster london
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a month long protest by farmers in india or has intensify thousands of gavin and capital the wanting more states support and guaranteed corrupt prices that use prime minister moody's government failing to want a commitment to bring in reforms off the similar process 2 years ago by for level as well. the form is from northern india, gather in the capital, new den there, and reading month long protest calling for government intervention to improve. the livelihoods hasn't laid to results, but they're not backing down. they want, what they say was promised to them 2 years ago. i did it for the during the previous process, the government made several promises including the introduction of minimum crops about prices, hope with electricity, those alone neighbors. but they have done nothing on the farm is a rising input cost. so eating into what civil profits they're able to make. and the coupled by dates,
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the multi government has increased the price of electricity. they are looting after installing smart meters, they should provide electricity to farmers and stuff in keys inc. electricity charges and heavy police presence monitors the 5000 protesters given permission to gather in the capital. the driving force behind the mass action. the o in the form is union, is unequivocal in its dom ons. we are also giving a clause to the food a worker to read the valley, unite to do freed this week on it and coming to the government. one second hold on the farm is hoping their actions will have greater respect in the run up to a general election scheduled to take place within weeks the by the we boy cause inversion. protest against moody. we will vote for those who support farm is being pharma, should probably test against the prime minister all across the country. if the politicians escaped of anything,
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it is the bulk of the people in february union leaders and the government held full rounds of talks. but off the failing to reach a breakthrough. the mass demonstrations are scheduled for the end of march mike level. is there a hundreds of flights of being cancelled at 5 airports in germany, off the security stuff went on strike. at least 90000 passengers have been impacted . stuff wants to salary increase 5 businesses and better rates of the time. 5 rounds of negotiations of safe i failed to achieve breakthrough to rush or is preparing to hold as presidential election facing will be held over 3 days from friday until sunday. present, reflected the opinion is widely expected to wait another time until 2030. the other 3 presidential candidates rule under western sanctions and do not directly oppose preaching o rushes for in ukraine. late last year i was here. it was the 1st
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international news network to bring the world images of make shift migrant come spreading along the us mexican border migrants arrive after long john needs to request the so i live in the united states. thoughts, photo authorities say detention facilities are overwhelmed and are forcing them to stay outdoors exposed to the elements. reynolds has returned to the region to see how people are surviving. and so this report a top, a wind swept hill within sight of the border asylum seekers huddled around fires evening, chill the sense they come from china, turkey, india, brazil, georgia and other countries converging on a gap in the border wall. rodrigo peters, his wife, giovanna, and their 2 boys age 6 and 8 have just arrived. after walking through the hills for 2 days and nights they are from guatemala,
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rodrigo explains. the gang members approached him demanding money. refer over how do i know they told me we know where your children go to school so that we can do one of them. i live or do you want them this? within a few days, rodrigo and giovanni had sold everything they owned and fled their homeland. he called his mother who lives in los angeles. the money from us. yes mama, we're on the american side now. it was caused by we made it to a border patrol official comes by the most stations of food we are trying to find room for you. maybe it will happen tonight, but i'm not sure if i go with the help of the translation apps. the news spreads all the tents, blankets and other essentials of life, including food are provided here, not by any government agency,
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but by small volunteer groups and individuals. border patrol is not providing shelter, food, very little water. it gets down to $4.00 and $4.00 degrees celsius at night, and it's very windy. a few weeks ago, 2 children were taken out of a nearby camp after spending the night. they were both hospitalized for 3 of these harsh conditions violate a long standing court order on how asylum seekers should be treated. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants including children, left to fend for themselves in make shift camps like this one. so the attorneys that have brought an action to obligate border patrol to provide shelter, food, water, medical care, and other things, especially for children who are here. but really, for anyone who is being held in these conditions, as the peters family prepares to spend the night, a volunteer who asked,
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we not use his last name, phelps, rodrigo, set up a tent. we don't like seeing people suffering. i mean, i think there's a lot of suffering here of family up routed fleeing violence seeking asylum, bound together by low rob reynolds, l. g 0 near campbell, california for now then musk space x has successfully carried out the longest test flight of his massive, stylish it rocket to date, but it's failed to make it back to us. in one piece, the module was destroyed on approaching its lending points in the indian nation. we started our author, it took off from south east texas. a scholarship is vital to nothing's plans returned astronaut to the move like to this decade. i mean, thompson is a space don't come contributing and she explains the significance of this. that's fine. the previous to um, test flights of this rock it exploded um as the rock it was sort of making its way


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