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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the the color that i missed all the time. this is in use our life from the home. coming up in the next 16 minutes, is there any strikes destroying more lives in gaza? at least 63 people have been killed in the past 24 hours? 36 of them from a single family and the alistair with refugee is really is return to the streets to purchase benjamin isn't, you know, who is handling the war and also norris, leaderless, hazy,
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a groups one. the gang violence is blocking crucial supply cartilage as losing breaks out in future print. and russia accuses ukraine is trying to disrupt its presidential elections. of the 2 people of health and strength and in sports english captain harry changed. it's a new record in the german. the lead chain claims is a 31st goal for fire and setting a new record for most polls. and a dave you can definitely just see the whole it's now 2100 g m t, that's 11 pm and gaza. what health officials say that is really strikes have killed 63 palestinians since friday. a to is rarely strikes just hours apart. targeted the only say with refugee counts in central garza, the t 6 members of the same single family were killed in the 1st. at least 7 people
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were killed in the 2nd victoria gate and he begins, have coverage. generations of the same family wiped out in his really strong needed over victims where women and children outside the move got o x, a hospital, a truck arrives to collect deputies for the funeral. at least 36 members. if the tobacco be family will kills these ready as strike targeted this home near the allen? is there a refugee camp? witnesses say it happened late at night? i remember. yeah, this is now that we was sleeping peacefully. then all of a sudden we saw a concrete blocks and breaks flying over our heads. we rushed to the building to see dead bodies all over the place torn to pieces. it is not a war on how mouse it is. it is really war on women and children. the guy is that exactly 11 41 pm. we heard what felt like
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a north quake. it was not regular shelling. we ran here to see what happened. we sold this full story building level till the ground collapsed on the heads of those who were inside. the old 2 neighbors say they live in constant fear of mood is really a tax for the the whole world is watching. those be slaughtered by these release, all they can do was drop some food. we don't want your food. we want the water to stop so that innocent children can have a life. hours after the attack, the on the 0 at refugee camp was talking to the game with the injured being pulled here to l. x a hospital and an asteroid has a house in the shape, right? one neighborhood with children had to be pulled from the rubble. these women and children are among tens of thousands of innocent skills by the
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overwhelming military power of israel. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before this ends. victoria gates and b l g 0 as well. the fast maritime 8 shipment to gauze that has now been offloaded, but that also a few details on how that age will be distributed. and i'll see you in ones of leaving simon calls a residence desperate for free and say, these shipments will not be the solution. michael apple thoughts? 200 tons of aid is brought to show. this represent certainly a fraction of what's needed to stop people solving in gaza. the situation is sorry about that. no one can imagine it on the ship, even if it helps will be a drop in the ocean. because the entire region is in need of 8 and people competing to take 8 from the shore. at drops of caused chaos with several people killed by falling pallets. when parachutes failed to open the number and then send none of
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them. we keep waiting for aid. this is not a solution with a by ship all by playing by. yeah, we saw plains dropping 8 and people fighting over it to get the bill. some children who drowned in the c 488 agencies are wanting nearly 600000 people are on the brink of 10. well, the nice, the living situation is very about. we cannot eat or drink and it is very scarce. they told us there is 8 in the south, but it is very scarce. so either the ship open arms arrived from cyprus on friday. the us charity behind the delivery, acknowledges that the best way to get desperately need an aide in is for israel to open the land car at all. our 1st boat that right there, i read. ready to go into the escape of these i. what do we see? i will you be sure he's how you the of high way of a going to augusta? of course we need to keep updating the log cross. see how you more access? because no in north a, there is not a no a to my mouth arriving to augusta with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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approving plans for an insult on the southern city of rough uh, which is sheltering more than a 1000000 displaced people any a deliveries may be too late, mike level l g 0. thanks for joining me again. now is time to communities in the system, professor of public policy at the the institute for graduate studies. tell me you were telling me earlier how this ports, that's now what was this temporary port that's receiving these shipments is on the is really control. so how is this actually in effect, different from any kind of latin to crossing a or it's, it's the sort of because it's, it's kind of the process, the same scale of aids that could get to the land quarter doors and then crossings . i mean, it's a very limited mckenna, isn't it? just to remind you of yours, because i've never had any of the punk function and cool the ports. there was
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a plan during the golden times of also to construct a big, large board. but it was never, never happened because it, i did nothing. i was to happen. so now the guys ins, under bombardment, some companies were selected to start at the outlet to start the constructing a better primitive for to allow the a to be delivered to the ship pseudo. but again, it's, it's really, it's, it's, will not respond to the best of the needs of either the ghost of this seemingly parallel a to architecture that's being set out in that obviously sense precedent is the within the some kind of tacit acknowledgement by particular explanations of their complete lack of ability to make as well do what they wanted to. and indeed this does not even the acknowledgment that also complicity. because once you leave visited from, it's more i'm leaving the responsibility as an a to apply it in the gaza strip. and
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then you, you, how is what i have to get away with this bottom of the responsibility by engaging to these uh, building these thinking isms. and you are complicit because when we think about age, we always think about what's the developed interest. 8 on a by default should be aiming at the believe. think people from self funding, critical use of environment for these. but finding limits a, i'm thinking that the most important thing, and this is not happening because the conduct of fade is more or less to support the corporation. because again, at the receiving end, even when it comes to these, the sports. and the good news is that it is going to be fully in charge of who gets the aides and in the center of it, the really they don't want any involvement of any civic mechanisms previous civic, existing and kind of like a police force or even a you on force, like owner, while you have to show that this have to the previously they the big go to disagree with the game. but not only was the presence that's been demolished or diminished
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because of the sort of system ethic i thought going on, or the agencies and stuff. so basically, so, so this perfectly says, is it a bigger interest, which is as a sort of, i want to remain in control, security wise, if that goes a step, but i want to lead from this, but then someone else would take this one. so suppose submit it that way for me. what i meant in my 5 sizable completion of the gods to stay with me telling me because i want to take a look at this, what's been happening and as well over the last couple of dollars also with demonstrators and kind of these have been holding another riley to protest these really government's handling of the war on garza, they've again been demanding that the government do more to secure the release of is really kept as health inside the strip. so in previous demonstrations, police to play move to kind of the horses that amongst the crowds. i'm just on hooks has more for us from that riley instead of the demonstrators here say they've come out and see force in order to demonstrate against the israel government.
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specifically when it comes to policies in this war that have not seen the captive fraud. nearly a 160 year or more. in fact, the anti government this, they said that they were going to come here and demonstrate outside of the streets in order to send a message to the cabinet. so that simply not being done to bring back early this evening. these really prime minister in fact, did not have any meetings tonight. that would be about the negotiators. and we also have the really government or a known altered national expansion is that those within the country is worth having it for a deal to release is really tough, isn't finding their way now, following on been submitted and that delegation time next week. so these really
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prime ministers, sunday that's tomorrow, there will meetings to discuss exactly what kind of mandate as they have to do all the time to just mention sci fi talks all sent to resume inter hawes early sunday. catch all has been acting as mediator and is really delegation led by the head of most on is expected to be taking part your call this week as well, rejected a proposal outlined by him off, off to a senior mazda official accuse nothing, you know, who was not being interested in reaching an agreement and had versus fi adults. many countries have in voicing the concern about these randy, governments approval of kinds for ground invasion, rasa. we know the region is struggling to cope with the huge influx of just based families pushed out. and the other parts of the strength of the stones of this war is rarely forces ordered. palestinians in the north to evacuate below the one. because as you see that the body forces essentially divides the strip into 2 halls
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. these really only then continues to carry out attacks out of warranty. garza out of thing is within next order to move again towards con eunice then is around move to attack con eunice, forcing people to then for the use of the southern mercer g rafa. right that against the egyptian border, an estimated one and a half 1000000 people of problems that i'm bombardment in these so called faces earns continues. well, that's going to come out to tom recovered. thomas allows invasion of rafa is again, sounding fairly immune. and despite all the objections we've been hearing from less than pounds, what it says that we don't hear the objections we, we have cons. so and this, and this is very vivid in the american position like yes, you have agreed like to, to conduct a minute to finish and dropped off. but there are some conditions or deadlines pertaining to the civilians or the cause. the site is, conduct has been very vicious. i mean, obviously in other parts of the guys
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a slip. so i think the u. s. as in that us or would be about us from a similar conduct into self. you know, that's would lead to have thousands of, of, of, of, of this i'm casualties. so i think we're good with not seeing the red line for nothing. yeah. who to stop or not to go to an offer. and that's a problem. he's a concern from the u. s. objections from some west and 1000 in europe. but i'm curious about what the options are now for the us in terms of, of leverage on his right. we've talked often about about the weapons that the us is providing to israel, the button administration very clear that they're going to continue doing that. is that something else that the by the administration could be doing? i see this idea of finding potentially addressing the capacity, for instance, has been doing the rounds in washington. i don't think so. i mean, i mean the, i, again, i mean is there is a democracy by law. does i mean the, the construction of the government, the scene, is that the condition is, is the choice of the people, the bylaws who are
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a lot of goals and take that off this war 70 percent, according to many surveys, later surveys. so i think the us would, i mean yeah, i mean, i think is an old trying to change the school supplies that can only happen through sanctions. and historically the us of use the sanctions against, isn't it? i mean, i mean the incidence or the historically, i mean when we have, i mean the egypt is a n p stokes, you know, and 1982. i mean, that is what levels of code for, for the american citizen, by coughing, economic aid, that same also with also the mid threes. the codes in the early ninety's also the show me at the bottom. so show me the government, most of what the americans buy. there's always most of the father. so the medic, this was the only times when we see a she essentially and these are his behavior. but to will not change anything. addressing or giving a speech would not change anything because we know the identity and, and the, and, and, and a lot of these people, i mean the coalition and so i'm. busy not sure on this site, when governments,
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nothing will change them. so only for that's, i mean that's it cannot make leverage. comes to weapons. i think this will assume that the message visit 8 is that enough is enough. the even that uses by and by the context of what you're saying, it doesn't sound like a very optimistic about any of these talks. and uh, i, i, a lot of them as of to be honest. i mean, i think all the parties are spend most of us moving into an empty system because the how much to dispose of the propose that it does not, and navigate that we from that initial response sort of, i think we're getting to a did look at just buying more time for these latest to do whatever they want them to go. this time i come here to the system progressive haven't policy that the institute for graduate studies. thank you for joining me again. it was great to get your thoughts with us. small a gentleman, chancellor, or ourselves. meanwhile, as heading to the jordan and israel for to day visit. this is shots as 2nd trip to the region since this will began. he's saying that he'll discuss the possibility of getting more a into a goal. is that with israel's leadings?
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earlier on saturday, germany carried out it's fast and drop of surprise into the strip of berlin has been saying that allowing more tropes carrying supplies into dogs a still remains the best option. basically, that associates confidence, it would be important for an arrangement to be reached very quickly now on a cease fire that would allow the hostages to be released. and at the same time, allow humanitarian a to reach casa. and it's also important that a large scale offensive and rough uh, where many people from no longer had a safe place in other parts of garza, have fled to does not result in a major human tragedy. this is something i think everyone knows. and yet everyone needs to know that a palestinian is really mine husband, founded in israel's esl present 26 year old juma of a good name and was previously affiliated with him us but faced arrest himself by the group of disobeying orders. and these really ami arrested him for trying to enter the town of on the cob in southern israel. he is the 13th person. and the 1st
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palestinian is really to die in his really custody. as i mean, a lot of these really ami has been carrying out more strikes in southern 11 on huge streams of smoke. as you see that in the town of my wife. and that's close to the border with israel 11 he's on group has been a and these really ministry of and launching nearly daily cross border attacks since the will on goals and began around 60 families, displaced by that violence had been sheltering and, and abandoned hotel and more washing, they've been receiving food and also from local charities this ramadan the you and says the continuing cost for the fi has now forced move, a 90000 to the buildings from the models that live tired just left us alone. i came to this hotel as a displaced person i 3 months ago we fled obviously because of the bombing. my house was damaged. i food for my children and myself. we are not distressed about the accommodation. now. i'm thank you. we are happy that everything that's provided
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for us. we are not in our own home to us. we please review it last night and they were a defeated group forced out of our village against our will. but if a cease fire is declared, now will immediately return to our homes and land will resume our work. children will go back to their schools and life will continue normally. the say, hey, do you know where do united nations this morning that more than a 1000000 people on the verge of famine? gang violence has paralyzed the capital of poetry, prince of a post political solution being pushed by the united states and caribbean nurse nations remains a distant prospect as don't holland reports from neighboring dominican republic. another descend into k o. i hate to looting in the pool. the same it carriages
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and that's gone. 5 criminal games are on the street. fighting with the hopelessly outmatched police force of the sundays of relative call. meanwhile, schools and businesses, the shop trade is from big to smooth a suffering by your window around the on the streets. people have turned against us . they don't feel comfortable. they don't live in pace, they can't even sleep at home. they can't seem to children to school because they have no money to feed in with mentions, go out into the streets, looking for money to feed my children and wives. we find nothing in the country and tell them we will. free program says a 1000000 people are on the brink of funding the us and european union, the promise state. the question is, how will it get in? this is the ad pool, close stuff to constant gang, a tax. it's been nearly 2 weeks since planes came down. this room was even the vehicles in the presidential palace encircled by shipping containers,
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apparently by police to stop criminals from taking them. the choking of school in 2 ways in and around the country. they want to stop the transitional count so that the us in some caribbean countries are pushing for it would be made up of representative from some of heights. these political blocks of the use of unsuccessful outside interference. some haitians reject it too, because this is a country for and this has no right to med room, no offense. this is our country and it's up to us to unite and put to an order with the council. in theory would at least philip, let's go back to name and intern prime minister and paved the way to both the elections and the multinational police force to enter hate to. under the leadership of kenya, the that force would inevitably limit the gains power the fight in the west trent.
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meanwhile, the situation in haiti is on sir john home. and i would just say to send to domingo, the dominican republic every day and hundreds of people from through dawn on making their way to neighboring south through dawn and such a safety. united nations estimates that one and a half a 1000000 sudanese have now arrived this since this conflict between the army and the permanent 3 rapid sport forces. again, last year. many of them come to them for the town of rank where you and one trans accounts have been struggling to accommodate the scale of the new arrivals. the contract has killed thousands of the space. millions will correspond to not some web went to rent for us. where in the transit gum, which was built nearly a year ago, it has a capacity for just over 3000 people. but we're more than 15000 people staying here at the moment. about 1500, more people arriving here in rank every day. now with me is silver cafe from the
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you and the refugee agency is coordinating all of the humanitarian agencies working here. just how serious is this displacement crisis? it is quite a serious starting from the 1st day of the world is to dining opera. 2023. we have more than 600000 new. as i've ever done the advocacy. mostly they already tell me who are so that so somebody's coming back home. we have a daily drive but of 1500 and the starting from the sun. but we start to see a change in the trend where we start to see more of the fuse. you come in to seek safety in house to down. what kinds of conditions are people playing from? of of course it starts with the water because of the conflict is too done. but also after that, we notice when we talk to the people that they are the weeds, like they are going through more than one displacement. so they say they go from cartoon to my do i need to more than one places. so the sleep 1st is to seek safety in another place. that's also the difficulty they are paid to the for the security
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and other charges which make them also 3 out of so of to down is the well paying enough attention and providing enough help. unfortunately, we can say this is one of the somehow forgotten an emergency. it was all what's happening around the globe nowadays. it's not uh, you know what we are receiving. we know that the don't that are doing their best that he went and talked about doing their best. the governments, ourselves for them, they were so supportive. they opened the door for all of us that needs to seek asylum here and be at a pc. but still, the needs are massive. as you see that we have must have number of the 300. you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited to what's gonna happen to the people who arrived here. they've fled from what was a relatively stable and relatively, also a neva to one of the poorest countries on us. what's the future? yeah, unfortunately, even the who would say is to, to assure himself through them is not strong. the capacity is limited. and for that,
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it's only for this house to then these because the rank is transit center, so they need to go through that or edit oh, it isn't. and this is what the, the human department of trying to assist for that if you g, if they don't need them to the system, they are free to go wherever they want. but they won't, they haven't said assistant, they need to go to the fuse. you can't or set 2 months where they wait and receive a typical split the system because in the transit sense of the system is very limited. you just jump to it says it has ended military cooperation with united states with immediate effect. a spokesman has said that it has revoked an agreement that allows and there hasn't been a few personnel on civilian stuff to operate on the ground that the u. s. 3rd still hasn't. and based on the know when the ministry has been flashing on groups like that, i saw fonts so withdrew its troops last year off to the turn to order them to leave . when i jerry is, army says 16 of its soldiers have been killed while trying to break up. communal, fighting in the southern delta stays,
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a ministry spokesman says the troops was surrounded by crowds and attacked on thursday. the states has seen frequent the streets of the land and compensation for well, since the engine navy has rescued the crew of a ship, hijacked by some of the pirates. back in december, the rescue took place of the coast of the smaller region of portland. si, fi pirates were detained, off in operation that last had always 24 hours. the n be ruined at both the carrier registered and molto. it was taken over by pirates near the any island of so called try. india has stepped out patrolling in the red sea region following a series of attacks by human base to $85.00 on commercial shipping. most of the head here on out as a result of the former president valuables and already makes defined to parents a day. often you, jason said he was causing a to capturing a conflict. we look at how you create in photographers of helping to document for
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crimes and recruit soldiers. that is for to hear from one of the faithful spigot stars, as he gets ready to play his thoughts in places. major league the, there are spill signs of winter across europe. hey there. thanks for joining it. and so after parts of scandinavia were swiped with snow, this is now hopped over the baltic sea impacting the baltic states. and some of this is going to stick on the ground, so no doubt there will be some 6 spots on the roads. they're completely different story in southern spain, feeling more like summer in places like seville and board about temperature is approaching 30 degrees will spring together a few one days before the wind start to shift and pull you back to where you should be for this time of year somewhat, whether to go for the bulk in stretching up through the western side of romania,
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western ukraine. also eastern poland, spells of showers to be expected on sunday. clouds are floating in through circuit, i think will probably squeeze out a shower in the south or the east of that country. that's the best bet for it. anyway. and northern egypt, specifically cairo could get hit by a straight shower, but otherwise it says, belts of heat stretching across this the hell out through the atlantic. it has supercharged temperatures, so bundled 40 degrees on the nose for you on sunday. and keeping with this theme of heat, south africa is cape provinces, the northwest, and the free states. all under alerts for heat wave conditions. it's going to be a hot weekend for sure. spickle see you later i this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered with every donation given. with every hearts that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved the days you donated to we delivered upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donate with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts, that's time all the
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the welcome back. you're watching all the 0. let's remind you about top stories, the ssl to is really a rates of target to the i'll new say with refugee counts in central cause i just, i was appalled. 36 members of the same single family were killed in the 1st dr. hospital stuff. same, most of them were women and children. at least 7 people were killed in the 2nd. the 1st age of to reach cause of shows has finished unloading some 200 tons of food. it's still unclear how it will be distributed, is just a fraction of calls the state a need for you and says the maritime card or is not a viable replacement salon deliveries, which is around is still restrict you on is wanting more than a 1000000 people in haiti on the verge of gang violence has paralyzed the capital
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for difference, and there's still no progress on a proposed solution. but at least 2 people have been killed in ukrainian strikes on russia's belgrade region. the kremlin says, acute is trying to disrupt russia's presidential election. belgrade is on the border as you see that with ukraine to meet, she met with uncomfortable ukrainian miss aisle strikes as a russian city goes to the polls. in belgrade, the war is real. the government has announced schools and shopping centers will be closed for at least 2 days before the situation is quite complex, both in the city and in the bell. good region, of course, safety is the primary concern for all of us. of the russian defense ministry released to this video, it says shows pro ukrainian troops trying to penetrate its territory. these troops have been telling residents to leave i think move in hall for town. look on
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everyone who has children. all of them going on. the old people are left to sort of new which and i don't really like the situation here. we're but we're already used to it and try to stay at home as much as possible. the kremlin says these attacks, so aimed at the railing, the elections, but people here say they will still vote for president vladimir putin almost so much you were. there are no other options at the moment. there is no person who could be opposed to our president. i believe that the work that he's now started in terms of a special military operation he must completed despite the shillings belgrade has so far reported a larger than average election turn out. and it's important for president putin to show support for him and the war and ukraine is nationwide to meet you met with in co, out to 0 residents of the russian control regions. and you can also take and pause
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in this presidential election. moscow has claimed that the townhouse and this region well was high, which includes the residence of, of do you have got a town that brush account to just weeks ago. you there has labeled the verge, illegal, and void and hold on ukrainians, not to participate as well. that's bringing pieces on the i've, he's a political scientist, he's also the executive director of the you raise democracy initiative. you joins us from the keys piece on i understand that you and your family are from done yet. what are you hearing about how things are going there on the ground as, as the polling has been taking place? yeah. well, uh the things are going the way they've been going since 2014 is when russia started instigating unrest in the don't boss. and you know that 1st stuff rough or random. so hold with random on the future of the don't boss with to, according to which, you know, but uh, well over 70 percent of the residents voted uh uh to be
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a separate from ukraine. uh, it was a shim process, obviously, and we are seeing, you know, uh, the addition of that, you know, both of these, all this voting. the 1st of all has taken place under the barrel of the con. um and obviously the already been reported instances of balance of stuff in the mind. you this is uh, you know, in the, in the context of this relentless, 24 hour. i'm the 7 days a week propaganda. that is happening board prop again this happening with like to put in that has no serious competitors, no serious rivals. the st. tompkins opposition, members who have not even spoken out against quite an important selves even in under the circumstances, but it would be still showing in security about the election. i will come here. the bible accounts was a figure from ages 5 to about 90 percent, which would mean the door slid off. is what policies use of the ukraine pizza. and
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you say essentially that people in these regions are being forced to virt. i say i'm less the same. they may be even more of a pretend non slide in these occupied regions and potentially in the rest of russia . so, let me ask you about another crucial indicator, then what, what do you expect in terms of turnouts and in some of these regions a, well, that's actually a very interesting thing that it up to turn out is what live it putting is really concerned about. they can really, really wind up the drawing and you figure they like, but they want to see crowds, they want visible sort of displays of enthusiasm. and i've heard some expert opinions as do the turn out the probably the most 20 percent of the folders throughout prussia, which for russia is actually pretty normal. and vince, why the, the, you know, the, all the efforts are being made to actually provide this sort of turn out. so in the occupied territories where the oversight is simply non existent,
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this is much easier to hide instances, like i said, the outlook, staffing, etc. and to actually force people to come to these uh, uh, to the voting booth. i'm catching up example where the strong wind runs on cars here. i've has traditionally provided, let me put in with the figure as high as 99.9 percent of a yes. low, it does a similar to what happens in north korea, so that's precisely we have one of which is a basis. you know, um the support is uh, you know, the is and this is supposed to make up for the deficiencies throughout the process . so like for example, moscow in st. petersburg, we're probably high expect the turn out will be below. ringback symbol of russian, very interesting piece of that have understanding reports of soldiers in some of these regions actually going door to door and the fear that uphold like this is also a way of, of being able to identify dissenters and some of these areas. what do you make of that strategy? that is very much the case. you know, black, you know,
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it's actually a lot hard us. um let's look. forecasts that live with will actually step up. it's refreshing can be throughout russia after the selection. and in fact, this baby rushes only election as long as um, uh, as much of a surface that it is even in name only. this may be the only way uh the, the, the last election left. and after that, we will see some, some kind of ref, i rented us uh, basically endorsing this agent. dictate a call goes back to that sort of uh, side of the box. you know the members of the electoral commission kindly to put in and say bye to me, but the letter which we have good news and bad news. the good news is that you want the bad news is that no one voted for you and he doesn't even wouldn't need that. he wants to vote if he just wants to not a show. busy of this make believe the universe that russian has been sort of living in on the fly that would be increasingly let me ask is that, do you think any kind of an attempt to win the hearts and minds in,
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in some of these areas by the criminal i mean, sending men and by the cobb is to a door doesn't seem like a particularly effective way of doing. yeah. but, but this just shows you that this, the alignment within this v like recently on stakes and not carrots unit. that's basically a classic one. we look forward to aging dictatorship, you know, uh pilots, before bylaws and so suppression data leads to more suppressing, more repressions, increasingly repressive rule. we saw what happened with mr. in the bottom leave is peer that he has committed. you know, he is the colleagues such as the yahoo and then what do you mean the kind of goes off who are in russian jails. maybe next, you know, well there's just no way out a full alignment for them to unwind this war or to loosen their right to the level of repression. that would mean an end to his rules. so what repression, misery pieces only as the scientist and executive director, the res at democracy initiative. thank you for joining us again on al jazeera visa
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from cube today. well, during 2 years of one out interest and you can calculate entity has grown internationally and many with creative or media backgrounds have been offering this skills. and in this war effort, as an act of cultural resistance, from the side explains from the ukrainian capital t's at home in cave, pablo and the read sort through images from a 2nd life they have made for themselves on the front lines in the east africa to both photographers and still retailers with successful commercial and freshman careers before the full scale invasion. they joined the same brigade to use the skills in will that as well for the, for the now we are feeling the crimes that have been committed in ukraine and to work with father on the divorce and purchase of, of our beautiful fight them themselves. and like many other ukrainian artists incense that rushes, a parent intention to destroy the culture,
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and the spare time is devoted to projects, the promot cultural identity, of course. and i'm cool on the dp, you go into ukrainian culture, the more interesting it becomes. and the more you want to delve into it, but it with, with, with, if it makes you received everything and realize your value as a nation and our cultural projects have become more meaningful. it helps keep you saying that work is also being used to help recruitment as the army struggles to find enough soldiers to count a recent russian success is like have div beyond the town that's now in russian hands. you trenches up being rapidly created to hold back for the responses, depending on the was progress, so they couldn't become a new defensive line for ukrainian soldiers. but in spite of such a setback, irina and pub law would be at the side, documenting the struggles. and knowing that some of the port rates of fellow
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soldiers could become the images that traditionally adult them, the graves of those killed these the, there's a test quickly. it is very difficult when someone arrives to you and say they are that. and therefore, this has been used on their grace, very difficult against the oldest unbearable burden of war. one, couple seemingly finding strength in the love of a culture and of each other from mcbride. i'll just say a ref keith as well, india is election commission has announced the dates for this is biggest general election. many 1000000000 people are registered to version that parliamentary poll, which will then take place in 7 phases, from april center. and they've already been controlled disease about the funding of political parties and the pointing of electro commission is probably gonna send a render modi's policy. the b j p is taking the time results from the president tribal center has made a defined appearance as
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a valley. and we're diginero and comes a day off to the release of testimony from foreman military chief, accusing him of crossing to overtime. the 2022 election results to form a heads of the army. i'm the air force say that both in our present to them of the plan to reverse the outcome of the vote, which was won by his rival religious, although they will always be people chasing you, trying to defeat you or accusing you of the most absurd things i could be doing very well in another country, but i prefer to come back here with all the risks i still run. i'm not afraid of any trial, monica vasquez was at that rally for us and we're, it was a rally, which is for the october municipal elections and both. so nato is trying to campaign for conservative candidates from his party. he did not mention specifically the
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accusations which i would say that he basically plaudits to, to stay in power even after losing the election. he just said that he was not afraid of any trial as long as the trial is fair. but his uh, all of his supporters and he has already told them several times. they don't believe that the supreme court is fair. they say that he is uh, being politically prosecuted. so he didn't mention it directly. and he is trying to show that business is going on as usual, that he's still a popular figure, and that these people will stand by him no matter what. well, venezuela is president nicholas madura will see a 36 year time and election scheduled for july. his services policy declared, and as, as it's candidates out an event in the capital caracas, opposition need to recreate. number shorter has been disqualified by the quotes of
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corruption charges, which many say all politically motivation fine. and egypt has destroyed one of the world's oldest film production houses. the blaze at the ally from studio and cairo force the about to ation to a nearby apartments. the cause of the fund is still unknown. the studio was founded more than a few years ago. and it was considered one of the most prestigious in egypt, which accounts for 3 quarters of our film and television production, a palestinian living in the janine refugee camp off and describe it as little, gaza. for decades. israel has carried out the tax, targeted killings and demolitions in the area. some people fight back, but there is other freedoms here. so say there are other ways to resist saying this is robbie reports from jenny jeanine in the occupied westbank home to armed factions, taking up weapons against israel, the scene of uprisings,
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error strikes, assassinations, and battles that have gone on for days. but there is more to it than the image of war at the community based freedom theatre a cultural center. in the heart of the janine refugee actor say they are trying to find, you know, about as challenging stereotypes about this place. and the people who live here has been creating a sanctuary in the midst of this really problems and thoughts to preserve and tell their story. by this time from the day one was an international not a place. everybody from every, with all that religions exist in general, is that even palestine today, we're not saying that we want to live alone as about a senior, but his son is small, but big country enough for everyone. this was to come to the via but with freedom and dignity, and that is coming. so not all of that, the a message of unity from
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a refugee camp. israel is trying to tear apart to this place stands in stark contrast to the reputation that jeanine has. you usually think armed posting in fighters, you think of violent israeli military or you never think comedy club. he's really army has rated and detained, even killed. several theater members ransacked the place, meant for expression, creativity, healing, and hope. those here say the best way to fight back is through their art. after one of the largest is really rates in years last july, artist from the theater held a parade to lift the spirits the minutes we stepped up to the c. a said as we start to people's side coming out of the balconies. and this set the throwing candy. they
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start to distill rice on us as a celebration of us in the middle of the morning. they recruit something to celebrate their big city. after 4 days of compete that are an example, she says of how they can help in times of tragedy. to show the side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity, actors taking the stage even those rates carry on outside. because no matter what, here the show must go on the same bus route of the o g 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank to most of the head here on out as they are flying through turbulence. after a series of incidents involving borrowing planes, we hear from a former safety official about what's causing this problem and, and for the memorable day for how are we gain, but also for the pending for one hour. we'll be here to fill you in on all the
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details and just the why have american evangelicals because is real strong. as backer is us president joe finding right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line stuff ation is being used as a what the only way to stop. so i'm going to tell patients is to allow you then people are surrounding it, sparks goes with the flow, are just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of human materials aid, we have no blanket, no food, and no room to i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're
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stuck between death, star bases and displacement the of the the welcome back. it is time for sport and his bar just as you. thank you so much england, captain harry kane has made history and jeremy's top division. the former tottenham players nodded his 31st illegal for byron munich. by doing so, he's smashed age 16 year old records for most schools, and if they do when this laker season pains, effort help in buying boot. don steps 5 to to move them within the 7 points.
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leaders, laboratories in it wasn't all good news though. tank crashed into the post and the 2nd half and had to be taken off. well, in this, in to me to connect some tenants, he collided with the posts and twisted design quite a bit. he had design 2 items. there's still no diagnosis. we have to wait, i hope it's nothing bad to this. small vanessia senior started for round madrid, league, the brazilian sport twice in a fluid to win overall so soon as round. currently set top of that you get 10 points ahead of drone as last on saturday. plus blanco's are also still in the champions league and on friday were drawn play man city and the ford f one rouse champions, league opponents, man city me there, good form. maybe new tassel to new, to reach the as a cup, semi finals. it's a cities at the 22nd. the 2nd game without to feed and all competitions, city or the defendant as they have people talk about the primitives. talk about the
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champ is league, but when you say between 4 catalogs in a row, a 6, any science, 6. if that got to send me files in a row, this team describe how something especially so so it's, it's, it's incredible of closer one to one drops all of them, but sometimes not possible for basically for the quantity of point ends and basically for the schedule that we have well, i can see the 2 goals and into time against comments for you to crash out of their ethic, half in a for the final. the primary lead team had been leading to one of the late strikes, saw them eliminate is 2nd to side winning 3 to to reach the last 4 having 3, also known as a 5 d one. this competition 37 years ago. and the final and there was a dramatic, into a relegation battle in the premier league. this is forwarding to flies or just before the end of regulations times it and i fellow stragglers nodding and for us
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the with the result means we are 3rd from the bottom 3 points behind for us to see a place above that former manchester united play restaurant a rinaldo has hit yet another goal. scoring landmarks of his team allow several more and as a penalty and their most recent game, allowing the portuguese starts and that is 50 of school for the club. it gave out last or one when over our alley, but they still trails sadie, probably the leaders of hello by cuts are is how so now haters has called time on his international career. the 33 year old captains 16 year career, was highlighted by back to back asian cup titles. all he knows is the most capt. player for cats are with a 182 appearances and 41 goals. they'll still play for his club outside. ireland beat scotland to retain rug visa 6 nations titled ireland just needed to avoid defeat in dublin springs. i know for the 2nd round spiking quite under
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pressure early on. they responded well in the 2nd half and went on. when nearly 1713 our fax, fax technicians had us for the 2nd leak clinched a comfortable 2421 when over wales to complete the greatest service extensions appearance the void. a defeat is free consecutive mattress for the 1st time and picks up a record number of points wells receive the dreaded would have been so the 1st time in 21 years after losing all 5 of their games in the championship. a show here with tony says, he's hoping to create some great memories. as major league baseball gets ready to make history, the leak is starting its new season in south career for the 1st time. and the superstar is in soul with his new team, the dodgers. although we take you on the san diego padres into games series next week in december or tony signed a record 700000000 dollar 10 year deal with the dodgers. oh,
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louis come off from the well, it's a little different circumstances. i'm on a new team and we're opening in south korea, which is something out of the ordinary. so in that sense, i'm very excited. so i'm looking forward to it's kind of to us open champion cocoa golf, has missed out on a 1st appearance in the final at indian wells. the american was beaten by marie is the car, e and 3 sets go saved. 3 match points in the 2nd set against her 3 components and the match went to a 3rd set. but after almost 3 hours of plays occurring to the site is $62.00, she's now just one went away from her 1st tournament victory. optis reason. this is when we went outside of the major championship waiting for us to curry and the final is world number one. you guys should be on task. she overpowered ukraine. smart had cost puke, and there was somebody final. before time. grand slam champion is yet to drop effects polish for their beats, the car in the 2022 indian, the men's world number one to branch off. so it just pulled out of the mind me open
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as he tries to limit the number of tournaments he placed, the 36 year old posted a message on his social media saying he wanted to balance his private and professional schedule. the $24.00 time grand slam champion, separate the shots 3rd round last to be 100 and 23rd rank lou canarvy at indian wells on monday. jock, which is 6 time champion in miami, and that is all used for power back to you and a spouse. yeah, thanks so much. 5. the major american aircraft manufacturer, boeing is on the screen and again, i'll have to one of it's planes often external panel during a flight on friday. this is just the latest in a string of incidents for the company. on monday, a 787 dream lineup, flying from sydney to oakland, went into a southern dive, injuring move, and 50 passengers. industry officials told the wall street journal that plunged was likely if it was by a switch on the pilot's chair, being activated by accident. last week,
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a week from the landing gear of the boeing triple 7 fell off during take off from the san francisco airport. damaging talked cause, denise it, and your cold in january, boeing, 7379, max, painful ground. off the door panel blew out. i'm an alaska airlines side safety inspectors and say that bolts were missing when the company has been under intense scrutiny since crashes in 20182019 killed one with 350 people. those incidents involving 737 mex eights and both in denisia. and if you, if you were blamed to then or faulty software and senses earlier, my colleagues or kyle spoke to ireland deal. he's a full met national transportation safety board investigation. he told us about the relationship between boeing and government regulations. there are 3 basic problems . one, they have a used to have a do mandate. promot as well as regulate the industry. then they pass the airline deregulation that in 1978. and now they're allowing
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a lot of what they called the look delegation so that the basically boeing is performing the epa is job. and what i think is the f a needs to hire a bunch of temporary inspectors not permit, but they need to go into the boeing plants in a sure, over the next few years. that quality control is paramount. and there they are doing the right job. and these people should be paid for by boeing, but be a government employees. do you feel that that's going to happen to me is, is boeing in a state where it is advocating for this? i mean, you would think that his lunch is less than from 2017, and 18 when 350 people were killed. luckily, that's been no fatalities with these incidents, but they all alarming. are we seeing boeing willing to change? well that they're talking about that and the new ceo of mr. calhoun says they're
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going to do it, but it's going to take him some one up, some time, probably months or years. but i still think the government needs a presence in these factories to ensure that that's happening. and i don't think they need necessarily a permanent presence. but for the next few years, i would advocate that the f a higher temporary employees and get them into the boeing factories. and i would make boeing pay the salaries of these people. they'd work for the f a, but i think we need other people looking over boeing shoulder for the next months and years anyway. a while that's not leave you with some or all the extraordinary images from iceland. these are lives pictures. ok, no that's now erupt. thing for the 4th time since december with our seeds have been warning for weeks that this was imminent, they have to pay the state for emergency for that surrounding area that in the south. the nearby boot agreed. one of the licensed most famous attractions is also temporarily closed. incredible pictures that from iceland. well that's it for me
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and as long as you pay for this news hour, but don't go away, i'll be back with another one in just a moment. the biggest global, the next time you out in history, the world's biggest democracy hospice on epic showdown. join me see new oxygen in this new ballpark cvs focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how india's pricing, the got it in ism settings to turn the clock back on is the country founded on secular ideas being report box one on the 1st genocide that we see real time, it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. this is essentially curious on just lost jobs to find expeditions under furnished jurisdiction via sized of endangering national security security and civilians and soldiers by accident to reveal vast amounts of classified information. among that classified information was the videos of the us helicopter, attacking the rock that killed 11 people, including civilians, answers voices. janice remains inside belmont prison here in london awaiting a final decision. whether he can't appeal, as legal team says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech. there's never been, there must be some vs. the knowledge that people use a lot of free speech documents, federal documents that they weren't gonna set you all back in the us. his wife died
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and city is set to united states political prisoners. that's what happens is legal team says if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, i'm just calling to obtain. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minute. allison in communities torn apart in gauze, is all new sarah refuge account as is there any strikes, killed thousands of members of the same family. a trucks arrive in northern dogs or for the 1st time in months israel's war has forced
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hundreds of thousands of palestinians said to the brink of starvation the is really is


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