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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the inhabitants still fighting, suggested, suggested wait, i took the validate and zinc and for the money it went home. i didn't think dave insensitive applicants like people's people to sacrifice them on a tuesday or the hungry and defense less at least 21 palestinians have been killed in dunces. engine logan's office, 13 opt is ready for most of the attack peoples wasting for sure. monetary and aid the, the put on them. and this is the owner of your life from don't ha, also coming up loving is underway in russia's presidential election. it is but session to have that in the future. and another succeeds in power on the set of goals,
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top opposition leaders months on has been released from prison, triggering juvenile celebrations. and the un wants of an escalating through crisis and hygiene, or a vacuum is fuel to move on to mass displaced the health officials and gaza say at least $21.00. people have been killed by as verify it in a nother attack on palestinians waiting for 8 thousands of people who are at the quite round about an intersection on a major road linking the north and south with the strip. more than 150 people have been injured with many taken to a nearby. i'll ship a whole special witnesses, sage ready forces used helicopters, tanks and drones to file on palestinians who had gathered to connect to monetary in aid. as well as with the treat has denied targeting h. seek is the the 2nd attack of the roundabout in 2 days is rarely false as have
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killed holes and full 100 palestinians seeking food and the basic supply since the whole of again and in the south. at least 2 palestinians were killed and several wounded when is waiting for his target at home. earlier and as try has a house in central gaza. counting 5 people, including 2 children, dozens of palestinians have been killed in his rarely assaults, across this trip in the past 24 hours. and then southern gaza, our rescue was finally able to enter. what was one say scrolling, residential and complex, and con eunice off is really focused, withdrew they've recovered several bodies from the ruins of how much the town mancha leveled. reports on the scale of devastation is rarely false as left behind . it's the 1st time in weeks that medical teams have been able to reach from a town in a fun unit. it was designated as one of his rel, circle, safe zones in the cell. palestine red crescent teams weren't able to get into the
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area off these really trips pulled out recovering the bodies of 15 people. what now look, support elliptic used to be a series of high rise apartment blocks than it is a car. yeah. to i know, let me do. i said you just been, i have beautiful memories here with my children, my grandchildren and my son in law, that's a shop he was taken by the east re lease at one of their tech points. i was told that you 3 of these had to go, so i came to inspect the area of the entire block has been leveled by the east release of memories in our entire lives, helping reduced to dust. all your residents who pretend devastated homes, say there's more than just belongings lost beneath the roof. we got to ensure that it is definitely the mazda of all the of the people under most of the buildings in this situation is dire. these are your lives destroyed in the world,
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just watches the policy and, you know, people are falling apart in the all the cabinets. people are trying to base the salvage what positions they can do in the month. so we came to the city to inspect the damage and found destruction that is not just massive, horrifying. entire towns have been reduced to dust, houses, and apartments had been burned and cause of being destroyed. the main water pump stating the city with boulders and ripped down to the ground, you know, defiant, raise it, and say they will return and will rebuild mike level, how does there? so the ongoing seems fine. i go, she agents now, and i'm also submitted a new proposal. it says it's aimed at ending the war, facilitating a deliveries advertising displays, palestinians today homes says it's handed over a comprehensive vision to regional mediation, as castro in egypt. the group says it's based on the principles and fundamentals that believes are essential for any agreement. the statement goes on to say the
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proposal outlined some office views on an exchange of palestinian prisoners full as ready captives. as also says, the rights and concerns of palestinians remains the top priority. it did not able to him as standing by for us at the columbia check point and occupied westbank. but 1st let's bring in the monks. he's live an occupied east jerusalem, lots to talk about with them. but we'll begin with what you're hearing about. the noise has come off the proposal and israel's reaction to it the back getting. so the actual details of not yet be made public. we've been reaching out, i'm asked to try and get a copy of that proposal, voices. the news agency says it's seen one of those comments and has related some of the details. they include the fines, but the agreement will essentially be split into 2 parts. the 1st part will see the individuals inside garza exchange for how does the new business those individuals
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a gauze? what includes women, children, the elderly, those run well as well as female is ray, the soldiers that will be 700 to 1000 pound to send in prison is released in exchange for them. the 2nd hall will see a state be said for a permanency spot on the, on the home us would like to see as well as a deadline for is ready for says to withdrawal from gaza. and then the chinese on both sides according to the copy of this proposal seen by reuters, will be released as part of a 2nd start within see essentially the end of the deal. most one of the major sticking points is going to be the idea that they would be on time free buses. i'm time and the spot is rainy's not so far willing to commit to permanency so they might be option to continue fighting tradition wrap up a mouse has repeatedly said that any deal must be to permanency spar and, and, and, and so it is running on where the coolant does propose a longer than a sick from what we're hearing. and since i've been thinking about the nations
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coming of palestinians waiting for food at the college round about and gaza, denying its involvement for them. what is it saying? they said to the accusations that we've heard from the ministry of health and all that these individuals died on the is raining and click on file as well. they've said that they are essentially going to be investigating this as well. so really, as the incident does of a wait to hear whether they come back with further details and respond to what these occupations from the ministry of health and goals i represent. ok, that is an a mox drawing of line from occupied east jerusalem. that's cross now to me that abraham, she's at the columbia check point and occupied westbank with people a trying to cross from the occupied west bank to get to where villain was outside the locks a most compound and knew that it is the 1st ramadan since the war and gaza began people hoping to get to alexa,
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facing even more restrictions. yes, they are, and we are closer now to pay our time. we're talking about 45 minutes before the prayer and start the people here are still hoping that they will get the chance to enter through some off compound from one of those gates. this is a different, gave them the one we were off uh this morning, but so we are at the columbia check point where the city is far above 55 for men and above 50 for women account enter, but only if they have a valid entry permit. this is basically a new uh, restriction that has been imposed by these really pushes that hasn't been imposed earlier. and palestinians were saying that some of them they didn't even know that they needed that valid permits. so they're trying other people are just trying their luck saying maybe maybe the soldier will let them in. but indeed we've seen people being turned away and we're seeing also is really soldiers surrounding the
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area here. so it threw me a 10 situation for the palestinians. were waiting to see if they can get inside again when it comes to women in previous years. they did not have age restriction. when it i'm still playing a role of some most compound. now they do and they have to be above 50. but men used to be needed to be older than 40 or 45 to be allowed, and now they have to be above 55. so in do this just tells you about the situation here about people who are hoping and dreaming to go and play in a lot some off. come found specifically the 1st friday i'll put on hold on is of course unimportant to people to as intended. i just how worried people the about of the escalation of tensions with all of these new restrictions that they're trying to navigate. yes, they are trying to navigate these no restrictions. it's also includes that palestinians, when they leave, either have to submit their a papers at the
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a check point or even take yourself through one of the applications that belong to the government to the, to basically these really the activity is that is really i'm to see the deals with palestinians in the occupied with banking. imagine like taking us healthy to be able to prove that you existed in jerusalem. but also we're talking about palestinians, you know, the numbers of compared to previous years. there are triple of what we used to see when palestinians with gather here by the thousands, in these areas trying to get in. but some of them we're telling us that it's hard to make this move from different cities from the occupied to us bank and make it to here because of which is really mean it's restrict points because of this situation of subtler attacks against them. so we're talking about a very tough situation. people are also scared that the situation in 5 a looks almost compound might be times with is with just fictions with the tense
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situation that has been unfolding. there is no, thank you so much for your reporting. me that abraham live at the columbia check point on the project continues to build on his rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. hundreds of his babies have again rallied for the release of captives held and gaza. the march through the streets of tennessee, counting portions of some of the women and the captain by palestinian slices. on october, the 7th, and the separate demonstration protested, schooled for the drafting of ultra orthodox jewish men into the military fab exempt from mandatory service. i'm going to describe one of america's top politicians as quote, as well as prime minister and major obstacles, the peace democratic senator chuck schumer, quote on israel to hold new elections. schuman is america's highest ranking. jewish official is comments of the sharpest criticism, yet have nothing yahoo from washington as netanyahu coalition no longer fits the
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needs of israel after october 7th, the world has changed radically since then. and these really people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past that nobody expects prime minister netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break the cycle of violence to preserve israel's credibility on the world stage. and to work towards the 2 state solution and will join now by mako and jones associate professor of midland studies at home. i've been calling for university. thank you very much for staying with us this morning. i've heard these comments by chalk schuman described by a former us middle east peace envoy. i think, at the end of the bonus administration as a political quick just how significant are they coming, not just from the us senate to need to. but as will be in reporting, america's highest ranking, elected jewish official, yeah. highest ranking, elected years professional and also a stolen supporter of israel. so someone who is steadfastly stood by israel even
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since october the 7th. it's huge, and i think the keywords fear of obstacle to piece actually this is not a new thing. and this is what's really interesting button. netanyahu has explicitly stated prior to october the 7th that he, as long as he's basically in charge of as well, that's going to be no supplement palestinian state. it's actually where it's saying something, not just simply acknowledging that netanyahu is, you know, basically allowing this genocide to happen in israel. but saying that a solution to this needs to be political and a political solution to does the palestine will not happen so long as netanyahu's in power is literally cold for elections in an allied state. this is actually quite unprecedented. so he is a huge thing. yeah, absolutely, and of course the republicans a very quick to jump on this, went then criticized to matt schumer and possibly even the democrats do stream as comments do think, show any divisions and the democratic party troubling divisions, even i think there is an element of divide here,
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but i wouldn't say it's necessarily a stock as we might see, because i think what this shows as the obviously people in the democratic party who are incredibly progressive and actually calling for the us to withdraw a to isn't. right. so what to share with is that more supportive out and it's too, as well in the democratic politics assigned to acknowledge the role of this progressive element. and i think the fact of actually picking up some of these pressure points shows that yes, what's the, is a divide that divide isn't between people who, who start with the support as ro and those who oppose it. but actually it's showing a general trend in the democratic party that netanyahu and as well have gone too far. yeah. and do you think that nothing? yeah. who will be concerned by these comments? especially because chuck schumer said that the us needs to use the leverage it has with is what then we know, of course, of the gracious leverage it has is the millions of dollars in military age that they give to as well. i think of setting to be worried. i mean, you know, is rohed kon exists as it does without us 8. right? and it was obviously she whom has stopped short of actually saying that we're going
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to withdraw aid will make it conditional. the notion of using a term level, which is actually probably a euphemism for saying, a conditional aid. and the so much pressure now in the democratic party to actually have a withdrawn that. and you know is aware of that, along with humans, comments. i just want to shoot me as well. look at use it for relevant to you. he said this is a man made crisis. you know, i was very aware of the continued pressure building out, not just from the us, but from the you. so i think he knows that the next escalation and this in addition to maybe more sanctions of satellites, which 5 is already announced would be potential conditional aids to as well. so he will be aware and he'll be worried, especially with this quote for new elections in his row. all right, small calling joe. and thank you as a way for your time. we appreciate it. thank you. still ahead on knowledge as they are the leader of the seconds. and bob was accused of abuse or hundreds of children . the
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had a lot of that some very active, whether it is affecting southern parts of south east asia and the north of astray. you can see the band of shallow couch showing where that heavy rain is, folding across pots of indonesia, and we've already seen flooding across central java, some land slides in body as well. we all like is the further flooding as that heavy rain starts to pour and putting its way further east, across the less us and the islands. now farther north of this, it is looking much t y a and how tough in china, if you showers coming in on saturday, not just have it most of the moving parts of the philippines, but it is a story of heat. we will see temperatures in places like thailand continue to rise into sunday. for the south of this, it is a very wet picture of an old in punk of australia, we've got to 12 people lows. you can see them forming into something they like to, to become tropical f. i kind of the next few days,
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never the less. so bring some very heavy rain across. moving parts of w a and the top end of australia. we have got some severe weather look out for that saturday into sunday, but it is looking much quieter across the south with that southeast corner, some showers coming in. little bit of a cooler feel for sydney as the showers increased on something of a cool down for new zealand, but it is looking largely settled there on saturday. 18 degrees in christ church. ask like a narrative from african perspective. sort of based on, you know, from us to short documentary spine african filmmakers. and that's going to be the one for sure full for the taste of the sun from madagascar and football from new series of africa. direct on
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the all the challenges they are with me, elizabeth put on them and don't ha romando about top stories. the salon, as one has carried out a 2nd attack in 2 days on palestinians waiting for a to sconces quite round about at least 21. people have been killed and move and 150 engine come off says that submitted a new c signed proposal saying that ending the global facilitating the delivery of aid and returning displace thomas demands to balance. but as well as quoted unrealistic australia will resume funding to the new ones, alice, to me,
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an aid agency on why foreign minister penny wong made the analysis with dr. pulls and contributions to gauze is main. 8 organization that decision was made for on his way to navigation is that some of the agencies employees were involved and they've tried the 7th attack. canada, sweden and the european union have also recently resumed funding. the southern government is the found a lot of things and updated funding equipment that will include stringent conditions such as guarantees of stock neutrality and confidence in supply chain on that sizes and off to consideration by the national security committee this week. let's try. it is unimposing, all contribution to our load has across russia going to the polls and the country's 1st presidential election since it invaded ukraine. 2 years ago. balloting is being held from friday until sunday. president, reading that person is all the session to one another. to that would last until 2030 joseph giovanni, reports from
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a polling station in moscow. its vladimir putting his said that it is the civic duty of russians to come out to those ad pulling stations like this one and to, to show, not only to other at russians, but also to the transfer community that it is very important for russia to be united during fees to most us times, there are nearly a $114000000.00 russians eligible to vote. this is the 1st time. officials have had it are going to have a 3 day period of voting 12 hours 12 hours each day. and also those 4 regions in ukraine that russia antics in september of 2022, nearly 8000000 people we eligible to vote there as well. and the selection letter we put in in 2018, received nearly 77 percent of the votes. and according to government polls that were conducted last month, he's expected to surpass at this time around the people who be speaking to with
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this folding station this morning. so far, all of them have a and it tells me there's only 2 from letting me put in that they agree with his policies, both domestic and foreign, and do believe that it is a critical time in the country's history. so there is a tremendous amount of trust in his leadership skills and they believe that moving forward, he's the right person to take them through the next 66 years in the country. senegalese opposition need as a small sancho and bossy to say, have been released from jail celebrations were held outside the prison as well as across the call. they were as follows. protests treated by president monkey sounds, decision to postpone elections due to be held in february. it's been rescheduled for march 20 phone phone call and say, well fried on to an amnesty ahead of the pole. the only sancho can do this. everyone's behind sancho, let's stay focused is clear. it's crazy. like pinned all sorts of things on him,
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but today he's clear, thought about that one already. it's like you come from mick. all of the country should be out to work and then this is disgusting from the government. you child someone and he is a celebrity. when he is out, this is a victory. we love sancho or a correspondence. nicholas hawk is joining us live from the capital. the confound. nick took us through what happened last night and the significance of one of set of goals, most popular politicians being freed from prison. i mean, they were incredible themes of jew relations like we saw just moments ago late last night we were out there, the roads were blocked with hundreds, if not thousands of people that had taken over the streets that went from the prison to was mine. so it goes house. normally it's a 20 minute drive. it took him 7 hours to get to his home. just to tell you how many people were there, were people blowing the room is l as
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a rubbing their motorcycles chanting the name of his mind sancho hadn't seen a crowd like this since sending gold had won the african cup of nation. so there was a sense for those supporters of was months ago and his deputy. but to jim i fi that's this last night was actually the start of their campaign to become the next president of senegal. so really incredible seemed and quite significant moment president mackey south made you on his promise following this and this to a little that he pushed forward for all the people that were arrested for political and rest between march 202-122-2023 so the only sancho and his deputy are released, but hundreds of other rights group describe as political prisoners were also really mentioned, the election that has been rescheduled for the 24th of march, but it's not a clear road ahead as it now what happens next regarding the election well,
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we're standing outside the supreme court where all those rejected candidates are appealing to the supreme court saying that they should cancel the elections that were already delayed. the elections were supposed to take part in february. it took place in february 25th 25th of february, and there is no taking place on march 24th. this was in those to decree from the president after a decision from the constitutional counsel that an election had to take place before the end of president mikey solves mandate. in the supreme court. right now there's a hearing pushed forward by lawyers of those rejected candidates, including opposition leader cream was they argue that the way that the list of candidates were drawn was corrupt and flawed. just 2 days ago, they were released audio that was released on social media alleging we
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showing or hearing. we can hear the ruling party candidate, a former prime minister, allegedly bribing a members of the constitutional council judges to make sure that some of the opposition fingers could not run in this selection. now, if the decision goes through to cancel the elections, then that means that would be another crisis ahead. but according to the was the i've spoken to members or supporters of it. we spend some codes, the opposition figure that was freed late last night. well, they would like to see him run as a candidate in this election. so there is a lot at stake in what is happening at the supreme court will know more clearly if this shortened and delayed election that's supposed to take place on march 24 just in 10 days time will actually go ahead. but no matter what happens, this process puts frames into frames into place some sort of
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post electoral instability. because no matter what the outcome of these elections, it will be put into question by a substantial part of the opposition law is a lot at stake and a lot of moving parts next. thank you very much. thinking this hot live intercom says, i'm not time kind of you and the haitian capital has been extended until sunday. the gangs attacked the police academy on thursday and set fire to the police chiefs home. prime minister, our laundry is stuck in puerto rico, and meanwhile, he has promised to resign ones. the transitional counsel selects an interim government, but efforts to bring a balance of political transition to facing challenges. john, home and reports from santa domingo and neighboring dominican republic. it was meant to be the beginning of the onset, the hate, these problems, a transitional count. so cool, followed by the united states and leaders from the carrier comb, caribbean trading block,
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which with name and intern prime minister. and what towards the elections in the country that hates these petitions can't agree. who should till the 7 vote team positions on the account. so we somebody does rejecting it altogether, like gu, philippe, a form of rebels and convicted in the us of money laundry. so is the same guy, the similar guys that shouldn't go up the man that drove us where we are the same one that the games the youngsters in, in the neighboring to get was. that's the same guys that the united states wants to put back in power start up to united states or friends, not, not to come to decide what kind of way to we can go hunting. it's up to the asian people to decide what kind of people they want to go over and well the pull the patients. oh, do you hate the bones on thursday it was the country's national prison which went up in flames. luckily, the prisoners had already been moved. a gains remain in charge of most of the
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capital, the most powerful leader, jimmy. today's a popularly known as barbecue also rejects the transitional count. so perhaps because its members would be bound to commit to a 1000 strong canyon police force being deployed in the country, mostly funded by the us. it would inevitably affect the gangs own power on the straits. meanwhile, for the most part, hate seize apple ports, and voters remain closed. the only slim line of contact with the outside world, an average that the united nation says it's going setup between the country. and here in the neighboring dominican republic, us state department spikes person towed out to 0. he still expected the transitional council to full sessions, as you just heard me say. all right, just in the past 2 hours, we've seen a number of names submitted for this presidential transitional council. we want to see get off the ground as soon as possible. we want to see internet interim prime minister appointed as soon as possible. no island developed to me as soon as the
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hopes of an immediate solution with just the start of one appeared to diminish john home and i'll just say to the dominican republic the world food program has won't have an escalation food crisis in haiti. it's country director since people displaced by the volumes of the most wonderful the baseline level of food and security and 80 is 4350000 people sewage, a number for a country of. ready 1000000 people, huge number. now the view has been helping us about 2000000 of them last year. we're reach 2000000 people with a central ford assistance. we prioritize the most vulnerable ones i most worried about. it's 1400000 people or one step away from famine. so we, we focus the resources on macro ben with amerigroup and most vulnerable or the displace as a leader of as in bob, when religious sect has appeared and cooled off the 16 graves were discovered on
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his farm north west of the capital had out a small chocolate don't get what was arrested along with 7 members of his church. police raided his property and rescued 250 children who were reportedly being subjected to physical neva. fenton monahan has this report. this self styled profit and 7 members of his sex are accused of abusing exploiting hundreds of children. ishmael took a wrong go and his followers denied the charge is the police say there's evidence of child labor and sexual abuse. now couldn't see that close to trying to see if it is been found to it'd be neat sick to abuse. some of them the good to children. you to be no 16. indicating that to be the case or for any charge me to just please re did the sex compound earlier this week instead of more than 252.


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