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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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send you out from al jazeera news at your fingertips, the scenes of absolute desperation in northern gauze, a web palestinians, all scrambling for any age to stay alive. news on money in sight, this val just there in life and that was so coming up is really false. is kim, at least $92.00 palestinians in the last 24 hours across golfing, including 12 people in one strike on a home in 0 baba we travel with a group of student, nice clean civil war to seek shelter in south sea down on,
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on the final day of rushes presidential elections thousands to announce of pulling stations at noon and assigning price. as we begin in northern gaza with large cues of people are wasting a few days to be distributed. the supplies were bolted by land find trucks through the roof of border crossing with egypt, and was the 1st time in months that a trickle of aid was able to reach gauze associate. and you bother with that incident. for the aid ad drops were carried out by different countries, but they are hardly enough to meet the staggering needs of people in the north with them and is taking hold. stephanie deca against coverage to thousands lined up outside the un distribution center in gaza. city aid is slowly trickling into northern garza where the u. n. is warning and starvation,
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13 trucks in total managed to reach both job. i yeah. and goes a city up to driving up from the south. no, we'll just for ends. and that we enjoy security and that my husband returns to me and that they provide food for the people to eat. a distribution has been incredibly dangerous and difficult in the north with incidents if it's ready, forces bombing and opened fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow 8 and foster has prompted a rare c shipment. and the us to said it's planning to build a floating dog to increase the deliveries to the air drops are also being used now. but they are dangerous and inaccurate methods other than land access, highlighting the business failure to get enough aid in really good. possibly, they must be a process of organization and improvement in sending aid. this method is for
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animals and cows. they'll crossings through which items pause. israel wants to kill into space us. we are a people with that on the staff of thousands of years. they must take into account the dignity of the people they able to state out. there's probably sites on the line by still option is going to be ready should be the primary focus utilizing more of the time, the existing southern crossings, as opposed to just ready to wrap up. um, i know it daily the airbags prospects and the noise to face to face with the noise and the roof across the, from the south to feed the areas of the sales. so, i mean, it's very frustrating because we have, we're going to just go capabilities and the structure in place to be able to faith the people and get them what they need. we just need to get the item quicker and this needs to happen now to 5 months into this more the daily killing continues. diplomatic folks continue to be excruciating, seemingly slow motion back and forth. that could result in some respite for the
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people of garza. but it seems, finding some form of an agreement between israel and how mouth is taking time time . the people of garza simply don't have any more. stephanie decker, o g 0. goals as health ministry says is rarely forces have wiped out 9 palestinian families in the last 24 hours. in one attack in central gauze is really forces killed at least 12 people, mostly women and children. the entered have been taken to all acts so hospital which is facing a severe shortage of medical supplies as to who honey. and i made our correspondent who joins us on the line from russia in the south. so we've been discussing honey, these. b doesn't know so a trucks that have managed to enter northern gaza. no doubt. it will be very welcome to say tiny, but it's just a dropped in the ocean. isn't it in relation to the level needed?
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and yes, now you're right. oh, they're dropping those unit in the face of the greater need right now in the northern part of the office, if you would, people within the week have been trying to call the agent to seek your basic minimum balance. there a lie in a children, a large immediate it is from the in the high regional as far as agent and the people within the past we resorted reading animal the then why the plans and indication of how terrible and catastrophic the situation would have been since the beginning of the genocide, a war and the reading monitoring on tool. so these are the ongoing on it. i think i will gather you are good areas waiting for for 8 is only it is, it's a good gesture, the people all the going to be continuing for the coming, the more truck or just one,
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the auto aide worker on the ground type of situation. right now, as not enough, you need more all the given area and it's hard to keep going into the bar. there is a flat on the sap machine, 5 distribution points. and all the rates are in the northern part of the august 5th. so part of the 13th not going to expire into the northern part. that's the that includes your body of the my in the city of freight out on the rocky pounds. and 6 of the trucks are in the city to cover the need for. 5 people in dollars to be in the wrong the here is nearly the copy of the eastern part of the city still is not enough. right? it is that is doable. you can get more efficient down there. dropping food and the more time to go down the here waiting for 2 months to come. smart dinner time
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at a car door and the cabbage we know got the temporary tiers. the delivery at $81.00 oh $2.00 openings. the coughing is the only practical, efficiently to deliver to them. they apply for a large mi apartments on the 5 population in the modern pardon, dollars and honey. if, if you could please tell us about this latest attack in there, i'll find out what happened exactly the all the time is what's going on the car b, i'm going to type in the area are because i are teaching, which is right now we're not doing out of service very soon because of the phone on his injury. the i'm doing the nitrogen now uh and one or 2 families completely wipe out of some of these people were just 3 and just an overnight or park an entire family who was killed inside
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a residential home to be in children. again, since the beginning of this work at was more than 17 injury to our maternity of the habit in the office of the young lady on the floor of the house, what he called a doctor or a medical in fact, intervene and provide them with the necessary treatment paid their life that just situations that are created by the ongoing, intense bombing category and what are the cause when they go out looking at 9 am to 9 entire family. they say that is a pretty good area. kind of grand parents, parents in their own, killed as seen time with one single vaughn to destroy the w. okay, honey, my name is the 1st and ross, so thank you for that update. i want to take you to life pictures, but we are guessing from northern gauze, and we were talking about those queues of people who are waiting for few day to be distributed. this for the a that was full time to buy land by those trucks through the rest of border
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crossing with egypt. so this, i believe is those pictures. it happened a few hours ago. we believe so this is not life actually, but these are the people in northern gaza chewing up, waiting for that food aid which has come off. there's 13 or so trucks that have come through from ross that overnight. well i spoke to scott anderson, who is the monroe senior deputy director of operations in gauze, so he described the desperate needs of the people in northern goss. ok, so that specific roundabout is a kilometers or kilometer and a half north of the check point that the idea of how is that we must pass through to get from south a lot of guys, the north of what it. gotcha. and that's people know that i suspect that there's probably people in the south that are calling their family members and friends because they're very worried about them in order to tell them age or somebody. and that's the closest people can congregate safely and, and that's an area we have to pass through and there's no other road. so now,
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you know, based on what happened yesterday, it seems that that problem has been alleviated. and i said, we see this is a very positive development, and we now hope that even though we still pass through quite a junction, we will be able to do so. you know, i'm hindered and without people lining up to try to get food, we can do it in a way that's controlled and make sure that everybody, especially the most vulnerable groups, children. the older, the pregnant women get the food that they desperately need a score and you said you were in the north a few days ago, northern gauze. so that is uh, give us a bit more detail about what you. so what's your understanding of the level of need in the north compared to the so maybe the level of needed in order to significantly more than on the cell? i was with, i was actually for hospital, i saw patients and i talked to families and i talked with a doctor who pointed out to me that you can see signs of wasting, especially in children around the muscle near your temple, which generally is the last place that you will see wasting. so it's
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a significant problem. i say, you know, there's a palpable or a desperation for people. i'm a parent myself, i understand if i haven't been able to feed my children that i would feel quite desperate. so what we have is 300000 people in the north. there are pockets of starvation and their parents that are scared because they can't feed their children . and it's something that we can address and could address rather quickly. we just need to get more 8 into guys a itself and then more a to the northern part of dallas. so to begin to address this problem, this was all and say adults is in raso say they are struggling to provide medical care to people in the over crowded city in the south. you and says that one and a half 1000000 palestinians have so shelter that off to israel's intends to tax a. northern and central garza raw foot lacks the health care facilities to treat this many people in a shortage of medicines and supplies. is worsening. people suffering it's
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impossible for medical facilities to accommodate this number of patients recreating in a camp housing around 1500000 people. the medications were received very quickly. we receive medications to cover a week, but they ran out in just one day. we're facing shortages of medicine, especially pediatric medicines. they're a lot of patients in the camp with all children suffering from malnutrition and a wide spread. presence of hepatitis a children require food, high and sugars like dates which are currently unavailable. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been pushing back against international pressure to stop the killing of palestinians in gaza. he has met his security um, who will cabinets ahead of that. he address ministers concerning the approval of plans for ground invasion of rough. uh, you'll sir dismiss, cools early elections. sure. that's good. no need to know your thoughts on no international pressure will stop us from achieving all the goals of the will. the
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elimination of some us the release of all of our hostages and to ensure that god will no longer pose a threat against israel. to do this, we will also go and turn off. this is the only way to eliminate the rest of semesters, mattress battalions, and this is the only way to apply the minutes repressing necessary to release all of our hostages. to this end, we have approve the plans for the operation in rough, including steps to evacuate civilians from battle. then this is a necessary step in preparation for the military operations. bestsellers joins us live from occupied east jerusalem benjamin netanyahu talking a little earlier that today. what else did he have to say about the international pressure? he's on the, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially reiterating the same information when it comes to international pressure. and that no matter where it comes from and in what form these really is, are not going to stop the war until all of the goals they have set out to achieve
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our mets. in fact, these really prime minister was speaking to american media this afternoon in regard to the international pressure. and in fact, he was slamming chuck schumer as comments the us senate majority leader when he called for an. busy election saying that and it's in yahoo is not helping israel. these really prime minister really essentially is saying that whatever this international pressure is, whatever form it comes and these really is, are not going to look at it. they're going to continue the war until they see fit and i'm to a few days back. he gave the okay to the ministry engagement in rafa to be here much more about a timeline when it comes to that invasion. nothing yahoo didn't exactly specify when the ground invasion instead of fluff would take
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place. but he did say that it was imminent and once it would commence, it would take around a few weeks before it would be wrapped up. p also on friday. remember mentioned that plans for both the invasion over f, off and evacuation of nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge there. both of those plans had been approved. these earliest have been talking for not just weeks and months now about invading garza southern mo city. but it comes a mid wide spread criticism and condemnation across the board, especially from some of israel's biggest allies like the united states who say they still have not seen those plans. okay, thank you for that. i'm to study that for us in ok. quantities $0.02, still ahead on al jazeera chaos and the streets of the haitian capital founding sleep, the escalation gang violence, the
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lots of gold spring sunshine on the cards for china. ready for the next couple of days. there's a little bit of cloud in 2 central pos high pressure to the north of that will squeeze that half of the way across. the sun has available springs now, so it will warm up nicely for the most part to present with us. don't have some winfrey weather, affecting northern areas of japan that will make its way through. brought us guys come back and be hadaway dry and bright across the korean peninsula. $1718.00 sales, just over to northern parts of china. that will colorado central areas where we do have that ticket tab, we have 10 degrees high spends a little further south, was more on the west sunshine and 20 degrees celsius. that's a little more like it. we've got some showers that just around the fall south of china and those shelves will slide the way across the entire china. so just i just have a cloud of pick up here squeezing out one or 2 shells as we go. $13.00, monday, come tuesday, the showers a little more widespread, could cause
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a little bit of localized flooding full sun scott, during a shala's cost malaysia and into in indonesia as usual, philippines, as long as you try another drive by the 2 into south asia. but just notice how bottom one, where sherry rain coming into central and eastern parts of india over the next couple of days sliding further east. but it stays fine and dry baptist on the hod hitch, i mean to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who think to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said to facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the
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welcome back and watching out a 0 mind if i told the story, is this our in northern gauze, or it's a picture of despite with thomas thing and scrambling to get hold of any aid they can manage. most of them reports and they were 10 empty handed as the amounts of a drops from wasn't. several people have died of hunger and d hydration in the north west palm. and is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been pushing back against international pressure to stop killing palestinians in gauze? i found that as well. we'll go ahead with plans for a ground invasion as rasa is also dismissed schools for an election
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and the ministry of health and goals and says, so any forces have point down 9 palestinian families in the last 24 hours. want to talk in central glosses early forces killed at least 12 people, mostly women and children. it is the 3rd and final day of aging and rushes presidential election, which has been taking place across 11 time zones at midday local time, when opponents of light may appears in cold, the purchase cues began to form outside polling stations in different russian cities. the president is seeking a 5th time in office. he's widely expected to win as many as his opponents have been silenced, jailed or forced into exile yearly pneumonia widow, the permanent to, to increase the collect scene of, i'll need is attending a protest in by then you can see has a, she had
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a washington's to join the demonstrations against the president in her home country of russia. her husband, of course, died in an optic penal colony just last month. ok. let's go to hire a 4th of his dining by for us that a polling station in london where russian expense very soon. okay, we'll come back to harry fast. let's go to moscow. usually a shop, a beloved is standing outside rushes, central election commission. so you did this is the fed and final day of voting. do you have a sense of how russians are feeling about the selection and the prospect if another 6 years of teaching? well i've seen a, as you mentioned to of like you, my person is largely expected to win the selection and stay in office for 6 more. yes. uh what spoken to many people around and of course they expressed that over
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whelming support for the current president. but we can see, you know, those who do know, support him a tool and they have been voting for someone else whose names are on the pallets and the rest 3 of the candidates then and of many of those who are against legend, patients are also gathering at midday, at the upcoming stations to participate in the so called noon against pace and campaign. so it is such as rouse the country, including most current st. petersburg of course launch. he's a food at many public stations at 12 o'clock and people were, were actually standing. i'm wasting 4 hours to cost up on this. uh, we can say no that he in russia, this campaign was very noticeable, but still the war and now putting stations where people gather the knowledge numbers at 12 o'clock. and of course, the russians living abroad also came on knowledge to them. and this is at noon local time to vote and participate as the noun against preteen campaign. so and you
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do have, can you just give us a timeline of what we're expecting in terms of the results uh, throughout this evening of the yes, of course. right behind may i love puns. philip, who is head of the central election commission, is talking to john. the essential is going to make some important announcements well today, when not hearing much about major disruptions. uh, there were some cases when defined that score spoiled as ponies patients by dumping green di on to them. and of course, of course, the situation is done in the border region of belle grove road, yet another to if you train shedding that, and the russian ministry of defense reported as 7 more drones. what downed that. so diverse thing, icons go as smoothly as in other regions and bone growth. so the counting of silence has already begun in russia, in russia's fall, reast. and uh,
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actually that's who's being announced by elephant sale of a right now. we are expecting 1st results to be announced when ponies, patients in rushes west and both the region of collision in grad close. and it's going to happen off to $1800.00 gmc a. so currently, overall turnouts, including impasse and, and online 5, i think has exceeded 70 percent throughout the country. okay. thank you for that year. yeah, shipping of, uh the at central election commission in moscow. let's go now to hurry. here's live at a pony station in london. where russian expense have been very sing henry, i'm curious to know what you've been seeing and hearing today. the pretty. that's right. we're just outside the entrance of the russian embassy here in west london. and people have been chewing all of the but the side gate. so side was the embassy in the hundreds of waiting 3 hours or more,
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some of them to register the votes. at the same time as being a protest across the road of the sold degree, it was just referring to at and t through. it's in protest, most of those in the queue as well as the welding the saying that we're going to vote against the russian president of that time of use with what we've seen historically here in london and previous elections. let's talk now to send you. i'm actually more of a who is found to do, we're going to zation russian democratic society here in the u. k. they organize this protest across the road. and some of the people were talking to saying that they hadn't go to that sort of culture. it was important to with while voting before, especially if they were going to pretend that that wouldn't really make much difference . why do you think movie read potentially all coming out today? um, well i think you've got to a point where any person, you know, who has any kind of chance some showing that they're against this reasoning. they want to use it. of course, also everyone understands that it's really hard for people back home to vote and
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that way they want to. so i feel like people here for them. it's important to come and show that. have they had the choice within russia? probably a little more people would have come and voted against content as well. and given the most people, everybody really has no doubt as to how this election will turn out in terms of its final results. what does very too much as registering either as full pallets or votes for another candidate and an embassy here do what kind of signal does this. and i think the most important thing for people to go through the motions is to not lose. you know that the habit of being politically active in general. um, that's why we kind of because organization like ours, there are organ or organizations like this all around the world. and the strategy was kind of, we came up with that all together and we all agreed that telling people not to go and not to vote is a bad idea because them people just lose the habit. they just forget how to be
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politically active. so spoiling of dollars essentially means that it's hard to, to steal the votes back in russia, if you don't so often there is a chance that that would happen. voting for not a can do that. yeah, i mean it doesn't really change an overload, but again, you won't come to stolen. ok, it's any turn about some of the thank you very much and so that is the scene here. there's been this long to all through the morning and into the off to do to people a very much determined to register to vote. so i'm proud to 10, but the majority, it's pretty much out. okay, thank you for that. harry force at that for us at that paulding station in london. the united nation says the conflict and see don has caused the wells largest displacement crisis every day, more than 1500 people fleeing the bonus, arriving neighboring sounds to dawn. mountain web reports from ring county along the border. gotten around no, says the family was one of the last to leave a neighborhood near. so don's capital cost to because they couldn't to full to
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leave earlier. when the window will reach stuff, the web them shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. and so most people don't actually me . she says the power military rocket support forces will recess took over the area and the rested. her son bushera from a playstation kiosk he ran. so children, he says he was interrogated in cain, accused of supporting sea dogs on me, and told to join the rest that, that a lot of young people registered with my mom said she'd never forgive anyone. if you go and fight, that's why i refused to do something to says she pleaded with the come on does until he was released then for a money to flee with having to i finally your call says he was shot in the stomach more than 2 months ago he's joined, he's being agony or failed join more than half a 1000000 people who fled to south see don, since the conflict began nearly
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a year ago. most of them arriving here at the border in rank county from the capital g. but it's only accessible by an hour flight to 2 hours. it's drawing so much of the price of flooding when it rains. that's why new expend most of his life working in factories and cost to support his family back home. now he hopes so help him. if he can get back to the office with people with special needs, including those who are into practice of breast feeding, everyone else's writing, instruct, people have come from places for health services, a close the cover page. there's explanation trends and can in the town to bring some months. it's been receiving south sudanese which needs like new york and our growing number of suit. and these people are seeing head to
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a c u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now the remote in 5 times that this is one of the somehow forgot to an emergency. it was all what's happening around the globe nowadays, it's not a, you know, what we are receiving. we have must have number of you 350. you would need assistance, but our capacity and funds are very limited. no, it says he spent the last of his money off the he was shows. he says his friends took him to a hospital controlled by the recess. he demanded $1700.00 for surgery. chevy, i sold all of my furniture and they did the operation and then they demanded more. i couldn't even afford food and i'm urinating blood. i left, i found everything in my home had been looted. so i came here the shelter, who is home for the coming days, his life and livelihood in call to of gone. now he says he just wants to get home
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malcolm web out to 0 ring county, south seas on you know, it says one if it's aimed contain is hazy, is main cause has been lucid, caribbean nations and the united states are trying to form a transitional council to restore law and order. john holman reports from santo domingo. another descent into k o. i hate to looting in the pool. the same it carriages. that's gone for criminal games are on the street. fighting with the hopelessly outmatched police force of the sundays of relative call. meanwhile, schools and businesses, the shop trade is from big to smooth a suffering.


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