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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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and there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers have been used as the . ready ready ready the hello online site, this is the news out life. and so, coming up in the next 60 minutes is where the forces kill at least 92 palestinians in the last 24 hours across casa, including 12 people in one strike on a home in there, all the scenes of absolute desperation in northern gauze, a web pod simians, a scrambling for any age to stay alive. we
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travel with a group of suit, a needs plate and civil war to seek shelter in sounds to dawn. new jazz clearly does ditch a ministry agreement with the us to fight on groups as they seek close to relations with russia. and as for carlos, have had, it has brought to an extent as 19 mounts on beach and run to an end the well number to be sent out to set off an indian wells funnel with dynamic the hello. welcome to the program. it's 13 gmc, that's 3 pm in gaza, where the situation is deteriorating by the hour. the ministry of health says is ready, forces have wiped out 9 palestinian families in the past 24 hours. 92 palestinians in will have been killed, including 12 people in one strike on
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a residential building in there all by the health official site. most of the victims of women and children to the red crescent has been involved with the rescue efforts. often that attacks the injured have been taken to our actual hospital, which is facing a severe shortage of medical supplies. in rafa in the south, a volunteer adult to say they are struggling to provide medical care to people in the over crowded city or an estimated one and a half 1000000 people are trapped. the city does not have the basic health care facilities to treat this many people on a shortage of medicines and supplies is worsening. the sufferings it's impossible for medical facilities to accommodate this number of patients recreating and a camp housing around one point. 5000000 people. the medications were received very quickly. they receive medications to cover a week, but they ran out in just one day. meanwhile, in northern golf,
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a launch keys of people wasted for food aid to be distributed, which was bruce overland by trucks through the roof of border crossing with egypt. it was the 1st time in months that a trickle of aid was able to reach golf. a city jamalia without incidents further aid at drops were carried out by different countries. stephanie deca has this report. thousands lined up outside the un distribution center in kansas city. aid is slowly trickling into northern garza, where the u. n. is warning and starvation, 13 trucks and total managed to reach both job. i yeah. and goes a city up to driving up from the south. no, we'll just for ends. and that we enjoy security and that my husband returns to me and that they provide food for the people to eat. a distribution has been incredibly dangerous and difficult in the north with incidents if it's ready, forces bombing, and opened fire on hand out points. accusations,
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israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow 8 in foster has prompted a rare c ship meant in the us. the sat is planning to build a floating docks to increase the deliveries to the air drops are also being used now, but they are dangerous and inaccurate methods. other than land access, highlighting the business failure to get enough 8 in really good. possibly, they must be a process of organization and improvement in sending aid. this method is for animals and cows. they'll crossings through which items pause israel once tequila into spaces. we are a people with that on the staff of thousands of years. they must take into account the dignity of the people being able to state out there's probably sites on the line by still option is going to be ready should be the primary focus utilizing
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more of the time, the existing southern crossings, as opposed to just ready to wrap up. um i know its danny, the airbags prospects and the knowles to face to face with the noise. and the rough across the, from the south to feed the areas of the south. um, so i mean it's very for striking cuz we have, we're going to just go capabilities and the structure in place to be able to feed the people and get them what they need. we just need to get the item quicker and this needs to happen. now, 5 months into this more, the daily killing continues, diplomatic folks continue to be excruciating, seemingly slow motion back and forth. that could result in some respite for the people of garza. but it seems, finding some form of an agreement between israel and how mouth is taking time time . the people of garza simply don't have any more. stephanie decker o g 0. okay, let's talk to honey my mood. he's our correspondent who's joining us on the line from rossa in southern gaza. honey. so stop by telling us about this latest deadly
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attack. and darrow bella, what exactly happened? a long way over. not talking. what looks like the daily or the overnight or do you know how it ends in the area as would be in this happening this pattern? no, we're not talking to somebody or been happening more intense way in terms of scale of magnitude for the past few weeks. the residential building been targeted there without warning for the visit on the inside and back later. and just to point out the back to your to people and these are the venture buildings are displayed, families are from northern part of the city and parking day thing. the area of the people, a of the guys and sort of 12 people have been recorded skills as confirmed by the office on how to agree upon women and children make the vast majority of the more than 7, e and
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a all kinds of other critical in data was transferred to the hospital, got terminals, do provide the necessary medical at 3, we'd have to see why some important to point out also within the past 24 hours the, the statement by them it's about 9 family has been completed. why the, the, the history of, as a result of the length of the attacks across the guy, the honey we've been reporting on these doesn't know so a trucks that have managed to get to know of and gaza, no doubt that a will be very welcome, honey. but it's just a drop in the ocean in relation to the level of need a in moving dr. it's yes, given the this part of the fireman in, in the northern part, in dollars a city whatever has been delivered so far, uh, to the northern part of the 3rd and god, the city is the dropping the ocean of the greater need within the past few days we
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are looking at close to 25 or 27, uh confirmed by the uh the, the ministry of health here in gaza. uh those who died of the enforcement starvation on the hydration. then a lot more, particularly among the vulnerable group of children and pregnant women and not people with health complications, arcs are suffering as this acute famine is it's printing in our rent of losing their life. but what's significant about what happened last night, the delivery of the 13, a to talk to the northern part and all the city that it happened without an an incident which is something that we haven't seen within the past month. we do use working was delivered at pac on a seekers, but it was secured and there was more of a more delivery uh to do the trucks. and i did something different just that crossing on the ground. they are hoping that insure just more the slow the image or
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it is much better position pollution and alternative as suggested by uh by the us, by israel and by other countries interested in providing humanitarian aid. right. it shows it's absolutely possible. okay, thank you for that honey. by mood that for us on the line from rossa, let's get more on this. we can speak to school anderson, he's the only uh, senior deputy director of operations in golf. and he's also in rough. i appreciate you taking the time to speak to us on al jazeera, if i've got this right and right, has not been allowed by the israelis to deliver supplies to the north of this trip since january. so who has been feeling that vacuum and distributing a to the north? the 1st thanks for having me on this afternoon. that's correct. sunrise has not been up since january. we had a tomboy planned in february, but unfortunately it came under naval fire incense and we've not been able to get north of the world. food program has taken 6 trucks up recently. and this i think,
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was a private sector tom lloyd. but we see this has a very positive development that they were able to get all the way to inter failure without incident. there were no people that were trying to move trucks or to get aid. and so we helped very much this means that we will have an opportunity to increase the flow of age in the north square. there are very desperate people that need food. isn't that a little surprising that we've had to have this 13 age trucks make it to jamalia and gauze and cities for the 1st time in full months without incident? yeah, i think it's, i was very surprised. i did see that leaflets had recently been dropped. uh, telling people not to come to the crossings, not to attack the trucks. and i think there's been a concerted effort by security forces in the north to try to make sure that people don't these other things that we can get a to your failure distribution center, in the sense sense we can actually distribute the way we're supposed to. and make sure everybody gets something, there's many vulnerable groups in, in the north,
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i was there on thursday or you talk to families who children haven't eaten for 2 days. so i understand that the desperation and there is a palpable or a desperation in the north, right? but it needs to be done in an orderly way, and i hope this is the beginning of that process. well, well, tell it. tell me a bit about that process. i mean who, who decides what is fat with a goes up. in this case we had a going to gauze, the city and your body a. what about other camps? i mean the primary, i guess population centers in the north one is travail. yeah. and it's around the under a health center, there's a significant population there. there's also people in under schools and fed locked here at noon. and what we would hope is to use for instance, to bail you distribution center as a spoken wheel. so we take a bunch of flour to the failure loaded up in the distribution center and then take smaller trucks to more remote locations, while simultaneously distributed in flour and other food items from our distribution center daily. we have our,
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our field office headquarters and guys of city. we have other distribution centers and schools that are available really all we need a sustained access of getting, you know, 30 to 50 trucks up there every day. so we can make sure that everybody gets, gets the food that they desperately need and we can begin to make headway and attack these pockets with starvation and the pockets of mountain nutrition and children that we know exist school in recent weeks we, we've had a number of people getting killed, waiting for aid at the great the round about of people not so familiar with the geography. why is it that these a trucks, a congregation that and what's been going wrong in that specific spot? so that specific round about is a kilometer palmer and a half north of the check point that the idea of how it is we must pass through to get from south to why the guys the north of why the gotcha. and that's people know that i suspect that there's probably people in the south that are calling their family members and friends because they're very worried about him. is it more to
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tell them 8 or somebody? and that's the closest people can congregate safely and, and that's an area we have to pass through and there's no other row. so now, you know, based on what happened yesterday, it seems that that problem has been alleviated. and i said, we see this is a very positive development. and we now hope that even though we still pass through the way to junction, we will be able to do so. you know, i'm hender and without people lining up to try to get food, we can do it in a way that's controlled and make sure that everybody, especially the most vulnerable groups, children, the pregnant women, get the food that they desperately need a score. and you said you were in the north a few days ago, northern garza, that is uh give us a bit more detail about what you. so what's your understanding of the level of need in the north compared to the south? it made it the level of needed in order to significantly more than in the south. i was with i was that she for hospital i saw patients and i talked to families and i talked with a doctor who pointed out to me that you can see signs of wasting,
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especially in children around the muscle near your temple, which generally is the last place that you will see wasting. so it's a significant problem. i say, you know, there's a palpable or a desperation for people. i'm a parent myself, i understand if i haven't been able to feed my children that i would feel quite desperate. so what we have is 300000 people in the north. there are pockets of starvation, their parents that are scared because they can't feed their children. and it's something that we can't address and could address rather quickly. we just need to get more aid in the guise of itself and then more a to the northern part of dallas to begin to address this problem. scott, i appreciate you taking the time to speak to us go anderson a on russ senior deputy director of operations and gaza. thank you. thank you. as well as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been pushing back against international pressure to solve the killing of palestinians in gauze that he's been
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missing, has security and will cabinets ahead of that. he addressed ministers concerning the approval of plans for ground invasion of rafa. he also dismissed cools for early elections. shoot. that's been the no international pressure will stop us from achieving all the goals of the will. the elimination of from us the release of all of our hostages, and to ensure that god will no longer pose a threat against israel. to do this, we will also go and cut off. this is the only way to eliminate the rest of from us as matters battalions. and this is the only way to apply the minutes we present necessary to release all of our hostages. to this end, we have approve the plans for the operation in rough, including steps to evacuate civilians from baffled. then this is a necessary step in preparation for the military operation. let's go to our correspondence from the seller to join slide from occupied these stores. then i'm the so give us a bit more detail about what netanyahu was saying, especially in regards to this international pressure that he's facing
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well, with nothing else who has been saying this morning is actually nothing new. he's read or reading it, he's down so that no amount of international pressure is going to prevent israel from achieving the 3 goals of the war. that it has lined out since the beginning to eliminate how massive military and political capabilities to ensure the guns and no longer poses a threat to israel. and to ensure the return of the remaining is really capt is nothing. yahoo is slamming countries around the world including allies that like the united states, essentially who have been saying that there has been far too many civilians that have been killed in gaza. and remember, we had the us senate majority leader, chuck schumer, just call for new elections. you have us president joe biden, who has criticized these really prime minister heatedly and kind of a back and forth between the 2 leaders. but what netanyahu was saying essentially, is that no matter what international pressure comes to his roles,
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way the war will continue. he's also been talking about a israel's ministry engagement in rafa. any updates on that that's on yahoo this morning said that the round invasion instead of eyes imminent and it will happen, it will take a few weeks and then it will be completed. but exactly when it would commence. he did not comment on it by just a couple of days ago on friday. these really prime minister did say that plans for both the invasion and evacuation of the nearly 1000000 and a half civilians have both been drawn up at approved by both the army and the government. the like to despite widespread criticism and condemnation across the board because there are nearly one and a half 1000000 health indians who are seeking refuge in kansas southern mode city. and remember, this is a war that is now and it's 6 months that has seen nearly 32000 palestinians killed
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. and the criticism and condemnation are coming for those reasons. moley. okay, thank you for that update. honda civic that for us in occupied east joyce than the the united nation says that the conflict in see don has caused the wells law just displacement crisis. nearly a year are fighting between the army and the power ministry. rapid support forces is killed. thousands of people on forced millions from their homes every day, more than 1500 people sling the bonds arrive in neighboring cell. so don malcolm lab reports from ring county along the border as something around no size. her family was one of the last to leave a neighborhood near suit don's capital cost too, because they couldn't to full to leave earlier. when the window will reach stuff. the web um shows everywhere getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. and so
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most people are back to me. she says the power military rocket support forces will all recess took over the area and the rest it has sun bushera from a playstation kiosk, he runs the children. he says he was interrogated in kind, accused of supporting sea dogs on me, and told to join the rest that, that a lot of young people registered with my mom said she never forgive anyone. if you go and fight, that's why i refused to do something. so she pleaded with the come on does until he was released then for a money to flee with having to. i finally, new york, i call says he was shot in the stomach more than 2 months ago. he's jenny's being, i mean, they will join more than half a 1000000 people who fled to south see don, since the conflict again, nearly a year ago. most of them arriving here at the board of and bring county from the capital g. but it's only accessible by an hour flight to 2 hours. it's drawing so
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much of the price of flooding when it rains. that's why new expend most of his life working in factories and cost to support his family back home. now he hopes they'll help him. if he can get back to the office with people with special needs, including those who are into practice of breast feeding, everyone else's writing, instruct, people have come from places for health services, a close the cover page. there's explanation trends and can in the town of frank for some months it's been receiving south sudanese, which i need like new york and our growing number of suit and these people are seeing head to the u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now the remote and 5 times that this is one of the somehow forgot to the emergency. it was all what's
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happening around the globe nowadays. it's not a, you know, what we are receiving. we have must have number of you 350. you would need assistance, but our capacity and funds are very limited. you know, it says he spent the last of his money off the he was shows. he says his friends took him to a hospital controlled by the recess. he demanded $1700.00 for surgery. chevy, i sold all of my furnitures and they did the operation and then they demanded more . i couldn't even afford food and i'm urinating blood. i left, i found everything in my home had been looted. so i came here the shelter, who is home to the coming days, his life and livelihood in call to of gone. now he says he just wants to get home, malcom web out to 0 ring county south. see don, us and we can speak now life to malcolm web in rank and sounds to dawn and welcome
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me. as he was saying in your piece, rank is a transit town. so with these displays, people go to once they reach the rank sadie, i said i did some nice to the rest of south sea dawn and sits at the end of the thomas road. comes from c dunn's capital cost to and so the un this partners uh, operating barges on the river nile. uh, south sudanese attorneys board here in sale up stream for 2 or 3 days until the reach to reach the city of my account, which is better connected and continue that on which i needs to that place is origin from that but not without challenges, some positive sit on uh in secure and facing into camino conflicts, others have been affected by consecutive years of flooding, devastating farm land. and some of the people returning from see don may have originated from south see don, but having lived there for more than
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a generation have few ties to get back to say those that aren't able, they want to, uh, goes back to that places of origin along with the growing number of suit and these people who are fleeing here, given the option of moving to a long time refugee settlement. and what are the conditions like at this, at the long term refugee supplements. i mean, they've been, they've been in, on the board of town that for quite a long time. haven't, i was a growing number of people here at southern and then one to many and they want to go to belong to assessments. the closest one is about a day's drive from here. we haven't been, but we've spoken to people here in the transit center who have and who've come back because they said life that is difficult. now that you and then the south sydney's government say that they don't want an enormous settlement of this place. people to
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grow up here around the town of rank. so they're trying to provide more services on the long term settlements. but a lot of the people staying here, we're used to a better life and of in environments in costume or elsewhere and see don where they have jobs, access to schools. and so the sort of moving to a fairly remote place, and depending on the humanitarian aid is not a p p a. so then, so many of the people who have the means to choosing to stay here or going and come back, expect to one family idea who was sending that children to the local school here in rank also being a board, a town, in spite of the world there is still a reasonable amount of trade going on here. so there's a little bit of economic, economic opportunity for those who have the means to, to participate in it. and the thousands of people that are waiting here, also hoping, waiting to see what happens across the board, or in see don, see if there's a chance that they can go back anytime soon. okay,
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thank you for your posting malcolm web that for us in rank in south sea, john, this is the 3rd and final day is loosing and russia's presidential election, which has been taking place across 11 times ends at mid day local time when opponents of louden, it appears in the cold for protests. cues began to form outside polling stations in different russian cities. the president is seeking a 5th time in office. he is widely expected to win, as many of his opponents have been silenced, jailed or forced into exile your yeah, pneumonia, widow, the prominent pizza in chris, a collection of all me, is attending a protest in berlin. she had edge russians to join the demonstrations against the president in her home country house and died in an optic penal colony last month. this is go now to hire a full is that he's live at a polling station in london,
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where many russian expanse have been very saying, how are you? i'm curious to know what you've been seeing and hearing today. so you're sitting right here outside the russian embassy, a west london. and across the road you can see a large antique suits in protest and it has the colors. the white blue and white color is the anti romeo, the, the russian desperate fancy will moving to the saying that this weekend especially, is also very much a protest against the presidency is not, i mean, pitching on across the road here is the queue for voices and we've seen hundreds upon hundreds of people carrying out very patiently uh, at least an hour off and whether an excessive that to register the assembly. most of the people to be spoken to the real estate, holding this a protest because every single one of them, at least, that is willing to tell us through the regarding, for we're fighting against the president preach and apart from
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a couple of people wearing, preach and teach it's, it's really been an overwhelmingly had to teach in sentiments of votes. this is a way to record that about us. most of them saying that they do feel it is worth while one women 28 years old. and this is the 1st time she's buy, just because of the cost she hasn't sold, that would be accounted or taken seriously. what i mean if any point in coming out now, especially with the recent debt to the election, it on a safe support to come out to be taught all this movements of a saying that whatever happens to those, at least internally, it sends a signal to the russian government and that they off really buttress defeating the page, coming together in the projection of the presidency. so it is very typical that russian desperate communities expect communities of votes in greater numbers against the government than you would find in russia pop up. but you will
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see very much that welding, substitute among those weight. okay, how are you the force of that 1st live out of pulling station in london where many russian expanse of 18 today is assigned to the weather. he has everton color the cooling, wet scent, that which you normally associate with the middle east. but that's exactly what we got over the next couple days. a lot of clout, that because central pa, so saudi arabia and to the north, is that cloud, west of weather coming in across, know the pots of saudi iraq here on say some of that with the weather. some snow that just around the cool cuz he's back that goes from 33 degrees celsius on monday and around 22 degrees celsius on tuesday, some heavy rain coming through here, snow wave of the high ground. and that will cause some disruption, some widespread flooding. whether that's a into a good pothole to wait until the northeast of saudi, at that stage. so it doesn't get to brian's across the eastern side of the mediterranean motion. i was coming for all the way down there to gauze
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a miserable conflict. i say it's a little better as we go wanting to choose day, eventually choose. they start off with more, very heavy, right? turning, increase the shower through the day, and then it does brighten up that same area of west. the weather will bring cloud and right into the northeast of africa. slipping further south was freshening up behind. plenty of showers. meanwhile, across coastal areas of west africa. joining up with some really heavy rain that we have around the comb guy base and these to the rift valley more shows slowly but surely moving most the still ahead on the al jazeera pay us on the streets of the haitian capital is thousands. sleazy escalates in gang von and steering lava. once again, this volcano in iceland is around for the full time in spring and in school, the main attraction fails to impress as major league baseball fills up storage series in south korea. the
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critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments pull in addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera examining the headline is there is hopefully today for the close of life and god's unflinching journalism . awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor or do you want to create a world where women come and feel natural released the trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility era?
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching alger 0 mind if on top stories. this, our administrative health and golf, assesses riley posters, have wiped out 9 palestinian families in the past 24 hours in one attack and central garza is really forces killed at least 12 people by steve women and children. in northern golf, hesitate shift to sped with palestinian scrambling to get hold of any agent managed by sync. i'm supposedly with 10 empty handed as the amounts of
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a dropped from the wasn't enough. several people have died of hunger and jihad. grayson in the north west palm and is taking the time these really prime minister benjamin. if y'all has been pushing back against international pressure to stop coming to simeon skiing garza, about israel. we'll go ahead the plans for the ground invasion of my dismiss. close, early elections is riley forces have ended an hour as long rate and novelist in the occupied westbank. there were reports of confrontations between his riley troops and palestinian fighters. the army rated several neighborhoods looking for people. it says that wanted very forces have arrested over 9000 palestinians in new york, combined west buying most of them since the war and gauze and began so many families. this is the 1st rama done without their loved ones as needed to abraham reports for all those 7 jewels, many round the towns with
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a missing seat at the table. as the sunsets and the villages i bowed in the occupied westbank. the bit of one of the family is getting the dinner table ready to break their daily fast. it's the whole the month of the month on a time for family gatherings. but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together ended but a whole see another 5 was the rest of the week before the month on started. is really officials have not given a reason yet for detaining her during, at 8 of the home. 18 year old. so, so it'd be, says her mother spoiled her. she doesn't know how to cook or do the house tours, but that has southern new changed. now all the house responsibilities fell in my life. i clean and tidy up and help my little sister study. she tries to stay positive with behind her anxious smile. there is pain.
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i ask her, what worries her the most difficult? i don't know how my mom is doing now in prison. the night before, she was arrested, she was preparing the dawn drinks and sweets. look at us now trying to keep life going without her. you know, the family relies on relatives for help. and those youngest girls are 8 and 9 years old. she bought them new pay a cruise to go to the mosque together. i'm going to get the like they often tell me grandma, don't leave us alone at night. don't go now i get them ready to take them to the mosque to pay them even though i am tired. but i will take them in a few kilometers away in trouble. now the husband is not missing 12, or even see members of head farm. indeed the sort of hold on. but 5, her husband, 3 sons, and her daughters fiancee, one detained before the little girl is of the others often. so what a mobile on the most highly in, in record,
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it's not the faster i'm it done that we upset with the family member missing. but this time there's more people in prison than here at home. this, it's sad. yes, you see me cooking, but it's not easy. since the war, these radio forties have prevented palestinian families from visiting prisoners. the little they know about them is from the denice prisoners, leaving them unable to answer the questions of her grandchildren. have the fees for the equipment home that i can all the children are feeling the pain on their way to the kindergarten. they pass the military prison and cool their own closing grandfather. they asked me if the prisoners can hear them last in less than an hour . this families past will come to an end. but the way to re unite with a relative seems never ending as a detention might be extended in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one. at the spot, people knew that,
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but he just needed the occupied westbank the the okay, let's over to now to russia and the 3rd and final day of elections that let's go live to your shop of alova who was at the central election commission in moscow. so usually it took us through the day, how's the final days, but going well, show it the fat and the main day as course of voting the presidential election in russia. it's coming tenant tonight's and went to a hearing much about major disruptions today. the were at some of the costs during 2 previous stays in just a couple of things with the green di probably i've heard about it earlier today, but not that much we are experiencing. we are expecting the fest results to be
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announced when putting stations in rushes west to most regional cleaning. rob close is going to happen about $1800.00 gmc, currently the overall turnout, including impasse and, and online voting. exceeded 70 percent throughout the country. and of course, with just a just a short while ago and had of the central election commission and the pen feel of it as part of john this. and she said that also the election. she will reveal the all the attempts blatant attends, i should set to disrupt the presidential election in russia by the west to find you crazy and internally as well. so of course we're, we're here. we'll be here in the central election commission for the latest updates and results for you. and unit 2, we have a sense of tool of how russians really feel about the selection and the prospect of and not was 6 years of preaching
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as well. the patient is launch the expected to when uh with spoken to medi, and they also express the support who the current president. uh, but we can't ignore those who do not support him a tool and they've been focusing for someone else whose names were on the policy and probably they, they would try to spoil the bonus. many of those who are gained sledging the patients for gathering at mid day as that putting stations to participate in the so called noon against peace and campaign and a number of side barren central russia. cities in most kind of st. petersburg launch keys formed many pony stations. at 12 o'clock, people have to wait for hours to cause that bonnet. so we can say, as a rush of this campaign was very noticeable, but a still the were enough public stations of what people gather the knowledge numbers at 12 o'clock. and of course russians living abroad also came on not as to the
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embassies at noon local time to vote. and also as part of the unit gays patient a campaign which the opposition code for. okay, thank you for that update your dash deposit of, of that for us at the central election commission in moscow. new jazz willing june to say it has ended minute 3 cooperation with the united states with immediate effect. its revokes in agreement allowing american troops and civilians stop to operate in the country. so i'll have to 3 days of talks between a senior us delegation and new jazz minute. she really is to try and renew the contract, or a quote that i saw on the delay do be on co operation between the 2 countries, in particular, military cooperation and the fight against terrorists. the us presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is legal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the suffering people. and particularly sewage
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selected representatives to be consulted on the installation of a fire, an army on its territory. while the us state department said that the announcement followed what it calls frank discussions about all concerns about the agendas trajectory. here's a reminder of whiteness yet is so important to the united states, the west african nation host, us ministry base, which is home to around a 1000 soldiers. it's a hub submitted to opperation. and this, the whole region finds in groups linked to al qaeda. and i so often last year as crew, the us suspended most ministry, a now and as a has close to ties with russia, which is sort to expand its influence in the region through security partnerships that's getting on this with alexi edwards year. and he's managing editor at summit for africa, he joins from london. thank you for your time, sir. why have officials rejected this us military base in asia as well? i mean, clearly these talks when the bad thing,
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i think ultimately this pulls down to the partnerships that new jazz for and specifically for total, those partnerships with russia. because if you look at the language to use except the fewest allegation i'm trying to to 9 is to provide to choose as partners. and really, i think that yourself, the in the piece leading up to this, ultimately, russia has moved closer to me share a few months ago in december 19 january that were tools. and in china we bought, she said that the 2 countries are degreed to develop military corporation. so i think that's ultimately was back to this. um the us were saying that they didn't want, did you have to be as close to russia and is your which bockenstet as well as the i think there's not a ton of what we show last year in the white glove. the crew in july went by jerry pushing, but i guess what it seems to be an attempt to have a new colonial
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a project. so in the same language that used last year, when we put the bicycle on the corner of the front bridge comments strongly to now it's just the quote, the same thing i could shoot off to us officials. so i think that's also the have to choose that they can dictate kamicia who they partner with. right. so what is what is going to be the ramifications of this decision? i mean, what about uh, the security situation in is uh will it have an impact on that? um no, and the surrounding board is i miss the suspects. this will only contribute to the, to your writing security situation that we've already seen in this. yeah. and there was not even a tax in the chat and the 2nd half of last year. and i think that will continue because this was a way in which the us could probably help surveillance and monitor what was happening in the region and provide the operations in place to stop the training of to had his groups that was allied to his. i make states and also i'll call you to
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on that's the good news yet. and then you can see but news has tried to put in place and costs. so there's, there's a line. so the cost with molly and picking the best of it as well as that is moving closer to bush it. but i think this is going to work out loudly in terms of the security situation. there's also one bearing in mind that should have bought a wave nigeria and nigeria is having a tough time in terms of its security situation is full since august strep. so in the northeast of my tv that's longstanding is always do a search and see that we've seen around to make sure that area. and then in the northwest themselves can find this is a criminal done stuff because last year and governs based on these groups can easily now just push no image and i think and force and move. right. okay, alexis, thank you for breaking that down for us, alexis, a good you were a managing editor, summer for africa,
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from london. thank if or eunice says one of its 8 containers that haiti's main course has been lucid. gang violence has gripped months of the capital, poor to prince, caribbean nations, and the us all trying to form a transitional council to restore law and order, but has gone home and reports from santa domingo a neighboring dominican republic. gang lead is off fighting to maintain that control. another descent into k o. c, i hate to looting in the pool. the same, the carriages that's gone for criminal games are on the street. fighting with the hopelessly outmatched police force of to some days of relative call. meanwhile, schools and businesses, the shop trade is from big to smooth, a suffering. we will arouse on the straits people have turned against us. they don't feel comfortable,
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they don't live in peace. they can't even sleep at home. they can't see me children to school because they have no money to feed in with mentions, go out into the streets, looking for money to feed my children a wives. we find nothing in the country and tell them we will free program says a 1000000 people are on the brink of funding the us and european union, the promise state. the question is, how will it get in this is the apple closed of the constant gang, a tax? it's been nearly 2 weeks since planes came down. this room was even the vehicles in the presidential palace encircled by shipping containers, apparently by police to stop criminals from taking them. the choking of will in 2 ways in and around the country. they want to stop the transitional count so that the us in some caribbean countries are pushing for it would be made up of representative from some of these heights. these political blocks of the use of
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unsuccessful outside interference. some haitians reject it too, because this is a country for and this has no right to med room, no offense. this is our country and it's up to us to unite and put to an order with the counts. and in theory would at least philip political, but q name and intern prime minister and pipe the way to both the elections. and the multinational police force to enter hate to. under the leadership of kenya, the, that force would inevitably limit the gains power, the fight, and that will restaurant. meanwhile, the situation in haiti is on sir john home, and i would just say to send to domingo, the dominican republic for speak now. so let's be michelle, he is country program director weld vision. he joins us from pulitzer prince. thank you for your time. we've been hearing that about how the rise of gang violence has
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deeply west and the already difficult living conditions. hazy. what do you think the main concerns and needs of people, all right, now, as like a good back would be explained as even production. just the would be the mind that the, the, the boys one season and i may have gotten then gravity an economy go for the um they got to pick one of the legal for the buy side. yes. so just um to explain that uh, with the surgeon being violence, that situation even given you mean for us in terms of having more than 260000 people being misplaced for uh and um, uh and um, of 15000 of them was only doing it back to 2 weeks and with that situation we have more than 270000 gillian, suffering from malnutrition, and for the purchase of the same id be an idea what it seems um. jammed uphold
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11. yes. go ahead and apologize for interrupting you. um, can you tell us a more specifically what is causing the food insecure? so you're talking about, is it not enough of food being imported into the country or is, is it because of the bond is not enough as being produced? because i believe i didn't use it because of the many people enjoy being in the cities because they punches on what do you think? 47 percent of these needs. and we did this trend, the environment and today is them, save a little kids and, and also in terms of look, everything over the port would be the one to as a and you want me to be my sleeping on the amenities and goes over the some loudly and some additional momentum in the country and i the pressing the middle point them out. yeah, he's been on the phone chart on um, civilians and you talked about uh, the number of displaced people understand a huge number of those. all children a exactly 55 percent of the my children that he's most the what is the concerning situation?
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because the guy is doing that in 16055 percent of them are children in more than that. one, thousands, but i, i'm being told is a quantity of 400000 children with no deductible, just making the situation even worse in terms of to be situations you've been being exposed to about and being exposed to the level of services. so why all these children being displaced by themselves without the parents i mean, because because of the, about it, because some of the, some of been defined there has been to, you can just for you to understand we, when we, when conversational, use some of the kids asking the month it why we are being effective. wow. or i was, there has been to why we came up with this for the why we kimball the have um, we cannot no longer able to leave you power without him name. so the pony. okay. fluoride leslie,
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minnesota. unfortunately we are out this time leslie mitchell and country program direct to well the vision speaking to a staff from port or prince about the monetary and situation in haiti. volcano in iceland has erupted for the 4th time in as many mountains officials have borne that interruption was imminent. often they detected magma accumulating on the ground. eruptions have become more frequent on the rec, jane peninsula. in recent years, pension monahan has his report. the sirens blaring iceland blue lagoon tourist bought warning of volcanic corruption. police declared a state of emergency more than 500 people were forced to leave the area. i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest, i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out okay,
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but it really was the experience that i and i'm like at the same time. wow. how could this happen? i couldn't wait to come here. it's the 4th option in iceland since december. instance in january and february, damage, roads and destroyed homes. authorities couldn't tell exactly when the next one with the strike reward people for a week that it was coming. the exact time of it, uh, starting is not. it's not possible to predict, but the 1st queues of this moving towards the surface actually happens only about 15 minutes in advance of the abrupt and breaking to the surface. but it was definitely expected. more than 4000 residents were forced to leave the area because of ruptures and tremors last year. they were clear to return in february, but most of the state away, many bulk and all just say seismic activity in the region is on the rise and more
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options are likely in the future. vince and monahan, alex's era, at this time of support his center. thank you very much. i mean, well, call us outside of hasbrook younique's in is 19 much on beach and run to an end the will number to be sent out to set off an indian wells, a final with daniel meds. the dev i knew it's just a no thoughts. it's a royal retention. spence hope has many more installments to come. call us now chris, this is janik center. it's a much triple ready selling out stadiums. senate took the early oppose in this indian wells semi final deal struggling open champion, leading the 1st 61 the attorney, and have the chance to replace l correct. number 2 in the world rankings with victory in this much there. if it's an indication that was at stake, the defending champion, oh, cruise came back to leveled
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a match and he was the best of play in the deciding sense. the spelling you'd want, it's 6 to, to return to the final the, the he's one went away from his this total list, use wimbledon truly. and the sooner it ended and 9 see much and beat to run well, every time the face dining and going to get nervous that the for so because i know that they have to play, i'm a 100 percent advised if i want you to bid the game or when you see or bone and, you know, struggling a little bit, i tried to stay solid instead of, you know, trying to move around. so i was to predictable at some points not. and i think that's the lesson for today. the final will be repeats of last use title poseida daniel method of will again,
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bianca runs his opponents after his 3 set when of american swimming pools on the richardson which is here. they have a whole bunch of the united face each other in the english as a cup and just over now it's time for us still in that with a chance of winning for trophies at this season. chelsea versus less is the other day set for the course of final module 4. i gave chelsea the lead assessment bridge . the 2nd half of that tie is about to get started. mesa scores, chelsea to less and then on saturday might just assist you. reach the sammy's for the straight here to go from there. now, the silva, so them beats and you cost is to now is this is 20 seconds consecutive game without the season. all competitions. you're feeling with the task of repeating last season . sophie, chapel, 650. i've got to send me files in a row. this team describe how something especially so so it's,
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it's, it's incredible. of course we went to one drops all of them, but sometimes not possible for basically for the quantity of point ends. and basically, for the schedule that we have of england captain hurricane has made history in germany is a top division before my telephone number of class high school. and he said to 1st a need go whole by him unix. by doing so, he broke a 6 year old record for most goals and the chevy buttons as we get season games efforts to help define that beat. the thermostat 5 to to move them within 7 points of the display of a cruise, and it wasn't all good news though. kane crushed into the post and the 2nd half and had to be taken off with an and quote entry. when he says studio starts around the grid and the spanish league at the present in school twice and a full 2 went over. it was the so now we all are the top of the lead 10 points to head them serona barcelona. i have the chance to move up the 2nd in the tables and
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they to this sunday martha are way as i selected for my duties and have one rug be 6 nations console for 2nd street. yes. the irish and needed to avoid the fees that guess copeland in dublin to retain the kansas city. a 2nd house i from andrew for to help them to 17 facility in victoria island or 2nd in the global rankings behind world champion south africa. the hopes of winning last year's woke up ended with the quote of final defeats against new cnn, the fonts and the 2nd in the table, they said 7 sized with a little in paris, tennessee, from thomas ramos eventually gave the home team $53.00 by $33.00 and then the softly is taking a one so lead into the final round of the plays championship in florida. the american had 7 birthdays and a round of $65.00 that saw him overtake hall for a leader windham clock. well, number one is called the shiffler is phil and ty, so contention, he's 5, so it just of
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a so more than 30001 is have taken plaza in the wrong mouse. in the event seduced to canyon rock winters in like got a run the lifetimes of best to claim the women's title and ask them to do so, broke the cost reco to finish 1st in the men's race, it was only his said competitive math, but now the main attraction failed to impress as major league baseball builds up to historic series in south korea. so here, tiny struck out twice and exhibits in game. in 3 days time or time in los angeles, adult is, will be taken on to san diego private. this is to game series. the leak is starting . it's new season in south korea for the 1st time. tickets to see the 29 year old japanese saw make he's built to do sold out within minutes and are we selling for thousands of dollars?
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that's it for me. my name and that's it. for me. my name's side this, these out. i'll be back. so in just a moment with one of the guys who needs to stay with us, the ask like a narrative from african perspective side to based on, you know, from us to short documentary spine african filmmakers. and that's going to be the special for the taste of the sun from madagascar and foot phone from a new series of africa direct on algebra. 2 weeks ago, the government of tried to now was to hike in the price of fuel, was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed
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chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the world foot program says the food in these warehouses. it has 4017 percent of child support the nation. that's 2900000 people who depend on the toner supplies. it's for, for flushed out, especially now the ages is popular to or know many drill. i'm counting the costs kind of the conservative supplements 2024 budget when i have a bunch of spaces. egypt i'm not spending ends of dollars in loans and investments will not fix the country's economy. and put going is reputation, descriptive currency. they can come by counting the cost on the houses era or here's from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. out is there is only mobile app,
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is that the, this is where we, the effect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just that 3rd attempt to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the scenes of absolute desperation in northern garza where palestinians off scrambling for any age to stay alive. the money in sight. this balance is there in life some day or so. coming on is there any forces can at least $92.00 palestinians in the last 24 hours across golfing,


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