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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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in bringing you husband loves to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts that's time. the desperate for food 20 palestinians waiting for aid and goes on or killed. and then it's really a time more than a $150.00, also injured and rushed the day. this is out of their life from doha. supposed as a set of goals or physician the that was smoking, so i'm gonna celebrate his release from prison. head of crucial presidential election armed forces of already and most covert voting is
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underway in the countries a presidential election on the struggle for survival on the streets of civilian scrambling for food and water as guns types and nicholas the at least 20 people had been killed by israeli fire, and garza and yes. and now the attack on palestinians waiting for 8 thousands of people with at the community round about. it's a key locations linking north and south concepts. more than a 150 people have been injured. many of them taken to nearby hospitals, so it's all said to have been fine for me, it is really helicopter. i claim that is where i was minute tree is the 9. this is the 2nd attack on that same round about today's us way. at least 2 palestinians were killed and several others wounded. and then there's really strength on a high and rough and dalia. another strike has
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a home in central garza killing 5 people, including 2 children. thousands of palestinians have been killed in this friday strikes in the. meanwhile, i'm also submitted. what it says is a new proposal and of ending the war on garza and supporting relief efforts, as well as returning refugees to their homes. its 100 wouldn't cause a comprehensive vision. it's a category and egyptian mediations and oracle and has more from occupied history. so that was a very quick reaction. just a few hours off to the him. a statement was released. this is from the is ready, prime minister's office. i will read it out. so it's quote from us to monitor on reasonable and will provide updates on this matter at the war council. now, a cabinet meeting along with the wine to secure the cabinet meeting will be held later on friday. where as i said, this will be discussed. but i just want to take you back over the negotiations and why this being such a breakdown that's the most off shuttle diplomacy in paris and also inquire us to
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try an addiction mediation. happy that's trying to brokers some sort of deal. i watched it before robert down, cause that didn't happen. now is why i didn't send a delegation to the car a told him i did, but then last contained that going to reconfigure. and now they've come out with the statements, but some of the major sticking points is israel is all him asked to provide a list of those copies of student life testing. garza must, haven't yet done that. so this has been a major issue for israel. so fox, a math has consistently said it was a full withdrawal of anxiety forces and also to have a permanent sci fi. this is a non negotiable for israel, so we're just going to have saved now what's being discussed in the cabinets. the secure cabinet leasing. and laura, it seems that israel is denying that a helicopter fired on the crazy round about what do we know to it's not unusual for
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the is ready for us is to to know i and the site today out. so often, you know, dent, hold and investigation, and these are often shrouded in secrecy. we very rarely hear the results. if they do, it's usually a better outcome for these right only now, i just want to reach out to statements from these ready forces in arabic, and it was on x for me. notice twitter. it says a report for incorrect. they're examining the details of the incident with the required accuracy in the cooling on the media to do the same. as i said, this is common practice for israel to, to not of the most health ministry. it's all to say at least 20 people are being killed. dozens of people are being injured and the problem is injured now taken to chief a hospital where there are very few results is to treat them. so they said this debt till may well rise of night elsewhere and all that medical team is recovered.
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more than a 1000 bodies and the ruins from out of town and con unit spots. in the south of casa, michael apple. it's the 1st time in weeks that medical teams have been able to reach from a town in a fun unit. it was designated as one of his rel, circled sites, zones in the cell. kind of fun with chris in teams weren't able to get into the area off these ready troops pulled out recovering the bodies of 15 people. what now looks apocalyptic. used to be a series of high rise apartment blocks that i needed to call y'all to i know where do i do just been i have beautiful memories here with my children, my grandchildren and my son, to load up the ship. he was taken by the east re lease at one of their tech points . i was told these are, these had to go. so i take to inspect the area of the entire block has been leveled by the east released memories in our entire lives,
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helping reduced to dust all your residents who pretend devastated homes. say there's more than just belongings lost beneath the roof. we got to ensure that it is definitely the most i'm all we are of the people under most of the buildings in this situation is dire. these are all you'll is destroyed in the world just watch is published and you know, people are falling apart. and here again, people are trying to advance the salvage what positions they can within the month. so we came to the city to inspect the damage and found destruction that is not just massive, horrifying. entire towns have been reduced to dust. houses and apartments have been built in costs, have been destroyed. the mind water pumps fading, the city with boulders and brook down to the ground, defiant, raise it, and say they will return and will rebuild. mike's level, how does their,
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as one of the highest ranking politicians in the united states has called the as rarely prime minister major obstacles to peace. democratic senator chuck schumer also criticized benjamin netanyahu. his tolerance and the civilian death told him, garza can be hosted with bolts from washington dc, a scathing review cuz it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the floor of the us senate. and that's in yahoo coalition no longer fits the needs of israel after october 7th. the world has changed radically since then. and these really people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past. the senate majority leader, chuck schumer says the is really prime minister, is an obstacle to piece schumer's the highest ranking. jewish elected official in us history utilities ever delivers, such as needs are criticizing and is really prime minister color over his handling
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of the war on gaza. and his rejection of a 2 state solution. more than $31000.00 palestinians have been killed and $73000.00 have been injured and is really a tax on god's since october 7th. as a result, many americans are no questioning israel's nearly $4000000000.00 in annual military assistance, or didn't take long for schumer's remarks to be condemned by republicans. it is grotesque and hypocritical for americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy. to call for the removal of the democratically elected leader of israel. this is unprecedented on social media is really a basset, or is calling the comments unhelpful and counter productive to our common goals
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demonstrate to the war and goes up. it has become such a nightmare. both morally and in terms of us interest that is creating a possible dramatic major rift between democratic leaders and mainstream american leaders and is around center shimmers criticisms come as us president joe biden's administration on thursday. section 3 is rarely settlers and to illegal outposts in the occupied west. beg for acts of violence committed against palestinians is yet another barrier. the binding administration says toward achieving peace kimberly held kit al jazeera, the white house, the moving on some on the walls and use in senegalese. i'll positionally that was motherfucker has been released from jail. supporters have been gathering at phone
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gray's house and in other parts of the capital. as you see fellow bracing his release. a presidential candidate, backed by the opposition, has also been freed. their release is come just ahead of the presidential election, which is scheduled for march. 24th of correspondent nicholas hock has worn out from the senegalese capital stucco. the getting bigger as people opposition leader the delay the election orders. 2 this moment
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victory presents for the entire nation. look what is happening around the use of the one change. we want some clean power to i said is more than 6 months in prison. he was arrested for charges and is arrest motivated to eliminate him from the presidential election until his liver ration is seen as the moment of legally married people here the 1st time voters and that c n d and some new salvage bids offers as a leader. but it's also a real break from president martin. so
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and so that for that is certainly the big it a lindsey like bar 0, rushes are 1st present and so election since its invasion of ukraine is underway. holes i have literally just opened about 12 minutes ago, and laska version will be held over 3 days from friday to sunday. present bottom appears, and as all that sat in twin and all the time which were then lost until 2030 young russians had been speaking to algebra about their hopes and aspirations. usually a couple of oliver has the story from oscar. for a generation of young russians left him, a patient is the only lead that they have of a noun with his election test. if to all but said we are several to assess his presidency and look toward the future. the,
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i'll go to the pools and cast my vote for flooding and putting, because a lot has been done for our country, especially for myschoolbucks, where a young family we have many social benefits, like maternity capital, which we can invest in a house whom i'm a political i don't discuss the conflict and you claims anyone, including my husband and relative, my children live here, isolated from it locally, none of my close ones are at the front desk. unlike valentina, atlanta is less optimistic for several years, has been a volunteer helping political prisoners, including her boyfriend who was sentenced to 5 years. go staging a performance near the kremlin to ball connection, or i think it's predictable that situation. colorado is non predictable, told things, involvement, want to make people seem cars at avalon support for team support tools. but when use be players are you might, people is not likes it for several years. 23 year old liza has worked as
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a volunteer in an organization dealing with the problems of domestic violence. because obviously over the past 7 to 10 years, the situation's been getting worse. our statistics show in 2021, out of a total number of domestic violence victims. about 65 percent of women were killed . the russian orthodox church ignores women's desire for independence. a real months as young people are uncertain about the futures. when the mobilization of reservists was announced in september 2022 people were clueless about what would happen to them in 2 weeks. authorities have driven us into what is called the special military operation. and they don't know themselves how to get out of it. for my little students, so that's i used to study history cinema and lou with lights that we do to censorship in one year. purchase the stock. i have a cost and feeding of the i'm not scared when i see the police. if i go out into the street and i see strangers, i carefully choose my words. i cannot say anything about you create
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a sketch to pronounce to what rule. so despite old as says and t hope is still bad, and these concerns inspirations will be heard by the next president. he's going to lead russia for the next 6 years. you lash above oliver ultra 0 most guy. well that's go live now to most go. we're all correspondent, dosage vari is as imposing station for us those. what are we looking for over the coming 3 days, especially in terms of time out of the test? well, many here believe that the selection of the conclusion is forgotten that they will be expect. the current president vladimir is putting to continue his reign in power for another 6 years. this is the 1st time the in russia that the elections are going to be held on or during the 3 day period. this was decided. so to give the, the nearly a 112000000 people that are eligible to vote in the country. a chance to do so. so
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we've got 3 days of voting across 11 time zones. and of course there's voting in those attics, regions of ukraine as well. that russia antics in september of 2022 loading there began on monday due to the at difficult situation in those regions. and the security concerns. and the main thing that many people will be looking for is a voter turnout, as well as what percentage of the votes slattery put, and we'll get here in 2018. he receives just about 76 percent of the vote. so i think many are expecting him to, at the beach, that number given as the support he has in the country at the moment. but of course not everyone is behind the president's. there's been a number of critics who have not been able to make it into the presidential valid. there's 4 candidates in total including vladimir, put in. so there is a sense that this election is important. more than anything for lottery put and
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then the russian people mm. hm, so you're right, because we were hearing that from you earlier as well about how that is this opposition support, particularly among young people? how is that likely to be reflected in these problems? well, we st. no, certainly not. there is no opposition present in this presidential election. the establishments make sure of that 2 candidates who were anti war and ukraine were deemed and eligible, and most of opposition speakers are either in prison, a dead or in exile. so there is really very little challenge at to vladimir put in the rain, and that's what most people expect to continue. and of course, once he is confirmed to be russia's next president for the next 6 years, he will be the countries long, the serving leader meeting i which joseph stalin who ruled russia from 1924 to 1953 . that was 29 years of power for him. so there is
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a sense that this rain of power of flooding report will certainly continue. and russia will continue on the past that it's been on over the past 2 years since it invaded ukraine. dosage of already that keeping an eye on the polls for us in moscow today. thank you to a so a hostile as you hit on auto 0, we need 19 and gaza. few setting out to help people with disabilities during the time of year. last, i'm rob reynolds here, the us mexico border in california, where migrants from countries all over the world are gathered on this barren hilltop, camping out in the elements and hoping they will get a chance. the claimant signed with united states, the the fall out of the web is looking a little live a across the pot. so the middle east,
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over the next day or 2, we got some tickets, flowed across northern parts of the region. and because some plans big enough to produce some outbreaks of rain at the pots of saudi arabia gazing over towards the end of the gulf. quite a brisk wind here was while lifting some dust and sand here in the ha, getting up to around 27 celsius, warming up and was still as we go one into fast i, the shot was then drifting the way across the gulf into the western side. of the iran few showers up to what was the caspian penny. a shout was the 2 across the key . some of the wintry in nature noticed the rank comes of all the way down that east coast of the mediterranean running right down to wisconsin for time. lots of skies come back and as we go through fraud, in order to assess that, it does put glossy dry his but still the fish out to the north of that still a little bit of wet added times when she by the coming in to, to k but bright, this guys come back, came behind it is it is logic dry and bright across the northern parts of africa
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for a time, push quinn's just coming into whether it's a hot river. we'll developing every flight pressure producing some outbreaks of shy right into the northeast of libya, pushing into northern egypt and shot was now showing that had in west africa a unique perspective. that plays students up. does. they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, proceeding that's local landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations, you won't find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on al jazeera of the
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master watching all da 0. let's remind you about top stories that ssl at least 20 people have been killed by his rainy fat and all that. yes and all that attack on palestinians ways of age. thousands of people at the way she round about shots. all centrals and finance summit is really helicopter claim that is what was meant to submit a new proposal. it says it's aimed at ending the war on garza and supporting relief . evans is really prime minister benjamin espanol, whose office is full of the proposal. but will cabinet is set to discuss the plan, liaison senegalese, all position needed. it was not a phone call or has been released from jail to hold his have been gathering on his house and the other parts of the capital dot com, celebrating
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a presidential candidate, backed by the physician. people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable victims of israel's war on garza, and many who needed special can't cannot be properly helped. the one man in the southern city of rafa is providing some badly needed assistance in the home of all hospital because obviously it is. busy then, well, the only thing we talked with the desk of tvs and gas on able to describe the photos of these really attacks in the strongest terms. the, the, when i see these really showing, i shake out of fear. i fear for my children. try to do anything to protect the if the bombardment is nearby. dustin powder are everywhere. i see them crying, it's happening so we miraculously survive many error strikes and by the grace of god, we managed to make it to rough. so they man and 3 on the death palestinians will fall from their homes and find eunice and have to take their families to offer
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a stump. loss them helpless for these until they met. i am. as in the home, he decided to use his knowledge of sign language to help them. how did i know now how get? how did yeah, if people are a very special case, not everybody can understand that. i mean, they're very concerned. i'm concerned about the children and the family as well, but at the same time, a very question, a lot more heights and announce up on the upper. it says he's the friends most essential need off to food and shelter. is to find someone to communicate with and share that experience of the will, the headset, the corner of the glove. i cannot hear the explosions, but i feel the shaking under me. i see those thing concrete slabs finding qualified, our heads off of windows and doors blown away. i can also smell the pound oven smoke. i do my best to cover my children to protect them tonight. we cannot screen like that. my children are crying out of fear. i tried to calm them down and cover them with black machine. and it's been a week since i meant to be gone to
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a company who's for guests, and they'll search for ways to set them up. so i'm not do it on a will do i. when they 1st came they needed tools and would for the teens, and they didn't know how to ask for them to help them require hammons and other tools as well as not long sheets. and i went to speak to the committees to try and get them top pulled up for the team. a fire is the last, the result for those trying to escape the war in gaza. but even here is, what are the rates? are they to the yellow teeth in the face of a potential on the ground invasion? not only the death, but everyone else feels unsafe and find out about how much one of the 0, the pages political crisis is continuing. prime minister, already a long re, stuck in the partial rica, even though he's promised to resign once a transitional counsel selects an interim government. assuming that council has
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proved a problem on hold and reports from neighboring dominican republic, it was meant to be the beginning of the onset, the hate, these problems, a transitional count. so cool, followed by the united states and leaders from the carrier comb, caribbean trading block, which with name and intern prime minister, and what towards the elections in the country that hates these petitions can't agree who should fill the 7 vote, team positions on the account. so we somebody does rejecting it altogether, like gu, felipe, a, a form of rebels and convicted in the us of money laundry. so is the same guy, the similar guys that shouldn't go up the man that drove us where we are the same one that the games the youngsters in, in the neighboring to get was. that's the same guys that the united states wants to put back, empower, start up to united states or friends, not, not to get together in. come to decide what kind of what age we can go over and
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it's up to the asian people to decide what kind of people they want to go run that . well the pull the patients. oh, do you hate the bones on thursday it was the country's national prison which went up in flames. luckily, the prisoners had already been moved. the gains remain in charge of most of the capital, the most powerful leader, jimmy. today's a popularly known as barbecue also rejects the transitional counsel, perhaps because its members would be bound to commit to a 1000 strong canyon police force being deployed in the country, mostly funded by the us. it would inevitably affect the gangs own power on the straits. meanwhile, for the most part, hate seize apple. poles and boulders remain closed. the only slim line of contact with the outside world, an average that the united nation says it's going setup between the country. and here in the neighboring dominican republic, us state department spikes,
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person towed out 0. he still expected the transitional council to full sessions, as you just heard me say. all right, just in the past 2 hours, we've seen a number of names submitted for this presidential transitional council. we want to see get off the ground as soon as possible. we want to see internet interim prime minister appointed as soon as possible. no island developed to meet him as a hopes of an immediate solution with just the start of one appeared to diminish john home and i'll just say to the dominican republic us in somalia. the 100 also, bob says it's behind in the tax on a hotel in the capital one condition the hotel is near the presidential palace. it's not yet clear. if there have been any casualties also advises it regularly. it carried out bombings at hotels, in popular with government officials. the leader of his involve bringing religious sect has appeared in court of to 16 graves were discovered on his fall north west
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of the capital herani. police rated the property and rescued more than 250 children who are fortunately being subject to the physical right. that smile chuckled at wrong. guerrero was arrested along with 7 members of his charge. police expected to conduct exclamations of some of the graves. i believe to be of the faith. he's initially been charged with child abuse as investigations. contin rekey now couldn't see that close to trying to see if it is the new found to if the needs say, color, abuse, some of them the good to children. you today it is uh below 16, indicating that uh, there is a case or 4 in the charge made it is, which was being conducted due to this issue right? in the we are also trying to find out the number of people or the exact number of people who died in the way secretly, betty did this, right?
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let me, 16 people including women and children have died in the mediterranean sea. well, trying to reach actually from livia, survivors say they both broke down after they set off from the libby incentives away, leaving them drifting without food or water. charge the group decided rescued $25.00 people. a late last in out a 0 was the fast international news network to bring the wild images make shift to migrant. counts. spreading along the us mexican border migrants arrive after long journeys to request asylum in the united states. the boat with ours, you say the detention facility is overwhelmed and forcing them to stay outdoors exposed to the elements. reynolds has returned to the region to see how people are coping. here's this report. a top, a wind swept hill within sight of the border asylum seekers huddled around fires
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evening to the sense they come from china, turkey, india, brazil, georgia and other countries converging on a gap in the border wall. rodrigo peters, his wife, giovanna, and their 2 boys age 6 and 8 have just arrived. after walking through the hills for 2 days and nights they are from guatemala, rodrigo explains. the gang members approached him demanding money. refer over how do i know they told me were not where your children go to school. when can you run them alive or do you want them there? within a few days, rodrigo and giovanni had sold everything they owned and fled their homeland. he called his mother who lives in los angeles. somewhere. yes, mama, we're on the american side now. it was cars, but we made it to know what i'm on. a border patrol official comes by. then the
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most patients are full. we are trying to find room for you, maybe it will happen tonight, but i'm not sure if they go to.


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