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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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of the, with the account some in theory would at least fill up political vacuum naming inter and prime minister and pay for the wife of both the elections. and the multinational police force to enter hate to. under the leadership of kenya, the dot force would inevitably limit the gains power, the fight, and that with the restaurant. meanwhile, the situation in haiti is on sir john hohmann out to zeta sent to domingo the dominican republic. and then as well as president nicholas madura waste to seek a 3rd term and in the election scheduled for july, his socialist party declared him its candidate that an event in caracas, opposition leader, maria covina machado has been disqualified on charges of corruption, which many believe are trumped up then, as well as in the grip of an economic crisis caused by folding oil prices in western sections. that's been in power for what does it move in 10 years and
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they've done nothing. they remain the same. so we need to change for the better now, but he has a time he has already ruled. he has to give someone else a chance and the has to meet the conditions. do you understand me? because what you didn't do, and it will be just one not going to do now. the material has made a big effort, despite everything that's happened to us, the sanction the coven material has always been there is always been there like an oak tree. even though people don't see him that way, but mate durrell has been there and continues to support us, even though people do not see him. he continues to support us. and today's act was too beautiful. and today i say, yes, i'm going for nicholas, missouri volcano in iceland has erupt in for the 4th time in 3 months. officials had warned interruption was imminent after they detected magnet accumulating underground eruption lead to the evacuation of the blue lagoon spa one of iceland top tourist attractions. i suppose main, airport catholic seems to be unaffected. i was told to go to the restaurant,
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so elaborate restaurant in the hotel for dinner at 8 o'clock and not even 10 minutes later as big words bring in my wine. we've heard that, but the sounds, the law and that's when my husband looked at each other and they said ok, evacuated in route. so i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest. i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay. but it really was an experience that i and i'm like at the same time. wow, how could this happen? i couldn't wait to come here. all right, that's it for me 0. then you even use continues here on al jazeera, after upfront my colleague, moline said, will be with you at the top of the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the challenges with the, the, as israel continues its own slot in gaza. progressive joyce, groups across the world have protested in solid verity with palestinians. so is there a generational shift within jewish communities when it comes to israel and palestinian liberation? and if so, how sustainable is that conversation is coming up with 1st ceasefire talks between from mass and israel have stalled smoking fears at the world. gaza has no immune, it ends in sight. meanwhile, in the west bank, palestinians have continued to rally, install it there already with god in the midst. ongoing raids, interest will discuss the situation in the west bank and the future parents, the leadership with this week's headliner. from ramallah, journalist and ryder,
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i am about to go to the man, but i go to thanks so much for joining us on upfront. thank you for having me ma'am . right now, more than $31000.00 people have been killed so far in israel siege on guys of the humanitarian situation on the ground is becoming even more dire. i mean guys are struggling for survival. a quarter of the population is facing starvation. i know you have friends, family in guys a what's the situation like, what are you hearing on the ground it's, it's such an important question to ask and yet one of the most difficult ones to capture because no words and no videos can really showcase the struggle of just being alive of just having another breast hour by hour, that is 31000 killed by direct air strike. we still don't know the actual numbers and including those that were denied medical care and including those that are
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dying from lack of medicines and access to medical care. those that are injured. and so coming to wounds that the numbers really don't show you the reality of every single day, people having to go and scout and scavenger for whatever food that they can find. and this is a man made problem, this is, this is a condition that is created and enforced tactic. land strategically by israel. and it's not just kill through air strikes. that is for the destruction of any infrastructure less than a day. but it is to the capacity of the palestinian population there and it is to quite literally kill them in order to pay the way for building new israeli settlements, which as we have seen already is rarely politicians and representatives are pushing forward the building of new settlements. in with us, while the international focus, of course has been on it as a, there's an important attention that needs to be paid as well to the west bank. and i see protest,
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i see rallies of support going on there. but i also see an increase in rates, arrests, killings, etc. what's been your experience since october 7th, with how good the conditions are in the west bank. the conditions in the west bank are dire and of course for polish things in the west bank. there is that recognition and expectation that as soon as israel finishes with besides the, it's going to begin intensifying attacks and the wellness bank and seller attacks against palestinians are increasing and is really ministers are arming. is really settlers who are legal in the west bank with new assault life rifles as they have been since october 7th. and then adding to that, i think, in light of the travesty and how profoundly violent the, the attack of israel on that as it is that we're not able to fully process and
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understand the level and extent of attack that is happening in the west bank. israel's using aerial bombing through drones on palestinian civilian homes. it is locking up refugees in their own refugee camps, including elderly and children for days at a time. now imagine being locked in your kitchen for 3 days, you're 80, you have 0 access to your meds. you have 0 access to a phone, and that's become the norm here. you're talking about the increasing settler attacks. there was a response to that, present a bite and decided after the night of nations documented more than $570.00 attacks by settler since the october 7 war began. and he has said he would impose financial sanctions and travel bands on individuals guilty of attacking palestinians and co, undermining peace. security and stability in the west bank, of course, has a lot of debate about the effectiveness of these sanctions. and even if they're being enforced, what do you make of the president biden's choice to do that?
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i think president biden is very much on brand in terms of american administration and their foreign policy the present by the end aloud and sponsored and funded israel during this ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide, old practice has been committed in that as so to say that hey, we're gonna hold few individuals accountable, but we're going to actually keep empowering. the redeem is merely a symbolic gesture for history books that really conflate what happened in reality and what was said and public meetings and press conferences. i think president biden's trying to say face, but even in that mood there was no recognition of israel's in apartheid region. there was no recognition for palestinian right on, on this land to live freely and with dignity. it was more of let's try to curbs settler attacks the little bit because it's kind of getting noisy in talking about this relationship between the us and in israel. and of course what's happening in, in,
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in guys and westbank. it made me think of something that happened last sunday. a real estate show was held at a synagogue in teaneck, new jersey, where a number of companies were pitching, land, and properties in israel and the west bank to potential american buyers. now while illegally encroach on the west banks certainly as a new, a vince like the seem to be coming more and more to the for in the us, canada, etc. oh, what do you think about that? well, why do you think it's happening now? so the b is rarely practices of continuing the encroachment on palestinian lands, of course, hasn't stopped even during this ongoing aggression after october 7th, we've seen israel continue building the apartheid wall in areas such as jeanine, north of the west bank and other areas as well. and in terms of the united states and canada and selling areas of land here are marketing lands here to buyers and abroad. and allowing that to continue,
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especially during the genocide is very telling of how is real is a colonial state. this is how it began by trying to sell palestinian lands on to others and inviting them to come here. but you need, there's also another layer to it is happening in that regards. the united states and canada have actually been pushing for palestinians to apply for visas. and asylum in the united states and canada, especially canada, has really been promoting palestinian departure from here and trying to build new lives there. and it shows you how the form of the population ethnic cleansing has a bureaucratic layer and the, and that's where foreign policy also allows for the facilitation of our, the population as well. did you have any fear about that as a kind of big picture in game? i mean i'm thinking about a few days ago. i spoke to a doctor that looks different hospital in 31 of his family members had been killed
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. he's staying to conduct surgeries in the hospital, but he's actively taking his family to egypt and i said to him, hey like, are you not worried that you're not going to be allowed back in? just like in 1940 because i can't worry about that right now. people to die, so between the pressures of being pushed out from, from the threat of the bombings to the kind of diplomatic, political and economic incentive to go around that around the world. are you worried that this product, the portal itself, deportation is going to be effective? i think we're only flesh and bone and i think is that the standings you have, you know, your family that you love any friends and how can you ask anyone to just keep taking it? just keep leaving the bombs. just keep failing your body, eat itself and trying to push yourself a little further to go get some water. so it's understandable because i myself, i'm, i'm having to interest people. i love and colleagues as well and help facilitate
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their evacuation from, with, as a to egypt. and that, that's, these are like impossible missions to an extent. you have to pay almost $5000.00 to $7000.00 per adult and $2500.00 for a child to form an extortion in order to be able to leave a place that is being slaughtered. that is a slaughter house. i do think that the end goal is to guess evacuate, palestinians that indeed populate them. this is part of the strategy forced them to fleet. the creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic. the denial of water entry is a tactic the forcing global powers to feel like they can do anything except now we're seeing the dropping of humanitarian aid, which is actually resulting in the killing of palestinians and the destruction of hospital infrastructure rather than actually feed starving population yeah, i see us being de populated, but at the same time, again,
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we're only flesh and bone, which is why we appeal to the international community, which is why we asked for in demand for the opening over at outside both ways. not one way. because yeah, we do see these tactics and we've seen what they've done before. but what's different now is the recognition of what happened in 1948 and all the demands of what's to come now that this palestinian and it needs to be seen as palestinian. the west bank as palestinian jerusalem as palestinian. yeah. suffered palestinian. these were taken in 1948 jerusalem 1967. israel's trying to take what remains in 2024. but if we bring back that knowledge then these tactics would just fail. it's, it's, it's on us to decide whether these tactics fail or not, rather than to play someone that is being starved and try to demand of them to endure this monstrosity world as a leadership play in that one of the things that comes out of house city and civil society, one of things we've seen emerging is
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a kind of sense of distrust and disillusionment with a lot of the leadership including the palestinian authority, which is the governing, of course body, which administers parts of the west bank. uh, do you see the p a playing a role in the future either of westbank or guys and and, and if so is that a good thing? you know, i constantly find myself stuck between laughter and tears when it comes to that because the palestinian authority has aided and abetted as well as genocide and any talk about a future rule out what a plan is. a little bit about how a lot of people that will be seen counter intuitive. right. so the palestinian authority basically came into power $199495.00, was supposed to be an interim government. but instead began receiving funding that by the united states and germany to create a police force essentially that is trained in riot control rather than defense
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because the west bank was the militarized under the also agreements. and the palestinian authority took on a role as a proxy army for israel in the west bank. as you see, israel's always saying, why don't you insure our security? so the palestinian authority at arrest palestinians on behalf of israel. it has supported israel. and this is why no one really sees any hope in them, but it is this heartening that for example, a lot of the questions threw out just even before the store was, well, do you condemn him ass instead of really trying to 1000 to what, how nice is it is a political party that has grown in contract affect the and then you have the consent brigade, which is the ongoing for him as currently fighting on the ground. and rather than asking palestinians, well what is your imagination of a political party? and that's where this becomes difficult because we've been focus so much on trying to answer the very much irrelevant questions. little room was left for palestinians
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to have radical imagination in terms of designing and imagining a new future for them. the who said the leadership choices is reduced to these 2. that's the american system. for us, it's very different. and we've seen leaders come out in times of meet when palestinians with an uprising in the streets, and they found no one, they found each other and they created leadership from the ground. so the ground birds leadership and i think everyone's concern about palestinians, and the deluxe. guess of leadership is because they don't know who to speak with. but for palestinians we are, you know, very much creating in community. and if it's not the soul who is the palestinian leader, why to negotiate? how much more of our lives can be taken or resources taken rather than asking will . okay. these really leadership is corrupt, being led by a prime minister that is corrupt, whose leaders have
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a history of committing crimes against humanity and enforcing apartheid. i don't understand why we don't focus on, for example, how we can dismantle that leadership in order to empower and, and help palestinians build their representatives freely. not with a choke hold on, i'm not able to go through. thank you so much for joining us today on a front. thank you so much for having me, mark the since october jewish communities around the world have mobilized and solidarity with palestinians calling for an end to israel's brutal campaign in gaza. here in the united states, record numbers of american jews have joined anti occupation groups like jewish boys for peace. and if not now in some of the largest demonstrations for palestine that we have ever seen. many have noted that even before october, 7th, a growing number of jewish people across the diaspora had been questioning not just
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the actions of israel's government, but the very idea of a jewish state, especially one that comes at the expense of public many lives. have a city of freedom in palestinian self determination. so are we seeing a significant shift within jewish communities when it comes to israel and palestine liberation? and is there an opportunity for lasting change? joining us to discuss is rabbi alyssa wise, founder of rabbis for cease fire and former co executive director of jewish boys for peace, and were also joined by eva bard, what national sports person for, if not now. well, thank you both for joining me in upfront. all right, bye. i'm going to start with you. uh you have said since october, 7th, jewish anti zionist organizing against genocide has erupted on an unprecedented scale. peter, by known a jewish parents, predicts, quote, questioning the idea of jewish statehood. will be a current in american jewish life that it has not been since the american jewish scientist consensus was established. in the 1940s. you've been a leader within the jewish left for decades. is this like a
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a turning point when it comes to the question of israel? i think so for sure. one of the things that we've seen in this time is that the organizing that actually been happening for decades is coming to fruition, right? so i think that what's happening right now in the jewish community is there is a calling of the question, right? who are we on a moral and communal level? and how far are we willing to go to defend israel and the jewish state? you know, i think for a lot of people who have not yet been called off the sidelines on this question, they're being called off now because there's no way to be neutral on this question . you either are standing against the mass slaughter of palestinians and gaza or your for there's really not anywhere in between. even research shows that the younger american jews are becoming increasingly critical of israel even before october 7th. and there was a growing generational split between the american jewish community when it comes to israel and the occupation. oh,
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why do you think we're seeing this generation on divide now? so i think there are a couple of reasons. i mean, the things that many young jews are taught growing up on the sort of miss solid gee that the, the vs is successive is really government's have required to be able to claim jewish support around the world, which they need. it depended on for their foreign policy. that mythology is dependent on the house and he is not being fully human. and then young jews go to college with pals to me and peers, or they follow young palestinians on social media in this moment they see how this to me is broadcasting on instagram, the genocide that they are going through at the hands of the is really government um, and there's a shattering that happens of all of the different mythologies of like a land without a people for a people without a land on the idea of being the most moral army in the world as id of soldiers right now are posting videos of the war crimes are committed on social media on and young jews are saying wait
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a 2nd. the values that we were raised with of justice and equality are totally in congress with this. and we refuse to check them out the door when it comes to the post and people and i was raised with, you know, an overwhelming amount of holocaust education. i feel very, very clear on what has happened to so many jewish people um during the 20th century . and so it should not be a shock to anyone that i'm out in the streets resisting what i see as an attempt to wipe people out. what was i taught in my jewish education? if not the ability to recognize and attempt to wipe people out when i see it. and that's why thousands of young jews are in the streets right now or otherwise. in october, you founded rabbis for c spine. you have said that jewish teachings actually demand in, in to israel's honest lot in guys it, can you explain what you mean by that? uh, well, i mean the truth is,
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one couldn't approach the sacred text of the torah with any lens, right? it. so we had rabbits for us, these bird choose to read it to pull out its ethical and moral core. and when we do that, what we see is that the most sacred obligation that there is for people of faith, jews, and not just us christians, muslims. everyone is the idea that all people are made in the image of the divine. and what that means is that we must treat each person as sacred and each life as sacred itself. you follow down that road, right? if that's your central spiritual obligation, then how does this massive slaughter and gaza? how does the denial of food and water, and medicine destroying hospitals, where you know, the humanitarian crisis, like if you can even begin to like, wrap our heads around that, right? it's such a desecration of the divine. and for us that rabbis receipts are we pull on these threads of jewish respect a little bit, somebody who has it mets abstract though, right?
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there are actual people died. 1139. use that on october 7th. and there's an abstract question, but the thing is if the literal and immediate urgency of protecting jewish lives right now in israel, what do you say to those? i think that it's a mistake to think about the mazda attack as an anti semitic attack. i think the mazda attack was an attack that was targeting is relays, and these really state for decades of dispossession and occupation in apartheid. and so it's part of israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judaism. so we are meant to understand that anything that israel does, they do kind of as a jew in the world. but it was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be dealt with and treated as any other state. what with the same account abilities, and i think that when it comes to we understand what is our object, our moral and spiritual obligations. and this time is, you know, as the persian port room,
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you put it best of i them into the world at these. see this, the sword dropping from their hands even at the ark of their rage because we understand there's just one flesh to wound. and that's the idea. there's just one flash. you can't kill palestinians and torture palestinians in the way that israel's doing and not think that that doesn't also cause injury, whether physical or moral and spiritual to the jewish people. and as rabbis we feel an obligation are we took on a responsibility when we became rabbi is to serve the ethical core of jewish people and it, it, we wouldn't be doing our jobs if we still decide lightly. israel permits these heinous work crimes. so we're in a moment, a moment of great public awareness outrage, pain, and considerable organize, and specifically in the american jewish community. do you see us building on this on this and turn in a train to a full fledge movement? this work? i think this is definitely
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a turning point in the days after october 7th. the thing that was happening in the streets were that american jews, many of whom had lost, is really friends or relatives on october 7th and people who were murdered in that attack. as well as palestinians who had had relatives murdered in the decades before and in the weeks and months since we were together in the streets saying, we will not be divided from each other. our safety and our futures are tied together. this is not about size. this is about humanity and whether or not we can have a shared future as humanity and, and against a us foreign policy. that was, you know, sending funding bonds to these really government ostensibly on behalf of jews with use industry alongside policy and saying absolutely not on this is the total and complete breakdown of the idea that you can have your safety at the expense of
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palestinians. and the alternative is emerging in the streets where people are saying, actually what we need is equality and justice and freedom for everyone. we need safety for everyone, and that's how we'll secure a thriving future for all as well. i was what do you say? you know, one of the things that i'm watching carefully now in the past couple weeks is how more and more people are calling for cease fire. right? those web sit on the sidelines for a long time, right? it's been very troubling to see that it's not just the right waiting, but the middle, the center of the jewish community has gone along with this war. but you know, they, a lot of liberal organizations attended the war rally that happened in november where john, hey, he of christians, united for israel spoke and at a certain point the, the crowd was challenging. no, no ceasefire. right? but somehow that is more palatable than being on the side of peace. right. and they have stood against. and so i think that the,
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the reckoning that is have in the jewish community is going to take years to resolve. but i think those that are calling for cease fire now are doing so very carefully to not align themselves with the broader piece movement. and i think they do that at their own peril. because in this time, up until this point, there has been, at least within, for example, the christian community, a kind of what mark ellis dobbs, an ecumenical deal, where in exchange for forgiven christians for the guilt of their role in the holocaust christians go along with support for israel, but this is a time breaking of that because there's is a moral limit, right? those kinds of commitments can only go so far, but one is real, crosses a line which as they've gone way beyond crossing a line at this point. um, people are no longer going to be willing to stay silent on their critique of israel, which the jewish community demands for peace and inter faith relationship. so i think we're going to see
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a total reworking of the ways that alliances are working across space across race or cross movement. and in the wake of this, i think the whole jewish community map is going to be redrawn either by what? right, by this wise man. thank you. everyone's that is our show up front will be back next. the strips from it switches and left with a toxic legacy where they usually forget people from lake point when you think that the people in power meet the inhabitants still fighting suggested suggested wait, i took their lead and think and for the money it went home. i didn't think dave insensitive applicants like people, the people, the sacrifice them on,
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which is the right of brutal occupation resulting in a hurry stick your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel, the soap on garza, dozens of children bound them up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th. on tuesday or being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and
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a huge risk both we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that there's mode that unites us then divide the the, the hello. well, i'm on the inside. this is a new sound life from coming up in the next 60 minutes. now the morning if is writing a tax on central gaza at least 12 people were killed in this front, like on a home and did all of the teen age drugs role in to move in balance or without incidents with children of dying,


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