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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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of teaching and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal the . ready it is ready forces. i talked about shift on medical complex in kansas city, a still ends up being to safety. multiple casualties have been reported. the alarm dire in jordan, this is not. is there a night from dell also coming up? a few minutes here in a trickles into northern guns away hundreds of thousands of palestinians facing starvation is really 5 minutes to balance to go ahead with the ground assault on the roof of the german challenge level. one's against an attack on the southern city, plus the amount of legitimate to reach for jim tutoring, says rush,
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i will not be held back or intimidated president times another 6 years of office. the beginning garza with these really ami has launched a new attack on the strips largest medical complex that been reports of deaths and injuries inside out ship a hospital ghost. as health industry says it's ready troops of launch missiles and open fire and one of the buildings. it says thousands of displays, palestinians, patients and medical staff attract inside video uploaded online shows dozens of people fling the compound. i'll just say it was real amongst joins us live now from occupied a through something them. so what more has these really ministry been saying about this operation at the i'll ship a hospital i'm just trying to get more details from the now the what they said so far is that this is part of a precise operation in the area around the house so it was based on intelligence,
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they say they received around him outside cities, inside the hospital, that the fire, they will fire from this old is inside. those will come compound, they've returned fire. and but right now, troops will be continuing with what they call to monetary and efforts in the area both throughout and follow them. some of this operations that will provide water, food, medical supplies, device patients and civilians, they've got their hundreds of civilians sheltering inside the comp time and for them. how unusual is this for these readings to discuss an ongoing operation in such detail? what to do so essentially in the middle of the night as they began sending out statements very, very early this morning. local time is indeed unusual. there's a huge amount of contents and every time is ready for us is operate inside medical citizen gauze, us those facilities,
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protected on the international humanitarian law. and what they've said in the statements is they are doing everything they can to essentially stick to in touch with human is are in the old place from us. it's government information, office and the gods and administrative health in the statement saying that these activities, this assault, is a violation of international move. this is a crime against humanity. clearly these rallies, taking huge amounts of pains to express the fact that they are looking to avoid home to patients. these are the that would civilians, medical stuff and medical equipments. don't forget, there's been a huge amount of incidence a lot for every time these kinds of incidents are taking place. we'll continue to follow this. all right, have a much life for us there and occupied is true something i'm thank you. another kind of way of trucks is arriving in northern gauze. i loaded with desperately needed 819 vehicles, accounting essentials, including rice, sugar, and flour. they made their way from the rough crossing in the south of the strip to know them, garza by the central to sell out in road. 6 trucks coming. flower arrived in the
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north on saturday was the 1st time in months and a delivery has arrived that without incident of 0 as tired as soon as elijah some rough and southern gauze. a humanitarian talks does off loaded wave slo royce, she'll get, i'm come suit are right now. heating to the another at part to gauze. a strip where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are eagerly waiting for such humanitarian supplies in order to a feats on as they had been completely cut off from all humanitarian assistance after the disability, military leadership decisions to cost of all kinds of a humanitarian, a deliveries to another part of the a roxanne, of this round of the conflict, no boost. people have been cut off from such cheats for more than 5 months. and recently, a very relative amount of humanitarian supplies being dropped and also being sent by the mary time co rebuild that had been recently established and being set in the
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gulf coast of rhodes. and this is absolutely a part of the ongoing efforts maids in order to help palestinians to mitigate that verbatim humanitarian crisis that they have been going through since the beginning of the conflict. but yet, these amounts of humanitarian supplies is because it, it to be a truck in the ocean of leads of desperate people in order to recover from the different signs of famine that they have been going through within the past few weeks, is specifically that some families recently started to flee from now the pontiff garza to the south because of hunger and the inputs of a rates of famine. in desperation, people have been living in the past few weeks. exactly, but german chancellor has won't. israel department is the again, starting on ground defensive and rough uh all. i've showed smith benjamin netanyahu on sunday. the gym to protect civilians by law more humanitarian aid. into garza, the german leader said,
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the world cannot stand by us. palestinians continues to start off of the longer the war. last, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises. the more desperate the situation of the people that does have become. the more this affects the question, no matter how important the goals kind of justifies, that's totally be high costs or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the ground to assess them safe in level very to we logic is one consideration. but there is a few minutes tearing logic as one house with more than one point. 5000000 people be protected where they go we've just had a i think, a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. you express your concern for your 2 things . one protecting civilians and 2nd provision of the humanitarian it. and i
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explained that these are concerns as well because we agree with both goals. but the book now is i profess of european studies at stanford university. he says, israel, it's military strategy and gaza is short sighted and doesn't take into account. but she monetary cost a given the current situation in which the new term year old government is quite in plus a viable with the support of the divided. so citing as well, he probably doesn't care about the trade relations or access to the european single market. this used to be leverage and peas times, but at the moment i don't really see that there is much leverage. so all sorts can do is naming and shaming if things go in the wrong direction and it clearly goes into the wrong direction. because a military solution, a military strategy that is so short sighted stuff that it doesn't have a plan. what to do afterwards, i bought the humanitarian costs. so this is,
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is simply a political loss that will last much longer than any potential victory. that one can claim, like mission accomplished. leverage from the europeans is very, very limited compared with what the united states theoretically can do. but by den is under pressure because his country is divided between strong supporters of the palestinian and point of view and a very strong to wish lobbying grow. and it's an election year. so theoretically you to quit too much more than anyone else. practically, it goes by a back end. we both have a high cost. if you only takes one side, the president, president vladimir putin says his country. it will not be intimidated as he welcomed an election victory that puts him on course to be the longest serving russian leader in more than 200 years. the election was launched as seen as
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a full gun conclusion. but some opponents stay just on a protest outside pulling stations on sunday. you to shuffle over reports a musket it was the result that didn't surprise anyone. the patient will stay rushes presidents for at least another 6 is actually pretty as dixie. well, i'd like to thank all of russian citizens. we are old 110 year old russian citizens who came to voters. it's very important to say this is not a legal formality. jeff, the russian people have a source of power in this country. they were few ways russians could demonstrate that discontent and this election and not guess arrested for it. but at noon on sunday, thousands did it silently. people came to cause the balance of the same every time at tens of thousands of putting stations in 11 time zones and abroad at the store. okay. nobody jumped, have a good. it's clear that the president will be elected without us, but at least we will show ourselves. i came personally to show that i disagree and
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to show that there are many of us now could yours be but i guess i would like to expect change. i don't know if that will happen or not, but i believe my voice can make a difference. this action was endorsed by late opposition leader unexplained the phone the shortly before he died and optic penal colony, what else could about his desperation replied. it was sad and claims never only it was close to being released except to go. it was not a few days before an invalid. he passed away. i was told that there was an idea to exchange him for out people in prisons in western countries. you may believe me or not, the person who was speaking to me, hadn't even finished his sentence. when i already said, yes, i agree. what, unfortunately, what's happened has happened. there was only one condition that he would not come back to russia on his way to you. there was chit on as ex spot both his cute in violin. this process component was going to change the outcome of the election. like even a patient is overwhelmingly populated russia partial once
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a continuation of the policy, as it is now in our country. that's why i did pull out president presidents page and was running against 3 of the candidates who never spoke counts against him. what he called the special ministry operation and ukraine version of the selection was also held in the next territories of ukraine and even crimea. that's just by defining that and shredding of both the territories and russia. anybody voting good participation that has the majority is something that makes itself to vote. and i know there are controversies of these points and these will be sold to the sound system in the future, especially as economy has proven launch the resilient despite the severe western functions and post of ukraine. and that's likely to help present in the weeks and months ahead, which led to reprise and securing another 6 years as president. there's little
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expectations that russia's domestic or foreign policies will change. unit 5, out of the ultra 0 most upholding, also took place and ukrainian territory is under russian control. ukraine's president living has the landscape says those votes illegal, shield now to mcgill, man, are these days, the russian dictators imitating another election, which is clear to everyone in the walls that this figure that hasn't happened so often in history is simply sick from how long it'll be and is doing everything, how comfortable forever. there is no evil he will not commit to prolonged his personal power. i'll just as rob mcbride has more familiar cranium capital. this election is widely regarded here in ukraine as a fast will be at once that according to ukraine, is accompanied by us, writes intimidation and bribery in the russian control, territories of ukraine, where this pilot is being held according to ukrainian intelligence and election
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officials in places like for louisiana and kind of some have been going door to door with ballot boxes accompanied by on soldiers and also agents from russia's security service the f s. b apparently to explain to voters who to vote for. and also apparently explaining that a boat not full vladimir putin might be considered to be anti russians, as also talk of pressure being placed on business owners and public employees such as teachers to turn out and vote. meanwhile, ukraine's parliament has condemned this whole exercise and cools upon the international community to do the same. and there's also be in a timely reminder, as has been issued previously when russian occupies, is a on known here of how these type of ballots in the elections in these a controlled areas of ukraine that any ukrainian citizens helping them do. it may well be held accountable, legally for legal action at some point in the future. run mcbride,
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i'll just say are a key part of how we're going to, how is a columnist on defense unless based in moscow. he told my colleague, this, does it tell you that he doesn't expect significant changes in russian policies? the election seems to be quite a success for present votes him he got the bolts possible and a yes it is going to. it's a victory for him with a slow and far his course of action. that means the same course of action is going to continue. now that there is no paul on the horizon. do you expect that minute tree operations or choices around that might change to know right now there's a spring in russia and ukraine is coming up, which means there's going to be what around a lot of much um, receptive mobo francis actions or more where it's impossible so finding of course, continue the next couple months comes the summer funding season. i believe both
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sides or be or try to change the course of battle to break through to end this war would have to be some kind of at least partial victory. that means they're going to be preparing their blanket. there's plans and ukraine to pass you to call up up to half a 1000000 man. more there to do more co ops in russia. everything is going to be gearing up to the summer. so. so let's come here and i'll just air including solidarity in spain. protest isn't the best country stage of mass tribute to the people of palestine and were enough dentist on to find out what the extension of the un mission that means to people living in poverty more in that state. the is freedom of speech on the internet. a right for something, but not for others. how is 10 or the content has been removed or restricted?
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when he bu, content hasn't just 0 world investigates where the social media platforms moderate content equally, especially in times of complex. there's a good understanding of the matters that there are the standards between israel security services. another part is like my to close cyber space on adjusting it. a unique perspective that is done is one of the most of the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves, to be able to identify what is freedom and what is it not to stream on out. just the are examining the headline, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's
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era, the the welcome back to watching out quick reminder about top stories here. this hour is really focused on launching a new attack on the i'll ship a hospital in kansas city. kansas health ministry says sold is open fire on the complex and they've been multiple debts and injured. and since there's thousands of patients medical style under space, people are trapped inside. another comes with a drugs arriving in northern cause of 19 vehicles, not counting essential, extensive rice, sugar and flour, follows an area of delivery on surface. i'm russian president vladimir putin says
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he's country will not be intimidated. welcomed on an extra victory that puts him on the coast to be the longest 7 russian leader in more than 200 years. but more now on the war on guns. and they had to be un agency for palestinian refugees. felipe eliza really has described israel's invasion as a war on children and their future hold on. 13000 palestinian children have been killed by his ready forces in gaza. at least 23 have died from severe, hung up the hydration because israel isn't allowing enough aid into the strip. many had been permanently disabled. unicef estimates that a 1000 children had legs amputated, and the 1st 2 months of the war alone. i'm the accounting extreme psychological trauma from the war. unrest says more than a 1000000 children have mental health support. for steve says, be,
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is the president and the founder of agents, the he will palestine, it helps take hundreds of injured children from gaza to the united states for free cat. you said a groups are frustrated because they're not able to provide enough help or operations. and guys are addressing the urgent needs on the ground. they're obviously we're in a acute phase of survival for the palestinian people, particularly the children. so the basic necessities are absolutely required. at this time we're talking about food. for starving people were talking about shelter for those who had their homes destroyed. were talking about medical care and access to medical services which were at one time available but no longer available on the ground. and garza because of the collapse health system so that we're trying to address all of the urgent needs on the ground there. in addition to the long term rebuilding of the lives of these children in gaza, which will take place after the dis, acute phase is over. but right now we're just trying to address the urgent needs, which so many aid organizations are going through and on. the difficulty of doing
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this work to all of us face is having access. we're have literally the trucks that are waiting to get in from egypt, and we're also doing our work through services that are available are supplies that are available in the local marketing and gaza. and therefore, i think all of us in the 8 organizations are very frustrated by having the resources available to do this work, but not having the access and the availability availability to the people who are in dire need of this. mandatory need. hundreds of people in spain of rallied to pay tribute to victims of the will in gaza. it was organized by a group of onto synonymous in the past. the city of san sebastian that denounced what they called israel genocidal acts on the palace to me and people or can i ok? i think that it really is a genocide, a genocide. however, the international priest televisions might talk of more. i know dictionary as well and for me it's not more, it's genocide. and in the netherlands,
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$14000.00 pads of shoes, where despite the city of new tract, they symbolized palace to me and children who been killed in is really a tax. a bell rang every 10 minutes to represent one child killed every 10 minutes in gaza during the war. the north korea has testified several short range, ballistic missiles, as americans don't different visit south korea themselves, flu around 300 kilometers before crashing into the sea between the korean peninsula and japan. the south grand ministry condemned the legs as launches. as a clear provocation unit came as more from the capital sol. the timing of this is quite interesting given that we haven't seen north korea launch a ballistic missile in more than a month now. but we are hearing confirmation from japan that they believe north korea launch 3 short range ballistic missile as well, soles,
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joint chiefs of staff has stopped short of putting a number on it. just saying that it detected several flying objects presumed to be short range. ballistic missile is within a 40 minute window from 745 this morning. those flying objects flying from the come young area into waters east of the korean peninsula, traveling some 300 kilometers. now analysis is ongoing, the criticism has been swift, including from depends prime minister for myoshi shita, who strongly condemned these latest ballistic missile launches, saying that they posed a threat not only to the region but also to the international community. now in the lead up to 2 today, we did see from north korea, it's leader, king john that overseeing several military drills this month, including an image on state media of him popping out of a new take on. and this comes, of course, as a us and south korea has been engaged in an annual large scale military drill
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called freedom shield, which ran for 11 days through last week, including a practice thing scenarios were put on young could use it's nuclear missiles, again, south korea now the telephone has welcome the extension of the monday to the un mission in afghanistan. they've been massive aid cuts since i seized power in 2021 . since then, millions of outcomes have been going hungry every day. some of been debate has moved from cobbled aiden violence, have been perhaps the only consistent things in the fund in the last 4 decades. a remote and ruin communities have been cut off for years. as humanitarian agencies found it too dangerous to venture into donavon control and penetrate a lot has changed and follow up on is now the government. and this a drive is also different. using technology to minimize costs and corruption of gone, entrepreneurs are trying to reach people in need. this truck has returned to have
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gone to stop, but many others have left to say, we provide identification using only the id cards. we have what we call a proof of delivery, which can be in form of video and photos and documents. if there is potential fraud, you will catch that with every time you interact with the family efforts like this paid in comparison to the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis. the economy was essentially built on foreign aid, and much of it has dried up for lack of a fewer jobs and financial restrictions are full and taking a tool in the last year to no more than 2 dozen hospitals have lost their international funding. the board approved program has stopped providing health to more than $10000000.00 i've done. and the u. s. c. point $2000000000.00 p, as only is the less that a 3rd of its funding will, that means increased suffering for the port of i've got to fight. so unfortunately,
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we've had to make sweeping cuts across the country. and there is not one district that hasn't been affected, and of course the most impacted are women and children. people with disabilities and the elderly because they're a cuts have been so drastic. but some of guns believe it cuts might force positive change. they will only affect the largest and the biggest to entity and agencies, which we know for the last 20 years have not had the kind of results with the bigger amount of funding that they did receive. so i looked at it as an opportunity to bring in the efficiencies that are overdue for a long time. something corruption in the last 2 decades means basic facilities for health and education are lacking to after the bombs band and demons go in society. although women are not allowed back in education and health,
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depends on the profession and go to the secondary education, remain kind of unofficial to say. they inherited a broken system despite trillions of dollars spent and upfront of found by donors insisting they won't let a to be used as a pressure tool. they call the latest cups and financial restrictions collective punishment of the outcome people. so i'm going to drop it down to 0, couple columbia, as government says it's a spending a cx, 5 deal with the countries biggest group before my fault rebels. the defense minister says the ministry reese, dont operations off of the group kind of out attacks on civilians and local officials in the south west. president gustavo petra's government has been holding peace towards with i'm groups having to end decades of fathers. a heat wave in brazil is continuing with widespread health warnings issued $1600.00 municipalities in the southeast and central west regions are on the alert whether expert, se, temperatures and re addition arrows to 40 degrees. but it felt more like 60 because of high humidity. scientists describe it as
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a record breaking thermal sensation. student has agreed to pay a $178000000.00 to settle a lawsuit brought by australia and taxi operators and drivers. they say they lost income when the company moved into the country. the supplemented australia is 5th largest lawsuit, was filed back in 2019, on behalf of more than $8000.00 tax, the drivers it accused of breaking laws, requiring taxes and on high and cause to be licensed. i feel great. so i've been a for the bedroom and um, pretty much the tech industry was decimated the legal proceedings. and today, it can go down as a wind and as an example to the rest of the world, what can be done in iceland defense is around the town of going to big a, holding off a volcanic eruption, sante se lava has been flooding towards the ocean at about that kilometer an hour, but it appears to be slowing hundreds of people at the blue lagoon when
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a lifetime stop tourist attractions. i've been evacuated. all right, that's it for me. down in jordan, you can find more information on our website down to 0 dot com. the weather is next to me inside story hospice, henkie on the brink of collapse. it's that you that's so much bye. the, the, it's a stormy pitcher in northern, in saudi arabia. everyone will pick up the weather story there. the winds really feeling the storm system. they're colliding, and that's producing this fine of storms over northern saudi arabia. it hops into equates into iraq as well. we just had flooding in basra in southern iraq just a little while ago and certainly we could see some more on tuesday. is hop soon to this address, mountains of iran, so that will produce a mountain snow. but as it comes eastward,
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it's going to introduce some showers and put her on and keep back your temperatures the 15 degrees. but ahead of it, we're pumping in quite a bit of heats and hit all it up to 27 degrees. it's looking at unsettled for that eastern side circuit, or we talked about the flooding risk for southern iraq also, northern iraq could see the risk of flooding most so could pick up on months worth of rain or the span of 24 hours. winds are finally shifting, so we're going to see a big drop in those temperatures in hard to down by about 10 degrees here. so you're actually below average. and there is also some relief coming for bundle in the gambia with that breeze off the sea. so that's going to kick back your temperature is it's hot in northern nigeria, rain in the cells and for a huge spots of south africa, heat wave conditions on monday of the biggest global. the next time you're in history,
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the world's biggest democracy hospice on epic showdown. join me 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark thieves focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how in the pricing with got it in ism veterans to the gun to clock back on a country founded on secular ideas. being the board, fox one on how does is either good, hey, to be on the brink of collapse, guns control, most of the capital people are solving as humanitarian aid is blocked. and the political vacuum is the last name of the prices. one schools this unprecedented counts and hierarchy and what's the, well, this is inside, sorry the .


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