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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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to palestine or to see so donates with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts that's time. the is really strikes. it's central guns are killing at least 36 palestinians in a home near a crowded refugee. the venue is good to have you with us. this is alison 0 life from the also coming up is real, rejects from us. his proposal for a ceasefire and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu approves plans to process the consequences of a ground operation in roswell and the current circumstances try to soften the un
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warns against the potential is really a source on the southern city where 1500000 displaced palestinians, or shelter, also seeing conflict, the incident report from an overcrowded camp where people are trying to escape months and find the beginning, central gaza where at least 36 palestinians have been killed and another is really strikes. the health industry says, have destroyed a family home west of all the state of refugee camp children and pregnant women are reported to be among the victims and elsewhere in the strip. and as really strikes has destroyed a 7 story building in the central district of all right. now, people are believed to be trapped under the rubble. the building was housing, palestinian families, forced from their homes by repeated is really bombings. so these latest strikes
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come as is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu approves the armies plan for a ground operation in rasa and southern gaza, near the border with egypt, where $1500000.00 displace palestinians are sheltering netanyahu has also dismissed the latest ceasefire proposal submitted by him, us, however, his office says that a delegation will nonetheless visit guitar to continue negotiations for the release of this really captives. a mazda is proposing a 3 stage ceasefire each stage with last $42.00 days in the 1st is when the troops would withdraw the own cell out of the in road. that's the main route running down the middle of the strip. the group says that that would allow displace palestinians to return home a mouse wants to permanency suppliers to be announced before it releases any caption soldiers. after that, a mazda is it will release female is really reservists held captive in gaza, in exchange for palestinian prisoners. 50 inmates for each captive released and in the final stage from us proposes the end of israel's siege in the beginning of
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reconstruction efforts in gaza. alpha 0 is honda saw whose reports from occupied east jerusalem of israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu announcing that israel will in fact send a delegation to the party capital in order to meet with mediators to try and finalize deal for the release of is really captive. now the negotiations have been sold until this point a couple of weeks ago in cairo, these relatives did not even send a delegation. so those talks were not fruitful whatsoever. now, these really prime minister has also said that how massive demands are quote absurd . having us releasing a framework for what they would like as a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning a complete and to the war. but these really say that that is simply not going to happen. now at the same time, friday morning, both israel's war and security cabinet have approved plans for the invasion, entered up off as well as the evacuation of nearly a 1000000 and
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a half palestinians. it comes a mid wide spread criticism from across the globe, including israel's biggest ally, the united states who says that an invasion instead of off would be a red line given how many civilians are there. additionally, these really is have not presented those plans to the americans. you a secretary of state anthony blinking saying that he hasn't heard anything from these really about these plans. and these really have not made anything public just yet. i'm the son who's a jersey to occupied east jerusalem. she hubbard, tennessee is in washington dc with more on the us, his response to almost a ceasefire plan. whitehouse national security advisor john covey said that us would not be sending any delegation to console for this latest round of talks. but he said that shouldn't be assigned, but the us isn't involved in the negotiations. he also said how mazda his proposal was a step forward. the proposal that was put forward is,
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is certainly within the bounds of the, in broad brush drugs within the bounds of the deal that we've been working on. now for several months. i don't want to go into more detail than that, nancy, because i don't want to negotiate here in public. the fact that there's another delegation now heading to the fact that this proposals out there that there are conversations about it. that's all good, that's all to the good was for chuck. sure. the democrats, senate majority leader as comments on thursday criticizing benjamin netanyahu. i'm cooling for new is really elections. kirby said that the president recognized the bears comments or did resonate with many americans. but at the white house would continue supporting israel, and it's fight against how much sir. recognition of the discontent in the base of the democratic party. but once again, a statement of full support for his route and whatever it is doing she ever times
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the out is here at washington. the united nations has warned against any, is really military offensive in rasa defenders. i like the spokesman, so the secretary general says he is hopeful ongoing negotiations will result in a ceasefire. i think the consequences of a ground operation in rough in the current circumstances will be catastrophic for the people as of gaza, for the palestinians. it would be catastrophic for the humanitarian situation. it would be catastrophic all around. we very much hope that all of this can be avoided. we understand there's negotiations are still going on. and we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to a cease fire in to ensure the greatest humanitarian access to ensure the release of
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all the hostages held by hamas and others in gaza. and frankly, to open up a way forward for the people of palestine in the people of israel. honey, who is in rossa and he explains what the mood is like there in the face of the israeli government plans to conduct operations inside the city. this is exactly what's going on right now and the next not to just the been going on for quite some time, the talks and the ongoing, the threat of expanding the ground invasion into up on the ongoing talk the entire for potential speeds, fire and right now we've seen, i've responded to direct responses from the very, the prime minister office to come up at the corner of that for a lot of people here. never thought it was. it was a pretty concrete and a pretty good as far as for the opinion. and he's fired b and the 5 did the time. any such very interesting as one person describe it a just a way to do the negative my the how my position and it pulled up for the buyer.
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and the same time pending a delegation to comply with 8 to continue to talk about it. but if i get up with a lot of question, mark might be the timing of this statement. as the absence of detailed in the statement. nixon, very suspicious right now. as it only be viewed as the tool pressure pressure tool to dictate the course of the talk. but for, for the, for that or the palestinian display pallets the end of the suffering it suddenly and then barely big enough activity b one to get to the point where there is a solid if statement about a feed fire deal that will really hockey. this is how it's been in the 10 by these really military as well as an end to the work, so the can gradually get back to what is left of their life as the noise that wouldn't be been dominating. feeling right now of the humanitarian aid ship
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own device, spanish charity open arms has arrived off the coast of gaza. the vessel is the 1st to sail along with being called a maritime car door from cyprus. it's towing a barge loaded with 200 tons of desperately needed food, and other basic essentials of the crew are unloading the cargo. however, it's unclear how this applies will be distributed as this relay. still carrying out a tax along the shore. the aid represents only a fraction of what's needed in gaza every day. in the united nations says the humanity, the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip, is quote, beyond catastrophic. a representative from the us population fund has just ended a week long visit to the strip. you highlighted the impact of the conflict on pregnant women and babies. gabriel, as on the reports from un headquarters in new york, the u. n. team that recently visited guys was focused on the effects of israel's bombardment of gaza on hospitals. but for dominic alan from the human population
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fund, he was particularly focused on maternity wards. and he told us what he saw at the m a rock. the hospital was deeply disturbing. the doctor's reporting that they no longer see normal size baby noble this they've not seen a normal size video. stephen. what they do see though, the subject li, small still bought this most still born babies in mon neo natal. that's alan said there is clear evidence of babies being born, malnourished, emergency cases that they're dealing with. overburdened the, there are 5 delivery rooms in the amount, the hospital and the mid, one of the midwife that we managed to grab 2 minutes of a time because the stuff is still overwhelmed with these many 70 boats. a 70 something regular of us and $10.00 to $12.00 c sections. they are so overburdened by the, the delivery rooms and the rotations that they have with the, with the women's who are in the women who are in the last stages of
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a book. and then when midwife, we probably won't be giving birth on the floor gabriel's onto, i'll just see it at united nations in new york. the dr. brenda kelly is a consultant obstetrician at oxford university hospital. she's also a part of a medical team that teaches doctors in gaza and she says the mel nutrition suffered by pregnant women will affect generations to come as the level of nutrition is trudy, her wrist take it up to a rack racking about 90 percent of pregnant women do not have anything close to adequate nutrition. and in a, this is up sleep a critical time and, and it's in a person's life, you know, being to try to grow a baby. it's huge resource from the mother. and we know that many of the women, even prior to this conflict coming into pregnancy, had things like anemia. but you never think stream mom nutrition. it is absolutely
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true. there are many more babies being born that are very much smaller than what they expected. and colleagues and the grind to reporting, they know huge increase and pre term birth as well as breath restriction, and also very sadly arise number of discouraged and still birth certificate nutrition was to repeat the unusual me notice from the crypt from underneath the opiate. for example, in the mid eighties we've seen a time, you can see what other um, areas of the world with an effect back home safe where nutrition has become an issue for pregnant women. that those young babies go into children where there is an impairment. cognitive development because of the lack nutrition westover growing and yet true, but also in that or i don't, there's much higher rates of things like cardiovascular disease. so the impact at the moment on these critical shortage of food, water and aids coming into casa, to help you as a population, but particularly the pregnant women has an impact not just for 9, but the next generation of posting in children that will go into adults the same
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across the board of sliding between israel and the lebanese harmony group has below, has been going on for 6 months now. it was triggered by israel's war on gotta end it is escalating st. ahold or has more on this from 711 on isabel and hezbollah are at war villages and southern up and on. within 4 kilometers of the border, have become closed. military zones, neighborhoods have been destroyed. the conflict began when the lebanese armed group opened the front to help garza but his moves beyond the border region. we are in for a bit slim, around 12 kilometers north of the battlefield. people still live here, even though the area has been hit by is really fire as well, has intensified. it strikes against what it says are, has bullet assets. quite often they are homes. the number is one community above 150 families displays from the border areas move to all village. now they're all
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120 because some are worried and moved to the north. and while attacks by both sides have largely been confined to military targets, civilians have also been killed as well. strategy here is similar to its military campaign against yvonne in neighboring syria. it involves targeted straits to weaken in this case has the law and the great. it's capabilities isabel strikes have reached as far as baltic in eastern europe and on 100 kilometers from the border. fighters and commanders have also been killed in pinpoint operations. most of the fighting as a set 70 percent is along the line. but recently we have seen the development of this uh of this uh, still it is that that'd be moving further and more targeted, more 80. so moving to level 3. 6 6 yeah,
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we have to go to the bunker state and this the 1st time in, in a couple of months, the, the un peacekeeping force in southern lebanon doesn't have the power to stop this conflict. hezbollah has said, it won't stop firing until the war on casa ends. okay, so this is a short video of what happened a just a few minutes ago. it's really war planes just hit, not far from the u. n. base. it is trying to push the arms group away from the border. the conflict has so far spared population centers, but mediation efforts are at a standstill and the trajectory is on an unpredictable task. then they also see the southern up in, on the still ahead on alpha 0. the
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more chaos in haiti as its most powerful gang leader tells alpha 0 that he wants a revolution and set a goal opposition. lederhosen and sancho celebrates his release from jail and says he is certain his party will win the upcoming presidential election. the, however, we got some writing the full costs with the middle east over the next couple of days. like we say over your class. we think it's way across saudi arabia and open palm. so because some, if you're writing that into q weights leading across into iran, perio snow showers up to was a cool cuz caesar, as we go on into some day, we could get up to 31 celsius here in the, for the 1st time in a long time with a company for it does cool off the touch in riyadh by the more cloud coming in at this stage. a little bit of cloud to into east and pops off the mediterranean,
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where it's a weather uh, windshield weather, still affecting pods of ducky a. that so drifting further east west, but yes, we have a cloud also, the shak will cease to met as we go through success, they add on into some day and it's a site barrier of west the weather, affecting the northeast of libya that will grassy drift. its way across into northern parts of egypt. so some winter weather coming for hip price. gwen dust inside, hama time went, continuing to feed his way and across the sahara through the house. sorry, halts across west africa and cold enough for some light the showers window showers, do breakout, could cause some localized flooding funny a showers to across tropical parts of africa. they run down the eastern side of the continent all the way to that eastern side. the south africa, the,
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the, the, the watching else 0 reminder of our headlines. this, at least 36 palestinians have been killed and, and is really strange on central does that children and pregnant women are among the victims of the attack west of on the say that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the latest ceasefire proposal by a modest but his office as a delegation will visit guitar to continue negotiations for the release of is really captives and net not net. you know, also proved to be armies planned for an operation in rockford and southern gaza were 1500000 palestinians, shelter the u. n is warning against any offensive in the city, saying the consequences would be catastrophic. speaking in vienna,
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us secretary of state, asked me, blinking, said washington has yet to see a clear implementable is really proposal for protecting palestinian civilians in rafa. president 5, and it's been very clear that given the large number of civilians in, in rafa about 1400000, many of whom is the farm is reset, have been displaced from other parts of gaza. we have to see a clear and implementable plan not only to get the civilians out of harm's way, but also to make sure that once out of his way, there appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. and we've not yet seen such a plan. 29 liters of arab and muslim american community groups have rejected a meeting with the white house officials. they say they're taking a stand against us policies on gaza, and they've criticized president joe biden support of israel. the meeting was due to happen in chicago on thursday. my colleague nick clark spoke to tara colleen. he is a member of the chicago chapter of american muslims,
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the palestine. he accuses the by the administration of complacency and israel's war on delta. and the demands that had been, had been made time and time again is essentially it's essentially would have been the same that man, that wouldn't be me at the meeting. so why do we keep revisiting the same topic wants to send them as when the administration is obviously not responding to it. now, any type of method that the most patient takes to quote unquote, try to be, be able to see the situation increase. you might have a virus or something. this right now, one phone call, that's all it takes. what phone call we provide is real with us, meaning what we provide 0 with financial aid. we are the ones that protect israel at the united nations. we provide the diplomatic cover, so by that you can get in all of this in one hour if you truly want it to. so you want to schedule another meeting with local leaders in the chicago area to discuss what is at the very thing that we've been demanding all along to the permanent and
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immediate cease fire. so you want to meet fine, we will condition a meeting on the call for a ceasefire. not have another meeting to demand it again. if you don't meet president biden and white house officials won't wait. kind of these american muslim groups bring to bear on the administration in that position on garza, which does seem to be shifting a bit, doesn't it diplomatically, i mean, because of because of the next person that has been put on the ministration. but that doesn't mean that there's a moral calkins here. the political calculus says ok, maybe we need to start. maybe we need to provide some kind of a trickling of a, which is what this with this temporary mechanism is this temporary port is essentially a for, is, is to, is to showcase to the role you have to be made to people. and hey, you know we're doing something about it, but you can do something much greater than that in a quicker time frame. this part will take about $60.00, to $90.00 days, to, to put together to facilitate the while you're providing that scene at the same
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entity. committing a genocide unless it was more what this so you want to play the role of firefighter as well as arsonist at the same time, that contradictory policy will not like with the leadership in chicago, with israel's war on gaza. and so it's 6 months the devastation is making it difficult to find peace and calm during ramadan. but people are keeping their hopes alive. as michael apple reports, it's difficult to find anything growing here and basically here, the neighborhood in northern garza has been flattened by months of is riley bowman . it's mosque has gone to to, but they all green shoots. something for people here to look for and feel positive about these vegetables grow on the doorstep of the smart family home, where they're determined to observe the rituals of ramadan, like most lens around the world, must mode stone, manages a smile as
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a joke. spell soon. good enough, fetch dibels to be self sufficient and to look for sure. for the following the destruction of the mosque, we find solace in distributing food and dates just before breaking or fast. however, the absence of the usual ramadan celebrations and spiritual gatherings leaves us feeling empty. the call to prayer by the mom, which ones echoed beautifully now seems distant drowned out by the noise around us and everything jack had given the little us mood has to use what's at his disposal . the prices of goods across the strip have skyrocketed while the challenge lies in the scarcity of ingredients to prepare a meal. cray, tiffany is essential, as we attempt to make the most of what we have often resorting to using basic ingredients like softer and flour for baking. further to the south in rough members of the us food family or decorating the 10 together. there is no electricity for
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the lights, but there is a way to hang the lanterns that are a symbol of ramadan. couldn't understand what the normal done was. once a time of celebration, joy and unity mentions and decorations used to bring rooms cha, homes, creating a face to face via we used to wait for the arrival or from a don each year. but the story of absorbing the dining tents under charging conditions is heartbreaking. or the tops young adult time has one request this ramadan. let if his son does that almost done hell, we will. it's easy ability to observe from a don't like everyone else. we will to cease fire to bring and then to the and going war back and basically yeah, yeah. months have food hearts out of the oven as they prepare the star meal, that breaks they falls to the day. the wall has stolen much from the people of garza, but during the special time spiritual growth and renewal remain something that can't be taken. mike level, which is era. the,
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the one of haiti's most powerful gang leaders has told else has 0. he's ready to escalate his fight against the countries institutions as follows. weeks of violence which have triggered a humanitarian crisis in the country. john home and reports from santo domingo, a neighboring dominican republic. in haiti of the days of relative calm looting. this is the guatemalan and so with building conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it most of the kept to it's not the police in control, but hates these ultra violent games. this is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy ca, nickname barbecue. a former police officer whose coalition rules boss why you support the prince. it's a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully our prime minister
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audio only. now the united states and countries in the caribbean, covey comb trading book, a pushing for a transitional council, made up with the country's political policies to appoint a new intern, prime minister, and the roadmap for elections. but should easy a token $12.00 to 0, rejected that council will clear it up because of we're not going to recognize the decisions that carol contacts going to cite to the traditional politicians that are sitting down with carol. com. since they went with the families abroad. we who stayed and hate to have to take the decisions. it's not just people with guns who have damage to the country. the politicians too. well, some political groups of putting names fluid for the council seeing is a way out, hates these current power. vacuum should easy, i says he wants revolution. let me know if you've awesome now finds will into another face to over throw the whole system, the system that is fine at the scene of people who control 90. 5 percent of the country's wealth is not snow. idle threat gains control more than 80 percent pull
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to print right now. once a transitional government is in place that could pay for the way for a multi national police force on the ground in haiti, funded by the us in canada, can use president william brutal. i said that he's country will lead it to easy on surprisingly, projects that to it gives us the can the on, i see the presence of kenyans. and heidi will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people in poor neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government. then lost control of those groups and, and now appealing to a foreign force to save things. it does a mission that's filed in advance. it's a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction to the games and never the less scared of it. the 2 main rival gang bolts in how you see the g 9 and the g pet of actually come together in an alliance group. vba on some like to try and prevent this forum,
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police force coming into the country. they know it would challenge the patients of suffolk immensely at the games. hines with the power that they've accrued mean that they have to be taken into account and what is a largely low to stay on the home. and i would just say to the dominican republic, more than half a 1000000 people have crossed from sedan into south sedan to fleet, conflicts between the army and paramilitary rapid support forces. they have arrived in the border town of rank where you end run transit camps struggling to accommodate new arrivals. thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced since the battle. the control of sedan began 11 months ago. now come web sent us this report from rec many as a faithful here. that's a run for their lives. several times. they see it on civil row count whom i see a year ago. some of them originate from see don's capital cost to other cities where the fighting begun. lots of sleep time and time again. any of the people
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arriving here before that in many pos, to see don conditions that become unlivable, either that running from violence found themselves trying to survive in places which have been cut off from food supplies and medical supplies. so they made a difficult decision to head south the to rank in south sea don arriving at this transit center, which the moment has 5 times the number of people staying as its capacity and the people here joining more than half a 1000000 of arrived in south suite on in the last 11 months, some of them to see the needs of the south sea. denise who fled to come fix p as in previous yes, they've become positive. what the un says is now the world's largest displacement crisis. and malcolm web out as the rest rank south seat on set of goals, opposition leader. it was meant sancho and his policies presidential candidates, the best deal with july fi have kicked off their election campaign. after being
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released from prison. hundreds of people have taken part of the zeros nicholas hack reports from the car. after months in jail opposition leader, we spend sancho finally free and down the campaign trail. the moment his supporters were waiting for we have lost too much time. we have an election to win after sancho was disqualified from running in the race. his deputy bus, you, jim, i fi was chosen as a stand in candidate. the former tax inspector is relatively unknown to the public . he has been in jail for over a year. i would like to spare thoughts of the brothers that were locked up in jail some for months. others for years of weathered with dignity. this challenge late into the night crowds gathered outside, so it goes home, hoping to catch a glimpse.


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