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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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data to biomedical research. this block market street, not only indeed just was probably me populations, but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee diana move up. pathogen free. the is there any strikes destroy him more lives and garza, the 63 people have been killed in the past 24 hours and 36 of them from one family in the on the separate my future. hello there i missed all these. hey, this is al 0 life from the also kind of is raise return to the streets to purchase benjamin doesn't. you know he's handling the war in jobs. they become positive. what the un says is now as well.
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largest displacement crisis. interesting g time on the south student needs for the warehouse and 1000000 people have that the conflict and students and russians, former president to be g method as close purchased as sabotaging father foxes traits as the 2nd day of presidential elections towards the holidays. 1900 gmc, that's 9 pm and gaza. health officials say is rarely strikes, have killed 63 palestinians in the past 24 hours. 2 is rarely strikes, hours of hot targets in the understand with refugee counts in central gaza. 36 members of a single family were killed in the 1st strike. and at least 7 people account and the 2nd victoria gate and the or the generations of the same
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family wiped out in an as ready as drawing needed over victims were women and children. outside the moon got out acts a hospital, a truck arrives to collect deputies for the funeral. at least 36 members. if the to back be family will kills these ready as strike targeted this home near the album. is there a refugee camp? witnesses say it happened late at night? i remember, yeah, this is now that we was sleeping peacefully. then all of a sudden we saw a concrete blocks and breaks flying over our heads. we rushed to the building to see the dead bodies all over the place torn to pieces. it is not a war on how mouse it is. it is really war on women and children. the guy is that exactly 11 41 pm. we heard what felt like a north quake. it was not regular shelling. we ran here to see what happened. we sold this full story building level till the ground collapsed on the heads of those
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who were inside the old 2. neighbors say they live in constant fear of mood is really a tax for the, the whole world is watching. those be slaughtered by these release. all they can do was drop some food. we don't want your food, we want the water to stop so that innocent children can have a life. hours after the attack, the on the 0, it refugee camp was talking to the game with the injured being brought here to l. x a hospital and an asteroid. has a house in the shape, right? one neighborhood with children had to be pulled from the rubble. these women and children are among tens of thousands of innocent skills by the overwhelming military power of israel. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before this ends. victoria gates and b l g 0. it's all
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a fast maritime a shipment to gauze has been offloaded, but there are still few details on how that 8 will be distributed. and as the united nations one's of looming famine calls the residents desperate for food, say the shipments will not be the solution. michael apple 200 tons of aid is brought to show this represent certainly a fraction of what's needed to stop people solving in gauze. the situation is sorry about that, no one can imagine it on the ship, even if it helps, will be a drop in the ocean. because the entire region is in need of 8 and people competing to take 8 from the show. and drops of caused chaos with several people killed by folding pallets. when parachutes failed to open the sun? none of the we keep waiting for aid. this is not a solution with a by shipple, by playing by. yeah, we saw plains dropping 8 and people fighting over it to get the bill. some children
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who drowned in the c 488 agencies are wanting nearly 600000 people are on the brink of the nice the living situation is very bought. we cannot eat or drink and it is very scarce. they told us that is 8 in the south, but it is very scarce. so either the ship open arms arrived from cyprus on friday. the us charity behind the delivery, acknowledges that the best way to get desperately needed aid in is for israel to open the land card on our 1st board that right there, i read ready to continue escaping up. these are what was the i really appreciate. he's how you the of high way of a going to augusta. of course, we need to keep updating the log across the board access because no, no, that is not a no a play mount arriving to augusta with israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu approving plans for an insult on the southern city of rough uh,
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which is sheltering more than a 1000000 displaced people. any a deliveries may be too late. mike level, which is 0. so let's dig into this now was time or communities and the system professor of public policy, the hot institute for graduate studies, summit explained something for me because these really say that they are holding out these trucks up a lot in crossings because they need to check everything right now we're seeing aids come in by and by see shortly that negates the reason for stopping the trucks . besides, this has been a bit of a linux then how or why? i mean, when we say a practices, there is an ocean which has been to fight 8 or at least do no harm on what we see here. this sciatic show has nothing to do with, with the conduct of it, which will bring stability, peace and dignity to people. so this is what i could allow it to the through the official border crossings. the 7 of them on daily basis before this war,
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a minimum of $500.00 trucks used to enter the gaza strip, to meet the minimum requirements human to, to quote them, it's on development requirements. so if there isn't some garza and now we see the resulting to these other models to deliver at 8 and this brings big bushes not 2 days that aid is themselves, but also to the countries that are helping with this scripting, these alternatives. and because isms why, why are they doing this? i mean, what's the purpose? i mean a venture is have to be more of this type to some, the outcome and results, you know, and preferably, it should bring stability and any, you know, war situation, things submitted. but the way we see it is very, if it has many questions, i mean, so they know, but it is, or is it a fuse of to allow aids and then its own part notice and this is not a shot i'm doing it and then do it in gauging with these, out of the, you know,
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administrative at 8 in 3, a selective use. so why the nice thing is it's social purposes. the leading desire from its economic button and giving us what are the hand to control to secure the scene. and that goes for along the, it is interesting, you say that because you talk about dignity, you talk about order and, and procedure. i'm wondering where the un is in order of this. obviously, one rug that the humans agency is really the only body that has as a network to do distribution of aid that has the reach that has the facilities that they know how. where is the un and all of this right now with the, the various part of this does is the un or overall to see how it's surface become a victim of this work. it has become one of the biggest victims we have never seen a, you know, patient losing so many if it's old stuff. and then there's the being the marginalized, this way, becoming a relevant, uncertain, engaging or accepting some views. and these are not can use of environment that is
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being a state of them together or creative. and if that's what that means you want, i mean the, you are and is this a political organization? so if it has no political with the administrative bodies that you want agencies themselves, they will have no say whatsoever they'll just cope with what the politicians or the countries that don't have companies want. and that's what the understands now. it's becoming competitive and diminished much that lies. i'm also a victim of this world. and that's also sad. so sadly, i mean, we see an intention, a little bit of policy or is it a diminishing anyone presence or we can get it in profession for something that we don't know. what do you mean? because this is what we see. all this evidence of it tells us that is what it is this to stay. there would be a new patient if they've got a slip. and sadly, these countries that the health thing is then at the same time with this new aid mechanisms be the port, whatever. i think the engaging with the sonata, the not holding is a comfortable the not cold learning is what i instead the head of thing is what i'm
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relieved to, to leave the burden from it. and also the going all the way with this and to support it. with it's i don't know vision for the future because of the day after we don't know where to go. what are these so that is taking us very interesting. what was happening. speaking to you about that a little bit nice, half an hour. thank you very much. time to come with us a halt. meanwhile, demonstrators and tell if he is holding a rally to protest, these really governments handling of the war on garza, they've been demanding that the government do more to secure the release of is really captive and held inside districts. in previous demonstrations, police deployed water, canada, horses against crowds. well, let's go talk. correspond to sell hood. she's on the ground there for us and kind of home the, it was really looking like, quite the crap there with you. the that's right. demonstrators here say they've come out in full force in order to demonstrate against israel's government. specifically when it comes to policies in this war
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that have not seen the captive brought back nearly a 116 year old, or in fact the anti government. but this, they said that they were going to come here and demonstrate outside of the streets in order to send the message to the board cabinet minister. so that simply not being done to bring back and we've obviously seen this, this growing defense isn't any shifts going on within the governmental there has been some government reaction tonight, but in terms of a shift, the government is going to see this, or the answer is no, this evening, these really prime minister in fact did not cancel any meeting tonight. that would be about the negotiators. and we also really government
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involved from nationally that bills within the country for a deal to release is really tough, isn't the fighting. he's now falling on been spinning that delegation sometime next a week. so this is really prime minister on sunday that's tomorrow there will meetings to discuss exactly what kind of mandate as they have to do and keep very close on on. what does that for now? i'm just, i'm good. i'm not ready for some kind of you. thanks so much on a palestinian is really 9 has been founded in israel's actual prison. 26 year old juma of a good name and was previously affiliated with him asked but faced arrest by the group for disobeying orders. these way the army arrested him to trying to enter the town of on the cause and southern israel. he's the 13th person on the 1st posting
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is really to die in his really custody. he's really army has carried out more strikes and southern lebanon. huge creams of smoke row was seen in the town of r, y, and that's close to the border with his room that he's on group has while i'm these really ministry happen. you're watching new daily cost folder attacks since the war on the costs of again, of around $60.00 families, displaced by that violence of and sheltering and an abandoned hotel in the wash. and they've been receiving food and water from local charges during bombing down the u. n. says that continuing costs for the fi has forced move in line 2011 east from their home. the 1st of all, i came to this hotel as a displaced person i. 3 months ago we fled obviously because of the bombing. my house was damaged. i food for my children and myself. we are not distressed about the accommodation. now. i'm fancy, we are happy that everything that's provided for us. we are not in our own home to
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us. we please review the july they were defeated, group forced out of our village against our will. but if a ceasefire is declared now will immediately return to our homes and land will resume our work. children will go back to their schools and life will continue normally the moving on to some other world news now and every day, hundreds of people from through don, i'm making their way to neighboring south through dawn and such a safety. united nations estimates that more than half a 1000000 student needs and now arrive, that since the conflict between the army and the permanent through rapid support forces began last year, many of them come to the board, a town of rank with you and run transit kinds of struggling to accommodate the many new arrivals. the convict has killed thousands and displaced millions of correspondent, nothing was report the where in the transit gum,
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which was built nearly a year ago, it has a capacity for just over $3000.00 people. but there were more than 15000 people standing here at the moment. about 1500 more people arriving here in rank everyday . now with me is silver cafe from the un refugee agency is coordinating all of the humanitarian agencies working here. just how serious is this displacement crisis? it is quite a serious starting from the 1st day of the water and so dining operate 2023. we have more than 600000. you arrive every 30 and refugee. mostly they are the tell me who are so that, so somebody's coming back home, we have the daily drive of 1500 and the starting from the sun. but we start to see a change in the trends where we start to see more of the fuse you come in to seek safety in house to down. what kinds of conditions are people playing from? of of course it starts with the water because of the conflict is to them. but also
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after that we notice when we talk to the people that they are doing like they are going through more than one displacement. so they say they go from her tone to my do i need to more than one places. so this lead 1st is to seek safety in another place. that's also the difficulty they are paid to the for the security and other charges which make them also 3 out of so of to down is the well paying enough attention and providing enough help. unfortunately, we can say this is one of the somehow for government emergency, it was all what's happening around the globe nowadays. it's not uh, you know what we are receiving. we know that the don't that are doing their best that he went and bought out, doing their best, the government, ourselves for them. they were so supportive. they opened the door for all of us that needs to seek asylum here and be at a pc. but still, the needs are massive. as you see that we have must have number of 350. you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited to what's gonna happen to the people who arrived here. they've fled from what was
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a relatively stable and relatively off to a neighbor, to one of the poorest countries on us. what's the future? yeah, unfortunately, even the who would say is to, to assure himself. so don is not strong to the capacity is limited and for that it's only for this house to then these because the rank is transit center, so they need to go through that or edit oh, it isn't. and this is what the, the he went to and bought that are trying to assist for that. if he, if they don't need the him to the system, they are free to go wherever they want. but they won't, they haven't said assistant, they need to go to the physical or so 2 months where they wait and receive a typical split the system because in the transit sense of the site is very limited, its hostile ahead here on al jazeera results from the president valuables and already makes a defined appearance. they often knew accusations that he was coughing a to the
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. there are spill signs of winter across europe. hey there. thanks for joining it. and so after parts of scandinavia were swiped with snow, this is now hopped over the baltic sea impacting the baltic states. and some of this is going to stick on the ground. so no doubt there will be some 6 spots on the roads. they're completely different story in southern spain, feeling more like summer in places like seville and board about temperature is approaching 30 degrees will string together a few one days before the winds start to shift and pull you back to where you should be for this time of year somewhat, whether to go for the bulk in stretching up through the western side of romania, western ukraine, also eastern poland, spells of showers to be expected on sunday clouds or floating in through the circle . yeah, i think we'll probably squeeze out a shower in the south or the east of the country. that's the best bet for it. anyway. and northern egypt, specifically cairo could get hit by a straight shower,
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but otherwise it says, belts of heat stretching across the hell out through the atlantic. it has supercharged temperatures, so bundled 40 degrees on the nose for you on sunday. and keeping with this theme of heat, south africa is cape providence, is the northwest, and the free states all under alerts for heat wave conditions. it's going to be a hot weekend for sure. spickle. see you later. the stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach, they usually forget people from lake oswego need sandy, people in power, meet the inhabitants still fighting suggested just wait. i took the lead and think and for the money you're went home. i didn't think david considered us again, the black people, the people, the sacrifice then on tuesday of the
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book, imagine watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories this out to is really a rates of targets and the all new standard refugee counts in central cause. i just, i was a part 36 members of the same single family were killed in the fast striking hospital stuff. say, most of them were women and children. these 7 people were count 2 in the seconds of the 1st age have to reach a gauze and shows it's finished downloading some 200 tons of food, but it's still unclear how it will be distributed. jade is just a fraction of cause as a means to you and says the maritime cardo is not a viable replacement for land deliveries,
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which is ralph continues to restrict you on estimates of hundreds of people from through to on a pouring into neighboring stuff to don every day to jones all me in the main permanency groups have been fighting for control since april last year. thousands have been killed. millions, millions of space. also hayes, you know, a new satellite images taking over the capital. so shipping containers being used as barriers. a number of vehicles appears to be blocked inside the national palace and ports of friends and up the cities, port shipping containers, instructing access to launch cranes on the wolf, the images. sure how the violence is also continuing on the streets with really blogs and binding debris across the capital. how's there is john holman, is in santo domingo and neighboring dominican republic. so it's a pretty impactful image. now they've been dragged, obviously all the way from the move to the way from the pool to the presidential palace. what i colleagues in hate to telling us is that i think that that's
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actually been done by the police to protect the vehicles a less in the presidential palace. because it's one of the few areas in the capital that they still control. united nations estimates the 80 percent of the rest of the cup to put the prince is under the, is under the influence of the games. and now even move side, because the 2 games that with 4 blocks of games that were fighting each of a bit to leave before have actually formed an alliance group viva, on some late to try and protect themselves from any sort of outside interference. now we're also seeing satellite images of the apple, an empty room, right? and that's because no planes have been able to get into hight feet for about 2 weeks now. and also the pool that says wellbeing closed door. so a put side front smooth space of influence of the haitian police. really the games have got this on the control and a chunking off the supplies getting to the people input the prince. us on brazil's
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former president diable scenario has made a defined appearance as a riley and we're diginero. it comes just a day after the release of testimony from foreign military cheese, accusing him of crossing to overtime. the 2022 election results. the former heads of the army and the f for say that both of our present them with a plan to reverse the outcome of the vote, which was won by his rival, desilva, monica, and actually i was, i thought, right. and we're to do this was a political rally here. it's so just and it is, it was a rally, which is for the october municipal elections and both. so nato is trying to campaign for conservative candidates from his party. he did not mention specifically the accusations which uh would say that he basically plotted to, to stay in power even after losing the election. he just said that he was not afraid
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of any trial as long as the trial is fair. but his uh, all of his supporters and he has already told them several times. they don't believe that the supreme court is fair. they say that he is being politically prosecuted. so he didn't mention it directly. and he is trying to show that business is going on as usual, that he's still a popular figure, and that these people will stand by him no matter what these 2 people have been killed and ukrainian strikes on russia's belgrade region. the criminal says if keith is trying to disrupt russia's presidential election belgrade is on the border with ukraine. dmitri dmitri met with uncomfortable ukrainian miss aisle strikes as a russian city, goes to the polls. in belgrade, the war is real. the government has announced schools and shopping centers will be
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closed for at least 2 days, stops in the books before the situation is quite complex, both in the city and in the bell. good region, of course, safety is the primary concern for all of us. the russian defense ministry released to this video. it says, shows pro ukrainian troops trying to penetrate its territory. these troops have been telling residence to leave i think more than half for town took on everyone who was children. all of them going on the old people, the left to so ok, which i don't really like the situation here, but we're already used to it. and try to stay at home as much as possible. the kremlin says these attacks, so aimed at the railing, the elections, but people here say they will still vote for president vladimir putin. almost the much do we, there are no other options at the moment. there is no person who could be opposed to our president. i believe that the work that he's now started in terms of a special military operation he must completed
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despite the shillings belgrade has so far reported a larger than average election turn out. and it's important for president putin to show support for him and the war and ukraine is nationwide. dimitri method and go out to 0. it's a quote in hong kong, has sentenced 12 people to prison, to their role in the 2019 anti government protest. hundreds of protest assumed into the legislative council building not yet to facing pictures and slashing furniture, the quote 100 down jail terms, arranging from 4 and a half to nearly 7. the whole india is election commission has announced the dates for this is biggest general election. nearly 1000000000 people are registered diverse and not call them every poll which will be taking place and 7 phases from april to june. they have been controlled. vesee is about the funding of political parties of a pointing electro commission is probably going to spend their end remote he's
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probably the b j. p is taking time on. india is a chief election commission that has warned against any violations of an actual rules. and they run up to and during these elections, so many charges and why they posit for them, the election commission faces for me and challenges. the full ends off muscle, money, misinformation, ad m. c. c. violations become a table. essentially focus on these 4 key areas between now and the end of the elections. the election commission is focusing on how to control must have bob up, how to control money thought, how to control the menace of misinformation, and how to control any violations against the model code of conduct rules. and meanwhile, india supreme court has banned anonymous donations to political parties in an attempt to increase transparency during these elections. earlier, we spoke to survosity descript uh john list with a non profit news and opinion website. the one she explained what this means. these
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electron bonds have been declared unconstitutional by the supreme court of india. just to give us a sense to have us watch these really odds, anonymous donations that can be made by private companies to political parties. this was brought in by law, by the government back in 2018, and now the supreme court in subject it has struck down in the snow. but the fact of the matter is that in the past 5 years, it's already been a genuine. busy action that has already taken place in which the ruling 5 to the 5 digit, the 5, the other b g b, which is the more the, the 500. so sparky, that 5 you have uh the over 55 percent of the electrical boards that run into what $600.00 me see. and the fact is that there's a meaning all physician 5, you have to get those boxes a meeting amount of extra one. now this has been strong doubts, but genuine action has already leased along with the executive and
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a successive collection with the past 5 years to this money has already been in the system and it has the finance 7 elections with the ruling 5, you're already getting the most out of it. so that's, that's why questions of transparency are being raised at the moment because the b, g, b has already gained a lot out of it. a fire in egypt has destroyed one of the, our was oldest film production houses. the blaze alarm from studio and cairo force evacuation to if nearby apartments, no death injuries were reported in the cause of the fire. still on the studio was founded move in a few years ago. it was considered one of the most prestigious in egypt as well. many off guns have setup chargeable donations to help those who can't afford proper meals because of a lack of sufficient levels of 8. you an estimate. some 2 thirds of the population requires humanitarian assistance. but for most of the guns every day, life is still a struggle. as long as it's related reports from kabul,
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many people now ma ramadan for the 3rd year under the telephone. the final preparations before serving hundreds of if thought meals at doubles of the rough mind was more people gotten there every day to break their costs. it's because of improve security, that people can freely gather advising poverty means more people need handouts. this ramadan is that the top out? i'm the american, since this is the month of compassion muslims should lend to hand poverty, exists in the nation. with our daily efforts, we're unable to feed a 1000 individuals. yet every day, the number of visitors increases. after the collapse of the republic, much of the for the assistance is gone for local businesses and donors put together to provide these meals through the whole of the month. and the i got sort of the problems that something i put out also and we provide these meals for more than a 1000 jobless and poor people every day. we.


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